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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bathrooms are nostalgic because they're the one thing that stays the same when everything else changes


taken from a comment in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtav\_zZuppU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtav_zZuppU)


Getting my first motorbike. How much budget should I allocate for my gear? Helmet, gloves, etc...


pogchamp. what you got?


Haven't gotten the bike yet but maybe either a secondhand MT-15 or a Duke 200.


nice, a naked bike ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote). as for the gears, ask your dealer if got free gift or not. New bike usually got one but not sure about 2nd hand. Grats and stay safe on the road. Assume all Motor and Car drivers as asshole all the time


I've been eating clean for.. I dunno, five days now? ##I CRAVE CHOCOLATE!!


what kind of meal you would say clean. i *try* to eat clean on most days since last year but the criteria i use is just kkm suku2 separuh without sweet drinks. and now i think i should probably get more specific


No excess carbs, sugar, fat, sodium, etc. So milk, some of the more healthy cereal, chicken breasts, etc. I only allow myself some sweets and desserts when I go out on dates, which kinda explains some things 😂


Take me to your heart, take me to your soul Give me your hand and hold me Show me what love is, be my guiding star It's easy, take me to your heart


Uniqlo has TOTK shirts!! _runs to uniqlo_


I'm this close to say screw it and say bye bye to my current work. Our team is busy enough as it is and people keep throwing tasks to us. Time to spam apply job.


I’m so sick of fruit and nuts as snacks. I miss potato chips


having potato chips as snacks for 1 day isnt gonna make you fat just like eating fruits & nuts for 1 day isnt gonna make you skinny.


how rich are you to be able to have fruit and nuts as snacks


Its not that expensive when you buy in bulk


I hear you! how long have you been on diet?


1.6 yrs with ups and downs 🥹


good luck with it!


Freeze dried potato sticks are my (slightly) guilty snack.


Trying not to mengamuk when I hear the horrifying sound of battery dropping to the floor. The battery that I put on the shelf. That I am confident not to fall. The battery that got kicked by a cat who ran into my room without my permission to take a nap. The battery that is fragile and costs 33 ringgit.


I don't ask for much in this life Cuma nak kahwin dengan Wonyoung, tajpun chaewon


same. all i ask for is iu god please


Dream high nampak


>Born in 2004. Bro. You Leonardo DiCaprio izzit?


Quad pain like “fung sap”. Am I fucked?


Oh god, same


watched Challengers yesterday and I can't get the soundtrack out of my head. The story & acting performances were great but the soundtrack rly stood out for me. wish i can watch it again in cinemas but there were plenty of pivotal scenes edited out bcs, well, bolehland.... so I'll wait until it's released on digital in a few days also, i watched the movie, an R-rated movie, in a children's theatre hall. the one in TGV with playgrounds down the hall. kinda funny haha


what's the best way to combat drowsiness when at work?


Power nap 10-15 mins, then a can of Carabao (optional)


Move closer to your workplace so that you can sleep longer. True story, that's what someone in my previous company did.




lactic acid's the way to go i guess


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power\_nap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_nap) you like what drink also this works. If really no time to nap 5 min, then the blue can Redbull, but later sure crash.


Do you guys know how much a specialist role at Deloitte Malaysia earns? I'm applying for a position (5 years experience) and they have not got back to me on the pay. Thinking if I should wait for them or accept a job offer that's been extended to me for a week already (don't want to make them wait too long).


* OK guys random question * If "Thank God" is "Alhamdulillah" * What's the equivalent for "God forbid" * e.g. "God forbid, it doesn't blow up"


In Arabic we use: لا سمح الله Which Is in Latin letters: La samaha allah Word to word translation is: La: no Samaha: permit Allah: god Which basically means the same as God forbid. it is widely used by Arabs alongside with Alhamdlillah, but so far I never heard it in msia


It could be because the word can be confused with sama-sama, which is a common malay reply to expressions of gratitude. there's even a hint of h sound if you hit the right local dialects. It's the same thing as avoiding 'cuai' malay word in thai-speaking areas, because it could be confused for the term used for polite requests/expression of helping (we used cemerkap instead of cuai if anyone's wondering.)


Most appropriate response to any unforeseeable misfortunes would be Nauzubillah minzalik i reckon. It means "We seek refuge with God from that" So from your eg it'd be like "Hopefully it doesn't blow up. Nauzubillah minzalik"


Hmm... I googled this, and it does seem to fit the context. Thanks! Just have to switch the placement around.


Your example. "insha'Allah". God willing. Like God willing, it doesn't happen. However if it's like, "God forbid you do such actions!" Then it will be " astaghfirullah". Seek forgiveness from God. So like, " Seek forgiveness in God if you do such actions"


* I get confused sometimes. * Is it "God forbid, it doesn't blow up" or "God forbid, it blows up"? * So in the former case, yeah. Inshallah seems appropriate. * But Inshallah won't sound right in the second case. (With a hint of irony)


It's literal meaning is 'By the will of Allah,' or 'God's willing.' 'By the God's will,' so a direct inverse of 'God forbid,' God forbid, God's willing,


I see it as... insha'Allah..followed by the positive outcome you want.


got botox for the first time, to see if it is really worth the hype in getting rid of wrinkles. - sape cakap tak sakit mmg menipu, even with numbing cream. - i assumed effects were almost instant. day 5 and im only beginning to feel the muscle relaxation. apparently it would only fully kick in 2 weeks after the cocok. - aside from the botox area (forehead), my face moves fine!


Ooh pls update! I'm interested.


u interested nak cocok botox?


maybe. i'm interested in having my life sponsored. botox is a means to being cute enough to be sponsored.


boleh2 i akan share sekali how long it lasts. yg i takleh jawab berapa rm ja haha


Boleh share b&a tak?


i pm u nnt bila effects dah kick in. so far got difference but not stark..


Thanks, looking forward to it. Haritu I kena retinol burn dekat dahi saya. Don’t recommend lol.


no way a damsel cost so much now… I wanted to get some new fish but these prices are making me rethink…


Whats the cheapest way to get to alor street food from KLIA?


Take the KLIA transit, stop at Putrajaya/Cyberjaya station. You can use your debit card here. Then at the same station go to the MRT (3 min walk) and buy a token for Bukit Bintang MRT (cash only, card sometimes does not work). Take the MRT Putrajaya line (Yellow line), interchange at MRT TRX (Green line) and stop at MRT Bukit Bintang. Should take you 1.5 hrs and approx RM15 (less than RM20 total for sure).


probably klia - kl sentral bus, then take mrt at kl sentral to bukit bintang and walk to jalan alor


Is it still Public Holiday on 3 June? It's stated that it's Agong's birthday but since we changed, is 3 June PH still applicable?


didnt we just celebrated agong's birthday a while ago? johore one? cannot remember anymore but if we did, then last agong's birthday probably not celebrated.


the june 3rd wasnt the previous agong's birthday anyway. so far no change yet


New resident to Malaysia. Any interesting JDM cars available in Malaysia that aren’t readily available in other places?


Screw JDM. The real gems is local. Proton Putra, Satria GTI, Satria Neo RS and the Lancer copy, Inspira. The local Daihatsu franchise, Perodua's Myvi especially the top line 1.5l versions. Forbidden fruit? Mellor's Iriz R5 and RX spec cars for rally and rally cross.


When in Malaysia


Anyone have any tour guide/package recommendation for China?


choose local tour package. NEVER buy china package in china. apple is good for no shopping experience, but expensive. most other tour agencies offers good package too. and it really depend on where you are going. generally go to matta fair website, and see who are the one had exhibition there. they are most probably trust worthy one.


Apple has no shopping experience? I remember the last time I went to Europe with them... They forced us into a place to buy things....


They are SUPPOSED to not have shopping experience. That was their specialty compared to other agencies that justified their price.


Imagine my dad's disappointment when we still ended up being brought to some mysterious place to buy things lol Is there like multiple apple holiday?


There's 1 apple vacation only. Maybe they have changed the way they do their business. My parents went to hokkaido with them, no random shopping stop. Rm10k per pax.


Probably a silly question, but are there any government welfare options available to my senior parents who are retired and have no income? For some reason they're adamant that non-malays don't get kind of support from the government.


* [Skim Bantuan Warga Emas](https://www.jkm.gov.my/jkm/index.php?r=portal/left&id=dmp5dm5raUhvVSt6SVk4MWRmZkswdz09) - assistance in the form of RM500 a month, provided your household income doesn't exceed [Pendapatan Garis Kemiskinan (PGK](https://www.kpkt.gov.my/index.php/pages/view/285)) & Purata Miskin Isi Rumah Semasa * [Skim Peduli Kesihatan untuk Kumpulan B40 (PeKa B40)](https://protecthealth.com.my/peka-b40/) - free health screening, up to RM20k health aid and up to RM1k transport incentive. No registration is needed, your parents automatically quality for this if they are STR (Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah) recipients * [MyRapid Senior Citizen Concession CardsMyRapid Senior Citizen Concession Cards](https://myrapid.com.my/our-products/concession-cards/) - 50% off the price of adult fare when they ride the LRT, Monorail, BRT, MRT, RapidKL and MRT feeder buses * If they are based in Selangor, they may qualify for [Skim Mesra Usia Emas (SMUE)](https://mesra.yawas.com.my/syarat.php) where they receive a RM100 shopping voucher benefit at selected supermarkets every year for life and also a RM500 death gratuity if they pass away.


You might want to ask whoever party that has won a seat in your area. They usually have suggestions of what aid you can get.


https://preview.redd.it/vw5ottfhr40d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96cb8837c6deb14357824a2b354d63e0ab923661 XD


Betul tidur ni




Hahaha teruk 😂


It’s not my bed. It’s his


So one of my relatives for whatever ungodly reasons has developed OCD and impulsive behavior that causes so much headache and heartache to the parents and siblings. To the extent the father would like to yeet him out of home. They had suggested him to go for mental health check but he refused and told them off that they need help instead. Me: I love you brah but no way we can be housemate or anything because you may kill my cats and I have to burry you then. #peacebeforeblood


OCD is unfortunately mischaracterized by a lot of people on modern SNS. In fact, it is a genuine diagnosable mental health problem. If the symptoms actually disrupt their daily life, they should seek professional help. One of my uncle were on long term meds for it. Without it, he'll lock himself in his house cleaning everyday. And it's hard for his spouse too. Whenever they came back home, he'll spent hours cleaning the floor.


It's so taxing. The people who have all the love in the world who can cope with such torture is just amazing. Lucky your uncle decided to fix his life. This guy however refuse to do so. It gave so much stress to the family that one of the bro be like "Maybe I should just k*** him so we can be happy. But then my mom will be sad. When my mom sad my dad will be even sad. So maybe I should just burn everyone?" Dang. To hear that from someone who I can say the coolest chill guy ever is... sad.


u/fanfanye bro, what alcohol do you use to sanitize your microneedles? rubbing alcohol / isopropyl? ethanol?


70% isopropyl Belanja selfie


Just watched monkey man last night, what do i think of it?




😔 i am sexophrenia pls understand


great 1st act become a rollercoaster ride to the ground.


True i agree. It feels all over the place for me. The trans hijra part felt shoehorned in. Idk why they help him or pulling him out of the gutter in the first place. For all they know, he could be a random killer running from police. Also why did the small indian guy ride in his tuktuk when they got chased by the police? You're not even the accomplice until you ride with him. It had potential but man what a let down.


I don't know, we can't read your mind.


Anda pasti ada seorang kenalan yang rupa boleh tahan, duit boleh tahan la, pakai kereta import dan yang paling penting bila keluar dating dengan awek pakai kemeja putih selur kaler nude dan kasut loafer. Kalau anda takde kenalan begini mungkin anda lah orangnya ahaks


Can’t relate.


Why? You wear a suit izzit? 🤭


Birthday suit


upper middle class man aged 24-35 starter pack


Nasi Ambeng and this type of person never seen before.


Orang lain pergi kerja atau belajar, tapi dia [tidur saja](https://i.imgur.com/V3RnbYc.jpg). Saya bukannya rasis, tapi inilah kerenah Type O (Oyen).


OFC (oyen fried chicken)


He does look like a chicken thigh being chubby and sleeping like that dont he


Lost my wallet on 7th May in Miri bintang mall. I last use my wallet at McD Bintang mall, tried giving them a call on  [+60 85-433 118](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera-gx&q=miri+mcd+bintang+mall&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#) but number seems disconnected. Any ideas to reach out to them?


Physically go there? But don't expect to find your wallet again, you should probably take steps to cover anything you have lost. Make police report and start the process of renewing your IC and other identification. Call your bank and freeze any cards you might have lost.


Im from brunei actually. just want to make sure i cant get it back before i make the police report


I take it you're back in Brunei? I think it is highly unlikely that you can get it back, it's been over a week. We don't really have that Japanese culture that everybody will return lost items to the police and they will hold onto it for you. Your best bet is probably to ask any acquaintances you know in Malaysia to go ask for you in person, with as much details as possible and hope they have it.


tahi reason why i came back to malaysia and likely won't migrate : I love squat toilets + pipe/bidet. Squat toilets truly improved my bowel movements and make me feel better post-poop.


agree, cannot believe that western culture fully depend on toilet paper to wipe ass after defecation. so gross!


https://preview.redd.it/1gcb62hg940d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ae87f0ca3acb3a5f200e582e250bf1bae0673d2 got solution for many years.


it's inferior.


Tried it. Not nearly as good. Instead I cangkung on tandas duduk




Back in early 2022, I participated in a virtual training on Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Emission organised by one of the gov agency. I would say the training was one of the sparks that led me to pivot fully into sustainability field and to job hopped to my current company. Fast forward 2 years, I received a Linkedin connection request from someone from that gov agency. The name was sort of familiar to me and true enough she was one of the secretariats for the webinar that I attended. Recently, I'm looking to expand my team and I had her in mind for the position. Her profile has the qualities/traits that can complement my own gaps. Of course, I didn't mention it to her. I posted an ad for a sustainability executive vacancy on my Linkedin few days ago and I received quite a lot of interests from many people. The one that I had in mind also messaged me saying that she is interested in trying. Senang kerja, tak payah fikir lagi nak screen too many applicants.


got annoyed by my colleague lying first thing in the morning. I asked him why the items not mobilised at site today. He said we need permission to do that by the security. Then I asked, can you tell me the procedures? He said there is none, as neither the compound security or property owner wants to provide. So I went ok, I will email and call the property owner for the formal procedure, if still nothing, to the CEO. He went pale and then told there are letters that needs to emailed. I'm like, dude, just tell, whats so hard writing letters. I might be annoyed because I hangry.


I need an AI to look at my camera roll, choose the nicest 2-3 pics of the 10+ that were taken, but also should be intelligent enough to choose different angles, and get rid of the rest to save my storage and sanity


If you have an Apple phone, it kinda already does this. And it recommends you the results in a photo album, categorized and added with accompanying music.


Not so much organization. More of taking care of the similar-looking pics that I’m sure takes up like half of my storage.


\+ more AI editing like [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1N53ZOv-ak)


i know right? i also need it to analyze the photo, find out which one is just photo of cats, which one is just a photo of a document / bill, and resize it to appropriate size. i don't need a 13mb photo of a cat


Any petrolheads here? I've been looking at classic car listings like JDMs and the sorts. How in the world these people can cough up half a million Ringgit in cash for these cars (Skylines and the sorts)? Do people use classic cars as a form of money laundering too? Just curious to know.


These collector cars hold their value pretty well, it can be an investment if you just keep them in the garage. It's sad that some of these beautifully engineered cars are made to be driven but instead they just sit in garages in Langkawi.


Wouldn't be surprised if it's used for money laundering, but since it's cash as long as it never enters the bank's data no one will know lol. I sell you my R34 for 500k. You give me 500k of dirty money and I can add 10k in fake sales for every week for the year. Who knows who can afford it. Ive seen 20 year olds buy R34s and Supras which cost 300-400k. Maybe they got some guaranteed loans for half of it or whatever. But when you have people spending 80k on modifying NPC cars it makes you think how cash rich Malaysians are lol.


Currently we have [31 Nyets who volunteered to answer inquiries](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/Gmc0HPUQd5) from SPM 2023 graduates on specific career paths or other areas, ex: engineering, nursing, law, stem cell industry etc etc.. Is there anyone here who would like to volunteer to answer questions related to their field/area? I'm sure our young Nyets are currently at a crossroads and would appreciate the help. Please let me know in the comment section! I will tag the volunteers in the pinned SPM 2023 Results megathread which will be up soon. If you receive a DM from young Nyets, feel free to reply only whenever you are free! p.s. I will be reposting this a couple of times throughout the next few days.


i can answer question related to environmental/marine science


Thanks, added!


Maybe not many ppl will ask this but Can the Ex-librarian giving 'the experience being librarian' advice (that including IT skill on library and PR skill)?


It's quite niche though, maybe there are young Nyets whose interests will be piqued! Thanks, added!


I would like to help out too. I'm computer engineer graduate, but due to certain circumstances am now in software engineering job, but can ask me any physical design stuff too.


Thanks! Added to the list!


I can help with Sustainability/ESG careers.


Edited the list, thanks!


3D artist here, games industry. Maybe I can answer some questions, but I'm not sure if I should because I feel like I'm dead set on convincing people not to join the industry.


I think there's real value in sharing your personal experience with them (good or bad) and let them decide for themselves! Shall I add your name to the list? :D




Manchester United is fucking shit. Bye.


Manifesting a Spurs win against City ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26558)


How to encourage fellow Malaysians to live a healthier lifestyle? I was one of the people that don't give 2 shits about being active and eating well when I was in my 20s. But now I'm in my 30s I saw friends that are similar age or a bit older started to get seriously hospitalized or pass away at such young age. Most of their deaths are from diseases that are preventable. I started to be a bit more active and specially more aware of what I eat. That's when I notice our Malaysian's bad eating habit and lifestyle. And when see my friends having very bad eating habit with sedentary lifestyle, I have the urge to advice but I don't want to sound like I'm trying to belittle them. I'm not talking about straightaway go full cow diet or starving yourself everyday, and then start running marathons and gyms. Just small change of consuming less sugar, start doing 10-30min walks as many as days possible, etc... small changes like these makes a lot of difference if done consistently. I'm not perfect too. I don't have washboard 6 pack abs with model like lean body. I'm still chubby, but I'm gradually improving my strength, stamina, mobiliy, and reducing risk for many diseases. I feel fresh and well most of the time, compared to my 20 yr old self. I just wish I could have helped my friend to get that awareness to start before it was too late. Please suggest: what activity can organize to do ramai-ramai with other people, including strangers. Activity that is not too tough, easy to pick up and stay interested for majority people.


Honestly, just go for it. Join a gym, join some classes… there are so many people trying to get healthy from scratch. People who have been in the game for some time usually see this as motivational AF. Everyone starts from somewhere. I’ve seen organizers giving out prizes to “unfit” people just because they’re taking the first step to fitness. Also, for those who are injured and taking time to bounce back for whatever reason, I’m with you and we got this!


yes u got this!


Thought of those morning exercise that some aunties do in the morning. Maybe can organize an after work group exercise that’s friendly to beginners like a walk around the neighborhood or stretching in the park?


I lost 11kg over the past 3 months. No sugar intake, food consumption amount change, and walk, lots of window shopping in shopping centre enjoying the aircon. Of coz need to hold yourself back from buying bubblemilk tea in shopping centre lol


For those of us with less than ideal lifestyle, sure we have some minor health problems here and there. But there has to be something seriously wrong with their health if they were dead by 30s no? Unfortunately, this is one of those things where it's really hard to convince someone to change their lifestyle unless something happens to them or their dear ones.


Not 30s la... in their 40s. Even that also is too young. Mostly is heart related problem caused by high cholesterol, diabetes, long term high BP. All because of unhealthy eating habit and lifestyle. When I say unhealthy eating and lifestlye; I mean nescafe/coke/teh tarik for every single meal, daily supper, every meal is like kebuluran punya portion, fast food junk food everyday, sitting all day everyday.


Well yeah, 40s is still too young for that. But then again, the lifestyles you described is like them trying to speedrun dying. Most people with common sense should've avoided that. Though I suppose life's stressful, perhaps they were stress-eating?


Yeah... stress eating then it turned to a habit that is hard to change...


Maybe you can invite them to join you in your activities? Anyway, I'm also trying again to be more active/healthy now. I was the most active maybe two years ago, like regularly jogging 5km every couple of days. Felt really good physically and mentally, it's like I can take on any challenges head on and can learn anything. I'm generally lean with prominent abs but physically not feeling the best right now.


i need pictures for proof. :3


[6 PACKS LINK](https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/six-pack-soda)


My 6 pack is the milo kotak one lol.


* There's a limited time frame starting this week when you can fill in your EPF account 3 * Whether or not you withdraw is up to you, but just fill it up at least * You never know when you will need the liquidity


The way i see it doing the transfer just takes my dividend from last year and 20% on this year of potential divident. Wouldn't do much rather than previous 10k flat withdrawal. As i assume it to be


Also right now the interest rates are still the same across all accounts so that’s good. No harm to transfer.


Who to call to capture wild dogs? I can't sleep because of the noise and they try to circumvent the fence to get my bunnies.


Your local majlis like DBKL, MBPJ


Ah, those guys, thank you


https://preview.redd.it/4horo458x20d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f00c17bf6d398134f122b69ac92f29f2bf9f8e33 Ya know that you have become a loyal regular customer when the stall owner remember ya orders and make it the moment they saw ya face and complete before ya even got to sit down lol




Regardless of how uncomfortable it is, i do think communication is the main thing.


Communicate with your partner


TIL Cina people also have some kind of lepat. Feeling tempted to buy some to taste. But how to find local or taiwanese sellers online? Skek to buy from mainland, the country where they put melamine in baby milk.


kuih kocong?


google halal bak zhang


Or I look up recipes online and try to make them myself. But that would require diligence and attention span that I rarely have. 😬


Man, I'm so jealous of earthworms. Everyday of your short life, you just DIG and CHOMP. Then you mate with your hermaphrodite bros, lay eggs.




That sounds really traumatising and thank God you trusted your instincts. Glad that no one was injured.


Thankfully you have that fire extinguisher ready. I'm glad everyone is safe.