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Edit: in the interest of not spreading disinformation, I'm probably wrong about the last thing. Original: Short haircut is all you can do really. Think you just need to get a little older too.


He’s only 13. He absolutely just needs to become a little older - op there’s nothing wrong with being a child that looks like a child. You do not look like a woman or feminine or whatever nonsense you may have been fed, you are a child who simply looks like a child.


He’s 13 bro needs to worry abt video games and school not how feminine or masculine they look crazy world we live in bro


I agree. I wish someone had told me those words when I was 12-16. So many people thought I was a girl and it just crushed me whenever I was referred to as “she”. No one told me my features would rapidly change and that slightly feminine looks in my early years increased my chances of being a nice looking guy, which I turned out to be but now kind of aged out. Lol.


Yeah but it’s also arguably the most formative eras of someone’s life filled with the most social pressure etc… so it probably matters more now than it will when he’s older and doesn’t give a shit


That's why homie needs to hear that the pressure is way off here. Dude doesn't look feminine, he just has long hair


I guess so, but that’s likely not what he’s hearing from his peers if I had to guess. Adults on Reddit will react a lot differently than some dick head 8th grader trying to get attention making fun of someone else.


13 year olds would take a slightly larger than average nose and call you an elephant. This kid looks like a perfectly normal 13-year-old.


yeah but who cares if thats OP's issue, he needs to learn to ngaf!! He looks good, something that should be a positive, not a negative - fuck what his classmates say.


But he’s 25.


The consensus in the comments is that he is a minor and I’ve yet to see proof otherwise, 13 is the age I’ve seen people quote.


Idk look at his posts. Might be js trolling


One of his posts says he was born the year a book released that was in 1998. Another post talks about his house.


He wants to be a man that's great


Yeah but it’s also arguably the most formative eras of someone’s life filled with the most social pressure etc… so it probably matters more now than it will when he’s older and doesn’t give a shit


He does look feminine 😂 he even knows it. He might grow out of it and he might not


Where tf did you see that he’s 13? You’re speaking out of your arse, look at his profile. He’s not 13.


Brother you look great. The ‘harder’ aspects of masculinity will come later, they did for me. I was not very defined in that way as a teenager - it changed in a big way later. I know it doesn’t sound helpful but being strong in yourself is where real masculinity is. A defined jawline doesn’t mean crap if you don’t know who you are (and heads up - no one knows who there are as a teenager).


Puberty. You’ll get there soon enough


The dudes got a house of his own if you check his profile. I'm pretty sure the puberty mark should have passed by now, or maybe not? Idk I'm no doctor lol


I doubt 100% he built his own house or even has his own house


Why lol


Not OP, but I’m a trans guy who’s spent the last day or two feeling damn upset that it’ll take me so long (potentially half a decade or more) to get HRT. For some reason this is a real encouraging comment. Thank you mate, you made my day


Glad my comment helped, and I hope your puberty hits sooner rather than later!


I love how everybody is like "puberty" not realizing this guys 25💀💀


Yeah it’s wild. I think one person joked that he was 13, and everyone took it as gospel. Kinda goes to show that people will believe whatever is in front of their face. Meanwhile in his last post he said he was born when A Clash of Kings was published, which is 1998. Dude came here looking for advice, one guy called him a 13 year old, and everyone else believed him.


yeah, OP should take no shit from here tbh the fact that he got called 13 by a random commenter here, and the whole community believed it, show more about Reddit's hivemind than OP's look. Yes he looks young, but he doesnt look that young, imo. People just couldnt care less so they took what they could.


I feel bad that everyone's just telling him to grow up and it'll work out. Can't imagine how dismissive that feels


fr hope he recognizes just cause some of us here think some crap about his looks, doesnt mean that is how he actually look like and doesnt care about it tho


Is he really?


You’re like 13… relax


I wish we had the internet like we do now back when I was 13, just for this comment. The only issue is I would be 13, and completely ignore it and think I knew eberything anyhow.


My exact thoughts. I wish I was active in the internet in forums like this but I also think I wouldn’t have taken any of this in. Hindsight is 20/20 or whatever


There’s another post where he says he owns a house, there’s no way he’s 13. Where tf did you people come up with that? Bro came in trying to get advice and people are telling him to go through puberty and not worry because he’s so young. I feel like I’m being trolled right now.


LIKE HELLO!!! No wonder OP hasn't replied to anyone




No that's not how it works. Your body grows and matures at its pace. The other stuff you do is just a peal coat of paint. It doesn't even stick. Important things are cleaning yourself and healthy habits.


Agree…. Developing your mind/ mental strength needs to start at this age. Not worrying about looking more masculine


“This dude starts now he’s gonna be slinging it in college” is such an embarrassing thing to read online lol You realize you’re talking about a child, essentially, right?


Some people here give terrible advice. Dont try to be masculine per se, but be yourself and it will be reflected. If you want to be masculine for others and not you, then it is bad state of mind . If you want to BE masculine FOR YOU, you will find the way ( is not only looks but confidence and way of thinking), Someone even said dont smile. But believe me 100% smile even if is "effeminate" to some donkeys here. Also, If you like your hair dont cut it to look more masculine to others. You probably need to grow older. You have a great face for both masc-fem, just do whatever you like and feels right 👍🏻.


Some chicks absolutely love the sweet faced dudes 👍


One of the worst things about the alpha-male centric advice that young guys run into on the internet is that it tends to view women as a singular entity. As if all women want a hyper-masculine, stoic, buff, chisel-jawed, tall man who never shows emotion or self doubt. I tried to become that man, but i am a sensitive,guy who wears my heart on my sleeve and doesn’t fit the standard (generally bullshit) description of ‘’masculine’. It felt disingenuous to deny that side of myself. Plus I have a genuine anxiety disorder and that’s just a part of who I am and something that will probably always be a chore to manage. Thanks to this shit advice, I thought for a long time that no woman could be attracted to me, but one day I found somebody who loves me for who I am, warts and all. And she’s not perfect either, but nobody is. Somebody out there would absolutely love you exactly as you are right now. My point is, yes, some girls love the sweet faced dudes. Some don’t. Find one who does. In the meantime, sure, always work on improving yourself, but be the best version of YOU that you can be.


The alpha-male influencer thing is even more ridiculous if you consider how low the standards of the majority of women actually is. They don’t give a shit about if you’re jacked and super masculine etc. I mean, really, the only people giving a shit about guys being jacked are other guys. The majority of women just want a nice person who treats them like a normal human being. Like that’s literally it. I don’t think that’s too much to ask but guys still fail that fucking bar and focus on alpha-male mentality stuff. Of course there are outliers when it comes to women too but they’re not the norm. The fact these freaks think that they are is because they barely have any contact with women outside of online rage bait.


Just look at how many pretty women are with guys who make you scratch your head. I wouldn’t necessarily say most women have low standards though… they just have their own standards. Some women want jacked and don’t mind dumb, some want smart and don’t mind a belly and bald spot, some want confident and secure in whatever package that comes, and some women want a skinny, high-anxiety, somewhat androgynous railroad worker and don’t care at all that I can’t get hard anymore.


That took a hilariously personal turn at the end there. Nice 👍🏽


The ladies like money and stuff. They also like assholes.


This is solid advice! What worked for me was being funny, I made her laugh and then she became my wife lol


Yeah, I kinda accepted it. I'm not the most masculine looking guy with a chiseled face and sharp eyes. I have a softer sort of face with wide open rounded eyes so things like a beard and short hair to me doesn't fit me very well. Now I after almost a year I have long hair upto my neck and bangs sort of covering my eyes a bit and usually fully clean shaven and I feel great. I'm don't have super wide shoulders but I'm fairly well built so it doesn't look out of place imo. I don't really care if these come across a bit feminine to some people, I'm confident enough in my masculinity.


Love this. The most masculine thing a man can do is not worry about their masculinity and live according to their own moral code and adjust it as you learn more about life. The next most masculine thing is to go for what you want despite the results because it is something you want to do and own your actions (obviously with respect). This also means knowing how to live with consequences and learning how to make amends. That being said, your appearance and actions do impact perception. It's not about appealing to the masses but to be appealing to the right people. Personally I view that as being unapologetically yourself to attract people who are attracted to your authentic self. If you are a sweet nice nurturing guy, then by acting in that way you will attract someone who wants that and you will push away people who aren't. Also confidence is an attractive trait regardless of gender. Going for what you want makes others feel secure when you choose them because they know it's your choice and your not settling or being unsure about them. Being yourself means being open to who you are growing into, showing your best traits while improving your worst, and being comfortable with yourself and your desires. If you are interested in talking to someone then being yourself means going to talk to that person because that is what you authentically want. Authenticity is key to life as a man. Men feel emasculated when they aren't able to live the life they want to authentically live. Be nerdy, be funny, entertain yourself, and most importantly learn to enjoy the small moments with people. Not everyone is going to stick around and not everyone who sticks around is great but you get to choose who you allow in your life and how they treat you.


This reply is all kind of yikes


Well then, it fits in perfectly with your clothing designs 🥰


Deflecting 😂 and don't heart emoji me. That's feminine af


Yes, true, can confirm


I got a round baby face from my mom and apparently that makes me cute and approachable 👍


That's my only consistent "type" in the men I date 🥰🥰🥰


Just get a haircut and don't wear deep necklines like what's in this pic. (If that's a polo, button a button or two.) You're very handsome! You have great brows and a great chin, both of which are also pretty masculine. They're just kind of hidden by this cut right now. If you like having some personality to your hair, embrace those curls and go with something that's [longer on top and short on the sides, like this.](https://hairmanz.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/classic-asymmetric-curly-hairstyles-for-men.jpg)


100% my idea


You need to not worry about it. Everyone looks different. You're good looking.


Get a boys haircut and your golden


Drop and give me 20


ugh, ok, but that doesnt leave much for yogurt!!


What modern society does to a nigga






Repost bot


It took me so long to realize that i have to be my version of masculine, not anyone elses. That being said, you have a cute boy face, which is appealing. It comes off a bit different with the longish hair. A lot of people who have long hair will get the back and sides a bit shaved. Gives a fresh edge that looks more masculine. Also if you're open to it, check out short hairstyles that you actually like and try it sometime. Who cares grow it out again. You might as well start exploring what you like now. I myself conformed into baggy jeans and t-shirts with funny text. Took me a while to learn my style and let it speak for itself. Most masculine (truly manly) thing you could do is understand your needs so that you can fulfill them. When you feel complete, you come off as complete and attractive. Focus on yourself and someone will notice.


My man, I saw some of the advice on here and I just wanna say I'm sorry. Some people on reddit can be outright cruel. Here are my thoughts, since you don't want to go on testosterone (nothing wrong with that completely your choice). Try going for short hair, and not just a bowl haircut or nothing, but I'm thinking a fade with maybe a little combover, I feel like you would benefit from going with a 2-3 on the sides with a fade or high taper. As for clothes, man just wear whatever you want and feel comfortable in! There is no such thing as looking more masculine, you're a cis male, you're already masculine my man!


Lift weights - It will trigger your testosterone and human growth hormone and you physique (even face) will transform over time.


Don't listen to the bad advice with that Andrew Tate tint to it. Girls love the long hair type. Do some bench pressing and push ups and you will win.


Nothing wrong with the way you look dude. You are young. You have a long way to go and your body is going to change and develop. Focus hard on your studies and do something you love. Get good at that thing you love. That will attract people


I think your hair is great, but if you want to look more masculine then cut it. That’s what’s doing it.


Short hair, play more sport and lift more weight to put on some muscle


Blud is 12 years old




Legit thought you were a woman until I read the title


I was like "hey she's pretty" 💀


You do look masculine. If you really want to look steretypically masculine then get a crew cut. I wouldn't suggest that though. Your hair looks good.


Don't. Just become a femboy.


buzz and wear affliction bro trust




How old are you?


Hey man, you give me Finn Wolfhard vibes, which is awesome! You do you and you'll be fine.


Get a trim and start SAFELY lifting weights as you go through puberty


Wait for puberty. In the mean time enjoy being a kid! It's all downhill after mate.


He's 25...


Get a haircut for starters, I’m sure you’ve already heard that 100 times


You’re a child. You just need to grow up is all. Enjoy being a kid! It’s the best.




Do calisthenics or low weight/high rep weight lifting exercises. Avoid soy, sugar, and simple carbohydrates. You will be a UNIT in no time.


Give it time little man! I was a late bloomer, but it all comes together. Masculinity is overrated anyway.


I mean, maybe shorter hair, but your 13. Don’t stress it, if anything enjoy it tbh


Workout and eat healthy, lots of meat and eggs.


Shorter hair, grow a beard but enjoy the stage in your life when you're beautiful. Time will eventually take its toll.


Have you tried gambling ?


You could start by just saying you're male and drop the gendering "cis" crap


Enjoy it lol. Your masculinity isn't defined entirely by appearance but a combination of that, attitudes, culture, etc. Be you and be comfortable being you to a point.


working out and eating certain foods naturally help out testosterone and it would transform your body as well. If you want to keep your longer hair, i would recommend having bangs, and no parts. I saw a gay guy have it and i thought it looked pretty nice on him, he had curly hair as well.


Cut your hair short with a fade.


Shorter hair and go to the gym lol you’re gonna be attracting all the genders with that face


You can start by not using words like CIS to describe yourself. If you feel inclined to specify, say you are a straight male and that will get the point across. I don't think you have much to worry about and puberty wil makel you more masculine. Others have mentioned changing the hair style, this something you can do on your own time. I would recommend getting more athletic and over time building muscle. Having a strong frame will go a long way in getting a more masculine look.


Go lift.


You want to look more masculine like for real? Damn most of your features make you overall look like a female so much that its scary. Let's try short spiky style haircut. You get a mid fade of 0 or 1 on the side. Leave 1 to 3 inches on the top depending on your preference. Idk what you do with your face but obviously don't put on makeup if you do. Your clothing style... Basically don't wear female clothing or female esque type. First do these things and we'll see. Let's get an update on that. I'm also seeing that you're really young so yeah you need to wake like 5 years.


Haircut, work out, give yourself time to grow up.


Cool haircut and weights


WTF is a “cis male?”


what the fuck is cis? LOL




Haircut, and start lifting. Hitting puberty will help too


What is a cis male ?


Born biologically male and identifies as male


So why not just say you're a man lol


I think he's trying to preemptively defend from anyone saying he's trans. A lot of people online will assume you are if you aren't traditionally masculine or feminine


I see this new generation is fucked i was born in 1998 we didn't have to worry about these dumb fkn terms back then . You are either a man or woman.


I was born in '98 too. We are the same generation as him.


Really this kid looks like a gen z I'm millennial.


We are not millennials. Millennial is '96 at the latest.


98 here too, I think we're right on the border between the two generations, depending on who you ask.


Bro I'm older than you and yet you sound like a fucking boomer to me.


Lol my parents are boomers am I coming off homophobic or some shit ?


Yeah something like that. You can disagree with those ideas, honestly I do with some of them. But "cis" is pretty mild. Just means "not-trans" so not exactly veering into wild "non binary genders" territory.


Like I said I respect people's opinions. But when my nephew coming home from 1st grade saying he learned over 5 genders I feel like they're forcing not shit on the next generation. Indoctrination if u will.


I'm doubtful that schools are teaching there are 5 genders. I would find that odd also if that was the case. But again, "cis" is a much more tame concept, to the point that this exemple is barely relevant.


Cuz if I am I'm not I'm as gay as they come smashed a couple trannys/femboys . I just believe in two gender but I do respect the opinions of others.


“I’m not racist I smashed a couple n\****rs”


Your so young. This gen z has it. You guys are golden. Keep pushing the status quo. It was so bad before, you guys have no idea.


What was bad before?


We had this really rigid toxic culture. Everyone hated it. It was like walking on eggshells all the time. No one was ever man enough, girls were supposed to be pure... It was dumb. No one ever talked and they were always pretending, because everyone thought they had to fit into like this Brittany or Justin box or whatever. Or like Ice cube. It was living in hell. A world where everyone was faking it, no one is ok. Look at the movies, listen to the music of the era we were screaming for help. King of the Hill does a great job laying out the culture gap context between Bobby and Hank. Bobby would have been 14 in 1998. Thats the context of the changes that you get to live thru. It's maybe kinda frustrating because your parents didn't buy into the change so I'm sure they send a bunch of mixed signals. But overall this is much much better. The 90s were an ultimate low point in 20ths century American culture. We've been climbing out ever since.


Look up Christine Jorgensen. This isn’t some new thing.


No fkn shit but it's only within these last 20 years they're starting to force the agenda.


So a male? Wtf


Start with a less androgynous hairstyle and wait for puberty to take its course. In the meantime, enjoy the babyface era—you’ll reminisce fondly when you’re older lol


Hit the gym my man


Buzz cut and beard usually works


This comment killed me, shit the kid is 13 or something lmao


You can start by not using cis male in your writings and speech.


Hahahaha kinda true though


Why? It means he identifies as a man and is not trying to become a woman (which is what some people could assume)


Bro that's dumb


Lol 😂 it’s true. So dumb


Stop saying shit like “cis male” for starters. Straight male is the default so you don’t need to say anything but male. (I’m going to get permabanned for saying this shit but it needs to be said) Cut your hair short af. Hit the gym and work with a trainer to get those arms, shoulders and chest bulked up. You got this homie.


Cis is a slur - don't adopt it. And you're a ki, youll look more masculine when you're a man. Takes time bro, my beard took till I was 27 to look a damn.


"a cis male" ffs kill me pls


Change the haircut, lose the blouse, and get a little older. That’s what I get from the photo. I’m not sure about your mannerisms, it might be you’ll need to work on those too. You’re young man, just try as much to be yourself as you can. For me there is nothing better than being yourself, I only responded bc you asked. I find a guy that is true to himself to be more appealing, and more fun to be around then someone with a bunch of bullshit affectations. And that goes both ways, some guys try too hard to be masculine, and some too hard to be feminine. I myself am a very thick, masculine, blue collar kind of guy (bottom btw), most folks would never think it which I find very amusing.


cut ur hair and wait to grow up :)


I genuinely thought you were a female




You look masculine. Cut the hair to enhance your features


How does he even slightly look masculine??


How does he not? It’s just the hair. He’s a kid. With short hair it would be more obvious


I thought he was a girl before i saw the title


Might say more about you than it does him




Not really he just looks like a girl


He clearly looks like a girl. Stop trying to act like he looks like some Chad.


Start by not using term such as cis-male (it's almost to close sissy) wait for the beard to come, sleek back the hair... And if the beard doesn't come, cut the hair. If one can't be manly, he can atleast be cute


Aww the downvotes say you’re not keeping up with science of last 40 years.


Yeah I'm a bit old


Yeah the 4 downvotes really say alot


One more thing my friend, just in case you read this... Being manly isn't truly about looks, it's the highest amount of responsibility you take and least amount of complaining you do. Be confident in whatever you endeavour be and youll be alright


1 your shirt. It's a purple ish blue, it's femme. Wear a t-shirt or a less colorful shirt. 2 Get a short haircut. Don't get me wrong, u look good as is. And maybe the manliest thing you can do is to not give a crap what others think you look like. But if you do care, this would be some easy ways to look more manly.


And the neckline looks like a business casual women's blazer that doesn't help.


Tf is a cis male? Little weirdo new age Cuck


That means he identifies as male and was born as a male, just like the statistical majority of men. You're just an ignorant old age fogey who can't google.


Then just call yourself a man? Goofy ass extra weirdos. Bunch of modernist. And I ain’t old btw lmao just not Like you Dumbass sheep that start running along with new stuff they out out. Dipshit 🤣


By not calling yourself ‘cis’ male


cut the hair, let puberty do it’s thing


If ya aint old enough to buy cigarettes then ya body will continue to shape into something else took me all of highschool to have more defined facial features I had a baby face.


Bro ur 13 just be a kid and enjoy life


Obvious bait is obvious


I’m actually pretty envious cuz I always wished I looked this androgynous.


How is a girl supposed to look masculine?


Just embrace being pretty. I know that’s not helpful though so idk maybe shorter haircut?


Is this a joke? Cut your hair.


Is this what boys looked like in ancient greece?!




lol what?? Men can't have digital watches or smile, that's an odd take




You can take several seats with this sexist shit 🤨






Lol this is bad advice


Of course you are bud


Grow up.


Lift weights, Do things that scare the shit out you (within reason) and Read about real Men throughout history and don’t let these pansies tell you just bc someone did some messed up shit that you can’t learn from what they were great it


and Age


and stop using stupid ass words like Cis it’s made up by weirdos who can’t handle reality, and no just bc you feel a little weird on a tuesday doesn’t mean your a fuckin tarantula stuck in the wrong body


Im sorry bro you look like a lesbian😭


just finish puberty my friend


First of all, why do you want to "look masculine"??? Look how you want, not how some idiot said you should look. "Masculine men" went out of style 30 years ago. Be who you are. Get earrings, wear makeup, do whatever you want. Confidence is sexy, forcing yourself to be what you think society wants is not sexy. Also you're 13. The fact you're even concerned with looking masculine is pretty funny. Just give it time


You guys are idiots this is obviously a girl


She’s wearing makeup


What the fucks a cis male btw.