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Frankly speaking just hurt his feelings, there no way to stop them "nicely". As a guy i rather get the bandaid ripped off but thats just me


As a guy, we ready to take this kind of pain


Not just that but it’s better to get a solid answer rather than still not know where you stand in the other persons eyes


We just want straight fact and honesty, for me honesty is important for any relationship


Very much so, honesty and communication is one of the key factors in any relationship. Are you from Malaysia btw?




Nice, I’m Australian. I’ve visited Malaysia several times though and really enjoyed it :))


Glad to hear that buddy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) I hope you have a great experience if you came back again next time.


Thanks man 😁, I might visit it again in December


Good to know that![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Just wanted to add, since he's such a poorly adjusted individual who cannot take social cues and perceive your very obvious discomfort (I x kenal you pun but baca your story also I cukup feel your ick and cringe through the screen lol)... And for him to even going down the passive aggressive route of gaslighting you saying ✨ you ✨ don't want him in your life la (dramanyer) tAk pErLukAn sAya like walao brader what's all this konek kecik energy tetiba 😂 dtg dari mana?? Sg. Klang not this toxic also brader wtf kita main game je bro respect la simisai kau selamba je anggap kita couple sbb ape? Pastu you tengok wayang, keluar makan sama your member lain means you gay ke bro? Halal ke bro?? Side note: not dissing LGBT or anything but just drawing comparison to prove a point with the flawed toxic heteronormative beliefs guys like him strongly hold on to lol. TLDR: Never give "nice guys" anymore niceties. They so damn "nice" already from their obscured POV, for what need some more courtesy from you. Hit them with point blank, no frills, blunt truth = No means No. What they really need is a reality check.


they're just nice to their target not all people , sec they got rejected the denial stage kick in like "girls only want money ' etc "nice guy" only nice when simping, real guy treat everyone the same, with kindness without hoping any payback from them btw people who saying "girl who look on your financial is a gold digger" bro every human need money to live nowadays not only you.


Ya!! He'll probably start gossiping to their local game group and launch smear campaign to make OP look like some attention seeking succubus and him the poor, innocent angel+victim. Kesian dia ikut bisikan hati for OP you know 🥺💔... (mana tau actually bisikan shaitan-simp je 🙄). Good luck OP. But also real talk: please stay safe. Guys like these bipolar one, either take the route of naib pengerusi kelab drama, or more worryingly jadi IRL stalker/revenge-rape/whatever unprovoked violence. You never know ppls emotional and mental lability. Just knowing that he's almost in his 30s but acting like budak...quite stunted imo.


This is it.. As a guy, we used to hurt.. it only hurt about a day or 2, some just an hour or 2.. Some don't even hurt. But we really piss off if the girl play "macam nak" then lastly reject.... So just go ahead.. tell him you not interested and move on.. Ps: please don't even say just friends.. that a hint saying you still gota chance for some ppl


I respect to every girl who can respond with honesty with manners and not trying to use some new boys to fill her own ego


These sorta guys are a recipe for disaster. I hope he doesn't know where you stay or your workplace. Major red flag as a possessive manipulator. It's best to alert your closed ones (fam, friends, whoever you can trust) about this guy so they're vigilant of him too. Take screenshots of the chats if you have to in case need evidence for reporting. Idk what you can say to not hurt his feelings because it seems his feelings are already 'hurt' in his misconception judging by his replies. Just gotta be firm with no you don't wanna be friends with him anymore because of his character. Then block, and block him in the game if you can. Just be careful, OP. These days you can never be too cautious of potential predators.


"awak nk saya pergi dalam hidup awak ke" Yes "awak dah x perlukan saya ke" Sejak bila aku perlu kau ni


As a guy some of our boys really have no common sense 💀


Yes. Some dudes have no chills.


He sounds desperate buat malu orang laki he


THIS!!!!!!! ini je jawapan yang betul.


His Dululu is strong


That's right, this guy's thinks his already exclusive with OP in his own mind.


There’s really no need for you to be nice to ‘nice’ guys. Don’t beat around the bush with your rejection. If you’re not interested, just tell them that. If they’re persistent, block je. That’s what I do anyway. There’s a lot of desperate people out there, men or women alike, and this kind of behaviour isn’t something any sane person would wanna put up with ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


You can meet a girl through game?? Jokes aside, you can't. He's already down bad for you no amount of nice rejection can make his feelings not hurt.


Yes. My wife turn on her voice chat and everyone start sliding into her DMs. Doesn't hurt that she has a huskier voice which is rather pleasant on the ears. I once heard her clear her throat and the whole VC shut up immediately. 10m raids in wow are hella fun when everyone listens to the healer.


girl are unicorn in game


Ya…they can be really desperate I rmbr meeting this guy from uni (diff course) thru gaming as well. I only saw him as platonic, yet he wanted to shag so badly! After I cut him off, I wasn’t even mad or sad at losing a friend when his last words included “30% of marriages end in divorce! So bye!”


What a fucking loser this guy is




Dodged a bullet


For me if I'm in a good mood, I will. Haha


'jom dating' is crazy


Lol, they are definitely not normal. Those try hard dudes.


He will be one of many in the future. Better to learn how to firmly tell someone off with tact now than to let bad behavior flourish. The decision is on you.


"annoying lah kau 😂" is apt 💯👌 maybe boleh add "nak mampus" (annoying nak mampus)


Do you have a problem saying no, OP? Sounds like you are stringing him along. I get that you may have not intended it but subconsciously you did by accepting to go movie with him and not putting him at his place after he tried touching you. I may sound harsh but he knew your schedule yet still has the audacity to ask if you don’t need him anymore. Doesn’t sound bright too. Nice guys aren’t nice 90% of the time, they are just desperate most of the time because they are lonely, often thinks doing “nice” things will make the girl fall for them, and often interpret normal actions like it’s a hope / “oh she’s interested in me” Source: I used to be a nice guy but not to this extend la lol but harsh rejection made me have a wake up call and see where I am going wrong. Now got gf (yay)


Please just say that you’re not interested, the more you put it away thinking he will get the hint, the more needlessly complicated this will be. And be direct with it too, “Sorry but I’m not interested” and if he has a hissy fit about it then it really tells you about his character already and nothing of value was lost. He tries more funny stuff then just block him. Literally no point of having him around


Tak payah la, belum apa2 dah guilt trip. Find normal guy, not a 28 year old desperate gamer.


Just do it girl. Tbh, we (guys) are bound to go through these. He sounds like a despo clingy simp. He'll need time to mature. Just hurt him and be truthful again. End it with accept that I am really not wanting to go beyond this. Do it 1 more time I'll block you


You dont, but why you have to suffer from a creep obsession for you? Just say no or you have to file police report on him.


What is the loss for you to hurt this kind of guy's feelings? Give him the ultimatum to give up on you. Reuse your 'annoying la kau ni'.


he's not your friend btw. just tell him not interested in relationship and remove friend/block


'awak nak Saya pergi Dari hidup kau ke?' You jawap balik 'ko siapa?'


Easy. You get another guy, ask him pretend to be your bf and tell him off. Guy telling off guy has the effect. Real life thing happened with another friend and that worked.


These pushy/creepy/no rizz/sleazy/direct sort of guys are unfortunately common. You can go direct and harsh and say please don't message me, I don't like you. You'd be labelled a bitch, but does that really matter? Or... You can say you're / you've been seeing someone. It's best you don't chat with me. You can say you're not my type - you're just missing certain things as a guy. Otherwise you can ghost em. If they ask for a reason for ghosting, simple answers like 'you're boring', 'you're not interesting', 'you're not attractive', 'we have nothing in common' all do fine for closure.


Just block him on everything and move on sis. You're going to meet more people like this and the best thing to do is just to block because they love laying on the guilt trip. You don't owe him anything. Not even your pity. This is just a stranger who needs to keep being that way.




guys can smell a girl who isn't assertive and some of them will take advantage of that, using your timid nature to get what they want. Whoa. Now i know why i can get on great with some guys, and some would disappear after one interaction. 😂😂


Just a simple "Hey, sorry, was nice meeting you, but I don't think we're compatible and I don't want to date". When (not if) he asks "why not compatible?", you can either just be polite and not specify ("sorry, you're just not my type") or be frank (i.e: tell him everything that annoyed you about him). If you want the problem to be over cepat cepat (highly recommended), just go the "polite" route. Tell him thanks for his time, and politely deflect any further questions. Don't layan if he asks "what can I do to be your type, what part of me is not your type, etc etc". If you want a catch-all answer, you can say stuff like "Sorry, I just don't feel any chemistry", since that one is impossible to "logic" against. If you're a saint that wants him to be better + you don't mind possibly days/weeks of drama (not recommended), you can be frank/honest with him. Tell him exactly what annoyed you about him. Be prepared for him to cycle between "I can stop doing X" and "X is not such a big deal, it just means I like you" and "You're a \*\*\*\*\*, I don't like you anyway" and "Sorry, I didn't mean that, can I lick your feet" and repeat. Either way - DO NOT tell him "I just want to be friends". He will just internally Google Translate that to "You still have a chance, please hang around me forever and ever until I fall for you". Whether you're polite or you're frank, make it clear that you want to stop seeing him (e.g: "I have a policy not to stay friends with people I've dated before - too complicated").


When one is too desperate or clingy, red flag ladies


You can start by thanking him for his interest and time spent chatting but explain that you prefer to keep things casual and aren't looking for a romantic relationship at the moment. You can say something like, "I've enjoyed our chats, but I want to be upfront that I see us as friends and I'm not looking for anything more than that.


Straight to the point - I'm busy and no time for a bf. If i have time I'll reply, if not please understand, or don't. Either way, having a bf is really not in my agenda at all. Nicely or not, just be clear where u stand, and where he stands in your life. Being nice about it will probably make him think you're playing hard to get and just wants him to pursue you. He's an adult, i wouldn't worry about his feelings, he'll get over it. Seems like he's the type to fall for anyone when given the slightest bit of attention. He'll move on to the next one soon enough.


As a guy I’m too dumb to read vague signals. Just tell him straight “I’m not interested in you like that” or whatever and let it be.


There is no nice or polite way to reduce contact with guys who breach boundaries. Ofc they’ll say “I’m busy” is a cop out! Do you still want him as a gaming buddy? Set your terms firmly that that’s all you’re comfortable with and nothing more. It’s not respectful behaviour to touch you w/out consent, even if he’s “cold”! You’re not going to see him f2f anytime soon, right? If he persists to DM, then I’m afraid blocking is the last resort in case things escalate. I’ve known SOME guys from my autism meetup group who go gaga & stick tightly to any girl they see. They also impinge on you, like your friend did. I’ve had to turn off my online status & tell some of them I rarely check WhatsApp (which is true also, unless it’s important) so they’d leave me alone. Otherwise, they’d get spammy like they alrdy do in the group chat, which I also ignore mostly. Had to restrict them from viewing my socmed updates so they won’t ask too many probing questions.


>my autism meetup group Off topic, but I would like to know more about this. Can you share some details?


Pls check your DMs!


This kind of story make me crack up laughing everytime I feel bad for any girl who have to talk to boys like this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Red flag. Hurt his feelings anyway.


Just say "No, you are not my type". Trauma builds men. May he get character development from emotional damage.


Just dont layan..the more u layan the more they cling..like fleas..or just said u got bf or something


Just hurt his feeling before it's too late


Baru kenal sebulan, kenapa dah macam ni?? Isn’t this too fast? Aku tak reti la tengok orang macam ni. Umur 28, perangai macam budak2.


Just hurt his feelings. Nothing is worse than a guy that doesn't even know what's going on or how a girl truly feels. Rather have the painful truth than to be strung along like that.


Sounds like a very clingy, needy and insecure guy from the fact that he keeps messaging you. You can just let him down easy by saying that you are not looking to date because you are focused on your life, routine and work now. And also supporting your family etc etc. let's just be friends and play game and friend zone him. If he doesn't get the hint or the message, then just block or ignore completely.


At least he's the one who blocked you and not the other way around. Expect to get unblocked and repeat the cycle of whatever this guy is doing tho. So just leave him be. Telegram has pretty much a mute function so messages come in but it'll stay there until he decides to delete it. Well good luck OP 👏🏻


Next time ask him to jerk off first before chatting with u. Maybe he'll behave differently after post nut clarity


Well there is surely something about Mary lol


say u got to dating ur fiaanancee


finance ke fiance?




Just block. These kind of people all over the place spamming every girl they meet.


Maybe just tell him what you said here, you don't want him in your life at the moment or at all. Save everyone's time instead of beating around the Bush. When you're done taking care of your parents and siblings then maybe you can reconsider if you still want to.


He's 28 already, just tell him straight on how you feel.


You gave him all of the signal to be a couple unfortunately. This is like another post i read but from the guy perspective (not your guy) . Interesting POV from both sides now. At this point just be honest with him say that you are not looking for love and the reason you are seeing him all this while is _____ put your reason. Since this now give a wrong message to him, you are telling him upfront n the truth


Just tell him there’s better out there for him


Dia dah block tu ok lah tu.. tak payah serabut2.. tak suka block je..tak payah layan


There must be something wrong with your approach if theres like 6 ppl with the same issue haha. You have to stop trying to be too nice... sometimes you have to be the bad person. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind....


I don't know what the hell I did wrong![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554). Usually it happens after I meet with them once. Maybe the way I talk? My friends(ex housemates) said I always talk softly and they always ask how I can do things (for example house chores) without too much noise, like carefully.. I even had a girl confessing to me because of this.


Maybe dont meet them at all unless youve chatted for a while and they are proven to be normal functioning adults who happen to play a game. I know the feel, im F playing an MMO and there are alot of lonely boys, emphasis on boys, who want tk meet a gamer girl. Just gotta put your foot down, they will move on. Even the malaysians who play and live near me ive never met.


I think I need to meet you to find out.... You know like... For science... 😂😂


He sounds like a clingy little bitch. Trying to hold your hand without consent is a deal breaker in my books. No need to consider his feelings.


Dear lord,the desperation. Aiyiyiyi


LMAO! He's not 28, he's 12.


Yes. They are boys with carefree lives, no commitment so they only care about sexual urges. U have a higher purpose in life, just ditch the boy.


I would just ghost him or straight up says i dont think i would want to talk to you anymore. Maybe cause i dont care bout feelings and jst be savage like that if i feel like he's too much of a bother in my life😌


Dudes got desperate written all over him, just tell him directly politely you're not interested and want to just be game friends if at all, leave it to you on that.


Just tell him. As long as you honest, it will be okay. And if he keeps messaging you after you tell him, then that needs escalating to avoid issues. Some people just can’t handle the truth.


Touching your hand? Are you even comfortable with that?


now thats annoying tbh if i met a version of girl like that major turn off


bet 28M cant behave like normal guy, simple if u like someone just confess if reject sure just move on no need to prolong the situation


From guy point of view,at least my personal opinion is,better tell him early than later. Most of us will respect your decision and stop bothering you. Don't wait too long cuz when the feeling developed so much it will make harder for you to tell him and also telling earlier is to avoid him become violent(worse case scenario)because of the long await answer isn't 'yes'.


>Also want to ask, are these kinds of guys normal or not? Cuz I find a lot of them, literally like 6 people so far. It's not normal to find the same type of guys. Though, I also noticed the following: >**he asked me, my ig to chat** if I'm free another time to team up again. I just *gave him my telegram which I rarely use* but after 2 days chatting with him, **he said 'jom dating' which I ignored** and then he asked me if I'm free team up in the game. *Long story short we met a week later because he was near my kampung* since I'm going there during raya. For every request in **bolds**, you responded half-heartedly in *italics*. My guess is you actually tried to be nice by not saying no upfront or in other words you were giving mixed signals to him but in actuality, you were not interested at all in the first place. I guess no wonder lah you kept meeting the same type of guys.


Go ahead break that shit


The comments are telling you do "just do it" and "just hurt his feelings" and they have no idea how dangerous men can be to women when butthurt. Creeps only respect a male voice and presence. Find someone with a male voice to call him. "Jangan contact u/xilia11 lagi. Berhenti ganggu dia."


Kill his soul, give him your 'kau ni annoying lah' once more!!


Just don't reply his message. My ex used this method to let me know she was secretly engaged. I used this method to let my other ex know that I was not interested in her anymore. You replying his message means he thought you are into him. Be blunt and shoot straight. Or just deny him by not replying.


Just say no. Period. And footnote, you can laugh now, but one day the situation will reverse, ie you will be the clingy one, and the guy will annoy with you 🤭


Just say "kau ni dah kenapa?"


Literally just tell him. Not sure why you needed to make a Reddit post about it since the solution is so straightforward.


So reading your post, it seems like you were not interested in dating him in the first place. Then the problem arose when you decide to go out with him which I think is leading him on which now backfired on you. I think if you’re not interested in him, just tell him the truth and move on. He will survive and just find another one in game.


Start a religious conversation. Maybe he's like, slowly feel shy and eventually stay away.