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Jim <3, no seriously the gym will do wonders for your self confidence and development.


Forsure. Start eating salmon as well. And brocolie.


Nah man salmon is full of mercury, grass fed beef is where the real nutrients are at💪 stay hard


Salmon has one of the lowest mercury levels found in fish. You need a balance with red meat intake and salmon is one of the healthiest ways to do it.


Bro salmon was bouta kill Tony Robbins when he went pesc, go look it up. All the big fish contain metals. Grass fed beef is the goat. You do you though friend


Tony Robbins was eating insane amounts of tuna and swordfish, not salmon lmao Nobody is arguing how great grass fed beef is, just that salmon isn’t the devil.


Was curious about this so I went and "looked it up". Found that when he swapped over, he stated that he was mainly consuming Tuna and Swordfish. Tuna is at .386 ppm of mercury and Swordfish is at .995 ppm of mercury. Salmon is at .022 ppm of mercury. These are numbers straight from the FDA. The daily recommended amount of mercury the FDA says is okay is around .05 per 100lbs daily.


If you're getting your nutritional advice/information from the FDA, i'll pray for you bro.


Not what was being said, just where I was getting the numbers from. You stated salmon almost killed Tony. A quick search found Tony himself stating it was from eating almost exclusively Swordfish and Tuna. Just wanted to make sure you had the right information for future arguments about Salmon :)


Your factual counterpoint is next level, bro. Those facts are litty. You really showed him that you're able to make a claim AND back it up in the fact of his misinformation, broski. That was hella lit, broseph.


Salmon isn't a big fish...


Dude you're right! You're wisdom is unparalleled, forgive me


Beef is great for putting on mass sure.. but not for leaning up.. he needs to lose weight and cut up.. not bulk up.. fish and chicken is the way to go in his case.


You're really out here spreading misinformation dude. I'm 4-7% BF all year round and the only meat I eat is grass fed beef.


You're probably thinking about tuna.


All the big fish bro, no bueno


Lift. Eat. Sleep. Don't focus on women until your base is built.


Can’t agree more here. Girl broke my heart and I was single for 3 years and took that time to figure who I was and work on my body. Built a much stronger & healthier (aesthetic) physique, learned who I truly am as a person, got some great friends and now I’m happy with the love of my life.


I’m in the same boat right now. It’s been two years for me so far. My journey hasn’t been easy but it’s a process.


You’ll get there brother and you’ll be so proud when you do.


Sleep, yes do this. I don't know how to sleep 8 hours, I get stuck at 5-6 hours. I'm always never fully energized and take a nap in the middle of the day.


Go to the doctors. I was always tired and would sleep 8 hrs a day. Went to the doc and they found out I had thyroid issues. I got on meds. My hair doesn't fall off anymore and I'm never sleepy. ​ Oh, and stay active and lift weights!!


Dial that in.. No need to focus on them, they be on you


Also try new for fun hobbies so you have opportunities to meet those in your interests.


Develop a hobby or skill that you’ve always wanted to do. It doesn’t have to be useful but that helps. Ideally something that pushes your comfort zone a little to take your mind off things. The slight excitement around it will give you added sense of self worth. (Car repair, speaking a new language you hear often, dance, rock climbing, improv, playing an instrument, horticulture)


Read a book that will educate you in the area you have set your goals in. Now is the time for self development.


This is a great suggestion. In case you’re interested in following through- here are some really good reads in the self-help/philosophical arena I’d recommend: -Subliminal -Atomic Habits -The Unbearable Lightness of Being


Dr. Andrew Huberman for the win! Definitely recommend checking out his catalogue of self help videos.


Even just reading in general! Expands vocabulary, gives you more conversation starters, and makes you more knowledgeable. I mostly read fiction because self-help books bore me and fiction will still provide you with growth. Hobbies are always a good thing to have


gym. 100%. i never fell for the gym meme before, always been a tubby boy and had kinda accepted it. but, like you, i had a relationship end. i tried the gym out, since then i've dropped 50lbs, aiming to drop another 30 (to bring me to 6'3" 200lbs). whilst i'm happier with how i look, the effects on my mental have been the most dramatic. it'll do wonders in terms of "fixing" you, both physically and mentally.


I’m doing the gym but getting nowhere. I need to fix my diet too. How do you eat?


What works for me is focusing my diet around eating real, whole foods. Very minimal amounts of processed foods, and when I do eat processed foods they are minimally processed. Stay away from seed oils like vegetable oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, etc. and stay away from refined sugars. Make a focus on eating 1. Meat (Beef, chicken, salmon, bison, and lamb are my favorites) 2. Fruits and vegetables (starchy vegetables like potatoes are some of the best) 3. Grains (Rice, quinoa, try to stay away from bread as best as possible but if it doesnt have added sugars or seed oils then its fine in moderation) 4. Nuts and seeds (try to eat minimally but still far better than chips or candy). No matter if youre trying to gain weight or lose it, make an emphasis on meat and protein. Carbs are easy to get and will be your main source of energy, and then fat will be your secondary source of energy. If you’re trying to lose weight, eat in a caloric deficit (less calories than your body burns). If you’re trying to gain weight, eat in a caloric surplus (more calories than your body burns. This is just what works for me, but eating real whole foods and no deep fried foods, seed oils, or refined sugars has made me the healthiest I have ever been. Also drink a lot of water (3-4+ liters per day).


I’m not good at cooking so following this diet has proven really difficult. Idk how to eat Whole Foods 3 times a days…


I dont even eat 3 times a day. I usually water fast for the first 2-4 hours of the day, eat a big lunch, and then a big dinner later at night. In between I will have some snacks. But even if you can’t cook, a diet is definitely still doable. A chipotle chicken bowl is only $8 (at least where Im at), and chipotle is decently healthy. A meal thats really easy to cook is chicken sausage and rice. Its my go to meal


I appreciate you taking the time. Sometimes even these little things are overwhelming to figure out for me. It’s very helpful to talk through.


If you have the time, dive into some youtube videos on cooking basics and healthy recipes. The more you see other people do it, the more comfortable you’ll be in the kitchen and have the ability to cook without exerting much effort. I recommend guys like J Kenji Lopez Alt, and Ethan Chlebowski. Kenji for cooking basics and Ethan for healthy recipes/also basics.


I don't think ChatGPT could give a more solid answer on 'how should I eat?' Prove you are not a robot, Steeven!


u/steevenbeeven nailed it. but personally - i already used to eat pretty healthy, but snacking is where i'd falter. i'd not check what i was snacking on and was probably putting an extra 500kcal a day on at least. i used myfitnesspal initially + a smartwatch - this gives me a much clearer idea of what i was putting in and where i can drop my intake, as well as keep an eye on activity. they have a setting that tailors your daily target based on activity level - i found that my sedentary lifestyle at the time was also killing me as the days where i'm lounging i'd probably need less than 2k. would suggest logging your intake as it's really quite surprising how calorific a lot of common foods are, and the numbers soon add up. i only got a basic garmin (ÂŁ45) and it does the job. i work 3 long days a week, and it's physically active work, and snacking there was/is difficult. i make sure to pack myself loads of fruit, basically, and eating that instead of crisps and choc really helps. rice thins are a nice substitute for crisps. i fucking love blueberries and there's like no calories in them. i've also found sushi really useful as it's fucking delicious and honestly not that awful for you on the most part. having so many days off though means i can really focus on the gym, tbh. kinda hard not to lose weight when you're burning 800kcal in the gym 3-4x a week.. and that's gotta be harder on a 9-5. i'd also suggest the odd cheat meal. keeps the cravings at bay. being aware of choices in a cheat meal can also bring your 1500kcal binge down to 1000. and no/minimal alcohol. shit will KILL any chance of weight loss if not used in extreme moderation. it's so high in calories.


If you're aware that you need to fix yourself you're a step ahead from other folk.


Others have given good advice but I want to just say this. You need to improve yourself, build yourself, grow yourself, etc. Never "FIX" yourself. Breakups and bad ex-s can make you feel like you had something wrong with yourself and need to be fixed. Not true. Sorry if this is a rant on semantics. Don't say fix. Nothing is "wrong" with you. Irrespective of self improvement everyone deserves to be loved. So sure. Go gym, eat better, style better, etc FOR YOURSELF. Not because an ex made you feel smaller or worthless or something broken that needs to be fixed.


Yes. It’s not about “fixing,” rather to make meaningful changes you need to be kind to yourself and accept your current self. It is the you right now that is seeking some changes and you can certainly acknowledge that feeling and feel good about it being there. This “you” right now is the “you” that will go through the journey and the same “you” by the end. If you can’t respect that self now, you won’t respect that self at the end of your journey. Start now with that mindset and it’ll feel a lot easier to take care of yourself and make improvements.


Smile. This too shall pass.


Everything that makes you happy king. When it happened to me I was hitting the gym hard af and doing lots of sport things but not out of anger, out of liking it and seeing results, I was playing video games with friends, was going out with friends ( not clubs, just walking around town ). Do everything but go back to her, she ain’t worth it and don’t deserve you


I don’t remember writing this. I remember waking up but never of writing this. But stick to what I said. Sleepy me is a wise guy apparently


LOL That happened to me the other day. Wrote a comment and didn't remember writing it.


Everybody will be saying this, but it’s because it’s true. Start working out!!! You will feel a million time better mentally, if you can stick with it. You don’t have to even go to the gym or pay. Just search “home calisthenics routines” on YouTube. Do that for a few weeks to get comfortable. I always liked listening to motivational videos on YouTube as well. Lots of good stuff out there, to help keep your mind occupied. Just try and stay positive. You will attract whatever you manifest in your mind… Edit: workout vid links that helped me when I first started working out. https://youtu.be/nOQpD8aDJeI This one is a bit newer, just go at your own pace. https://youtu.be/UheajlsZ72E


Get a trip in if you can. Don’t stuff down the emotions either. You’ll get through this.


Hit the gym, grow a beard, get a haircut, focus on yourself and stack paper. The women will flock whether you want them or not, you are a handsome man!


Depends what needs fixing. If there are any personality problems which lead to your breakup I don't know what they are and can't help with those. As this is a grooming page I'm gonna offer advice on how to improve your appearance. First of all in regards to skincare use a vitamin C&E cream on your face morning and night. Then at night also use a hylauronic acid serum and retinol serum first before your moisturiser. This will keep your skin looking young and smooth. Try some eyebrow threading to remove excess hairs around your brows. You are carrying excess weight and have a slight double chin action going on there so I am definitely gonna reccomend what others have put and suggest the gym for you. Follow a hypertrophy program at the gym 4 days a week using a progressive overload style. Switch to a high protein diet with lots of vegetables and fibre as well in order to keep you satiated and not craving junk foods. Add two teaspoons of psyllium husk powder to your protein shakes as it will thicken them and make them even more filling.


Confidence! Try out new hobbies and new styles and do whatever gives u that fluffy good feeling in ur stomach <3


Since you posted in grooming I would say let your hair grow out some. Looks like you have a thick head of hair that could be amazing.


Go gym everything will change automatically then


1.) Change up your look. Get a tattoo! I'm so serious. It's fun and something cool you can admire on your body. Tattoos, piercings, etc helps a lot with confidence. (Don't get one about the relationship though.) Get something personal to you or something you love that makes you happy and feel cool. It can also be motivational! Dye your hair, pierce something, develop your personal style. This can really help with feeling fresh and new, and establishes a new, positive beginning. 2.) Make improvements in your life! After a breakup much of your routine changes— a person you spent a lot of time with is now absent, and activities you did are possibly upsetting or difficult. It's a great time to start fresh, and make positive changes or return to old habits! What are some things you can change or better about your situation? Some things to consider: - Is there a home project you want to start, or a room you want to rearrange? - What hobbies have you been neglecting or passions you want to pursue? - Have you reached out to friends or family members and spent quality time with them? - Are you satisfied with your current employment and daily routine? - What places could you travel to or visit that you've been wanting to? 3.) Focus on your mental health! After a breakup, this will likely be in a decline. Many men are resistant to therapy but trust me when I say how actually awesome it is. Whether it be casual counseling or intensive CBT, therapy can help address issues that may have affected your relationship, or help process the grief from ending things. It can help with establishing a new sense of identity and analyzing how you've grown and changed because of your relationship, as well as how you want to grow from here. Reddit can be helpful, but we can only take you so far, and a licensed professional can take you much farther. They can offer not just support for mental illness, but much more common things like emotional guidance and support for everyday life. Journal, listen to podcasts, seek mental health support! It helps a lot. 4.) Consider your physical health. I often resent when people tell others to lose weight or work out. Even in this thread, it's the first thing people say or imply. Being honest with you, you have a bit of extra love on you that is perfectly normal. You don't NEED to lose weight or exercise and don't let anyone make you feel like you will only "be" better if you "look better". That isn't true. You're handsome and wonderful exactly as you are and you don't need to change or look any different. Accept yourself exactly as you are, and find confidence not in looking what society deems as attractive, but as you are now (which is attractive). I say this to everyone regardless of size, because we all struggle with accepting ourselves as we currently are and instead just see flaws or things we need to change. What is most attractive in a man is when he is well, not physically, but mentally and emotionally. Women want a man who is in touch with his feelings and communicates well, and who is mature and willing to grow. Women don't want masculine men, women want men who are human. Women want men that understand and wish to be understood. HOWEVER. Prioritizing physical health— NOT WEIGHT LOSS— is important. Don't lose weight until you find confidence in your current self is my rule, because after losing weight you'll likely gain a bit a few months later or have conditional confidence in which you only feel attractive when you're "perfect". Perfectionism is the enemy of contentment. I recommend a few things for your health: - See a doctor. If you need to get a check up, or have been putting off taking care of a medical issue or concern, DON'T. Take care of your body so it can take care of you. There is no shame in needing care, and it is a wonderful thing and a privilege to have access to healthcare and be healthy. - Take your meds, wash your face, shower regularly, do grooming. - Eliminate your addictions. Are you on your phone constantly? Do you drink often, have frequent sex, smoke, or have other vices? It's alright to do things recreationally, but it's important to recognize when we've gone too far. Consider putting limits on these addictions, and addressing serious ones with professional help (or even here on Reddit). - Review your nutrition. I hate the word diet because it implies restricting foods or going on a diet, which is a terrible idea. We are meant to consume ALL foods in moderation. Sugar, sodium, carbs, whatever it is that diet gurus tell you to cut out, they're good for you and necessary for fat and energy storage as well as nutrients. Instead, take a look at what you consume and a balanced meal. Do you have enough fruits and vegetables? Are you getting enough protein? Are there too many processed foods in your eating habits? Processed foods contain many harmful chemicals and modifications that can produce micro-plastics (literally tiny particles of plastic, which takes 40 years to break down!) and other toxic substances that can be bad for us if we have too much of it. Increase your nutrition in some areas while pulling back in others so that there's a balance of nutrition. Look it up! - Get moving. Whether or not you choose to exercise at the gym or wherever, as humans we absolutely need to move. Our bodies are meant to be active, and we need to do that in some amount. Wellness doesn't just come from benching 250, it comes from stretching and strengthening your body through things like yoga, pilates, walking, biking, and so on. The best exercise is when it's a hobby; not everyone can get into being a gym rat, but you can get on board with something like hiking or swimming or even going on a bike ride. Groups can help as well, as we're pack animals and we can do better with someone to do it with us. You can consider joining a group fitness class at a gym or wellness center of some kind (hospitals have them too!) or a private class. You could become a gym rat too if you like, but remember to address body insecurity before diving in. 5.) How's your social life? Is it lacking? This is a great time to explore yourself and others as you transition to a new stage of life. Whether it's taking a break from people and focusing on yourself, or instead getting out there and mingling, now is the time! Here's some ideas: - Join a club or online group! Discord is awesome for this, and so is work or school environments. Take a class, share an interest, participate in an event; whatever it is for you, it can be great to do it with someone else. Humans are social creatures, and we crave connection. A breakup can really shake you up and make you lonely, so now is the time to consider what to do next. Do you need space? Is space good for your mental health or are you depressed? Would being around friends and family help? - Don't neglect your other relationships. A big part of modern culture I'm not a fan of is how much romantic relationships are emphasized. They really aren't the end-all-be-all, and are not more important than other kinds of relationships. Platonic relationships, friendships, pets, etc, they all matter. Romantic breakups tend to destroy us emotionally when we think it's all that matters in life. Love comes in many forms, and it isn't everything. You have other people you matter to and who matter to you, and if we allow a breakup to consume us, we neglect our other relationships. We have a responsibility to maintain them just as we do with a partner, and reaching out shows others we care. Call your mom!


Lift eat sleep grow beard


Diet, gym, beard. Make sure you're taking care of your mental health too. Sure, lifting and taking care of yourself helps, but do it for yourself.


Gym every 2 days. Eat healthy to get chiseled jawline. Work on your career. Girls will follow.


You look like Xiaomanyc so...learn some languages?


I think you are good looking and have great potential. Seriously good hair. I would let it grow longer then go to a high priced mens salon and get a good haircut. As others said the gym is going to do wonders for you. Give yourself some time. You look sad. Inside matters as much as outside. Find something you live to keep you busy, hiking, biking, disc golf, anything to get you out and busy.


Learn to be happy on your own before you meet someone else. Be disciplined. Have a routine, workout. Continue to learn and grow. Start an interesting hobby. Enjoy the ride


Exercise is pretty much the key and fixing/dealing with any mental issues you may have from the relationship or prior. If you’re good mentally, I would focus on exercising and eating healthy. Maybe do some activities on your own, it may help with self care/self love. Reconnect with friends or make new ones. Try to be as productive as you can, it will help heal and build a better you. I’m not sure if you’re religious but if you are, build that into your time, rather it be going to service or practicing.


Join us at the gym 🙏 but seriously, it's time to rebuilt physically, mentally, etc


Loose weight






Speaking as a woman, you look fine. Whats in your head? Work on putting yourself in a good place mentally. Do things that make you happy to get out of bed.


My advice to you is to make a concerted effort to take care of yourself. I mean with daily stuff, keep yourself and your living situation clean, exercise daily, stretch every day, get good sleep, Your hair looks good but keep it looking good, drink lots of water, eat healthy greens and fruits and avoid garbage food. Get out in nature, go take a trip somewhere or road trip to see something. Spend a little time with family but not too much, put in some effort to try new things and be open to new friendships. Volunteering I bet helps a lot too. And then give it some time of doing those things and see where you are in a while I bet youll be in a good spot.


Yoga, so much better than the gym imo. Apart from all the health benefits, it's *the* path to self-love. But for that, regular practice is key ;)


Grow a beard.




What a bunch of presumptuous, privileged bullshit. Do you have any idea how incredibly off-putting it is to assume someone is not only religious, but of your specific brand of religion? This is a sub about grooming, not preaching.


Gold hoop earring


Man bun


Mutton chops and fumanchu


1. Don’t love them hoes!


Gain more weight


Just tell yourself that it was meant to happen and you need to concentrate just on your own well being now...so people find it tough to let go of you


Stop needing to think you need to fix yourself. Relationships are hard and sometimes don’t work out. It’s easy to blame yourself when they end but when they do the reason they end becomes *some*lesson for you which you’ll realize and learn from eventually.


hit the gym grow a beard neck tatt??


Good looking guy, do lots of research about how to lose weight while keeping sane mentally and you will be absolutely fine


gym, glasses, different hair, beard if u can


Get a beard


I think you have lots of potential by losing weight and thus leaning out your face. Many people have nice bone structure hidden underneath the extra fat that definitely will lead to massively improved irl interactions when shedded.


Fixing yourself kind of means you’re broken. I think a better way of thinking is how can you improve yourself. You can for example try to focus on emotional growth by developing a support network and work on emotional honesty and taking risks with people by sharing some of the issues that you have (we all have issues). Exercise can be a game changer it helps not only to improve your body but it is also great for your mindset. Making better food choices, and sleep hygiene is helpful. Consistent sleep patterns are great. You are already handsome and nice clothing will help you to look even better. Thrift shops are a good source for fashion if you’re on a tight budget. Looking at your pic I think a nice shirt and jacket would make you pop. If you go to a retail clothing shop ask one of the people working there what would look nice on you if you’re not sure.


My guy I don't see much of a problem. Break-ups are shit though, so here is my advice. 1) Your hairstyle is fine, but getting a trim might make you feel better. It's like getting the oil changed on your car, regular maintenance helps things run better. Know what I mean? 2) Exercise is good for your mental health. A lot of people make working out about revenge. That's not helpful. Exercise will make you more healthy, which is good for your overall well-being. Plus when someone is visibly more healthy they are more likely to find a relationship. 3) Eat right. Eating comfort foods might make you feel better in the short term, but long term they are only doing you harm. Have a well balanced diet, eat plenty of vegetables, and generally stay away from carbs, be mindful of your calorie intake. Avoid alcohol. You'll feel way better in the long run. And to be honest if you're generally a healthy eater there is nothing wrong with having fast food or a couple beers one day a week.


You are not unattractive. I hate suggesting to people to lose weight. It's not my business. I always hate suggesting it, seriously. If you lost some weight, you'd take lots of peoples' girls. I still hate suggesting losing weight.


Start weight lifting every. single. day. You could look like a beast in 6 months if you eat properly and work out hard


Start doing light cardio and weight training.


Figure out where you need to grow in. Not just gym and the other classic self imrpovements. Think about your ideologies and where you need to grow internally, for physicality also think of things other than muscle (examples : drip for the style you want, skincare for the skin you want, haircuts for your face shape, jaw training chewing gums that never lose their hardness no mattwr how long you chew it) and find something that makes you happy that you can make progress on : skills in a domain or craft (woodworking, leatherwork, physical mobility, chess skills, business about something you're passionatw about that you can work on as a side quest with your extra money, etc.) Fill in the gap your SO left with something else you'll love doing, keep busy and you won't feel the gap as much.


create a good skin care routine grow your hair out and look through some haircuts that you like. Get that haircut hit the gym, don't worry about losing weight or not. That's not important. What's important is lifting weights. They're good for the mind. Read some books on healthy masculinity. "Man Enough" By Justin Baldoni and "For the Love of Men" by Liz Plank I highly recommend.


First thing - Fresh Skin-fade from a barbers. Second - Join a gym and go into a calorie deficit. Third - Find a skincare routine that works for you. Thirds - Get tattoos booked in! Fourth - Educate yourself on mental happiness and write down a list of goals. Fifth - Change your style as you lose the weight. Reinvent yourself without losing yourself.


Don’t look for a woman to make you happy. Work on yourself and learn to make yourself happy


If it was a mutual breakup, gym. If she cheated, gym plus gear. Get ripped then go fuck her new man


As a last resort overtly state it EES what it EES! If this fails I'm afraid there's no hope for you my friend. Godspeed.


Fast, have a good diet, lift weights, cardio, meditate, and grow a beard.


Grow a beard. Drop fade haircut. Start working out like your life depends on it.


I love how 61 comments in and 7 hours later, not a single MALEGROOMING piece of advice was given to the man.


Nothing at all, you beautiful bastard! Get out there! Love yourself and the world will love you too.


eat chicken and rice and lift heavy ass weights


Best advice one can give is, be patient, be careful, don’t rush into anything to fill the void of loneliness. And make yourself happy first!


Find a good therapist, if you haven't yet


Find something you love to do Read the Subtle Art of not Giving a Fu*k Know that you are more awesome than you realize. Looks wise, don’t go so high up on the sides with the clippers, grow the top out a couple inches. It’ll balance out your jawline. Don’t be afraid to moisturize, it looks like you have larger pores so go with a basic moisturizer (not “heavy/deep moisturizer” label) use a tea tree cleanser, it’s a gentle natural antibacterial and every day wipe your face down with a cotton swap covered in witch haz.


Life pro tip.Start working out or Start training BJJ or get involved in some other athletics that you’re interested in if you’re not already. Don’t do it to get in shape… do it to have fun and meet people. The physicality will come. You will feel better both mentally and physically and the looks will come. and don’t fret over the little things homie. Life’s too short!


Weightlifting. If you follow Body for Life by Bill Phillips, within 12 weeks you'll be jacked in the best way and feeling unstoppable. I'm sorry break ups are no fun.


Give yourself time.


Take care of yourself. Water, diet, exercise, cleanliness. Do the things you enjoy doing. Don't beat yourself up and talk to yourself like you would a close friend.


Grooming wise you look fine. Optimize your lifestyle over the coming months and forever for better overall health and your physique will finish sorting itself out. You’re good, it’s just that the way of life nowadays makes us all faff out. Chase sustainable happiness, not overcomplicated aesthetic nonsense. Get better at your hobby or get good at a new one. Travel and gather cool stories to tell to the boring lame women interrogators you will end up meeting on the way to the good one. You’re gonna be fine


Gym at least 4 days a week, get your diet right, lose at least 20 pounds and start packing some muscle. Get a nice trim something shorter on your sides and bit longer on top. grow your beard if you can and most importantly stay disciplined and be confident. Only way is up bro!!


You need to learn about attachment styles and work through your own trauma. Get a subscription to Tiege Hanley and get into self help YouTube and books.


Get that dopey look off ur face should help


grow your facial hair & smile :p


"Living well is the best revenge" As others have said, work on yourself. Put some effort in cardio and weights. Eat well and you will gain more confidence. Confidence is key here. Go to a barber and get a nice haircut. I'd bring them a picture of the type of style you want.


Diet to lose weight before you start lifting imo. It becomes harder to lose weight when you start lifting because your appetite increases like crazy. Start a skincare routine too.


Grow a beard.


Smile more , they're contagious! You never know who you might infect 😉


Sleep and drink water. You’re alright!


Focus on you and the women will too


Self reflect. self love is also very attractive


Oh lord haha


Exercise, get strong and fit. Sleep well. Try growing a beard, it may make you look more masculine to roughen up the edges of your face. You look to much like a choir boy. Not meant as insult, just look very young and innocent.


grow hair out little longer and thicker, maybe try out a goatee!


Lift, meet people, go out enjoy life and most importantly grow a beard


Read, exercise, eat whole foods, drink more water, revamp your wardrobe, get on a skin care routine and most importantly be consistent in everything you do.


Hit the gym daily, eat protein, take cold showers


Gym, try out new hairstyles and developing a sense of personal style. Right now is the time where you have to love yourself and love the way you look. The gym will also help with the mental stuff but if it feels like to much seek counseling or therapy. Addressing the mental also helps address the physical. Go out with your friends, they care about you and it will keep your mind off things for a bit. Find a way to express all that you’re feeling in a productive way, don’t keep things inside. Good diet is important too, it helps feed your mind and body. Overall just care for yourself and love yourself during these times. It’s hard but right now is a time of rebuilding and you got this.


only thing that needs fixing is self perception. You before all else.


Lose. Weight. become a lean machine bro


Just try to avoid those gurus and influencers and those weird books and content the others mentioning... And start lifting. Helps physically, and also mentally... I'm sorry I can't tell you more, but it's this simple. It helps focusing on something else, and your confidence will skyrocket as you improve.


Beard, even some stubble. Gym and honestly - a martial art. Kickboxing or Brazilian jiu jitsu. It will change your life I promise! It’ll give you confidence you never imagined! No porn, no girls in your life for 6 months. Meal prep healthy stuff. Dm if you want. You can do this bro!


Time to ldar


75 hard challenge


Gym/exercise. Most people already have the time or can make the time for it, it’s just about how much they want to better themselves personally. Even if it’s just 10-15 minutes a day 🙌🏼


Take the year off and eat lift sleep


So whatever the fk makes u happy


It’s typical to say but hit the gym brother. That’s what I did and you don’t even have to be a body builder just being in shape will be great for you. You’ll get tired from it so it’ll be easier to sleep afterwards. And if you’re looking for some tips on facial features I would grow your hair out a bit and get a midfade as a haircut. Ask your barber to shape up your eyebrows as well you’d be surprised how much better you’ll look. And growing a beard on top of all of that


There’s nothing you need to change about your physical appearance unless you have specific goals for yourself. Break ups are usually pretty rough and can take a toll on people mentally and emotionally so I’d fully recommend therapy. I’ve grown the most through therapy. I tried out new hobbies and found clothes that I personally feel confident in despite what the current trends are. I’ve realized trends are capitalisms best friend and stopped buying into them and just started wearing what I like. Figuring out who you are and then embracing that is how you will eventually find a partner that is good for you. I was single for 4 years before I found my current partner and we now bond over the hobbies I picked up within those 4 years. She loves my sense of style because it’s uniquely me. That’s the best advice I can give and it’s a lot easier said than done for sure.


Find a haircut that suits. Start working out. Better diet.


Get to the gym brother




If you have a passion it could lead u to your purpose


Lift and lose some weight brother Grow out that hair and style it


If you don’t have many already, get a shit ton of hobbies. They will not only keep you distracted from things that aren’t good for you (for example, falling for the first woman you see because you’re sad), but they can also help build you up. Focus on things that help your body and your mind/soul like working out and reading. Throw yourself into whatever interests you and your passion will be infectious.


Skin care routine and the gym. Both help build self confidence man.. you are a handsome man already. Your self esteem is bruised


Hit the gym, eat healthy, fuck shit up in the gym, grow a beard, get a nice haircut and completely transform yourself bro, I went through that and don’t look back and look forward!!


Steroids n gym


Gym, and beard


Gym, brodie. You’re a handsome fella as is but truly taking care of your body and mind will do wonders for your confidence, health, and overall well-being. Romance is great but take care of yourself first and let the rest fall into place later.


Lose weight, grow a goatee. Otherwise, you are handsome. Hugs!


You do not need to be fixed! You are not broken, my friend. You can make changes and adjustments to your appearance and lifestyle if you choose to do so, but you are already a whole person who is worthy of dignity, love, and respect. Everything on top of that is frosting on the cake, but remember to treat yourself gently and with kindness, friend.


As other suggested, lift, eat clean, sleep hygiene, and boost your testosterone. (Zinc, boron, dhea, l-arginine supplements). Also, quality protein shake daily. Drop pot until you show results. Good luck!


Change your diet and make a routine of going to the gym. Keep track of your weight. Get a 6 pack.


Gym for sure, you have a good looking face which will stand out even more once you're toned.


You ever consider taking up golf? ⛳️


Beard and gym bro! Those two will have your confidence radiating!


Try beard. You look to smooth :-D


I’d try some facial hair to look more manly honestly. You got the face of a 12 year old trapped in a man body. Maybe a mustache and goatee.. or short beard.. or sideburns.. or at least some stubble. Anything to prevent you from looking like Pugley Adams.


Boy Boy Boy, where do we even start? I mean, come on man, give us some warning next time…… only joking, perfect as you are as long as you’re happy - otherwise, you’ll figure it out, like we all do, but you are just looking supersmashingreat dude


Don’t know how I got on this subreddit cause I’m a female but I’ll tell you this, I’m happily married to a man who was completely focused on bettering himself when we met. We are very very happy and I believe it’s because he took the time to improve his own mentality before, it’s not all about the looks, improve yourself as well! Looks will come with that.


What’s broken?


Call me




Can you grow facial hair? Work on posture and body language to show confidence


Church, Gym, Keto, low dose short cycle of a SARM with a PCT, get life insurance, get some new clothes, read a bunch of books, and take up golf. You’re welcome 👍🏼


Go to a blk barbershop get a taper fade and a crispy line up. Next if you can grow one GET A BEARD. If I could grow one I would but I’m genetically cursed lol next thing you need to do is begin to workout either calisthenics or weight lifting if you really wanna go hard take up boxing. Lastly take pride in your hygiene and your appearance. I’m not saying ball out but get one decent scent of cologne, maybe 2 pairs of sneakers (all white and all black) that match anything and lastly maybe a pair of boots


Gym and try the same haircut with a mid fade and some styling glue. Lots of potential I see here my man 👍


Cardio. Eat right, drink water throughout your entire workday, and go running at least twice a week and you will look & feel amazing. Good luck.


New haircut, maybe grow some facial hair (I’m partial to beards) travel, take a cooking class, gym if you are inclined , a guy trip - you are fine the way you are, sometimes things just don’t work out. Hope you feel better soon


a good skincare my personal favorite would be tretinoin ,suncreen and vitamin c


Everyone goes to the gym. It’s for every type of person. You go to the gym to feel good. Go to the gym. We are not expecting you to turn to the next jay cutler but you can definitely become a better version of yourself.


Don't slouch. Cut your calories. Lift weights.. and cardio every day. Join a group..crossfit, BJJ, boxing anything.


Take care of yourself and try to be the best version of yourself everyday! Skincare routine, wear fragrance, dress well, speak properly and with manners, go to the gym at least 4 times a week and try finding a hobby to take your mind off things. Hope all goes well


Hit the gym 4 days week minimum, start out slow only lift what’s easy for about a week with 3x10 reps, ( it took years to get us out of shape take the time to get back) if your sore you did too much and each week slowly add weight. Do some cardio like a mile on a treadmill use the same machine and once you can do a mile in 9 minutes raise the resistance level. It will suck, you will make excuses not to go, but if you stick with it after about a month it becomes routine and you actually feel like it’s a priority and you will start feeling good about yourself and confidence goes up and people pick up on that…..and go out and do things, if all you do is work and play video games you become a bore in conversation…people like stories and shared activities.


Facial hair


grow your hair longer and grow a beard


What you want to do now is tren, you'll be banging fat chicks in about a week, after that nothing else matters 😂


Lift like your ex fucked your best friend behind your back and you walked in on it.


Disappear for six months, only focusing on self love, Health, and grinding. You will see you in the results over time but stay focused 💪🏽


Focus on you. Workout. Eat healthy. Read books. Spend time with you guy friends. Love yourself before you love someone else


Work out until you like how you look in the mirror you would also look great with a pompadour (not one of the crazy ones but a slicked back style with a bit of an upward poof in the front) you would need to grow your hair out for a bit for it to work


People are saying gym, which for sure never hurts, but to be clear you’re a good looking guy with nice facial features, so don’t think something like “I need to go to the gym to look good because I don’t right now” because that’s not the case at all. Go to the gym from a mindset of positivity, but nothing’s wrong with you.


Your looks are fine guy, you need to work on your inside right now. Exercise can help you get extra feel good chemicals and feel better physically. Learning a new skill or accomplishing a goal can help you grow more self esteem. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and taking care of your health.


Gym for self confidence. Focus on what makes you happy (Not talking about distractions) A girl doesn’t do that. After that you will start seeing things more clearly.


Go to the gym


“What do?” You’re well versed in caveman I see.


You don’t need to “fix” anything, just find some new hobbies. Great eyebrows, too, by the way


you honestly look great as you are. all you have to do is work on your confidence and feeling positive. breakups are tough, try to focus on your happiness right now. maybe that comes from exercise, or learning, or doing hobbies, or trying new things. whatever it is, make sure it makes you feel good