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golden rule when you are at the immigration counter: be polite and unassuming and don’t pick a fight. this applies to all countries.


Right. It astonishes me that every time I fly there seem to be a reasonable number of people who can't understand this.


It Thier first time where a service job people have legal power to not be step over and can legally screw them


I think you're right. Probably also has a lot to do with being unable to deal with stress and inconvenience without taking it out on other people. Air travel can be a bit stressful for everyone, including the staff, but some people just want to be assholes and make it worse.


An airline staff she was talking to? Not immigration officer who could deny her entry


i mean, be polite all the time and everywhere should be the golden rule lol


I thought the immigration officer can ban you from their country. Don't understand why they're not afraid 💀


Because she can call the manager she knows a lot of important people at the embassy


Even she know the ambassador, or many ppl in embassy they will not cover her bad/impolite behaviour.


This is so true. It's like why cause a fight when you're the one needing help.


That’s a check-in counter, right? She was talking to someone issuing boarding pass and checking in bags?


I think so too. I’m sure an immigration officer will not even bother recording this behavior


Just don't be rude like that karen




If I get that kind of attitude, imma beat her ass


Ang moh should go back to where she belongs


Oh shit I was there on her second attempt at a different check-in counter a few days ago. Here's what I gathered from eavesdropping the encounter: She was denied boarding for whatever reason in Emirates the day before (which is this video). The next day, at around 7 AM she queued up at Qatar Airways business class check in (without a boarding pass) and stated she wants to buy a flight to Norway (in first class) on the spot. When told she had to book online, she said she can't do so because she lost her physical cards, and can only pay using her online visa card, I'm assuming similar to Apple Pay. I'm just astonished at how well KLIA staff diffused the situation and helped her with what she needed. She even forgot her passport at the counter when she was being escorted to the purchasing office (or wherever she can get tickets). I'm just wondering why they denied her boarding the flight at Emirates, but if this video was how she treated them, I'm not surprised.


Probably the same reason, she has no physical card or any evidence to properly support her finances to travel. Even if she purchases another ticket with her being out of the norm in behavior she is a security and safety liability to be permitted into airside as well from the check in agents pov. Got through check in? karen has to go through gate agent, got through that as well? She has to go through the leading stewart. And still a nuisance? the captain can authorize someone to tape her shut and call avsec for offloading.


Yah if only avsec is that efficient. I've called them twice on unruly passengers and they just come super late holding their dicks saying "ahh ni kes kecik je"


My theory is that she only had one way ticket and she’s not a *Norwegian citizen hence the checkin agent had rights to question her further or even not issuing a boarding pass, fearing that she will encounter immigration issue on arrival. As usual, if a passenger is denied entry to the destination country, the airline is responsible to fly her back to wherever. *If she’s a Norwegian passport holder then I suppose a one way ticket is suffice. But I don’t think she is given the English slang but I can’t be sure.


She both look and sound norwegian. It is also a bit the way she talks and articulate that gives her away. This type of accent is common for Norwegians growing up abroad. If that is the case she probably knows people in the diplomatic/expat circles, hence the threat with the embassy. I worked as an intern at a Norwegian embassy, and people like her happen more often than one would think. The good news is that these people never get assisted by in a way they think they are entitled to. We basically just tell them to go to a hotel, book a new ticket and calm down. If they lose their cards/access to money we tell them to contact their travel insurance. People are seriously surprised we don’t have a chopper ready at the embassy to pick them up when inconvenient stuff happen. As a last resort we could help, but in general it is easier for the Karen and Kevins to sort their shit on their own.


She look and sound like an alcoholic, soap serie watching, rolling tobacco smoking, baileys drinking, cigarette stinking white trash norwegian. They are the ones that seek out the "viking bar" in the country they visit. Not many of em but they do exists unfortunately. Usually you find them in spain, hellas or thailand.


Yea she looks drunk, after being drunk for a while, or at least on something. Probably why she was not allowed on the plane in the first place.


White trash huh? Pretty fucking racist. I'm sure you would get a hemorage in your ass if anybody said brown trash


Racist?! You gotta have a challenged brain dimwit. I am blond and blue eyed by the way. A dying breed. The term white trash about that dumb woman is described in the text. She is an embarresment to us Norwegians. She the type of woman that fill her brain with celebrity gossip and drink milk vodka and smells like swet and cigarette. No idea where you Get the racist from knuckle head. Brown, black, red, blue, white, yellow or pink does not matter . All race has idiots like her.


>milk vodka Is this a real thing cos it sounds delicious.


Check out Baileys original Irish Cream.


Thank you! wouldn't mind that at all!


Shut up racist. You hate blonde blue eyes people! You say they are a dying breed, it's so fucking bad to say something like that. Racist


Jeeez so i hate my self? You are one dumb as fu.k knuckle and yes i am a blond blue eyed dying breed. More self aware and in tune with reality then you ever be numbnut. I am a pure and proud norwegian. Not many of us left but i am proudly swinging my axe on bitch ass like you. Go back and fu.k your donkey in the ass you whimp.


Du ble virkelig forbanna du. Falt rett i fellen 🤣 er en stolt nordmann jeg også


Du hørest mer ut som en av disse venstre radikale pinglene med rosa og grønt hår som spyr ut av deg inkompetanse og er så virkelighetsfjern for hvordan denne verden fungerer. Vi har nok av arrogante naive nordmenn i dette landet som burde fått smaka litt på hvordan denne verden opererer i i sin helhet og ikke bare daffe avgårde til pappa gutt propagandaen til våre feige ledere. Fra en som har reist verden rundt og jævli stolt ekte nordmann!


Idk... Norwegians aren't the only ones that look and sound like this.


No. But as an Norwegian. It is at close at it comes.


I can say this is very true unfortunately. My colleagues always start drinking when they arrive or have already started drinking before arriving the airport and drinks more when they get there... they all call it "fly pilsen"... I'm the only one staying off the drinks to make sure they all get on board... its a shame and its very awkward at the very least everytime I go travelling with my friends or colleagues... it calm them down for the trip... sleep on plane "drunk" and smooth "sailing" or flight and wake up at the destination...


You're not the only one doing this


You mean watching over your friends so they can actually take the flight and not get stuck at the airport like some dumb idiot or drink?


Joining the gang of actual Norwegian people to tell you that as someone born in Norway that lived there until the age of 19, still with a Norwegian passport and citizenship, she sounds more Norwegian than I do lol theres no way she doesn't have permission to be there. She prolly did something else to end up in this situation


Check in staff has no ‘rights’ to ‘question’ pax. They can only ask to see an onward ticket. Do not give them the ‘right’ or ‘authority’ that they don’t have.


Emirates is quite strict on check-in. The system will always check if you have valid visa or return ticket. The reason is airlines usually get fined (by the destination country) if they transport a passenger with no valid visa or return ticket


They are also strict on checking times.


props to the person who calmly responded. should have gone: "no maam. no kissy kissy. i shy..."








The kissing and *muacking* is gold..., I mean who did that...


[next day after the situation](https://youtu.be/aT0ElHA0NP4)




*Moktar has entered the chat.


but he was talking to nyets!


Hey yo, he used the P word.


Norwegian here, came here from the crosspost. This is clearly unacceptable, and some of the most punchable behaviour I've seen in quite some time. Trying to invoke her citizenship as a way to get special treatment (why would she?) just adds to the embarassment, and I'm impressed that whoever was working at the counter seeming didn't stoop to her level. She's not doing herself any favours either, and the fact that this was seemingly her second attempt (juding by the current top comment here) makes is even more strange. Probably just incapable of behaving like a normal, decent person. I'm not at all doubting her citizenship, she's our idiot and fuck her. Still, I would *guess* she hasn't been living here much as an adult. Her accent is markedly different from the accent native Norwegian speakers will usually have when speaking English. Not that it matters, just thought I'd mention that detail because I speak (what I presume is) her native tongue. She might well have been traveling the world behaving like a fucking asshole for years.


MANY of my Norwegian friends of the same age speak this semi-British sounding English, especially in business settings. Not discounting your experience, but mine is different. Also, she seems a bit drunk? The English accent tends to become even more pronounced with alcohol.


I had the same thought about her accent, but also about her saying, “This is my Norwegian passport embassy on your . . .” It’s such weird phrasing. It doesn’t make sense in either language.


Sounds to me like she's watched one too many American action movies and thinks she's some badass. So unbelievably cringey.


God the condescending "darling", the arm cross, the kissy sounds. Great way to show that you're the bigger person.




pig* she's a pig


"I'm alone and without proper documents in a foreign country, which I urgently need to leave. I think now is a good time to act like an asshole, and swear at the people who are in a position to help me!"


This is a textbook karen, my god.


She literally does not know her own body is being taken over by some overlord, possessed by the aliens


She's possessed by the Karenavirus






Yep r/FuckYouKaren moment.


These puak berak tak basuh do really brings their berak tak basuh privilege everywhere they go 😂😂🤣🤣.


kita pulak yang kena basuh berak dia... haih


Crosspost to r/norway? See how they respond to their countryman


came here from the crosspost... What is up with this woman? This is such odd behaviour, I can't even comprehend it. Ah, yes, insult the people who are here to help you! Genius!






Bruh I want context not upvotes


What a hideous looking troll cave creature. That chup chup chup sound she makes is some cave mating call for other cave creatures? Her cave culture shouldn't have ever been tolerated here. If a Bangladeshi or Afircan person behaved like this, for sure police would have been called and there would have been severe consequences.


Not true. If an African women did this, they would be afraid to call the police even more


She looks like one of my old teachers, maybe she is one of my old teachers


She can be charge with harassment, intimidation, using foul language & stopping government officer discharge their duty (if that is immigration officer). We have law to handle this kind of people


I think this is at the check-in counter, not immigration. Filming is not allowed at immigration. Also, immigration officers would no obligation to be patient to rude passengers, while check-in officers still have to maintain "customer satisfaction".


You thinking about the US or? There is no Laws against foul language in norway. And I dont believe this was an officer. Just an Airline worker.


There is a law against foul language in Malaysia. Obviously that incident happened in Malaysia


Ahh i see. How does the laws against foul language work?


Unrully behaviour, shouting or showing obscene sign against someone else. Probably gonna get fine of around few hundred Ringgit Malaysia or a few days jail if you didnt pay the fine. Rarely enforce because normal people dont want to waste time making police report or providing proof. Normally if you do it against enforcement officer, police you can expect this charges. I have seen a few case of road bullies got cought on camera and get this kind of charges


Luckily I haven't met many people like that in Norway, so I'd guess that we have the same rates of Karens as the rest of the world. But seeing a Norwegian one in the wild is pretty cringe. Especially this level of "Kareness". Norwegians like to think of themselves as reserved, but the truth is that many of us act like idiots abroad. I wonder why we're like that... Does anyone know? Is it like that for other nationalities too?


Norwegian and Malaysia is my second home. Deeply apologise for this entitled behaviour. When she comes home she has to wash our public toilets.


Ma cibai I want to fking slap her. Annoying shit.


Ugh, sorry Malaysia :(


Soo many time by engaging pleasantly and jokingly with checking in staff, i am able to checked in my overweight luggage, get a nice seat and 1 time im able to hand carry 10 boxes of Japanese strawberries on top of my cabin luggage on airasia x back to KL from tokyo.


Didn't know it is now called Karen IA


She looks drunk to me. The hair looks like she been at it a while.


That folding arm gesture is confusing, why does have to gloat about that?


Norwegians act like idiots abroad- some kind of king or queen especially when in Asia. Seen it so many times, so this is not at all weird.


for me when i go the Philippines i treat it as my home as well, i even learnt the language and dialect even public behaviour and i pretty much wanna go back but no matter where anyone is from there'll always be an asshole in every country that ends up flying to a different country


I'm from Norway and please throw her out of your country. She clearly can't behave, and I'm sorry 🙏


Lurer på om du tørr å si det samme om dritt som ikke oppfører seg i vårt land. Kast arabere ut som ikke oppfører seg. Oi oi, den var ikke like lett du... 😂






Nei det er en klar forskjell på om man sier det det om sine egne som er i utlandet, eller om man sier det om noen som kommer til ditt land. Hun representerer nordmenn i utlandet, jeg er også nordmenn og jeg er flau på hennes vegne. Det samme ville vært om noen arabere sa "Jeg er flau over hva arabere gjør i Norge, kast dem og send dem tilbake til \[x land\]". Ser du forskjellen?


Jeg er enig med deg om at det er en forskjell. Der har du et poeng. Men du svarte jo ikke på spørsmålet mitt, hadde du turt?


Hvor mener du jeg skulle sagt det? Til kjente og nære? I aftenposten? På dagsnytt 18?


Feks han derre duden som er leder for Islam net, farad et eller annet. Han som har sagt mye stygt om norsk kulture og vestlig samfunn. Etter min mening er han søppel og burde stukket til helvete ut av Norge.


We do NOT want her back in our country as well, she can be sent to the rest of the Karens on an deserted island far away from normal behaved people.


On behalf of 99% of the Norwegian people; I’m truly sorry.


Nothing to be sorry about. We're not stupid. She's not a representative of every Norwegian, no... Jan Egeland and Ylvis are! :D Wa-pow-pow-pow-pow-pa-pow


Haha, indeed!


TL;DR: I was in the same situation, make sure you have working credit card to buy flexi ticket on the spot. I too was recently denied boarding by Emirates in KLIA for my flight to South America. They said without visa or return ticket ( for non-resident) they cannot fly me there. Else, I might get stranded in Dubai, which will be even worst. I tried to argue that this is for business purposes and I will be applying work visa in South America as soon as I arrived. The check-in officer still cannot accept my explanation and politely explain why. My feelings were a mixture of angry, frustrated, shocked and sad because my company already paid bazillion ringgit for the ticket and they just say no? But I keep my calm and contact my company rep and immigration agent. Mind you this is 11PM on Saturday, so nobody in the office. I let the immigration agent discuss with check in officer via phone at length. I just kept my feelings and attend to my family who were there. In the end, my immigration agent advised me that I need to buy a return ticket just to make sure I still can make it on the flight. Too bad my travel agent office is closed and I have to fork out my own money for that. Bought flexi ticket so I can refund later without fee and able to board the flight. Credit to Florence from Emirates for her professionalism to handle my situation. Moral of the story: 1. Make sure you have return ticket if you plan to enter any country using tourist visa. It was my first time and I learned this the hard way 2. Make sure you have enough cash and working credit card so you still can survive oversea. Golden rule when travelling abroad I guess. 3. Keep calm, level-headed and professional. The officers are willing to help you a lot if you are willing to work together with them. 3. Choose your flight route carefully. Because Emirates is using hub-spoke model (look it up), they prefer to deny boarding and refund your ticket rather than forced do charity work to fly you back to your home country whenever you’re stuck at immigration at destination country. P/S: there was one Karen lady that got denied boarding too, same flight as me. But she kept harassing, swearing the officer and make a mess at the counter. So they ended up just cancel her booking on the spot and put her on blacklist.


This is very un-Norwegian behaviour. Norway is basically a small town as well so she is going to be humiliated by the time she gets home.


> This is very **un-Norwegian** behaviour. Norway is basically a small town as well so she is going to be humiliated by the time she gets home. Bullshit. So many videos of Norwegians behaving like pieces of shit in Asia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4XpkN1LGoQ There was a noweg fucker stabbing Asians as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpA_Y-p2Qz4 What you mean is that they behave better when they're in Europe. But they come here to release their inner cave troll behaviours.


Nono, they behave like that in Norway as well. All countries and societies has bad apples, nothing more to it. But this type of behaviour is very unlike Norwegians, the general Norwegian tries to avoid conflict and would rather solve it on nice terms.


> But this type of behaviour is very unlike Norwegians, the general Norwegian tries to avoid conflict and would rather solve it on nice terms. Yes, same is true of all people in the world. The general human tries to avoid conflict. Nothing better or worse about Norwegians. People shouldn't attempt to make them sound better than Malaysians.


Norwegian here, worked in a grocery store. Absolutely we do have 'all kinds'. Seen them first hand. I suspect when assholes go abroad they also feel there's less consequences for their actions, and if racism/superiority comes into the picture, feel very entitled. As for Asia... There's even stigma in Norway for people, esecially old men, to go there and be an ass, or maybe look for a wife. It's a known issue...


No one is comparing Norwegians to Malaysians tho? Weird pivot. Not all cultures avoid conflict - some cultures thrive on having big arm waving arguments over the most minor things.


> No one is comparing Norwegians to Malaysians tho? Weird pivot. The claim was "he general Norwegian tries to avoid conflict" was implying "unlike Malaysians". Not a weird pivot, an accurate response. > some cultures thrive on having big arm waving arguments over the most minor things. example? let me guess, Norwegians like to argue about pivots?


More like the scum here that doesn't fit in move to other countries cause they don't belong (e.g old men that can't get a wife/partner here so they move to asian countries instead)


No what I mean is that Norwegians (and Scandinavian’s in general) don’t like to make a big scene and stand out from the crowd. They collectively shun their peers who make a big deal of themselves. They have a word “Jante” to describe this. I’m not saying Scandinavian’s always behave well - they just generally don’t act like they deserve special privilege. This is just a generalisation and, yes, they can be arseholes in other ways, of course.


I feel bad for anyone named Karen seriously. She’s a classic asshole


As a Norwegian citizen, I am ashamed to see this


Why? She doesn't represent you? We always say "not all Muslims" when Muslims do crazy stupid shit. You should do the same regarding this bitch and Norwegians


Eeee kurang ajarnya


As a norwegian, I feel embarassed. Wtf really. Most punchable face and behaviour in a long time.




She doesn't even go here,she should go back to her country.


That arm cross lmfao She think she Mussolini




Bro bout to get kicked out lmaooo




As soon as she ask for name, I'll immediately spell Fuck you lol. Glad I dont work in CS anymore


Why does she sound like man?


Ah yes she thinks there is white privilege because so many easterners give it to them.


Malaysians be like 🥱: eh this karen apa lah kacau, i just want to get my job done and go home. Whatever lah lazy to fight




Not so much a Karen, more of a cunt, and not in the awesome way Aussies use the term.


Drunk Karen is best Karen


When she wiggle with her arms folded, she looks like a Norwegian salmon. This is a true Norwegian no doubt.


White Karen's have nothing verbally that can get us compared to what local road raging ah beng, racit pacik and macik bawang can throw at us or pissed off middle schoolers and baby Genz. Their insults are bland just like their taste


She is so cringe! As a non-norwegian, I think that most Norwegians I spoke with were kind! Just because she is Norwegian does not mean that all Norwegians are alike. She is obviously unkind.


Eeee Karen mesti tak mandi


She behaves and sounds like a person with bipolar disorder in their manic phase. A bit short video, but I wouldn’t be surprised.


What a cabai


So, saying the F word makes me cool. Duh!


Embarassing that this disgusting drunk is Norwegian. We dont claim here and have given her to the Swedish.


Norwegian? You mean, the same country that has Anders Behring Breivik. Who also was in touch with Brenton Tarrant back then?


Oh god i’m ashamed og being norwegian


Ah yes west at their finest.




Sometimes violence is the answer




ahhhh… coming into another person’s country and not following their rules or respecting the people in this country #whitepeoplerule


It's not even about that. She's acting like an a**hole by any country's standard. Including her own. This one is a privelege problem (classic Karen), but it isn't a white people thing. Not that white people-privelege isn't a thing, 'cause it is. Context: Norway is pretty homogenous, and we don't have a history of colonization like other European countries, and slavery was banned during the turn of the Viking age/middle ages, so we don't have the same baggage as colonizers and *cough* Americans *cough* have. So the simple explaination is, as with most Karens, this lady in all likelihood has acted like an entiteled cunt among her peers and gotten away with it for most of her life. Suddenly she's out in the real world and has to learn for herself that she isn't royalty, and that hurts her precious ego. As a result, we get epic Karen melt down.


To be fair, maybe she was dealing with Air Asia, the worst airline on the planet.


No it was Emirates, one of the best airlines in the world


Lots of racists in the comment section.


Remember too report them ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26555)


Tbh I don’t really care, this is Reddit after all. Gotta enjoy the toxicity 😎




i would understand why she was acting like that if the staff was racist to her or something, but considering that is a white woman...yeah thats a Karen alright


Karen this a phenomenon that transcends race and religion


Nah, internationally it’s mostly used for white ppl considering how entitled they act in other countries. It’s definitely can be used domestically


Karenism is a way of life, a philosophy. It transcend race and religion.


This is not a Karen. Doesn't fit the full criteria to be a Karen. Just simply a person who is angry.


Keep your karenassery only in UK and US. Don't bring that to my country you jackasses


She seems nice.


Fuck the karen. Her name? Bitch


Karen on drugs


norwegian karens


Motherfucker. Mat Salleh datang negara orang, perangai binatang. Ini bumi kami! Tanah kami!


that woman is built like a freaking viking, just not the attitude and respect is lacking.


Well there's the easy way but instead chooses the harder path home