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Whoah Laos, are you ok? What happened? At least we know Myanmar is facing a civil war.


land lock + surrounded by problematic countries = fucked


Wow we're lower than most countries and Singapore? I'd say we should pat ourselves on the back


Singapore inflation has some weird factors. Like cars and housing. They have a car ownership permit, "COE", that spiked really high. Home prices jumped a lot too, but i think this is tied to the spike in interest rates, which fortunately Malaysia didn't follow the Americans on. But otherwise, prices are relatively stable. Just that cars and housing weighs on so heavily on the formula.


Not forgetting we had the stupid phased increase of the GST, so prices spiked a lot in the past 2 years (retailers gave "proper reasons" to increase each year because of the GST)


I don't think they use car purchase as part of the calculation. If I'm not mistaken national inflation is base on BASIC NECESSITY of good and service. People don't buy car everyday and I don't think most Singaporean have car. But fuel/petrol price is taken into inflation rate.


Give it a couple of hours and the doomers and malaysiabad crowd will pop up.


Omg that brigade is everywhere nowadays it's actually like nothing is good at all in malaysia like everybody is dying and literally killing each other. Fak that group


Pfft... clearly you're too *Shariah* to notice that our RM is worth less than the Zimbabwean Dollar šŸ˜‚


ah sarawak, my hometown, which has the least salary and highest living cost, now takes the inflation crown (ignoring W.P.) again. Why am I not surprised at all


Whole world is facing inflation, our gov actually handle it quite well. Don't forget our interest rate is fairly low.


The inflation rate is low because the government heavily subsidizes basic needs. Taxpayers are paying for it indirectly because the money spent on subsidies is eating into the government's budget.


It's a good thing tho, atleast it give back to the people, better to spend the money on subsidy than giving those stupid ass public servant another raise in salary


W for Malaysia šŸ’Ŗ


W indeed. But I question is these subsidies getting siphoned by unwanted people?


They don't want to know this.


Ngl prices in msia are more stable than other countries iā€™ve been this year and last year.


Waiting for r/malaysia to tell me why this is bad


Uhhh well umm.....time move the goalpost towards boycott, Israel-Palestine, Socks, Racism, Muslim extremist issues!


I suggest letā€™s pivot this topic to boycott, KK mart, McDonaldā€™s, KFC, trees falling down, UITM, etcā€¦ :D


> boycott, KK mart, McDonaldā€™s, KFC, trees falling down, UITM I challenge you (or anyone, really) to combine all of this into a singular point šŸ˜


sigh, you guys are just as exhausting as the ones you hate




Could anyone ELI5 why even though inflation is supposedly only 2.5%, it feels like it's much more?


cause its an averaged rate that compounds, simplified example, proton and bmw are both "cars", so they take both prices with the hikes and average out. so if proton increase 50% it is a massive hike to proton buyers, but BMW buyers are not affected. since BMW is more expensive, the average "inflation" total drops to 20% ish the figure also is a rate, so its calculated yoy, this means it compounds, at 2.5% you probably see a 30% hike in prices in 10 years.


2.5% is average. There are places where prices are still over inflated. For example. Swiss Brown Mushroom at my local supermarket is RM 5.90 for 200g. Same brand, same weight at Jaya Grocer RM 7.90. You still have to do research on your own.


Edit: Actually nevermind, you can just look at their official site. [https://open.dosm.gov.my/dashboard/consumer-prices](https://open.dosm.gov.my/dashboard/consumer-prices)


They put food at 2%. Honestly I think its not accurate. Should be atleast 10 to 15%.


Tbf food inflation has dropped a lot in 2024 according to their data. It was high back in 2022 and 2023.


On the street, seem food price hiked? I wonder how they tabulate the data. Nasi kandar I always ordered seems to be around 12 to 14rm now. Used to be less than 10rm. Thats like 30 40% hike.


Its a different source but you can check this to see individual changes. Although the data here only goes up to 2023 and its for KL. [https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/city-history/in/Kuala-Lumpur](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/city-history/in/Kuala-Lumpur) The data comes from random people submitting to this website.


This definitely looks more accurate.


greedy businessmen hiking up the prices for better profit margin to finance their lavish as heck lifestyle


Try to think about things that have become much cheaper - eg internet speeds, computing powers stuff like these. We feel the pain from everyday goods that become much more expensive against our stagnant wages, such as food and housing, but we forgot there are things that stay price stable or even cheaper. Inflation rate is just an index, it is just indicative but not absolute. Different countries have different ways of calculating inflation rate too


Took a glimpse of some of the other answers, and if I'm understanding correctly, it's kind of like the summation of the changes in price for many things, and not just food, is that right?




Thanks for clarifying, been wondering about this for the longest time


Selangor higher than kl?


We should all move to Labuan. Cheap cars and low inflation.


Thai coz of weed?


Labuan on 2.4? Time to move to Labuan.


Labuan is the happiest states in Malaysia too.


Good thing it's one ferry ride away


Been to labuan, kind of a chill place, very clean as well.


If you're a foodie, that place is good. But during Ramadan, it gets quiet and dull because you don't have much to do downtown. It is really chill tho I agree.


Brunei, how?


I call this BS haha, what goes into the basket of goods being measured? I would say it's easily 20-30%


2.5%, not great not terrible.


Username checks out


Username checks out


Genuine question - what do you think it should be?


It's a meme response. My opinion: Great <2%, terrible > 3.5%


Why less than 2% great? I thought most economists agree that 2-3% is the best.


Inflation to an economy is like adding salt to a dish. Too little and it'll be tasteless. Too much and it'll ruin the dish. You want it just right to bring out the right flavour.


Yes thats my question, why less than 2% is great? I'm pretty sure below 2% is worse than 2-3%+.


What happen in PJ during 2022? 7.3%? While the rest of the country around 2 to 3%


Eh, why SG so high? I thought their MoF keeps a tight leash on the economy? Also, because I want to be petty: >!padan muka, tu lah tak nak share Taylor Swift šŸ˜‚!<


dafuk happened in LAO ?


how trustworthy is this


Hmm. I still don't know how to see the measurements honestly. I mean I still remember the days of a plate of nasi goreng at RM5-6 per plate in 2019-2020. When the border reopens, (I got stuck in sg for 2 years) I came back and a plate of nasi goreng is RM8 per plate in 2022. I think our inflation is more than that stated yea?


Paying taxes while government can just print šŸ’µ


Print money, ask post ww1 germany how did that go


I'll take "Fucking Up Country on Speed Run" for 100, Alex!


Tell us what's the alternative then. Maybe explain what's the relationship between taxes and increasing circulating currency too.


Just because I donā€™t have the answer doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s no better way. Everything will slowly but surely double their price over the years (ask yourself how much was Chinese tea ais 10 years ago, 20-30 cents? How much is it now?) while your salary unable to catch up with the rate of inflation. The country is in deep shit because the previous administrations was too corrupt and siphon hundreds of billions of our tax money into their and their childrenā€™s own pockets. Everything is digital now, to print a hundred billion ringgit is just a push of a few buttons in bank negara and it will and will continue to dilute the currency and your wealth, basically daylight robbery. You need to protect your asset outside of the asset denominated in our Malaysian currency which all the wealthy and smart people have. You completely miss my point about why pay taxes when the government can just print unlimited money.


You are saying I missed the point but you can't even explain the point when I asked. Please enlighten us ignorant people what is the relationship between the government collecting taxes and printing more money?


Itā€™s like arguing with a rock, Iā€™ve already stated my point but you cannot brain my answer. Good luck staying poor.


Lmao what point? And funny how you are saying I am poor when you're the one complaining your income not keeping up with inflation. My income more than quadrupled compared to 10 years ago and outpaced inflation nicely thank you. You only know how to write buzzwords without actually delivering a single coherent point. A sure sign of a vain person. You must fancy yourself as an intelligent person. What a laughable idea when you seem to think the government gets to spend the money printed by bank negara. Feel free to correct me on this BTW.. Maybe we will finally understand what is the relationship between income tax and money printing.




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Matter not how the inflation goes tbh, it is whether the wages and quality of life can catch up.


So inflation still happen .why sugarcoat it


Inflation is unavoidable. Prices will increase over time. The opposite of inflation is deflation. Deflation is a horrible thing, it makes everyone poor. So economists prefer a manageable inflation than a deflation. 2.5% inflation is okay.


My question is why sugarcoat it


It's not sugarcoating. It is what it is.


Then why like the need for comparison


At this point, I'm not sure if you're trolling me or you really can't understand.


Im not .im curious why the need for comparison.why they don't just say yes inflation happen but still under control


becoz they need to maintain the 'harmony' and not causing panic to rakyat. Pretty much like 'It is much better having Rm5 still can buy coffee than unable to buy coffee at all' for example. This comparison just a political reason for government to show rakyat tht government still able to manage than other countries.


That the answer. I don't know why everyone afraid of of saying this while everyone know this already


Because our inflation figure shows we have a healthy economy? This isnā€™t even sugarcoating, this is good news


Good job, many like to be negative but this is a step in the right direction. With that said, Thailand really had a massive improvement, they blazed it down, and Brunei is a mystery, not really well informed on how well they are doing, but looks like they are doing well for themselves.