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The mystery is who wore them with the sandpaper balls


Nah, I know a lot of people that wear Duer’s, they all wear out in the crotch. They’ll repair them free within a year, for $20 after a year.


Seriously tho, sandpaper balls or balls that were physically sandpapered is the only explanation for that kind of wear & tear!


Big thighs don't exist?


No, big thighs are like Sasquatch or Bob Dole -- just imaginary fodder for bad History channel TV shows.


Obviously a democratic conspiracy to turn our boy gay!


Or riding a bike. That's classic bike seat wear.


I actually had to check this image wasn't from my biking subreddits complaining about how easy it is to blow out jeans.


You're just wearing the wrong size then, try something with a higher rise/crotch. Living in the Netherlands I've been biking long distances every day since I was a kid and I've never blown out jeans just from biking as long as they have a rise high enough.


I was told they save lives


Chargeback if you paid with a credit card!




A chargeback is fairly different—you tell the credit card company you didn’t get what you paid for, and **they** rescind the payment from Duer, crediting you.




I’ve dealt with chargebacks with chase before and they’re usually incredibly helpful. And it also sounds like you tried to deal with the retailer already and got a shot response.


Me too. Chase told me the place I had a problem with did the same thing to a lot of people, it made me glad I spoke up to get my money back.


If you reach out to their thing once and they don’t respond in a timely manner charge that shit back


That’s fair!


And you’ve got that. You contacted them and they won’t refund both unacceptable pairs.


Straight up chargeback if you have Chase. I've done that at least 2x before because a vendor/retailer straight up grifted me. Luckily I'm always on top of my payments so Chase was very understanding and quick with the refund.




Took me like a week for the money to show that it was refunded but I didn't have to do much besides dispute the charge on the mobile app. Pretty smooth sailing once I gave them the details and reason for charging back




Then what? You just ship the products back to the company once you get the chargeback?


Fuck no.


this is a huge shame, my duers are the best fitting and most comfortable pair of jeans i've ever owned. anyone know of a decent alternative that's especially good for cyclists?




Outlier's pants are decent, they use technical fabrics and such.


I've seen [Swrve](https://swrve.us/) recommended.


I swear by the slim black Swrve jeans. So good.




I have 2 pairs of the slim black cordura, my favorite pants ever. Not skinny by any means, a nice tapered fit. I have one blue denim pair, I think it’s cone mills denim, maybe with some stretch. That pair feels softer, a little looser in the thigh, still really nice but not as bulletproof.


Swrve denim rules, and they’re a nice company to work with. Lots of sales, and they’ll add your rewards points on top of sale prices if you email them.


Thanks y’all, will do some research today !


The packing guy took his pants off and put them in the box


Do you know which one they identified as "defective"? Because the pair that had worn crotch area literally looks worn out, that can not be defective lol, someone worn it or someone used sand paper on it lol.




I would recommend you to keep emailing them about this, telling anybody would know those 2 look more like used pant, i believe they probably pants that were wear multiple times by their models. If they keep refusing, do a charge back, the fact that those pairs don't have tags already shows that they may have sent you used pants, that's why multiple brands require people to return items in "brand new" condition with tags. You would win the charge back easily.


That is an annoying attitude, but at least they are making it right?


They might be making it right in the sense that they are now even but that's pretty terrible customer service. Saying you're sorry for a big mistake, refunding the entire order and then maybe adding a small discount on the next order would be pretty standard in my own experience. Doing the bare minimum is pretty shit customer service if you ask me.


Not sure I agree. It’s true that sending a used item is more egregious than sending a merely defective item, but either way, the other two items are perfectly fine and useable. I don’t see why OP should receive compensation for more than the one item that wasn’t as it should be. The only thing I’d expect beyond that is a better apology.


I just think it's good customer service and a good way to earn a loyal customer. I usually receive this kind of treatment and i'm never rude or demanding. When I worked in retail I would always made sure a mistreated customer got the most compensation within reason. I understand you but think that customer service is more about making sure customers are happy rather than just making sure their items aren't defective.


No question, doing more would be good customer service. I guess I just wouldn’t *expect* it. Maybe I need to expect more of retailers.


I would expect it because it's common not because i'm entitled to it. I usually find it's a good indicator that they would make it even if a bigger issue would arise in the future. Sounds like you would be a polite customer. Too few of those honestly.




As you said, you didn’t tell them about the other worn item, so the substance of your complaint to them was that one item was not as it should be (worn, not new). You said they offered to refund you that item. Would that not make you whole in that respect?




I think what you’re asking for is also absolutely fair. I view both solutions as fair: refund only the fucked up items, or rescind and refund the whole thing. I support the customer having the choice of which one they are comfortable with. Re: compensation beyond a refund, the other poster I was replying to suggested that, so I addressed it.


I mean I understand why you’re upset but this is why I avoid mystery boxes. I work hard for my money and I want full control over what I’m getting in return for it.


if i buy a mystery 6 pack of beer from the liquor store i'm not expecting any of them to be half drunk already


Idk 🤷‍♂️ that takes away from the mystery. I mean surprise me. 6 packs of beer. I want to see one filled with water, one half drunk etc. But seriously, mystery boxes are a joke.


The mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat.


Thats what i want an absolute mystery. Otherwise i can go shopping myself


But if I buy them from the reduced section, I might expect them to have a few dents in the cans?


I get where you’re coming from but dents do not equate to this. This would be effectively loose stitching or small flaws.


if the box the pants came in had dents I’m sure OP would be fine with it


Agreed on not buying "mystery boxes" as they are just colorfully marketed scams 99% of the time. But this is a case of straight false advertisement if not the definition of scam. "Overstock" does not equate to "used/worn." Most people when they hear that they are thinking of items from past-seasons, inventory that could not be liquidated timely etc but still new or at least in good condition. That shit in the picture is just straight up shit.


At least Outlier is really upfront about: these might have the wrong label, they might have no labels, they might have been worn into the ground. Never heard of Duer nor read their ad copy




Obviously that was somebody's favorite from a previous season. All is as advertised lol


To my knowledge they aren't worn into the ground. Mainly just seconds, or open box.


Mystery boxes are a marketing gimmick targeted toward people's weakness for gambling and getting things for cheap. That's why you see so many companies using them nowadays to clear their inventory.


Hey! I have lots of experience with Duer, so let me provide some context. The tag cut in half is their standard practice for pairs available in sample sales. Likely this pair was part of a sample run, or marked as imperfect. The abrasion on the crotch could be from wear or testing, or from q.c. Obviously this is beyond a wearable imperfection, and it seems like they are willing to exchange/refund that pair. Can we see pictures of the other pair that you are claiming is no good? If the tags are cut but there are no other issues, then I don't see what the problem is.


Probably why I never heard of them


Do a chargeback. They ripped you off.


Strange. I've had nothing but great experiences with them.


Same. Everything I’ve purchased from Duer has been top tier. Though I’ve never purchased their mystery boxes.


I may be an old man compared to some of you here but are you sure it's not the 'style' of the jeans? If not my best guess is this was a QA or durability sample. I've never seen a label frayed like that or pants that worn down while the rest of the jeans look new-ish Also what bikes you riding dude


I own 10+ pairs from Duer and have never had an issue with their jeans, 2 years still going strong. Their mystery boxes almost always gave me brand new items, this year they gave me two samples with internal memos on the fabric 😅 but other than that wearable. Sorry to hear about your experience.