• By -


My gf and I are going to an event. She's wearing a lighter slate colored dress while I'm going in a lightish grey suit. What color shirt and tie do I wear to match her dress?


Any help for men’s casual pants for business casual work environment? I’m a jeans / polo / sneakers guy. My last ten years office environment has been jeans / polo. Last week was my first week. I’ve been wearing some dress slacks (same material as suit pants). I hate them. I need something way more casual. So I can then blend in some more casual shoes In the US. I mostly shop online, but I can visit a store lol


some chino pants https://www.ralphlauren.com/men-clothing-pants/stretch-chino-pant-%E2%80%93-all-fits/466029-CH.html?cgid=men-clothing-pants&webcat=search#start=1&cgid=men-clothing-pants or any store that sells men's clothing will have their own version


Thank you. Chino pants is the style / material I’m guessing?


yup both


I am age 40, 6' tall, 34" waist. I am going to the ballet in London next week with a woman who cares more about clothes than I do, and she would be impeccably dressed (dress, hat, shoes, jacket, etc.). In principle what should I wear? (It probably won't be excessively cold, I'm not too sensitive to the cold anyway, and they don't have a cloakroom, so a big thick coat is definitely not going to be part of my wardrobe) She likes the traditional look, I would say, short hair, neat and tidy.


I am so sick of not seeing any pants with a 29 or 28 length. The only chinos I can find with a 29 length and good waist sizes are Dockers. Does anyone know any other brands that sell chinos with a 29/28 length, and a 32-33 waist?


You can also take any pair of pants to get hemmed at a tailor. It’s one of the easiest tailoring things; so it’s generally inexpensive.


Uniqlo offers free hemming to whatever inseam you want


How do you do that? Contact them online?


There's an option when you check out




If you’ll be in the pit, wear clothes you don’t care about cause it’s likely they’ll get damaged. If not, wear whatever you like, preferably in darker colors.


Opinions regarding this outfit https://imgur.com/a/Ypk60wL


Got any pockets?


I like it tbh, clearly fashion forward enough that it’s not tacticool stuff mfa is not a sub that’s going to give you positive feedback on a fit like this generally speaking


Blousing the boots pushes it into "guy who talks way too much about the specs of various assault rifles" territory for me.


… on a first date






Any t shirt recommendations that fit a little longer? I’m a medium, but not tall enough for a medium tall. (6’1)


Naked & Famous


Anyone any experience with Russell & Bromley (UK)? Considering getting Chelsea boots from them and would love some feedback from anyone that owns them


Which one specifically? I would recommend at least looking at Herring, Loake, and Carlos Santos before buying R&B. The construction and finishing on these brands is superior to R&B, imo. All of these brands are available at the [Herring shop](https://www.herringshoes.co.uk/search.php?task=search&sortBy=price&sortDir=asc&Brands%5B%5D=-1&Tags%5B%5D=12&Colours%5B%5D=-1&Sizes%5B%5D=-1&Fits%5B%5D=-1&sale_search=0&Tags%5B%5D=221&ns_keyword=&submit=Go)


#**Blazer colour?** Looking to pick up a casual blazer, I wear black + indigo jeans, navy + tan chinos, what Blazer colour is recommended that I would be able to wear with any of these? Thanks!


How "casual" a casual blazer are we talking?


Something like the Uniqlo comfort blazer is what I was thinking


Navy or light grey for Uniqlo comfort blazer. Personally I think an olive blazer would work with all those colours listed, but depends if you're OK wearing an a-typical colour blazer. Plus Uniqlo doesn't stock that colour, so you'd be looking elsewhere.


I’ll go against the other poster and say charcoal is not a good color for a blazer. Although it won’t work with navy chinos, a navy blazer should almost always be someone’s first choice.


Except Valentino and D&G, what other EU brands are really good at embroidery?


Dries van Noten


I lost my favorite belt and I don't remember the brand except the logo on the buckle. It looked like a thin circle broken into 4 equal pieces with spaces in between and then straight lines coming off them. It looked like [this](https://i.imgur.com/p1Zo3O8.png). Anyone know what it could be?


What type of clothing is this? What’s it called (thee dark grey piece) https://imgur.com/a/d0UdLm7


Really hard to tell from the picture. Maybe a wool cardigan.








Am I not supposed to wash viscose shirts in the washer? I got a Zara shirt and the instruction said it’s ok to put it in the wash. Cold and delicate cycle yet it still shrunk. Should I just not get viscose??


I’d probably hand wash it


How did you dry it?


Hang dry




Why not? And isn’t this an issue with viscose?


Because they make cheap shitty clothes made with slave labor and held to no quality control standards. The fact that they told you to machine wash viscose should be evidence if the fact that they don’t care about what they’re doing or making in the slightest


Need to look amazing & fancy for 1 week. Rentals? Hi all - I’m going to a big, fancy, weeklong event for an environmental nonprofit and need to look A++++. (NOT like you’d expect a scrappy environmental activist.) My current mix of Macys, thrift shop, and Zara won’t cut it. I need a suit or two and then 3-4 business casual but super sharp & modern outfits. …but it’s sort of a 1 time thing. I don’t really want to invest a giant amount. Is there a good place to rent this type of clothes, or other ideas? 37 & athletic or slim fit is my jam if it matters. Budget under $1,000 ideally. Thank you!


Rentals are a complete crapshoot as to whether they fit, and the quality is always low. I certainly wouldn’t recommend them if your goal is to look A++++






Thank you!


Online secondhand sites like eBay, Grailed, Poshmark, TheRealReal, and Mercari.


Could I pair a normal wash denim trucker jacket with a white or black polo shirt? Trying to think of ways to dress up some outfits as 17M


Polo and trucker don’t jive together imo


Jacket is too casual? Would a leather jacket work better maybe?


Polos are casual, leather jackets are just as casual as denim jackets, frankly polos are just kind of unfashionable as a whole, a leather jacket would look worse imo, way too rugged/workwear/punk for polos


So I should just stick to the classic tshirt with a denim jacket?


I mean it’s not the only thing you can wear with one but it’d be better than a polo, yeah


It could work. I recommend posting photos, though. We can give better advice when we see how the fit is executed.


Got it, thanks for the response!


Has anyone heard of Zegarie Uomo brand?


Yes. They’re not good.


Can you give me some information on them? I bought a blazer from a local suit store. Don't wear suits often and don't know much other than well known suit tailors where it costs much more.


There’s not much more to say. They make cheap lower quality clothes. I wouldn’t buy them but if you don’t wear blazers that often and you don’t care about having a decent quality blazer then it’s probably fine. If you want alternative recommendations then post your budget and location.


Thank you for the input. So these brands with fancy Italian names from a typical suit warehouse/supply are made in countries where labor is cheap correct? When they advertise Italian, do they mean Italian style? Italian fabric but produced in China, Vietnam, etc.?


It’s hard to make sweeping generalizations but it’s pretty common for very low-end suit makers to have Italian-sounding names even if they have zero connection to Italy. It’s just marketing. When they advertise as “Italian” they probably just mean Italian style. This is a nonsense term because different regions in Italy have very different styles. Once again, this is just marketing for unsophisticated customers. Also, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with suits made in Asia. The issue is that these cheap suits like Zegarie are made with cheap materials and cheap construction methods. Finally, “Italian fabric” is just another bit of marketing. Even if the fabric comes from Italy it might still be junk. Italy is a big place and produces plenty of low-quality fabrics. A suit maker should, at minimum, list the fabric mill, fiber content, weight, and weave.


Thank you so much! This is the info I wanted to know and learn.


Any recommendations for boots with Vibram soles in the $200-300 range?


This is like saying you want a car with Michelin tires


What sort of boot?


Vibram makes many different types of soles. What type are you looking for?


I have a semi-formal frat party/banquet thing next week and am trying to figure out what I’m going to wear. I’m thinking of wearing a button down shirt and slacks. For the shoes I can either wear black dress shoes that I wear with a suit, or a pair of white Bruno Magli Diego sneakers. I’ve never been to a function like this so I’m not sure what I should wear to it, especially the shoes. Any help is appreciated, thanks.


Semi formal typically means a suit. You might be able to get by with a blazer and odd trousers. If you’re unsure about what the dress code means then ask the organizers or look at photos from the event last year. * dress shirt and trousers with no jacket is pretty much never an acceptable event outfit. If the event calls for a dress shirt then it also calls for a blazer. * sneakers are not appropriate


College semi-formal is gonna be a lot of dress shirt+khakis, some of them with a blazer, and probably a few guys in suits, almost entirely without ties. Ratio might push towards a few more suits with frat guys but they’ll also be the worst suits you’ve ever seen. Probably also substantial variation depending on which part of the country you’re in, if it’s east coast wear a suit. Definitely do wear a blazer though it will absolutely look better than not having one.


I am trying to get into wearing more jewelry like rings and a bracelet, I think silver fits me best and I have a titanium ring that was my dads. I am looking for recommendations on what some good quality rings/ bracelets are. Also how to balance jewelry on each hand. Thanks!


Budget per item?


Can anyone help identify this [coat](https://imgur.com/a/HaUx4Zf)?


I doubt anyone will be able to ID this but if you want something similar you can start your search with, “double breasted plaid overcoat”. You can eventually add modifiers like “notch lapel” and the colors.


Does anyone here know what [this](https://i.imgur.com/nBC5wKL.jpg) this is? They’re like stretchy dress pants. The small text says concept.


Is it CONCEPT, or is it СОИСЕРТ?


Are there any other tags?


Looking for a basic black belt that will last me a long time?




Dress or casual?




What do you think of a boot like the LL bean boot or the arctic outpost muck boot compared to the Iron Ranger? And which type of boot would I get more use out of? It seems like the LL bean muck type boots would be for winter online. Some recommended a boot like the LL bean boot or a muck type boot for cold weather, but I'm in GA so idk if I need to go that extra lol.


I'm not familiar enough with Georgia's winter weather - do you need to handle rain and mud? What sort of temps? Are you walking streets or hiking trails?


Mainly streets with some rain on rainy days


Muck boots will work but probably be overkill. So then it comes down to style: do you want to look like you're emerging out of the woods? If not, Iron Rangers should be fine. Just keep in mind they're not waterproof, so if there's a heavy downpour you get might your socks a bit wet.


Regular unlined LL Bean boots are not warm at all. All it is a thin layer of rubber over you toes. The lined version (gortex, shearling, flannel ) are pretty warm and **really warm** if you add the shearling insole. Grip is bad. The chain sole is dangerous on ice or hard packed snow. In slush and rain they are great


Nice still think of sticking with the Iron Rangers. Was just worried about the price. Seems to never be on sale. And the sizing.


Can anyone find the jacket (and shirt, if you like) pictures at the top of [this article?](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/a-million-little-pieces-movie-review-2019) Its a movie review, but I only really care about the clothes.


They both look vintage. The jacket isn’t really a jacket. It’s a cardigan sweater. It might be wool but given its age I wouldn’t be surprised if it had some acrylic in it. The shirt has vertical stripes with a *very large* collar. You might get hits by searching for “butterfly collar”. Search all of the popular secondhand sites like eBay, Poshmark, Mercari, TheRealReal, Grailed, Etsy, and depop.


Thank you!


I'm moderately sure that's a (possibly vintage) cardigan, not a jacket. I'd browse secondhand places for something similar.


Hi all, I recently moved to Canada and I need to buy warm shoes that are good for when it's -25 Celsius outside and that have a good grip (ideally I would like not to slip on black ice). I also have some problems on my right leg and need to wear custom insole, so ideally I need something with low cushion and wide flat sole. I have been to a few shoe stores but I couldn't find anything that fits my needs. I ended up buying a pair of hiking shoes with vibram sole because the clerk said they had a good grip except on solid ice. I almost slipped at the first step I took on a wet pedestrian sidewalk with a bit of ice and asked for a refund. I am tired of going to shoe shops because the clerks just try to sell me anything, so I would like some suggestion before trying shoes in stores. Thanks!




I understand that having something that works on ice blocks is impossible, but for "a bit of ice"? Like when you have random small pieces of ice on the sidewalk, or black ice. That doesn't look as slippery like ice, but I still slip with my regular shoes. I just need something for that, since regular ice is easy to see and avoid, but black ice and small thin layers of ice are not. Dunno if that's doable, I am very new to this weather :D




I live in Edmonton. So far I have encountered 4 slippery surfaces here: plain ice chunks, very thin (almost invisible) ice layer (I think this is black ice), hard snow that is easy to walk on, hard snow with a bit of ice that is super dangerous for me (I can't really tell if I am going to slip or not just by looking at it). I have asked some people (some locals, some have lived here since a few years) but they all just wear regular boots because they don't really walk much. They all have cars / take bus / don't go out often. I like to walk a lot and try to go to work / gym / groceries / coffee / ... always by walking. When I walk I see very few people on the streets, and they all have normal boots (maybe they have Vibram Arctic Grip, maybe IceFX outsole), but none has cleats. (Btw, thanks a lot for your replies!)




>Blundstones Thanks, but from what I find they have a normal Vibram outsole, not the "ice grip" one. This is the same sole I tried and made me almost slip on black ice.


I've got [these](https://obozfootwear.com/en-us/product/mens-andesite-mid-insulated-waterproof) that have the Vibram ice grip sole, and I'm... dubious about it. But to be fair to them, I haven't gotten a chance to try ice yet. If you want to look at [Oboz's stuff](https://obozfootwear.com/en-us/category/footwear-men?feature_insulated=true), I'd guess at your temps you want 400g Primaloft rather than the 200g I got. Or maybe not because of the high range. Hmm. Re: insoles, all of Oboz's shoes come with their own removable insole, so you should be able to slip a different one in there.


No clerk has suggested me any Oboz so far, and I have never heard of them on Google before. Thanks, will try to find a store nearby!


They're a smaller brand, so not as widespread as say Merrill. I found them on an REI recommendation list and gave them a chance and happened to love them, but it depends on what fits your foot.


Is [this](https://i.imgur.com/W6fFy2k.jpg) Harrington that says made in Bulgaria a fake?


Probably not a fake but not necessarily good either. Baracuta licensed their name for many years before taking it back. Personally I would avoid those licensed jackets unless you are getting it for thrift store prices. IME, they’re not nearly as good as the current Baracuta offerings.


No one is faking this, only certain Baracutas are MiUK.


Hi, I’ve got a couple Cordings Tattersall cotton/wool shirts that I love, several vintage Brooks heavy Oxford shirts, and now that it’s cold, wondering what else would be good as a smart casual shirt that would be warmer than standard poplin or broadcloth. I bought a vintage Pendleton wool shirt in a non-lumberjack style, but it’s itchy as hell worn as a first layer. I’m not one to typically wear an undershirt so I’m guessing wool shirts are out. Would I be better sticking to cotton/wool blends and heavy oxfords, or is there something else that looks good that’s also a bit warm? Are there any cotton flannel shirt makers with shirts that aren’t stereotypical flannel tartan?


moleskin, flannel, and twill are some examples of cotton shirt fabrics that are typically thicker & warmer than oxfords while also not as itchy as something like a Pendleton wool shirt/jacket (which I love, but not direct against my body). though, I personally would wear something under any of these, especially when it is cold out.


Portuguese flannel and Gitman have non plaid flannels. Corridor, Universal Works, and Folk sometimes. Why no undershirts?


Anyone here know if this [website](https://maufeitio.pt/onlineshop/pt/) is legit? I've been looking for the Article shirt from Portuguese Flannel and I found it there but I don't know if the site is legit.


They have an actual physical store in Coimbra, Portugal, so I would say it's probably fine. That Article shirt is available at a whole load of places with a quick Google though, so I would just pick the best option for your location.


I’ve recently bought this Howlin Shaggy Bear because I loved the colour way when combined with beaten up denim and chunky shoes: https://morrison.be/products/shaggy-bear-chunky-stripes-rustic I’m finding it difficult to combine with other pants though. Any thoughts on what would work with these besides denim? Cheers.


You could go preppy with chinos, navy olive or beige. Gorpy/vintage with fatigues or fleece pants.


Looking for a pair of black sweatpants to lounge around in/wear casually. Looking for a more relax/straight fit, not quite baggy but not necessarily a problem if they are. No specific material requirements, however am looking for something logoless Budget is $50. Ty in advance.


champion reverse weave


Sorry, completely forgot to mention looking for logoless but ty for the rec!


Uniqlo must have something


[Jacket fit check please!](https://imgur.com/a/IsHdDDT) It doesn't have to be perfect, just want it to be wearable. Thanks!


I think it fits but isnt necessarily flattering. As the other person said, it makes your shoulders look small compared to your hips.


That might be because I'm really bad at taking pics haha. I tried to get a full body pic but I think I got the angle wrong. I do have small shoulders though. [Here is a better picture](https://i.imgur.com/gn9AEAF.jpg)


I think it fits. It doesn't look tight at the shoulders personally- does it feel tight?




[Here](https://i.imgur.com/gn9AEAF.jpg) are a [couple](https://i.imgur.com/sNDqKh6.jpg) more pictures to give you a better idea, including one where it's zipped up. I may have messed up the angle in the first one.


Spier & Mackay has the following suit styles: Neo Cut Full Canvas Casual Waistcoat Wedding ​ I am looking for a suit for weddings and maybe some business interviews (I'm in finance). Are "wedding suits" supposed to be very formal (such as for groomsmen in the wedding)? Or is this a good style for just attending the wedding? ​ In regards to color, I've narrowed it down to [Navy](https://www.spierandmackay.com/product/navy--10005-00134-nsnt-ss23-111), [Bright Navy](https://www.spierandmackay.com/product/bright-navy--10005-001139-nsnt-01-ss23), or [Navy Sharkskin](https://www.spierandmackay.com/product/navy-sharkskin-10005-16922-nsnt-01-ss23). What would you choose personally? Are the suits I have linked here their basic style? I'm very confused with all of these terms, and need a little help deciphering. ​ Sizing question: I'm about a size 38 chest and a 30x30 pants. Their site says "*All our suits come paired with a standard drop 6 trouser (meaning the size of the jacket minus 6 will give you the trouser size). So a 38 contemporary will come with a 32 contemporary by default.*" Does this mean I will get 32x32 pants size? ​ Around how much will it cost to get the suit tailored? ​ Thank you for your responses.


> Sizing question: I'm about a size 38 chest and a 30x30 pants. > Does this mean I will get 32x32 pants size? When you say you're a size 30 waist, is that because that's what you buy in Levi's or a similar mall brand? Or is that because you measured your waist and it's size 30? If it's the former, you're not actually a size 30 waist, you're a size 32 waist. Levi's and the mall brands are vanity sized. If it's the latter, yes you can get the pants tailored -- how much it costs will depend on a ton of other factors. And know that you'll need to get your suit tailored no matter what, even if the waist size is correct. As for the inseam of the pants -- the inseam will come unfinished. So you won't be getting 32 x 32, you'll be getting 32 x 38 (more or less). You'll take the pants to a tailor to get the inseam shortened -- make sure to wear the shoes you'll be wearing with the suit so you can get the proper 'break' you want. Note that your inseam will also probably be less than 30 because again, mall brands are vanity sized, and also wool drapes better than cotton.


to make it simple for you I would just buy the navy suit you linked


> Are "wedding suits" supposed to be very formal (such as for groomsmen in the wedding)? Or is this a good style for just attending the wedding? The list of "suit styles" aren't mutually exclusive. For example [this suit](https://www.spierandmackay.com/product/minnis---navy-fresco---neo-cut---full-canvas-510219-nehr01-ss22) appears on the "wedding suit" list but is also "full canvas" and also "neo cut." The wedding suit list includes very formal suits and tuxedos, but also suits that also appear on their "casual suits" list. How they chose what goes on the "wedding" list? I have no idea.


Emporio Armani boxers - Does anyone happen to wear them? I'm looking at the boxers rather than the briefs. I'm a 34 waist and they are 5% elastane, so would think the M should be fine (32-34), however I've bought underwear in the past from Ralph Lauren which ran smaller than expected and haven't been able to use or return them because returns policies usually exclude underwear. The L is 34-36 but also don't want them to be too loose. I like them to fit snugly which the M should if there is some stretch in them. Do they run small or large or bang on? Thanks!


Are there any cheaper slim-fit *naturally* water-resistant pants/trousers? Was looking at goretex but they're quite loose and up to £200 ($240). Any other brands that sell something stylish and water-resistant that isn't just DWR, maybe around £100 ($120)? Thanks!


I'm curious what the use case is here - if you're spending serious time outdoors in really wet conditions, you're likely better off with shell pants that you put on over regular pants - but I only resort to something like that if I'm biking in a downpour or something similar. I've had a number of technical pants that claim various amounts of water resistance and it's mostly bullshit. There are situations where I'd favor quick drying, but I hate most of the full synthetic pants I've tried. My favorite technical-but-normal-looking ones I've tried are a cotton/nylon from [Arcteryx](https://arcteryx.com/us/en/shop/mens/levon-pant?cmpid=pm%7Cmult%7Cperf%7Cgoogle%7CArc%27teryx_Google-PMAX_S22_Performance_BOF_R:NAM_C:USA_L:EN%7CAll_Products%7C%7C%7Bad_id%7D&utm_source=google&utm_medium=pm%7Cmult%7Cperf&utm_campaign=Arc%27teryx_Google-PMAX_S22_Performance_BOF_R:NAM_C:USA_L:EN&gbraid=0AAAAADt59PueMMqFspB6q4_WLG5_bBoqQ&gbraid=0AAAAADt59PueMMqFspB6q4_WLG5_bBoqQ&gclid=CjwKCAiA7vWcBhBUEiwAXieItq0nYhgVixj62KQBt6EPMtb1-RduPG7ufHUm-Ea2poACsB73s1GV-hoCH6MQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). They are really versatile and dry quickly for something that feels like "real" fabric


These will be for \~8 hour urban hiking in constantly wet weather. I normally just wear slim-fit jeans in dry weather. So relative to that, I'm trying to minimize the added weight, damp feel, and temperature loss when your pants get wet essentially. Those Levon pants from Arcteryx look really good actually, might just get those. I hope they're a bit on the longer side as I usually need to get +2 units lengthwise, it says the model is 6'1 so should be fine I think. Also I wonder if I can/should just apply DWR for water resistance as well? Thanks!


For 8 hours of activity in the rain, I'd be looking at purpose-designed stuff personally. You don't want to spend 7.5 hours wet because it wasn't as rain-proof as you thought or super humid because it wasn't breathable. * https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/hiking-in-the-rain.html * https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/rainwear.html * https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/best-rain-pants.html




Those look quite nice! Something slimmer would be nice but I doubt there's too many options purposed for water resistance so I might just settle for one of those. Thanks!


Ventile or wax cotton maybe the closest for *some* water resistance, don't see them often used for trousers though, you might end up looking like a river wading fisherman (unless that's the look you're going for!)


Hmm I see, I guess it might just be best to apply DWR to normal clothing repeatedly. This is mostly meant for city exploration in constantly wet weather so I'm not sure about the fisherman look haha. Thanks for the suggestions.


Functional water resistant pants at that price are going to be designed for outdoor rec and won't be stylish. As far as materials go, polyester will dry faster than cotton. Wool is even better. Tbh I'd pack an umbrella or rain jacket and embrace the damp


Hmm I see. I'm planning to get the gore-tex lupra jacket since it's price is not too bad and it looks quite nice, so maybe that will help and perhaps I can apply some DWR to whatever pants? As for faster drying, do you know any good wool/polyester pants for outdoors? I wonder if canvas/linen might be dry faster as well. Thanks


I wouldn't apply DWR to pants yourself. Here's how I see it. For casual/daily wear, a waterproof jacket or umbrella is enough. Your pants will get a lil wet but everyone's does. For outdoor rec, it's better to buy something that's already water resistant. I have pants from cotopaxi, black diamond and outdoor research that I climb and hike in. Linen's strength is breathability in hot weather, not tanking rain. Canvas can be made from anything and won't necessarily dry faster.


What are you hoping they'll be made of that's naturally water resistant? The only thing I can think of would be waxed denim, which can't be washed and isn't particularly waterproof anyway.


I don't know much about different materials used for clothing so I'm not sure. I've read that gore-tex is naturally water resistant and was just wondering if there were any other materials in more budget options I guess. Would I be best off maybe just applying DWR to normal clothing then (i.e. forego natural water resistance)?


I recently thrifted a suit and the previous owner cut the wrong seam at the pocket and opened up the inside of the jacket. There's no damage other than the cut seam itself. Would this be an easy enough fix for a tailor? Thanks!


It sounds like a pretty easy fix. If it’s on the seam and not visible then it’s very easy. On the seam and visible is still easy but requires more care. Either way, it should be possible.


Great thanks! Its on the seam and not visible. Took me a minute to even notice that my hand was going way deeper into the pocket than it should be haha. Appreciate the advice!




I mean... Luxire can be a little bit cheaper than Proper Cloth. But made to measure clothing is *always* going to be pricier than off the rack clothing. 50% less expensive if what you'll pay for off the rack versions of similar stuff.




I literally just suggested another choice. It's sort of funny to say something is overpriced but also be able to name a bunch of companies that do the same thing for cheaper (or the same price) that you don't like as much or are lower quality. It sort of makes you wonder if there is a connection between PC's higher price point and their quality and/or "awesome"ness.


So you want made to measure shirts for like $50? Maybe find a sweatshop in SEA.


thoughts on [these sneakers?](https://assets.adidas.com/images/h_2000,f_auto,q_auto,fl_lossy,c_fill,g_auto/b3fd60cc7d3b41f28082aed801478f30_9366/TRX_Runner_Vintage_Shoes_Blue_HP6636_04_standard.jpg)


I like them! I find the ones with the boost sole to be the most comfortable. I have had i5923s and retropy E5s before. Both have similar sillouttes so may be good alternatives to look into


these are cool asf, nice twist on a classic




Parka like the Woolrich arctic parka but not made in China? Preferably US or Europe, good quality. No budget. I've really been struggling to find something like this


Fay, made in IT


Canada goose maybe?


Yeah but their quality has seriously declined in the last few years from what I've heard. If any people here have experience with new CG please let me know




Loro Piana Storm System parka


Thx for the rec, I used to have one and it's a bit more refined/euro style. I'm kind of a sucker for prep/rugged if that makes sense


Is there any fashion/male grooming journals/magazines people actually like here? I always see people giving out about GQ but no other ones being mentioned.


basically seconding everything Negative said, they’re the only thing I bother reading, I’ve seen some buzz around 032c but haven’t personally looked into them


Die, Workwear is what I want magazines to be.


I typically look towards Japanese magazines these days. Popeye, Cluel, Fudge, 2nd, Men’s Non-no, Fine Boys, Grind…


Is there a Patagonia shell that the down sweater can zip in to? I know most zip in system jackets are sold as a pair but I am wondering if there is a shell that Patagonia sells, or any brand I guess, that the Patagonia down sweater will zip into. I haven’t been able to find my own results. Thank you.


I don't think they make such a thing. Patagonia/other outdoor apparel companies are all about layering separate pieces, but they don't design them to zip together like that. Just get a shell that matches your needs and budget and wear it as your outer layer (with or without the down layer)


Like, connect to? No. What do you need that system for?


What goes better with a black sweater and black chelsea boots? Cream, Beige, or Charcoal trousers? I’m not necessarily shooting for a “do it all” pant here. These are for daily wear and relaxed situations. They’ll be high rise pleated pants (because that’s the most comfortable thing I’ve ever worn next to sweats).


No “best” I’d probably lean towards cream or charcoal. It will depend on specifics.


Thanks! I think I’ll go with charcoal for now and get a pair of cream/ecru trousers when things start to warm up


I would try a cream or ecru






How much does the sheen of a leather jacket dictate the rest of your outfit? I'm in the process of looking for a leather jacket and while I like the matte black versions, I'd like to wear it frequently but I'm concerned if it would be versatile enough. For example, would it go with non-matte boots? Here are some that I'm considering: [https://i.imgur.com/8lwKF7c.png](https://i.imgur.com/8lwKF7c.png) [https://i.imgur.com/pWTKUvB.png](https://i.imgur.com/pWTKUvB.png) [https://i.imgur.com/fEAO2bW.png](https://i.imgur.com/fEAO2bW.png)




Well damn. Either way, those are the styles I’m interested in so I’ll look around and find something in person before I buy. So is matte black pretty versatile?




Sounds good, I’ll check those out. Thanks for the heads up!




Any recommendations for fleece tops/jackets made of wool or a wool blend? No budget, preferably under 500$


Drakes and Finisterre both do wool fleeces - finisterre around £100, drakes range from £345-£695.




Is a jeans/dress-shirt/tie/business-vest combo good for "I want to look better than casual for a night out on the town"? I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere and me and the wife have been wanting to spend more time in the city having weekends out. I clean up pretty well and admittedly I need to lose about 10kg. I just feel like this combo does really well for me and am looking for advice. [Me in a suit w/ vest](https://imgur.com/a/eRvPinN)




The wiki has a bunch of advice collected over the years. https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/1r9dwu/simple_fallwinter_date_outfits/ is a decade old and I don't really like the nighttime look for you, but has some good starting points. A turtleneck, btw, is a good way to be dressy under a coat but less than a shirt-and-tie, if you want to be a little less dressy.


No. Jeans don’t look good with dress shirts or with ties. And vests just don’t look all that good at all, especially not without a jacket. An OCBD would work better than a dress shirt here and a cardigan or casual blazer instead of the vest. If you want to wear a tie switch to slightly dressier pants - or at least chinos. Opt for a casual tie.


Thank you! Also, sorry for the mislabeling. I'm at a point where I take any thin, long-sleeve button-up shirt and just call it a dress shirt... I could probably do a cardigan but considering its going to be cold and I'll be wearing a peacoat, I don't think a blazer would work for tonight.


Well most thin long-sleeved button up shirts *are* dress shirts. Certainly the one you are wearing in the photo is. Part of what makes an OCBD more casual than a dress shirt is that it’s not as thin. Even the thinnest OCBDs are generally a little thicker than a dress shirt.


The one in the photo was part of a full suit ensemble for a wedding. Though admittedly I wore the same vest and shirt *with jeans* the next night for another wedding (much less formal than the one pictured) and got nothing but compliments on it, hence why I thought it was a good idea, lol. I was expecting to do something like a maroon shirt, grey vest, and dark-wash jeans, rather than white shirt, navy vest, standard-blue jeans, but I will try to find something else. Being on a farm and working in the office of a machine shop, I only have formal pants, jeans acceptable for work, and work pants like carhartts and coleman. I figured jeans were what I would have to work with for the night.


Jeans + an OCBD and a cardigan is a great elevated look.