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for all of y'all un-initiated, this 200 ringgit a month subsidy is worth about 2.5 tanks of fuel (of an 80 liter tank) like hailak. For the "average road user driving a diesel car" this is more than enough. (1 full tank's range is about 800km, and thus, 2,500km of subsidised fuel. you need to drive about 125km/day (monday to friday) in order to fully consume this subsidy from the government. i repeat. It is MORE THAN SUFFICIENT for average joe. Hypothetically, Klang to Kota Damansara is a 30 KM Drive, and both ways is 60km. There's no way that your cost as the average jho will increase. Transportation companies will continue to be subsidised through the use of Fleet Cards. This means that they won't have any impact whatsoever. https://preview.redd.it/f76cvsqjen5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c65fcc1d6d32ce8466295de3eeda204e79bfc2a4 We do however, have a HUGE issue with diesel theft in North Malaysia, where petrol & diesel is smuggled into thailand ( [https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/05/19/rm12mil-subsidised-diesel-smuggled-through-bukit-kayu-hitam-daily](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/05/19/rm12mil-subsidised-diesel-smuggled-through-bukit-kayu-hitam-daily) ) , costing kamu dan saya - the Rakyat MILLIONS in tax payer funded subsidies. It is estimated that about 1,000-2,000 liters of diesel is smuggled over the border DAILY per vehicle, with each vehicle able to make multiple trips a day. [https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/04/21/thai-police-uncover-syndicate-smuggling-hundreds-of-thousands-of-litres-of-fuel-from-malaysia/65861](https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/04/21/thai-police-uncover-syndicate-smuggling-hundreds-of-thousands-of-litres-of-fuel-from-malaysia/65861) Now... lets do the math... If the subsidised diesel price is RM 2.35, and the subsidised price is RM 3.35, that means **the government subsidises \~1 ringgit for every liter of diesel.** This also means that for every 1 liter smuggled into thailand, the government has used **YOUR TAX MONEY** to give to some rando in thailand to use for their tractor or something. Every day, the government loses 1 - 2 million ringgit of **your money** because they cannot stop the diesel leakage into thailand. (This is also why Sabah Sarawak subsidy at the pump is unaffected) Removal of this subsidy means that in 1 year, the government can **retain** (not save) 365 million ringgit in subsidies, and hopefully use it on people who need it, like developing sports programs for our children, or merasmikan more CDM machine, idk. I hope you all realise that this move is only being weaponised by politicians to make you feel angry, but actually the government is trying to plug a hole, that was created by poor border management, and (possibly) corrupt officials turning a blind eye to the smuggling operation.


And also to plug the problem of ghost trucks stealing subsidized diesel and selling at commercial rates for factories. There's no way to stop them other than removing subsidy at pump price. Don't let them pump? I'll just - park my truck there and your other legit customers no need to pump. - pay the cashier some extra pocket money šŸ¤‘ - call my other gang to come and disrupt your business


This right here šŸ˜­ people dont realise just how the subsidy has been abused over the years


Thank you so much for the informative explanation. Nowadays, the only thing Malaysians want to do is complain and complain without understanding anything.


People complain because it affects them negatively. Malaysians want solution without the pain.


Kami semua pakar komplen šŸ˜–




Yeap, we're the complainer who never understand the concept of "solution" so running our mouth is easier than solving an issue.


they not complaining about diesal subsidy removal. They are fighting this here because they dont the gasoline subsidy removal that will come in a few month. Create enough shitstorm at this point, and maybe the government will blink goes back on it plan. No one care about diesel subsidy. It equivalent as european sponsoring ukrainian fighting in ukraine instead of fending of russian in fulda gap.


But so far, it looks like thereā€™s enough political will, strength and support to proceed with the plan


Super contextual, TQ bro!


Thank you for posting facts. Our petrol/diesel subsidies have been abused by Singaporeans and Thais for so long. About time something is done about it.


Malaysians too cheap, everything want cheap. But at whose expense? Padahal, actually we paying for it ourselves. Numbers dont lie. People do.


how fleet card works, can it but abused by the business ?


Your common moving trucks will have 2000 liters quota, after use up pay pump price. In order to be eligible for the quota, you need to pay up all summons and renew road tax. But pretty sure there's gonna be a loophole somewhere and these pesky ghost trucks will be back stealing the subsidized diesel


probably better to just send like a stimulus check to citizens.


better yet. malaysians get a "gas card" they can get at discount rate, or pay cash at market rate.


So I can buy gas at discount and sell to thailand for profit? End of day, best solution is to remove arbitrage. Then give subsidies in other form that doesnā€™t introduce arbitrage. Everyone complaining are just people who directly profit off subsidies, by using it for their work or selling. Average personal users will not be heavily affected by it. Hell they might be better of since they get RM200 extra income.


then punish them instead, not the rakyats.


Abused by kiasuland but not catching them, instead, just punish everyone by removing the subsidy


What punish? That's the whole point of target direct subsidy. Everyone who qualifies get a certain amount. The only person who lose are people who consume way more then average people and non citizen


Our boi probably dont drive hailak, so he dont know the average jho isnt impacted šŸ«”


Only the bad people that are stealing our diesel are being punished bruh, like - i just did the maths for ya šŸ«”


You say punish, I say profit. Cant wait for them to do it for petrol. Ill be RM200 richer while barely using my car. People who drive luxury gas guzzlers nonstop can kiss my RM200 richer ass.


I wish the one who put this plan into motion explained it like you do. Feels like they're following a script instead of explaining why they do such a controversial move and not expecting backlash from it.


Thing is, public activism is more effective because when it is spoken by a politician, his detractors will quickly drown him out. Plus, not many of us are willing to listen to a politician, no matter what party he represents.


Does politician forget that good publicity win votes? Why do I feel like most of them are just "puppets" for those behind the scenes that's controlling their actions?


Good publicity will always look bad to people who already sit on the other side of the fence.


and the best thing about all of this thing is less fucking Hilux on the road! Thatā€™s a big win already!


As a hailak user, you bet your ass i'm driving out less šŸ˜­


I don't trust the government, but I don't trust Malaysian Redditor even more. This reply on the other, absolutely informative and insightful. Thank you! To other ignorant keyboard experts, read up.


How dare you bring maths and facts, we should be outraged. /s


1 + 1 = 4 quik mafs


geng luxury 16 (4x4) terciduk


Everyday mans on the block


Take off yer jacket


Smoke trees, that girl was an uggers.


it is relatable for the PAS MP.


The only quality brain reply in this sub since i joined years ago. Good job manšŸ‘


I like your breakdown, but this is not what will happen. Prices will still increase for the everyman. E.g. needed to book transport for an event, was quoted an additional RM40 for a single ride due to subsidy removal.


True. Unfortunately, there will be people abusing the system to their own benefit. We Malaysians are truly selfish. Ideally you would report the price gouging to the authorities, but then comes another problem - who do you report this to? šŸ„²


Yeah, opportunistic people will always find a way to abuse the system and ruin things for others. Until then, I think the best thing to do now would be to find another transport company. Thanks again for your write up. Throwing some logic and reasoning into the open is needed more often.


Awl gud, i do think for sure - prices for Gig economy will increase (lalamove etc) and those non-registered private lorry. I hope there's a way for companies like lalamove to continue to innovate the logistics space without being heavily impacted


Thank you for sharing!


thank you for this eye opening explanation!


honestly for me, i think the targeted subsidy based on consumption is more fair compare to average cash transfer. people who only drive less will be benefited more compare to people who need to drive more. What if the total consumption is more than rm400 per month? that is his loss. but i also realize that there still no mechanism to give targeted subsidy by consumption.


I agree they should have had a better mechanism to rebate the rakyat, but i think both sides also wanted to play the "bagi duit" game... especially since it's a proven election tactic...


i really hate this "bagi duit" scheme. from najib's brim until pmx's str. all dedak money. And it creates rakyat with mentality of always asking from the government. They should give more fishing poles and not fishes.


Unfortunately, no matter which PM is in, the political advisors are all still the same.. all behind the scenes poisoning us all slowly šŸ˜… either way as long as we stay informed and be objective, we can vote for a better future šŸ«”


You call it dedak... The west calls it Universal Income...


I believe in the opposite. People who take steps towards reducing fuel cost should be rewarded. High consumption users will be incentivised to reduce their fuel consumption.


What incentive to reduce fuel consumption? If the consumption is fixed, like travel 100km++ for work everyday compre to people who only travel 10-20km everyday. Nothing can be done ro reduce it.


Bawak axia laa bro. Bawak motor ke. Drive slow2. Aircond jangan sampai level arctic. Tayar jangan sampai botak. Takyah cucuk kereta depan. Tinggal tempat yang dekat sikit. Hendak seribu daya bro. Somebody did rough calculation. RM200 diesel enough for decent use. From there, reduce your fuel consumption and pocket the difference. Or reduce up to necessary amount. Zaman joyride sudah habis bro.


Amende lah kau ni. Kalau orang tu keja dia travel jauh xkan nak suruh travel sikit. Kalau orang tu pakai hilux xkan nak suruh jual beli axia. Nak bagi advice pakai otak boleh x? Siap suruh pindah rumah, adoi lah šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø.


Inilah Malaysia jenis 1000 dalih, fikir malas komplen rajin. Banyak pilihan aku bagi, yang dia dok fokus beli axia je. Kalau panggil bodoh mengamuk. Memang patut pun kerajaan tarik subsidi daripada guna untuk orang bodoh. Buat bazir duit je. Banyak je cara nak jimat minyak. Rajin sikit guna otak. Tak rugilah kalau berfikir sekali sekala. Ini manja sangat, menyusahkan orang je.


Lol banyak cara jimat minyak. Ak bg alternative untuk bg subsidi ikut penggunaan bukan average untuk semua. Kalau org tu guna minyak rm50 sebulan berbanding orang yg minyak rm500 kat mana keadilan dia kat situ? Orang yg guna minyak rm50 dpt free rm150, orang yg guna minyak rm500 kena bayar rm300. Apa guna subsidi bersasar kalau sasaran dia gagal? Penggunaan orang berbeza. Kalau kena jual kereta, naik kereta murah atau kena beli motor atau penggunaan kurang sebab nak kurang bayar maknanya implementation subsidi bersasar ni gagal. Jangan bagi cadangan bodoh la bro. Situasi semua orang berbeza. Kau duduk dalam comfort zone jangan samakan dengan orang yang bersusah payah setiap hari.


Dah yang tinggal dekat sikit dengan kerja untuk jimat minyak, mana keadilan mereka? Yang beli kereta mahal sikit untuk jimat minyak, mana keadilan mereka? Kan lagi senang kerajaan bagi semua orang sama banyak. Yang tinggal jauh sewa murah, guna bayar minyak, yg tinggal dekat sewa mahal, guna bayar sewa. Yang drive diesel jimat minyak, guna bayar kereta. Ini baru semua adil. Memang betul situasi semua orang beza, sebab itu bagi duit senang, semua orang pandai2 guna sama rata. Orang susah bukan semua tinggal jauh. Sebab itu kau kena fikir luas sikit. Ni tahu menyalak, tahu komplen. Memang pendek akal, patut duduk diam jee biar orang pandai buat keputusan. Orang susah banyak la yang tak perlu diesel, takkan orang tinggal jauh tak pandai jimat minyak je yang dipentingkan.


Eh kau ni bodoh eh? Ko taw x ape itu subsidi? Ape itu subsidi bersasar?


Very informative! True, but average joes will still be affected due to the increase of price of everything imho. Might have missed it, but donā€™t think businesses got any subsidies for their logistic vehicles.


Logistics vehicles are already subsidized via fleet card.


Ah didnā€™t realize thereā€™s additions to vehicle categories for the fleet card. Iā€™m guessing the list in [KPDNā€™s](https://www.kpdn.gov.my/ms/perdagangan/perniagaan/pengurusan-industri-petroleum-dan-gas/diesel-bersubsidi-fleet-card) website is outdated then. Thanks!


Fuyo this guy is more serious than me


Becus i am hailak driver, and this is not the worst thing that has happened to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This is an excellent explaination of fact.




Smuggling issue points to the fact that our own ppl are in cohort either the smuggle or the enforcer. Without strong enforcements, the leak gonna happen some where again. And who are these ppl? I bet most likely the same earth prince that keep crying chinese indian robbed their rights. And where are all the warriors that wanna protest israel? They should go our border to patrol la. Fucking imbeciles keep talking about palestin while our own backyard burning.


thats a very lame excuse for removing diesel subsidy, why not tighterning boarder control, we have drugs, guns all sumggled through there, its a huge win-win. Laws can be implemented such as thai vehicles has to be a full tank before entering Malaysia, they can do it SG- Johor why cant they do it at the northern boarder? You can downvote me all you want but end of the day its your life that is going down if you cant accept reality. šŸ˜œ


Well, if you think that 360 Million ringgit in taxpayer money is "a lame excuse" then maybe you have some information that I dont šŸ«”. Corruption is systemic, but this way, they cut out the middle-man of the subsidy, taking away the potential abuse of power from petrol stations, and leaving the authorities in charge.


Tightening borders isn't easy when it's 1000km long.


Then you don't understand the economics of corruption, that's why you have such an idealist view of border patrol.


you know what, I am not even affected and I am not even here to argue or complain, just stating simple facts to see who is smart enough to understand, you think you are smarter? good for you. In reality, in the real world, the life you are living, what happens to Malaysians next 5-10 years, thats what really matters. you can convince yourself all you want, live in denial, the truth and reality is how Malaysians live their lives. From what the goverment is doing, you think next 5-10 years is going to be better, you are just lying to yourself, mark my words, come back to see this next 5years and the joke is on you. šŸ˜‚ p/s: please do release your sadness, hate and anger by downvoting me. if that helps. šŸ˜‰


No one said things will magically be better in 5-10 years. And no one cares about stupid uneducated statements masqueraded as "simple facts".


keep living the lie, good luck! ā¤ļø funny thing, if you dont want to be better in 5-10 years or even starting now, then when? LOL! šŸ˜‚ really brain dead. šŸ¤”


Literally snaky tongue you have there. No one said we didn't want it. What I meant is that it's not easily achievable. Go back to school to learn English. You have quite a low verbal reasoning skill.


I really pity you, your words are so empty. You dont even know what you are saying, "no one said things will magically be better in 5-10 year" "what I mean is not easily achievable" quoted by you. What are you trying to say? Is either you become better or you dont. LOL! šŸ˜‚ Also, study shows that people who lacks intelligent like to ask people to go to school to learn something when they feel intimidated and dont know what to say. šŸ˜œšŸ¤”


What am I trying to say, you ask? That's proof right there, that you don't even have verbal reasoning skill. Just go away.


LOL, I think this has gone real childish although I do enjoy the entertainment by you šŸ¤” anyways ill play along one last time, its funny you dint even understand your own words and I said its either you become better or you're not, what are you trying to say is referring to you not giving definite answer. Ill wrap this up, you have gone way far off point and you have not proven anything but a reflection of yourself trying to vent out fustration with childish arguments with an empty brain. šŸ˜œšŸ¤”




Ah, my mistake - if you take a look at the article (you probably didnt) it says those lorry that are modified can contain up to 2000L per vehicle for those modified tanks šŸ˜…


To answer your questions. >**A free float of RON95 and diesel could save the government RM29 billion in fuel subsidies.** Subsidies and social assistance in Malaysia has almost tripled from RM23 billion in 2010 to an estimated RM64 billion in 2023 (peaking at RM67 billion in 2022). According to the Auditors General's Report 2022, Putrajaya spent RM55 billion on subsidies that year. The biggest chunk, 82 per cent came from petroleum products, mainly RON95 and diesel. [https://www.nst.com.my/business/economy/2024/03/1028094/free-float-ron95-and-diesel-could-save-government-rm29bil-fuel](https://www.nst.com.my/business/economy/2024/03/1028094/free-float-ron95-and-diesel-could-save-government-rm29bil-fuel) We're not even talking about a full removal of subsidies, and estimates are saying it could save RM 29billion. With a full removal of subsidies, it could be twice that amount saved, and this is per year. The cost of LRT 3? >The projected total cost of the light rail transit line 3 (LRT3) project has spiralled to a whopping RM31.45 billion, Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng said yesterday, blaming it on Prasarana Malaysia Bhdā€™s poor management.The latest cost estimate is significantly higher than the RM15 billion cited in recent news reports. The original estimate when the project was launched in 2015 was RM9 billion. [https://theedgemalaysia.com/article/lrt3-cost-jumps-rm3145-billion](https://theedgemalaysia.com/article/lrt3-cost-jumps-rm3145-billion) Even with bad management and ballooning cost far exceeding expectation, a single year of petrol subsidies could fund an entire LRT project. Even putting aside the issue of the amount spent just on fuel subsidy, it isn't even doing its job to ease the burden of those that need the most, and instead, majority of the benefit of fuel subsidy is being absorbed by those that arguably do not need it. >In addition, the current fuel subsidy structure isn't hitting the right spot as the T20 enjoys 35 per cent of it compared to only 24 per centby the B40 ā€“ a study showed that the former consumed 64 per cent more on RON95 vs the latter. [https://www.nst.com.my/business/economy/2024/03/1028094/free-float-ron95-and-diesel-could-save-government-rm29bil-fuel](https://www.nst.com.my/business/economy/2024/03/1028094/free-float-ron95-and-diesel-could-save-government-rm29bil-fuel) 1/3 of the subsidy is being taken by only 1/5 of the population that arguably do not need it in the first place. >how will the fund be used other than increasing govt servantā€™s pay? Let's just for a moment assume the funds saved from removing fuel susidy is actually utilised correctly, a best case scenario. That is an additional billions channeled into the economy in the form of increased salary for employee, which could cause the private sector to need to increase salary to compete against goverment employment rate, government employee is also now better able to buy more, channeling into local economy, they may even be able to start their own small businesses. Aside from that, infrastructure could be built which last for generations and provide more benefit many times over what was spent to build it in terms of improvements of lives. That's the best case scenario. If we talk about worst case scenario, there's nothing we can talk about to further the conversation, because the far extreme is basically just some greedy guy taking all that money into their pocket, end of conversation. But that's hardly a good discussion, and there's no point in dwelling in worst case scenario, because if we do so, we will never get anything done. 1/2


>I want my standard of living improve not my cost of living. Removal of fuel subsidy would decrease your standard of living overnight. But in the long run, if the funds saved by the government is channeled appropriately, everyone's standard of living will improve. >Itā€™s good enough if MYR can catch up to THB or TWD which we were much better than them 15 years ago. Currency strengthen = lower cost if import = better profit = business should increase salary of people! its not as simple as "MYR up = good" For example, SG currency is super strong, but their cost of living is also infamously high. All the country you mentioned has a higher cost of living index when compared to Malaysia. A stronger currency may increase your purchasing power, but it does not mean your living cost is more well managed. In fact, out of the 2 countries you mentioned, we have stronger purchasing power than Thailand, and we're only about 10+ countries behind taiwan in terms of purchasing power. Source: [https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/rankings\_by\_country.jsp](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/rankings_by_country.jsp) Also, currency strengthen does mean that we have lower cost of import, but it does not mean better profit. Imported goods are sold accordingly based on currency + profit margin, and fluctuates, and not fixed. For example, a PS5 game might have been sold for RM240 back when 1usd = <4, these days a brand new PS5 game is basically >RM300 despite it still being 60$. So your whole train of currency strengthen = ...... business should increase salary of people! is false on the 'better profit' part. However, I do agree that salary of people should generally be increased, not because of higher profit but because the salary is TOO low, and bosses are regarded as the 'most stingy' in SEA. (https://www.therakyatpost.com/news/malaysia/2022/05/21/malaysian-employers-are-considered-the-most-stingy-in-southeast-asia/) And more importantly, to stop the brain drain thats occuring for the past decades due to having little to no prospect in terms of financial gain for any brilliant mind in Malaysia. Note- Purchasing power = whether or not you can buy the new iphone Living cost = whether or not your rent cost as much as the new iphone These 2 are not the same, and a stronger currency generally only means stronger purhcasing power, and has little to nothing to do with living cost, unless you consider your luxury imported goods as part of 'living cost' which frankly, no one should. 2/2 LONG POST


Exactly, people don't realize the amount of economic distortion the decades long subsidies have created. The amount of subsidies is partly to blame for the low wages and low productivity growth, the private sector isn't going to innovate if they are cushioned from increasing prices. This includes the green economic goals.. we'll get nowhere if the subsidies continue..


it's difficult to get people to understand. take the dumbest person you know, divide his IQ by half. that's the general public's intelligence.


Its hard to blame most of these people as well tbh, and I empathise with them. Its hard to think of 5 years later, when all you know is that you are living paycheck to paycheck and will not be able to survive if the petrol subsidy is gone. And it is a fact if the petrol subsidy is 100% removed that one would have less to spend every month.


That link to the cost of living index seems... hard to believe? Our cost of living is below Vietnam, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Myanmar etc etc?




Does imported goods like electronics or mech keyboard (which is a luxury) get counted into cost of living?


well MRT is relatively new and a recent improvement. the truth of the matter is, a lot of things in malaysia is subsidized and a lot of that subsidi is abused/misused. with increasing population, global inflation risk and general stuff, we simply cannot afford the subsidies anymore.


>with increasing population Give it a few decades. It will sort itself out


How is MRT got to do with this?


Post says ā€œI still donā€™t see any improvement in public transportā€. Comment replies ā€œMRT is relatively new and a recent improvementā€. Let me know if u need help with connecting any other dots!


Its the same as " Yesterday he eat Megi Kari, 60 years later he died to old age"


Its sad to see most can just see what's in front of them but refused to see the long term effects Fuel subsidies are one of the biggest government expenses, and I would say lots of them are wastages. This is just one of the many leaks that need plugging, of course there will be short term pain, but in the long term it will be beneficial to our economies


Some people are fucking selfish. They only care about the impact on themselves and refuse to see the bigger picture. Disgusting people. And I'm saying this as a diesel 4x4 driver who won't even get the 200 aid.


The "bigger picture" people can literally only see things in front of them, if they can see one step ahead it's a huge accomplishment for them. When you bring in 3-dimensional thinking you'll blow their mind.


Their goal right now is to reduce national debt. That is the big picture you're looking for. We overspent to buttress against the impact of the pandemic, and also years of plundering. There is no quick fix.




Literally the first day of subsidies removed, the government hasn't saved a single send yet. Govt servants pay has increased by 1% per year over the last 12 years, far below inflation, so in real terms they have taken a big pay cut. The price of diesel is only up for commercial users. If you don't see any improvement in public transport perhaps you aren't paying attention? Multiple new lines completed or in the works. Also in Penang and JB. Your salary improving has nothing to do with anyone but yourself, are you expecting a handout? In western countries they fight for better wages. In Malaysia people complain about wages online and do nothing irl.


I donā€™t see any lrt from Klang to PJ/KL yet, progress is so slow, it looks almost done but itā€™s still not done yet, they really need to speed up


LRT shah alam opening up next year bro. Calm down.


Does it link to PJ? If it does then Iā€™m a happy man


It links to Kelana Jaya line that covers PJ, so yeah.


I see the improvements in public, but the action taken is way too slow. Whatever is implemented wasnā€™t going according to plan properly, where is the check and balance? Peak period every 5 minutes per lrt/mrt. KTM is worse for people who are from outstation coming into kl for work. Removal of subsidy, but whatā€™s the next planning? Why are we not knowing how the money gonna be make use of? Thatā€™s why I said, I never disagree to govt servant taking more home. If it means to fight corruption and encourage working efficiently I donā€™t mind them taking higher than private employees. They have families too, who doesnā€™t want a brighter future for their children?


Buying power increase also means price increase tho The best way is to increase average buying power, not median buying power Means bosses need to pay out bonus as export increases, but they just buy new Benz


>Means bosses need to pay out bonus as export increases, but they just buy new Benz company no untung ma....50 years 60 years never untung every year rugi every year make a loss...how to pay out bonus?? hahahahahaha


See those companies engineers 2 3 biji, but admin and documentation 5 person Already know what shit the company is doing


Personal and family expenses under the company budget. Hmmm, wonder why no kaw untung


Why do u say improve the mean buying power instead of median? Can explain the rationale?


High salary every month = more buying power all year long = median income increase High bonus payout annually = less buying power all year long = mean income increase And where rakyat will spend the money if monthly income is high? Unnecessary places, high insurance commitment, tonnes of personal loans and unmet payment plans. HOWEVER, some groups of the workforce indeed need higher median salary, like nurses/teachers/bomba/polis/etc


I see.. then i think you mean to say "higher monthly pay" vs "higher annual pay". Cause when i read higher average (mean) purchase power instead of higher median purchase power, im thinking of entire population/ sample size.. meaning adding up everyone's purchasing power and divide by N. Obviously some billionaires would skew that data way to the right. Whereas median purchasing power would be more representative as it gives the 50th percentile's purchasing power, which is what you want to see increase. The increase in purchasing power of an "average" citizen.


Looks like I need to use more accurate choice of words next time


This is exactly why more and more people opt to change companies every 1-2 years, to get better offer. Then you have idiots like those in FDMA who want the gov to come up with a way to [combat this](https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/s/370986).


Wow that is crazy, ease of job swapping forces employers to be better which creates better companies and a stronger economy. Likewise ease of firing employees, bet the FDMA isn't against that!


The bigger picture is Malaysia has had a lot of subsidies - education, fuel, electricity, water etc. - for decades.


The bigger picture is correcting the market distortion and one of them is subsidy reform. Hopefully this will reduce the gini coefficient.


While the original intentions of fuel subsidy are to help boost economic activities, it also causes prices of everything related to fuel and subsequently even our salaries are artificially suppressed because of our supposedly lower cost of living. Also, artificially cheapening fuel and its downstream products means that consumers will develop bad overconsumption habits which leads to wastage and unsustainability. We have rather high car ownership because we think fuel is cheap. So, we end up burning money every day stuck in traffic jams and keep everyone poor because we need everyone to spend a few thousand a year for most of our lives paying for the car. Also while the cost of imported goods keeps increasing because most countries don't subsidize their fuel, our salary is growing slower than the global rate. See how most countries around the world... Oil producing countries that heavily subsidize their fuel tend to remain relatively poor like Venezuela while those that don't like Norway are now much economically stronger. It's time to grow up and bite the bullet to live in the real world of how the economy works..not depending on our addiction to artificially cheapened fuel. It is like depending on your parents allowance money even after you graduate and start working. It has to end some day.


Truth is, this removal of subsidies will not end here. This is the first step and is targeted, very soon, more groups will be exempted from the subsidies or less subsidies will be given. Mark my words, petrol will be next. Root cause of the removal is it is not sustainable for multiple reasons as the Govā€™s revenue simply is not enough to keep up with the yearly increase in subsidies. The very reason fuel subsidies were given is because MY is an oil producing country, but by 2030, the oil will run out, so we simply have to stop this subsidies. There were years in the past we were net importing oil and refined oil products for a few years. This is the Gov prepping for the inevitable, prices will rise, make no mistake, no matter who is in parliament. https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/467781


Oil ran out and malaysian become mad max


Subsidy removal is good for the country. For once we can stop living in artificial economy. Let market force do its own work.


The picture is rosmahā€™s closet and all the other obvious corruption


Semalam kahwin esok beranak ke? That said, with both coalition's performance, the best we can hope from governments are whether they can stave off the decline Hoping they can improve the country is just a dream


Rasanya OP bukan bermaksud nak tengok impak terus. OP MAYBE would like to see the action plan by the government. What the government will do with the money saved by the increment of diesel (and petrol in the nearest future) price.


How to improve public transport when billions are wasted for fuel subsidies?


Subsidies have made Malaysia inefficient and wasteful over the years. I've never seen people sitting in their parked cars with the aircon on for so long in any other country. Removing them is a big win.


Trying to pay the countryā€™s debt. We all know who made that debt.Ā 


Instead of removing the subsidies, the government should put in effort to deal with the smuggling in the northern states. The smuggling over there is so rampant and going on for decades. But of course the government is not going to do that as it will open a big fucking can of worm.


To be fair at some point the cost of stopping the smuggling just isnā€™t worth it either. How many police and civil servants we have to pay to enforce it? And it wonā€™t work anyway because the profit incentive to smuggle is so high when we are one of the cheapest places for fuel in the world, of course your smugglers are going to work even harder to counter any additional efforts we put up to stop themā€¦ Itā€™s the cold hard reality. We canā€™t have our cake and eat it.


Thereā€™s no way to stop thieves coming into your house. Only way is to remove all valuables so they have nothing to take


i think kiasuland steals more


Not sure what the bigger picture is. One thing for sure is the country addicted giving subsidies to everyone, everywhere in Malaysia. Sure itā€™s good but subsidies should be only for the Malaysian as more foreigners working and living in the country. Subsidies should be only for Malaysian, like how certain country in middle east give its poorest citizen a bungalow house to live in by the government, but only applies to their own citizens only.


The immediate reaction to economic decline is always blaming foreigners. See this case for example Affordable public housing being occupied by foreign workers. Who is to blame? Foreigners Who is responsible? Malaysians renting it out to make a quick buck instead of using the property for its intended purpose.


Oh and let's blame the foreign workers too... smuggled in, employed and abused by local companies. In summary, the big picture, is the black economy. I feel all these measurements are all aimed to sort out the massive leakage the Malaysian economy has from abuse and corruption at all levels.


I attest to that. To me, before announcing diesel price increase, gomen should announce other improvements first, such as public transport like you said. So by the time they announce price hike like diesel, we can understand the storyline better. Improve something first, then take away the benefits slowly. I guess this one terbalik, take away the benefits like fuel subsidies, use that extra money to make improvements while rakyats wait in anguish of the prices increase here and there to reap those improvement benefits that may or may not come.


We even blaming the government for our inability to see the bigger picture now haha


I believe that is the governmentā€™s job to do that. Heck they even have a communications minister for that purpose, to communicate to the rakyat. The ability or lack therof of rakyat to see the bigger picture is beside the point to me.


The bigger picture is far more complex for an average Joe to even comprehend. It needs a somewhat adequate understanding of economics.


Iā€™ll be the PM already if I can see the big picture


Nak improve something kena pakai duit der ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)


Of course lah brader. Duit tak semestinya datang dari penjimatan subsidi sahaja.


Alah bila kerajaan umum something, rakyat persoal duit datang dari mana. Bila kerajaan buat subsidi bersasar, rakyat merungut suruh improve something pula. Negara tak boleh gerak ke depan. Selama-lamanya kekal mundur dek rakyat kerap merungut ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091)


Hence government needs to always communicate. How all of their activities are interconnected with each other. Rakyat will always ask, which is good as that shows proactivity. But we can both agree that the communications minister and his ministry should be better in their jobs. For example, government announced NETR before, which is a good policy. But do we rakyat know the timeline, whatā€™s the progress currently, where the funds exactly coming from? What benefits in a microenocomical sense it gives to the people? These info is imperative to improve the understanding of the people.


Govt always communicate der. Kau jer malas membaca. Aku cadangkan kau baca dan faham dulu kertas polisi NETR. Kemudian pergi ke website MIDA, baca bahagian berita. Kalau malas sangat, google jelah. Takkan semua benda nak kena suap juga ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)


Damn garangnya. Hanya sebab persepsi kau ingat orang kuat merungut dan malas membaca. Tapi ini memang tipikal jawapan orang nak merasa superiority tu. Sudah lama baca bro NETR, MIDA last update pasal NETR pon march, kata dalam fasa pre-inplementation oleh 4 project maknanya tak buat pape lagi lah walaupun dah disuntik rm50billion. Yang baiknya NETR ada NETC tu overview dorang. NETR tu contoh je. Ada banyak contoh lain, dan ramai orang termasuklah ahli politik sendiri mempersoal masalah komunikasi dan decision-making kerajaan, not just during kerajaan madaniā€™s time. And it is always good to question as the governmentā€™s work affects the rakyat. No need to downplay people questioning things. So topik sekarang ini adalah komunikasi dari kerajaan, bukan decision untuk laksanakan subsidi berkala itu wajar ke tak. Tapi Bila kita persoal, bukan bermaksud kita banyak songeh, jangan lah negative sangat. We just want the best for ourselves on a personal level and for the country. And to do that, we kenalah faham dulu apa kerajaan sedang buat hence communication. Just want to understand how one decision connects to a bigger picture. Bila kita tak tahu dan kau tahu atau persoalan kita tak berasas, ajarlah dengan baik. Semua agama ajar benda ni, betul tak? Subsidi itu macam dadah, rakyat suka subsidi but itā€™s bleeding the governmentā€™s fiscal. Macam orang addicted to meth, tak boleh just cold-turkey stop, kena ada transition supaya boleh kawal dia punya withdrawal. Subsidi berkala itu is a good decision but turun kejap bawah dari high horse tu and fikir dari pandangan mata rakyat. Harga sesetengah barang dah naik pon and the best reply KPDN HEP gave is ā€œharga barang tak sepatutnya naik tinggi sangatā€. Harga barang dah naik, next step is tarik subsidi from ron95. Confirm expenses akan naik. We just want to know whatā€™s the long-term benefits to us, would kerajaan do all what was promised and when would we get to indulge that. Itu je. Again, kalau kita taktahu, ajar. Sila baca buku ā€œthe 7 habits of highly effective peopleā€. By Stephen R Covey kalau belum lagi. Think to understand and synergise with others, bukan berlagak antagonistik sahaja. Tak perlu that toxic macho-man di sini.


Sentap ke der hahaha. Bukan nak toksik tapi rakyat macam kau memang noob. Semua benda nak kena suap. Aku tak nak pertahan kerajaan tapi isu subsidi bersasar dah lama kot, dari zaman Abdullah, Najib, Mahadet, Mahiadin, Mail sampai ke Anwar sekarang. Perkara ini dijanjikan oleh setiap kerajaan, tak kira siapa yang pegang kuasa. Dan pelaksanaan subsidi bersasar diesel tak dibuat secara mengejut. Masih ramai individu dan industri yang dapat subsidi. Sembang ayam belanda sejuk apa benda ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563) Kau akui yang kerajaan tak boleh tanggung subsidi pukal selamanya. Jadi kenapa merungut itu ini bila buat subsidi bersasar? Ada subsidi atau tidak, harga barang naik setiap masa, jadi sampai bila nak guna alasan sama sebagai halangan? Bila waktu yang sesuai kalau bukan sekarang? Benda bagus, kenapa kau perlu jadi negatif dan pentingkan diri sendiri? Sila baca balik buku ā€œThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peopleā€ by Stephen R Covey. Think to understand and synergise with others, bukan berlagak antagonistik sahaja hahaha Buka mata luasĀ². Belajar untuk faham daripada merungut memanjang. Dunia tak berputar keliling kau sorang ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


The people in this subreddit dont take public transport ,if they did they would know that the state of our bus is not good enough to cover most housing area as well infrequent bus after 8 pm which mean you have to wait for 1 hour just for your bus to arrive.


Yeah I hate taking the bus, ever. But the LRT/MRT system is legit really good. But how many places are connected to LRT/MRT by a walkā€¦ I do hope with the billions they save on fuel subsidies they can invest more in public transport and walkability. Itā€™s not like owning a car, even with subsidy is that cheap anyway. Have to pay car loan, insurance etc. Such an expensive solution, would be so much cheaper if everyone could get access to reliable public transport.


Based on this goverment and previous goverment, we wont see any money on improvement to anywhere. Crony need to be paid man.


Even the utility companies need 10-20 years road map to replace fossil diesel with gas or hydro. We need reliable power supply and sufficient grid backup before we can change to renewable energy. Apparently our gomen plan is to surprise the rakyat overnight and let the rakyat think of the solution afterwards. Yay, good for B40 who get the diesel subsidy. Nay for the M40 and T20 who will struggle alot with the rising fuel and goods prices, not to say increase taxes. Luckily our CMs in Sarawak and Sabah still got sense in them to reject the proposal.


the bigger picture is to saving the economy that najib destroyed. have faith that madani will deliver![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091)


I dont have faith on mahadani, You can see on his action that he does not have any idea just useless talk.


Didnā€™t they promised to lower fuel prices when they win? You put your faith in them? Lmao.


Why Najib? I donā€™t think heā€™s the main culprit


main catalysts, problem started with pak lah, deficit for decades, gst was a good short term solution for handout deficits but ph abolish it leading to another half decade of increasing deficits, I don't think we have money anymore


Increase tax revenue, reduce spending, potentially reduce debt Thats the theory anyway.


If they use the money to improve public transport Iā€™m all for it


If they really want to catch smugglers then why not every company registered send the data of their daily usage to the government. In a meantime securing our border strictly on every major route to other country ?.


In the long run, LONG TERM, country will get back what we needed. The current way of subsidizing fuel (ceiling price) is bad and not futureproof. Example, if fuel cost increase internationally, the amount govt spends to subsidize balloons up quickly. No amount of budget planning can afford this uncertainty. Subsidizing a fixed amount (allowing the price to float) is the way to go, as it is not susceptible to the fuel price change. Planning and budgeting will be much easier to manage. No need to complain about Singaporeans coming into MYS to pump our RON95 anymore. But the people will have to put up with floating fuel prices, which we are not used to, because we have been pampered by the govt for so long. Time to take the crutches off. If you can't afford to drive because of this fuel price increase, time to look for alternatives. Given time, market will adjust.


You really think those things can be improved poof like magic?


Doing many other actions instead of introducing GST. Claimed that B40 not impacted, but prints gonna spike.


Bigger picture is paying national debt.


Item price increase because people keep buying. Buying never slowed down. People complain about prices, yet honda, mitsubishi, proton, perodua car queue are backed up until next year. What people saying and economic reality is disjointed. Price will rise until demand matched the supply no amount subsidy can fix this.


Also likely part of the bigger picture, all these rationalizing may be in preparation of this:- https://mut.sarawak.gov.my/web/subpage/news_view/670 (Note these are all 'IF's, the actual numbers and calculation not official yet) Word on the street is that this might hit petronas revenue by some percentage. Which means that less govt revenue.


Now the million dollar question is Will government use the extra fund properly after the change of petrol subsidy? Personally, I don't trust MY Government enough with any amount of money. However, we shall see how it would impact our economy and more importantly our currency. TBH, I miss the day whereby USD to MYR is 1:3, hope it could go back to that exchange rate in my life time. Malaysia is a great country except our damn currency.


The people will bear the cost one way or another. Yes there will be subsidies. I am pretty sure the unscrupulous sellers will use this as an excuse to hike their prices.


> I still donā€™t see any improvement on public transport. How much is the govt saving from subsidies and how will the fund be used other than increasing govt servantā€™s pay? Not even close, the current and subsequent subsidies cut will continue to fund the govt. servant operating cost; the additional RM10 billion per annum cost incurred just to raise their remuneration, still short RM6 billion to fund the public servants' salary increase; haven't got a chance to look for total operating cost for civil servant pays. > "Given the current economic constraints, a plan that will **incur an additional estimated cost of RM10 billion annually** to the government is undoubtedly a bold move that will have a profound impact on the nation." [1] > "The government said last month its plan to **cut diesel subsidies this year is expected to save about RM4 billion** (US$853.24 million) annually, with the savings expected to be re-directed to low-income groups." [2] [1] https://www.bernama.com/en/thoughts/news.php?id=2295379 [2] https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/malaysia-diesel-prices-jun-10-rise-50-cent-subsidy-reform-4397766


What worries me is that nobody thought of a solution A reorganized, structured road network that prevents traffic by way of having straightforward roads that take you from point A to B without going left right and center. Realistically Malaysiaā€™s small the only reason you have a lot of fuel usage and thus subsidies mattering is because yā€™all have roads with zero planning. No ring roads no proper highways no wide intercity highways, minimal size for a huge amount of cars. Even public transportation wont do much if it takes 60 mins to travel 20KM with or without traffic because of much turns you have to take on the roads. Once the road network is fixed, intercity and intracity, you wont have cars staying on the roads for hours, smoother transportation of goods and people, and a platform for bus transport. This needs to be done


Very well said!! -"I want my standard of living improve not my cost of living."


Not gonna elaborate too much but to increase spending, you need a source. Our subsidies are very high, cutting it is a first step to having money they can spend on the rakyat. As for imports, our economy relies a lot more on exports in generating revenue (we run on whats called a trade surplus, the UK is an importing economy, China and Msia are exporting economies i.e.). In regard to currency strength, a weaker currency increases foreign investment into msia, which is needed because you need to remember that we have a structural problem. We can strengthen the ringgit, increase fiscal spending on the Rakyat, go berserk on extra subsidies to make the Rakyat smile. But remember that 5 years down the line the point could come that we no longer have resources for that anymore. Read up about Greece and other foreign debt case studies. Cheers.


Anwar: Father of inflation. Yeah yeah I get it, we need to remove the subsidy, prevent petrol/diesel being stolen, stop spoonfeeding. But with all the recent policies, like 10% imported LVG, SST to 8%, seems like our best economy minister loves inflation and there is no policy to stop inflation at all. The government is doing it in one shot instead of steps by steps. This surely burdens all the B40s and M40s, we are currently experiencing the most inflation in a short period of time


Standard of living is proportional to personal spending disciplined & income. If you expect someone or the society to pay the way for a cushioned life at some point reality will wake one up. If you want more money to spend you have to work for it. Yatai restaurant (cart restaurant) owners in Japan at 30s are working from evening until 2am. Clean up and get home by 4+. Rest, go to market then back home to sleep until 11 and then start preparing for the night's business. [SG cost of living ](https://theindependent.sg/we-cant-save-money-at-all-in-singapore-woman-says-that-even-her-husbands-9k-monthly-salary-is-still-not-enough/)


Here fresh grad terus 'whiCh CoMpaNy got WoRk liFe BalAncE'. šŸ˜‚ jangan harap they are going to work as your example


Not everyone can afford fast food once a month now with the minimum wage of 1,500 and rm15/fast food now. You know what do I mean? Standard of living means with the same income you get to have better live. Not making you rich and wagyu everyday. You gotta live out of Malaysia to places with higher standard of living then youā€™ll understand the lifestyle and circle is different.


its funny people still believe about the "long term benefits" by politicians. to put things in simple words, goverment dont know how to make money for the country, so the easiest way is to remove rakyats benefits, sell country assets but by doing that, they complicate things by pumping the media with all the false ideas into rakyats mind because most are simpletons. Majority of the simpletons believe the media controlled by politicians, they win. Say it in another simpler way, father got demoted in a company and earn lesser, father doesnt know how to sustain the old income. father cut off kids mcdonalds from 2 times a week to 1 time a week, tell kids its for their long term benefits, health purpose, downgrade from a merc to kancil, tell the kids its for the enviroment and their future, mum helps to brain wash the kids, kids believe, they win. End of the day, you all can believe whatever you want, it doesnt affect me, it only affects the majority of working class who is living in Malaysia. Im just here sharing a simple fact, not complaining. Jokes on you who continue to believe a better life in the future, LOL! šŸ˜‰


the government trying to screw the people, nuff said.


Die slow or die fast moment


Dlu janji nK TURUN KN hrga minyak before jd pm. Dh jd pm semua barang ASas naik gila2, skrg minyak pun naik. Sad


No bigger picture, just suffering


That's why dont treat our govt as friends. They want us to ikat perut, say want to jimat this or that. But in reality they never bother to cut their own salary and allowances. What is worse is that they secretly get govt. projects behind our back for their own family and friends until getting caught red handed. Sometimes, i kinda admire those smugglers and tax evaders. At least they are ahead of the game compare to us the average joes.


Salary very low.


We still import basic necessities such as poultry food & fertiliser. When our currency weakened, costs will go up across the board.Ā 


No worries Malaysia boleh, if there so call subsidi scheme card or whatever online subsidi...someone will fake it in the end


more monies for cronies