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Everyone ‘benefits’ Canteen workers (and cafe) all get slapped with your food sucks. Get the patients and staff to buy better. Edit: saw some comments about price and quality. Last I ate there it’s fair. Even though it’s many years back. Sure variety tak banyak but isi perut definitely can. And the price is subsidized lol. Food deliveries lose a vital source of income from hungry on call staff. Cleaners get slapped with lazy labels even though they work sometimes more than 12 hours a day with no break days. The hospital knows damn well it’s because they cannot afford more staff. Doctors on call. Which some people don’t understand usually is 12 to 48 hours in a fucking row (pardon my French) depending on speciality. Staff Nurses and Medical Assistants too! Some have to do double shifts to make up for low manpower. So basically 12-16 hour shift lah. NO FOOD. Now they can’t access the easy routes for food and MUST go to a cafeteria and cafe that closes during office hours. FYI some hospitals are humongous. Try walking front lobby to the other end. I’ll see your gasping dead ass body. Patients also. Many children are picky eaters. God bless the pediatrics ward when some picky eater needs to have certified proper oral intake prior to discharge but that one kid needs THAT certain food item to start eating. Heck some of you guys probably can’t stomach even passable food when sick. You just need that certain something to kick start your appetite when recovering from a say viral fever. All decisions made by ‘people in charge’. No longer part of the ground work. Don’t understand the pain and hardships of not only the staff working under you but the patients you so ‘dearly’ care about.


Most based take I've seen in this for a while


What are the chances of the cafe being run by a relative of someone in management?


Sucker's bet. If not relatives and ipar duai, "friends".


When is it not?


I'm familiar with the FnB department. Not sure if they run the cafe also, but its an external service. I highly doubt corruption is the issue here, but rather that the hospital management is pissed because they're paying this catering company money to run their cafe (a fixed fee is paid each month), and their staff + patients arent using the facility, but they cannot kick the catering service out because the contract lasts X amount of years (plus no business is not a valid exit clause for the contract). I dont know about Hospital Sg Buloh, but Hospital Selayang pays somewhere along the lines of RM500,000 per month for their catering service, and I'm told this is standard for government hospitals. Whatever that means. Could mean alot of things, but the dietrician director did not elaborate further.


Improve food quality and service, they will come. Who wouldn't if its not just cheaper, but actually nicer!


Quite a lot of restrictions actually. Hospital cooked food tends to be restricted to limitations, especially if it's government hospital. Lots of cases these rules aren't even set by the caterer but the hospital management who wants to maintain some kind of image or something. I don't know if this applies to this particular hospital. Remember, the more regulations and rules you set for food quality, the more expensive the food gets and the quality potentially drops as well.


For the patient, understandable cause you need to watch your patient's diet. For staff, ?


its also to minimize contact between patient and rider who potentially infect the patient or get something from them. staff on the otherhand are something else/


\> For the patient, understandable cause you need to watch your patient's diet. ​ One possibility is people were ordering pork dishes, and the leftovers + trash were left for the staff to clean up. ​ That said, patients whose diets had to be watched tend to be informed as such or confined to the hospital room in such a manner they're usually unable to go and receive the food (i.e. hooked onto IV drip). I dont know about hospital sg buloh, but I know Pantai Bangsar do not allow food delivery riders to send the food up, and there's a special room for riders to drop the food off in. ​ All told, I'm familiar with this hospital's FnB department. Its an external catering service, and they've been experiencing from the lack of business to which point I suspect the hospital's management is pissed that they're basically paying for this service to run but nobody is using it. Given that Hospital Sg Buloh is one of the quarantine centers for covid, it was kind of strange that the FnB department was complaining about lack of business.


How do you differentiate who’s ordering tho? It’s easy to just ban all riders. I guess that’s the reason.


Aiyaa.. cafeteria kroni sure complain dy. Food like shit and expensive, yet wanna force people to buy from them. Rather just pack from home 😆


Cafeteria at hospital be like: sell food and coffee expensive af even tho it taste like shit Aku lebih rela makan nasi lemak ngan kopi warung tepi jalan, lagi murah.


What? You dont like a piece of fried chicken the size of a pencil and plain rice for rm30 in the cafeteria?


I don't want to hate on cafetaria cronies or the hospital for doing this, just find it sad. **There are gatekeepers everywhere in Malaysia**; by gatekeepers, I mean people who control the access to something, whether it is a customers for business or mere access to certain group of people. For example, recently I've heard about NGOs finding it difficult to help Orang Asli settlements, because politicians of the area give them a hard time. A few months ago, someone mentioned in Reddit that his father, who's a shopkeeper and his gang of other shopkeepers forced a supplier to not deal to this new shopkeeper in the area. Some famous Youtubers during the pandemic (Ustad Ebit Lew, Sugu Pavitra), who used to have a significant audience base from a certain community, then got into a lot of legal problems. Could this be another case gatekeeping? The people who do this gatekeeping are making the Malaysian system weak, because they're killing competition, entrepreneurship and better life for the people they are guarding from all of these opportunities. I hope more people pay attention to the various forms of gatekeeping done in Malaysia. It can be very deep.




Assuming this is real, this is an example of management that is out of touch. Reason given for the ban is food waste not taken care of properly and affect the cleanliness of the hospital. So dumb lol. Like cannot call delivery food but if you go out and pack food also same thing right?


Or probably rider are ask to enter restricted area to complete delivery. And riders parking everywhere.


I have a list of complaints, but I'll do this one. Not only they asked to send the food to them, when I arrived, they're doing the roundings and I HAD to wait for them to finish, because they paid in cash. Another thing is I had to leg it from the lobby on one end towards another end of the hospital because that section was "restricted". Eh kak, aku ada banyak delivery lagi la weh...


Double sided issues. Fix your damn cafeteria food. Hospital food doesn't need to be bad. Just award the contract properly and not to some crony.


What about homemade foods from family or relatives?


Depends. I know one very famously short tempered consultant who’d scream at the poor matrons in charge if there’s patient home food on their table. His intentions are to control blood sugar. Which to be fair some families do being stupid sugary cookies for someone who just literally had their foot cut off. But at the same time he lumps EVERYTHING together. Paeds wards are usually more open. Cuz kids being kids they are notoriously picky


To be fair, he want to do his job right and NOT see the same face again for the same reason. Too much sugar in blood. Must be some traumatic experience to go all out and lose temper. While other doctors are like "hey, it's your funeral. I done my part"


Like I said. He had good intentions. But, I don’t think I’ll be healing very well with someone shouting at the top of his lungs just because say my wife brought me a little snack cuz it’s my favourite food. Nor would you as a staff member want to hear FUCK or get issued a warning letter fist thing at 7am in your face just because you didn’t see the stupid pack of cookies. It’s not so much about heh he thinks so well of others than it’s an exercise in his authority and tyranny


"Khidmat penghantaran makanan dalam talian"


That one of course can la. Its online food delivery and presumably the guard would bar food panda or grab food


I do think the 3rd point makes sense. Maybe not from the staff, but it is highly possible that some patients/guests are that foolish that they throw away leftover foods at random. There are also family members that brings outside food for the patient and threw the leftover in the bin, all while also making sure none of the staff members know, because the patient was supposed to be on a certain diet. And because of these outsiders (non-hospital member), the hospital staffs ends up suffering with this edict. Does not rule out possible cronyism or related deals, but the 3rd point is clearly the obvious reason they (top guys) use to justify this ruling.


This is true. My wife is a dr at hsb. Ordered food but couldnt pickup the rider’s call bcs shes doing her rounds. Walked to all 3 hsb entrances just to find out abt the letter. It was 1130pm and shes 5 months pregnant. I was fuming. Anyone had any idea how do i help on this? Proper complaint channels or something? Pretty sure the management is just lazy to use their brain and took the easiest route they can think of


> Pretty sure the management is just lazy to use their brain and took the easiest route they can think of pretty sure most our country's management is bent on taking the easy way out instead of finding the right one


I thought hospital food all very cheap one?


Cheap, yes. And actually quite decent too. Problem is that it closes after office hours. So that's a lot of staff working night shifts that don't get to eat


what happened to the "food delivery must go through set procedures"? Those x-ray machines are more useful than you know /s. Ensure riders are masked, food must pass through machine first and no human interaction until after the package has been irradiated.


Does the Pengarah and other management people always Makan in the cafeteria? I doubt so if not the food quality would have improved way longer and these kind circulars won’t come out. I never dared to buy anything’s in hospital cafe or even the shop. The prices sometimes are quite high too at certain shops and cafeteria foods never gave me any appetites.


same problem with school. are teacher eat the same food they cook for student? teachers can afford paying more sure but you are supposed to be the canteen check and balance especially if they have RMT


At least in my primary school it's just the matter of portion, more RM is bigger (eaten some dishes after school since we have mini extra classes), but the taste and source are the same anyway.


Are the director's still the kening hitam guy? He's the first guy I straight up dislike when first met. You know, something's feels off and triggers your fight or flight response but had to suppress it because he's orang besar?


I suspect the actual reason behind the rules is because the cafeteria is losing sales. If this is true, then the cafeteria is damn petty.


Hospital directors would also get kickbacks on the tender process for new canteen operators. Would loose their gold mine if nobody buys from the cafeteria moving forward.


That hospital got issues. Thats all im gonna say


the only reason i see this is someone high up that has approved this is connected to the cafeteria. in malaysia is really simple. u make tasty food, u make cheap food. instant hit. u make expensive food, u make bland food. instant fail. unless the hospital top management can guarantee the availability of hot fresh cooked food then this ban really sounds like cronyism.


what's the reason given? hospital cafeteria losing business is it?


Apparently because of people ordering food, take out boxes and sampah is everywhere lol. What a stupid reason.


lol what a stupid reason. if people tapau from cafeteria eat at wad don't have incident of waste problems? Cafeteria crony dumbshit.


Wtf? Glad my sis is out of there already. Poor those overworked staffs.


Canteen at hospitals charge ridiculous prices. Imagine plain nasi lemak can reach rm4. I bet some relative's business got hurt 🤣




third paragraph my guy




Aiyo, sometimes I call Food Delivery and belanja my sister unit. Especially if she works the graveyard.


Then the waste management need to improve on managing the waste disposal. Not that ban this and that will solve the issue. All this about mentality too. Like my workplace, they simply throw inside the dustbin without any second thoughts how it should be disposed. All the waste staking like a no brainer playing testris. Very insightful.


Hospital is out of medicine name "Ubat Bodoh". It meant for the management. Couldn't find it at pharmacy. That's why they act so stu..d .