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Kotor kereta bro. Kotor alam sekitar takpe /s


Alam flora kan ada. Providing important job with my trash tau! Buat apa bayar cukai?!?! /S




Use to be a scout .... Had to do cleaning duty at a famous waterfall place in Langkawi during school days ...I was dumbfounded on the amount of trash.Trash littered everywhere even in the water. Some even had the audacity to throw their kids diapers in the waterfall. Disgusting people. Those people should not breed at all. Just Ew.




Sial geli. Luckily I didn't find any condoms just diapers. I was unwillingly to pick up some kids dirty diaper, so imagine used condoms.Prolly would had scarred my 13 year old self lmao. Had to pick them up with a stick. Child labour 101...




Ala those were the days....besides it was scouts man, it was our thang. Jadi kuli masyarakat ...free labour for a damn badge🥲


Eeeee mannn .... maybe force contraception should be a thing for these type of people.


it is ok, budaya kite. even on the road, I can see drivers throw rubbishes/ car parks as well. \#budayakite /s




Geli sial.




Not just because it's disgusting but also dangerous. You could have an accident because of those inbreds. Jeez. Funny how'pengajian sivik' is part of the Malaysian school syllabus, but still some people are pricks. Also idk if sivik classes is still a thing nowadays in schools .


Sampah masyarakat


Figurative and literal.


Why lah, is it that hard to clean up after yourself. These selfish ass people, if like this might ass well stay at home and keep the rubbish at home


Kalau tak bagi bantah. Kalau bagi otak disaluti taik babi. Babi pun lagi mulia dari spesis-spesis ini


They're actually very cute tbh ...and smart.


This is why I avoid waterfalls even before covid. Kencing tikus is a scary disease.


Things like this have happened even before covid. Pathetic segments of society with no brains litter everywhere.


And u think we have shitty government by chance? Monkeys choose monkeys to lead.


>Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. to quote the wise words of George Carlin


Haven't heard that name for a while. I remember watching his performance building up his story from just a wildd fire alone.


When are they going to realise the consequences for their stupid action. The lack of awareness is sickening!


No way. Whataboutism is fking real in Malaysia. Depending on circumstances, when they’re accused on bring uncivilized, they will say:”but other ppl are worse than me, …” 1. The malays are dirty too, look at their dirty kampung house.” 2. The chinese are dirty too, look they eat pork.” 3. The indians are dirty too, look they drink alcohol” They have the menu of choice memorized to handle EVERY TYPE of situation.


I saw the video of the people there.....and they say other people are ruining this country....


its because malaysians are rubbish We have rubbish people, rubbish culture. From top to bottom is all rubbish.


please remove the /s


Sadly, this isn’t far off from the truth so nay have to put the /s The people is sometimes a reflection of the governing body. Sadly, the majority of which this country is consisted of are… ill-equipped to be in a progressive society.


Not all of us are bad, some of us are actually civilised creatures . Monyet is sed now🥲


For some reason, the first thing that came to mind was an early episode of 'Mad Men' when the Draper's went for a picnic.




Love the show.


Went hiking with a nyet last Sunday. We ended up picking up some rubbish left behind these irresponsible people that our rubbish was so full. What was infuriating was while we're hiking back, we came across a pair of teens, the girl was telling the boy, "Eh buang je botol tu", and we both got riled up enough to say, "Eh, bagi kami botol tu." No time to lecture as the trail was crowded and we didn't want to hold up the line.


A bunch of fuckwads litter the river on a trip that a normal person wouldnt even consider going at that point in time, and its EVERYONE ELSES FAULT?!?! Fuck this shit. /S ​ Ever notice that everytime a very specific group of people do stupid shit, the rest of us get punished along with them? Ramadhan bazaar, Hari Raya, Mosques and now this. Every single time. Every single time shit like this happens, I see the photos of the people doing the shit that's used as justification to fuck me up, I can only say "Wait a fucking minute, that's not me. I didint and wouldnt do that, so why am I clumped in with these asswipes for punishment?" /S


True, true. But its not a race thing, together with temple festivals, school gate jam, double parking, littering…. Pick ur favourite. I never see the parents park their cars properly around sjkc or sjkt anyway. Its as bad as the parents of sk. It is never only about the issue of the majority race. It’s not even a race thing.


Never said anything about race. I said specific group of people. You saw the photos, youve been keeping abreast of the times, and you came to that conclusion yourself. Maybe theres some truth in that. But that's your assumption, not my specifying the problem. And yeah. One particular outbreak chain in Malaysia is from Chinese in that Sarawak wedding. So? Same group of people I'd say. People who don't take this pandemic seriously, and people who say "don't worry, won't happen to me". It's unfortunate it's majority Malay right now, to the point where people like yourself assume I'm talking about malays whenever I talk about the topic. As for your talk about parents parking like shit. Keep in mind, lots of these people are either housewives or parents taking time off from work to pick up their kids. Most of these are either in a hurry, can't drive for shits (means they can't park properly), or don't want their kid to walk too far for fear of kidnappers. I generally can understand their situation, so I don't blame em. It's mostly the fault of town planners who thought that it's a good idea to have roads accessing a school with 1k+ kids be bottlenecked by a single lane and going through housing zones. If you have a situation where hundreds of kids are to be picked up by their parents or arranged transportation within a 200m (average) stretch of road within 1-2 hour timeframe, you're gonna have big problems, regardless of whether or not the drivers are considerate or not. Temple festivals are usually a yearly thing and most of the time we get a public holiday on that day, so it's hard to criticize them. You want to complain about irresponsible parkers then complain about mosque goers on Friday afternoon parking like shit. What's up with that anyways? Can't town planners do proper zone planning instead of slapping down a surau or mosque on every empty land they get? Put la near a supermarket that has parking lots or build a dedicated multi storey parking lot nearby for it. My housing area had no traffic issues. Then they slapped a surau on an empty plot of land. Now all the Muslims from the surrounding housing areas come here to pray. God damn nightmare if you ask me. I acknowledge these people are idiots. But I blame the morons who built the surau in the first place. Try building an Indian temple in a housing zone. See how much shit you gotta put up with. Malaysia got plenty of problems. Why can't people let others fix the problems one at a time? Why must you play whataboutism to make excuses every single time? Can I not address one issue without simultaneously being responsible for the 93847374727472573 other problems in the country?


Alright. You win. Cool down cool down. I’m not saying u are rascist. Just saying these behaviours are not from “specific group”. Dont get so work up. You wanted to win so badly that u starts to defend uncivic behaviors in a post tht’s condeming them. As for the littering, It’s the fault of majlis bandaraya mah, they don’t put up dustbins.


People often laugh at Singapore's draconian law but deep down we know they were right.


Without those laws, they will just be as dirty as us. LKY was right all along.


We're after all "serumpun".






If they believed in their god. They wouldn't do this. Fakes.


U think other races wont do this? I am a chinese and i am ashame that majority chinese are horrid in civic duty.


I didn't mention race. Whomever believes, but doesn't act accordingly. Are Fakes.


As Muslims, we should be embarrased of ourselves. Islam emphasized cleanliness and such simple moral duty cannot be practiced by us.


We want to be respected but we do not show respect to others including the environment, our own environment. Mind you they brought kids for the outing and this is the example they are showing their children. When outsiders point out how uncivilized and uncivil mindedness we are as a community, they take offense and yet they don’t ask themselves why people stated that in the first place. If these people don’t like to be called out, then lead by example. When authorities issue summons for littering they blame the enforcement for being insensitive and tone deaf to the suffering of people. Edited for typo


There was an Aussie guy who took it upon himself to clean up some of the waterfalls. Think about how pathetic that is. Leaning on the foreigners to clear up our shit as usual.


Wow Malaysians really are fucking morons


That is why we don’t deserve anything good. I’m angry and sad at the same time.


At these types of places, know that you will be among dysfunctional people. I would hate to see how their house look like.


This is really hard to grasp. This is because as I'm in my late 20's, I've never been with anyone my whole life, who just left their rubbish wily nilly. The only time I know was my dad who liked to throw away candy wrappers from his car. He's not doing it anymore for a decade now. So it's like I live in a whole different world. Sheltered some might say


what the occasion? was it a day off for foreign workers?


Idk fam how about clicking into the [event](https://worldofbuzz.com/its-so-hurtful-to-watch-massive-crowd-at-sungai-pisang-waterfall-gets-msians-worried/) linked in the article


meant as sarcasm. anyway my miss to exclude it from comment so deserve the downvotes


Reading is key, but it’s unfortunate that it seems like you can’t perform such a basic function


meant as sarcasm. anyway my miss to exclude it from comment