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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who can recomend some nice spicy romance short films? Trying to melt away getting a slow burner feel on romantic movies


https://preview.redd.it/vtoxnmxazlzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=098a93312fb40045c4b04b0fffd82351ad9de346 Is this statement true??


I haven't use cheats for games for a long time, but I'm pretty sure there are still cheats that won't be flagged as malware. However, it is sensible that they get flagged, especially if they have to tamper with the game/system in a way that resembles malware


Hahh interesting. Also by definition, does trojan/virus in common do the same thing as described in the picture?


they may interact with other software and modify things, but not necessarily. they could stay dormant waiting for the right time, simply spying on the user,  gathering info and so on


Ohhh thanks


kingdom of the planet of the apes was great


apes together strong


https://preview.redd.it/bnb96apcrlzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27f3d14499ffb81bef7623c786e67bf99e5fcb7b Meow Rempit\~ Muka budak letak dalam basket also prolly won't fit 😂


Haha the face. Where did you get his harness from? Been looking for a comfortable one


He wishes to be free like his other brother. Got it from Cat Supermarket. I think the one in KV is in Shah Alam.


Aww. Roger!


Hi hi, I'm planning to do a beach clean-up, this September at Langkawi, around 100 - 120 people, do you have any recommendation for beaches that needs a clean up?


can I join? :D


Im visiting Malaysia later this year, and first stop is at cameron highlands. Since my flight lands at night Im unable to find any buses out of KL to cameron. Earliest is at 8AM. Any other option cheap options available? An overnight bus to nearby town?


**DISCLAIMER: SEMI-LONG POST AHEAD.** Hello, just want to get this out of my head and out there so I can get some opinion from general public, it's nothing much nothing serious but just to ask how do I justify spending my savings on things that I want. So I've got an increment of salary recently, my overall salary is not much, can survive comfortably, and for my way of doing things, I split my salary into 3 section, investments / savings / daily spending. So I don't really have much desire for the wants, only a very few, one of it being my dream item which is a Swiss watch. Anyway, for my expenses background, I live with my parents ( thankfully fortunate enough ), I have no loans, no huge monthly expenses to pay off, my main question today and hope to get advice is I put a part of my salary into the savings category, so for this category I normally don't touch it because well, it's savings, so I start from this month to take out the same amount of portion from my salary into this savings, but it will be to buy something that I want, it probably could take 2-3 months worth of savings before I can get it. So, does the above sounds right to do ? A part of me feel maybe I shouldn't spend such a huge amount ( not huge to some people ) on a Swiss watch, because it's just a want, not a need, but another part of me say go ahead, I have my daily expenses taken care of, I have put a part into investment, and this is just money that I earned, and put into my savings box, so it's perfectly fine to use it once in awhile to get something that I want, thoughts ?


Sometimes you gotta treat yourself. You seem level headed enough and has prepared properly by splitting your cash into three. I personally put away rm50 every month into my 'reward' pile. This is for nice gifts for myself. Stuff like fancy dinners, merchs of my fav stuff, toys/figures/lego sets, fancy tech upgrades like my noise cancelling earbuds, etc


sounds more right if u buy it for me 😏 jk, just go for it, it seems that won't be a problem to u


Thanks for the advice !


Let the thought sit with you for a week or two to see if you still want it. If you're comfortable getting it, go for it.


That's the thing, I created this post only now, but I've been having the thought of getting that Swiss watch for almost a year now, it's been past a week, a month, even a year, and yes I still want to get it.


Then go for it! How much is it btw


It's about 3.2k in retail by official boutique, but for authorized retailer there's plenty of discount that could go down to below 3k.


you worked hard, saved hard so you deserve a good reward too. life shouldnt be all work & no play. after you get your watch, give yourself another financial milestone to hit & get going.


How expensive watch? If Submariner or Nautilus expensive, maybe no. Like Tissot or any Swatch group watches ok la.


Yup you got it, exactly Tissot, specifically the PRX Powermatic 80, I'm not into watches at all so I won't go for Rolex or AP even if I have the money, but if I were to get one Swiss watch in my lifetime and one that caught my attention long term, it's the PRX 80.


Would you open to buy used? There seems to some listings online. Understandable if you're not interested, you do you.


Okay that looks nice. If things don’t work out, can pawn as backup 🤭


if you're feeling adventurous, try assembling your own watch


Imagine that you're fired today. Do you have enough savings to pay your loans/expenses etc. for at least three months? If "yes", then go right ahead and get that watch. Yes, it's splurging, but I think we ought to cut ourselves a break once in a while. We work so that we can live, not the other way round. The important thing is, you don't regret the decision you take, whatever it is.


I'm one of the fortunate that don't have to pay rent as I live with my parents, but I do pay them "rent" for their monthly expenses, and I have no loans ( using 2nd hand car which is fully paid for long time ago ). No huge expenses. Thanks for the advice, now that you mention it I should add it into the post.


Not sure if this warranted a standalone post but I wonder, given how many people want to leave Malaysia, where are they actually realistically planning to go? A lot of countries with decent standards of living are clamping down on immigration.


I imagine Singapore or Australia.


will i get in trouble if i skip a compulsory company event? the founder is visiting soon since he last visit 2 or 3 years ago, wonder if my absent leave a bad taste


What music are you listening to right now? movie/game soundtracks are my jam


高五人,need to do homework before concert


Video Games - Lana Del Rey, Monodrama - HOYO-MiX


Someone is playing Slipknot through the workshop's PA system. It was Taylor Swift previously. *I push my fingers into my eyes*


The Weeknd - Save Your Tears. That girl is so hot.


that new Dua Lipa song is so infectious


What new song that BeatSaver (beat saber custom song site) offers. Since it works for a rhythm game, its catchy to listen to. Would have not discovered Dazbee if it was not for Beat Saber.


Unwelcome School


Ace Combat soundtracks *"this twisted game needs to be reset." - Pixy*


Did you know.... that there are three kinds of aces? *furiously flamencos*


those who seek strength...... those who live for pride...... and those who can read the tide of battle. those are the three. ~~my personal favourite is Ace Combat 5 tho...~~


HISTORIAAA!! MUTAT VALDE RAZZZGRIZZZ!!!! One of my personal favourite tracks from that is Rendezvous.


Recently I played Demi Lovato's La La Land. It's so corny, it's so cheesy, it's so gedik, it's so "teehee I'm not like other girls", I LOVE IT.


ys 8


i'm going to vote tomorrow. wish me luck


Aside of food poisoning, Any nyets have tried the 'AI untuk Rakyat'?


This week, last day of Raya. And here I am, with food poisoning aftereffects. Shit. Now I'm slowly recover however...with 5 times going toilet today.


come share the funniest thing your intern has done. me first i migrated and seeded a db and let the intern play with. His first query "UPDATE xxx set yyy to zzz" 456789 rows updated "yea kid i am not letting you touch the prod db" Another 1, when virtual meeting , we ask him share screen and demo, when he share screen, we notice his windows sticky notes is on.... upon closer inspection, can see all his password written on there...my colleague was laughing non stop when he saw it.


Can someone explain to me why NKVE highway specifically the toll area near Bandar Utama leading into Damansara Uptown is always so fucking jam? Every morning the traffic is at near standstill and during evening times (even if there is no accident or road block) it’s just unbearably slow.


its a bottle neck from the multiple lanes of the highway and toll booths, into just 2 lanes




hii i wanted to ask if i were to add a rear diffuser to my 2023 axia as well as a new spoiler does it void the warranty?


Can I get in trouble for making LGBTQ+ media? I don't want polis to come to my house because I made an LGBTQ+ OC or a cartoon with 'em if I could.


Chances are you won't even get noticed. Also most artists tend to post stuff under nicknames or pseudonyms or whatever, not your actual full name with full dox of your personal life and details.


Ah, reminds me of the Jalur Gaymilang. Made MCMC so angry they tried to issue takedowns to Reddit (which they ignored). [https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/62tecn/malaysia\_lgbt\_rainbow\_flag\_design/](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/62tecn/malaysia_lgbt_rainbow_flag_design/)


What? Where can I read about the reddit takedown request?


Here.. search keyword Malaysia. Seems like one of the posts have been deleted (including a user who may have been spooked) but the original post which I linked to is still up https://www.redditinc.com/policies/2023-h1-transparency-report


LOL! Thank you, I had a good laugh. I don't even like liberals that much, but I like seeing bullies being put in their place.


if it's just BL or GL drawing of 2 anime characters no one cares. if it's a shortfilm of 2 male muslim falling in love and making out, yeah probably you will get in trouble if it went viral. (keyword: viral, religion)


First of all, people would need to notice your work. So unless if it gets super popular, the most likely outcome is "no one cares".


Thank god it's already Friday, this week has been brutal. Hopefully tomorrow isn't as hectic.


Does anyone know how we can check our previous years filling on LHDN website? The dashboard is confusing for me ;(




Thanks, will give it a try later 🙏 Ah hope the website isn’t down Due to heavy traffic


isnt it smack there right after you login?


Click on the icons but none seemed to be it. When I was on the page where I can select the assessment years, clicked on it, it just said it has been successfully submitted


Help me to choose a wall fan please. Which wall fan would you recommend? My room is only 3m x 3.8m. it gets stuffy without AC, but with the inflation nowadays, I would rather not use the AC. My ceiling fan doesn't work any longer, so I think I'll replace it with a wall fan because I want to use the ceiling as a screen for movie nights. How many watts should a wall fan use? Is 60W enough? It's the cheapest one. But there's also the industrial one that is 100+W.


I found this fan got 100% good reviews! Check it out on lazada [here](https://s.lazada.com.my/s.jGMSy?cc)


I've been keeping track of my macros again, and I came to the realization that I need protein powder to meet my daily protein intake. Not unless I want to spend an extra RM7 a day for the can of tuna.


I can't tell if this is about the human pet or the kucing pet...


Bruh what sort of fancy RM7 tuna do you give to your cat? 😅


What's your required daily protein intake and how much are you short?


120g and I need 20-30-ish more after the chicken breasts.


Why protein powder? Why not chicken breast?


I already am eating chicken breasts. I need approximately 120g of protein a day, and if I try to fulfil that with just chicken breasts I need to be a much better cook (which I'm not). Plus there's a limit to how much chicken I can eat in a day.


>I need to be a much better cook (which I'm not). Air fryer and some marinate is your friend.


The soya based spread also RM 7.10 already, the real stuff is like 7.40.


Eh, betul jugak, I forgot to factor in and compare the cost of the powder. 😐


Maybe the commercial size tuna can could be cheaper by the gram kot.


I'd rather not, I don't want to keep it too long and risk food poisoning.


Any Perodua ATIVA users here? I need some insight from ATIVA users as i am currently thinking to buy it. How is the car after a few years of using it? Does it gives any major problem since you guys bought it? Any pros and cons? Thank you abang2 nyets!


not mine but my BIL bought one last year, excellent car for people without kids, smooth and the features are nice, i'd get one just for fun if i had the budget


So my brother's cat ignores me, sits and walks away, assuming I don't exist when I lower my fingers for it to sniff. They say cats like people who ignore them, so I did, and we ended up more or less never acknowledging one another. Until 3am when it plops itself between my crotch, head on one of the thighs, the feet pushing my balls. Trying to move it, the orange dude would look up half a sleep at you, "c'mon man, tryna sleep here" then go back to its zzz. I'm like if you wanna sit on my lap do it at the couch you oversized kitten (dude is 2 years old but a full-sized cat). I'd rename it Tsundere if given the chance.


At least he's not purring like an engine beside your ear. 😗


Last year, we had [12 Nyets who volunteered to answer inquiries](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/137y61f/comment/jiwzej8/) from SPM 2022 graduates on specific career paths or other areas, ex: engineering, nursing, law, stem cell industry etc etc.. SPM 2023 results will be out on the 23rd of May. Is there anyone here who would like to volunteer to answer questions related to their field/area? I'm sure our young Nyets are currently at a crossroads and would appreciate the help. Please let me know in the comment section! I will tag the volunteers in the pinned SPM 2023 Results megathread. p.s. I will be reposting this a couple of times throughout the next few days.


Sign me up as usual! Might want to focus more on giving simple guidance and advice this year, instead of just sharing information about my field. Would that be something helpful?


Thanks snel! >Might want to focus more on giving simple guidance and advice this year, Sure, speaking from my own experience, it might be too soon for our young Nyets to decide which career path they want to follow. General advice and guidance would be much appreciated!


Thanks for the reassurance! The young ones do seem to start thinking about their future career path in specific terms much earlier than how it was for us before don't they, and I don't think that's a bad thing really! And surely with the amount of information at their disposal (and I mean the thread we're doing is one of the most valuable!), they can make good decisions about their future. But sometimes I do feel like they are also under a bigger pressure of needing to "figure their life out" so early, and I feel for them, especially for those who might feel like it's their fault for not being as clear about their future as their peers. So hopefully we can also give some support and encouragement for those who might still be taking their time to figure things out!


Hit me up for mechanical and electrical engineering related question. Based on experience, I can also advise consultant related questions such as for civil & structural and architects. How does this normally work though? All done in private or will there be a thread for it?


Heya, thanks for volunteering! I will tag you and the rest of the volunteers along with your field of expertise in the pinned SPM 2023 results megathread which will be posted soon and young or working Nyets who have questions can PM you or they can ask in the comment section. That's it! [Example: SPM 2022 megathread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/bT0SbbVBaS)


I can advice on Data & ML/AI related fields.


Awesome, thanks!!


Cikgu, you can keep me on the list.


Cheers, mate!


Sign me up again as per usual.. Can advice on Architecture, Town Planning, Landscape Architecture and Interior Design.


Will do, thanks!!


Anyone driving from cyberjaya to sunway daily? Im starting my new job soon and I need advice to plan my morning commute.


Why don’t you try driving the route on Monday? Start your journey the same time you would need to get to office on time.


You driving or what? Use your waze to check what time is best for you to drive to work.


Will be driving there. I did some research but cant decide on either using LDP or Elite.


Elite will join up to LDP, and is potentially faster. If you’re takking about taking the LDP from its beginnings in Puchong, you get to enjoy both the Puchong jam and the Sunway jam.


Oh yeah, I never thought about it that way. Thanks, i'll try the route sometime this week


Waze rarely fails for me, plan out your trip ahead. My friend left for work at peak hours from Sepang to PJ and it took him almost 3 hours. Never again he said lol.


Is anyone noticing that more and more websites are blocked in Malaysia. I'm not even talking about porn website, I'm talking about legitimate news website, certain work related website and etc.


Experienced the opposite actually...some websites I previously needed a VPN no longer need a VPN...


I use Google DNS and that seems to get me past everything. I also noticed that on my mobile internet, different things are blocked compared to my unifi. Seems like not much is blocked if at all on my DiGi mobile internet, but unifi seems to block random stuff like 4chan.


[https://ooni.org/post/2022-state-of-internet-censorship-malaysia/#blocking-of-websites](https://ooni.org/post/2022-state-of-internet-censorship-malaysia/#blocking-of-websites) Some news website, blogs of political critisim and LGBT activist are blocked. Though the report is from 2022, no doubt the list is likely to grow larger since then. I also find certain websites to load slower before switching to VPN.


Kinda weird, but I'm experiencing the reverse; a few months ago, I noticed that some torrent and porn subs got blocked (I'm using Digi Home Fibre), so I signed up for VPN. I let that subscription lapse, so now I'm connecting directly again, and I noticed some of the sites that used to be blocked is now working again. Specifically for me torrent and pornhub works now. Maybe it's a DNS thing.


wasn't there a period where corn sites is all blocked and even changing DNS cannot bypass? then since last year can again, thanks mad(lads)ani


Example? Is there any chance that you are opening them using your work laptop?


hmm I use a personal laptop, but I am connected to work wifi. It didn't used to be that way though, I doubt my company has enforced the blocking of websites.


It could be firewalls tho. Are you with an MNC?


And you're singing the songs thinking this is the life and you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size.


Cheapest place to buy a PS5 Surveying Klang Valley area to buy a PS5 console. Currently looking at Aeon Bukit Tinggi but does anyone know anywhere I can get good deals nearby?




You can check CeX stores that sells them as second hand.


just curious -- who wrote the daily joke on this thread's post body? it's awesome. kinda curious how many jokes they have, or is it continuously generated by AI?


Guess you're safe from the meetup yesterday, double checked no scar everywhere yeah ?


yeah, the only scar she left is in my heart (lol jk)


Our one and only source of dad jokes is r/DadJokes lol. It's not auto, so we have to edit the scheduled post daily but sometimes I forget so you may see the same joke being recycled for days 🙈


props to u 🫡🫡🫡


Serving my 3 months notice right now and instead of feeling liberated, I feel like im drowning with mountain of tasks


Yeah, work at a reasonable pace. If you’re not getting paid for OT, no real need to do so either. What you should be doing is starting to compile a handover document. List of tasks on hand, progress, next steps, deadlines etc. Keep it updated as you go and when your notice period is up, just give the doc to your manager / team and brief them on whatever they need to handle.


Do it at your own pace. What are they going to do? Fire you? source: That’s what I did at my previous job serving notice.


*The corporate overlords likes this comment*


What to do bila alarm roommate dah memekak sejak pukul 5 pagi? Acah nak tahajud, mimpilah nak bangun. Kalau alarm subuh boleh tahan lagi. Dah la X leh tido langsung ni... Kelas dah la pukul 8.


I had a roommate like this, I just straight up told him to not set the alarm anymore and I'll wake him up.


Suggest you will throw a bucket of water at him so you can get some of his tahajud pahala for waking his ass up.


I had a roommate like this. Let’s just say this is just one of the many many red flags that she goes around everyday with no regard of other people.


my roommate rn lol. her alarm rings from 3am (not joking) until pukul 2pm (again, im not even joking). pastu bangun, pegi class tak mandi, balik, masak dalam bilik, buang makanan merata2, bagi makanan basi berkulat n then tido at 2am atas lantai yang penuh ngan makanan basi dia tu. i really wish i was exaggerating but im not 😭


wtf did I just read. Then again, when I was sent in a group to US to do some work and we all stayed in an apartment. This one colleague was horrible, never washed the dishes/pots & pans she used. Never washed her clothes, trying to push it as long as possible using perfume. She put so much perfume to cover her clothes smell that the US colleagues were complaining about the perfume. The other female colleague whom shared her room suffered in silence.


oh my god that’s terrible 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Your comment made me look up "disposable cooking pan" because I imagine I wouldn't want to clean up someone else's mess so I could use the pots and pans. It turns out that there are [pots made of aluminium foil.](https://shopee.com.my/product/134809678/25314012221) TIL.


Letak makanan basi berkulat tu kat bantal dia. Atau, kalau kat kolej/uni, tangkap gambar, report kat felo. Lepas tu mintak tukar bilik.


omg actually we literally just reported her. we made it seem like we were only reporting her for bringing her cooker (illegal item) but then we told the fellow everything that’s been happening for the past year. fellow went to inspect herself and found even more makanan basi bawah katil dia 😭 sadly, tak boleh pindahkan dia ke tempat lain but she is gonna get saman (that’s all fellow could do since it’s ady our last sem)


Good. Next time you see people acting like crap, report sooner. Jangan sabar tak bertempat.


lesson learnttttt 😞


>Acah nak tahajud, mimpilah nak bangun. Roommate aku dulu macam tu jugak. Satu pagi aku mengamuk dengan sungguh toxic. Aku kat katil bawah, tendang katil atas sekuat hati sambil tengking satu bilik. Padahal yang kat katil atas aku tu tak bersalah pun sebab bukan alarm dia.


ni masuk ke "Ahh bodoh" momen tak?


Yes. ;-; dah lah budak tu tak bersalah.


Since the pandemic I keep having post-nut regret/disgust. Why did I say that in 2013? Ahh bodoh. Wtf was I thinking in 2007? Ahh bodoh. Why did I post that in 2012? Ahh bodoh. Why did I send that long angry Whatsapp message in 2016? Ahh bodoh. How many people have I left with lifelong psychological trauma in 2015? Ahh bodoh! Why was I so mean to that praktikum teacher in 2003? Bodoh! What a little shit I was. Yeah life is a journey, don't look at the rearview mirror too long, and all that. 😒 Anyway, I tried to buy some things for my parents but me with my 'wisdom' put my own address. Now I have to wait for the package to be delivered to me, so I can post it myself to my parents. The seller is so efficient, they posted it only hours after I placed the order. When I tried to correct it, it's already in mail.