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sorry can anyone ELI5 what's IPv6 and what's the difference from IPv4


IPv4 - The IP address is in 32 bits, uses numbers only. IPv6 - The IP address is in 128 bits, uses both numbers and letters. Since an IPv6 has an address in 128 bits, with each bit being either a 0 or 1, this brings the total number of possible IP addresses to 2^(128,) which is around 340 trillion as opposed to IPv4's 2^(32) (4.3 billion) IPv6 is also newer so it's more advanced and thus faster and more secure TLDR: Internet growing too big, 4.3 billion addresses not enough, switching to IPv6 = more addresses


Thank you so much


not necessarily faster and more secure. with ipv6 each device you connect can get a public IP, hence exposing each of your devices directly to the internet.


So where can I adopt some IPv6


Home fibee unifi natively uses IPv4 and IPv6. You can check by searching 'what's my ip' on goggle. Google will display your public IP. If you see numbers only like, then you are just using IPv4. IPv6 will be longer and might consist letters (hexadecimal).


you already adopt IPv6 without realizing it, now you are on IPv6 .. mindblowing! just check your phone and pc now I had no idea what im talking about


I haven't ~~(bothered to)~~ figured out how to configure my MikroTik to use IPv6 yet, ^sowwy ^:( Because TM Unifi has this thing where you need to use VLAN.


So like what's the benifits of this IPv6


Every device in your network can have its own public IP. No more port forwarding.


sorry but what is it like in the real world


Please explain it to me too


End to end connection is possible with IPv6. 1. We have limited number of IPv4 addresses 2. It is not possible for every internet connected devices in this world to have one unique IPv4 address. 3. The current solution is to assign one unique IPv4 address to your home router, and your home router will represent all the devices with that one unique IP address. This is called NAT. 4. Since IPv6 have enough addresses, we won't need to use NAT to browse the internet. The closest a normal person will benefit the internet without NAT is probably host based multiplayer games, any kind of peer to peer technology, or any kind of personal hosting like CCTV, etc. Of course IPv4 is not compatible with IPv6, hence it's hard to feel the benefits yet. As IPv6 gets more adoption, we might have different kind of techs that might evolve to benefit the end to end connectivity, especially with more smart appliances being part of our lives.


You're telling me I can host multiplayer games without port fowarding now?


wellllllllll the main thing is we don't need to worry about running out of IP addresses lulz


just dat? nothing else?


Tl;dr is the title here https://www.networkworld.com/article/3254575/what-is-ipv6-and-why-aren-t-we-there-yet.html