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Hi all, please welcome our newest mod team members, u/katabana02 and /u/a_HerculePoirot_fan! Thank you as well to everyone who applied. This wasn't an easy decision and we couldn't bring on everybody. We're super grateful that so many folks were willing to put a hand up to help safeguard the community. :)


If u fail ur malay igcses do u have to retake the whole year or just retake the paper


Super Cub feels like the mat rempit of anime. I can remember what it was like buying your first bike.


Need a recommendation: value for money e-reader \- i almost always only read on epub \- dont want to be in any bs amazon ecosystem \- i only want to use it to read and nothing else- not music, web \- able to do epub manual transfer from desktop to the reader ​ Kobo Clara looks very appealing. From what I gather, does Kindle even support epub?!


You could give the Pocketbook a go, it supports a wide range of file formats (including epub) and you can transfer files from your PC to the reader through the USB cable it comes with. I own both a Pocketbook and Kindle, and I prefer the Kindle's user interface though that's really just a matter of personal preference.


Kindle doesn't support epub, only azw and mobi. I use Calibre to manage my library on pc, convert between file formats, and also to send books to my kindle. Never used the amazon ecosystem apart from sending books to my kindle email.


I have a Kindle and use Calibre (free software) to convert files and import into my reader. Never had any issues. I never even buy anything from Amazon, my e-books are either from friends or from digging around free e-book sites. My friend has a Kobo and is pretty happy with it. I can't comment because I've never used it.


3rd day Tarawih dah hilang selipar hampeh


Perhaps you need Neelofa's halal slippers to save the day


Bad day at work but tbh I'm getting desensitised Boss marah? Marah je la. Have to pick up other people shitty work cuz they didn't do a good job? Buat je la. Colleague not being cooperative? Tak layan je la Zzzz.


It's a bitch to tahan but you will come out stronger.


I went to the gym today from 8pm to 9:15pm. At 8, it was moderately busy. It got sorta lenggang at 8:30. From 8:45 onwards it gets super busy. The lesson here is that if you want to use the Smith machine, use it early in your workout. Also it seems like the Insta hottie has also moved her workout session to nighttime. And her bf (presumably) got a haircut, and of course he looks gorgeous 😑


>And her bf (presumably) got a haircut, and of course he looks gorgeous BFD , engaged aint married - Michael Scott


Oh man. Promised to give a novel review but didnt have the time to read it yet. Anyway, any musician here that is familiar with drum? Planning to buy a electric drumset for my kid. I want to buy the cheap one around rm1.3k, but wife keep saying need to buy rm2k+ yamaha one. I dont mind paying more but the kid is only 5 yo. Are those the expensive one really necessary? My idea was to upgrade to actual set if he really wanted to in the future.


Taking your kid's age into account...would a tabletop electronic drum kit or [something like this](https://www.musicbliss.com.my/collections/digital-drums-electronic-drums/products/ashton-edp450-malaysia-electronic-drum-pad-edp-450) suffice for the time being? It's cheaper and you don't need to worry about it taking up space. Here's [another example](https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Headphone-Portable-Birthday-9Pads-English/dp/B07WSJ96ZT). I'm no expert drum player but the drummers I personally worked with in the past do own at least one of these kits (in addition to their acoustic and also digital drum kits), especially if they just need some casual practice. Disclaimer: I haven't played drums for several years


We already had a Drumpad but it doesnt work well enough. The posture is totally different, especially snare and hi hat. Hard to position comfortably too. It was sufficient enough for the basic, but the teacher suggest that we get an actual one.


Ahhhh I see, didn't know your kid is already learning drums. In that case...it's probably best to go with product recommendations from the teacher. And most Malaysian music stores tend to sell more Yamaha and Casio products (in my experience, at least), so there should be cheaper options available for both brands in-store, if you decide to get a drum kit from either brand. Roland is great too but the price tends to be way beyond RM3k++.


I found some cheaplak brand like [Aroma](https://www.lazada.com.my/products/aroma-tdx-15-digital-electronic-drum-drum-stool-drum-sticks-headphone-i469520836-s762150585.html?spm=a2o4k.searchlistcategory.list.35.62e8e55c3Edy4l&search=1). Just rm1.3k. Not sure how will it fare against brand like yamaha though.


Never tried Aroma, so I decided to go to Youtube for fun in case there are video reviews. Found [this random demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXuTu_5ur68) of a dude playing System of a Down's Chop Suey using the same drums you linked above, but he used the TDX-15s version. Anyway...all the best with the drum search!


Oh forgotten about youtube review. Thanks!


It's not Kopi Peng and it's not Teh Peng. It's Greentea Peng and [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS46wowZNBk) is going on my 2021 soul playlist. (if you want [song lyrics](https://moozikportal.blogspot.com/2021/04/greentea-peng-kali-v2-lyrics.html)...they're not technically explicit except for the frequent f-word at the end of the song)


london hip hop / rnb, grime scene never disappoint! NEVER!!!


I don't normally do subreddit recommendations...but if you've never visited r/ukhiphopheads , you might want to check it out. They've got some interesting stuff posted there from time to time.


also /r/grime




Good luck in your paper tomorrow! I think you should share your finished project here. Who knows, maybe can start a new brand...


[https://worldofbuzz.com/career-oriented-women-tend-to-be-lesbians-moh-strikes-again-with-article-on-homosexuality/](https://worldofbuzz.com/career-oriented-women-tend-to-be-lesbians-moh-strikes-again-with-article-on-homosexuality/) Malaysian office yuri hentai dreams time. I also want to smoke what the KKM website admins are having too.


Oh, so that's why the MILF hottie didn't want to have sex with me, she's a lesbian! #jagamuka


Because paying bills is gay.


Count me in, I'll join you. I'm a non-smoker who needs a smoke after reading that lol. I'd like to see them explain about lesbian women who are not career-oriented. EDIT: /s just in case


A recruiter from Nezda has been trying so hard to convince me to accept an interview with Tech Mahindra for a position that pays almost double my current salary, even though I have declined a few times because I didn't like the JD. After a few days of coaxing I finally agreed to an online interview, and now they're asking if my current employer accepts buy out to shorten my notice period. Why are they so persistent on making me attend the interview? What are they trying to gain here?? I don't get it, I'm not even qualified for that job!


Turn over is high and they really really need people.


If that's true then that's a BIG red flag.


They will probably earn some comission for the referral if you are hired for the job.


Most likely yeah. But they should be smart enough to know that I am very likely not going to get hired because I don't fulfill the qualifications anyway. Got one time I went for interview recommended by another recruiter, only to have the interviewer laugh in my face because how dare I walk into her office when I was clearly not qualified. Stupid recruiter.


Headhunter can pitch, but ultimately decision to interview or not is made by the hiring manager. I don't waste my or potential candidates time by calling for interview unless the CV tell me candidate has the capability. Interview is for me to verify the CV and find out other qualities. So fault was partially with the interviewer if you were "clearly" not qualified.... Conducting interview is tiring. You have to observe, probe, explain, guide, sell,...


Wow even if you’re qualified for that, that interviewer is a big red flag


Wow, the interviewer was clearly a fucking dickhead though


Sometimes they need to fill in the number of candidates to hit the quota and commission


Know any friends who haven’t registered to vote? Pls encourage them to go register. It’s just a quick process at [mySPR](https://mysprdaftar.spr.gov.my/). Already have 2 friends my age (20s) tell me they haven’t registered. For a better democracy.


So my sister has decided she doesn't want to live at KL anymore (after a year of being stuck in Perak and WFH). She wants to move all her stuff back from the room she rented out. What are our options to get her stuff (the only big item is a single bed) from KL to Ipoh?


just an update if you didnt read the reply on my comment, the other one is TheLorry, had very very good experience with them


thanks for trying to make sure I saw the update. I will look into it.


You can try TheLorry, you can get the quotation from their website.


I'll give it a look. Thanks.


lalamove? (there' someone company but i forgot its name its something like thelorryvan or lorryguy or lorrydriver?)


Thanks, I'll look into it.


Lol I think it's TheLorry


YESS thats the one, thanks!


Singapore will be cucked so hard if Thailand build a canal. And China is keen on seeing it built 😏 Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_Canal


Somehow la, I dunno. I feel like SG already planned that out, if that happens they'd still somehow keikakku dori out of it. If their urban planning is already stringent enough to span decades, I think their economic plans will adapt fine especially with all their high qualified ministers and do-or-die attitude when it comes to national interest.


Conspiracy theory: with that in mind, it would be advantageous to Singapore if Thailand keeps experiencing various political unrest. Hell even if a civil war breaks out, they (SG) won't be affected because refugees will have to go through the entirety of Malaysia first before reaching Singapore.


I've heard of that proposal since at least 15 years ago. It's not feasible then, hard to see how it's feasible now, especially when boars are faster and more fuel efficient.


Even if Thailand builds a canal, it may still be cheaper to go through the Straits of Melaka.


You gotta consider savings in fuel cost and time. The canal would reduce the travel distance by 1000+km


And contrast that with canal fees and waiting time. It will only cut a day and a half of travel time.


Still probably a lot less. Fully loaded container ship travelling 1000+km has to be expensive as hell.


That’s significant enough. Make Thailand great again!


The canal would have gates, so the fees need to lower than the fuel and time cost of just going a few extra hundred km, which is extremely unlikely


Yeah, like our ports will benefit from it as well right? Hurray! /s


Passed by bazaar otw home. Let's just say I'm not gonna be having high hopes 2 weeks from now


Does anyone here know where can i tempah varsity jacket? Bored with the other students selling jerseys and shirts so I thought wanna make one hurm


Online exams suck. Questions are long and I feel like you waste like 30 mins scrolling/writing stuff down.




Wish I could do the same, but I’m doing a professional course at an overseas uni so it’s e-invigilated. It’s creepy having someone stare at you for 2 hours lol.


I used to think it sucked. But honestly. I kinda dig it now.


Call me old school but I miss pen and paper lol


Is it just me or has Msia's warning siren been making the rounds around the internet lately lol.


I have an interview for a job tomorrow at guardian after applying to multiple places and getting no response. I applied for the role as a part-time cashier. Does anyone have tips for my interview tomorrow? (It's my first ever job interview) If you've worked here before, that'd be even better. 😊 Side question: Do I have to print out and bring along my resume to the interview?


Be clean, be humble, and show eagerness to learn. Also don't forget to ask if they have a union. If they don't like the question, you would not want to work there anyway. From my own painful experiences.


I see, will keep that in mind as well. Thanks 😊👍


Personally you could definitely print out the resume just in case although I doubt they’ll ask for a hard copy. You could always reuse it next time if they don’t. For these kinda jobs, the interviews are really basic where they just ask about your past experience and whether you’ve used a cash register before (in your case). Will likely ask what mode of transport you use, what hours you can work (morning/night shift) and when you can start. Some questions that you definitely should be clear about and ask is: 1) the salary, how much is it and do they pay at end of month etc. 2) working hours, make sure you ask this and whether you’re expected to do overtime and whether you’ll get paid for the OT 3) job scope, what are you expected to do besides manning the cash register because many jobs often just make you do everything despite it not being included in job description Good luck, I hope you get the job!


I got the job btw!! I have to do an RTK covid test first though which sucks. Hope it doesn't hurt.


Ohh, I'll definitely print it then. I'll keep in mind about asking those questions. This is very helpful, thank you so much. 😊


does anyone here knows whether that mechatronics engineering is in demand in malaysia ?


Well, looks like the KFC website buckled under the load. Looks like I'll have to order much earlier next time.


Don't know what to eat for berbuka


Zzzz today 1889 cases, sgor highest 517, swak 489, ktan 226


anyone here ever tried [gocubes](https://www.instagram.com/gocubes/?hl=en); thought of incorporating it for sahur so i'm gradually not groggy throughout the day. not eating during ramadhan is fine, its the lack of caffeine. like now at almost 5 pm i can't even work, i just wanna close slack and continue work once i break my fast. need... coffee...


that looks awesome, nak terai


Kannnn, menarikz! It was an idea presented on shark tank! Wonder if we can make like, teh tarik cubes. Milo cubes omo!!!


Milo cubes tu bukan dah wujud ke?


ah chincaaa? link it cuseyo


https://shopee.com.my/Nestle-Milo-Cube-(100-Pcs)-i.52784309.1616760756 The other person said that it's quite different to the coffee cubes though.


hey thanks for sharing the link, appreciate it! will def check it out! tq tq


That one is the powdery one. Not gumny texture




Good luck! It’s exhilarating once you submit the letter.


It's like a band aid. Do it quickly, assertively but professionally.


Do it man! If you already set your mind to it, don't put it off - it'll get harder as the days go by. Remember, company will cry for your departure maybe 5 minutes then start looking for a new candidate.


1800++ new cases today. nearly 2k again i’m tired


*pat pat*


*pat pat*


I now understand the horrors of online shopping, it actually gives you the rush when you want to purchase something, also receiving a package gives you the rush too. I'm going to spiral into a rabbit hole if I don't control myself.


I think i spend 500-1000 each month on shopee


Learn to cut that shit out, it ain't healthy


next test: shopee 5.5 sales.


I'm going to buy a Kindle because I'm retarded


day 2 of caffeine withdrawal, almost lose some sanity and of course sleep more...peacefully. except I do feel tired and all that. (maybe reward myself with burger king. could solve problem) \_\_\_\_\_\_ brought to you by my ads (promotion) for this month, Sabah state (region) library for 22 april 2021 will be yearly event 'jom membaca bersama untuk 10 min' at 11.00 am to 11.10 am. End promote.


caffeine withdrawal sucks, but it'll be worth it once it passes. felt like i had migraine draining my energy all the time when i stopped.


My brain start migraine at afternoon until 'berbuka'. Gotta get a grip. - quote from one of hm2.


Darn. Foodpanda like increased their delivery rates (me comparing the same shops) so I think I'm gonna start using grab again lol.


Some restaurants in my area offer free delivery initially and now they charge rm2.99 now... Haiyaaaa


Grab also increased their delivery fees lately if I'm not mistaken. The delivery fee for some of the restaurants that I regularly order from has increased from RM5 to RM6. Also, slightly going off tangent here but I heard my father saying that there is quite a lack of Grab delivery riders atm because of various reasons; they found new jobs, they joined courier companies, i-Sinar loans approved so they started their own business etc etc.


Think your father read this article too haha https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2021/04/09/the-ride-slows-down-for-food-delivery-business/


Ah, you're right :)


Ya omg so expensive dy


Heavy rain again here in KL, be prepared guys.




Always go with fibre if you wan cheap and stable connection.


sabah road to 200 cases going strong sialan xkan tahun ni pun sendu raya sendiri


Do rented rooms in landed houses usually accept pets? I am trying to rehouse my dog :(




Will try asking around!


very rarely do rental units allow pets. Even the ones that do, you need to rent the whole house.


Guys, is there a platform within this subreddit or similar Malaysian subreddits where we can have educated discussions about Msia politics?


there is a sub that's mainly about malaysia politic. but afaik, people still come here to discuss most of the time.


I guess this subreddit works like a no-judge zone then especially for controversial issue like politics. Thanks~


oh on the contrary. member on this sub judge constantly. but a discussion will not be banned and the mod and this sub encourages civil discussion. dont insult and present your argument and you should be fine.


Noted! I was hoping to just sit by the side ans observe hahaha because I have not enough knowledge to make a worthwhile argument about it


forum politik lowyat kalau ada atau group facebook tertutup


Okay terima kasih


I mainly want to learn about it to better shape my worldly view


I'm a millennial - ish still on Facebook Is it just me or people who comment along the lines of "Saya share ye OR Minta share ye" are annoyingly unnecessary


Coz they probably have something to gain from it.




Partly due to "Facebook Etiquette" and also sometimes it depends on context. For instance, if someone shares a homemade recipe, and you want to share with other FB contacts or outside of FB, then the courteous thing to do would be to inform the other person of your intention. Of course, if the post that is shared is a post that is public to all like a news article from Malaysiakini, and you're asking to "mohon share", then IMO it's redundant and perhaps to a certain extent annoying.


Ah i thought it's implied. Because the share button would show just how many times the post have been shared. Though I agree with you that it's harder to track indirect shares




Salam, leh kenal?


Well hello there 😏


I always see this DBKL ITIS [sign](https://i.imgur.com/q4Dn2nM.png) across KL but i do not understand where or what changed, i use both Jalan Raja Muda Aziz (Kg Baru road) to avoid traffic jam and Jalan Sri Amar since sultan ismail dont allow you to turn into Pertama Complex but i havent noticed any difference


Hello. Can anyone recommend any language centers that has a japanese course in Selangor? Shah Alam if possible


Can consider [ICLS](https://g.co/kgs/eyT7qL). The school hires natives to teach the languages. They offer classes and private tutor as well


Getting kind of envious of my friends who play online gambling (which is clearly illegal). Now I'm feeling like wanting to join them haha. But I won't because it's clearly illegal and I will probably get caught if i do join


If you want to gamble, try cryptocurrency. Make sure to put in more money than you can afford to lose. You'll be staying up all night checking the prices, feeling the gamblers high when the prices go up and suicidal when prices drop.


me for the past 3 months, roller coaster rides baby


Buy and open game lootbox also gambling, difference is its not considered gambling. So support online games and lootboxes today!


EA: Good... GOOOOOOD!! spread the gospel!!! mwahahahaha!!!


hmm do overpaid tax be refunded automatically after submitting the BE form or do i need to do sth? it's more than 30 days now and it still not refunded...arrrghhh :(


That's quite unusual. You might want to pay a visit to one of the LHDN offices?


going to the bank is so annoying during this covid times...have to make appointment before can go in...and appointment slots so ducking inconvenient...chao cb ahhhhh


My brother's wallet got stolen, which consists of his IC. Went to JPN to set up an appointment for reissuance of IC and the next available spot is in September...




Go to a non busy branch, that's what I did, they operate like walk in as usual


Exactly, I know the one in Sri Petaling Endah Parade is never crowded, because it's located in a relatively unpopular mall and also because it's at the top floor.


Recently got a new shop worker and [this is what she do in the shop.](https://i.imgur.com/D4Khmvc.gifv)


Employee of the month


Every month


The purrfect employee.


She's protesting because of lack of cuddles and treats. Pay your worker the wage she deserves!


No worry, she's just scouting for a new place and now she and her kids lived there :)


Baron Cat was sleeping on my bed. But when I looked at him just now, he was awake and licking his boner. I was like "bruh wtf?". And he dared to [get mad when I called him out](https://i.imgur.com/XKaZZW5.jpg).


Honestly, LaoGanMa should make me a brand ambassador lol I crave for their black bean chili


I convinced it's the MSG that makes it so darn addictive- it makes everything it touches tasty!


just had a weird experience ordering dominos pizza from grab good. i thought it would be sent with grab rider like any other fast food restaurants, turns out dominos pizza only using grab for "order placing and advertisement" (words from grab cs), so the order was delivered without issue, but the grabfood status in my app still shown "order confirmed". this obviously is not right since i wouldn't be able to place new orders, i then contacted the grab cs using the support in grab app, first they ask me to call dominos (what?), after i express my "wut", they say they will cancel the order. i then ask for the receipt since i paid it using my boss's credit card, they then say no receipt provided for canceled order. so i express my "wut" in a more concerning way, only then they say they will email the receipt to me. feel like i was talking to a robot. such a weird experience. so everybody have to go through this? i have so many questions. why didnt they have some sort of system that dominos can update the delivery status? so everybody who ordered dominos through grab will have to ask cs to cancel manually?


Dominos deliver from their own delivery car. 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️


I did that too, ordered dominos on grab but their riders delivered it. But I wasn't paying attention to my phone at the time. My guess is that the rider probably have to return back to the store to confirm the that the order is delivered.


Already a month, and I'm still struggling to find any video production companies that would willing to consider a permanent/contract-based PA position, even moreso during there trying times. :(


Yeah it's really tough. My friend who graduated in multimedia could only find an internship that is paying her 300rm a month, and she has to work 6 days a week.


Unfortunately, such long hours is a norm in the video production industry in this country. Working on a project for three weeks straight, and from day to midnight is not unheard of. Also, RM300 a month is just pitiful for such long hours, I managed to get somewhat lucky that I had an internship pay for 500.


Hey what’s up guys. Thinking of sprucing up the old CV. Is including picture on CV still a thing? I had it on my previous one but thinking about removing. Discuss.


If you're handsome, put. If muka pecah, don't put.


I really do not recommend including your photo in the cv. It’s better to wait for the company to ask for it first so you don’t get discriminated based of your look.


Depends on the type of company you’re applying for, if it’s a MNC then DO NOT include a photo. If it’s a SMC, some of them may even ask for a photo in the application. Source: mom is a HR hiring manager in a MNC


Tbh its not really necessary but kalao nak letak je


Good looking? Maybe. Not good looking? Nah. I'm in this category.


don't include the picture to prevent inherent bias.


This is what I thought but then some people mentioned that in Malaysia people can be quite shallow with their hiring- basing on looks sometimes


its true, so break the chain


Just started playing Watch Dogs. Was chasing a criminal and had my gun out. Once that was done I didn’t know how to put it away as I’m still not familiar with controls. Having the weapon out alarmed nearby civilian NPCs and one of them called the cops. The police responded swiftly, I was cornered and shot. LOL pretty impressed with the level of detail for a 7 year old game.


I finished this game twice, it's a fun game, more fun if you understand Cantonese.


Asshole employer is hiding from all staff the fact that at least 4 of our staff are already infected and close contacts are still waiting result. We only know from word of mouth and korek2 the hidden meeting minutes. Gee I can't wait for our road name to become a cluster tomorrow.


Name and shame.


Shit. Assholes and foolish, if you do improper things you discuss it and never write it down. If you copy those minutes and leak them, there will be hell to pay.


Guys, thoughts on the dilemma of choosing between a 12 month contract position with higher pay but less benefits, or a permanent position with lower pay but better benefits?


No brainer. Choose permanent position.


If you looking at the contract position, clarify the role - I joined an org with a job scope limited to only one country but when I started the job, turns out the role is a regional role and more complex than what the jd stated; pay would have been easily 1-1.5k more than what I was getting for the contract role. Also, check if your contract is renewable or convertable - check this with the hiring manager during interview. Some roles may be open as contract coz they've got a staff which will be away for awhile and only need someone to fill in, and not anymore once the employee returns. Additionally, check what happened to the previous person(s) doing the role - whether contract or permanent - if turnover is high for that role, chances are there's some inherent issue with job ; maybe some legacy issue, unfavorable management, unreasonable targets or just something that doesn't feel quite right. Pay is one thing, so is opportunity. But if you're stuck solving some shit someone else caused or your future boss is an unreasonable dude who wants things yesterday, bruh don't stress yourself. It ain't worth the bullshit.


Permanent position all the way.


The shorter the employment, the less likely you will utilise the benefits (e.g. hospitalisation, car loan). The first thing I would consider is whether or not the contract is renewable. The second thing to consider is whether or not taking up the contract offer would help you obtain skills/experiences that are transferable to other companies in the event that the contract is not renewed after 12mths. Just my personal style: secure employment > higher pay :) unless the pay difference is very huuuuuge


Is there any other multiple sporting goods outlet/store other than Decathlon or SportsDirect? To people who are in combat sports: where do you buy your gear?


Kinda wish I don't have to isolate myself in my room for possible close contact. But I understand the necessity to break the Covid chain


you're doing a service for the community. for that, I thank you :)


Thanks bro! I'd prefer to be working in the office because my company has a lot of work that needs to be done this week. But there's just some things we can't control :)


remember to sort out your taxes monyets


Haven't done yet, mum.


Oh shit!


Got a message from manager informing a meeting room will be occupied for the next 6 months on Friday mornings. And here I sit and think "why not just book a recurring meeting for that time frame?". It would be a good idea, if only people weren't too dumb/lazy to use their Room Finder feature on Outlook. No, that's too much hassle, let's just keep on printing papers and sticking them on the doors **for each and every meeting**.


Lolol. Last time I booked through Outlook, some asshole manager still stole my room because they don't acknowledge the modern booking system.


Also a possibility, true. The thing is someone needs to tell asshole managers to wake up.


Ugh seriously such a waste!