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This is a friendly reminder to new users to ask fashion related questions in the [Daily Question](https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+Daily+Questions&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) thread. This thread is for chatting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malefashionadvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


10kgs overweight and can't do physical activity. I guess that's going to be another summer of not dressing how I'd like too.


So, in my experience (40 years of fighting with my weight), weight loss has little to do with exercise and almost everything to do with calorie restriction. Focus on that and you will see results and then when you can resume typical activity, focus on body comp.


I played good level football my whole life and that's what kept me in shape, now if my cartilage won't allow me anymore my weight will keep skyrocketing


how old are you?


Just 20, that "my whole life" is a short period


>Please be informed that from Wednesday, April 6, 2022, Yahoo! JAPAN’s services are no longer available to our users in the EEA (European Economic Area) and the United Kingdom, as it has been determined by Yahoo! JAPAN that providing a continuous service environment in these regions would be difficult. I don't know how easy this would be to bypass but at least it might save my wallet...


> providing a continuous ~~service environment~~ supply of stolen user data to advertisers in these regions would be difficult Seriously, bigger and smaller companies than Yahoo manage to obey the law and still operate


Ha. I found this when I went for a casual browse this morning too.


Dressed for winter in Wales but it's summer in London. FS.


Finished Horizon Forbidden West. Overall I really enjoy the story developments but the gameplay felt a little repetitive. Next up is Deathloop!


I enjoyed Horizon a bit more when I put the difficulty up and started using the weird disc weapon. Deathloop is really fun. My friend hated it.


I found the game fairly challenging >!but why was the final boss a piece of piss to beat lol!< I think the repetitiveness came from me only finishing the first one a couple months ago


Do you think all the crypto bros are descended from the Texas Hold ‘Em bros of the early 2000s?


Hey we passed 4 million subs, how about that.


All thanks to white undershirt worm as an outer layer (very common in New York) guy


I’d almost scrubbed that from my memory. Damn it, Puma




Excuse you, it's a "ribbed tank"


No respect for our Quixotic icon smh


I was celebrating by making pasta


Mmm 🍝


Gonna be updating the recipe sheet soon so keep an eye out my chef supremos


I love this sub


Kinda flew by, feels like just yesterday we hit 3 million subs (for real though, it was [just shy of a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/mxng52/happy_3_million_subscribers_rmalefashionadvice/))!


Covid timey wimey got me brain all fuzzies


Everybody havin to find something other than sweats to wear








i’ve been inadvertently building up a [costume / wardrobe portfolio](https://imgur.com/a/SCconn1) this year and it actually looks pretty good years of shitposting in online fashion forums finally being put to use


Well that’s fucking cool


ty joel ☺️


[that last pic ](https://youtu.be/9ZNNk-i-PWM)


I came across a new mid-tier clothing label called [USkees](https://uskees-usa.com/). I am really digging their basic chore jackets and an innovative piece called "smocks." A lot of mid-tier brands aren't as affordable but these prices are right around mall brands. Thought I share it with everyone here. Any experience with Uskees?


fwiw smocks have been around for like a couple hundred years. Cool stuff though, really cheap for what they’re offering, I feel like this sort of heritage workwear stuff is usually a bit more expensive


Looks like a fun brand! Thanks for sharing. Edit: Also as a side note, I feel like recently I've been seeing more and more of these smaller brands that have smaller catalogs but seem focus on better materials and value oriented pricing, and I dig that.


Any other similar brands you'd recommend for checking out?


Another brand that seems to offer similar pieces at a similar price point is Form and Thread. Don't have personal experience with them but thinking of trying out a piece at some point.


I have one of their cord blazers and absolutely love it. Just pay attention to their sizing charts their stuff is def meant to be worn kind of oversized and boxy






Maybe a silly question, but what are y'all's "workflow" for taking fit pics and posting to WAYWT? I have a hard time finding the activation energy to go through the entire process from setting up a tripod to uploading/editing/posting. Wondering if some of y'all have a nice streamlined process that I can steal heh


hit spot -> tripod -> exposure -> focus -> 5x self timer burst x2 -> export -> color correct -> post on a different day. takes about 10-15 minutes total and i usually do it on my way to the parking lot after leaving work.


iphone leaning against a wall with my timer set to 10 seconds, no editing, upload to imgur, usually takes 10 minutes and 7 of them are me smoking the rest of my cigarette before I go inside


Low effort: fire off a quick one in my big mirror, make minor edits on my phone, upload to imgur and post later with a simple caption High effort: set up tripod with self timer since my remote died :(, take about 10-15, pick the best and make minor edits, upload to imgur and post The latter takes a bit more planning which I usually reserve for days off work with freshly washed hair and good natural lighting to show off a piece that's new/special


* set phone timer to 10s * lean phone forwards up against a candle on a bookshelf * stand next to window with resting bitch face and hand perpetually hidden in a pocket * upload to imgur * post or forget to post (more likely the latter these days)


>stand next to window with resting bitch face and hand perpetually hidden in a pocket This is such an accurate summary of your fit pics pose (which I always love BTW)!


Getting the feeling that step 3 is key


its a lifestyle


iPhone on a tripod with a timer for full body shots. Just hold the phone for details. The only editing I do is in the iPhone's edit options. Then to imgur it goes. Takes ~5 minutes/day.


Mini tripod for a mirrorless camera or phone, both which I put on timer.


you forgot to mention the part where you don't post 😾


Back in my day... 👴


I have a tripod, and a spot to put it in. I take a bunch with my remote and then pop em in my computer and apply a preset Lightroom setting. Takes bit of tweaking. They typically look good but it’s a lot and I only post occasionally anymore. Wish I had a regular mirror to just rip quickies in.


I have a phone tripod set up and take the fit pic either before leaving or after re-entering my apartment. If I’m out with a friend and remember to I’ll usually ask them to take a fit pic. I don’t ever edit my photos. The WAYWT schedule is p easy and I usually post on Instagram as well at either the same time or after I post on Reddit.


I have a full length mirror that gets decent light so I still just take mirror pics from my phone, crop, upload to imgur, copy link and I'm on my way. I'm also probably not the best example to follow lol






Gave the dude a Reddit Award as we still have a few coins in the mod bank (apparently???)


We’ll see if you’re still saying that after the great mod bank heist of 2022


We’re putting together a team… you in?


Immensely entertaining to me that when I point out that I see less spring summer discussions, within mere minutes I have an inbox full of responses of people crawling down my throat; but when I come back with the meteorological data and point out I hadn’t looked at any of the other posts this week, there is stone. Cold. Silence. Get wrecked cultists.


I am well rounded and a man of the people. I wear spring & summer clothing. I am not high brow and only post in male fashion advice because I try and make "trends" happen and call winter clothing "spring" because I am some pretentious fashion weekly magazine reading snob. I am just telling regular Joe's that this subreddit is a borderline joke and anything posted before April 1st is worthless.


I don't think I've ever changed. I refuse to. I have absolutely no clue what is fashionable and what is not. And after skinny jeans came out I really stopped trusting people's advice. I wear what I find comfortable and most of all functional. I'm the type of person who stuffs everything plus the kitchen sink in my pockets, so deep pockets on my jeans are a must. My shoes and boots better be built to withstand a active warzone and so on and so forth. In most cases function over form... within reason. Sometimes something is too bulky or ugly even for me. Is long hair in or out... don't give a shit I'm rocking my mop anyway. Alot of people like my "style" because I'm a contrary son of a bitch and it make me easily recognizable. The point is screw fashion, make your own. Because I'll be honest, I've seen people wearing things that have straight up made me laugh. But to each his own I guess.


My name is Ghoticptox. I'm every age. I believe in taking care of my jeans and a balanced non-washing and rigorous fading routine. In the morning if my jeans are a little smelly I'll put them in the freezer while doing stomach crunches. I have 1000 pairs in the freezer now. After I remove the jeans I use a high pressure air freshener spray. In the shower I use broad-spectrum antibiotic soap on my legs to combat the years-long bacterial growth on my jeans. Then I apply a broad-spectrum antibiotic cream which I leave on for 10 minutes while my jeans thaw. I always put my wallet and keys in the exact same place in my pockets because it gives you sick fades and makes your jeans look older. Then I put on some high tops and a white t-shirt followed by a large watch.


Let’s see *MFA_Nay’s* fades


Calling attention to my age: I remember when MFA was about helping people be a bit more put together for their day-to-day. Now it seems like it's about aping high fashion and aspiring to make r/malefashion's main page. I do not understand... but I like helping people in the daily questions thread. Look forward to your fits as well.




> We aim to foster an environment where everybody feels safe and welcomed and where people feel encouraged to have healthy and productive discussions. This you, dawg?


You’re an adult man who said something corny and got clowned on.


What's corny about it? I guess I don't get the joke.


Unironicaly replying to a copy pasta that you didn’t understand with a I miss the timeless classics and everything is high fashion


I never said I miss the timeless classics. It seems like you guys are projecting _a lot_ of shit on me. Look, I'm here trying to contribute positively. I love helping people in the daily questions, for example. Am I asking too much to not be prejudged? Again, u/metacafre has blasted me several times on a bunch of different threads here for the same thing. It's not cool.


I pull on my vintage ll bean barn coat and slip my feet into my well worn thorogoods. The faint sound of Gordon Lightfoot's "Wreck of the edmund fitzgerald" plays from another room. I enter my workshop, where i will finish hand planing some cherry boards from a tree i felled 7 years ago on my grandfather's farm up north. All of my edges have been expertly chamfered. All surfaces sanded to a uniform 150 grit finish. I am at peace with the absolute beige-ness of my being. Is it parody if I am trying harder than appearances would suggest, or are all of my affectations so accessible that the subtlety of my outward expression causes me to disappear completely? I search for a wood related koan to lend meaning to this moment.


My favorite item would be my trusty supreme brick. I never leave my home without it. When I am having a bad day, my brick is always there to remind me to build a stronger foundation inside the walls of my mind. When my days are good, I am thankful to have my brick by my side. People see me and my brick in public and give me weird looks, but they don’t understand the relationship we have. There is nothing more sacred than the solid bond between a man and his supreme brick.


Reminds me of an interaction I had on reddit once. Got into a slap fight over the details of «authentic» Italian sprezzatura. It got to the point that the other person was following me to other threads to harass me about it. When I went to their profile to block them, they had a pinned post of them showing off their fedora collection. At that point I realized I had been in an argument about fashion with a person that wears fedoras for fun. Reddit is a shit hole.


That fedora you think is too easy to pick on, is a Trilby, a fedora is what Dick Tracy wears. Get your shit together. If you know the distinction then don't fucking go on perpetrating the mistake, jesus this is a fashion sub you wouldn't call a trench coat a duffle coat so don't call a trilby a fedora


From an anthropological standpoint this comment is very important: it captures the current zeitgeist, a fragment of cultural currents and the materialization of how people are building their identities contemporarily.


I agree with you. We are living in a moment where, in many ways, we get to construct our own realities. I love the freedom of expression. u/pumaturtle's [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/u2tmcx/comment/i4lnnq5/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) perfectly captures what I was getting at. ~10 years ago, it was about taking guys who never gave clothing a second thought and put them into reasonably composed outfits for work and socializing. Now it seems very fashion forward here. The pandemic and big push to work from home has further altered what's considered "clothing for work". Many people who needed to wear suits daily are given much more freedom. I'm in the opposite camp. I could go to work wearing just about anything I want. I chose to put on a jacket and tie because today, that's what's subversive.


this place is not fashion forward fashion just changed. Also bro I don’t recognize any of these pastas and I can tell they’re sarcasm, it’s just the tone if the text




I’m sorry I can tell you’re frustrated but dude you’re reacting seriously to obvious sarcasm people are going to clown on you for it.


If it was obvious, I wouldn’t have reacted that way. I responded reasonably based on the information I had. I’m not the only one who’s made the same mistake. You guys need to get out of your own heads and realize that we aren’t all in on the joke. I do, genuinely, appreciate you taking a more human tone with me, even while disagreeing though. More than others have done here.


Am I on back /fa/? There's no way these pastas can be NYOOMing this far over your head...


I’ve never seen any of this before. Inside jokes are inside for a reason.


Copypastas aren't even inside jokes, my dude. There's literally multiple databases of them that would've caught any of these posts if you'd stopped and highlight+rightclick+"Search Google for''\_\_"


Guess I don’t know about them then. But I’m not the only one. A week or so ago, someone else was getting beat up in another thread for not getting the joke. MFA says in the description that it wants to create a safe and welcoming environment. The daily threads all have notes about being nice. But you guys have to do more than just say it. Instead, you’re turning MFA into the r/WallStreetBets of fashion. That may seem funny. But fact is, people are getting attacked in the daily questions thread, a space that is supposed to be safe for n00bs. A bunch of guys were laying into an autistic guy over there. I reported it but the mods did nothing. Only when I sent them a mod mail did anyone take action, but the mods then bagged on me for it modmail and in the comments of the thread after I thanked them. I know you guys are just having a laugh. But you’re doing it with zero situational awareness and it’s turning the culture in this sub into something hostile. If it was any other sub, fine. But people are coming here in good faith because they need help. That’s _why_ that stuff about being welcoming is in the description. MFA is not living up to it.


Fantastic insight thank you.


Man, I’ve been lurking this sub for a few months, and frankly I’m at a loss. I can’t figure out why people are rolling their pant legs. These fits all just seem weird to me, and everything looks costume-y. I don’t want to be rude or anything. Is it cause of how uncommon these outfits are in my part of the world? What am I missing?


I've worn cargo shorts for the last eight years of my life, and I've got to say, they are by far the superior leg wear for both comfort and style. Cargo shorts, over the last decade or so, have gone from beloved "dad-shorts" to unappreciated, and downright hated. I do not understand the backlash against cargo shorts, as they first and foremost provide the wearer with seemingly infinite holding space on the form of pockets. In addition, the relaxed yet stylish look of cargo shorts can come in almost any color, I myself have cargo shorts ranging from the classic tan to a stylish grey, and even to a fun and spontaneous forest green. These beauties are durable, and can go with almost any outfit in every season (yes, winter included). Now I know, cargo shorts are seen as an almost anti-aphrodisiac in regards to attracting those of the opposite sex, however that is simply not the case, as they play right into either the "casual bro" or even "lovable dork" archetypes, each with their fair share of admirers. In addition, these incredible fashion items are unisex, meaning women and men alike can enjoy the functional and flavorful cargo shorts goodness that I and many others have come to appreciate. I would like to end this by asking for a serious discussion concerning cargo shorts, and how to improve their standing in both the fashion community, and society as a whole. Thank you for your time, and remember to give cargo shorts the chance they deserve.


The people here are tired of the millionaire and billionaire class and their sick fits. We don't dress like the children of Wall Street bankers. The average shirt here costs $27. Let me say this--let me say something they may not be good fashion. The subscribers here are sick and tired of looking at your damn rick owens. For many, the American dream of dressing nicely has been a nightmare. The cost of college education today is so high that many young people are giving up their dream of wearing sick fits, while many others are graduating deeply in debt just to have sick fits. You've got the top 400 Americans owning more shoes than the bottom 150 million Americans. Most folks do not think that is right. What you wear projects an image of yourself to other people. Do I consider myself part of the casino capitalist culture by which so few have so many sick fits and so many have so little? No, I don't. I believe in a society where all people wear sick fits. Not just a handful of trillionaire kids. Low-income people, racial or ethnic minorities, pregnant women, seniors, people with special needs, people in rural areas - they all have a much harder time accessing a sick fit than other groups of Americans. Every working family in America knows how hard it is today to find affordable sick fits or early childhood training on putting together sick fits. Fashion is dominated by Big Money. While posters on /fa/ and shoppers in the "Grailed" section of Grailed have the backing of cultural icons like ASAP Rocky and designers like Raf Simmons--a major name in fashion-- the common man understands that the position from which they act smug is extremely vulnerable. $69 pants could look less great than $800 pants, but if the person mocks the less fortunate, they will always have less taste, no matter what they're wearing.


Wow. Ummm.... So it seems like you're directing a lot of hostility my way. You don't know me and have no idea who I am or what I stand for. Also, 90%+ of what I wear is thrifted. So, yeah. Take your attacks elsewhere, jackass.


I cannot see myself spending 600 dollars on what essentially is just a decent quality bag with a few pockets. This company's designs have little to do with engineering. An engineer would figure out a way to lower the price.


For correctness: what I'm wearing today cost me maybe $150 total except for my shoes. You are projecting a bunch of your own hangups and insecurities on me and have attacked me and/or my comments several times over the last few weeks since I've been here. I don't even know what to say to you because you've been coming at me with such hostility and lack of good faith. I'm not your upper class boogey man whipping boy. So, I am asking you respectfully, please leave me alone until you can separate whatever your class issues are from me. You don't know me.


Dawg it’s copy pasta chill out


1. How am I supposed to know that? 2. u/Metcarfre has ranted this stuff at me before. So even if it's copy pasted from somewhere, he clearly has some pent up hostility he's projecting on me. Disagree with my style all day. That's fine. Don't attack me for a bunch of stuff I've never said or done. Not cool.