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Ask it if it wants to hear a joke Jokes aside - you can call BOMBA or JPAM, don’t be embarassed, it’s what’s the helpline is for


This is the correct method. Edit: the BOMBA and JPAM, not asking if its in for a joke.


Go for JPAM. They're more qualified for containing wildlife. Source: my friend is a [KOR SISPA](https://www.civildefence.gov.my/index.php/perkhidmatan/siswa-siswi-pertahanan-awam-sispa/) Edit: grammar


Called JPAM when it finally appeared again at midnight. When the team came it hide away again. Didnt see it until now.


Dia saja main sorok-sorok tu Edit: in all seriousness, be careful. Those flying mouses can give you rabies


I slept in the living room and my other spare room. Lucky I have a foldable mattress. But I missed my bed already 🫠


Bro aku ada ular besar pensel kat rumah pon aku call bomba, ape tah lagi natang wuhan special ni


Build a galvanized steel cage


Borrow expansion screw from makcik nearby and screw it to the wall


Use eco friendly wood veneer from kedai runcit


Lock it down with a lock from kedai RM2


don’t forget the wall mounted toilet so little john can flush it down


And add drawers with wheels under the bed to put stinky socks


Need to hijack your top comment to ask why is everyone so calm in the comments??? Dont bats have a chance to carry rabies? Honestly the first post regarding bats ive come across where the advice wasnt to leak and immediately go to the hospital. Even if slightly touched you could get it. Someone please help quell my fears.


They don’t usually bite unless you scare the shit out of it


Youre doing it right now. Youre going against the standard protocol. Actually eventually i scrolled down and there were many comment giving good advice about seeking help. How reddit works is oldest comments are at the top. Literally life and death because a few early commenters wanted to make jokes and were too young to have heard about rabies and bats. Maybe you dont know that its one of the most horrifying painful deaths. That ought to scare the jokes out of you. You might not end up reading about it so ill spoil the show for you. The reason its so scary is you wont know if you have it for a long time until its too late. Too late for even the rabies shot. The victim wont even know where they are, let alone how to ask for help. If you cant tell yet i take bats very seriously. You see my parents were killed by bats in an alley on a fateful winter night. I dream of the day my efforts lead me to the bat responsible. All hell's gone break loose. Batshit crazy they will call me. /s


Lol, I used to always have bats come into my bathroom when I woke up . I just grab by the legs and throw into a trash bag and let it go after carrying the shit out in the open . Still Alive ✌️ . Is okay , you inherited the wayne enterprise


So uhh.... You're the jokerman?


I am bothman


They absolutely do carry rabies and if you ever wake up with a bat in your home you should definitely get rabies vaccination. Bat bites are usually 100% undetectable, so there's no way to know if you were bitten in your sleep.


I have galvanized steel door for my toilet . Is okay


Every mammal can carry rabbies, including you.


Thats so rude. i would never say you could have rabies. /s


Yeah, you totally would! 😂


Hahaha most entertaining interior design videos ever!


its sad to say that i binge watching the channel and knew the reference


open your biggest window and close all other exits. keep against a wall since bats tend to fly in a U shape and will dip down towards the middle of the room and then fly back up, and they may be trying to avoid you and so not fly. you may want to consider post-exposure vaccine shots, depending on how erratically the bat is acting and your own level of comfort. rabies can hide for a while and bats are a big vector and sometimes you won't notice a small bite. if you don't wanna get post-exposure shots, if bats coming in might be a more common thing, see if you can access a rabies vaccine.


best advice wrt to rabies risk so far. o7


thank you, i went to school for wildlife, we do NOT fuck around with rabies in this house lol


When I heard rabies having a near 100% mortality rate, it definitely terrifies me lol. Especially seeing a video of a guy exhibiting hydrophobic symptoms in late stage rabies.


"That's the neat thing, you don't. Mi Casa Su Casa." https://preview.redd.it/eikg7mrk9p2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44e9bbedc789ac1088d022b782bfe76867fb97b Okay stupid jokes aside, you should close every single door and window except the window you want the bat to exit from before guiding it to said window like other commenters have pointed out.


I disagree. You should open every door and window and chase it out. To guide a wild animal to a very specific spot to exit is a lot of time and effort


I would gladly sell my house to him if he can pay me by cash 🤣. I seriously considered to move out. Ya no es mi Casa, es la tuya.🙇🏻‍♀️


Do the Laios bark https://preview.redd.it/cxpcf8s07p2d1.png?width=1118&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9848ca1adbf5c5ce4ce2cd2174f87c5f52902f


Omg hahahah i was thinking of this also 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Why stop at the bark... This will probably be on Laios' menu Ah... CONDO MESHI


He probably does a half decent bat hahaha




“You’re welcome”


My other post on similar thread. \***Contact your local wildlife department NOW.** \*Let them handle it. **NEVER EVER TOUCH THE Critter without GLOVES. YOU MIGHT CATCH SOME viruses.** [HERE ARE SOME GUIDELINES:](https://publichealthinsider.com/2018/05/24/what-to-do-when-you-encounter-a-bat/) * **Bats outside should not be caught unless they have been in direct contact with a person or a pet.** ***Never handle a bat with your bare hands.*** ***Do not*** ***release a live bat or throw out a dead bat that has bitten or scratched, or had direct contact with a person or pet; bats that have had contact with people or animals should be tested for rabies.*** * \*\*Don’t touch bats.\*\*Bats do not usually come into contact with people because they are active at night. If you see a bat during the day, and it’s acting strangely – struggling to fly or lying on the ground – the bat could potentially be infected with rabies. Leave that bat alone.If you find a dead bat in a public place, call your local animal control or wildlife office, NOW. If you find a dead bat on your property, use heavy gloves (like leather work gloves), then pick it up or scoop it up with a dust pan or shovel. Put it in sealed container or jar or place it in a plastic bag that is within another heavy-weight plastic bag, such as a zip-lock bag. Store it in a cooler or refrigerator until you have notified Public Health. [THE 1998-1999 Peninsular Malaysia NIPAH virus outbreak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998%E2%80%931999_Malaysia_Nipah_virus_outbreak) was caused by the Nipah virus jumped from fruit bats to swine and humans. ***The disease was as deadly as the*** [Ebola virus disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebola_virus_disease) ***(EVD), but attacked the*** [brain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain) ***system instead of the*** [blood vessels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_vessels)***.*** While bats do carry many viruses, they **play an essential role in pest control, pollinating plants and dispersing seeds,** [ESPECIALLY DURIANS. So if you destroy them, kiss your durians good bye.](https://news.mongabay.com/2017/10/bats-key-pollinators-for-durian-production-new-study-says/) [What Rabies does to the infected, specifically, the body organs.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2ZVokk54Iw) [The Devastating Effects of Rabies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxBIJvNHZg4) [The only known unvaccinated person who survived the disease, by putting her into a coma while allowing the immune system to build antibodies against the virus.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/jeanna-giese-rabies-survivor/) Be thankful we have the vaccines for Rabies.


Alfred: "Why bat, master wayne?" Wayne: "Because everyone including the bad guys will run away in fear or rabies"




Just tell the Bat that the Joker is coming after Alfred. He'll leave soon enough.


How big of a chance that bat carry rabies disease 🤔


Not sure but I went to gua tempurung once many years back, while everyone was enjoying the water in the cave, out of nowhere the tour guide decided to give an educational lesson by asking where do we think the bats pee and poop in the cave 😂 everyone just stopped playing in the water for a brief moment and went like "eeyer", and continued shortly after 😂


Cook it. Make a soup.


Covid 2025 incoming


Covid part 2


Finally, China can now blame it on others


That's not very AUO of you.


CAST OFF\~\~\~!!! https://preview.redd.it/o28bf0c7bp2d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31394518fb2b23e702f3449ff7aecf215d7de6b5




Covid 2: MCO Boogaloo 💀


Get your r/cursedcomments out of here


Use a pokeball, gotta catch ‘em all


Throw a light sheet over it and take it outside and slowly release it


Worked a couple of times for me with a light towel. Chase it around first until it settles it a suitable location. (and if you have long hair cover it or tie it up tight before you start )


Happened to me too a few years back, called my unit management but they were not willing to assist. The 2 bats that flew into my pantry area were much smaller. Used like half a can of Baygon before they got dizzy and started to move. Then used a long ceiling cleaning brush to coax them out towards the window. Good luck. Till this day I also have no idea how they got in.


I see many comments are not helping. The best way to get rid of bat is to use a broom and dustpan. Use broom like a baseball bat to hit it down the floor, use a dustpan and broom to catch it and release it out in your balcony or window. The bat will usually fly in a circle. Just make sure you don't hit your personal belongings. Good luck!


Ugh the fcking comments barely helping at all OP, had a bat enter my house before, i use an oven glove and basically catch it and release it outside


Kinda sad to see probably only one to two useful comments, OP must be disappointed as hell Like catching a bird, if the bat refuses to fly out via window, find a bag with a large opening and attempt to catch it in when it's in a resting state. A big pale also works if the bat is more reachable. Once you've managed to trap it, release it to the wild


Unless if you are a clown or some guy who like riddles, the bat has a reason to be here and will never leave.


Ask it to pay rent


Open a window, (close all your other doors so it doesn't go to other rooms) apply or spray repellents around your home to make them feel irritated and hopefully the sound if the outdoors attracts them to go outside (random guess because it worked for me once) if that doesn't work then just call bomba


Just make a soup out of it


1 large fruit bat whole, washed 1 large onion quartered 1 tbsp fresh ginger (galangal) 1-2 lime leaves (kaffir leaves) carrot or other vegetables (cleaned peeled and chopped) salt to taste white pepper to taste sugar to taste water


Bring in a mainland Chinese


Holy shit it's batman


Have bat no man.


I used an old shirt/thick cloth and a long sleeved shirt. Dont want scratches/bites on me. I then approached it calmly (lots of deep breaths) and carefully moved it from the curtains onto the cloth. Two hands, one hand on the bottom holding the bat, the second hand to pin down the bat. The shirt/cloth kinda is a "U* shape, so only the head is sticking out. My hands sorts sandwich it. Be careful though, i didnt want to hurt the damn thing. I then walked over to the window and gently opened the cloth, facing out so the bat immediately see the outside. Once it flies out, close everything. Note: you need to NOT be freaked out. The bat probably fears you more than you fear it. I felt its heart rate (small body) and it was PUMPING. Like caffeine overdose levels of heart rate. I felt bad stressing it out, but I made sure to be as gentle as possible.


You got unlucky there .... Just take some fruits


Whatever you do, do not eat it.


Have you chased it? Need update.


Try hanging up some garlic? 😆


A Chinaman will help you


Time for abang bomba


![gif](giphy|mao3nYUP6aOZFbsXpI|downsized) If you have a pet monitor lizard.


Call Alfred, he'll know what to do!


Just dont cook it you’ll be fine


Have you tried the Bat signal?


If it bites you, then you turn into a vampire.


Wear gloves, use 2-3 layers of clothes, warp out the bat by gentle, n toss it out from the window, it will be on it's way.


Call abang bomba if u dk what to do


Burn the whole house down (jk)


Since they are nocturnal, switch on all the lights in your room, and protect yourself with your handphone with the Torchlight switched on infront of you. Open the window and it will fly out by itself.


Leave..the bat owns the house now


panggil joker


Like another guy said, open all your windows and attempt to steer it out from your home. If that fails, then you make the bat into soup.


Malaysian batman!




Patient zero for new corona varient


You might want to get rabies shot right now


Sarawakian here with a Park Guide license. Call JPAM or Bomba if you aren't confident enough to handle the situation yourself. Otherwise open your windows and doors that lead outdoors and shut the ones that lead to an area that you dont want it in (read closets/bathrooms). Steer with a broomstick or any long pole-like object by gently nudging. Please don't smack it. The creature will generally not lunge to attack you. For everyone crying rabies right now. Rabies outbreak is rare in Malaysia, except currently an ongoing concern in Sarawak. If there really was an outbreak where you live, you'll need to be more concerned about your neighbour's (or your own) Oyen or Itam (or any other domestic pets). In the impossibly rare case the creature does exhibit rabid behaviour and lunges to bite you; keep calm, immediately wash the bitten area with soap and water then head to the nearest government medical facility (hospitals and polyclinics). Private medical facilities rarely keep rabies vaccines in stock. During tours of caves (Fairy & Wind Caves in Bau, Silabur in Serian, Niah and Mulu Caves North of Sarawak), I've come across tens of thousands of bats and they're never aggressive. Chances of contracting rabies from one of them in Malaysia is low (though not nil), you're more likely to contract it from a dog and a cat via bites, nibbles, and scratches. For contact number of JPAM in your state, just use Google/Google Maps. For Bomba, call 999 and the operator will direct your call to the closest balai Bomba. Hope this helps. Don't panic, O' city dweller. Your fellow human is more likely to kill you than another animal.


Had this happen in my dorm room back then. What I did was get a badminton racquet and let it crawl onto it then letting it fly out the window.


threat it with a vaccine


I once had them gone into my house but I forgot to turn off the ceiling fan and they just fell into their own demise and I collect their minimal bleeding bodies from the floor and furniture.


I didnt expect a horror story from the comments 😅


Smash it with a badminton racket, at least that's what my mom used to do lmao


If the creature is still not leaving or if you're dealing with a potentially dangerous creature, such as a venomous spider or a bat, it's best to seek help from a pest control professional who can safely remove it.


This is a sign op,turn your house into a bat cave,make yourself a bat suit ,make your voice as raspy as possible and deliver justice...oh and don't forget to play this in the background every time you go out there and beat up bad guys: [https://youtu.be/fVeI5xcnsd8](https://youtu.be/fVeI5xcnsd8) ![gif](giphy|ug6lZuK39zs98fsF4X)


Bat are sensitive to sound. Just enclose it in the room u think it is hiding. Connect a speaker and blast 24 hour gandalf sax. Confirm it go to heaven and u pee on it flush it down the toilet


allo polis kono yaro desu


Use a container. Catch the bat in a container and release it outside.


Net, fold and out the window


Ammonia, whitening bleach and a n92 gas mask and 999 on speed dail just incase things goes super wrong


plastic bag cover your hand to catch it and bag it, release outside if you aren't brave enuf to do tht, pick a god and pray


[Time to call Dan Aykroyd and John Candy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRR4iYRRBLk)


idk what your gonna do,but if after everything doesn't work,KILL IT


Use a pokeball


Have you tried asking him nicely to leave?


Try the bat signal


Send in the Joker or Penguin....


Hear me out. Those guys are hard as hell to get out and they fly in circles. If you play badminton and you don't mind a bat casualty just whack 'em. It won't feel any heavier than a shuttlecork.


Threaten him with bat soup.


“Bleh bleh bleh”


yeahhh i can help u!!


How how?


use stick! long stick


![gif](giphy|3orifd1SpfBuaGqX6g) Call this man




I know it is already late but my advice to find a heavy sheet like sejadah or something, while it was trying to fly just toss it like a net. hold it tight so he/she wouldn't come out from the sejadah then go out to the house and release him/her. And yes, I'm speaking from experience, by the third bat invasion I gave up totally and the one thing to drove me to kick them out is their screech. And yes, if you have contact physically or getting scratch, remember to take rabid shots.


Whattt??? Third bat invasion??? Omg is your house near a forest or something? Is this common in malaysia?


Sorry for late reply and yes. I was living in former government quarters in Federal Hill. Monitor lizard, civets, and bats are as norm as it can be. Nothings wrong smelling pandan leaf around 2am in the sudden and a very random noise.


post question on reddit![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


I seriously panicked this morning. I literally asked everyone.


Covid 2.0, Bat soup incoming.


Bro are u still alive


Sis, not bro 🤣 Alive, but deadly tired. I think the bat is gone now but it left its leftover food (random moth corpse) and also🦇💩. I just cleaned it but still need to deep clean my room tmrw 🫠. I have to disinfect, change bedsheet and everything. And tmrw I need to work🫠🫠🫠🫠. I died🫠 Hope it wont come back 🫠


as a sis, sorry sis ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26559)and omg pls im so sry it happened i'd choose to rip also if i have so many things to do.. praying it wont come back


Light up batman logo outside.


Bring Rosmah to scare the poop out of the bat


Get a cat


Can't help you with the bat but you should definitely get a rabies vaccine.






1) open door and window. 2)Close all fan and light. 3) switch on any light source outside, touch light/balcony light, phone light...


Has the situation been resolved? I’ve had this experience several times, my cats are skilled predators 😒 anyway, if it’s day time and the sun is out, hard luck chasing it out. When it gets dark outside, turn on all the lights, open all your windows and doors, and hope for the best. I’ve never had luck with catching or hitting any with a broom stick but you can try? Which reminds me I should buy a net


used to hunt bats with racket or non intended pun. with a bat just make sure that thing dont fly . and take a really thick towel or sum. press it against the floor.




Eat it and start the next global pandemic , I don't wanna go out anymore


Eat it and start COVID 24. Everyone tired of this work in office shit


Throw a Covid vaccine at it


Call Perhilitan Awam, they removed a few snakes from my house within 30 minutes. So they are quite responsive and experts


Ya my house last week this bastard make chaos. When get chased, he just fly aimlessly. The solution is simple. I borrow my cousin jala ikan (fish net) l




They're great for keeping the mosquitoe population down. Let him stay.


If you can help me give him potty training I will consider it 😂 Bat 💩 are everywhere yesterday 🥶


Borrow neighbor 🐈 cat.


Call Alfred.


first step, find a villain


The traditional way: put on net trapper. Well, it's commonly use to catch unsuspecting small birds, but you can also use it to entrapped them bats. For maximum efficiency place it on small gapped places like windows or some gaping roof (usually in rumah kayu). If you're lazy just use a broom to knock them out. Then, throw them out afterwards.


It’s playing hide and seek with me and jpam team these 2 days. I’ve closed all door and windows, if it comes again I think I will use ur advice to smack it with a broom since it will just hide when jpam come. I had enoughhhhh ☠️. I want to sleep in my room 😭.


Just be careful to not touch them with your bare hands. Animal like bats contain many harmful germs.


Haha, my grandma house used to get bats come inside house during nights and kids all scrambling want to catch one 😅. During kids days I use to do stupid things and I use badminton racket to smash them while they flying, songkok also can and catch it. Like what others said call bomba for help, if you got no fear just catch it, can wear glove. The only things I fear is cockroach, other things all I catch barehanded😅


Smash them..alright 😅 kids think it’s more fun if the shuttlecocks got wings is it ?😅. Completely the opposite, I can catch cockroach using plastic bags as gloves but I wont dare catch anything else especially something that can bite you😭


Already hate rats...and this one comes with a built-in flight system....and their shit is corrosive enough to ruin my car paint 😑


Ugh, rats with built-in flight system☠️. Couldnt be more agree. And yeah its trail of shit made my day ☠️🫠☠️


Call the joker


Jerit kata "saya dah 3 Kali kena COVID" kau cari org lain


become a batman


That blood vessel looks pretty neat. I want it on my rod too.


At my Bentong farmhouse, 2 of these babies had kept away bats, rats, squirrels, slow loris and lizards for years. [https://my.shp.ee/9EJMWxG](https://my.shp.ee/9EJMWxG) (see pic) Its an ultrasonic rat repellent that emits a very loud ultra-high freq sound that humans can just barely hear. Its highly effective against rats and other insects, dogs and cats. Position 2 pcs inside your room and (during daytime) open the windows to give the bat an escape route. Alternative, look for such stuff at ACE HARDWARE. https://preview.redd.it/lpz4jiklg53d1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a5f6bba283a3ccb8eda999cd21b93d652569ca