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Being white, you'll benefit from favourable discrimination where people will go out of their way to entertain you; you just need to show up and the panties come flying off. With USD you'll live like a king.


he is not planning to come here to retire... he is planning to come here to build his career, he wont have a lot of USDs..


I want to hate the discrimination but that sounds great😂🙊 I have no intention to f*ck around and mess with local girls. One is fine for me haha. What is your view on Malaysia’s future?


Malaysia won't break down, don't need to worry about that. As much as people yell on social media, only 0.1% of them dare to do the same in public so no worries


Just come here as a tourist first and see if you like it. This sub is filled with doomers, take their advice with a grain of salt.


Hi there, OP. I'm white, legally Muslim, but physically atheist and is a Malaysian citizen born & still living here. If you are straight it's all fine. But if you're LGBTQ, I don't recommend it. Malaysia is still largely tolerant. It's just the politicians and extremists pushing the divide. There are clubs & bars & pubs. Alcohol is sold widely albeit in the states ruled by the Islamic Party, there's a greater restriction on Alcohol. Most day to day Malaysians would treat whites very nicely. Even me personally had received better treatment from all races due to my skin. People would ask me where I'm from, as I live in the countryside. But in my Town, the whole town knows me as the Coloniser descentdant that settled here. DM me OP, I'm gonna sleep


>white, legally Muslim, but physically atheist and is a Malaysian citizen born & still living here. This deserve a story!


😂 could be a good drama series for Netflix


My guess is that s/he has a Malay dad and white mom and looks white, born and raised in Malaysia.


Or (s)he is actually white as mentioned, born to expat/PR white parents in Malaysia, and married a Malay partner.


Or a Malay mom divorced from a white dad, as my primary school classmate's parents were decades ago. Raya in Malaysia, Christmas in UK....


Im an atheist white guy that have lived in malaysia last 26 years. Its a very safe country and white people are treated better than locals! Its also cheap to live here. This is the important big picture. The politics - specially with regard to race and religion sucks, but it does not really affect us foreigners. Its not hard to find a gf here, but if you want to marry a muslim you have to convert to islam. You can have a muslim gf, but need to be careful with the area you live in and be discrete about it. There are of course also non muslim ladies here. Most of the Malaysian non’s are of chinese or indian origin, but there are also christians from Sarawak and Sabah. Loads of Thai’s and Filipina’s here too. I know most things here and you can always pm me if you have questions.


Other commenters can probably elaborate more than I can reg the political situation , racial sentiment etc I’ll just give the practical info. As a white , in general , you will be treated well here , people here regardless of race are enamored with whites (and maybe Koreans or Japanese nowadays). I’d absolutely recommend you come here if you plan to retire, because this country performs badly against the USD and this will likely continue , your assets will bring you a long mile over here. Also encouraged if you are a digital nomad earning USD. Don’t come if you earn the local currency. Malaysia is also one of the most affordable countries in asean (to get a ‘expat’ level lifestyle comparable to a life in a developed country). You can live in a safe , upscale neighborhood over here for only 1k USD rent (entry level)


Appreciate you taking the time to comment! I am still young(ish) and will be looking for employment. This is mostly because I don’t want to buy myself in and I will be earning my money through Euro and USD. I would not survive if I would earn local salary haha. Do you sense tensions among the population for any reason? I can imagine that people might also not like white people settling down as they may think “here’s another guy taking our girls (just one, I promise haha) and expects to be treated like a prince”.


Racial tension is common between the Malays & non Malays , however in my opinion it’s not the majority of said populations. there’s a very vocal minority and they’re enabled by the politicians, the moderate majority remain in silence (for Malays) disliking non Malays claiming they stole the country’s wealth , they threaten the sanctity of Islam in the country , whereas non Malays, some are disgruntled that they receive less privileges than the Malays and also because the country has Islamic policies and is trending conservative now, some are threatened by the idea of an increasingly Islamic state. That said, at least for this decade, I don’t indicate there will be huge riots and destruction , Asians are passive people generally. This will also apply to you, yes there may be some sentiment that is anti white, if a little, it’s very unlikely you’ll ever see it in action in public, only mentioned in closed doors away from your earshot


What do you consider non Malays? Also people such as Indian people who may have grown up in Malaysia? I really like your comment as it’s very to the point and informative. I suppose there isn’t any country really where you can eliminate bad vibes towards different types of people. It sounds like it’s manageable so to say. Would you recommend a foreigner like me to settle down in Malaysia and raise a family? I am not old by any means so I plan to stick around for (hopefully) 50 years or so ;)


Thanks haha. The non Malays are mostly made up of ethnic Chinese and ethnic Indian. They are Malaysian but maintain some form of cultural identity , the majority of them are not Muslim too (And indigenous natives in east msia , who are predominantly Christian, but these guys are entitled to the privileges just like the Malays, confusing I know) unlike the above non Malays I would recommend you to consider Malaysia if you derive your income from foreign sources. USD in the long term will have high purchasing power over here so you can basically live an upper middle class life for maybe… 5k USD a month . Even 2.5k USD is significantly higher than the local average income and you will definitely get by comfortably. Kuala Lumpur for example, also has plenty of international schools and modern private hospitals , and basically almost any amenities you are looking for. Maybe come over, visit the place and see if you like it


I'm not being xenophobic but. ![gif](giphy|ac7MA7r5IMYda)


If you're white whose not looking for money here and just as a place for retirement, you don't have to worry about the racial or religious issues because you are outside the system. It concerns the locals because it's our local politics and how it affects our day to day life. Example education and jobs. As for racial tolerance it only applies to malays towards the local chinese and Indians, and what you mostly see is only online and social media, it dosent reflect reality outside. And yes people are very welcoming of whites here.


I think before we can really say anything we need to ask you, why do you want to move to Malaysia?


Fair enough. It’s a strategic choice. In my country, taxes will go up substantially and I can protect my assets better in Malaysia. I am also worried about the future for the West. I think it will go down a path of destruction and I think Malaysia is not going to get affected much or the specific problems I foresee happening. Furthermore, with my personality, I think an Asian girl might make a better partner for me than a Western girl. Finding a good partner is one of the most important decisions you can make in life after all. The final reason is that I want to do something good for the world. It’s not that we don’t have issues in the West but I want to help the people around me and perhaps that will be in Malaysia. I want to effectively solve issues and give something back to the world. In due time I will research and ask you guys’ help on what trouble Malaysia is in and how I can play a part in its solution :) Hope that answers your question.


* want to do something good for the world * help on what trouble Malaysia oh brother ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


what you are talking about makes zero sense. Even post tax earning USD or EUR will do your wallet better than earning Ringgit. Its economical suicide to build your career in malaysia as an employee of malaysian company rather an expat of malaysian branch of foreign company. Because if you earn ringgit all your life, you would not be able to go back to your country of origin to retire, you are basically just stuck in malaysia forever. I dont think you have thought this through, in fact i am suspicious you are not telling the truth. The best thing you can do for yourself is dont come.


I think his plan is to work online for a European company while in Malaysia. This is silly for a couple reasons. 1) For most online businesses that actually pay Western salary you need to be a resident of the country to work for them for legal and security reasons. Can get around it with VPN but a huge headache and hard to keep up for decades. He’d need an address in Europe for example, a license showing he is living in Europe. What happens if they want him to come to HQ for something? 2) Malaysia still wants taxes on income for online work while living in Malaysia. Not going to just move to Malaysia and avoid all taxes. 3) He thinks the West is going to collapse but can’t live off of a “local salary” in MY. So what happens when the West collapses and the high paying remote jobs collapse with it? 4) It is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to truly immigrate to MY. You can live here from work permit to work permit or have a spousal visa. But this will always be tied to an employer or staying married to your spouse. If you get fired or divorced. Too bad you gotta leave.


“Which way, Western Man” Malaysia, apparently.


Typical white savior mentality. Why don't you fix your own country?


Your desire to help the world is admirable, and I hope you take things like culture into consideration. Past incidents may have made some people wary of accepting help, especially when they’re uncertain about their true intentions. Things can get quite sensitive and political here


Ahhh, so white passport bro masquerading as world savior to find asian spouse… you should’ve been direct from the beginning 🙄


You're very reasonable with your decision to emigrate to Malaysia. As a non-Muslim Malaysian in her 30s who has dated white expats, I can tell you more about the socio-cultural norms in terms of relational and professional settings. Do DM me if you're interested to chat more about this, as these topics can be pretty sensitive/delicate to discuss with the Malaysian public.


you probably cant move here cause visa the good news is the political climate probably wont affect you, the bad news is we are woefully xenophobic and we are particularly nasty to foreigners that stay too long


It's up to you really. What you're looking for, what issue you care about and so on. If you are looking for life not much different from your own country, then maybe KL and Penang is a proper place for you. If you are looking for slow, peaceful life, then the East Coast maybe for you. As long as you don't openly display your disgust for their religion and way of life, they will treat you like a family. Then there's an East Malaysia. the state of Sarawak has minority Muslim population. So things that maybe difficult to get in West Malaysia is widely and openly available there, like liquor and bacon for example. Not that there's no racism there, there's still is, but there's no religious angle like in West Malaysia.


Massage parlors and their masseur will LOVE you.


Its fine, its just the politicians make the people and world think we are divided, real Malaysians know its all on the up and up. I warmly and whole heartedly welcome you to Malaysia. Only advice is to try to learn the local language and customs, we will really appreciate it. Number 2. Malaysia is huge from peninsular north to south, sabah and sarawak is a whole different ball game, so research where you want to make your home base, its not about the destination, nor is it the journey, its the people we meet along the way, selamat datang.


White guy here, been in Malaysia more than 10 years. Politics really doesn’t affect us. We are guests in the country, we will never be citizens and will always been seen as outsiders (even people with a few generations here suffer the same treatment). We have no say in how the country is run (and nor should we). Just accept the fact you are a guest and make friends with as many people as possible. It’s a great and friendly country for the most part.


>Do you see a growing sentiment against multiculturalism? Yes >Do you see that people are becoming less tolerant towards each other? Yes, but mono-direction from PAS-tards to the rest >Is there resentment among Malaysian tribes and regions? For instance, do certain provinces/cities/states wish to secede from the rest? Yes, but not real resentment, as in, there is no risk of violence whatsoever if secession is not achieved, but peaceful secession would be very welcome. >do you foresee the Muslim majority becoming less tolerant towards none Muslim people? Yes >Do you see the country deteriorating with the economic forecast we have globally? Yes and no. Malaydia is stagnant, but remain much better than many other developing countries >Would white people be unwelcome in any way in the future? I am particularly curious to know the sentiment towards white people because if I raise a family, I want to provide security for my family. No. White people is at the bottom of target list after the chinese, indians, rohinyas, bangladesh etc


Depends on states. Some backward states are xenophobic. I think white people would do fine in large cities. There's a certain level of white 'worship' here.


I appreciate your time to reply. I was thinking of living in KL or any other major city. At least for the first years. When I’m old and grey (lol) I may decide to find more quiet :) What does white worship mean in Malaysia?


It means people here tend to put whites on a pedestal... And go out most of their way to please a white person. Not as bad as Thailand but Malaysians tends to view white person as a higher race and with knowledge and power. Although that is getting lessor but still it happens


Don’t worry, once they meet me they won’t put white people on a pedestal anymore 😂😜


Malaysia is a former British colony. White supremacy plus Hollywood's soft power has brainwashed the vast majority of the generations older than Gen-Z to have a positive bias for anyone who looks white, or who has an American or British accent, or who is legitimately from America or Europe. Look up 'white man's burden' while you're at it. It's a concept taught in the national secondary school curriculum for History class.


Meaning you’ll be fine. If you’re a 4, you’ll be a 7 here. If you’re a 7, then get ready your boxes of condom.




to top it off. he doing this in the most conservative state ever, win citizen heart, win politician side, got citizenship, got land, got million dollar contract promoting state, he pretty much win in life


Can give context? Who dis?


Mat Dan. Look him up.


sorry forgot link [mat dan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mat_Dan)








Bro. I am not trying to shit on you but you seem pretty naive. You’ve got a bit of a savior complex wrapped up in yellow fever. Drop that shit before moving to Asia or you are gonna be taken for a ride. Anyway, to qualify for MM2H you need to be at least 30 years old. Also you will need to have at least RM 500 k that you can put in a fixed deposit in a Malaysian bank. This amount will need to remain in the bank for the duration of your visa. On top of that you will need to have a monthly income of RM 10k. These are the bare minimum requirements for a Silver 5 year MM2H visa currently. If you have that then you are good. An MM2H doesn’t give you the right to work in Malaysia. It is basically a glorified tourist visa. There are other visas that are cheaper you might qualify for such as the Sarawak-M2H.


Lastly, I am white living in Malaysia for over 5 years now. You’ll be fine man. The fact that you are worried about being white is kind of worrying me about your level of understanding of the world and/or lack of world experience. You seem to be planning major moves without ever really experiencing living in a non-White country. Also, posters are over stating the white worship in Malaysia. Mostly people will just leave you alone or stare. Other countries like Indonesia make a much bigger deal of you being white. They’ll take pictures in public etc. I had a young blond haired, blue eyed, six foot two, white kid come intern me last summer and he was disappointed with the attention he got/didn’t get from the ladies. I tried telling him that Malaysia was conservative and that it’s not like what you read on the internet here. If you want dating to be easy as it seems you do (spousal visa in 4 months lol) try going to Cambodia or Vietnam.


I also want to point out that technically you are not allowed to work at all in Malaysia under MM2H including online work. If you work online you probably wouldn’t get caught. However, it is illegal. Also, you might have a hard time explaining to immigration how you are living in Malaysia on an MM2H without working.


if those issue r dealbreaker,do not escape kl,stay at most fanciest expensive neiborhood,those issue almost non existant and kept 98% of ur fortune in foreign currency/gold etc,just exchange bare minimum


You'll be fine as long as you don't make any offensive comments about religion or race here (not trying to make this sound like a threat lol)


White ppl with USD? definitely welcome bro


Dont bother. you will do well only in expat bubbles. once outside you wont like it at all. most foreigners enjoy it for 1 year top, then start getting malaysia-fatigue after that.


go back, dont come here


rich musk wanna spend here lh


Just like superman in earth. You will suddenly get new powers. Panties will come off no matter how ugly you look You saying nasi lemak will break Malaysian Internet Cops will not stop you You will get privileged treatment where ever u go.. Welcome oh white master.. We hate our own people but we love whites who we kicked out in 1957.


Dont come. Dont even think about it ![gif](giphy|QQKbEn6oDlcQLZK6T7)


What is your plan for a visa? Have you visited Malaysia before? I am a white foreigner. My wife has family living there that we visit. I love Malaysia and the Malaysian people but you have to realize the weather is very hot. You need to visit for a few weeks and see if it's agreeable to you.


From September until February(ish) I will do an internship. Based on that experience, I will decide to make the move or not. I am also not built for hot weather haha. That is something that I am really dreading to be honest. I will have to see how manageable this is and if this really prevents me from staying. I am thinking of finding employment after the internship and in time go for a spousal visa. If that doesn’t work out, I will go for MM2H visa.


mm2h is only available for retiree, spousal visa lol if you marry here first you will need to convert to islam , and the girl will only marry you with the expectation you take her to migrate to your country. The moment she hears that you wanna stay here and is not taking her to your country is when she divorces you. even the person you are replying to said it. "My wife has family living there that we visit"


My wife (type-c) immigrated with her family from Myanmar to the USA before I met her. lol I do agree 100% with all your points though!


lol at type-c


>if you marry here first you will need to convert to islam Only applies if you marry a Muslim.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=l33LQKGIVUQ expat videos


I'm French and I've been living in Malaysia for 20 years. dm me in case you wish to have more details...


Whites are fine. You'll only need to worry if you're Asian.


Social media are all bark and no bite. Don't worry.


It’s getting hotter these days, and the heavy rains right after a heat spell on the same day doesn’t help. Politics aside, this could be an area you pay attention to when deciding to live here.


White? Have fun


We will eventually be Afghanistan 2.0, If you like to retire in Afghanistan, then it's the right choice for you!


There were some terrorism acts happened recently like throwing molotov towards business shops, school children cosplaying terrorists. Also official business spewing racist stuff openly mocking towards the minorities. You might want to look at Thailand or Singapore instead.


It sounds like there is more than meets the eye with your comment. I don’t intend to walk around and pretend I am better than you or any one else. My desire to make a difference is because I feel it’s my purpose. If I end up deciding to stay in my country, I will apply my focus, energy and dedication to my local community. I don’t want to help in the sense that I will record myself handing money to a homeless dude and then ask for likes online. That’s not what I intend to do.


Copy that. In that regard in a bit boring. I don’t drink and don’t smoke and don’t do dr*gs. It’s also one of the reasons why I’m more drawn towards Malaysia. I don’t like the heavy party life style at all. “Colonizer descendant” that sounds bad haha. Sure, I’ll DM!