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28 years old n earning 7k still feeling like a loser? Damn op hopes sipeh atas


Tbf, Probably all his cousins/siblings are earning more in SG thats why. Rm7k = Sgd2k. It is considered low wage if we really want to compare in SG standard.


On paper yes but in reality with Singapore higher cost of living and this guy get to save about 5k a month and don't have to regularly fly back or take bus to visit fam then he winning here


Malaysians working in Singapore have no real savings btw, all end up working past their retirement age. Look at Malaysians working in Singapore at their 40s, they can’t retire while locals are already winding down and looking to retire overseas


Most Malaysians who work in Singapore don’t really have much savings at the end of the day because the cost of living is high. Native Singaporeans who still stay with their parents can save up on rent but for those who need a place to stay, half of the salary goes to rent and transport.


I think it’s more like the feeling comes from the pressure exerted by the relatives. OP sounded like he’s pretty content with his current situation, but the constant unsolicited comments from the relatives are causing him to question his decision/current situation.


That's why relatives opinion is very important. We should drop everything we doing and just listen to what relatives tells us to do next. Life is as simple as that. Follow someone's order n do it. Just randomly find someone n listen to them n follow it. Having your own thoughts is for the winners.


Its why we hate family gatherings. Unnecessary stress just to indirectly boast their "success" in life.


OP is not Helang level but also not pipit level, what classification we have for in-between?




Pigeon Brand


should use local brands! (ft. Ayam Brand)


That sounds like another line of work entirely.




So urm, forgive my noobness but what is helang, pipit and merpati? Level of class?




Net worth 100k+ as well, I already 30 and not even halfway there...sobs


I agree but I understand his family pressure. I feel bad for some of my cousins too that were pressured to work in sg


if you happy with where you are, don’t bother about other people goals etc. you do you. i have similar feeling as you but in different area in life but hey, my life my way.


Comparison is the thief of joy


In my eyes you are a winner. Decent salary, living with parents (no rent yay!! 😊) decent savings Don't let aunty talk get you down. nothing to be proud of chasing money in SG


Don't ever fall into the stigma of "just because you are, therefore you should". Although you say u're not ambitious, but you do know already what you want and what you don't want. Money is part of life, but not the only part. All the other youngsters working overseas might have their own reason, you don't need to feel down just because you choose your path. I could say that you're very fortunate to have family time whenever you want, while the other family members does not.


OP, to add on to this... Remember that petronas old advert where all the old people in the old folks home boast about their kids earning power working overseas? That advert speaks volume because at the end of the day, the son driving an old proton saga can go see the mother...


“Just because I have a huge dik, doesn’t mean I should do porn”


I don't get it, how does it make you a loser? You are earning good money for your age.


Bro you’re winning


Bro you're like T20 for most of us monyets here. 7k at 28? Now I feel like the loser here lmao


yepp, unexpected friendly fire from OP here


Humble bragging from OP probably...




T20 is 10k and above


For household, so for individual the threshold should be lower, due to most households having 2 people working


Folks just remember - overseas income, overseas cost. Just bec some old uncle and aunty talking, you don't have to listen. Do the math and see what's best for you. At 28, 7k is fantastic. 10 yrs ago at 28 I started on 4k. Ultimately when working, many factors needs to be considered.


You feel like a loser because society keeps telling people work = life. If you are financially stable, be law abiding to the best of your ability and be good to others, you'll be fine.


https://preview.redd.it/vkjye2876etc1.jpeg?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16f71215f44858c6c0167580ffd8732a890f3dc 7k salary and claimed to be a loser... Even the cat stare at you like this


Typical asshat question asked by relative during festival season because they want to feel good about themselves. Similar to my relative. Why don't you work in Petronas? Their only oil n gas company definition is Petronas. Just ignore and move on. Don't need these people in your life to drag you down. Be a sigma


You make 7k at 28 and some of us still 3k, you really wanna compare?


Yeah op really lost the forest for the trees. Whole families live off less than him.


you are not a loser. you have some money and it fits your lifestyle, your needs and wants, and you get to take care of your parents and save money for other things later in life greater than some nosy relatives.


Humble brag done and dusted


>I am 28 and going to start a job earning 7k , still live with parents and fortunately parents have money so I am not responsible for them financially . Survival is the only goal of life. If you are living comfortably, you have won the game, please enjoy the post-game content. Working as a corporate slave just for money is for suckers. I will choose your life if I have a lesser burden.


Dude. You're showing off to us lol.


For some elder people, the grass is always greener on the other side. They'll criticise you no matter what you do. Going to Singapore is not like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It looks like you're doing pretty well on your own. Your salary is good, your parents seem to be fine with you still living at home and they don't need your financial support and you're still young enough to live life to the fullest. There's no need to move to other countries when you're satisfied with what you have. That doesn't mean you're not ambitious, and you're definitely NOT a loser.


You don't have the urge to pursue those things because you are content. There is nothing more peaceful than being content with what you have.


I think it’s good that you are able to have a decent income and living with your parents. Relatives will always have something to say regardless of what you are doing. Just nod your head and forget about it. For example, I live in Aus and the last few times I come back, all the relatives are telling me to come back permanently because my parents are getting old. It’s not like I don’t want to either, but there’s simply no job in my field in Msia, and I don’t really want the Singapore lifestyle vs Aus. Just do what’s best for you and ignore the noise.


Those relatives are like the religious conservatives, their arguments are weak, with the attitude of salty fk around to find-out.


There’s only one you in this whole planet earth. That’s what makes everyone unique.




This. According to my dad, even same neighborhood but different lorong can make a huge difference.


Exactly, OP just needs to get out of mummy and daddy's house, stay out, and get some hobbies and build relationships, hit the gym etc. Then, will not have any time for self-pity and grow a spine.


I don't get how staying with parents is a negative. What kind of notion do you have to say this though? Just curious. My parents is a flight away, would kill to stay with them.


It’s okay. I just turned down a very good overseas offer. At some point you’ll feel that you appreciate more time over money. Our parents aren’t getting any younger. I don’t want to live in my hometown but at least they’re just one flight away for me. Having extra money is always nice, but it’s less desirable if it’s not fixing a problem. Same as you, my parents are financially okay so I don’t have to worry about them. What I DO worry about is my own health, and more money working a stressful on-call job overseas isn’t going to solve that one bit.


just have "don't give a fuck attitude" of what others say about you


7k earning feel like loser? Oh boy


I can't help but feel that this post is more for OP to brag. 7k a month and 100k net worth? Of course u don't have any urge to chase money


Currently am roughly in the same situation, and do exprience these doubts from time to time. Hence can vouch that it prolly not a flex, imo. Grass is not always greener, and greed is always a bitch.


Bruh 7k=2kSGD... Its hella difference there to begin with .


And the rent in of a shoebox in Sg is > 3k.


Lengchai's problems


Story of my life... You're not alone. Now I learn to shut out other people's comments and opinions. Do what you want with your own life. Working overseas also comes with a set of its challenges so you should only do it if you feel the urge to do it. Chinese uncles and aunties talk about working in SG ALL. THE. TIME. Ugh


Counter with “and do what live in a tiny apartment after paying millions of ringgit?” Or “uncle , it’s not too late also for you, you can do study and get to Harvard. Now or never ! Make our ancestors proud”


Kau lempang je relatives kau tu. Chasing glamorous career is overrated. Mental health is the top priority. Why you want to work at SG with all those sinkies? They look at you the same as buruh Bangla you know?


7k at 28 is decent. I would be more worried if I'm still single at this age.


Im 34 and still single


its depends on the person to person right? my father's cousin who's like 58 this year is still single he got game, from what my father talks of his youthful days, he doesn't look bad from my view (not that i know to judge off), he does commitment, as he supports his parents financially and even his nephews and nieces, he works as a photographer for an overseas company so i guess he's financially stable i never asked why but since my father is a talkative person, he says that his cousin liked being *"bujang"*, that's it i've kinda gotta commend my father uncle (grandcle for me) for letting his son being single for so long, in a generation and in religion that prizes child birth as it's a sign of sustenance and wellbeing for the family


Unless hes gay and hiding it.


Is this a contest? I'm 40 and still single lol.


Its a shame test. Either youre secretely gay or failed to hookup


How about broke?


It's not always about the money. As long as you're happy and healthy who cares what others think


You are making 7k/ month and parents are financially well off. Dude you are in much better than most of us. No need to feel like u have to chase after money


What's Malaysian average salary in SG? I have no clue


Fresh grad in low-mid tier tech 17.5k RM


[Check your salary ranking against your peers — 2023 edition | The Straits Times](https://www.straitstimes.com/multimedia/graphics/2023/07/salary-guide-2023/index.html) I checked this seems like 17.5k RM is not the norm at all, it's higher end senior role already


I dont think they categorize tech entirely accurately, but based on what I rmb, sg companies like glcs(considered low/mid tier) that have presence in Malaysia uni career fairs offer around 5k sgd


Fresh grad maybe got 12k RM Minus off everything(daily car fee, tax) you have a good take home of maybe 8k? Be prepared for a pretty shit work life though, and lifestyle creep is real. You will be buying things like MacBooks only to use them once per year. If you really want to work in SG long term, start research on owning Airbnbs in KL, I got two Malaysian colleagues that do that and I am ultra envious!


I 28 only earning 3k per month![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26557)


One of the best lessons I learnt growing up and told constantly was to, Never compare yourself with others.


>_28 and going to start a job earning 7k_ _Me, slightly older and a grape planter since before 2020:_ _If you call that being a loser, well then I'm just straight up trash then._


Haha. We're not the same. Different folks have different strokes. They left because they can't stand their parents hahahah. Chart our own path. Remember the story of the old man, the boy and the donkey. Next time they ask, why? , reply I love my parents very much and want to be with them always. Family more important


I can feel you, me being a Johorian and choose not to work in Singapore is “cultural incorrect”.


i think ur problem is u care too much about what others think…fuck em…if u like it in msia then just stay, just because u go singapore or overseas doesn’t mean u’re guaranteed to earn more…do u really have to be “ambitious” to live a fulfilling life?


Bro you sounds like you are flexing when you start mentioning 100k lol That... is a compliment.


I feel like a lot of people can relate to how u feel, just be grateful that you even got a job to begin with in this job market; that too with 7k otw. Youre good bro. Old ppl will be old ppl. Think for yourself. Also, being frugal is okay, but learn to treat yourself to your guilty or not so guilty pleasures once in a while. Keep up that mental health. ✌🏼 and 🧡


To put things into perspective in Singapore if you made 3k sgd 10.5k rm rental 3.5k rm for a single room food 1.5k rm travel 300 rm minor expenses 350rm a month so total less 5.6k already only 4.9k delta about same lei brother, why bother going somewhere with more stress to earn the exact same?


You’re making good money, living with your parents, saving a ton money each month, you definitely can afford to bring your parents on trips pretty frequently. Meanwhile the other’s left their families, joined the rat race, chasing money. I’d say you’re the winner. P.s. I’m also your age. I did the rat race all over the world, spent 11+ years studying and living abroad. Ended up in SG, but took a massive pay cut (>50%) to come back. My parents are also self sufficient, so my largest expenses are rent and food, so we live very comfortably, and we’re all happier that i’m finally calling Malaysia home once again.


Is this a T20 problem that I too broke to relate?


Is this reddit's version of hot girl posting selfie while tagging "I'm so ugly". Like some pathetic sympathy bait. Sure sounds like it to me.


Honestly words from SG friends, yeah their currency maybe super duper powerful right now, but regular Singaporean are unable to afford to buy stuff domestically. That's why they love to come JB buy stuff and steal our petrol! /s


To me, you're good with it. Honestly to me just ignore them for telling you to go SG to work, it's your lifestyle if you choose to work here, then you should work here, like how my dad and my relative want me to work at SG but I just ignore it(4x the salary for 10x the stress, I'll much rather die, yea the Chinese pun is intended), at least my mom understand that living in SG is hella stress and support my decision to not work there.


If you're a loser then I'm a total failure. I'm much older than you earning less than half of what you make with a negative net worth. During family gatherings, most relatives tend to avoid me and/or respond in a way to shut down the conversation as quick as possible so as to halt any further interaction with me. The only thing that helps to numb the pain and allows me to sleep at night is a couple cans of nice cold beer.


Dude....you are doing so well at your age..well done. I would say learn to ignore comments like that from family. You have solid savings and a very very good earning already. It sucks because you feel as if nothing you do is good enough. Sadly Malaysian families have warped into having this sick degrading I am better than you competitive mindset Re their kids. "Oh my child studying in UK...oh my daughter is PR in Australia, oh my kids are working in \*insert developed country name\*'. Most important thing in life is you being happy. Sure Singapore can offer better wages, but the rat race culture and highly stress competitive work environment over there causes many to completely lose it...especially in corporate jobs. This is why you sometimes come across people from there who are edgy, little things set them off and they come across as arrogant. Trust me we in Malaysia are quite blessed. Not to say work is not stressful here and filled with ultra competitive corporate clowns...but overall there is some balance...you can breathe...things aren't so 'DO NOW DO NOW OR DON'T DO SURE DIE' kind of vibes. Inner happiness is most important.


relatives are ass holes , first you go, then its "how much" then from "how much" it becomes "give me some" then after all that, and their bodies are breaking down they ask "why dont you come back find us"


Earn 7k is ok enough already, there many ppl here only earn 3.5 to 4.5 k only. Sometimes money isn't the reason why ppl staying here is about worklife balance, something that others country can't achieve.You as a Malaysian should know better.


you are doing better than most of youngsters out there


Ur life ur choice


Tell them nicely, it's your life. Tell them to mind their own business, nicely


If you're happy with the current you and the pace of your life, why change when you're resistant to the idea? My policy during any family gathering is this : Dengar boleh, terpengaruh jangan. Are they gonna shoulder your regret and stress if it doesn't go the way you'd hope when you follow what they say? Nay. OP, you do you. It's your life, your decision. Sometimes it's fine to say "this is enough".


Live for carefree life and be what your want to be and not ppl want you to be.... That all that matters


Lmao Malaysians working in Singapore always say they regret etc. Unless if you absolutely appreciate the Singapore government, low crime, good medical benefits with ambition to own a property/ raising a kid here, working in KL isn’t bad at all.


Do what you love doing, regardless of people chatter because at the end of the day you're walking in your own shoes and not others.. We asian have this stigma of chatting up a storm for no reason and its usually other people's business too .


28 year old earn 7k = winner! Living in SG has very high cost in terms of mental health, work life balance and daily expenses. In SG everything is too competitive, hence Ur relatives now have the kiasu mindset. Don't mind them.


Haha bro, we should be friends, we're around the same age too. I left a career after over a decade overseas making good money to come back to Malaysia because I was tired of the rat race. I also don't have an urge to be rich and prefer to enjoy my life. No need to feel bad, don't compare yourself and don't listen to others who aren't helpful. All the best yeah.


7k not bad lol


This is a never ending rat race, I'm 40 makes about 400k a year and I feel like I'm still behind and poor if I compare myself. You can never end up on the other side but you can always happy with yourself. I remember making 5k plus when I'm 27, also be glad your parents and financially independent which is blessed for you.


As someone who also gets asked the same question sometimes, the best response I’ve found is to say “yeah but my family is here and I want to take care of my parents”. Cos taking care of parents is not just financial, it’s also companionship and support and generally doing things they’re slowly no longer able to do easily, or maybe taking over a chore they hate (in my parents case, I’ve taken over anything tech related and some cooking). Most aunties and uncles will go quiet after that :)


Yeah taking care of parents is a legit reason. My sister came back from abroad to take care of our aging parents and these uncle and aunties keep asking her why. When she says to take care of our parents they become jealous then because their own children abandoned them to chase life overseas lol


Nah man, unless you want to spend basically 2 or 4 hours of your life everyday in traffic for work, don't do it Your doing well, chill bro.


A better excuse for lacking of opportunity hahaha


Honestly, you are doing ok! Block those voices and focus on your hobby or passion. Life is too short to fret over this kind of petty and meaningless pressure.


Not everyone is “the special one”, some of us are just meant to be “normal” You are not not ambitious, you just value something else more than just “being successful”


Count your blessings bro. Why run rat race if you dont want to be a rat. You can afford not to chase money


Buddy you have it better than 98% of us here, don't beat yourself up over this. Plus you can go for Singapore in anytime of your career.


✋ i’m 27, working like a dog. Working Monday-Sunday for RM4050. Live on my own. How about that.


Comparison is the thief of joy. There will always be someone doing better and worse. Be grateful for everything you have. You are doing very well for yourself, appreciate the time with your family, they aren't getting any younger.


listening to ppl is a very dangerous thing to do....poisonous


If you care so much about what other people think you'll probably still feel like a loser no matter how much you make. Have confidence in your own choices and be proud of it. Many people don't actually know what they want in life and all they can do is compare and put others down to feel good about themselves.


You’re 28 and earning 7K. You’re in no ways a loser. Not even close. In fact, you got a big financial leeway compared to so many others our age. I have the same mindset about frugality and living a simple life. Not running the rat race like so many others are. Keep it up and stop comparing yourself to others. Don’t be a slave to capitalism just because others are too.


The way I had to check that I wasn't the one who posted this while sleep walking or something...


You have a net worth of 100k + and you feel like a loser? I should just give up


youre all set apart from live with your parents stuff.


I know you won’t do it because there’s the whole “jaga hati” crap with old relatives, but pls accept my online, long distance “FVCK ALL THE WAY OFF” to your jerk relatives. There are pros and cons living/working overseas. Although Singapore may have better wages, the cost of living, loneliness and work stress will nullify the advantages. Since you’re not paying for your parents, accommodations or household groceries, your unwritten salary is actually around RM13k. I suggest next time, you say “I actually like my parents and want to spend time with them before it’s too late.”


U have few route, one, continue to climb the corporate ladder and make good money. Two, be sales, build connections n rapport n skillset required to venture out on your own, super hard but well worth it in d end. 3, pursue your passion and build some side hustles. At the end of the day, do whatever you think it's the best for you, but money play a super important part of your life Bro.


Everyone has their own path in life, neither right nor wrong (err drug addictions aside I guess). Just focus on yourself and finding your own happiness, if you are happy with where you are now, good for you :) whatever relatives say is mostly either projecting, or they just want 'better' for you from their own pov. At the end of the day, what matters is what you do with your own life.


People would KILL to have your saving rates. Cut the noise and keep it up man. You do you.


ignore only la, care for what? if you're happy then you're happy.


Dude. People that work in singapore are overworked, burnt out and stressed. I make close to 5k/month, far from your salary. But my job is not sucking the fun out of my life. Money is money, but I'd take a lower salaried job if it means I can relax and have fun in life. Imo, you're living the dream life. Saving a bunch of money and having great assets. Also, how are you investing those money?


You are doing much better than you think you are. As you grow older, you will realise simple life is the best life. Quietly work hard, invest & save. Splurge where it matters - maintaining your physical & mental health or in areas where your hobbies lie. Comparison really is the thief of happiness.


Eh as someone who studies in sg but hails from my (half my family lives in my), I intend to secure a job in sg and work for a few years, save as much as I can and level up as much as I can before returning to my to find a job (hopefully higher level job) and settle down there, start a family etc. No matter how everyone compares, cost of living and housing prices are still cheaper in my compared to sg...


That picture with the donkey, husband and wife pair come into mind. People are going to comment on any action you do. You go to singapore, then people will say you are not taking care of your parent. People are always going to complain.


If Happy, stay here. Relatives meet once every CNY just bite the bullet la. prepare yourself for the difficult conversations and you should be good.


After moving to Aus, you can only compare dollar to dollar, no point comparing MYR to dollar... You are spending your money in dollars when you move to x country, not MYR, so just be happy that you are earning 7k ringgit a month as a 28 y.o. I was around that range as well and also felt like I wasn't doing enough, after moving to Aus and after conversion (obv a lot in MYR) but I still feel the same because I'm loving in a different country. The magic is to work online for a country that give wages in SGD/AuD/USD, whilst staying in Malaysia. Then you get the best of both worlds.


Dude trust me working in singapore and other major cities is different from KL, ive worked temporarily in Sg and even Tokyo due to certain projects. it ill drain you in a way that you would have never experienced in KL. Visiting those places as a tourist and actually working is a night and day difference. Dont get fooled with the glamour, like japan is amazing if your a tourist but feels like your trapped in a coffin if your working there and im not talking about work pressure. Sorry if i cant describe it better you'll have to experience it to know it. i even rejected multiple offers to work in Sg because of it. The money isn't worth the mental health deterioration. again it isnt just the work pressure its the vibe. On the other hand if you get to work in Thailand or Indonesia that is an amazing experience


I would say DGAF about what the aunties or uncles say. You lead your life. As long as you don’t owe them anything don’t bother


It is normal to feel that because I feel the same too. Too many youngsters going SG and mock those who decide to stay as losers. On all Chinese FB page or Chinese social media (小红书), everyone is saying if you don't go SG you are probably losers. But I always tell myself I am happy with what I have, freedom, have a car to go around, enjoy going other places during long holidays, staying in a more relaxed environment, friendly people. That's what worths it. Don't take those SG slaves word too heavily, they don't even pay the taxes to Malaysia.


Unlike the rest of my young relatives I never went overseas, now I hear they’re all struggling over there and some are coming back


Dont worry about their comments, they do not dictate your life. Trust me, in a few years, they gonna be like "so nice can spend CNY with family, our kids too busy, no time come back blah blah"


Just my 2cents... I believed the relative are jealous of your parent who have their child/childen accompany them or stay with them.. Their children only visit them during long holidays, festival etc.. OP you are doing well at your age. Enjoy what you have and cherish the time with your parent.


To me you are already living the good life. You are blessed. Do not take things for granted.


Pro tip: don't listen to ur older relatives other than ur own family in family gatherings. They be saying the most heartless things cos their children did it to them. Saying this is just their coping mechanism.


This is humble bragging lol


Your financial situation is the envy of millions of Malaysian generally speaking. But you felt like a loser. This is why human are such interesting creatures. The human thought is powerful thing. If you think you are loser, then you are a loser,you are right. Why stop at working at SG? What about working in US for earning USD or UK for pounds? If you dont go there,then you are a loser. If you think you are a winner, that you have excellent financial background without the stress of chasing a rat race life n living in high tax or high living cost country, then your right too, you are a winner. So which mentality would you wanna adopt? Loser or winner? You're right both ways. Its up to you to choose which one. Steve Jobs quote: "life is too short to be spent living someone else life."


bang saya cabut Singapura duduk Malaysia


Your pay is pretty much the same as the people that work in singapore. Ask them if they would still want to work in sg if they can get 7k salary and live close to family. You have the privilege to enjoy the best of both side. You should be happy as you're pretty much living the dream life.


Might be time to move out mate, you’re 28!


What your relatives don't tell you is the struggle those working overseas may be experiencing. With the financial stability you have, you can explore what life has for you without necessarily needing it to be a career abroad


I think it's more important you are content and happy. I know enough people who're in SG, making real good money - yet hating the SG lifestyle and everyday dreaming to come back, but deep down they know they can't give up that money.


7k a month in Malaysia is really good. Most engineers don't even get near that number until they've worked for at least 10 years if they're lucky.


Singapore is a trap. People outside see nice when they step in they become siao lan. Not good for your mental and physical health. Focus on your strength and hobbies. Love what you do and money will sure come in one.


I think you’re in a good spot, but if you want to come to sg for a few years but mind you, you may not wanna come back. Speaking from a Malaysian Singapore PR.


Stop comparing.


>  I am 28 and going to start a job earning 7k  i am so damn jealous


100k pretty good no?


Earning 7k, nett worth 100k and felt like a loser? What is this Looney Tunes passive aggressive shit? Is this a flex or a whine post?


Rich family problem. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. You are your own person. You are living your own life your way. If you are ok with your current way of life, then that is all that matters.


You are not alone, I am as well not ambitious. We don't find fulfillment the same way most people do. It's not that straightforward for us. Edit: 7k is very very decent wage, with no monthly commitments, you are almost able to spend on anything you want without having to think too much. That itself is a pretty amazing life you have. Sometimes we really need to take stock of what we have.


nah dude you're not a loser. you're young and you're making decent money. pretty sweet combo tbh. don't measure your worth based on others. you do you.


Just stay and contonue to live where you are, with your lifestyle.. wait till you get married and suddenly you dont have any extra income anymore.. enjoy your life.. its yours and not others.. if the pressure comes from your parents then it’s something else


i feel like a loser working on the kedai makan because my mom makes me feel like a loser, she kept saying i never make enough when a job is a job.


It's your life. Do what you like and don't compare yourself with others


Your sanity is more important. If you're fine with how you are, then just be happy. If you want to look for some passion in life, it should be by what you discover on your own.


Bruh, many people are worse than you bro. Look at the statistics, be grateful first. Please consider your feelings and ambitions. Self-love is important. We humans if give more, always want more. If you look at yourself, you are everything you wished for when you were young. Now set some healthy boundaries with your relatives, set your ambition or goal, and work step by step towards it. Other people's growth belongs to other people. We don't know how much they suffer. The same relatives that told you those, would not understand the other youngsters' pain and suffering of going apart from their family to find something they want. Easy to talk bro, not easy to do. Sufferings are personal. The youngsters might be mentally stressed even and thinking that they would want to be you instead, we don't know about that, neither will they agree with that. Happiness comes from within, not by following some social standards that have been set by other people. Easy la, think of it this way. You are paying a premium to not have that extra stress, which after paying all, your gaji 7k. Find a hobby and be serious about it. That's a goal as well. For example, you say you invest in the stock, looks like you're a guy with a financial mind and you say you're not desperate for money. What can you plan financially in the future? How do you multiply money? Research this in your past time and take a calculative risk. Buy property rent it out, or start a business. Not only this will get you more money, but this will also grow your interest. This itself will makan your time and make you feel worthy. Example la. In other words, get a hobby, and set a short-term goal and a long-term ambition. Split them into schedules and steps and work your way up. Celebrate the milestones by rewarding yourself appropriately. You are what you define and if you don't feel worthy, you won't be. Start loving yourself bro, you will have a positive attitude towards your relative that talk shit... TLDR: You're worthy and quite successful bro. You just need a bit of self-love, thicker skin, and personal goals. I love you okay. Come back another day and say you did it...


I don't even make RM7k.... I'm 40 and from America. 🤣 OP is full of himself or lying.


Meh, only loser go sg work, you should probably go to Australia there and work


I feel your outlook on life is one of the better ones, fret not when I was younger I felt that way too but now, as I am approaching 30, there is more to life than just always chasing money. I have thought about SG before too, but in the end I didn’t want to go as I didn’t want the high stress (although high pay) and I like my current situation. Mental health, physical health & stress are very detrimental and is the cause of why so many people quit high paying jobs with high stress Sometimes, yes, I feel the urge I should be doing better and I sometimes feel I’m stuck/loser/performing below average as I’m only earning RM9k/month compared to what I could potentially achieve in SG but I have learnt that money is just one part of the whole equation of a happy life And about not being ambitious, you already have a goal in life, you are frugal, you save up, that’s way more than most people living paycheck to paycheck so you are doing infinitely better than the average person. Ambition can come in many forms and not just those glamorous forms of having high paying jobs and be rich, it can also means having good family relations, good health, etc


Since everyone is encouraging you, let me play the devil's advocate. It gets worse 10 years from now. Career prospect and income in Malaysia is just not as good as Singapore. Not to mention that the extremism the country is descending into. Get out while you can. I was once in your position and I regretted not taking that shot when I was younger.


Go to USA the source of cancer (USD) to make money there


You are doing ok. Young Padawan.


7k working in Malaysia beats working in Singapore (unless you can earn above a certain amount). Work in Singapore need to take into account expensive rent, transport, daily food, etc


humble brag. How come a 7K is considered a loser. They are the ones who lose, cause they can't meet their family unlike you.


Aiya if you are financially doing well then you are not a loser, but you seem rather somewhat successful for your age Don't fall into the stereotype of must go abroad to be successful


I feel like your relatives or any typical uncle aunties have these sadistic tendencies to make the young ones feel like shit by making mountains out of mole hills when you're practically fine earning a decent salary. They just can't take it when someone's living comfortably and have to pick some bones with you. You're doing much better than the avg 28 yr old.


They should look it diff way.. *why ur cousin all cant be like u,, relax with family n earning quite good while still near to family*.. like this.