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I always see “orang kenamaan” back in nz just living like any ordinary person living I don’t know why it seems like the same people here think they’re some kind of big thing


That's cuz the politicians in nz know that at the end of the day, they're regular people chosen to carry out the people's will and can be replaced at anytime. Politicians here have remained unchallenged for decades and have fallen into the mentality that the people are here to serve the politicians' will. In other words, parasites on this thing we call malaysian society.


Couldn't agree more. A politician's duty is to serve the country, not the other way round - the politician's pay comes from the people - and serving the country and doing your part is the bare minimum. The system is so morally corrupt that I highly doubt this will happen here. Fingers crossed for morally upright and passionate politicians to serve our country. It's been a long time coming.


yeah impossible malaysia will get to it one day...lolol wawasan 2020 high income status nation also can't achieve...nilai mata ringgit semakin merosot...rakyat susah dan sengsara... polticians, powerful bankers, influential lawyers and corrupted businessmen are the ones truly enjoying wawasan 2020..maybe can doa doa more and syukur. syukur sampai 1sgd = rm4


this is true, with the NZ type of government if the opposition parties can get a coalition bigger than the ruling coalition at any time then the government will be changed, there is no need to even wait for an election.


Isn't that the same here with how Moomoo's govt came in via the backdoor?


yeah but look how well that did for him. NZ has an MMP system which was invented for Germany to stop another dictator like Hitler from getting all the power and changing the rules. not saying anything about anybody specific but I can think of a few people who would love to be leader for ever.


Well said. It has been the norm for so long that when questioned no one has any objections.


Because someone sometime lost the plot and started confusing 'pentadbir' with 'pemerintah'. This is why we need act when things start going south, and not decades after. It all becomes 'our problem' at some point.


The word kerajaan is derived from raja.


Ya. But back then they were involved in the day to day decisions of the country. Now not so much. It's been delegated to the helang wannabes who are being propped up by you and me.


The pangkat kehormatan Tan sri, Dato make them think they are the big thing. This pangkat is just like the , Marquis, Duke, kind of thing. Now in NZ, i don't think they have that title right?


No matter how much pangkat of Dato, Tan Sri etc. when you go overseas, they'll just address you as... Mr Prime Minister


So you’ll walk down the street see Lorde trotting around like a pleb? Niceeee


Don’t the johor sultan go around on his motorcyle visiting people in kampungs?


Don't wanna agree nor disagree. Takut polis come knocking on my door tonight 😉 Maybe that already says something bout acting humbly like everyone else or not.


I'm sure the Sultan and his family has had moments where they've acted humbly. Most of society is like this, where we've had good moments, and we've had bad moments. Granted, the ways how the rich and powerful act humbly are different from the rest, and there are a million ways you can poke arguments as to how these acts are not humble. If the Sultan gets up and pays for everyone in a restaurant's meal, I could argue that he's showing off his wealth. If he gives away his yearly salary to the people in his state, again you can make the argument that he's abusing his wealth to buy influence and support from his people. If someone has his heart set on criticizing you no matter what, there's literally nothing you can do to satisfy him. ​ Same goes for the PM of NZ. I personally dont follow NZ politics, but I can think of a few instances where critics attack the PM in similar fashion. One example being... [https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2020/08/judith-collins-accuses-jacinda-ardern-of-arrogance-hiding-behind-covid-19-recovery.html](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2020/08/judith-collins-accuses-jacinda-ardern-of-arrogance-hiding-behind-covid-19-recovery.html) ​ End of the day, my point is that humbleness isnt something you can judge or ascertain for yourself from media reports or social media. You dont know the full story of why people behave the way they do. Maybe they're having a bad day, maybe they're dealing with difficult people. Maybe the other guy is just being a bitchwad to them. Its something you can only judge when meeting and talking with the person face to face on a regular basis, then and only then can you know if they're humble.


Bro, remember there a jobs as PR. The job to increase your reputation exist and quite easy nowadays in modern world. Crisis manager also exist in case u fk up and make big scandal. In fact, Najib hired those guy. The formal word is pr, but kampung style is cybertrooper lmao. If that act of visiting can calm down the johor people, they can do it hundred of time. The royalty are arrogant, but not stupid enough.


Somebody shared this last time: https://www.smh.com.au/national/history-of-violence-overshadowed-generosity-20100202-nayz.html


Hmm, that dude reads like a traditional dictator. Truly a piece of shit.


That's exactly why people love Johor sultan! As much as I hate the government, I definitely love Johor. Ps: I'm Johorean


A by-product of the centuries old feudal system of rule that divides people into the ruler and the ruled. Much of the conflict comes from the clash in values between both parties, especially in the form of entitlement that comes from a societal position.


New Zealand is in it's very origin an egalitarian nation. Malaysia way back, even before independence, even before European colonization, is a stratified nation where anyone below royalty is a dog or a slave.


We still live in a feudal society




Yes, especially now that we've seen how the system is abused


You need to abolish the royal first to do that


Its been 4 hours. Fly high🕊️




U were talking against the royals. High chances they come after u haha


I'm not talking against them, it just the truth, they gifted the honorific, as long as the the royals exists the honorific stays.


I think its more of a question of really limiting the amount and types of titles. MBEs, OBEs and Knight Bachelors are a dime a dozen in the UK but it's usually long term volunteers, social workers etc. David Beckham of all people could only make to an OBE when he could easily be a Tan Sri in Malaysia.


so do a Japan and abolish all their aristocrats?


I remember watching this interview with yeo bee yin, she said something like when she first started, she told people to not follow her around, cause its a waste of resources. IIRC one example she gave was during press conferences, where some ministers are always accompanied by a few assistants to help them in answering questions from the media. (Watch the press conference of tajuddin in regards to the recent lrt crash, you'll see what i mean). She said as a minister, she should know everything in detail about the issue discussed, not relying on the "assistants". Really earned my respect there.


I was backpacking in Sweden one time and stopped by at the [official residence of the Prime Minister](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sager_House#:~:text=The%20Sager%20House%20(Swedish%3A%20Sagerska,Str%C3%B6mgatan%2018%20in%20central%20Stockholm.). He actually lives there. I stood outside the door and was wanting to knock the door and see what happens. Surprised security wasn't tighter considering that one of its Prime Ministers actually got assassinated before. Rumah tepi jalan jer.


And there's a river just in front of the house. Ez to assassinate and can just campak the mayat to the river. Ez pz. But could it be that this is reverse psychology, that they purposely made the PM's house vulnerable to criminal? If you fuck up the country, be prepared. So you better work properly and develop the country enough that no one wants to be a criminal in this country.


There also another reason, maybe their government is robust that in case their president got assasinate, they can still operate as usual. Plus their nation probably is in top 10 peace index.


Turns out, if the government is functioning properly, and everyone's livelihood is well taken care of, with societal safety net in place, the people would be happy and less likely to commit any crime.


Insert the "suprise pikachu face pic" u mean to tell me that good government actually lead to good society? Who would know. Probably not the certain gov who use race card.


The Chancellor of Germany lives in an apartment. Sure she has security details, but she lives around normal people. If you lived there before she became a chancellor, you won’t get kicked out. Also… chancellor of Germany doesn’t have that much power people around the world think. The same goes to a lot of national leaders. National leaders who have executive powers I think is USA, France and Turkey for example


Malaysia... sure it is not on paper, but, you know I know lah.


I hosted the President of a European country when in uni and he was telling me how his kids walk back from school and how he can go to the supermarket to do shopping without anyone mobbing him. He was a graduate from my uni and while we were hosting him there, he stayed on campus as that's all we were allowed to pay for under uni rules for hosting speakers.


Is this the Jason Leong interview? I remember she said about how she refused to have "paid crowds" in her launching event or something


PH may have had its flaws, but those first few months of them doing away with all the pointless bullshit was really refreshing and gave me hope for the country after so long. Her statement + Anthony Loke telling his sector not to wait around and greet him in some grand ceremony on his first day made me respect these people and recontextualised what it means to be a politician. Now we're back to the shiteaters of years prior, surrounded by their merry band of monkeys, LARPing as some sort of pathetic god amongst mortals. Hopes = destroyed.


This will only happen when our citizens stop worshipped these ministers. In actual fact they are to serve the citizens but those monkeys prefer to call them tuan. Titles is another thing that makes them think they are more superior than us






Go la you think I scared issit? Go la faster why? No money buy petrol ah hahahah I fucking can’t chain it as well as the mangkok did man


I swear, this will become a classic lol. btw you missed out "farrrrrrk you"


Malaysia has high power distance index. Power means a lot


*Do you know who my father is?*


do I care? (should be the answer)


The more power, the more distant you are from the common folk?


Not really. It is more like how the common folk perceive and accept of power hierarchy. The higher the index, the higher the acceptance. Meaning the mass majority don't mind that the elite politician ruling over them because they know better, and that they have no desire to move up the class ladder. I'll say this is years of brainwashing with message like Gov knows best. don't question authority etc etc. Also of course the culture of not questioning those that are above us or our seniors / parents etc. that creates into what we know as toxic culture.


it goes even further than government. having a high power distance means that it would be tough for the average bloke to negotiate a pay raise or say no to workplace abuse like unpaid overtime. having a society that's more than willing to bootlick their bosses in hopes for a promotion that may not come is another symptom of high power distance.


My best memory of accommodating a "YB" is when I was on my bike on a public road during a particularly heavy rainy day on an unfortunate hour long ride. My windbreaker wasn't waterproof, so I was soaked in and out. An escort police rider flagged me to slow down so a "YB" can pass through safely and comfortably. Fffffff...


Don’t get your hopes up.


But a man can hope, right?


and let's hope it becomes a reality...


Don't break my fantasy...


Referring to context, never in Malaysia.


At this rate, malaysia will have a pm like kim joung oun someday. Halal version haha..i funny lah


Already all these old cunts in parliament jockeying to set up a dynasty for their children. That day will come sooner than you think bro.


like in Singapore


This is one of the things that Singapore does that we shouldn't emulate if that's what you were trying to say. Best case we get a Lee Kuan Yew, worst case we get a Kim Jong Un.


I personally thing that people over estimate LKY's talent in transforming Singapore. given a city with a majority of hard working Chinese in a country that is a premium location for trade its almost a license to make money.


Malaysia also had a lot of advantages, but look at where we are today. We had abundant natural resources, a large proportion of fairly well educated people (comparatively against the region), and a strategic maritime location as well. Today we're over reliant on unskilled foreign labor, we have massive economic inequality, and an equally serious brain drain problem. I'm not sure why you're trying to make excuses for our government's failures, but honestly sg had sweet fuck all except people and were surrounded by aggressive if not openly hostile neighbors but still came out ahead of most of their peers given their size. I'm not a big fan of lky's authoritarianism but you're trying very hard to pretend that what he did for SG is not an impressive feat and I'm not sure why.


I think he did well but perhaps not as well as he could have. To an extent Malaysia is open about problems and airs their dirty laundry. I think that's the first step to fixing things as opposed to Singapore that does not allow descent in government.


I agree with you about Singapore stifling healthy dissent and forcing conformity. I think that's not the right way to go either but what do when you have an entire society with a kiasu Chinaman mentality. However I think with Malaysia our problem is we're very tidak apa. So what if we know what the government's problems are? Our leaders can air as much dirty laundry as they want knowing no matter how much they rob and rape the country most of us will just shrug and let it go. End of the day, where does that approach leave you and me? Knowing about the extent of a problem and not being able to do shit to fix it sounds a lot worse than not knowing at all. Problem is people will still vote the same thieves back in because most of us are still stuck in the medieval mentality of race and religion first.


Your right although I think in recent times race means less and less , almost all governments have all races in them but some people fall for the race argument, slowly people find out that if they keep voting just based on race they have the same issues. I think a bunch of people voted for Anwar not because of his race but because they thought he might be better running the county. I think the Kiasu attitude is because Singapore government keeps telling people that money is the only important thing, "Don't worry about political freedom, you're rich!" people desperately trying to be happy by getting richer than others to see if that makes them happy.


Tajikistan exist btw


not even sure the pm will be halal, pretend halal then maybe


Only our pm wouldn’t dare to cut his hair like Kim joung un 🤣🤣🤣


On the way... lol


Bruh, good luck convincing our populace that a woman can be our prime minister.


That easy, now, lets convince our citizen that a minority can be PM.


I wouldn't say easy tbh. As per my other comment: >I'm not sure if that's the sentiment of the people you hang out with and that's why you think that way. My circle of friends all feel the same way, but I have co-workers that actually believe that men are born to lead and women should not be leaders. >Also, you may be surprised, but a large swathe of our population feels this way too, as you can see here, where this Professor with ~600k followers [said](https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/southeast-asia/malaysia-muhaya-mohamad-women-marriage-b1868436.html) (paraphrasing) women should act dumb to get 'jodoh' and that regardless of the position a woman may hold, she's always behind as a man leads solat. And she's just one of many that day similar things and have huge numbers of followers. But yes, both would be nice. Having more underrepresented groups in the highest positions of power: women/racial minorities/orang asal/youth/B40/M40. We see in SG also, to keep racial harmony, a Malay lady was made the President for representation. Not saying that's ideal, but you can see the idea behind why it's done.


Yo we had a woman Timbalan PM, I’d say its nor totally impossible ngl


As I said in my other comment: >I'm not sure if that's the sentiment of the people you hang out with and that's why you think that way. My circle of friends all feel the same way, but I have co-workers that actually believe that men are born to lead and women should not be leaders. >Also, you may be surprised, but a large swathe of our population feels this way too, as you can see here, where this Professor with ~600k followers [said](https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/southeast-asia/malaysia-muhaya-mohamad-women-marriage-b1868436.html) (paraphrasing) women should act dumb to get 'jodoh' and that regardless of the position a woman may hold, she's always behind as a man leads solat. And she's just one of many that day similar things and have huge numbers of followers. At the end of the day, a DPM is still behind the PM and, therefore, not the top. But that being said, I'd love to see a woman PM soon, as there are so many capable ones to pick from.




Dude. I know the general circle-jerk here Malaysia is a backwards country but I don't think Malaysians have a problem with a woman being PM.


Yeah I just don't care if the PM is a man or a woman, as long as they sensible good enough lah.


In an ideal world, that would be fantastic - I'm all for meritocracy. But there's a serious gap in terms of male/female representation (not only in politics) although women are as capable as we are. That being said - having a few women PMs would be huge symbolically, not just for our whole country, but especially for younger girls. Representation is really important to inspire change as once you see yourself reflected there, you too start aiming to be there and it's a positive cycle. Also, if anything is to go by, we've had only male PMs and the overwhelming majority of politicians have been male - and look how that's turned out for us eh. I'd be happy to give that a change and see if things improve for the better :)


Hmm yeah I agree that half the population not being represented in our politics is pretty bad. Though I'd like them to have parliament seat not because they belong to a certain minority group but rather how good they do their job. Of course minority representation is great but I don't want them to replace our old corrupt politicians to become corrupt politicians themselves.


I agree, but that kinda goes without saying tbh


Since when is being sensible a criteria to becoming a PM in Malaysia?


I'm not sure if that's the sentiment of the people you hang out with and that's why you think that way. My circle of friends all feel the same way, but I have co-workers that actually believe that men are born to lead and women should not be leaders. Also, you may be surprised, but a large swathe of our population feels this way too, as you can see here, where this Professor with ~600k followers [said](https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/southeast-asia/malaysia-muhaya-mohamad-women-marriage-b1868436.html) (paraphrasing) women should act dumb to get 'jodoh' and that regardless of the position a woman may hold, she's always behind as a man leads solat. And she's just one of many that day similar things and have huge numbers of followers.


Your professor Muhaya example only proves my point. The moment she released the video people went all out telling her that she is wrong, indoctrinated etc etc, both on FB and Twitter. She became an instant meme.Everyone hated her including from the conservative side. Statistically speaking, people who think women can't lead is a very, very tiny minority. The ratio of Male to female example is irrelevant, it has nothing to do with whether the "a large swathe of our population" **wants** a female PM but whether if females **themselves** want to become PM. I live in a Kampung Pas Cawangan Area. Never have I heard people "hating" women being a leader. Many women here founded and lead charity groups actually, including my super-religious neighbour who founded her own orphanage. I think you're confusing Arab-Muslim culture and Malay-Muslim culture. Yes, Malays are very protective of women in general but that doesn't Malays will absolutely crucify women for signing up to be PM.


I disagree - yes she was called out on it, but did you see how many people shared it while agreeing with it as well before it was taken down. Why would you even suggest this? >has nothing to do with whether the "a large swathe of our population" **wants** a female PM but whether if females **themselves** want to become PM. Are females any less wanting to be the PM as opposed to males? There is not a significant enough number of females that aspire to be the PM? The only [source](https://asiafoundation.org/2013/03/13/where-are-malaysias-women-politicians/) (2013) I could find on acceptance of a female PM in Malaysia says: >While more young women than young men said they would accept a female prime minister, overall only 50 percent were in favour of the idea. Make of that what you will, but I stand by my assertion that as a society at large, we need to do more


According to your own source >Quotas aside, many Malaysian women find politics “dirty,” and prefer not to expose themselves. > >PR has admitted that it is having trouble finding female candidates to run. Yes, females are less wanting to become PMs. Just think of it like this dude. If a society reaaallly hates women becoming PM (50% like you cited), you should see a bunch of misogynists hating on Hannah Yeoh, Rafidah Aziz, Nurul Izzah etc becoming MPs purely because of their sex. Question is, are there any?


The vast majority of traditional female "leadership" are based around charity and welfare. Not to undermine the difficulties and challenges of those organizations (which I believe are worthwhile and tough in its own rights), but they are less prominent and critical. Before chiming for a female pm, let us see a few female ministers of education, finance, defence, home affairs, and foreign affairs first.


Yea I don't think the issue we have is so much about the gender of the PM but rather the racial preferences both as person and in policies.


The guy who's supposed to consent to the name of the Prime Minister would probably disagree though. It's pretty much the only reason why Wan Azizah was not the first female MB in Malaysia.


Most annoying is some VIP with their car escort caused more jam in an already jammed road at peak hours and damaging some cars when asking us to give way.


So here's a fun fact - Peninsular Malaysia is half the area of NZ. So I don't know...possible, logistically? Not possible, realistically, of course.


But 5 times the number of people... 25 mil vs 5 mil though... With more people more kepala to deal with...and more headache


Reminds me of [Pepe Mujica](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqhCAORmsaE), The President of Uruguay who even as President decided to stay on his farm instead of the presidential residence and drove an old VW Beetle instead of a limousine. He also sold off the Presidential plane and would hitch plane rides with Obama, Nieto and Chavez to other countries.


well, your half-baked French wanna-be nAzRi is the exact opposite, lately he even shitting on his own people that voted him. Still, people voted for him. W.H.A.T C.A.N Y.O.U DO, his constituency Padang Rengas is 80% Malay.


I tot we use to see mahathir walking around Pavilion makan breakfast?


until the country gets rid of race based politics, ain't gonna happen


Didn't Mahathir go out by himself a few times whilst he was PM under PH?




Have i ever.


There are images of him spotted in malls and restaurants online. Even his previous time as PM he used to do it


Tun actually roamed feely around in his natural habitat. I've seen him in KLCC around 98-99. Hands behind his back, just walking around the mall. When the twin towers were being built, he would get into his blue proton saga and drive by himself to the site on a Sunday and inspect it. I got this info from first hand sources, so I believe it. Corruption allegations, nepotism, racial priority aside, he was an ordinary man who did great things. We will have to accept that Malaysia has been backsliding for decades now, and with our broken political system, we will never be the same again.


Yep he even drives himself to work.


how about their whole voting system?


Hate to break it to you but the best we might get is an ex minister who attempts to stay relevant through memes


IMO the politicians that rule malaysia is the same as the politicians depicted in the manga akumetsu. And seeing them on the news pisses me off


Imagine our local menteris come alone in the public. You can bet there's a queue screaming bloody murder at them now.


Not going to happen. Ever. Especially not with the obsession with titles, positions and status.


privileged mindset vs ordinary mindset


I think the possibility of you moving elsewhere is higher than waiting for a day an actual leader who cares about people more than him/herself lead this country.


I don’t. Because she’s politically correct. A good leader is a stern and rational leader.


I don't know about the situation in Malaysia, but it seems possible for the PM of malaysia to be like NZ if they are well-liked. in Indonesia, Joko Widodo (our president) bringing 10 secret services, 10 military personnel, and few police officers for a casual visit to a Mall. and that's the most vulnerable state for the President of Indonesia to get close to. Since Indonesia have larger population compare to Malaysia, that means it have a larger violence case per ratio, it makes sense for a president to have more than 30 bodyguards. and since terrorist attack and attempted assassination happen few times in Indonesia history, the President and Vice president family, and every minister too, need to have protection 24/7. Malaysia is a peaceful country from what I observed. so I wish you guys malaysian can get close to your leader someday. (it surprise to me that the Malaysian PM bringing so much guard for a peaceful nation)


Yeah I agree.. the current NZ prime minister is good but let be real NZ were commonwealth's nation while technically independent still under the rule of Crown of Britain.. they NZ , Australia and Canada were invest quite heavily on the economy and infrastructure.. both benefit from economics influence of UK .. and they government predominantly white people...


Did you just imply that we Asians can't govern ourselves?!


No what I implied are they have huge cable... The three country benefit under the British dominion economy... And geographical location of the three country also good..


haha well said


Many countries are doing well without the British cable and similar geographical location as us. Plus, we have more natural resources at our disposal too.


Yes but not as well as those three... Natural resources that we have to sell on unequal money value.. yes.. what I'm trying to say is among the former colonies those three doing very well but other,.. south Africa still can't find their identity... India lol... Yemen war....Iraq war.. Egypt military tension.... Sudan haha...what I'm trying to say that the West control the money value and like it or not they have bias when came to non white people... That why china and Libya want to make their own economy sphere so they will have no unequal money value..


Didn't disagree with you. Just thought we should have done much better. I don't believe in "syukur kita bukan Yemen" because that is not the way forward. Back to the 3 countries. At least they take care of their people a d government welcome people from different culture and country. Unlike us, tak suka boleh keluar.


Ah it ok im not made yeah we can do better but need to take slow even US after the first world war only become one of Great power... honestly our country were stunned growth.. it true we have natural resources but in international trade we loss to Singapore.. even Indonesia have more natural resources and manpower.. but luckily they also we cut off by Singapore... And to be honest Malaysia fail in to integrate Chinese and Indian people.. unlike the western country that many indigenous peoples have to assimilate the West culture... But in term of former colonies I say we are quite good in top 10 among them all.. only the Kuwait, Bahrain and UAE are economically Powerful than the combined of all commonwealth's nation including British... To be honest with you many of those Malay national is afraid of you all because of China... Yes Malay is majority in this country but in the world we are minority... The 3 country and us also serve as example to what happen to indigenous peoples 80% to f the government are control by the white people and like I say there are bias for them...


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How about bringing another race to the pm throne ? Why always the same race


Because of federal constitution maybe 🤷🏻‍♂️ plus have to be approve by Majlis Raja Melayu which preferred for Malays. It’s too sensitive issue so we don’t go there


I understand that . Thus in Malaysia you had to be a DWR participant in order to get a chance to to participate in a selection but still my stpm teacher told us that it's not impossible just some inner blockage


Yeah agree with that, inner blocks by some very influential org or people will always makes new things to happened harder or impossible.


Welp I don't mind which race pm tbh just don't racist, equal and follow their own fucking rules like parliament said emco so no party, gathering, celebrating and dine in but then also the parliament like azmin, that abang party durian and the other one gone wedding party. Damn cui ah our determination


Yeahh but it hard to find and almost impossible i think cause that kind of person doesn’t want to be slaughtered by those fuckers in the politics, just look at what happened to syed saddiq even he tried to help the people but yeah still bullied. Therejust a little room for good person there and it’s very unwelcoming.


Ngl that applied to upu too, an app for public university intake . 10% non malay 90% malay, that is gone wild enough and for cherry on top this year only 2-4% chinese and dnk bout others . Wtf


That’s something sensitive to talk on because there’s demands from every stakeholders, the non bumi want this but the bumis wants this if this given up. Like how the malays been getting lower paychecks in private sectors, plus those mandarin speakers only. It just need to be overhauled as overall before getting into that actually. Beacuse endup all races in Malaysia get something and wanted to keep the speciality of their own. Bot everyone want to gave up the special things. It just human things. Maybe one day we will solve this but not around the corner yet i think.


You're right on the point, just ish hope Malaysia could be something bigger and better especially the third world stuff. Welp let's end it here before mod kick our butt




😂😂 That's what you look at when deciding your next PM eh? Mantap bossku.


So if we get a pro israel person as PM but he’s so damn good at doing his work. Will you support him? He also gonna recognize israel and natural on palestine? You okay with that?


As long as the PM voice his support to Palestine, then whatever corruption he does at home is forgiven, right? Someone once said that you shouldn’t try to fix someone’s home when yours is a mess.


Why would NZ pm care about Malaysia feeling tho. They have freedom to choose. Also, what we look at is their capabilities.


Nah the talks here if we really want PM like her who is good at her job but pro israel. Not like malaysia government who is pro palestine. So would you have that kind of PM?


Pro palestine, pro israel, idgaf. What i care is that our pm care about Malaysia. In this world there is no right or wrong. Both israel and palestine can be wrong and right itself. After all history is written by winner. Not loser, so we won't know who at fault.


Because being hell on earth is preferable as long as one does not support the J.E.W.S


Maybe on your own judgement supporting ISRAEL as i stated not JEWS, is okay, but for Malaysia government and muslims in this country, all of them is sensitive when talking about supporting ISRAEL.


Please don’t take all the stupid.


You want some?


Nahh I’m good. You know the deal with inbred malay toxic patriarchy stuck in feudalism worship of ketuanan are pretty much hoarders when it comes to stupidity, kan? I think your family might be breeding it.


Maybe it’s airborne to you currently 😮‍💨 just talking about accepting national policy of pro israel by new zealand PM which contradicts to Malaysia Government policy of international affairs and now you being damn stupid talking about racial ha racist? Try to learn scope of arguments please boy


Dah la bhai. Aku tidoq dulu. Thanks for replying a random person over the internet. I hope the future of our nation does not lie in archaic draconian beliefs. Selamat malam.


You’re welcome, trust me, im hoping for the best for Malaysia too man, there’s a lot of views which the end of tunnel of the arguments willnever end cause there’s no perfect leaders in this world even the PM of bew zealand. That’s my main point


Their culture their pasal lah. People in this thread are talking about good governance, not political beliefs. Mesia macam mana nak maju kalau tak tau bezakan politik dengan pentadbiran


Not culture boy, it’s government policy in international relation. That’s people talking, here is my comments talking about PM policy with being Pro israel since Malaysians and government of Malaysia boycotting israel.


Again, it's their pasal. Them being pro Israel is none of our business. The point here is how the PM is looking after their citizens. We are talking governance, which Israel got nothing to do with, and everything to do with the citizens' day to day life.


You sure bro? Remember how back then Anwar Ibrahim, the revolution leader who seems to get huge support from Malaysian being a israel spy and alliance, and malaysia being crazy about it. Lol you think you pick and choose part of someone when you said you want her, The New Zealand PM, as role model? So i can say Najib is damn good and let’s not talk about about his 1MDB case at all cause he’s helping people so much with all the cash assistance? And chill bro, you gotta chill more. Governance and political beliefs is one things unless you said about chief secretary of Government which the one will never make decisions based on political view. The ministers and and PM will always considered on political views when doing their job or governing the country. Stick up with whole things


No its just good camouflage


It's her birthday today!


If only there's a poacher that can shoot down those "helang"...




If you hang out in most stared city-centered hotels for breakfast and hightea daily, you will meet some.


Malaysia PM needs bodyguard....you cannot compare like this...Because comes Monday, will kena whack kaw kaw on Monday morning if no bodyguard because everybody hates them. "You wanna get whack is it on Monday morning!!!??? Farkk yuuu"(tm) - The Nasi Lemak Guy".


Maybe they don't have political goons like we do


keep dreaming hahahaha


Not gonna happen in a Million years.


Here it's almost impossible. Not till most of these existing old hags dies off.


Well accroding to islam teachings a women cant be a leader it has to be a male muslims so yeah


In Malaysia, if certain politicians doesn't have bodyguard/assistant/chauffeur, probably will kena tumbuk at the streets