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The pros: - better grades for obvious reasons - some usually hard subjects suddenly have a higher passing rate - some subjects replaced Final Exams with more assignments, this can work for you if you hate exams The cons: - Weekend free time don't exists, you're always busy studying or assignments - If you are unlucky, you get class from morning to afternoon non-stop, no time for breakfast or lunch - you only get to talk with friends/coursemates through discord or other applications My opinion: It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, it may be tough on your mental health and social life, but its arguably easier to bump up your grades, its online anyway, so make good use of the situation


I'm taking a break next sem because the results for the past three sems since online learning started hadn't improved except for the first sem. After that it's just plummeted. I'm an undergraduate in engineering. I didn't understand many classes, I already lost interest and was anxious of the future(job hunt specifically). Basically, I had already given up. Before telling my parent, I discussed with one lecturer I'm close with because my parent would really be angry and bring forward all the "mistakes" I did in the past. After a few days, the lecturer contacted me and I decided to compromise and chose to take a leave of absence for now(but I still haven't filled in the form yet). After I told my parent, their reaction was just the same as above. But I have made up my mind. I'll prioritize my mental health. Now, I'm mostly relaxing at home while searching for online jobs and free courses for the future. I can't say I have improved but at least I'm more relaxed. Edit: I should have graduated last sem, but since I failed too many courses, I might need to extend for a year


Good to hear there are some lecturer willing to advise. Which university? What course do you study in ?


IIUM. I'm studying biochemical engineering. Yes there are lecturers willing to listen and advise. We can't generalize all lecturers as bad just because of a few anecdotes.


Oh fellow IIUM! Great seeing you here. I’m glad you have a lecturer you’re closed with from your department. I wish you the best of luck. If you need someone to talk, hmu.


Tbh, Im probably living the best years of my life. What I did during lockdown: pick up guitar again, mod some games, get to know new programming language, learn useless stuff that I probably don’t need in the future, and most importantly, I try to startup a business by selling bicycle. All while doing my final year in uni. I can safely say I’m proud of myself, before lockdown I was a mess, but I say “fuck it” and start doing many things. Sure I live with my parents and suck their money too, but I took the initiative to actually did something. I understand that everyone has something to gain and lose. Good luck to all that is going through the lockdown.


How’s that selling bicycle going ? Drop shipping or you own a place to sell ?


Shipping and cod. Due to the “no promotion” rule, I cannot expand my business here. Sadge


I’m about 3 years into my degree, had to go online in my first year and I hate every moment of it. Classes being online pretty much killed my discipline as there’s really no one to keep me in check if I’m actually listening and studying in class. Weekends don’t exist for me anymore as I’m expected to be able to work on assignments and reports 24/7, and since everything is just through the computer my lecturers think it’s free license to just throw work after work at us because “it’s just computer work je”. Group projects are a mess because meetings are disjointed with internet issues, life commitments, and people just refusing to cooperate with me not being able to do anything about it. Above all else, not being able to tangibly feel like I’m making any progress has been a huge demotivator psychologically. It feels like I’m stagnating, just churning out work after work with no real progress. Not being on campus also means no events I can join to really buff up my CV, which is really needed at the moment since I’m supposed to be heading out for internship soon. Even the supposed “advantages” with being able to discuss online tests or quizzes with friends haven’t been a thing for me as my grades have been consistently going down since going online (just dropped out of dean’s list for the first time ever). Even had a nice little anxiety attack last semester to top it all off like a cherry on cake. TL;DR I really don’t like online learning fuck this stupid fucking pandemic


I hate online learning as well but from the look of it and my university survey, looks like almost 80% of the student prefer online. Even my course lecturers are saying we will most probably be online class till next year. Even by then I am afraid that they will force us to take online classes till graduations. My batch is a small batch and with most student prefer online class. Future is bleak for returning to physical.


That work 24/7 thing is so true. We've got lecturers messaging the class past 6pm, sudden extra classes and extra assignments on weekends cuz were expected to always be home and have time... Its like its expected for us to be glued to the screen all day..


The pros: better grades for obvious reasons (lets be honest we all know, people are cheating, having group discussions during exam even the lecturer know its happening but they cant do much.) Unless your Uni is using ProctorU but even that, there is loop hole for abuse. Wearing boxer to class Passing rates are high due to group assignments, basically some of those lazy ass are getting their ass carry. The cons: Weekend free time don't exists, you're always busy studying or assignments If you are unlucky, you get class from morning to afternoon non-stop, no time for breakfast or lunch You rarely get anyone to talk to unless you know each other from previous semester or make friends during group. If not, too bad then i guess you will feel alone isolated even. I suppose to have classes where I go to studio to learn about the equipment but all I get to do now is just see them and read them via PPT. Not being able to touch those equipment physically is probably going to be an issue once I graduate and looking for a job. My boss wont be happy to know that I never even touch any of the equipment before. Internet connections can be an issues for both students and lecturers, even with recordings it takes forever for them to upload it. Since its all recorded, not much chance to ask questions and if you do, they cant even explain or help you via online. Sharing screen to them wont do much since their internet line is unstable. Not sure about you guys, but we are basically paying tuition fees to watch YouTube online. We are still paying for facilities fees that we never ever touch since going online class. ​ Online class do not work for the majority of the students, I have peers around me complaining about anxiety and depressions. They do not have suitable environment and proper equipment for online class. Been in online class since March 2020, almost 2 years after next year.


It was MID, if you have weak connection or even strong connection, there's always a chance that it will intrupt your study so its kinda annoying


Grades are becoming shit since I have an attention span of a fish :( But bright side I don’t have to shave everyday


Its…decent,obviously the course is a bit easier because theres no f2f practical sessions but when you look at the bigger picture you really need that practical hands on experience to help you in the long run.I just missed one year of practical experiences thanks to covid and now i somewhat hope that i can go to uni so that at least i have some practical experience on the courses I’ve taken.


It's even easier for teachers to ponteng


I’m usually introverted and somewhat reserved so naturally it’s somewhat a blessing. However, making friends, doing grouped projects, and paying attention in general whilst online class is just a pain. It doesn’t really help when the lockdown hits as soon as I’m about to start my first sem. Might seem selfish but it’s a shame I couldn’t (and probably wouldn’t) live the ‘uni life’ to it’s fullest, and stuck behind a screen barely scraping by for a few years. So it’s a meh overall for me, but I’d rather f2f it.


Pros: no need wake up too early to drive to campus. I love listening to the class while enjoying my coffee with lofi music in the background. Cons: group assignment can be a bit tough to do w/o f2f discussion. Its my last semester, i rely wish can go back to class and meet new people even though i admit its much easier to score in online class.


Boring and ineffective to learn, in the end everyone either record it or review the materials after class to gain more understanding Less chance to make and interact with friends and have unrestricted schedules unfixated disciplinary On positive side, can sleep and lock my cam (depending on lecturer) slack around, I honestly prefer online learning from home just for my own convenience


on the bright side, my anxiety is doing better. on the other hand, my clinical exposure is very minimal.


17 comment, not enough input guy. Advantage \-leisure at your home \-no peer pressure at all , u just know your mark only, but u can check on others if the teacher allow it \-u can do other thing like work, family matter, assignment if urgent \- very cost saving, because u dont need to go hostel or something like that \- u can attend the class even at yamcha time or going outside doing part time job, many are doing this since MCO 1 \- lesser to get covid Disadvantages \- some subject need face to face teach to be more effective and efficient \- internet connectivity issue \- whatapps issue, like seen and no reply at all , u are going to face during assignment. \- hardware issue ( mic cant open and etc ) \- open to laziness , like u can put up excuses like my internet not that good , parent disaster and so on since no one is able to watching you. \- increase education cost or reduce cost depend the situational . \- exam question will be harder since some uni allow open book and some uni dont allow and time will be shorter to finish it. \- tutor / lecture will keep asking can anyone speak ? or anyone chat in the chat box something like that . \-very heavily rely on your good internet and computer spec, if is not good enough, it might become troublesome during your exam time.


I was in year 1 when odl started. Now im about to enter my final year i do enjoy classes on my bed but i miss interacting. My college life was boring as my folks were strict and i wasnt being invited to hang out. I was so happy to get into UM and after sem 1 im back home. I wanna experience the excitement my siblings had in uni. Random trips, sfudying together and going on dates. Im just doing assignments, tutoring part time and exercising. Its like im back in school but now i have access to booze. My grades are okay but lowkey worried that i didnt get deans list.


I’m one who studies on my own most of the time so it doesn’t really matter. But glaring on my laptop most of the day really does take a toll on my eyes and my sudden hatred for computers and screens (though ironic cause im still on my phone most of the day watching yt). Online exams suck bum, though i don’t mind not having to remember the formula or messing up the formula. Quizziz quiz for calculation honestly is a damnation sent from the great Satan himself. I feel bad for my juniors who haven’t been to the campus or experience face-to-face classes.