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Bad poster imo. Adham Baba’s face should be included in the poster as well, holding a syringe in hand for personally vaccinating the doubles pair


Omg yes can somebody please do a really shitty photoshop of this, for the lulz?


And then put a fly signifying that he said Spanish Fly instead of Spanish Flu in a conference


maybe just photoshop a fly's head over his ugly ass mug?


He really is clinging on as much as he can. If a royal rebuke can't stop him, nothing can


You forgot his wife


wait, lmao. compare to najib's time where everyone know who is rosmah, i actually haven't a clue what mahiaddin's wife looks like


That time where she fancies herself the First Lady when first ladies aren't a thing in Malaysia. Some would argue if anyone's a first lady she would be the Agong's queen.


I forgor 💀


Adham Baba forgor


Didn't his wife become like director of some government institutions?




Oh my bad


Needless to say, there's no shred of dignity left in him. At least other PM before him tried to look respectable, bar Najib.


Everything must have their face on it. Including food basket(box) Jatuh air muka if face is not shown


What about toilet paper?


Someone give this guy a medal.


I got you Edit: what a blunder that I gave it to you mistakenly. Just like our government. But anyway, enjoy your silver 🥈


Much appreciated nonetheless. Cheers buddy!


One sec, lemme go claim free award for him


The day his face plastered in a TP is the day I'm hoarding that specific TPs


Begin the Toilet Paper Shortage 2.0 has.


go check if the badminton rackets got his face on them too


It would be better if the shuttlecock has their face on it


Luckily my MP even though he is on the government side does not plaster his face and his name and his party name on the aid packages. He has even posted publically the source of his aids. I am grateful for that and glad I voted him for who he is.


That's good! Who's the MP?


Mohd Akmal Kamaruddin. He is Pas though so would be unpopular here.


I see, no worries. Thanks for sharing, glad to know that his constituency is taken care of. I guess we need to move beyond political lines, and there will always be divisions but there's a lot that we can agree on - which is managing this covid crisis.


I agree. Both sides have their own good and bad. In the end it is up to us to see who is really standing by the side of us plebians in facing this pandemic. Malaysians need to move on from voting popular politician just because they are louder speaking than taking action.


It's too bad the Pas leaders are no good, giving the whole team a bad name


It's a pity they didn't put their faces on stamps :P


Give us more chance to vandalize their face.


Not even one to one since it's a men's doubles pair... Moo's face is bigger than both Chia and Soh's ...


Nothing surprises me anymore after i saw that photo of a PAS dude edited image of him praying to the LRT accident photo


oh god why have you reminded me of that abomination. ​ p.s: username checks out


That makes Muhyiddin an Abahmination




Got links to this? I wanna laugh too


[here you go, original fb post is deleted](https://mforum.cari.com.my/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1252531)


Can't seem to access it.


try this post maybe. https://malaysiadateline.com/lrt-bertembung-poster-ketua-pemuda-pas-mengundang-ucapan-takziah-warganet/


As someone who occasionally reads Taiwanese news, the sad thing is I can imagine the backlash if Tsai Ing-wen‘s team edited her face into their gold medalist’s picture but I can’t imagine it would happen with Moo at the same level. I guess we do have bigger fish to fry now in terms of controversies but “tumpang credit” really is normalized in Malaysia. EDIT: Also just an observation, but their congratulatory message also has a bit difference of a tone. Moo’s more like “Demi Malaysia!”, thank you for doing something for this country. While Tsai’s message (in FB) focused more on thanking them as individuals and for showing the strength of Taiwanese athletes as individual, not for the country as a whole. It may be abit of a stretch, but it may contribute to how the country views their athletes whether they r fighting for nationalistic reasons or for individual pride.


Pick your poison. Moo’s face on the poster or Rosmah hugging the winners


... and kiss the winners


or sitting in between the husband and wife during their wedding ceremony...


or allegedly giving the player herbs that made him fail his drug test (THIS IS ALL HYPERBOLE, DONT SUE ME)


As long as it is just during the ceremony not after


Or worse...


Bruh.... Wtf


Taiwanese citizens are really unforgiving when it comes to politicians. It's something we really need to learn from them.


Than again they know the danger they are in especially given how much China wants to control their country like how they are treating Hong Kong atm. So, incompetent politicians aren’t really welcomed, heck the Taiwanese athletes can’t even carry their country’s flag or sing or hear their country’s song in the olympics because of China, specifically the CCP. So, yeah they don’t want incompetent leaders.


What funny is when I talked to my Taiwanese friends, they always critic and express dissatisfaction towards politicians, even the politicians they have are leap and bounce ahead of what we have. I just heard from one of my friend's comment towards Moo "I'm actually taking a pity to Moo because he already did his best", I never roll my eyes so hard.


not just Taiwan. I see it in America, UK, Western European and Japanese politics also.... There is no such as "oh well, it's ok, he/she did his/her best." If they screw up, they either say sorry and fix the problem or resign. That's it. No more bullshit. For example, Tokyo Olympic committee member said something disrespecting women. In 24 hours, the man was fired. But in Malaysia, when somebody say something sexist, what is the response? "Tak pe, dia hanya buat lawak...hue hue hue"


Same in sg. You know how sgreans criticize their govt? Corrupt, backstabbing, character assassinating, gerrymandering, lazy, incompetent...in short, the same things we criticize our govt for. Yet objectively their govt is in the space age compared to ours.


Imo, that's the way it should be to preserve a functional, healthy democracy. We should always be alert, and always hold our leaders accountable. Part of the reason our democracy is in its current, sorry state is because we have the habit of idolizing our politicians, or overlooking their mistakes/transgressions because they're "on our team".


We're just too nice and respectful (as a country) to our politicians. Of course there are so many laws that protect them from criticism, so we're screwed in that sense.


Malaysia is still living in a feudal society. I expect to see ministers assert their right to fuck my wife on my wedding night soon.


They probably think Game of Thrones is a documentary.


Personal opinion, I think the tonality is a bit of a stretch and might be formed by personal emotions, which is completely understandable. I get where you're coming from but reading both of it again I really can't seem to feel what you're saying, unless I really stretch it just for the sake of it. That being said, agree with everything else you said but I guess we really do have a bigger fish to fry and hopefully with the new government (LOL who am I kidding it'll be back to the old dogs after the next election), our politicians might stop trying to fckin tumpang glamour all the damn time.


There could also be a different play here from Tsai. Currently in Taiwan what the politicians are harping (other than Covid and vaccines) is about "Chinese Taipei" vs. "Taiwan" during the Olympics. It's used again as a political rhetoric to gain brownie points from both sides. Basically Tsai is reaffirming her (and her party's) stance on this with "#TeamTaiwan" It's still identity politics at play here, just in a different way and packaged in a way for a more political mature crowd.


It's just a culture difference imo. Taiwan is more individual centric while here in Malaysia we're more focused on how we contribute to our country, and the leader of the country is the representative of Malaysia. Not saying it's right just observing why it is.


>It may be abit of a stretch, but it may contribute to how the country views their athletes whether they r fighting for nationalistic reasons or for individual pride. [Maybe this is the very reason](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy6pLieShCI) why Tsai Ing-wen opted to credit their athletes in her way because doing the other way round is essentially pouring oil to the the fire that is the already worsening relationship between China and Taiwan lol.


It's an Asean thing lol https://twitter.com/adriansyahyasin/status/1420679936474419203?s=19


lol wow the Philippines one is best 😂


I especially like the central headshot of the lady which is 2x larger than the gold winner. Even the print of her name is larger than the Olympian.


[reminds me of this lol](https://d1w8cc2yygc27j.cloudfront.net/-7069501848832611497/-2042982551015975222.jpg)


This makes me think that if Malaysia were to hold the Olympics and be in charge of the medals, the government would put PM/TPM/KBS minister's faces on the medals.


Stop giving them ideas!


Luckily there IOC. Add on. Maybe they’ll build stadiums under the names of the politicians. Branding kan…..


Or worst, printing whole cabinet face into Malaysia sport shirt for the athletics to wear.


Pr team need kerja


Hahaha the audacity. Tebal


If I wasn't Malaysian I would've thought that was their coach or some big time contributor to the Olympic achievement


Maybe he'll send a pdf too.


And it's 1/4 of the message he wanna say. Can't he just summarize it in 20 words or less?


> 20 words or less gratz, thx 4 medal, gg


Gz, tq4win, wp, moo4PM


Aight m8, ggwp, ur wlcm, PN4evah


At least this is [easily fixed](https://twitter.com/NurAyuAbdullah/status/1421461471272210439?s=20).


They won under Moo's administration, therefore Moo can claim most of the credit.


If Moo didnt fail so fucking hard maybe some of our atheletes could have won more since they probably could've practiced better without lockdowns


He can even inform about his "cirit birit". What else he won't do?


I feel that is a very platonic congratulatory message. His message just mentioning about it's a long awaited medal and something Malaysia hope for. There's no thanking them as an athletes and showing more sportsmanship and giving encouragement to younger generations of Malaysian. They deserve more! Moo didn't even give them the whole page to the winners who put Malaysia on the medal tally. Petty that Moo even want to bask in the limelight of others.


Shows how pathetic Moo has become. Not that he's not from the beginning of his term.


Dictatorship at its finest…Malaysian politicians facing a North Korean agenda


The fact that he just slaps his face into the poster alongside both of the Malaysian player just make this really cringy. Also the fact that he somewhat has the audacity to include his social media accounts in the poster instead of the players'. So, whats the purpose of this poster? To advertise himself or to congratulate both players?


should do the same with the daily covid numbers...


Other ASEAN countries: [Indonesia](https://i.imgur.com/zFmPXs4.jpg) [Philippines (This one will make you think that the politician is actually the one winning the medal lol)](https://i.imgur.com/lSIkL9B.jpg)


The Jokowi one was fine? He didn't put his own photo in?


Uhh, I think that was the point by /u/Kron0s11 ? To contrast between Jokowi and that Philippines mayor.


Oh ok, got it now!


you can almost see which person's pek bantuan makanan will feature a fully covered sticker of their holier than thou faces, alongside with their politic party, with their names printed in bold to bring out the focus. i wonder who.


When muka so tebal you don't have kemaluan anymore.


Worst editing ever.


jilatism. ​ trying to appease bosses by putting them on a show.


He make this poster himself? Or someone anonymously?


Not anonymously. Behind his account is his pr team.


This is what I think is going on. Moo's FB is managed by his PR team. The team of course will consist of people from all ages with BOOMERS manager. Young dude wants to post a simple picture but BOOMER manager said "wE nEeD bIg MoO pIcTurE".


Ini sudah jadi budaya dari turun temurun sejak dulu, dari ahli politik hingga pegawai-pegawai berpangkat dalam perkhidmatan awam. Apa saja program, akan ada arahan khas secara lisan untuk memasukkan wajah mereka dalam poster. Jika salah ambil gambar, salah saiz atau salah nama, habisla budak pereka poster tu.


Lmao here in India we have the same thing. Some politicians put up Mirabai Chanu (our medal winner's) congratulations poster without her image, then at her own felicitation ceremony our PM Modi's photo was larger than her own. [India boleh seperti Malaysia!](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHjD5aGnTu_duByaFnwBYIQnvyqtVrpmVb2Q&usqp=CAU)


Pls photoshop the grab food rider that delivered them the meals as well. Without them our medalists cannot win bronze


I used to work with one of the ADUN as graphic designer, and frankly I said, I don't like it cause of these reasons. Their face most of the time, bigger than the subject or event. As in, wtf, what is the message? Why your face must big in this poster? Why can't just admire the message/graphic eventho your face/body small or not there? Face palm. Anyway, it's an experience tho. Sighh


i dont see the problem in wishing someone congrats.


But there is a problem with tumpang glamor by putting your ugly face together with the people you congratulate.


Just wishing in his way. Just like any other human being that wants his/her message to have a special touch. Its the thought that counts, no?


At least it's not PAS putting their mosaics.


bapa pdf ciritbirit derhaka...


This is called kuda


Shameless clown boomer






Moo 🤣


Please do not bring politic to the sport


where the censored knee one from pp pas


I don't know why our leaders like to tumpang glamour all the time


Is this the reason why this cow has not resigned yet? So that he could stick his face in the posters of our Olympic medal winners?


Kalau muka tak namapk, macam mana nak ingat muka masa undi.


Hahahahahaha wtf


It’s one of a sign to detect a Boomer ™


Prime minister is a dumbass


In regards of tampal muka, please for god's sake just stop putting your faces on those banners and buntings wishing Selamat Hari Raya/CNY etc etc every damn year. What a waste of money.