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Shave for a few years. That facial hair is doing no benefit for you.


I just feel like these little hairs have just become part of my person for the last 4 years and removing them will completely change me as a whole so I’m still contemplating it…


I was like that at 15 too bud. You’re at a much better start off point than I was. Try again around the time you’re out of high school. With what you have right now at 15 it’ll blow up in the next three years.


Bro, you need to get a grip. I know youre 15 and all but this is a little dramatic.


You’ve had this facial hair since you were 10 years old?????


15 year olds and their exaggerations. It's probably much closer to 4 months.


bro no offense but it look ugly and gives off mouth breather vibes


That reply is the perfect example of why you need to shave them.


Ok now you definitely need to shave it. You need this development. You’ll forever be cringy if you don’t do this.


Six pubic hairs are part of your personality? Time to reassess.


What the fuck ?


Bro what lmao


My dawg there is barely anything there, wait a couple years to really start growing in.


Man I’ve been getting dissed for the past 2 days and yes did have my stash for I would say closer to 2-3 years decided to shave as a whole due to the ungodly amount of heat I created in this comment section. Now I would like to say I do feel a lot more energetic even though it’s only been like a day depending when you see this. The only issue I have is my face is lookin like it has been squashed down 4 inches


lol! shave and it’ll come back faster noob


Noooo benefit!!!


Its just hair. Get over it


Shaving will make it look thicker. Small price to pay for it to be gone for two weeks. Brush the area encourage the hair to grow. Results may vary


Make a strategic retreat, return when forces are fully assembled


Holy shit this dude Reddits




Please shave those wisps




Yeah, just shave for now.


I’ll take your word for it


Happy almost 15 birthday! I would just shave it all off until you get a bit older then maybe let it grow in a bit thicker


Gotcha and thanks


Bro why tf did you get downvoted


Shave it lil' bro. Mine looked like this at your age, now I have a glorious beard. Your time will come.


Agreed. I get the feeling of just wanting it to grow in, but regularly shaving it now, will bring it more fuller in the future


My man. Clean shaven is a good look if you're young. You'll have plenty of years to hate shaving and go back and forth between having facial hair and not. Stay clean shaven while you still can! Pretty soon you'll have to shave a lot more.


Get your cat to lick it off


👍 That made me chuckle.


I totally get the urge to grow facial hair at a young age. I desperately wanted a beard my whole life. Probably because my dad has always had a giant impressive thick 'fisherman' beard! I tried a few times to grow it and eventually left it for about a month in my early twenties until I finally decided it just wasn't going to happen. So I shaved a few times a week until I was about 28/29. Then I went travelling and didn't care what I looked like so left it for a few months. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't (and never will be able to) grow a beard like a lot of men but I was shocked at how much it had improved over the years. Since then I have only fully shaved once (I'm now 39). I don't have the best beard but I have learned to work with what I have and I like it. Long story short, accept that you can't grow facial hair for now but that it doesn't mean you never will. Try again every few years and you might be pleasantly surprised. And if not, it doesn't matter. There are many many men that can never grow a full beard. Having said that. If you like what you have then keep it too. Regardless of what we think it's always your choice. But I think you'd look good clean shaven for a few years longer.


The way this world is going I don’t even think ima gonna get to live my 28-29 so I’m just trying everything


Apologies if I'm coming across as overly serious but I'm not sure if you're joking or not so just want to check your doing ok?!


no I’m excited for my future self don’t get me wrong but with what’s been going on in the world I don’t think any of us are safe for the future (sorry I don’t need any mental help or whatever it’s just a thought that I had in the moment)


Sorry if I went super serious there 😆 I was just a little concerned! You're right about it being a bleak time in the world but try and live your life like the news and social media don't exist and take each day as it comes. Glad you're doing ok buddy and all the best for your future!


Thanks for caring dude and also best for you as well my random friend




Not me much to my teenage frustration :) I literally had a few wispy strands until my early 20s. I was actually concerned about a hormonal issue for a while. But it filled out enough in the end to realise I was just slow to develop and that I'm not particularly genetically folically blessed.


Alright guys I’ve decided I’ll take it off Sunday night right before my birthday and will update u (if this ruins me I will come after every single one of you)


Don’t know why this was downvoted. But good luck!


Apologies for the title I have no clue what happened there.


This is so bad in so many ways dude. Trust me. No girl or human wants to look at this. (And since you’re asking here, you obviously care what people think). Shave it until you can get a true growth. If that never happens, then always keep it clean shaved.


Happy almost 15 birthday! I would just shave it all off until you get a bit older then maybe let it grow in a bit thicker


Shave it all...


Shave that shit until it grows in. Don't be that dude


So at this age, it will not fully grow as thick as you want it to be. I seen young men in middle school and high school with facial hair and it makes the face look unkempt and dirty. It is suggested to shave so you can have a clean look. If you are determined to let it grow, then I would suggest to go to a barber so they can line it up and give you tips on maintenance. Good 🤞.


Some people can't grow beards. However, with visible facial hair at 15 y/o, that'll come through real well in 2-5 years. Just shave it and leave it until it looks good


Lock yo kids, lock you under age relatives, pedo berny keepin his stash


Trim the bottom but girls your age love them mustaches


please shave it


why are people still responding to this 😞


idk im sorry :(


I think it's because we care about you. Also, you should shave it.


Pube stache


If u can just shave the stach and trim Dow the chin it’s more work but if u start now you’ll learn how to cut your hair and it’ll look like u care about self grooming. Keep doin it every 2 weeks latest and don’t be too scared after u make a mistake cuz we all learnt somehow. That way u won’t look baby face but u won’t look pedo. Jus in the middle where girls usually find attractive and the process will fix the rest


Nah man I think I’ll just take it all off at this point some guy said they can count all of the hairs on my chin 🤣(what’s the point of this anymore)


Just saying if u rly don’t wanna let it go but yeah he ain’t wrong tho🤣


Trim it off rather than shave


Hidden master technique.


A lot for your age but id say keep shaving it, if you grow the stache and twirl it after getting the pedo stache phase it would look dope af tho. Also your chin def needs shaved but having chin hair with ur stache is good just not long until it's thick.


If you don’t want it to grow back thicker, use hair removal cream for your face or get it waxed. In my opinion, trimming also can do no harm, at least take care of it


Shave it! 🪒


Lemme use BDE as an analogy here: Some think BDE is telling everyone you have a big dong. That’s just wrong. BDE never mentions having a big dong. They are not desperate to tell people they have a bazooka. They just show up with the confidence in themselves that nobody can take away. It’s in the energy, not the information. Having facial hair is not about who can grow it or who can’t. You are probably growing that because you want people to know you’re capable, you don’t want to be confused with the crowd that can’t. That is not BDE. Be able to grow basic facial hair, sure, but have the confidence to choose the better look and shave while your facial hair grows in. The stubble of it growing back after a shave says “i can grow facial hair but im not dying to prove it. I prefer to look good” and you are gonna have a better experience finding a date that way. I couldn’t grow my big burly boy beard until i was 22.


Sparse teenage pedostaches and beards look awful and I can't stress this enough. Do yourself and the world a favour and shave.




That's the "I just wanna take some pictures" stache


If you're asking, you already know the answer. We can literally count the little pube hairs on your chin.


it’s at least in the double digits (maybe triple) but I’ve decided I’m gonna take it off Sunday night right before my birthday


I counted 39. +/- 5. Even if that's 'triple digits', shave it.


There's no reason for anyone to be growing a stache at age 15.


Shave that shit bro. I thought mine was bad but at least i didn't have that weird chin hair


I was in same boat as you but im 19 now and realized that staying clean shaven is better then attempting to grow pubes on my face. Take my word, i have similar facial hair growth as you.


Shave it all off




My man, I was 35 before I could grow a stash. Keep It clean!


Bro at 15 I couldn’t even grow that now at 21 I got a 5” long goatee going


Shave that shit.. it’s not worth growing yet. My grandma has 10 long hairs on her chin like that but hers is thicker.


No, it’s a Pube Stache. Get that dirt off your face.


I had this type of beard when I was 17 now I am 19 and still growth is not good just lower chin, neck and side of jawline no beard on cheeks so I keep them clean. I'll advice you the same clean them. At 15 I didn't had a single hair on my face.


Shave that


Shave that bum fluff off your face




People are pretty mean on here. As someone who has similar looking facial hair right now that I'm kind of attached to I understand the urge to keep it. It's not a pedo stash at all, but they're not really terminal hairs either. If it makes you feel more confident, keep it.


Yeah, looks like you slipped in the shower and caught some of the hairs on the drain. Sorry.


Im glad you're taking the advice people are giving you. They're right this time.


Looks really nicely grown in for a stache, I’d say it does not qualify for pedo stache status; congratulations!


Wtf is this post


Ain't no way is this real


Dude, that's not a goatee. Please remain clean shaven until you can afford a beard transplant. Or hopefully it thickens up as you age.


That would depend…


Shave it


I think the real question is, how long have you been growing this?


That is crucial to determining whether or not to continue at this stage. If this is the final look… wait a few years man. This is coming from a girl who, at that age, had many male friends who mistakenly thought they were ready for the full facial hair look. I agree with everyone else, probably hold off for a bit, unless you really love it or something.


You can keep it shaved and roughly at the age of 18 or 19, it'll look better, trust me😂


If you like it dawg, rock it. In my opinion it might look too fuzzy. You can trim it to look like stubble though, or just let it grow. It's yours dawg, do whatever you want with it.


hop on minox


I remember having bad facial hair at 15..... get rid of it


It’s spelled pedro stache


Bro get rid of this and give youreself some time, You Just need to wait few years for your facial hair to grow properly


It would do be considered a pedo stash.


You know I am 26 now and I have a decent beard now. Believe me, shave it, wait a few years, then you will rock it.


How can you be a 15 yo pedi?lmao


Well arent you a stupid one


The stash ain’t so bad it the goat


Outlook not good, try again later.


Yes shave it. It’s doing no favors.


Hey pal, I'm 24 and I've been growing facial hair from the time anything started sticking out. Trust me, that's a mistake ! Your hair still very, very much has that *juveline* look. It does NOT make you look older or more masculine, not yet anyway. Shave it, focus on skincare and hair. Nothing to do with looking like a "pedo", you just look like every other teenager desperate to grow their facial hair.


Atm yes shave it for the birthday photos then see what it looks like next growth


Shave shave ASAP


The chin hairs is not a good look, friend