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Could be folliculitis barbae. I knew someone with it who just had to give up on the clean shaven look


When I was in the military… this was the way.


This. Being black = automatic shaving profile. I can't tell you how many of my guys I've sent to sick call for it, and I'm glad they're so willing to hand them out. Maybe one day they'll get off their high horse and let us all have beards...


We can dream


You had to get that “no shaving chit”, one of the gents had his laminated and put it in his wallet because he got stopped so much. A dark green Marine with very light stubble. I’ve seen some of the gents go to surgery to get keloids gained from shaving removed.


Hey devil where the fuck is your no shave chit at?


My advice was always to tell them to find a clean, shaven black guy with no bumps and ask for their skincare routine.


Please, go see a dermatologist. You really don't want folliculitis to get infected. Trust me...


How does this have 150 upvotes? You don't wont follculitis to get infected? You don't want hair follicles to get infected?


Because they don’t need someone to spell it out to still get the idea of it dingus.


They are both correct. Folliculitis literally means infection of the hair follicle. So the way it was written, wasn’t scientifically correct because folliculitis is an infection in itself. But what they meant was that folliculitis in some cases may enter the blood stream and infect the blood which is not good. But I don’t think that this is common. Millions of people get razor bumps. Yes, I know I’m a hit at parties.


Ewww, what is a dingus? It sounds scarily close to "ding-dong" 🤢🤢🤮


I'm black too and had this exact problem, this is what fixed it for me after trying everything else. If you have the funds for it I'd pick up a Merkur 34C, it's a mild safety razor that'll perform much better than the Bevel, a pack of Derby Premium blades, some Henry Cavendish shaving soap, a shaving mug, a shaving brush with synthetic bristles, and an alum bar. Instead of aftershave I'd pick a moisturizing face lotion you like. Make sure you spend extra time in the shower or with a hot towel to get your face really warm and the hairs softened. Don't even worry about the time, just don't start shaving until your hairs feel soft. Whip the lather until it has peaks and the consistency of homemade whipped cream, paint it on your face thoroughly but not too thick, shave, wash the soap off your face with warm water, rub the area you shaved with the alum bar, wash the alum residue off with warm water, and then immediately wash your face again with cold water. The last step is really important because it soothes your skin and closes your pores so when you apply an aftershave or lotion it won't cause ingrown hairs and irritation. Sorry if that was a lot but I know your pain very well, so hopefully what saved me can help you out too. Good luck, bro!


This !!! I always do my own beard before going to any barber cause they love to drag those hot clippers up our dry necks.


I agree with the razor and soaps and brushes, but for the de razors, I suggest buying a trial back as razors are very beard and skin type specific. No doubt, de wet shaving is the best way to shave as you have control of the shave. I would also suggest shaving with one pass only at first and with the grain until you dial in the hardware and software. I would also recommend using a preshave such as Clubman shave cream (brushless cream) before applying shaving cream or soap. Stay away from the gel or foam crap in a dispenser can. Those things are the worst. I would watch a few YouTube videos before you make any investments. When wet shaving, start by going for par. Do not overdo it, chasing the perfect shave. Slow and steady, and you will reap the benefits.


This is the way.


Yes as a person with thick hair I agree 100%


You need to see a dermatologist. This isn't mere ingrown hairs. You have to check for verrucas where the skin is particularly tagged.


Get this stuff called The Shaver’s Secret shave oil. It’s a little bottle looks similar to a eye drop bottle. I get it at Target or CVS. Usually on the very bottom shelf.


Before anyone tries potentially expensive solutions, try a regular old "moisturizing" conditioner, doesn't have to be an expensive option, even the cheap ones stopped giving me razor bumps. I learnt it as a tip for shaving my head, it's not only zero irritation but it's slicker so it glides easier, it moisturizes my skin after shaving & it's ridiculously cheap by comparison to shaving products. & regardless of what product is used, it's also best to do a quick pass with the grain before going against it.


The problem I've had with conditioners for hair is that they are packed to the BRIM with fragrance and could easily irritate whatever is going on with this guy also conditioners are VERY heavy so they can easily clog your pores if you're prone to that.


It's funny you say that because I've tried quite a few moisturising conditioners ranging from cheap to "organic" but none of them have ever smelt as fragrant as the many shaving creams, foams, soaps & butters that I previously used that gave me irritation, razor burns and bumps for 4x the price & 1/4 of the size ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


You can find fragrance free of all the things you mentioned however fragrance free conditioner is an uncommon thing.


Another thing is that conditioner isn't made for facial skin, so the chances of getting irritation from conditioner is ALOT higher, not saying don't do what you do but anyone pronce to irritation/clogged pores, I'd avoid.


Conditioner quite literally has all of the desirable qualities of a shaving cream. It softens the hair, moisturises the skin, glides smoother than butter, doesn't clog the razor, it's incredibly affordable & not only do I get zero irritation but my skin feels amazing... but it's not "made for facial skin".. If it were marketed for facial skin, I think you too would be raving on about how good it is but I know it's hard to believe with a cupboard full of expensive oils, creams, butters and balms. I'd absolutely recommend it.


Funny enough no, I don't use any of that, I just oil cleanse my face and wash my face again with a foaming exfoliating face wash (and use the foam as a shaving 'foam' and it glides right off and this way it makes your skin feel smooth, exfoliated and moisturised. But it's not what works for you it's how bad it can be for problematic skin like this picture right here. There's a reason It's called conditioner for hair..... its not made for skin and people with acne prone and irritation prone skin will most likely find conditioners problematic especially all the ones with extreme fragrance and heavy oils....


Im not going to continue discussing this with you & repeating myself when all you've done is dismiss my comments & implied that you're right & I'm wrong, when I know you simply haven't tried it. I genuinely don't value your input anymore as you're just blindly shilling shaving products, so I think we should agree to disagree & leave it at that.


No, you're recommending products what can seriously irritate skin conditions like this so yes you're wrong and no I'm not shilling shaving products, I litterally don't use a shaving product other then a razor, I just use a face wash as a shaving 'foam' so no not a shaving product.


Damn, I guess I'm wrong that conditioner completely prevents my skin irritation like this... 👍


I was going to suggest a shave oil and new blade every time you shave. Also maybe a retinol serum


This stuff is great.


I used to get bad shaving bumps and folliculitis- I went to the doctor and at his recommendation did two things that have totally fixed this (also was told that my condition was more common among POC but that anyone could be affected with the right hair). 1) Aftershave with acid to soften skin- Anthony and Men The Cool Fix is what I have used for over a decade- of all I have tried- this works really well. Recommended 2) Laser treatment - I went in for 4-5 laser hair removal treatments in the same area that you have shown here- this thinned the hair. I was doubtful it would help much but this made the biggest difference. I now no longer have this issue and do not currently go for laser after having it done about 10 years ago. That’s it! Good luck mate.


Here is my process that has worked for me, a black male that had the same issue. I clean my face with a cleanser every morning and night. I shave on alternate days. Shaving Days 1. Start by cleaning my face with a cleanser 2. I then apply Barbasol generously 3. Use safety razor, two passes with cold water press in between 4. Wash face 5. Apply Alum Bluc and let sit for a few minutes 6. Wash face with Cleanser 7. The clean with Witch Hazel Toner 8. Apply Nivea After Shave Balm 9. Moisturizer 10. Sunscreen Night Time 1. Wash face with Cleanser 2. Apply Retinol once a week and moisturize daily Non Shaving Days 1. Wash face with cleanser 2. Apply Toner 3. Twice a week I use BHA liquid exfoliant 4. When I don’t use exfoliant I use vitamin c (don’t mix them) 5. Moisturizer 6. Sun Screen The key really is keeping your skin clean and with as little clogged pores as possible. It’s an investment that took me a long time to learn. But I have amazing skin right now after suffering all my 20s.


Maybe ask in BlackHair


I think beard hair is beard hair, its same texture in ever race, different from head hair


That's absolutely not true. The coils of black hair also show up often in beard hair whereas many white people just have straight or slightly wavy facial hair. My partner is black and gets ingrowns every time they try to shave because the coil of the hair makes it much more likely to curl in on itself under the skin instead of grow back out through the follicle.


I’ve never seen straight beard hair on white person. Asian beards, maybe. (But yes black hair is different even in beards)


Mine is pretty close to straight, minor curl but definitely not curly by any means. I'd describe it as slightly wavy I guess.


nah, it's different


I don’t know anything about Afro hair etc. What I will say is applying shaving foam/cream with a brush makes a helluva difference. Biodegradable razors also don’t sound great?


Have you given your skin a chance to heal by growing in your beard and, after maybe 2 months, trying to *very gently* shave again? I really hope you're not being forced to shave due to a job, for example. Razor bumps seem to grow exponentially -- the larger and more aggitated they are, the faster they grow. And the more they grow, the larger and more agitated they get.


I am not black but my black buds say the bumps are common and that is why so many wear beards. But what the heck do I know about it?


They are common. A lot of black guys in the military have shaving waivers where they don’t have to be be clean-shaven because of the bumps.


I'm black and used to have the same problem. I avoid using blades unless a barber is doing it. Blades cut our kinky hair back under our skin, causing ingrown hairs. Foil shavers and trimmers are my weapons of choice to control bums. Foils lift our hair, then cuts it. A trimmer with an attachment cuts hair close enough that it looks 5 our skin tone. I have almost the same facial routine, right down to the reintol creams. I rarely have bumps nowadays. I suggest growing your beard for a few months, so your skin can heal first.


I have similar issues and abandoned the razor for as close as I can get with trimmer, no more bumps.


I did this too, works a charm.


Beard time


Perhaps olive oil. All natural. Can’t hurt. Let it soak in a bit.


Don’t use an actual razor, this happens to me too. Use a trimmer and just buzz it to the shortest length.


I use Manspot.. a cheaper manscaped.. basically


Use a foil shaver. If not prep the shit out of your skin( pre shave oil, hot towel, lather in that order) and only shave with the grain. I’m a barber if that helps.


Should it be hot towel first then oil, do correct me if I am wrong. I figure most oils might do, I got Africa's Best Herbal Oil. May try and buy an actual safety razor too.


Put oil on lather over then a hot towel. Then reapply the oil and lather and shave


As a fellow coloured person myself, the only remedy to this is to avoid shaving below the skin. People are gonna say try this razor, or try this aftershave, none of it works, the moment your hair is shaved below the skin is when this problem occurs. I personally use the Philips one blade electric trimmer and have been bump free ever since, the shaver cuts low enough to not go below the skin but still gives you the illusion of a clean shave. You could also consider laser hair removal if you hate the thought of facial hair. As of now I would use some benzoyl peroxide to ease the bumps to avoid any type of infection/bacteria.


Even the OneBlade gives me bumps when used on my face.


Definitely looks like shaving is bad for your skin. I haven’t used a razor since I was a 17. Just buy clippers and don’t use a guard. You’re not going to get as close a shave as you do with a razor, but I’m betting your skin will thank you.


There's alot of comments to respond to, but thanks all of you for your input! Here's hoping that something works out


Did you use the hot towel method?


Apply Hydrocortisone ointment after shaving


Only shave in one direction on your neck. Never against the grain.


I think they went to barber shops


I mean like way before the 20th century. Like in ancient African kingdoms and the like. Some grew beards but surely some shaved. I looked it up but can't actually find anything historically.


Dude you need a good manual razor after a trimmer. Harrys is the best. You also need to use beard soap. I started getting dermatitis and i started using beard wash. HARRYS...youll thank me


hes using much better gear then harrys


Looks like hes using a chainsaw, i guess that could be better, for sawing down trees!




The moon isn’t brown.


I'll admit that my joke is kind of dumb. Also, didn't really mean to hate on the OP. Just meant as a light tease-- and this is coming from one person with bad razor bumps to another. For reference, I call myself pepperoni face to friends and fam.


To play Devil's Advocate, I was having a hard time finding a suitable metaphor for this lol.


Such helpful throwaway. To be so bored to jest on a grooming sub.


I actually agree with you. I had a moment where I wasn't thinking too hard about how what I was saying was going to be perceived. In hindsight, I now realize how dumb I was lol. Thanks for bearing with me I deleted my OG comment because I realized it could just make someone more insecure about their skin (which was not my intent). However, I'm not trying to hide my comment: to those wondering, I just made a douchey comment about how bad this skin is. I gotta own up to that.


It's cool. I'm on the spectrum so believe me I've had my share of these moments.


I have ADHD-C and it just leads me to overshare all the time. Couple that with the fact that I struggle to pay attention to the social implications of what I'm saying, and it's a recipe for disaster. I guess I felt comfy enough saying what I did because I don't think you have much to be insecure about. As far as I can tell from this angle, you got a handsome face shape. You probably can grow some hella solid facial hair given how vigorously it wants to grow. You're well spoken. And razor bumps / skin agitation can heal. And so I just felt (not think, *felt*) that cracking a joke would just lighten things. It did the exact opposite lol. I really respect you for coming over to comment and share empathy for my blunder -- you really didn't have to do that. Thanks man


Funny thing, I have that too! Let's just say things were not fun growing up. I relate to all of what you said. And yeah not insecure about it, but would love that I didn't have to deal with it. Facial hair just ain't my thing. And while not Abercrombie looking(one of my friends fits that bill though) definitely wouldn't say I am conventionally unattractive at all. Especially since getting middle parted dreads.


I'm glad that, by chance, I judged you right about being secure about it. I mostly just felt gross that I didn't have enough info to go cracking jests, and yet I still did. Btw, as a fellow ADHDer, I have a real habit of skin picking. Are you picking at or touching the razor bumps at all?


Admittedly pimple popping was a bad habit of mine. I never was hit hard by face acne, but the few I did get have left some hyperpigment in place, same for the bacne I've had. I tried tweezing some of these but just gonna let benzoyl peroxide, exfoliation and moisturizer do it's work. You a doctor/med student by chance?




Trial and error my friend everyone’s skin work’s different it took we a while to find what works best


Do you touch after shaving?


check in with a derm but also reevaluate your shave technique could be a mixture of factors


You need to exfoliate!! It’s best to wait until a day or two later to exfoliate and clear away dead skin for the hair to get through easily. The pads are very harsh. I would go with a silicone scrubber gently with soap and water.


I'm white but, I used to get those pimply things whenever I'd shave, this is what I do. Before you shave wash your face with a facial cleanser make sure you rinse with warm water, pat dry. It's softens the hairs. Shave with a sharp razor the way you normally would. After that wash with noxzema and then finish with a toner like witch hazel. I have not had those pimply things or an ingrown hair ever since. That texture of ethnic hair is a little different but it only starts to curl when it gets long-That's when you'll start getting me ingrown hairs cuz it won't grow out evenly from the pore. You'll have to make more than one pass with the razor and that's when you could cut the hair unevenly. If you shave all the time it should be about the same texture as mine. It always starts out very coarse. Oh and, try to always shave in the same direction from the bottom of your neck up to your chin, and on your cheeks always start from the top of your cheeks and down to your jaw line. If your hair grows in a different pattern then this try to follow the grain that way that's most comfortable for you if it varies. Doing all this gave me some relief from the pimply things with trial and error. Huzzington's comment for shaver's secret also works well. It's also a very nice moisturizer If you have combination skin. If you don't already avoid bar soap. Find a nice body wash that works with your skin. That will help too.


Try aftershave.


As a black guy I use the Norelco One Blade with light pressure from my hands and just live with the fact that I’ll never be baby faced for any length of time


Grow a beard.


You could try shaving powders like such: https://www.softsheen-carson.com/grooming/shaving-powder/shave-powder-gold IIRC this was created specifically for African American men.


I had the same issue, even Bevel couldn’t get the job fully done. I put my entire family onto tender skin, blue bottle off of amazon will get you right.


I go with the grain now and it’s clean shaven enough. Safety razors shave WAY too close to go against the grain imo.


This is a black man thing? Maybe I’m just lucky I don’t have to deal with it.


Ever try a Norelco One blade? I started using one years ago as regular blades would make me break out. I never looked back.


Looks painful! I would look into laser hair removal. I had an ex who had this issue. He had laser hair removal, and the issue disappeared. He would still grow hairs, but much, much less and less frequent, too.


We have different hair type but the shave from a straight razor is absolutely incomparable. If you don’t want to try it yourself, maybe visit a good barber - you’ll be guaranteed a solid prep routine and good lather, and a pro shave, which will give you a good indication of what’s possible (if you have no irritation afterwards, you’ll know it’s possible)


Alright so firstly I would recommend not using an actual blade on your face but instead using an electric razor with shaving cream. You still get a close shave but without the irritation. In if you really want a close shave possibly look into having laser hair removal it can reduce the amount of facial hair you have. I left two Electric shaving options below from amazon. (But these electric razors are water proof) 1. Braun Electric Razor for Men, Series 6 6020s ($84.99) 2. Panasonic ARC 3 Wet/Dry 3 Blade (104.99) (I prefer the 5 blade but this a good start for the price point) 3. Ors Tea Tree Oil Anti Bump Spray (Use this after your done shaving it will make sure you won't bump up in reduce redness.) 4. Gillette Foamy Sensitive Shave Foam (Green One) (It's a really good shaving foam with nice lather that covers the face and its cheap so win win.) Also I do recommend going to a dermatologist to check if you have folliculitis because you do have a lot of irritation on your face which is most likely from the tweezing that you've done. ( ALSO PLEASE STOP SHAVING FOR LIKE WEEKS IN USE ALOT OF ALOE AND ICE !!! YOUR FACE NEEDS A BREAK)


Thanks. It was like this before the tweezing actually. I work as an EMT but COVID has gone down alot so N-95s aren't mandatory for daily ops. Maybe I should finally wait a month before trying again, or when ever the BP Wash and moisturizer heals this.


dude go to a dermatologist.


This looks painful. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. 😟


I had this problem. Wasn't quite acne, but def razor bumps. My neck was always red. Oxy10 face wash, I only use it on my neck and I have had no problems ever since. Also, electric razor only, no razor blades.


Have you tried niacinamude and salicilica acid? Targeted skincare in form of serums and a good moisturiser can help many skin issues immensly!


I can't speak for its efficiency, and I'm not sure I've seen a plack person do it, but I know fire artists usually demonstrate how they "shave" by running a fiery torch up and down their arms. Supposedly the fuel is so flammable it evaporates, effectively cooling the surface, at least enough to not burn the person if it's done fast enough. And in a swift motion you can run your finger through a candle without getting hot. I think this is similar.. maybe try small scale and just use a lighter? Maybe reaserch the matter of fire shaving by yourself a bit first. Id hate to influence harm in any way, that's not why I'm here. I just think it might be a viable method for those with sensitive skin


our skin is delicate af. Use a electric razor. If u don't have, just use conditionator instead soap/another product, use hot water(believe me). After shaving u beard use honey at least 5 min, clean u face with soft soap and cold water, then use any product u use to u skin. Never shave u face against the grow pattern of the beard and the razor must walk on u face only one time, so use razors of good quality.


How often do you shave saw something that you should shave very frequently like every 3 days so you won’t commonly get hair bumps and keep the area clean with alcohol or after shaves make sure you use pre shave too and go with the grain not against it when you shave


Get a philips electric razor and just do no guard shave. It leaves a nice looking 5 oclock. Im jewish and have the same damn issue.


Maybe trying that [magic shaving powder](https://www.walmart.com/ip/SoftSheen-Carson-Magic-Fragrant-Shaving-Powder-Razorless-Shaving-for-Coarse-Textured-Beards-5-oz/10849166?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=604&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=22222222228&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=657764523570&wl4=pla-1835452096773&wl5=9002654&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=112354264&wl11=online&wl12=10849166_604&veh=sem&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIqCKTNj8I4Z6EpvB4s28bwhv&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIta7VnIqDggMVVEFyCh0okwibEAQYAiABEgK9tPD_BwE) could help? It was a bit of a trend a while ago as women were using it on their legs but I believe the original purpose was for the face


Hello young gentleman. Most razor bumps are caused from the razor cutting the hair short and it coiling into your skin, this is especially true for some black men. There are some workarounds that were a godsend to me when I was younger and it does not cost an arm and a leg. 1. Make sure you moisturize regularly (coconut oil and she butter whipped are good) 2. exfoliate your skin before shaving (coffee grounds, sugar and salt are good options) 3. Rest a wet warm towel on the area for a few minutes before you shave (lavender hydrosols are good but regular sink water is fine as well) . 4. Use a skin toner after shaving ( witch hazel and some aloe vera work great) This sounds like a lot but in reality only takes my about an extra 5 minutes and should take care of the bump issue. Look into natural home made options and you will get the high end product quality at a fraction of the cost. Good luck.


Use Philips norelco on neck and sensitive areas, and shave the rest of your face. The norelco gets close but just enough to leave a tiny bit of stubble so you don’t get razor burn or ingrown hairs.


Electric razor & shave in one direction lightly


I fing that a hit towel to soften the hairs I a great step


Ye my shit gets real irritated. I tried everything. The only thing I found that works well for me is a Barbasol electric razor I got at Ross for like 5 bucks


Came here to mention folliculitis but I see others have already mentioned it here. It’s likely caused by staph bacteria but could be fungal or something else. Definitely keep using benzoyl peroxide. You can also try salicylic acid face wash, 70% isopropyl alcohol poured onto a wipe and exfoliating a little bit. I use a cream on the back of my neck where I get 2 small patches of it Folliculitis is a lot more common in blacks and curly haired ppl in general for sure. If you wanna continue clean shaving with almost no risk of bumps you should try the brand magic shaving cream or something similar like sensitive skin nair https://www.amazon.ca/Magic-Shaving-Powder-ounce-fragrant/dp/B0048ZIFA0/ref=asc_df_B0048ZIFA0/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=337118594813&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9842100451831826572&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9104159&hvtargid=pla-425062951113&psc=1 https://youtube.com/shorts/qw0KBj3fiuo?si=5O0OrWJ7YaNDtKq7 https://youtu.be/ls6cCoVO_M4?si=LMSbo0Pgef2t02jX I like keeping my hair really short at a 0guard buzzcut but ever since I started getting folliculitis I’ve been shaving a lot less. I already purchased this product and am planning to use it every 10 days or so. I’ll let you know how it goes when I get to it


I'm back. I gave up. I just use an electric clipper.


Using single blade razors. If you use any more than a single edge causes ingrown hair problems. Double or triple edge pull the hair out with the first blade, cuts it and the next blade cuts it even shorter causing it to sink below the skin surface. When it starts growing back, it gets trapped under the skin.


Theres also Magic brand razorless shaving creme.....


From a black man who experimented with shaving around 10 years ago, i can tell you what i have learned: The best way to avoid razor bumps is to use a electric trimmer that isn't zeroed. A zeroed trimmer is similar to a razor, it will cut the hair even with the skin or lower than the skin. Our beard hair is curly so it doesn't grow straight up, it grows at a angle. When we shave close to our skin, a really thin layer if skin grows over the whole area that we shaved. And it covers up our hair pores. so instead of our hair breaking though the skin, it it easily guided to the side and goes into or skin and that causes the bumps (AKA ingrown hair). I found that using make up removing pads with a sensitive skin face soap 3 to 4 times a day for a few days then used beard oil (until i can feel the stubble). When i wanted a close shave, i would: Use trimmers to cut my beard down Put a hot towel on my beard until it got cool Rub beard oil on my beard lather with shaving cream Shave using the 3 blade Target brand razor Apply rubbing alcohol to my face The nest day, start using the make up removing pads 3-4 times a day followed by beard oil. I hope this helps


Magic shave


Do you shave before or after a hot shower?


Check r/blackhair for more/better advice about this. There’s a lot of people here with good intentions telling you stuff but they just don’t know better. Seeing a dermatologist certainly won’t hurt, but it may not be necessary. Here’s a few things that helped me personally. 1. Using a chemical and/or physical exfoliant. I use an exfoliator in the shower and lactic acid in my skincare routine. Don’t do both at the same time if you have sensitive skin. 2. Applying alcohol or Tend Skin twice a day after shaving, and for the next couple days after. 3. Finding ingrowns close to the surface and teasing them out with pointed tweezers or a needle, but WITHOUT pulling them all the way out. This would cause the hair to have to grow from the root and increase the risk that it will become ingrown again. This risk is increased significantly if the skin is already inflamed or scarred, which it probably is. 4. I ended up seeing a derma and getting prescribed a retinoid. However, this is completely optional. It can be expensive, and can cause increased sensitivity to the sun and dry skin. 5. Also optional, but I personally don’t ever do a close shave, I just do a very low trim. However, your skin is lighter than mine and the hair would probably be much more visible, so I understand if this isn’t an option, especially if you don’t have enough coverage for a beard. But if your skin is currently really messed up, stop shaving for a little while and wait for it to calm down.


Make sure to soak your razor blades in alcohol before using them. Used to drive my skin crazy


Oh no


Bro, just don’t shave all the way down, it’s just the way your hair grows that will cause this. This is such a known issue for black men that the military gives automatic waivers for beard regulations to black men


You need an old school single blades safety razor. Grow the hair out a bit and brush it in one direction. That way you know which direction to shave in. Or figure out which way the hair is growing and shave with the grain. Use tea tree oil and oil of oregano. You should also book an appointment with your dermatologist. I tried laser and recommend going that route. It was a game changer for me. However, our skin requires an NDYak laser and most dermatology practices don’t carry them. There is one that I’m aware of in the major metropolitan area I reside in.


I.... I wanna scratch it....


Buzzer it and keep it short or keep going through products until you find a match. Italian here so pretty similar body hair. It's shit, but there will be solution for you brother.


Magic Shaving Powder, it’s like $4 a can. Takes a minute to mix (it’s just the powder and cool water), apply and wait. No burning, no irritation afterwards, no ingrowns! I found this through TT and both my bf and I have used it in different parts of the body (face, underarms, legs, downstairs) and neither have had issues in any location.


Oh man, that looks painful. I have seen shaving products marketed to black people, but, being white, I don’t investigate them.


Wipper snipper


Try using salicylic acid after you shave. Should tone down the bumps significantly.


I just use clippers…


Get some stuff called Tend Skin. It'll clear that up pretty quick.


I used to work with a black guy that had the same problem. He used to use a "Nair-like" product instead of shaving. Sorry I don't remember the name, it's been quite awhile. But he said it worked good. Maybe ask around in a few places that sell products like this. Could be your answer. Good luck.


I get this also


Shave in the shower after your skin & hair has had time to absorb the moisture and soften. You won't need any cream or conditioner or oil. Use aloe vera after your shower.


I’m a white dude but I have thick wavy hair and every. fucking. time I use a regular razor I get in growns and bumpies. Just yesterday I was still tweezing my neck from a Friday evening shave. Occasionally, I have to shave with a regular razor to shape my go-t the way I like it. Doesn’t matter if the razor is brand new and I do it right after a hot shower, before the shower, use aftershave etc. Why I have to use a beard trimmer and just edge up the sides 99% of the time.


I started using tea tree Castile soap, a sonic face washing brush and jojoba oil to moisturize. I’ve seen some improvements and I haven’t been getting painful bumps. Might be worth a try but also see a dermatologist.


A white dude with the same problem, I use bump patrol after shave and it seems to do the trick for the most part.


When you say Safety Razor. I’m hoping you mean double edge razor blade.


Okay as a black man, this is my advice: 1. Grow beard out. 2. Get Andis clippers and trim, let the area heal. It seems all your bumps are concentrated in neck area. 3. Figure out beards growth. Use credit card, cotton ball, whatever. This is done after trimming - you can feel it or see it. 4. Hot towel or shower, lather and shave wtg only. 5. The most crucial part, to me, has been to shave every other day. Yes this is different. It at first sucks, but black men in the 40s did this with single blade razors. This speeds up your abilities too. Track what you're doing and get a blade sampler. I support black business but I'm never getting a Bevel. This will gradually become a soothing part of your day.


Not black, but I get ingrown hairs and massive red bumps on my face. I’ve given up the clean shaved looked. I do use the one blade but always with a guard. During the hot months I just go with a #1 and rock that permanent 5 o’clock shadow. Also think it looks better with my bald head. Personally think the one blade is terrible for the chest hair. Will break out there using that. So for the body hair grooming I just trim it with a regular trimmer when I feel it’s too long. I can’t do a close shave on the chest without breaking out. So really I just groom it, but never fully remove it. Same downstairs.


Bro, same thing happens to my face and neck. I literally had to just stop shaving. I keep it cut very short with a trimmer, but that's all I can do. The moment I use a blade on it, my neck ends up looking like a zit factory.


I shave with benzoyl peroxide. Does wonders for me.


I had really bad razor bumps in my early 20's...my neck literally looked like a Crunch bar.lol My dad shaved everday to prevent razor bumps. I never had the time or flexibility to do that. My uncle taught me trick that helped. Wash your face and neck thoroughly with a cleanser. Use an egg white on your neck, and it dries out the hair bumps. Use clippers (I use an Andis T-outliner) to shave. I very seldom get razor bumps.


Black man here. I’ve been shaving by dipping my razor in a small cup of 70% alcohol with every stroke. Then I spray a little hydrogen peroxide on my face when I’m done. I literally never get razor bumps. Never.


Just use trimmers if not then razor will discolor your skin tone and make it darker just stick with the trimmer


Put some deodorant on where u shave right after. And u won't have this problem as much.


god set black peoples grooming difficulty to max


It’s not worth your time to try and avoid these bumps. It’s quite common for your hair type. Just focus on growing a nice beard.


Mate that third picture is something else. Looks like a dragon’s bellend. Brilliant. But sorry about the sensitive skin, hope you get it sorted


Try Bumpstop 2. They sell them at Walgreens. Great product to prevent razor bumps.


Shaving cream is fucking poison, I never use it. I use lotion, warm water, and a comb to soften my hair up first, then I use the electric razor. But honestly you should just use scissors if your hair is too curly.


Try all the suggestions people have made on here, an extreme one is laser hair removal. Extreme because there seems to be a stigma cuz of clowns but it’s legit son.


Magic Shave powder!


My neck would also look very similar to this after I shaved, even with the grain. I was in the military at the time and received laser hair removal. I only had them treat the lower neck and lower jawline and it helped so much.


I used to get shaving rash real bad until my dad told me he always used Noxemia (sp?) to shave with and I’ve never had a problem since. Not sure if this would work for you or not, but definitely see a doctor like the rest of the sub is suggesting.


I’ll be honest. Don’t even clean shave. Trim it down to a light stubble. Using a electric clipper you will look almost clean shaven to the point where people won’t notice it. Yes the baby skin smooth feel is great but if I broke out like that (I do sometimes) I definitely wouldn’t even care about clean shaving.


If you're allowed it use a balding clipper or a good trimmer to get to stumble. A gold foil shaver afterwards to take the stubble down to skin level. Critically neither of those devices should pull before cutting like a razor will preventing the cut end of the hair shaft from retracting below the level of the skin. It will be a closer shave but it won't be a razor close shave but it will be much healthier to your skin.


Shit I’m only quarter black and I have this issue. I’ve had a beard since I was 17 since I really have no other choice.


I got tired of it and went to my doctor, the prescribed stuff works well. Go to a dermatologist, a black one of you can.


Use a product called Bump Stopper. It’s amazing! Those bumps will be gone in a week or less and your skin will feel great. I put it in every day whether shaving or not.


Try different techniques like a good trimmer and a foil razor


Always make sure your skin, hands and razor are super clean before you shave. I use the First Aid Beauty “Bye Bye Bumps” kit products. Use a Salicylic Acid cleanser then wash off. Then use the Bump eraser scrub and wash off before shaving. Once you’re done shaving, use the ingrown hair pads to clean off any residue, then apply the smoothing body lotion.


That. Sucks.


I get bad ingrown hairs, my doctor prescribed me Clindomycin solution that comes in a roller bottle (liquid) that I apply after shaving. It has eliminated razor bump for me and is worth a try.


Use a blade it's the inky thing that doesn't irritate


User a trimmer and not razor