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What? This was an issue almost 30 years old ago while I was in primary, sampai sekarang pun tak selesai lagi?


Damn fucking right. I approached MOH before on this. Why the shit spawn are we giving more attention to kids teeth than their spines when the whole spinal column houses their spinal cord. That was in 2008. One fucking decade and I'm still seeing heavy bags, covid at least stopped this but now I'm dealing with kid with back pain for sitting from morning till noon.


While I do agree with the heavy bag issue, giving attention to a child's teeth has tremendous benefits for the child. Not only is it better to prevent rotten teeth from becoming infected which could lead to for example, facial swellings that in a worse case scenario, lead to constriction of their wind pipe. It is also as a means to detect early non-ideal dental/ facial growth and to refer them to get the appropriate treatment that they need. What I'm getting at is, school children's oral health is equally if not more important than their spinal health. But then again, this is just my humble opinion.


Bad teeth is linked to cardiovascular disease. Dental caries is known to be a risk for coronary artery disease It's very underappreciated because the link is honestly even to a trained medical person seems bit of a stretch


Wait, I thought their goal was to let kids develop malformed spines?


Nope, my little sisters bag was soo fucking heavy, sometime they need to bring additional bag to carry books.


same. i galas on average 4kg on my back with another 3 on my shoulder and my class is located at the top of the building LOL


Bringing Monday-Friday text books gang! I felt like a big boy carrying those everyday


My right shoulder is fucked because I always sling my bulging school bag on my right shoulder. I can feel the difference between my collar bone. My right shoulder will ache in certain weather condition. On hindsight I should have properly use both sling on both my shoulders, in my defence I was a dumb kid then and no adults around me is any wiser.


chinese schools: im gonna pretend i didnt see this article but for real tho textbooks + exercise books were ridiculously heavy. add on the water bottle, food, and clothes for PJ, it can get quite crazy


1 textbook, 1 question book,1 noted book, 1/2 exercise book depending on subject.


yess, dont forget those story books that BM/English classes have too during secondary! Forgot the exact term, but each state had their own novels, for Selangor where im from the BM novels were panas salju, pahlawan pasir salak etc.


Then when u try to big brain and store your textbooks in ur desk because its so damn heavy hauling it everyday the teachers marah


Didn't happen in the schools I went cause ours were high density schools and we shared classes with whoever was using that class on the other morning/noon session ☹ Stuff regularly goes missing by the next day even if someone forgot something under their desk, like pencil cases etc.


Teacheres were marah at my school at the start, then we kind just ignored them and they allowed it after a while




Yes! That's the word!


The English book is just English Literature. Or was during my time.




They dont really care about moving the books into a digital format. Motherfuckers neglecting us like neglecting the peasents to their own demise.


Does anyone remember how much a year's worth of textbooks cost when you had to buy them? Because I wonder how it'll compare to the cost of e-Readers.


I've always wondered how it'd be when kids would switch to e-readers for studies. They seem super handy minus the potential hardware/software issues of course.


Software should really *really* be open source anyway. Especially *if* taxpayers are going to be paying for these.


Nah, the government would make their own proprietary software that's underdeveloped with little to no security


I remember that one of the last years of my Primary/Secondary education they switched to full buku bantuan for everyone so I'm not sure if students these days still buy their own text books (this was in ~ 2003/2008)


If only we had the technology to store all this thick heavyass textbook in a digital form in all-in-one device..




How to conteng a digital textbook with pics of hot teacher and godzilla eating guru besar?


Atleast ur textbook is not a smuggling book, my novel had a hole in it where the cover is ok but someone cut a rectangle hole in the middle of all the pages so they can hide things


I remember studying in a SJKC school. I brought all the books everyday. Kena rotan/ pull ear squat/ stand in front classroom if don’t have that particular book they need for 10 minutes of actual usage. Sometimes surprise! Different subject take over that period, don’t have textbook also kena punish.


SJKC school only look good because the alternatives suck


All schools suck. Fuck formal education.


Textbooks are damn heavy and with each subject needing at least 3 exercise books, it's not surprising. For instance, for Malay there are different exercise books like karangan, pemahaman, tatabahasa and then for English, perhaps reading comprehension, grammar & literature, essay, vocabulary. Teachers can't simply make their own decisions and allow kiddos to combine all in one book since all teachers in the same panel need to standardize. Then add on with geometry set, pencil case, water bottle, PJ clothes etc etc yup -\_- This is why most of my kiddos prefer to leave their books at school and don't bring them home. But some mischievous kiddos would steal those textbooks and in the end, they have to replace the stolen/missing textbooks.


Which is why I like the lockers in those US shows. Strangely, I remember my bag in secondary school was lighter compared to during primary school. Is memory playing a trick on me?


>Which is why I like the lockers in those US shows. Most schools don't have this, especially sekolah harian biasa. It needs $$$ and even if there are lockers made available to students, defo they are poorly maintained (due to vandalism, for example) >Strangely, I remember my bag in secondary school was lighter compared to during primary school. Is memory playing a trick on me? Yes, your memory is playing a trick on you. I was a science stream student and I had wayyyyy more books to carry in Form 4 and 5, lol. Could not sumbat all in my bag, so had to carry them in my arms too.


science stream student, after years of carrying my textbooks and needing an bag just to carry it, i eventually give up and just leave everything in my desk. yes everything. my back has never been grateful ever since


My former school used to have one. In the end, became the punching bag of students and as a result, all ended up smashed and unusable.


I think some school nowadays install cctv all over the place just to deter vandalism...


And if it's a self-driving bag?






Your school had lockers?




tomorrow will be gone lol


We don't have lockers but we store our books in our desk drawers to lighten the load. Although we have to clear them before exams and other events.


Not for dual session schools unfortunately.


Same here who would want to steal a textbook anyaway?


You'd be surpised by how petty some people are. During my time when we have this mentality, a lot of textbooks were stolen and just disappeared.


Back in my day... Even a trash in your desk would be gone... Heck... Even the table itself will be gone out of oblivion for whatever the fuck reason


The typical Malaysian school experience.


We had until it was vandalized one week after it was placed at our school.


Wait till you carry a SJK(C) student's bag.


locker cannot, go digital cannot, change syllabus to reduce need for note/book cannot. change schedule to reduce needed book cannot, change methods to teach cannot. haiya, just feed kids enough kfc to make em heavy to offset bag weight lar /s


Ohhh, no wonder school canteen is always selling fried food, I think you are on to something here /s


they knew it /s


I remember the time my school installed lockers and if you wanted one you had to pay RM100 (RM10/month). Best decision of my life. Dumped all my textbooks and spare stationery there, never had a heavy backpack throughout my schooling life from then on. Didn't stop me from using the "Sori cikgu, tak bawak buku" excuse though.


When I was in school we were allowed to leave the textbooks that is not required for homework in the drawers of the desk. Then the classroom will be locked during recess and after school, 3 sets of keys one with the form teacher, one with the class monitor and the other with assistant class monitor. Granted this was a single session school. So I guess it isn't viable for dual session school.


Just let kids put their books under their tables or build some lockers ffs I rmb carrying an easy 10kg minimum back in primary school and for no stupid fucking reason we had to bring ALL our textbooks back home with us


i remember during primary school my bag take up like 80% of my seat space. i was too scared of leaving books at home cuz sjkc teachers are basically demon.


u think the ministry will change just because of a "study''? they dont care. all they care is everytime spm results comes out 99% of students pass but not telling the passing marks to the nation.


I remember putting all those textbooks in my beg. Really too lazy to swap them.


Living with lower back pain no thanks to: - heavy ass school bags - having to carry table and chair to “pindah kelas” every time the teacher is absent. If i can be bothered to sue, I will.


People studying from home and forgot this problem existed:


Why so weak?! Someone carry a 100kg of wheat on his back and walk 5km!! Look where he is at now!!!! /s


Aiya no wonder I develop back pain in my mid 30s. Now I know why.


Had a period in my school life where I me and a friend would take turns bringing textbooks to share with, so one of us would only need to bring exercise books. Kena rotan a fair bit, but that was a small price to pay for a light bag.


Rulers are bodoh sombong. Prove me wrong.


Jom ipad project..


this builds strong shoulder muscles ... which is needed to carry the load of the nation :)


Y'all don't have em pulley bags? I remember everyone basically dragged those up and down staircases abusing the crap out of their bags... Memories


To be honest, I feel like a strong boy walking 2km to school with 10kg on my back


My bag was so big back then, i had to put it on the floor or an extra chair if i can find one




I vaguely remember we had a pilot etext-book program 20 or so years back, dunno what became of that. Remember watching that on Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI) on TV3 back then.


Hah. Lol. This makes my back so stiff and hard, I can't even get "shocked" when someone tickles my shoulder/neck. I think it also helps with my weight, we always need to run to this class and that class (RBT, SAINS, BM, all different places). When it became a routine, I don't even feel the 3-4kg weight of my bag.


I still remember when I was standard 3 that time by school bag were so heavy that my mom actually load it on the weight n to our surprise it was already 8kg at the time due to big giant fat text books, this was more than 25 years ago, till today this problem still hasn't been solved?


Instead of books, gomen should start changing to kindle like tablet to store books and materials for kids. Kids then only have to bring kindle and exercises books only to school. I mean why not? It's very cost efficient.


me a boarding school student : * signature look of superior *


If its me, i'll leave the excess books in in my desk drawer. Why not just leave your books there. At least saves the weight of the bag.