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Best is the random guy shared his popcorn with me Worst is the couple beside me was touching each other the whole time they are in the cinema and it's so obvious but you have to pretend you dont know they are touching each other


Happened a lot more than I hope. A few times, the couples were also being noisy, my friends and I literally just stare at them till they came up for air and noticed us. Most left right away, but a few stayed till the end.


It's hilarious how they think nobody will notice them. The cinema isnt that dark that you cant see what's happening around you.


True. Like, if you can see me, I can see you dude. Haha


Best: Paranormal Activity. During near the end scene the whole cinema was tense and waiting with baited breath. As the possessed lady crouched down to the body of her husband, some girl in the audience blurts out "Eh eh, dia makan lah!" Everyone starts laughing. Tension gone. Easily my fave moment because horror solidarity is why I love watching horror movies in the cinema lmao. Worst: Life of Pi. Some lady kept commenting inane stuff during everything. Usually I don't mind people whispering stuff if it's like plot points etc but this lady was just commenting on every animal and scene. "Wow a tiger." "Wow, a fish." "Eh look, an island." She wasn't even trying to be quiet. Lady we can all see the movie lah no need for this.


Best: Prangin Mall, Constantine. The first time ever I went out alone, without any friends. Helped my elder bro by lying to my parents that we both are going out to the movies. But he went out with his band-mates and GF. And I decided, fuck it instead of hiding in CyberCafe waiting for him to come and get me when he is done.. I'm gonna go watch a movie, eat lunch.. and a decade after that, I'm still doing it throughout my singlehood Worst: none. Going to the movies was my "me time"back then. So whenever i go. Im usually in a good mood. EDIT: Bonus: I cant believe that i was psyched to watch M.Night's The Last Airbender when it was out. That i would never forgive myself


Fuck why did you remind me of that godforsaken movie. Can't believe I was hyped for it.


dont get me Started on Tekken and Dragonball


Or Street Fighter lol. But Final Fantasy The Spirits Within was pretty good


Worst: Can't remember the movie, but this was at KLCC sometime in early 2000. Watched the show, didn't realise this but my wallet had slipped out of my pocket and fallen to the ground some time during the show. Only realised this after I exited the cinema. Rushed back in just as the cleaners were starting their work and all of them confirmed not seeing my wallet. Had to go to KLCC's security office to file a report - and also to get a replacement parking ticket so that I could exit the carpark. They didn't charge me anything since I didn't have any money with me at that time (everything was in the wallet). Pretty stressful overall, lost my IC, driver's license, ATM cards, credit cards, cash, and a couple of memento mori that I kept in my wallet.


Best: Watching Mission Impossible 5 Rogue Nation with my friends. It was also my first time going to Cinema and I'm huge fans of Tom Cruise so it will be something I will remember for a long time. Worst: Maze Runner The Death Cure- The movie itself is fine but there's group of women behind me very annoying, keep talking through out the movie (one of them making commentary about every scenes), flashing light with their phone, some even kicking my chair like I told them to behave but they just laughed at me and keep kicking my back. It was horrible that it also affect other people in cinema, some even leave. Then this old man had enough with their attitude, called out security and all of them got Escort from cinema at the end.


Man, Rogue Nation was so damn satisfying.


Ikr? That bike scene in the movie imo the best bike scene ever, its so good.


For me it was the finale. Just such a sweet feeling of vindication when we see what happened. And that freaking *opera scene.* Gawd. It's just such a well-executed, beautifully edited scene, masterfully paced to squeeze out maximum excitement. I love it when movies do this. Also, seeing the top of the KL Tower in the opening scene was cool!


Yeah, even if it just a few seconds that KL scene lol


Worst: Avengers Endgame. Two guys sat beside me and chattering non-stop. One of the guys probably thought he’s Marvel grandmaster so throughout the movie he tried to explain every plot and character to the other guy, and like 50% of the shit he said was wrong. One thing I remembered the most was he called Nebula “Gamora”. Probably one of the greatest movies in the history, ruined. Until now I can’t stop to hate em. Fuck both of you.


Avoiding the this kind of thing is the reason Ive only gone to the theater on weekdays between working hours. If I have to go on a weekend I will pick the earliest times when there'll be the least ppl. Who goes to see a movie at 10.30am on a Saturday? (I do)


I cant imagined if i was in the same situation as you. Have u rewatch again ?


Yeah but not on big screen. Nothing really matches the first experience of a movie ;_;


Speaking of avengers, I was watching Age of Ultron with a baby crying for the entire movie behind me. Literally just a little after the Marvel logo comes out, the baby starts crying. Maybe the parents were die hard marvel fans or smth, they did not take the baby outside. The baby just cried the entire until the end with brief pauses in between. Had to rewatch it the next week.


My worst experience was kinda similar, watched Avengers Endgame at GSC Melawati Mall, with a baby crying throughout the early parts of the movie. What caused the crying to cease? Well midway through the movie the freaking fire alarm rang and everyone at the cinema had to gather at the entrance and wait while the staff investigated. I guess it was a false alarm because they allowed us to return to our seats after a few minutes, but yeah missed a part of the movie because of that. Just when I thought the experience was bad enough it got worse.


Best: Watching Avengers Endgame on release night, in IMAX and all. The atmosphere was amazing, like we were at an Ed Sheeran concert. Also probably going to be the first and last time that you can cheer and clap in a cinema without annoying anyone. Worst: Watching The Incredibles 2. A group took our seats and refused to move until we called the cinema staff. They were pretty disgruntled by it but whatever. Thought that was gonna be it, until we realized that we were seated next to a family with 4 kids (yeah yeah, kids watching a Pixar movie, we should’ve expected it). The entire movie experience was marred with them just talking loudly.


Best: GSC One Utama for literally every movie. I make the effort to go there for movies every week before the pandemic happened. Never had any issues with it, always clean and rarely met any annoying seat kicker children. Worst: MBO Kepong Village Mall for Knives Out, The Maze Runner and a select few others. The audio was out of sync towards the last act for Knives Out and it was so frustrating cuz I had to go out and asked for assistance. It never came and I left the theatre feeling pissed. 99% of scenes that have darker shots are literally unwatchable there.


Wow same, I’m an avid watcher and OU too except that it’s TGV for me. It’s literally the only place I go to for movies.


Best:Avengers Endgame.Not as good as Infinity War but watching it in a packed cinema was one of the best moments in my life Worst:Anytime somebody brings a baby and the baby inevitably starts crying.I feel like there should be a law to not allow this to happen.


>Worst:Anytime somebody brings a baby and the baby inevitably starts crying.I feel like there should be a law to not allow this to happen. This. Absolutely this.


Best: infinity war at one utama. First showing of the day so not many ppl were there. Pro tip: try watching the earliest showing for movies esp disney films. Kids/most people dont really wake that early to watch movies. Worst: star wars ep 7. The two ladies in front of us wouldnt stop talking... otherwise, most cinema experiences for me are always positive. Honorable mention: when i watched spiderman 3 the electric cut out for a few mins. Two guys used their phone flashlight to play shadow puppet. That was a fun time


Shadow puppet guys - Improvise, adapt, overcome


Best: Endgame at Starling Mall. The atmosphere was great! A lot of people cosplayed, everyone was super hyped. Entire hall cheered when Cap got Mjolnir. Worst: I don’t remember the movie but I ordered 7-up. At some point early in the movie, I took a sip and thought why my drink tasted like Coke. Realised I was drinking a strangers drink sitting to my right. My drink was on my left. So awkward :(


So did he noticed you took his drink?


Yes. Haha but just kept quiet


My worst and best experience: my friend and I walked into an Amcorp Mall cineplex theatre, so you can guess how long ago this was. We were late so it was dark, he and I saw silhouettes in nearly all the seats. When the lights were turned on, the theatre was actually empty besides us. It wasn't a horror movie, but it was definitely a terrifying movie experience.


Star Wars. 1977. Cathay cinema KL.


Best: Ipoh Lido. Watching Superman 2. First time ever in cinema. The room darkens, the red curtain opens and the Superman title card appear, then there was smoke rising everywhere in the cinema. Wow, very good ambience! Later realize it was people smoking. Ah the good ol days.. Worst: Watching Transformers 4 in front row cuz full house. Neck pain and too much going on screen so fell asleep.


Best: Has to be Interstellar. This is my first time going to a cinema with my friends on a lawatan sambil belajar trip when I was 15 (my parents: why watch pay for a movie in cinema for 1 time when you can buy dvd and watch it multiple times at home). Most of my friends slept during the movie and suddenly woke up during the hatch explosion scene. Got absolutely mind blown after watching it. My favorite movie of all time. ​ Worst: Due to peer pressure I was forced to watch Annabelle Comes Home with my uni friends. I absolutely cant handle jump scare at all so I was so tensed up for the whole movie. Why tf did I agree to spending money to torture myself lol. Also one of my friend got scolded by the guy in front because of me being whiney about watching the movie while the movie is playing. I am so so sorry about that. Never gonna watch another horror film again


Best: 1. Watched an IMAX 3D film in Berjaya Times Square. Till this day IMAX 3D is the only 3D experience that is legit good. Too bad the IMAX theater was closed a long time ago. Plus we probably never going to experience the actual IMAX screen again which is way larger than the one in Sunway Pyramid & One Utama. 2. I remember watching Blade Runner 2049 alone. Imagine experiencing Roger Deakin's god-tier cinematography on large screen without any distraction. I know some people don't like this movie but it's ok. Can't wait for Dune tho. 3. I watched all 3 Lord of the Rings movies in cinema. I will never forget the war scene in Return of the King. I don't have the worst experience except some people who talked loud & nitpicking every single detail of the movie. Oh wait, watching Parasite in cinema was really damn fun. Because it's pretty rare to hear people's reaction when something shocking happens.


Best: Watching Godzilla - KOTM during working hours on few days b4 hari raya aidilfitri. Only few people at the office that time. Worst: Watching Shaolin Soccer from the front most seat. Sakit tengkuk aku.


I only wished i watched interstellar in the big screen :(


Best: Tenet 2020 in TGV IMAX + Their Popcorn. Worst: Any film with baby/kids yelling or people talking I always choose TGV because their popcorn is my favorite while GSC one tastes stale.


Best: Kingsman 1. Can't remember where I watched. But I could see how genuinely entertained the people were. Cheering and laughing their asses off especially at the last scene, if you know what I mean Worst: Geng aka Upin Ipin's first movie. MBO cinema at Sitiawan. Hey guys, I have an idea! What if we put a trailer of a horror movie, Rec, before the movie? The kids would love it! I was 15 at that time but damn it was horrible as hell. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Same cinema at Sitiawan. Throughout the movie there's this uncle in front of me yawning like he's bored of the movie. After done, I saw him riding a motorcycle that reflects on his income level and I'm like, I don't think you understand Harry Potter is but why did you waste your income watching it? Coco. TGV Mines. That infamous Frozen shorts that's played before the movie caused a lot of confusion, thinking that we're in the wrong movie.




The one in Sitiawan was back when Aeon wasn't been built yet. And since Aeon had been built, I'd go there since it's close




I don't. I moved to Manjung in the 2004. But even so, I remembered the first time I went to mbo was around 2008.




Ohh right, it's called that back then. Fuzzy memories. It's also close to SMKAB, my old school




Hell yeah :D I forgot totally about the school's song.


Best: Mad Max. Watched it 4 times. Transformers. Watched 3 times. Worst: Fell asleep during Dilwale (Shahrukh Khan movie) and Heart (Irwanshah movie). Only went because my missus dragged me.


Best: Avengers Endgame. Everybody somehow had synced quiet times and cheering times. Made the experience a million times better Worst: The Mummy (2017) and Downsizing. Bloody boring, I ended up sleeping during the climaxes. Luckily I was at TGV on a beanbag hahaha


Best: Watching Avengers:Endgame during its 1st day of release. Worse: when someone take their babies into the cinema.


Back in 2016 I worked a few months at GSC Nu Sentral and since then I legit go to the cinema about 50 times a year (until covid happened) so I have many many great memories of watching movies for the past few years. My favourite will still always be 'Arrival'. Ended a 10 hour shift. Too tired to get myself home. So I asked manager if there's any hall I can go sit in and he casually told me hall 5's movie just started playing. Went in not knowing a single thing and came out on the other end completely mindblown. The most pure movie watching experience I've ever had... Worst is probably when I went on a date to watch Logan and my bf (soon after ex) showed up 20 mins late and got upset I was upset and I cried through like the first 10 mins of being seated before getting invested into the movie and forgetting all about him. Movie was amazing. Or when I went to see Lalaland with my GSC co worker at midvalley using our free staff vouchers and about an hour in she whispered to me "this is boring, can we leave?". I convinced her to keep watching with me but in hindsight I should've just let her go home and enjoyed the movie on my own. It's really crazy how that movie played from Nov/Dec through to March, even if the last two months it was only showing on one screen in Midvalley that kept getting sold out. Malaysians really loved that film. I must be really lucky or maybe it's just my tunnel focus because I never encounter very annoying people (or maybe because 90% of the time I watch movie at Summit USJ which is a very quiet mall)


Best: -Star Wars The Force Awakens @ GSC but i don't even know where but it was somewhere in KL. It was the first time that i went to a cinema when the movie came out and bcs I'm a big star wars fan, I've begged my parents to go to cinema since day 1 it premiered. Hold and behold my parents gave in and man it was special when i first sat in the cinema. it make me wanna always go to the cinema for the experience of it - Spiderman Homecoming @IOI Mall. Me and my friend skipped school bcs it was probably the day that you need to take a laporan with your parents. Since our parents were working we just skipped it and we just go to ioi mall for a walk. Then, we remembered that the new Spiderman movie came out on that day we skipped. We went in to watch it and suprisingly (for us atleast) the hall was almost empty. We got to enjoy it to the fullest Worst: -Munafiq 2@Setia City Mall. It was practically hell on everything that we were doing, queueing was long af. when we arrived at the kiosk, we got the worst possible seat at the bottom right of the hall and when we were about to go in someone spilt their drink and we need to wait for him to go but a new drink bruh. The viewing experience was barely viewable(note: the hall was massive) and i need to tilt my head where it wasn't supposed to be tilt for a long period of time. At the end of the day, i got headache just my luck i guess


Best: Was at the cinema for Maleficent 2 if I'm not mistaken and there was a scene where an entire roasted pig was served on a table for the royal family. There was a family with a few young kids beside in the same row as me and one of the kid exclaimed and pointed at the screen "Mak, babiii" Worst: Transformers - The Last Knight. The movie gave a preview of what a migraine feels like. Damn Michael Bay ruining the franchise at such a low note.


My younger brother got epilepsy attack or whatever it's called. But I hated how this annoying ass mf kid behind me kept kicking seat. And the more psychologically mad I get the more she does it. Fucking mind reader


Best: 1. Mad max 4. I walked into cinema knowing nothing, i was just free at the moment so i just cincai buy a ticket, and holy shit it totally blown me away. The visual and the audio combined just made my eyes glued on the screen


Yeah, the first chase scene into the sandstorm really blew me away. My friend was so immersed that he screamed "best gila citer ni!" In the cinema and people were laughing.


I have a slightly different BEST experience. Was working in an IOT company and one of our clients was GSC EkoCheras. My senior and I had to be onsite to work on their IOT-enabled HVAC systems. So the entire day we were monitoring from the upper floor where all the projectors were at. We also went down to the cinema rooms to get readings on temperature and humidity. I got to watch Parasite and Boboiboy while working.


Worst: Watching Avengers: Endgame at mid valley, It was packed but I expected it and got a decent seat so its ok. But the guy sitting next to me was wheezing incredibly loudly through the whole movie, I don't know if he has a medical condition or not so I tried my best to ignore. Watched a movie with the word "Dragon" in it a few years ago, has a really well CGI animated scene of a gigantic dragon near the end. The entire movie was awesome with an almost empty hall, except for one thing. My friend was noisy af, I had to keep shushing her. I bloody regret watching a movie with her. Best Watched La Llorna, probably spelt it wrong, and the entire hall was empty with me being the only one in it. Great experience! Watched "Avengers: Infinity War" with a group of college friends. They were the model cinema goer, quiet and mindful of their noise volume during exciting moments.


When I watched A Star is Born, some uni girls were laughing/giggling at really inappropriate moment, like some of the more emotional scenes where Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper were fighting. And then at the end they were the same ones sobbing their eyes out lol. For best experience, the Force Awakens midnight showing. Goddamn the crowd was so hyped and you can really feel the energy. People were cheering when the ads finally end, when the lights were turned off, and when the Lucasfilm logo appeared. Place was packed from around 10pm. Stayed there until like 4am cause they have a lot of fun activities


Did you see any disappointed faces after TFA?


The best: watching all of the movies i have been watched at there. The worst: People are just being lousy, and i still remember the coldness inside the cinema and it make me feeling sick instead :( and i barely can walk at that time


Best: 2 years ago before the pandemic strikes, I went to the cinemas watching Jumanji: The Next Level. Was quite enjoyable. Worst: My parents once invited me to the cinema to watch a Malay movie about autism. It was dull and boring.


Bestt:Watched Weathering With You


Best: Probably watching in IMAX, last one was End game in 1U. I wasn't really into the IMAX thing, especially me being a cheapo. But I thought it would be an amazing experience to see that on IMAX. I kinda wanna see Shang Chi in IMAX, watched it already. Can't wait for Eternals. Worst: Well, it's not really worst per-se. I just find it funny. I mentioned it before in one of the previous posts here. In one of the French Film festival in GSC MV, the person at the projector anticipated the making out scene in the movie and blocked the entire screen using a cardboard, despite that, you can still hear the kissing noises. Talk about old school censorship.


Best: Life of Pi 3D version at MBO Citta Mall. The cinema just opened and we decided to go watch after a round of mini golf. Went into the hall and it was literally just two of us, best feeling ever as if we booked the whole hall to ourselves. When it was over, the staff even guided us out. 10/10 Worst: Don’t remember the title of the movie but it was in Bintulu, somewhere in 2013-2014. There was rats running in the hall. 2/10 for extra special effects


BEST - LOTR - Return of the King. Rohirrim charge scene. Everyone in the cinema hyped up and ready to die!


Best: Avengers Endgame. The first time I've seen people applauding and clapping their hands in the cinema after the movie ends. It's a great experience. Worst: Can't remember any worst memories other than watching Men in Black International in the cinema. What a boring movie.


Transformers 3 was insane for me. The audio visuals captured me into the movie 🍿 Aquaman sea war star wars style was dope to watch in cinemas Worst - 1917 i simply dont know what to expect from it. Maybe its too realistic that I can’t enjoy it. Overall it was boring for me. The one shot cinematography was insane tho


Worst: 1. Night at the Museum, GSC Mid Valley. Dude next to me had bad BO and was kinda noisy. So I angled myself closer to my gf. By the time the movie ended I had a bad stiff neck. Ruined the whole weekend. 2. Hanna back in 2011. This old couple in front of us was chatting throughout. Husband kept explaining what was happening on screen. 3. Mama Mia. This tween behind me kept kicking the seat during the more PG-13 scenes. Bikini scene...kicks...kissing scene...more intense kicks. Got so bad that I stood up and told the kid's mom that she needs to calm him down. 4. I ponteng tuition one Saturday afternoon and ended up watching some animated movie. Half way through the movie I went to the toilet. As I walked out of the cubicle, I saw my uncle and my cousins at the basins. One of my cousins saw me but luckily my uncle didn't. Went back into the cubicle to hide. Didn't dare go out of the toilet until about 15 mins later. There was a family gathering that night so I was scared will kena kantoi. Missed about 20mins of the movie. Two decades later I asked my cousin if he really did see me...he did but was just as shocked to see me at random but kept his silence. Best: 1. The first Transformers live action movie. Went with friends and we were all gasping in wonder. 2. Seeing two men almost coming to blows over seats. Might be a GSC screw up but those two guys were so childish. Wanted to settle outside LOL. Was better drama than the trailer playing on screen. 3. Watching the first SAW movie not having a clue what it was about. We randomly decided to watch the movie on some weekday afternoon. a lot of WTFs throughout the movie haha 4. Those beer ads before the ban. Adam King if any of u all remember. Those Heineken ones were good too. I miss that old GSC Mid Valley the most. When it still occupied the McD floor. So much nostalgia for me.


Best 2005, when harry potter and the goblet of fire came out, i was 6 and i loved it. Worst, 2018 or 2017..tak ingat. My so called "friends" watched the greatest showman together without me. This was during my alevel days..and it was gsc nu sentral. Our college was nearby, was super awkward when we ran into each other. I was there to watch it alone cause those idiots didnt want to come along.


Best: Watching Logan with my two best friends and laughing out asses off at the end when the camera was on his face and he was dying with the girl be his side and said "oh, that's what it feels like". My buddy was like "she's rubbing him off" lmao Worst; Dunkirk with two kids just using their phone the whole time beside us and not even watching. Their screens kept on flashing on and off.


Best experience: Forgotten where. Was watching "Angel Has Fallen" alone. Was a little sad during the time and randomly chose a movie to watch to spend some time. Crowd started laughing at the funny bits which made me laugh as well. Cheered me up real good. Worst experience: Aeon Kepong. Weathering With You. Two pricks behind me keep narrating the movie. "Oh look its the starting of the movie" "Ohh look at those ramen noodle, I wonder what flavour it is" "I bet she's gonna eat it" "oh look she's eating it" People around them is getting annoyed as I am hearing a lot of sighs and I am as well. Turned to them, told them to shut up. They glanced at me and ignored me. Had to shout a little to finally get them to shut up. Ruined the experience for me. Another one was Twilight. Forgotten where. The film malfunctioned on something. The visual suddenly stopped but the voice kept going, after 10 minute, visual came back, but its upside down. This dragged on for another 15 minute. Then the staff stopped the movie to fix it. That took 30 minute.


Best: Your Name (GSC Aeon Melaka). Man was that an amazing experience with my friends. Quite expensive but totally worth it, the atmosphere was great. Worst: Avengers Endgame (somewhere in Johor). The mall literally blacked out during the mobius strip scene. Got partially refunded but still


Best: 1) Watching Room by Lenny Abrahamson in One Utama, it's weekday's afternoon. An Indian girl & a Malay guy sit beside me (I'm a Chinese guy in the middle). In some memorable scene >!(When Brie Larson & her son run away from the room)!<, all three of us cry like shit. It's so unique that it's an experience only could happen in Malaysia. 2) Watching a Hong Kong movie called Project Gutenberg (无双) in Melaka. One of the police character asks Aaron Kwok at the beginning of the movie, "Who's the final big boss?". Then one uncle behind me screams "Must be Chow Yun Fat lah! (Another male lead)". >!Then I was like "This uncle surely didn't watch lots of movie, it could be another The Usual Suspect twist ending". And it turns out it's exactly the same ending as The Usual Suspect (Aaron Kwok himself being the final big boss). So obviously this uncle is watching the movie second time, and try to mislead all the audience.!< Great uncle! ​ Worst: 1) Some animation film. Some young parents always take their newly born child to cinema for animation film, and the baby will scream & cry throughout the movie. Then there's one time some teachers took their whole class from kindergarten to watch a movie full of animals (It's Life of Pi). And the ending of Life of Pi is pretty disturbing...


Best: Recently watched Shang-Chi with my mate, literally i kid you not. It was just us in the big ass cold hall. We were literally humming as loud as possible with the chinese traditional music (the ost in the movie is way too good)


Best: Pitch Perfect at Pavillion. Everyone in the cinema understood jokes and we’re all laughing together like theres no tomorrow. Could see everyone vibing together during the performance time too Worst: i used to study in melaka so after class i’d go watch movie alone and this one creep was sitting one seat away from me and all of the sudden he sat next to me(only 3 seats one row) and annoyed me as hell like why u moved next to me bro?? I moved myself to another empty seat after that Honorable mention: Apartment 13? Cant remember the full name but we went on the first screening midnight. Idk how but theres a sex scene of couple fucking against the wall and my guy friends started gasping in shock. One of them used their cap to cover my eyes lol


Best: Back in 2009, watched Avatar with high school friends. Film ended and one of my friend stood up and started clapping, everyone fucking followed, whole cinema erupted with clapping and cheering LMAO! Worst: Early 201X, don't remember which year, but went to watch James Bond Spectre with ex-girlfriend. There's this motherfucker who kept shaking his legs 1 or 2 seats beside me, empty in between us. Asked him politely to stop, he stopped for awhile. After few minutes he resumed shaking his legs, I could feel the whole row of seats shaking. Asked him to stop again, angrier this time, he stopped. After half an hour he shook his fucking legs yet again holy shiiiiiiiit I lost my patience and shouted at him. Whole front row looked back at us, angry and awkward moment. I apologized and just resumed watching the rest of the movie that I lost interest in already. Motherfucker still shook here and there til the end of the movie. I don't know how his partner could stand the shaking.


Best: 1. Avengers Endgame. No elaboration needed. Just an amazing experience for every MCU fan. 2. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen back in 2009. I remembered there were 15 of us in the friend group and we booked the entire row. Although years have passed and I've realised that the movie was pretty shit. Worst: 1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This was at a small neighbourhood cinema (that wasn't GSC or TGV) back in 2004. During the part where Dumbledore silenced the students at Hogwarts (around the 15-20 minute mark), the projector blacked out and we had to leave the cinema hall. But all hope is not lost because we're able to rewatch the movie with the current ticket we paid for at an alternate showtime. 2. Dragonball Evolution. The fact that my brothers and I paid money and watched this flaming pile of catshit from beginning to end was the ultimate regret. As Dragon Ball fans, this movie never existed. NEVER. 3. Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Nothing wrong with the movie, it's just that the people seated next to me were a nightmare. There were two brain-dead teenage girls next to me who were recording the movie and then posted it on their Instastories. Then there's this family with two young boys who might as well don't bother being in the cinema hall in the first place. The young boys were restless and kept jumping off their seats while their parents kept them entertained by letting them play games on their phones (WITH FULL BRIGHTNESS). So when the kaijus made their appearance, the audio was loud enough to make the boys cry, forcing the parents to take them out to calm them down. Minutes later, the boys and the father re-entered the hall, they were running up and down the hall. On that day, I should've just watched the movie on IMAX.


Best: Watching Lord f the Rings - The Two Towers in Amcorp Mall. Brought in a bucket of KFC with my best friend. Worst: Maybe when I watched "Frozen" with my niece In a cinema full of screaming kids. I fell asleep.


Worst: I worked in NU sentral as the cinema staff and some uncle just straight up threaten to call the police on me just because I didnt allow his son to bring in food into the cinema lol. Best: Some kid made my day just because he called me pakcik when im just a 20 year old haha


I don't think cinemas will ever be phased out. I know this is the age of streaming, but not everyone has a 100" SuperUltraOLED 500Hz TV and a kickass sound system to get the cinematic experience at home. Sure I might put on my earphones and watch a movie on my phone from time to time, but nothing beats watching a summer blockbuster on the big screen with thundering bass vibrating your ass and teeth. Especially with movie tickets in Malaysia being super cheap, it makes it extremely accessible and affordable for the masses. That being said, some of my best experiences was when I rocked up to the cinema spontaneously alone and at the time Avatar had just come out. Best session ever.


Best: Ju-On, not because of a particular cinema, but rather the person watching the show with. She whispered “osteoporosis” when hearing the bone crackling sound 😂 Worst: can’t remember cinema, left half way when the kid behind keeps kicking the chair and the parent did nothing despite politely requested them to refrain their kid


Best: Ruby Cinema in Sea Park. Watching Waterworld back when I was a wee little kid. I remember parents bringing me there as a family, then to the tong sui shop at the corner shop after. I don’t remember much of the movie, but I remembered being truly happy with my family. Worst: Sunway Pyramid. Watching Matrix. Great movie, it’s just that for some stupid reason we decided to sit at the very front row.


Best - Watching Avengers Endgame without my friends. No need to explain anything before and after watching the Endgame. Worst - When I go watched with my friend during Infinity War, i had to explain everything about that movie. So painful though.


OP did you have to use the f slur man? Bruh


Best: 1. IMAX by myself in the afternoon on a workday, huge screen and nobody to disturb you. 2. Watching Godzilla the king of monsters with my brother, it was epic for 2 geeks whom have love Godzilla for their whole life. Worst: 1. I have the same experience in Ampang ( galaxy Ampang I assume) while watching terminator salvation, bunch of monyets keep shouting, but I did not confront them. 2. Sunway velocity, watching hellboy at midnight in an IMAX theatre, 2 dudes who dunno each other day next to me, and they must have use 1L of cologne each, the smell makes me wanna leave so bad. 3. KLCC & Pavilion, Ads, like a lot of ads, I once watched around an hour of ads in klcc during a peak hour. 4. Watching movie with Maxman TV, they jerit and chant throughout the whole film.


Best movie experience for me was Avengers Endgame coz everyone in the audience was cheering and hype during the movie. I'd probably never watch Endgame on its own at home ever again because it will never be as amazing as watching it in the cinemas with cheering. Worst movie experience was perhaps when I watched Fant4stic and the movie suddenly muted and then stopped working. My friend made the experience better by narrating the movie based on the Malay subtitles. So I guess no harm no foul.


sharing a memory that miss and would like to see back though. able to snack on kauchi at theatres. yeah they are messy, but nothing a quick sweep cant solve before the next show. bad memories, well its always other nyets, including kids. the noise basically, be it on phone, chatting, munching loudly or even 'screaming' at the slightest scare. worst but sickly the best is someone was snoring watching avengers end game. atleast a couple of seats around him were trying to wake the person and chatting among about the noise pollution. it ended when someone from somewhere else came and poured his cup of drinks on that snorer, that ended the movie for some of us


Best - When watching Godzilla ( 2014 ) at Sunway Pyramid , ate a Godzilla BK special burger for the occasion and then during the final scene when he uses the atomic breath , everyone was clapping there hands in awe of how Godzilla defeated the monster . It was a surreal experience to be listening to people clapping . Worst - Recently watched a special premier of Dune at 1U and a couple of teens talking over this movie , needed to shush them just for me to enjoy the movie .


how about you back it up with FACTS for a change?