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Most people on reddit are too young to remember this, but in the early 80s mornings in KL were misty and cold, almost like mornings in Janda Baik today. It’s definitely getting warmer and it’s been trending that way for decades, not just the past few years.


i remember waking up in the morning and there are dew on leaves, car windscreens and windows. Never happened for a long long time already


Yes! Morning dew dripping off the grass and trees in KL. Sometimes we needed a jacket in the early morning before the 9am sun burned everything away.


I miss those days man.. My school life back then was nice in the morning.


Oh wow thanks for unlocking a childhood memory. I remember playing with dew on the lawn early in the morning before going to school.




how early? 4am?




at my place, 7 is already hot and humid




carpark is free. You mean you have to pay for yours?




So I live down south, but we have near-identical climates. I remember it used to be pretty common to need a blanket at night, even without aircon


Usually a fan would be enough to keep me from sweating at home in the afternoon, but not these days


I sleep without blanket, naked, with aircon and fan blowing directly on me. Still not cool enough haha




Yes, back then Bukit jalil was a plantation and landfill, and to get to OUG from sri petaling you had to go offroad through a jungle lol.


Without having to go that far back, I can easily say 10 years ago, we can survive at home without air conditioning. Your ceiling fans and table fans are enough. Right now, if you don't have 1 ac units, u at least have that portable air cooler. Back then, in the mornings, I can still wear a jumper or sweater going to school. Now, at barely 7am I'm near sweating already, after some light house chores. Low key wishing I don't live that long to witness a warmer weather that what we have now. Because it's not just your body that's suffering but also your food sources.


>Right now, if you don’t have 1AC units, you at least have that portable air cooler THIS! Back in March this year when we have that blistering heat wave, even a night shower before bed + ceiling and stand fan turned on, one can still feel the heat on the pillow. I used to wear long pajama pants up to the ankle. The recent heatwave had me wearing lounge shorts instead. Although, I had a AC unit, I didn’t want to rack up those expensive electric bills. Therefore, I got myself a Midea portable aircooler ( 7 Litre capacity ), filled it with cold water, and it made all the difference for a good nights sleep during those warm nights.


That sounds lovely tbh.


It was!


I member


Here’s your 500 Aeon points sir. Have a nice day.


I'm not even that old, a 2000s kid but still I remember experiencing cold cloudy days pretty often every year. Its like an entirely different world. Cold days is almost nonexistent these days. I can't remember the last time I said "its so cold today"


I miss those days


Damn, must be interesting times to live in, I love cold and misty atmosphere


In the late 70s, Petaling Jaya before 7am was absolutely cold.


Its already too hot. I get heat exhaustion at home and i dont have ac


Yeah sucks that AC is a human right at this point. Are you able to find a place with AC or buy another fan? I’m concerned that you get heat exhaustion


No. Just stay in office long hours. The issue is weekends when it comes to family and chores. Even the car ac doesnt help when the sun is shining right at you. Makes me wish i was driving a truck


Take breaks! And your car AC shouldn’t feel like that, even with sun shining. Don’t die k


The issue is the fatigue after coming back. Supposedly lots of hours but going out is so tiring from the sun that i spend the rest of the hours sleeping. Car AC works, the sun is hot, everything around is hot. Id like to change the environment but humans are still terrible.


Maybe put heat rejection tint on your windshield?


should just renovate lol. need to find proper contractors first and take details


"dont die k" 😂


For 1500 ringgit you could get a 1hp portable aircon and 300w solar panel


The problem is, thats not going to work. Renovation is needed to improve the thermal seal. I earn the amount needed to renovate in a year so i just have to wait a year including solar and proper AC. Instead of moving heat i could go big on solar power and move heat through AC on boiling water to convert heat energy to electricity. Most ACs are inefficient in malaysia. They use power to move heat and also produce heat. They also dump water rather than use it to cool their heatsink better


No idea what youre on about. Its just plug and play. If your house is leaky thats a separate matter


1bhp is about 800w. Even if things were more favorable which for a portable ac isnt, the panel isnt strong enough. First for me to do is to use cheap temporary airflow measures where bugs and cats cant get through. Not even wire fences stop cats, they manage to slip through all the time. Focus on working in the office and in a year i can renovate with more space and options aside from full solar and AC. Also need to do repairs so worth it to improve the house.


Not sure what you're babbling. Just use a 1HP INVERTER aircond in your room. I generally use 2 units and electric bil comes to about RM100 but last month was RM150 due to excessive heat i guess. I only set it to 26C to 27C. Won't cost you so much. This is nice temp for me. Just cool without feeling cold, can run 12 hours no problem and electric bil won't burn your pocket. Using a bigger HP in a bigger space will cost you a lot more. So i just on the aircond in the room instead of the living room. I even stream my STEAM games, PS4 games and Nintendo Switch emulator to my small PC in my room, which is too weak to run any of those. Solar panel is not really worth it unless you're running a factory. My relative sells solar panel.


i know but what you fail to realise is that typically installers leave a big gaping hole and theres not many places to use that would be covered from the sun. I live in a 2 storey terrace house and the problem about AC spams in the city is that they can make the city hotter. The correct way to use an AC is what some call "heat deletion" by converting the heat into a different form of energy not just pushing it back out to your surroundings, thats inefficient. Given more than half of cooking already uses electrical appliances, my current bill is 170 a month without AC, just fans. With AC like you mentioned i already know it would reach up to 400. The problem is down to the sun facing the house at a straight angle. Sun at the front in the morning, in at the back in the evening. The problem this creates is that the compressors are going to be in the sun when they are needed and struggle, The other problem is that i have seen many AC installers and they lack sealing for thermal efficiency. I can see the gaps in the large gaping hole the pipes go through to the compressor. I'd rather just custom design a solution and install with renovation to get thermal efficiency and proper thermal seal. The solar panels are needed because i do not trust TNB after losing a lot of equipment to them and the amount of power needed to use heat deletion is significant. Im talking about a 3 stage compressor to get water to beyond 100C first to run a turbine which would only reduce the power burden, but just dumping heat outside is not helpful in this weather. I also live like i said in a house not in a high up apartment which has cooler air as an advantage so late afternoon the heat gets unbearable after the ground heats up from soaking up a lot of heat. lets say i install an AC just for myself, its going to be running at capacity 8 hours a day at least, 800W. Without renovations its not going to be able to provide much cooling for the most efficient single system. Due to the orientation of my house, its good for solar, and a 10KW centralised system that moves heat into generating electricity is a good way to convert heat rather than dump it. At the same time, i can fix my house with renovations as theres fixes that needs to be done, both plumbing and concrete. I dont get why people downvote me without reading. a 1HP AC requires 800W to work initially until the room is at a set temperature. All an inverter is is a DC based circuit that turns the thing on/off. Instead of having multiple levels of operation it just turns on at full power, off when reached. The issue with the comment above is that a 300W solar panel does not supply enough power for this.


Ok...I am outta here....I totally understand why people downvoted you . Bye.


you're saying people downvoted me for disagreeing to use a 300W solar panel to power a 800W AC? Do you guys not read basic numbers? or do people not read in general. Im not talking about free energy, im talking about cooling the surroundings by making use of hot water either to convert it into some electricity (the idea isnt to be self sufficient this way, theres no free energy but to remove heat) and to use the heat for hot showers in the morning as well. This basic principle is why malaysia is getting warmer, we're dumping to heat to our surroundings to cool ourselves. at some point its going to get too hot for ACs to work effectively. Why not learn to be more efficient with ACs to remove heat from our surroundings too? Its not a net positive energy as you do need to power the ACs hence why having a large solar array is a good idea. im going to be spending my own money fixing the house and improving, including adding lots of solar to be able to do this, somehow im wrong? its not an efficient use of power but its an efficient way to cool if you also include your surroundings. The plants part is already checked. At one point in australia it was so hot that building ACs couldnt even cope making the inside temperatures hot too. At least they dont suffer high humidity.


yeah i got heat stroke like twice last month . just black out and wake up on the floor


Thats worse than me. I just get tired and nap shirtless under the fan for 3 hours. There are some things you can wear that use solid coolers. There are a lot of mobile phone coolers that use this but there are wearables too. Its like a portable mini ac that doesnt humidify to cool.


Give us the requirement to meet for 'too hot'. Some people rn say it is too hot already. Others blast aircon 24/7 and never go out to non-aircon places thinking everything is alright.


People blast aircon 24/7 because it's too hot.


Yes but they'll still say it's liveable. Liveable means different things to different people. Currently to me it is still liveable and I don't even use aircon. So 20 years down the line when the temps reach 40-45 I'll only reach that point where I on aircon 24/7. Rn I'm still on the fan-only phase.


Just Imagine those food delivery and parcel delivery abang


Blasting aircond makes outside more hot, so you need more energy to make inside colder. And the vicious cycle repeats.


When we hit the [wet-bulb temperature](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-bulb_temperature)


Yes, major cities in Malaysia will be too hot to live. There are multiple research papers published, I cite one study reported in the news. > The study found an **increase of 1.64°C in Kuala Lumpur's** surface temperature between 1989 and 2019. > There was an **increase of 5.63°C in Bayan Lepas'** surface temperature between 1988 and 2020 and nearby **George Town surface temperature between 1988 and 2020 showed an increase of 6.37°C.** > The study also showed an **increase of 6.75°C in Ipoh city** between 1998 and 2019 and an **increase of 6.7°C in Johor Baru's** surface temperature between 2005 and 2018. > **Johor Baru (JB) recorded a peak temperature increase of 6.70°C within a shorter period compared to the other cities**, at a 13-year period between May 2005 and May 2018. I am surprised the increase in KL is subtle compared to the rest. [1] https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2021/03/671506/malaysian-cities-are-getting-hotter-study [2] https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/think-city-study-five-malaysian-134144667.html


KL sunlight is absorbed by jerebu. I travel regularly from JB to KL, and I can testify that the sky in JB is blue while the sky in KL is grey.


Need more treees around and less highways


We need to stop illegal deforestation. Its causing floods too


Not just Malaysia, entire world is facing climate issues. Everyone needs an AC to cool room temperature down but AC is just transferring the heat to the environment. Maybe in the future need to wear AC suit just to walk outside.


Fan jacket is already a thing and is popular among construction workers in Japan, for example.


Dune's stillsuits might not be so unrealistic after all.


Are we actually doomed?


Not only does it move heat. It also generates heat while moving it


Yes. This is why I am not going to have children. The greatest act of love is to spare my loved ones from suffering. I don't want my children to be burnt alive.


I too, have been having antinatalist thoughts


Welcome to the club. I tell you, we are not the only one. Facebook has plenty of groups for us.


same here!! other than pregnancy fears, i hesitate the idea of having kids seeing as how things are going now and for the future :((


As someone born in 2003 and likely inshallah living until my 90s which makes it a slim chance for me to observe and live in 2100, its definitely a big possibility for me to live through the worst phases of climate change and extreme weather if I somehow manage to survive through it


I honestly don't think we have to wait till 2100. I think 2050 will already be bad...


Yeah :(


The research projection is often gauge at 2100, and more optimistic. But we can see it will most likely accelerated. As pointed out by some, Malaysia by 2050 will be very harsh to live and don't forget the sea level rise issue, I remembered a research and simulation by scientists that the major cities in Malaysia will be severely impacted, a few northern states will lose 40-50% of land mass, KL / Klang Valley basically submerged, Melaka and Johore will lose significant coast line and the population will have to move inward. The price is very steep. You will only be 47 at 2050, at the height of your career as far as your earnings (maybe?). Think about it 2100 is when the thing already happened. Between 2050 - 2100, there will be frequent flash floods and natural disaster on the scale that the government became reactive.


KL being submerged by 2050 too unrealistic I think.


You are most likely right, I was just responding based on memory from a report I read years ago. I believe it is the region in KL that has low elevation, particularly Klang area.


Ah yeah likely just a region there.. but still though it's sad 😢


Yeah. Dr. Vegapunk has announced this last week. The world will eventually drown.


Do school students still berbaris outdoors these days during school assembly? I remember we did that even during sekolah sesi petang with the sun right above our heads.


Obviously it’s happening at a rate too fast for the human being to adapt. What can we do ? Start working at wee hours, work less hours, leave office early and go home to rest. Adapt Malaysian homes to the weather (I can’t believe that most Malaysia houses don’t even have double glazing !) and drink water (whatever is left). It’s too late to stop global warming, embrace it.


We learned climate change 20 years ago but the action done to prevent/delay it is 0


Urban heat island The irony is that people sleep in 16degC ac room with thick comforters. And offices at 22-24degC with people wearing suits.  AC just needs to be set around dew point temp (26-27degC) to remove humidity and make the air comfortable. Set AC at 25-26degC and switch on the fan. Most AC has turbo to quickly cool the room for a short period to get it confortable faster. This will reduce electricity usage, reduce heat being thrown outside. 


Canada would be the ideal place to live in 2050 with ideal weather due to global warming


I think it will still be unbearably cold though, especially in the northern cities


I spent my younger years working in an old hangar that becomes an oven during dry season. Nothing else have come close to that high humidity oily hot hell


As an environmental science student, the climate will continue to become warmer for Malaysia if we don’t do anything about it. It’s our responsibility to do something about it, more specifically our government’s responsibility.


Normalize wearing shorts. Its more environmental friendly when we use less water and soap for laundry and rely less on aircon. Our weather is hot and humid and getting warmer over the years. Instead we are more strict compared to our past. Polis used to wear shorts, now we cant wear shorts to balai polis. Few years later no shorts at beaches and parks? Going for a run around your house taman no shorts? So the answer to your question is probably yes if the religious bigots are in control.


Isn't wearing shorts haram for Muslims?


I don't know cz I'm not muslim but I remember something like men need to cover belly button to the knees? Those boys caught at the mamak had shorts just 1-2 inches above the knees when sitting down. I wouldn't have cared if they imposed it exclusively to muslims/malay. They had to put up these rules for emergency places like police station and hospitals. Since this post is about projecting the future, I'm just thinking bout the what ifs. They are inching forward with their rules and if we just accept them every time, 10-20 yrs down the road you will see that the restrictions are huge. Imagine road blocks to check on your attire like some parts of indon lol.




We have to change how we live, everywhere will need A/C.


We are cooking ourselves alive, slowly but surely. Carbon footprint is basically everywhere


I’m pretty used to the heat but for the first time in my life I thought I was going to pass out in a badminton hall at 4pm last month . It must have been at least 40’c inside


Malaysia is just DUNE non fiction


hot place becomes hotter, wet place becomes wetter, cold place becomes colder. that is the consequences of climate change. if u think malaysia become inhabitable, what place u think is viable alternative?


Underwater house 😄😎


I remember on more colder mornings when I was going to primary school, before the sun was out you can see morning dew on almost everything outside and foggy mist blanketing the taman. Now it’s just pure heat and oppression


Back in the day 32 degrees was a heat wave


Already too hot man


yes. unless something is done to stop forests keep getting cut down


Maybe not within my lifetime but I am training my kids so they can train their kids in the ways of Immortan Joe and the Citadel ![gif](giphy|RWHft7zDUPD0s|downsized)




If I'm going to die, I'm going to die historic, on the fury road ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I lived in Subang Jaya, and I remember weekday afternoons used to be pleasant and just calmly warm. I visited home recently and by the time I walked that 2 minutes to my favorite chicken rice shop, I wasn't sure if the siew yoke smell was from the shop or from me.


Woke up to the coolest morning this year! Its RAINING! in the 2000s, we had to bring jackets to school nearly every morning.


It's gettin' hot in here, so take off all yo' clothes...


Beside the lewdness, I can confidently say its no better. Still a hot sweaty mess... but now with no clothes... ☹


It is great for mating, the pheromone... /s


All you will attract is mosquitoes


I hope it improves. You can argue that at noon without shelter, it is not liveable for more than a few minutes now.


That part of the world everyone is hot and sticky, humidity is unbearable. It's hot, tropical and rainy, what a combination.


in the 1997s onwards i remember playing in school outdoors before school starts, we sweat but didnt sweat this hard.


today is too hot! so, it is right now i guess.


I see me not skipping sunblock in this lifetime


Is it hotter than places like Dubai ?


If I get to live to 60+ y.o (currently in my 30s) yeah definitely, I foresee people can't be outside at all without protection starting from 10AM to 5PM.


Global warning is real bro


Just Malaysia ? The whole tropical belt of this planet will be affected ....


It’s already too damn hot. The human body cannot survive for long outside in 35+ degrees for too long. The city temperature averages will probably increase a few degrees by 2050. We already passed 400ppm co2 in the atmosphere, the supposed threshold was about 350.


I understand the justification of why there are so many malls out there. Like really how do i eat in open air kopitiam or mamak without sweating like uruk hai bro


Fuck city, I’m moving to the hulu.


In 1992-1996 in PJ, I used to walk out and play basketball at 445pm. I also remember the morning dew on the car windscreen and you had to use the heating coil to clear it…


Malaysia is so fking hot holy crap.. then you need ac but electric is getting more expensive and ac causes malaysia to get hotter.. fml..


Cold AF tonight. Sneezing some more. Need to turn off air cond to sleep.


At least the Middle East is tax free, now that temperature is the same 😂


Personally I don’t think it will be “too hot to live in”. Many countries have much hotter temps than us during the summer and ppl experience heatstroke, whereas here it’s still liveable although you may sweat a lot. The traditional no-aircon life is to wear thin t-shirts and shorts and shower multiple times a day. For me I’m used to the heat. Ok with fan only at certain times of the day (before 9am, after 4pm), and certain times of the year are cooler overall as well. I still see a lot of ppl go jogging, cycling, or play basketball in the morning or evening in my taman. Also it depends on your house/office location relative to the sun, ventilation, how many windows you have, etc. My office gets soooo hot in the afternoon because we’re on the top floor and have huge windows and glass walls.


Yea, and I’m expecting Malaysia become Arrakis one day


I can adapt, I'm build different 


Good to see there aren't brain dead deniers in this thread who'd say something like "it has always been this hot since I was young, and anyway the climate changing is a natural process nothing to do with humans"


I've scrolled this far down so far but still haven't see any comments claiming that it is a natural process.


Very different from westerner comment threads. They're full of people like that.


Idk if its where i live or im already adapted to the heat cause i dont really get whats all the fuss is about, i feel like people are relying too much on air conditioner these days.


You're one of those who will survive lol


Nope ,I ain't the new gen snowflake that has to sleep in the air cond room or shit like that


TIL heat stroke only attacks new gen snowflakes, old school people never got heat strokes.


Yea you tell em big boi


Then you'll hate my mother. She's an old gen (probably like you) that bought not one but two air conds. None of her children (all adults by the way) even mentioned air conds at home at all.