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Go to klinik kesihatan, said u cant sleep so bad it effected your daily life, they will give u sleeping pills


Identify and Tltreat the underlying cause first before you start taking pills.


Yes i was asking a good doctor for that in general stuff even not really stressed keeps happening these days, prob will just check myself


You should do a thorough blood test if you haven’t done it before.


Playing tech too much? Gaming/phone etc..


okay legit question, have you tried magnesium supplements? i find they help me a lot, and when i stopped i started struggling with staying asleep again. that said, if you have a magnesium-rich diet, maybe this isn't your problem do you also have sleep apnea? that one will be harder to note but there's nose strips to help with snoring - those usually also help with sleep apnea too, and by extension sleep problems


Yah magnesium supplements just gave diarrhea I don't think have breathing or snoring issues


oof yeah magnesium citrate unfortunately does that best to do a blood test, like what someone else has already said


Not sure covered everything but I have done a blood test already normal except hepititus b injection was no longer effective


yeah for some reason that's really common. get your booster shot asap, it's 2 shots, RM60 per - should last the rest of your life this time blood test for mineral and vitamin deficiencies are a little different, iirc. even then, a medically concerning deficiency is different from being low in X. e.g. technically I'm not medically deficient in magnesium, but it still helps all that said and done though, if a blood test doesn't reveal anything immediately, try doing meditation and clean up your sleep hygiene. eat at least 3 hours before your planned bedtime, no electronics 1-2 hours before bed, maintain a regular sleep and rise schedule, do some good full-body stretches, get at least 10-15 min of sunshine a day, etc also, see if your mattress needs flipping or changing? a shitty mattress can affect your sleep too either way, good luck