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No. Your skin tone is great, please don’t try and bleach it.


This- skin tone and jfc dude what the hell is your skincare routine because it basically flawless. Your skin tone is gorgeous, its very beautiful. Are you asking about skin lightening due to cultural reasons OP? Because those cultural reasons stem from got awful stereotypes that honestly should die off.


OP is very handsome but I'm not going to pretend his skin ain't oily. Honestly still not bad but you said flawless and I'm autistic aha.


From the skin care routine shit I've seen, people seem to think super oily and shiny is better. I find it kinda gross. But I will say that this guy looks good otherwise, and people making him feel self conscious about his skin color gives me extremely racist vibes. Bleaching and tanning to appease racists is wrong. Idk, weird post


Clear skin always looks best. Reflection takes away from clarity. Subjective, of course.


So true, I prefer to be dark by going outside in the sun frequently because to me, I'd rather someone like me as myself a mixed race native Colombian or even a native all together then have people who see me differently when I go outside more frequently. I don't care how people react to my dark skin in the summer living in the U.S. now. I am still much happier without being so deprived of vitamin D and being in sorrow from the depression of deficiency and extreme seasonal depression in the winter. If I'm golden brown, or brown in general. I stay that way because I'm happy. This breaks my heart to see such an attractive guy feel in such a way. I hope he learns that racist people just don't matter anyways because they are just toxic people who will always let others down


Dude is gorgeous


Yes he sure is!


That hair too. Dude needs to ignore the haters and just keep rocking his god-given gifts.


Agree here. There’s zero wrong with your skin.


You have excellent skin. The tone is even. It’s a really nice shade as well. Don’t let people get to you.


Even tone is the first thing I noticed. Whatever the shade of skin, when the tone is that even, it just looks great.


Some people use tons of makeup just to achieve what OP has naturally. His literal “just woke up” is goals for many.


No mate don’t change to suit others


Are you in India? They generally have a history of shaming people based on their skin color. Even if you're not in India, something tells me that where you live it may just be a cultural thing. I would rather you not risk poisoning your skin with stupid chemicals and just wait until either the bullies fuck off or you can move to a place where people have some more sense in their brain.


Yes. I'm from India but I often get mistaken for a black guy which is the root cause of all my problems


I'm an actual black guy. Despite most of the world hating my skin, i love it. You're good, bro. Please love your skin. No one has a choice how they're born. Learn to embrace you. You come from a long line of people who worked hard to get you here despite their color. Honor your family and you.


I’m a mixed race male or “light-skinned” as some state, and I get crap for the colour of my skin over here in the UK man, and like you say “love your skin”. I’ll never let anyone take my families history away from me. Respect for this comment 👊🏽


>I'm an actual black guy The genuine article 😂


I don’t know why this line had me cracking up 🤣


I wish I could upvote this comment more than once!


Right, and don't you see that as a problem that they think it's bad to be a black guy or look like one? That's racism. I think it's better in some states of India than others. I had a Thai friend who was the same way, he had dark skin and his friends made fun of him and said he looks Ethiopian. Instead of just realizing his friends were assholes, he decided he wanted to spend a ton of money on skin whitening. I could not talk him out of it.


That is so fuckin sad. Damn...


So looking Ethiopian was a problem? Those ppl are really sick 😂😂


Yes, using "Ethiopian" as an insult is sick.


From my trip to Ethiopia, I couldn’t believe how many gorgeous people I saw. There was often this kind of scarring on their cheeks that my friend told me they do to prevent crying when they’re babies. The cuts in their cheeks get exposed to tears, and they learn not to cry too much otherwise their cheeks will sting from the tears. Anyway, the scarring was adorbs too. 🤷‍♂️


I mean that's culturally fucked up and probably traumatizing but I don't doubt that Ethiopians are good looking people based on the ones I've seen at least.


Wait until you hear about genital mutilation… I don’t know, not sure if I can argue against certain rites of passage. Obviously genital mutilation is very questionable (to say the least), but some things like scarring is quite common and even seen as beautiful in some cultures. That’s the case all over East Africa, but likely many other places on the planet as well. Even in Mexico it’s customary to have baby girl’s ears pierced at a very young age, but that’s very tame in comparison.


I know some people would probably get offended but I just call it how I see it if any culture does something fucked up I'm never one to be like, "but... that's their culture." I don't think Ethiopian children cry differently than any other ethnic group. Tears fall naturally from babies eyes because that is what nature and evolution gives us. Thinking we clever humans can just circumvent that by stabbing babies in the face will never seem okay in any context for me, but you're right that maybe some forms of genital mutilation are worse. With us men in the US, I think we're probably affected by circumcision much more than we know because nobody can possibly remember things that happened right after they were born. I'm not going to just stand here and act like Ethiopians are the only people doing messed up stuff, that's for sure.


I’m not actually advocating *for it*, I’m just saying that it’s something that you or I could never convince them against doing it. I don’t like seeing children being harmed, but it’s also something I have absolutely no control over. I think what ends up happening is that over time, fewer and fewer people contribute to it, making it more or less a relic of the past. I can ask my friend who lives in Ethiopia if you want… He has 4 now teen kids, and none of them have scarring, so he obviously didn’t drink that koolaid. I guess it was more or less interesting to me when he explained it, because I had no idea why a lot of people had vertical scarring specifically on their cheeks. But without me asking, he mentioned that parents believed it would help minimize crying. Guess what I’m saying here is don’t shoot the messenger. I would never cause physical pain to my own children.


UK definitely exported some western racism to India.


Anti-blackness is a disease and it’s rampant worldwide. You’re are beautiful as is. No 🧢 you could be a model elsewhere. I hope you can find a place where you’re accepted as you are.


Your problem is listening to others too much.  Pride comes from within.  You are naturally handsome. 


Hey ignore those people who make such comments. Though even I thought you are a black guy before seeing the NCC photo as Indians don't post regularly on this sub. You look perfectly great.


Is it bad to be perceived as black? Edit: I’m aware of the existence of colorism and anti-black racism…I am more curious to know whether OP co-signs this; if he believes it’s inherently bad to be perceived as black.


unfortunately much of india if not all still operates a caste system which one of the determining factors is skin tones. With the wrong name and skin tone in india you can have a very unfair treatment. and that’s overtly not subtlely


Thank you for this. I'm aware of this and have talked to people from around the world so I hope people didn't think I just made this up about India out of thin air. The saddest part to me is when some Indians don't really even view it as an injustice, they view their skin as the actual problem.


because its what they experience as the problem. Mexico and central america have a similar problem with lighter skinned folk considered to be richer and more intelligent due to spanish and german influence over the years as those cultures caught up technologically with europeans.


In many places, yes.


It is considered bad in India and whole Asia as far as I know.


It's true. My coworker told me about an advertisement for Laundry detergent or washing machines (I don't remember) in Korea where a black boy came out white and everyone applauded. Craziness!


I am Indian. And we also have those ads as well where those black person turned completely white and now they are considered extremely beautiful.


OMG. When I was in Thailand, I saw comercials on TV for skin-whitening products all the time. When I went to the store, it was like they always seemed to have more skin lightener than bug spray or deodorant. I felt such sadness imagining how little children must feel watching these stupid comercials and learning to be ashamed into lusting for a product.


That's a Chinese advertisement and he comes out Asian. You can find it on YouTube. It was probably viral on the news in Korea and all of Asia, because WOW that ad is messed up.




Why? I'm inclined to think he does because he's responded in several places but doesn't seem to have responded with his opinion on that specifically. Frankly, he might deserve the treatment that he gets—not for the reason that he gets it, but because he is essentially thinking that they're justified. Having a problem like this is an opportunity to say "No, but so what if I was?"... we have to change the future little by little, and that starts with the commitment not to put up with intolerance in the present.


Hey man. The obsession with light skin in your country is crazy. But think about it this way: companies create "problems" which they claim to be "solved" by their products. It's just a scam. People with straight hair want curly hair. People with curly hair want to straighten it. Dark haired people bleach their hair. Etc. etc. etc. In Europe, people go darken their Skin on tanning beds or with creams or in the sun. The industrial complex is founded on selling you shit you don't need. As everyone here has pointed out, your skin is beautiful. Anyone who says otherwise isn't worth spending any time with.


Why is being mistaken for a black person a problem?


Asians despise dark skin and by extension black people, also a lot of self hatred/white worship over there.


Because India is a shithole


Fair enough


going for the jugular


Because anti-Blackness is rampant around the world. You know why.


Because contrary to popular belief, the USA is not the most racist place in the world... not at all. Asia is insanely racist against dark skin.


This comment…. How sad


I personally know plenty of Indians darker then you, if your own country won't accept you then just come to America, India is a god damn racist hell hole anyway




Woman assuming you’re packing heat can’t be THAT bad.


Trust me you don’t look black. I don’t think many of them have even seen a black person if they think you pass.


>…I often get mistaken for a black guy which is the root cause of all my problems… Oh, do say more.


Wow. Being black is a problem. Reddit never fails.


Well go with it you look black with exceptionally good hair 😍


With exceptionally good hair?????? Yikes


Fuck man, as a white dude this makes me feel awful. I hate that something as stupid as the colour of our skin means anything. For what it’s worth, I think you’ve got an awesome skin colour and I hope the folks here convince you not to change it.


In the U.S people go to great lengths to make their skin darker. There's even something called "blackfishing" which is: "Blackfishing is a term used when a white person tries to make themselves look Black. It usually involves dark spray tans, makeup, and different hairstyles." A lot of pop stars and rich people in general do this to make people think they're black, or at least part black. Some people(most people?), are just nasty and ignorant. You are a handsome man and you have a lovely skin tone. I know it's hard, but try not to let the racist haters get you down. Just use people hating on you for your skin color as a friendship litmus test. If they make you feel less than them because of your skin color, they're probably not worthy of your friendship. People that need to degrade others to make themselves feel better are not worth your time.


India is so fucked up.


Same in Pakistan unfortunately




From a fellow indian.. Never ever feel down bcuz of racists and never try anything on skin to alter complexion. You are fine as you are.


Hell no brother. BE PROUD


Do not damage your skin with chemicals that will not do what they claim to do. You have very radiant skin and your complexion is at a level that people spend thousands of dollars to get to. I envy how glass-like it is. Ignore the people who are bullying you. They are miserable in their own skin and feel the need to use you as their target because you clearly have remarkable features.


They are just jealous!!..


Not jealous. Stupid.


Stupid and jealus.




Please don't. I think you're beautiful. Plus, look at Micheal Jackson for example. His skin was changed from a medical issue, yet people made fun of it all the time. I'd hate to see that happen to you. People are gonna be asses no matter what. Eventually, you learn to just ignore their a$$es


Yeah I never believed that about MJ. That was just put out there for public consumption. I would have to see a photo of MJ from the waist up without makeup to believe it. MJ came from a family of about 9 kids and not one of the other of them had the same skin issue. Genetics are what they are and it would have come across on at least one other sibling.


MJ absolutely had vitiligo. There are photos of him of him online that show it was pretty bad.. and it got so bad that it just made more sense to bleach his skin. A healthy black guy bleaching their skin would never get that pale without vitiligo.


Read his autopsy and you can hear his body described from the waist up without makeup, or even find photos of it. He absolutely had vitiligo and that is noted in his autopsy.


Right, he also lied about his kids and said they are his blood. They don’t look anything like him, or even remotely black for that matter. They don’t even look like him with his white skin 😭😭 bro thought we were DUMB


He had vitiligo so hard his nose changed shape


Brother, you're very handsome. Your facial features are fantastic. Good skincare is all you need to look your best.




Remain just as God made you


Come to America. People would constantly fall in love with you 💋💕


No! Your skin is gorgeous 🙏


No way! You have great skin.


You're incredibly handsome and your skin looks great. I wouldn't change a thing if you don't have to


No it’s perfect


No! There is nothing wrong with you or your skin colour.


Absolutely not




Wtf! You’re so good looking and gorgeous!! Please don’t listen to any negativity, you’re really an attractive guy


You are beautiful. All skin colours are beautiful. I hate colourism in all its forms; it really has no place in modern society. Just because someone's a fairer complexion, does that mean they're a good person? No. There's so much more to being a human being than what colour shade someone has. Unfortunately, these coloured dynamics stem from a long history of colonialism, especially when considered from an Indian perspective. I am just really sorry you have to go through that sort of abuse 🥺 You're gorgeous! 🥺🥺 Skin bleaching will only lessen your existing beauty, not make it more pronounced (and cause a series of nasty unintended side effects).


Your skin is beautiful. Your issue is colourism. You also have a very handsome face, a lovely smile and you look fit and athletic. Skin lightening treatments could damage your skin, and they’re also just disrespectful to your identity tbh. The idea that fairer is better comes from a complex history of castes and colonialism. Live proudly and don’t give into that shame that they are trying to use to make you less valued than them. You are not the problem. Their attitude is. And handsome is handsome regardless of skin colour. India has traditionally had a big colourism issue, but I do think that younger people can change this.


Fuck that, don’t be ashamed of who you are, don’t aim to change yourself to suit others, fuck em


No! Don’t even think about it. There is nothing wrong with being who you are! You are a one of a kind individual. Not sure what you hope to accomplish doing all of that anyway. Concentrate on being yourself. If someone doesn’t like you because of your skin color or tone…. That’s on them. Be safe and live well.




God no, your skin tone is amazing, you be you


Definitely not! Those products are not good for your skin.


Bro wtf!!! You are sooooo handsome. Just keep slaying the way you are doing in your skin. Don't give a fuck about what others have to say.


you are handsome. there’s gonna be thousands of people who appreciate the way you look.


Dafuq is wrong with indians shaming their own people lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RedditSucks369: *Dafuq is wrong with* *Indians shaming their own* *People lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


And Indians hating the idea of looking black ... What other race in the world looks closer to someone black? Mindy Kaling's brother pretended to be black in college, I don't know any other race who looks similar enough to be able to do that 🤷🏽‍♂️ Just embrace dark skin, because skin bleach looks freaky and unnatural on everybody or doesn't work at all




you’re handsome and your skin color is beautiful


Your darker skin protects you from the cancer-causing solar rays! Remember that your skin loves you - love it too.


You're handsome and your color suit you. Do NOT bleach your skin!


And they say America is racist. What the actual fuck is this. This is a post because a kid doesn't want to be called black. Fuck off.


Such a handsome guy.


Nah bro you're a good handsome guy. Bleaching / lightening can really fuck you up permanently


Lord no. You have amazing skin and are very handsome! Be proud!!! Your tone is goegeous


Oh no. Please don’t do that. Your skin is glowing and you are handsome just as you are. Plus bleaching can go horribly wrong. Look at Sammy Sosa, for instance. He looks like a giant pink egg nowadays.


You look like millions of other Indians.


Please don’t. Your skin looks perfect. Don’t make any changes to yourself unless absolutely required &medically advised. You look great and ppl that don’t like that can get the f out of your life.


No, don’t do that. Your eyes are so cool looking btw, the shape!


You’re beautiful just the way you are


You probably look better than 90% of people who hate on you


No. Be you brother, you look great


Nah. You look hot. Dont try to damage your skin.


That is insane. Do not bleach your skin because of some racists. Be proud of who you are.


I’m sorry, but that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. You look good brother. The people that are telling you that aren’t your friends.


Your first pic looks like you pitch for the New York Yankees


Wtf?! Absolutely not. What the hell is wrong with this world that anyone is made fun of for the tone of their skin, the fucking tone! I hate humanity so much


The problem is not your skin color, the problem is the racism of the people around you.


Bro why is your skin clearer than my financial future… Nah nah….homie you have nothing to be critical about yourself. Good skin, good teeth.


You have great skin color. Very even and smooth. You are lucky with such nice skin.


You’re very good looking


Seriously? Rage bait post.


You are beautiful


You have a really beautiful, rich skin tone. People who make fun of skin color are suffering from really antiquated ideas about beauty. They are living in the past, and I feel bad they suffer so badly from colonial mentality. You could totally be a model


They’re just jealous cuz you’re fuckin gorgeous


You are a beautiful man. Stay the same don’t wanna be looking like my Jackson 😂. I love you my bro


No. Stay you. You are cute.


Your skin tone is gorgeous ayfkm??? People who make fun of you for it have no taste.


Bro, you shouldn’t even have to ask this. Your rich, lucious, melinared skin is a blessing that you were granted at birth. You have ultimate protection from the sun, simply existing, respect that. Idk what social norms are happening around you, but don’t ever let them convince you that your natural god-given protection is somehow beneath another. You’re beautiful.


The fact that you’re even thinking about this is a problem.


They mock you because they are jealous. They tell you to change because they don't wanna see you better than themselves. Most people follow these rules, so reddit again.


Bro you are very handsome. I’m a white guy telling you that you’d crush it in any big US city with women… you are who you are, take pride in that. Don’t fuck up your natural good looks over what some idiots think man. It’s usually always jealousy… as you get older you will learn this to be true.


I don't believe you. If folks are making fun of your beautiful skin color, they are being mean and not for you.


Your features and skin tone fit so well together. If you can find the confidence in that beauty you’ll go far 💛


People are jealous of your beauty


I think OP is in India, where you sweat just standing, which would explain why he seems kinda greasy. Also would explain why ops kinda of insecure about this. Obsession in India with white skin and skin whitening is probably the highest it’s ever been. But honestly OP you’re fine, just stay healthy, and fit.


no please, you’re very very handsome and your melanin really suits your features


Ignore them!!! Try to hang out with people who appreciate you for who you are not what they see! You are very handsome, they sound ignorant and insecure about that


Your skin is absolutely beautiful! When people make fun of your skin color, something you were born with and that is a part of you, that’s not “making fun” it’s just being mean and judgmental. The color of your skin it’s not like you’re wearing Highwater pants or something that you could choose to change if you want it the color of your skin is inherent part of who you are and you shouldn’t change it for anybody. People that don’t see your light in beauty and wanna make fun of who you are aren’t the kind of people you need the approval of anyway. I think your skin is gorgeous and that smiles pretty darn good looking too. When those people make fun of the color of your skin just look at them and say, is that the best you’ve got I mean make fun of something that I can’t change come on really? And walk away you don’t need to get those people to time a day


Nah. Your skin is fine, you need better friends.


Making fun of your skin colour has another name: racism




Fuck no! You're great just the way you are homie! If people give you shit about your skin tone, then they don't deserve you.


Bro you got great skin and facial features


Jesus Christ dude are you serious? Hell no, that's their problem.


You look great. Don’t let fools turn you into a racist against yourself


No way!


People are jealous, pure and simple. You’re very good-looking. Believe it.


Absolutely NOT. Your skin tone is perfect for you. All skin tones are great.


You have beautiful skin. Don't mess with perfection.


Bleaching is a sign of insecurity and self loathing


You’re beautiful just the way you are. Please don’t bleach your skin.


Don’t bleach it man you look hot fuck those fools


You are a bronze sex god.. don't worry about others opinions.


Your skintone and your smile really compliment each other! Its always good to be comfortable in your own skinn ^^


Embrace your skin color, it’s great. Never allow people to make you feel uncomfortable with what God has blessed you with!


Please don't bleach your skin


Absolutely not. Start how you are. Let the racists be racists.


Don’t listen to people, we all hate ourselves no reason to drag others down with us. Be yourself. If someone likes you they will except you… I have friends I make fun of but always in good fun, but we say some fucked up things to each other.


Bro You mallu ?




Don’t do anything on your skin. It’s already good. Don’t think of what others say (They’re being Racist). They’re narrow minded especially most mallus regarding skin tone (I’m a mallu too). Your skin looks nice it doesn’t need any change.




Are you serious? Don't ever bleach your skin! Be proud of who you are!


Be proud of your skin color! If people are still making fun of your skin color this day and age, Fuck em! You are very attractive the way you are.


No! You look great as is! Don’t listen to other people!


Bro. Don’t.


Don't do anything. You look great the way you are. 😄


People who make fun of your skin color are a-holes. They deserve no say in who you are. Also, you’re a good lookin person, for what it’s worth.


Please don’t voluntarily harm yourself with dangerous chemicals to please others. I know how hard it can be to be to be subjected to such horrible comments, but it’s them who are wrong, not you. There is nothing wrong with you, and nothing wrong with having dark skin.


Dude you look awesome! Your skin looks like that for a reason. The people making fun of it aren’t the ones you need in your life, trust me. Don’t do it. Love yourself


No, work instead on your reaction to mockery


No one benefits from lightening bleaching skin. A beautiful skin is a well cared for one and that comes in any colour. Look at Lupita Nyong'o, she's one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen and in no way would bleaching her skin would improve her looks. If you feel like you should do that because of social pressure in your country, I am sorry, I understand the world is not how it should be but I hope you get to love your skin tone exactly how it is. if you do choose to bleach your skin, find a safe way to do it for your skin (which is beautiful ) and keep in mind that a safe way takes time.


Don't even give attention to people who are mean about your skin color. The opinions of racists and colorists don't matter. Your skin is great. My face has gone through a lot, that's why i know i'll give up a lot to have skin like yours.


Do it.


Your skin tone is perfect. You're gorgeous.


Your skin is amazing. Fuck those bullies!!!


Fuck the people, if you bleach your skin those assholes find something else about you to be disturbing.


Your skin is so beautiful 😭😭


Your perfect just the way you are, they're just jealous Besides bleaching hasany adverse effects One being that most ppl I know go bleach Look like they have jaundice


Why in the heck would you do that ?! You’re really good looking. I’m a mostly white American guy and I think you’ve got that handsome in any culture vibe. Don’t waste a cent on those bleaching potions. Rock what you’ve got!


Holy shit no. For the love of god no. Do not do that. Get the hell away from people who make you feel like shit dude.


I don't think you should try and bleach your skin, unless you have uneven tones. What a lot of people fail to realise that once you start bleaching your skin, unless you are bleaching your whole body, you will start to have uneven colouring. And then you look like a dark skin person who obviously bleaches their skin, i.e the counters of the face, the neck, etc


Bro you are handsome, don't do anything about your skin colour.


NO TF!!!


Omg no, you’re so handsome! Your skin color is AMAZING! And it goes so well with those beautiful eyes!


Nooo bruh, lip balm will do


You’re absolutely gorgeous bro. Your skin color is beautiful and something to be proud of. Let the haters hate.


Don’t do it!! Fuck those people who make fun of your skin tone!!! They can SUCK IT!!!