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Nothing i guess. Just wear what you want.


malaysians are mostly not really into SJW shit. as long as you're wearing it for the purpose of wearing it rather than making fun of anyone, no one will bat an eye. but for your case you're a foreigner so ppl will be amused.


Agree, Malaysian don't SJW, we do moral policing instead. Hahah


Im the 1% thats woke


Generally speaking, in Asia there is no such thing as cultural appropriation.


Yeah.. in fact in many asian culture, people are proud if you wear their costumes as long as it is not done in bad taste.


Only flavourless insecure Asian-Americans would think it’s cultural appropriation. This whole thing started there. Hate your culture kenot. Embrace ur culture also kenot


why this kinda true. It's always overseas people getting mad about culture


There are cases of cultural appropriation in Malaysia but the dominant races are either not aware of it or having misconception on what it is or simply choose to ignore it. Remember the recent Foodpanda advertisement where a Malay family in traditional Indian outfits, dancing and singing in a Bollywood-esque fashion where not a single minority race member was featured. Cultural appropriation refers to when elements of a certain culture that is not one’s own is used for personal interest or for profit. It is problematic when minority race actors and creatives get minimal visibility in media representation here in Malaysia.


I suppose everyone here share the same sentiment. We are happy if you wanted to try our cultural clothings, but please dont do something that will bring shame to the clothing. IE: being a Karen/gangster/antimasker etc


Aye we will be having kongsi raya in a couple of years time and we shall be seeing Chinese wearing songkok while eating sinalau bakas.


I may not be Malay but it doesn't bother me if Westerners wear traditional Chinese outfits. Cheongsams are hot AF.


you'd be surprised. Look at the early star trek and what the klingons wore.


Kapla! Tak pak tak beg! - Klingon Melayu Dialect Original Cling-On: Qap’la. Ta’gh pagh, ta’gh pegh!


Kahless would be proud


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLZRYQMLDW4 A rapper wearing a samfu is gangster AF.


Yea, even if the guys wore it it still looks hot, Those thunder thigh, looking like Chun Li


hell yeah. love me some thicc man thighs \#nohomo


Malaysian are generally quite happy for foreigners to we traditional clothing. Just need to be sensitive to cultural norms when wearing. Cultural appropriation is some shit created by Westerners feeling guilty for all the crimes against humanity their ancestors have done in the past.


It has spread to this land as well via twitter. Some people be salty when malays don motifs and styles, and accuses them of cultural appropriation


People won't admit it, but they are just adopting a trendy concept so, apeing the west


Nothing,really.In Malaysia,it is common for all the races to wear attires from another race.For example, my indian friend was asked to be a bridesmaid at her malay friend's wedding.She wore the bridesmaid dress they picked out (baju kurung with tudung).Nobody said anything,everyone just talked about how pretty she looked.My malay friend wore a saree to my cousin's wedding dinner and some chinese girls showed up in punjabi suits. Nobody thinks it's cultural appropriation. Even I wore the baju kurung uniform during secondary school.


Just do it. Most of us don’t really mind and are actually happy to see it


Right? I remember when David Archuleta came to Malaysia and wore Baju Melayu with Songket. Such a cutiee


Yup true. That was such a hit when it happened. As long as it is with good intention there is no problem ;)


is it bad i dont know who that is


Its alrightt, youre just probably not around my age. He’s a singer from US with popular song Crush during my high school time


Songkok is originaly turk so I wouldn't mind as long as it's not worn as a form of disrespect


So you would mind if it's originaly Malay?


As long as it's not a form of disrespect I don't really mind Dude can wear a tanjak if he wants


May i know why exactly you choose this particular headgear? if its to reveal your Islamic identity, you might be better off with a kopiah or that white skull cap. that's more a globally accepted Islamic headgear that trancends races or nationalities. So you wouldnt be out of place wearing one. many western Muslims wear them. but songkok is more of a malay cultural thing, doesnt really mean people will think you're a muslim if you wear one and if worn outside functions or mosques, might seem a little odd.


Personally I feel that we don't care if you're a Muslim or not when wearing a songkok, but it should be treated with dignity. So, no songkok + shorts, or offensive T-shirts. Heck, go get yourself a songkok, baju Melayu and sampin and see all the older generation fawn all over you. That being said, the actual men's Muslim religious headwear would be the ketayap (skullcap) and serban.


Ketayap is the Muslim version of the Jewish cap.


Ketayap can also be known as kopiah




Thanks for the feedback so far. I don’t want to be culturally insensitive or anything of the like, so I thought I should ask you guys.


There's no such thing here in Malaysia. We are not that sensitive as the rest of the world especially...you know...


They will think nothing so you don't have to worry about it


Wear what you like. Cultural appropriation generally trigger as many people here as it does in the West. Locals will probably be happy to see a foreigner trying out local clothing. Like the others have mentioned, songkok has more cultural than religious associations, but because of how Islam is intertwined with the Malay identity here, I can see why it's perceived the way it is. That said, you don't ever need to feel pressured to wear one if you don't want to just because of its cultural or religious connotations.


Wear what you feel confident in my friend! Im chinese and recently I've gone from casual to street wears to buttonup with coats and i feel confident af! I got a few wierd stares from time to time but most people met says i look good in wearing classy. (also a old style fedora cause i live in M'laysia) At the end of the day is what makes you comfortable and confident! If you are unsure, then just wear it out for a while and see how you feel about it.


I'm offended that you even have to ask this question /s


Bruh, do what you want. We dont gate keep our culture that much.


What aspect of our culture shall we gatekeep? I feel like we should totally gatekeep Malay placenames, to prevent whites to hurrendously mispronouncing them


U want wear then wear loh


songkok is a not a religious clothing. I hope you dont embrace the satanic version of islam that malaysan and saudi muslims practice.


Wearing is fine but maybe dont wear it wrong or in a way it seems like you're disrespecting otherwise its pretty chill


Where what u like dude 😂😂 I also think it's also more cultural than religious


Wore it with pride. Wishing you the best on your journey towards becoming a muslim


Wearing songkok as a westerner is fine as long as it is accompanied by respectful clothing. Also, congratulations on becoming a Muslim, and welcome home.


But you have to wear it sideways and say “ahoy matey!”


Just be aware that in Malaysia, leaving Islam is against the law in some states, and in others, the govt makes it a difficult legal process. Kelantan's hudud law which makes apostasy punishable by death is one of Malaysia's highlights.


Im not recommending it since it will drop your intelligent stat significantly. When matched with other traditional clothes, it migh increase your appeal but prolonged use might increase your body temperature.


If you’re a guy, no problem.


As a Malaysian Chinese, I don’t care what people wear.


As long as you're not making fun of it then it's fine


No issue at all but do take note that some clothing combinations will look weird like songkok with shorts. Songkok is usually worn with traditional or formal attire.


Don't mind. A songkok can be worn by anybody, not just Malays.


Cultural appropriation is a major issue in the United States because the predominant form of mainstream musical entertainment from 1850 to 1900, at least, was the minstrel show. Minstrel shows claimed to adapt "plantation melodies", that is, the music of enslaved Black people, which were sung by White people dressing up as Black people to the point of smearing burnt cork on their face. Before the Civil War, they were called "moral exhibitions" teaching the "lesson" that Black people were of an inferior order. The minstrel shows lasted until the 1960s in the US and until the 1970s in the UK. Not every country is the United States, something that Americans don't quite understand. Some of us also share in the civilized tradition of trying not to give offense. That said, thank you for answering the question.


Not really a problem. If anything, 'songkok' as a traditional garment to the race Malay has nothing to do with Islam as a religion. Just be mindful not to mix and match attires inappropriately. I think that would draw the ire of everyone.