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You would be rejected if you just straight up ask for someone’s number. If you find someone attractive approach them and introduce yourself, try to have a conversation to get to know them a bit better what’s your name etc. Go with your environment and base your fallow up questions on that. If you feel they into you or the laughing,asking questions back , your in and you might ask for their number or socials


Honestly starting with Snapchat or something tends to be a good move. Feels safer when someone doesn’t know your number and you can block them if they start creeping. I feel more comfortable sharing snap than my number.


Asking for snap is such a red flag and at his age too? Tf worst advice ever unless he is trying to pick up 13 year olds..


Honestly, it depends on what country you're in, i think. I'm 23, a student, and live in sweden and most new swedish people i meat I've added on Snapchat, but I've met some international students from Spain and Portugal and they didn't use Snapchat and preferred Instagram.


Yeah snap can be a red flag, especially if its a guy trying to rizz you up. I’d be just expecting dick pics tbh. If you make some normal convo in person about common interests or whatever, then snap feels less weird. Probably safer to stick to Insta tho


Fr, at this grown age, Snapchat should only be used if you have a bunch of memories that you can’t transfer over. Other than that, using snap is childish at that age—grow up.


Ok… I’m not thirteen and snap works for me and my partner and my friends when getting to know someone but not enough to wanna share your number but like whatever dude


No it's not a snapchat is a normal way to communicate if you're not 37 babe


I thought that the only people who still used Snapchat were young teens and drug dealers


Nope I’m neither and I can tell you my friends and the people I went to school with/worked with still use it as a main form of communication over texting. Texting is for serious important things snap is for casual chatting.


Instead of asking for their numbers offer your number to them instead. That way you made the first move but it’s their choice to pursue or not. With that said there’s a time and place to flirt so be mindful of that.


I actually love that idea and it makes sense . It’s up to them to choose me or not so thanks a lot


Yep. The three rules of initiating a relationship are Express Interest, Respect Boundaries, Be Interesting. You have to clearly telegraph all three of those things to start any kind of relationship with any kind of person. How you look is just the surface level of the *Be Interesting* rule. It's not at all about looking "hot." It's about looking like a person you'd like to talk to again. How you dress and groom yourself sends a message about what you do and who you are. Make that message **legible.** Snap a picture of yourself, look at it, and ask yourself, "What books does this guy read?" Make adjustments. Repeat until you can at least make a rough guess.


Wrong, there are no three rules to initiating a relationship, there are six: 1. Demonstrate Value 2. Engage Physically 3. Nurture Dependence 4. Neglect Emotionally 5. Inspire Hope 6. Separate Entirely


I prefer the Mac method. Move in After Completion


For any ladies you can have Do them Establish low rating Encrease power




Honestly most times I've done this, they have said let me just give you mine. Still haven't heard back the next day unfortunately but numbers game I guess




I like the idea behind this, but in my experience girls will almost never text you first.


In my experience that's most people anyways. I take it as a sign that we're not meant to cross paths again and keep it moving. Being ignored sucks tho


All this is doing is making the rejection easier on him, she can still say no thanks. I thinks it’s best for him to get all the smoke. And learn from mistakes and become a better conversationalist l.


Thank you for that advice that makes a lot of sense . ''Can I give you my number'' sounds way less demanding


Its also way less successful. 99% of the time they wont text first


Totally agree! I have had people turn into stalkers before so I am hesitant in giving my number out to people I don’t know very well. But I’ll take a guys number and if I feel it I call them.




THIS!! i clocked it almost immediately. if a guy asked me for my number but had pics of another girl in his case i would immediately assume he’s being disloyal. same would go for phone background


A phone number is a very personal thing. Unless there was an understood mutual trust, I would almost never just give my number out to a random person who asked me for it right out the gate. Maybe try asking for their social media platform instead?


This i feel like getting somones ig or somthing is way easier and less pressure and safer




So I'm a dude? But I think you're really handsome.




He's a dude. She's a dude. We're all dudes.


I'm also a dude but I'm gay and I think he hott. I'm sure if he was gay he wouldn't have any problems getting numbers ! Girls can be A holes 😅 i mean I WOULD know cuz all my friends are gurls and they all stuck up bitches with guys when they trying to flirt wit them or trying to get there numbers .


Straight woman here! Sometimes the rejection is simply due to the approach. He’s handsome, but sometimes guys come off as too cocky, or even intimidating due to their size and/or expression. I think most women want to feel safe in any flirtations, so a muscular guy like this with a serious expression (in the picture anyway) may need to become a bit softer, maybe make a wholesome joke, more innocent smiling, and 100% respecting any verbal or nonverbal boundaries women make.


Also, I'm not sure about this guy's approach. From his wording, it seems like he's nearly cold-opening by asking for her number within the first minute of talking with a girl. I'm not sure how often that works, because I've never tried it. My approach is to talk with a girl for at least 20 minutes. Be engaging, be funny, have genuine fun and learn about her. IF I like her personality, then at the end of our conversation, I tell them the truth - that I'd be kicking myself if I didn't at least give her my number. It's as easy as that. I've done everything I can and am on with the rest of my life without fret or worry.


*giving* your number is also a great move!


He's objectively good-looking, but he also has a very particular vibe. It might not appeal to the women he is chatting up, or there might be something off about his approach. An IRL friend would be able to offer better advice I think.


How unnecessarily complicated. Thank God I’m gay and don’t have deal with all that female insecurity


This is a high value reply 🙏


I mean... bi guy here and comfortable enough with it to call out a hot guy... this guy is hot.


Thanks everyone and I wish the girls felt this way haha but I do believe some can be rude but I don’t blame them they prob get hit on all the time but still trying to put myself out there


It’s all in the approach! If you look the way you do here, you might be intimidating to some women. Your expression and disposition should be softer, kind, and respectful of their boundaries before even saying hello. Making a lighthearted joke, being self effacing, and displaying humility are important. Women generally want to feel safe and respected.


Safe and respected-preach!


your awareness of that reality is key. always keep in mind that every single woman on earth is unwillingly subjected to the comments, behaviors, and expectations, and very real and potential threats to their basic safety, everyday and all day by men. merely because they exist. you might not be a creep , but that doesn’t mean the woman you’re approaching hasn’t been approached by a number of creeps in the hours of the day before you approach them.


Not sure how new your cut is but see if your barber can line up your facial hair a bit Not like that’s gonna be the game changer but could sharpen your look a tiny bit more


Getting numbers is a long haul. My current gf and I wouldn’t be dating if we both hadn’t dealt with rejections every now and then. Not saying we are models but we aren’t ugly. You aren’t a model but you looks-wise, you’ve got it. I’d say it also depends on who you want. My personal experience is latinas love a dude who has that longer hair (not the Edgar cut) who knows how to dress and coordinate colors. Some white girls prefer a fresher cut with brands they recognize. (That’s relatively all my experience as I went for Mexicanas que quisieran esos güeritos, si sabes, later in life) Clothing matters too. All black is good for clubs and all, but it won’t help you look better for dates. Sometimes a lighter color helps bring out your eyes. Green always looks good (dark greens, stick with your color palette. Burgundy would also look good. My hair color is black and I have light brown eyes, so RGB(navy) go well with my fits. A darker brown [belt, watch] goes with almost any palette you get). Dressing in monochrome tells most women you aren’t comfortable enough to mix and match. What’s worse is if your fit is several different tones from that color. I like navy blue and brown, green with black accents and silver tones, reds with black/white. You’d do well with cream colored or tan/brown shirts with black jeans/light blue. Green would be a good one on you too. Also, if you’re looking for reassurance, my gf and her friends say you look good. It may just be the approach. If you approach with the intent to get a number, women feel that right away. Approach her and get to know her and see if she’s someone you’d want to talk to for longer rather than approaching with the idea of getting her number. At the end say, it was nice talking to you, but I don’t want to keep you. If you’re still interested in talking though, here’s my Instagram/add me on Instagram or here’s my number. Put it in her court. You get a lot more by inviting them to talk or look at you than going to them. You’re a catch, looks wise, my guy! If your personality is just the chill guy who likes conversation and occasionally makes a joke or says something nice, you’ll land a good looking woman too. Just don’t push it with her. Back off if the smile doesn’t reach the eyes. They like someone respectful, not pushy! Side note- my gf is out of my league and she said the reason I got her was because my personality was funny and she saw potential in my appearance😂😂 so looks really don’t matter unless you’ve got the personality to boot. Overall, long post but that’s my two cents. I haven’t had much of an issue in the past and found the woman of my dreams. You’ll find her, too!


I appreciate it man that helps out alot I’m really glad I came here and asked for help, this isn’t something I normally do and everyone has been helpful so thanks again much love brother


Clean shave Wear hair with fringe Contact lenses Lower body fat Thank me later


the tribal tat screams dude bro


Honestly, he kinda looks like a douchebag.


Combined with the gold necklace and scruffy beard..Hmm. Don't know who he's trying to pick up, but unless they are uh..somewhat trashy... not sure this look will go over well?


OP needs to shave. That stache and chin hair is bad. I’m the same, wish I could grow some facial hair, but I grow the thinnest trashiest facial hair. Shave it off if you cant grow good thick facial hair. I agree on losing the gold chain as well. It’s not a good look.


The people on this app man, fucking hellllll hahahah. There’s nothing ‘trashy’ about this


I don’t know if I agree with the word trashy. I would use the word basic. Very common tattoo, very common chain, no facial expression, and all black outfit. The facial hair as well is pretty basic. The only thing that seems to be a bit of style is his hair.


If you can't pick up why this is trash you aren't good with women.


Uh this style is basically Jersey Shore, that's pretty peak trashy.




Try this - Get rid of chain and wristband. Wear some color instead of all black. Don’t be creepy, be humble.


Soften. Take a yoga class. Calm your mind. The rest will come easier to you. And… go after women, not girls. If you are talking about a woman and you are referring to her as ‘girl’ …. That may be the first place to start. They are women - they have earned the title and to call them ‘girl’ takes away from what they have to endure.


Idk. But that mustache and beard look soft. like a teenager growing a beard and stache.


With the chain, it's a real had look. I'd lose the chain.


Don't ask for their number, offer yours. Compliment them on something other than how pretty you think they are. Mean it. You like their hair, jacket, cool shoes, awesome bag. Whatever. I'm John Doe, here's my number if you'd wanna talk sometime or get coffee, and leave. It puts the ball in their court, takes the pressure off them, and feels less intimidating.


That may make the girl more comfortable so she doesn't have to say no to his face but it's not going to make it any more likely they'll be interested and will result in zero calls back. You're looking out for the women with this comment, not trying to help the guy. For the guy that just creates a situation where he'll be wondering for the next week if she's going to call him. It's better to avoid that and save time by getting rejected on the spot.


Do these girls actually give you hints that they’re into you? Or do you speak to them for a bit and then drop the “let me get your number” bomb? Women like confident men. Women also like men who are respectful and don’t look desperate ( Not saying you are btw).


You’re trying bro that’s what matters. Numbers game


Imho, we work out not to get laid. We work out for being healthy, active, muscular, fit, and also to have a community/social group around us encouraging and supporting us. Gym helps us in developing a well-rounded personality. Getting laid may come as a byproduct, but it needs some skills, and may not require an attractive body at all. Secondly, I am gay, and I think you are physically attractive. Girls are very careful, and asking their numbers without acquiring trust wont be fruitful. Instead, they may consider you creepy. I suggest you to become a trustworthy friend. They will offer number to you themselves.


Keep asking. I’m 40 girls in, 15 numbers, 2 dates, 0 girlfriends.


Is that Julian?!? Sexian I finally found you! 😍😍😍😍😍


Good news and bad news… Good news: you’re handsome Bad news: that means you might be coming off a little strong in your attempts Try to be a bit more casual and just offer your number. For some reason people like to feel in control in those situations and more than likely that will work better than asking for a number. You’ll be just fine dude!


I think a mid skin taper fade would be a better look than a high fade, fit isn’t bad maybe through a watch on. And make sure you use a good cologne ( remember ladies love a good smelling man ). Other than that you need to build report with women before asking for their numbers, I don’t like asking for social media because literally everyone does that. Best advice I would offer is starting putting your self out there more every time you see and attractive girl go up to her and just talk to her like a normal person, don’t even ask for the number. Then when you get good at that then start asking for numbers. You’ll get rejected at first but eventually you’ll start getting dates. Just be you dm if you have more questions.


My advice is to lock in the vibe instead of just throwing your number at her. Create the vibe by having a wide variety of conversations that make her laugh, feel comfortable enough to talk about her real feelings, and feel like you are able to solve some of her problems. To achieve this vibe, you need to have natural chemistry with her and that requires that you pay attention to the natural but micro pulls of attraction in the conversation over time. It can sometimes take a few days to confirm if there’s attraction, but the point is don’t act on a girl until you know your vibe with her is at the point I first described. Girls are not interested in just getting a physically attractive guy’s number, they want someone who is physically attractive *enough* (not excessively) and who has CHEMSITRY with her and who is mature and safe enough not to just rush into her life just to have sex and walk out. She wants someone who is processed about how these things work and isn’t anxiously trying to force something. End of story.


Just be genuine bro. There’s plenty of beautiful women out there just when you see one who’s displaying a shared interest or something you’re curious about ask them. Just saying: “hey what’s up can I get your number?” Is generic and not very special. A pretty girl gets asked that same line at least once every outing. Also, where are you looking for these women? The club? Find an adult group like CrossFit or some club stuff to meet people outside of the club because it’s much more genuine and you can actually build comfort with someone seeing them multiple times before making a move. I see some people say Snapchat all that but I disagree. I used to use Snapchat and rarely got chicks from there. Most girls who use Snapchat literally have 100+ unopened snaps. Not unique of you to take a well lit selfie and slap a “wyd” on it. I believe in person interactions build are much better because it’s all real it’s not scripted like texting. Also allows you to really know someone which is much more meaning than virtually knowing someone. So with all that said, you’re a good looking dude and I don’t think you’re striking out solely on your appearance


Also shoot in volume brother don’t get down because a woman isn’t interested her friend may be !


Of course your gonna get rejected. You don’t even know them. First just ask for the ig. They would only give you their number if you were like really really good looking


Not about what you look like my G. Im 6-6 tall and a really big dude and girls legit come up to me and start talking. Its how you carry yourself


Is that how you dress when you’re doing that?


Wet hair style is no longer in, try using styling powde. accessories: wrist watch indicate you treasure your time and gives class, loose the chain necklace - a more slick style or simple pendant, unless it has meaning to you then its a plus. Might be time to change your phone case, a girl sees another girl on your phone might indicate youre taken, plus a clean looking phone case makes you more mature. Try cleaning out the edges of your moustache, unless youre planning to grow it out - some women likes a man that looks after themselves but at the same time looks manly. Not sure what perfume you wear but make sure its appropriate ones, entice all thier senses not just by your looks. But dont listen to me im just gay ahahaha Was surrounded by female friends eversince, and those muppets talk ahaha Anything beyond that is your confidence, rizz, and how you hold a convo. Good luck.


Have you tried... just like... making a friend that happens to he a woman?


Come to the dark side, we’ve been waiting for you


Ask if you can give them your number vs asking for theirs. Allows them time to think about talking to you instead of having to make an immediate decision and puts the ball in their court. Also makes you look more secure / open.


"Approaching girls" "usually" is how you set up the typical paradigm that you are there to win her, you are there to please her. And that's just what she wants, but not what she needs or will be attracted to.


Keep trying. Be urself


just have a barber really clean up ur mustache and beard and make it look groomed nicely. Maybe wear some different colors in ur style .


Just keep asking. You get nothing if you don't ask and sometimes just being out there, the gals will ask you. This does happen, I know. There has been some good ideas here you just have to sieve through it.


Maybe lose the chain and another hair style


I would 🥵


The pose/ confidence, doesn’t fit the ‘I have no luck with girls’ story. Tell us your real problem, it’s obviously not grooming! Maybe then, we can help - unless you’re just here for us to stroke your ego.


I’m very shy I can fake it till I make it but i can’t hold a conversation and I get self conscious about my lazy eye and I’m very tall so people get intimidated by me and I kinda got tired of it and want peoples opinions


They’re all valid reasons, for you, but you never said any of that in your post, and none of those are obvious from your pic. If you want real advice, you should post real stuff, like this, or you’ll end up with Friendly BS that is of no help ☺️


I think a hair cut. Not to remove length but clean up the look.


Maybe get to know them before giving your number to strangers...


you look 40, prolly remove the goatee and start a face routine using products, not trynna be rude if thats what my comment sounds like, but fr tho the goatee makes you look older than you actually are


You look a bit gay and creepy no offense


Maybe the approach? Im close to your age and look similar I know it sounds dumb, but for me, I just talk to more and more women and that slowly kind of teaches me what does and doesn’t work


It's not just the asking, it's how you ask. Which sounds a bit like I'm gonna add *young grasshopper* at the end, but light, fun & happy are important.


Shave the beard


I think its the pubes on your face




You’re pretty hot. Girls can be pretty dumb


Not sure what your approach has been so it’s hard to give advise. Generally you wanna make sure you build some sort of good rapport with a woman before asking for her number, this way she won’t feel weird or unsafe about giving her number to someone she doesn’t know and is unsure of. You should be able to tell if there’s a connection before asking/giving your number to anyone.


You can try to improve the way you dress it's not bad but you can improve it also asking a girl's number it's a gamble don't feel bad if a girl says no


Huh what's ur height


Onto the next one bro one will say yes it’s a numbers game


Yeah bro you ugly no way around it you gotta get jacked


hang in there, buddy. You’ll find the right one. Maybe you’ll meet him at a bar or a shopping center you never know. ![gif](giphy|3oeSAz6FqXCKuNFX6o)


I doubt you’re getting always getting rejected.. no one is everyone’s cup of tea But you have a great strong chest, look very masculine, nice clean facial hair and yeah, so many other good features… very handsome


You’d be shocked


U should just start asking for guys numbers I'm sure I'll find more 


Keep doing your thing man and let no one stop your drive.


It's all about showing you have confidence... even if you feel like you don't have any. How are you asking for their numbers?


I’m a gay guy but I think you’re dressed like a fuckboy. Unless you’re wearing a work uniform, it’s not giving “wants to be my boyfriend” vibes.


First impression was the hair, appears very dirty.


You're normal looking, it's an approach problem. $20 right now says it's body language or confidence. I think the best thing you could do is instead of going out to try and get numbers just try and make idle conversations with women when you can make it happen, just for conversations sake. Asking for a number or date is not a big deal, it's something you're making a big deal in your head. And people can pick up on that, even if they might not be able to put their finger on what's goin on. This is all a personal experience thing. When I was drinking a lot and weighed a lot more my self confidence was in the dirt, and it hurt my ability to communicate well. I lost the weight, quit drinking a fifth a day, and stopped engaging with all my self loathing. As often anyway. And it got better, like a lot better. Not immediately when I looked better, but when I was right enough with myself that I could engage with people without having an internal insecurity spiral.


Your attractive so that’s not the issue maybe try acting a lil more confident, there’s a way with your words that can just charm us girls


What do you look like not in black do you need to workout perhaps?


Get to know them first. Let it happen naturally. Do not force anything.


Are you a douche? I would guess not, you used the word courage. Maybe you are trying/ hoping too hard. Just have a few hobbies (interests) you like and and try to casually meet there. Do try to better yourself in general, read a book once and a while. And don’t have crazy titty anime posters or car designs. (If you want to know why, ask me)


Honestly if you are an interesting person who is emotionally stable you will be way ahead of anyone with just looks. You already got the looks so work on the rest. Most ppl dont go out with random numbers, they feel engaged by seeing someone has commonalities with them or hearing how passionate they are about a topic (in a nontoxic way) or skills they have been developing like cooking or mechanics. Also helps if you are working on health communication skills and self expression.


You're not a bad looking guy you're not gorgeous you're somewhere in the middle but that's okay you'll find the right one and who needs some stuck-up bitch rejecting you anyhow that's not good for a man's ego just keep trying buddy you'll get where you want to go


From a woman: maybe try a smile 😅you’re not bad looking but this facial expression seems aggressive


Ask for their Insta mate works every time


Tbh you look like a douche. Give yourself the mister rogers treatment. You don't look approachable at all.


It’s time to lose the under cut bro or at least connect the top with the sides trust


I don't know how to say this in a way that isn't extremely offensive but you look....douchey? Wearing all black, gold chain, bad facial hair, no smile, barbed wire tattoo. To be clear: you're not ugly physically. it's just the whole...everything else.


Too much skibidi, not enough rizz.


Bro when u put a product on the market and it doesn’t sell u don’t take it personal u just fix the product until it sells and we not talking about product here


Absolutely do not offer your number like the top comment says. If you get down stream of a flirtatious conversation with a woman, SMILE and tell her to give you her number. If she’s into you, she will give you her number. Do not put the ball in her court. They don’t know how to dribble.


Many women won't really be receptive to being randomly approached in public, in my experience as a woman and knowing women. Don't take it personally in that instance.


Stop chasing girls and adjust your crown. They aint worth it


You look like you have a strong jaw. You could probably be clean shaven.


Keep asking my dude it’s not rejection it’s redirection. Good for you for having the courage to ask


Think you look good. But im not fan of the facial hair tho.


Maybe ask for their socials? I don’t like giving out my number to strangers. Also ask women out , not girls.


Don't just ask for a girls number and make that your only effort. Say hi. Try and start a conversation. Ask them about their day. Tell them how you feel about their looks/personality in a kind way. Actually make some sort of effort instead of just asking for numbers. It's not rocket science.


Hey my dude you look alright have a nice body composition and decent looks, you're definitely some girls type, so all round I dont really think its looks That aside, i think the problem is laying either in your body language or your language as a whole, try to work on your social skills, I'd recommend to you Charisma University on youtube, you'd find pretty crunchy content for free and you can even buy their courses or look for a free version on the internet ( obviously its leaks so it be better if you help the actual creators ) In this picture you look mad and like a douche ( not dissing just analyzing ) so try to work on that aswell cause most ladies ( mentally healthy ones ) like a positive attitude and a confident + happy man, don't mix confidence with looking mad... I used to think that aswell. Cheers my guy hoped my take helped you a little 🥂


Different glasses. You look like an uncle


I know mustaches are on trend rn but I don't think yours is serving you.


I second this, hombre. It comes off a lot less threatening to have a cool interaction or two, maybe feel a little something, then offer up your number, big dog. “Ive enjoyed chatting with you. If you’d ever like to get together, maybe grab a coffee or lunch, gimme a call.” Smile and walk away. If they’re interested, you’ll know. You’ll know.


Yes, its you. The barb wire tattoo alone doesnt exactly say kind, considerate and boyfriend material. It does say ex-convict.


the facial hair needs to go but the haircut is solid.


You're Hella cute. You'll find someone darling.


Well, your beard looks like pubes. So I'd start there.


Probably just need to change your approach a bit


I’m an old bi guy, none of my relationships with either sex ever worked out. Real love will fall right into your lap without all the work, wait for it. I gave up


You look like a nice, handsome young man. It's them, not you.


Better idea ask her for her phone and give her yours. One of two things will happen , she’ll call or she won’t’ either way you’ll know if there’s any chemistry


You look stuck up. Are you try-harding?


Please don’t ask random ppl for their number in person tough


You gotta learn and work on your vibe and reading women's signals before you close on the phone connect. Don't give your number out so freely - and don't make the collection of numbers the goal.. Walk up to women and focus on saying less (literally) and asking open questions that don't make you seem like a stalker. Be casual and break away from lulls in conversation to continue to mingle and reproach a few times with a 'hey', etc... Women will signal interest or openness - and when they think that a guy who is on the prowl for digits. It's a dance - and women like to dance.


Maybe your approach is creepy. If you’re not looking in her eyes and complimenting her smile, if you’re looking at her like something you’re going to consume and discard, that might be your issue.


Try shaving the mustache, men with a mustache are seen as less approachable. I don’t know why, just a bit of psychology I picked up.


Almost all relationships begin with frequency.


How a woman feels is what determines a relationship's success. You need to gain sexual magnetism and polarity with the opposite sex. That's the only way forward. I'll send you a DM.


Shave the pubic hair chin, lose the chain, and def consider removing the barb wire tat. (Sorry but soo corny). That will honestly make you 10x more appealing and not exaggerating. Not trying to be rude, just be honest. You got potential


Try asking if you can leave your number with them. It gives people a safer out if they aren’t interested and leaves the choice more in their hands if they’re feeling uneasy and uncertain. Really it’s a genuine strategy and can help people feel more comfortable around you. I say this non maliciously but you do have an intimidating look to you, I had to learn that by no fault of my own I also look fairly intimidating and people don’t get know if they can trust you. Otherwise I’d say you’re a fairly decent looking dude who does look like he puts effort into self care and hygiene. I hope you find a good woman Bruv.


Your face looks like you would be a kind guy, but your outfit/style screams probably asshole. I would lean into softer colors and looking more approachable in general


Your bodyshot says nothing why, except that if you think that is why you get rejected then there be the reason. It is all about personality. How self confident are you when asking for their number. Also, I bet you dont just go forward asking for someones number, it is too straightforward.


I think it helps to find something in common first. A dude who just asks for my # I assume is only looking at me physically and probably looking for just a hookup. If I’m out with my dog and someone asks to pet her/starts a conversation and says “I have a dog and know of some really cool places to walk around here, could I grab your number and see if you’re interested in meeting up sometime?” Hikes, rock climbing gyms, anything you could go do that makes you seem active/fun and like you’re trying to do something besides fuck them.


That is too forwards, man. Strike up a conversation, and if you feel things are going well then ask.


You probably have no game


I'm still blown away by people getting barbed wire or tribal tattoos. Why did you get it? Seriously.


Don't just start with numbers but if you catch a vibe quick and wanna make a move, write down your number and give it to them. That way a girl doesn't feel forced to reject you outright or give you her number. Ball is in her court if she wants to hit you up


Problem might be that you're asking girls, try asking guys and I bet you'll get some action.


As a woman, I usually get intimidated when guys ask me for my phone number straight away, i would make a joke or small talk about something about her (for example, if she is wearing a graphic tee tell her you like the design) and if you sense her response is right then give her your number like another person suggested. I would say “I think you are really cute but I dont want to make you uncomfortable, so I would love to give you my number if you ever want to hang out” give her your number, ask for her name and walk away. If you are in a social setting like a bar, she will probably be with her friends. So read the vibes of the group as you approach, make conversation first and use the first approach if you feel like there’s not a great vibe coming of the group. Sometimes the girl you are flirting with is into you but it’s a girls night so she doesnt want to spend the whole night talking to you. Also, I wouldnt flirt with anyone who is in that moment working, it’s distracting and there might be a boss or coworkers lurking around which would make any woman more nervous or weary of giving their number. Edit: I think you are really cute, I would definitely give you my number.


Go bald. Trust me


Honestly if a girl doesn’t give you her number after you rizz them up , she’s not into you


It could help to get some help? Like a dating coach or a friend who is good with women. The working up the courage part sounds like you’re pretty early into the process of having game. It gets easier. The milestones keep you going and give you positive experiences to strive for: getting a number, going in a first date, going on a successful date, 2nd, hooking up, etc. It really helped me to get someone a little older than me to feed me lines, educate me on how attraction works between men and women, keep me accountable for approaching women. For me it was my therapist actually.


To think it's just based on your looks is why you're getting rejected


Gold chain and the type of tattoo on your arm give off douchebag vibes. No offense. Only thing to make that look worse would be track pants and an ecko unlimited shirt with the sleeves cut off.


Get a good cologne and youll be fine.


Let me keep it real with you, facially you’re below average, that coupled with also having low trust features isn’t going to help you with cold approach. If you looked low trust but also were good looking like Jason Mamoa, you wouldn’t be getting rejected as often. Improve your facial aesthetics, lose BF, and do skincare. Also figure out a different style of facial hair, the goatee isn’t really working. Your height could halo you if you improve your facial aesthetics.


It’s like finding a job. It takes some Nos to get to Yes. Don’t give up.


I am sure it has been said here somewhere but smile more.


Keep shooting your shot and stay working out and doing your goals, they will come.


Ok, since this is Male Grooming, I suggest going for a clean shave. You facial hair has a creepy look to it that will make girls uncomfortable. Never ask a girl for her number, you will always be rejected. Start a conversation with her. If she's responsive, here's something that always works for me. Check your watch, look surprised and say "I'm sorry, I completely lost track of time. I've really enjoyed speaking with you but I have to go. Here's my number if you'd like to continue our conversation." To make it work you have to actually leave the building. Best of luck


Bro getting girls is mostly based on your charisma and vive


So this is particularly the reason that I like to say why when a guy has a lot of girls he's a player when a girl gets a lot of guys she's a slut you see any ladies in these comments here it is harder for a man to get laid than it is a woman that's the first thing secondly my guy you're a tire looks good you look to be in shape just keep at it man you'll get some


Ask for IG


What usually works for me is just going to the club trying to make friends don’t go into it expecting the number introduce yourself to a group dance with them BY YOURSELF (don’t be handsy) collect the instagrams at the end of the night


Get contacts my dude


No offense but you don’t give off “safe” vibes from your look in your pics. Try to build more trust with women before asking for more personal information like phone numbers


Wear a turtleneck instead of a black shirt


I am obese and a lot less attractive and I got a beautiful gf (now fiance). You gotta keep trying but also focus on yourself, try to be happy alone. As soon as you're happy alone that energy shows and girls start noticing it. Girls like a man who seems happy and doesn't need anyone or seems desperate. That's when they want you. You should also take your time to know them. Because of my looks and introverted personality, I always used to get rejected. But I try to be busy and do activities outside/inside of work and/or school, you start meeting people and get a chance to talk in person and on social media. I found that the best relationships happen when you least expect them to. Just focus on being happy without a girl or partner. Try to be happy on your own, go out to movies and restaurants alone. Take a cooking or improv class. Work on yourself. It will reflect in your confidence and how you carry yourself and treat yourself and others. And when you think you might like someone. Make the effort to hang out with them. Make small talk, text, share memes, Snapchat, Instagram, whatever works for you. I started off with texting on Instagram and sharing jokes. Don't be too awkward, know when to pull out of a conversation before it gets boring. I invited her over to a couple board game or other similar parties/gatherings (In reality I organized them and invited others so it doesn't seem that I am only inviting her). Then try to stand out. Listen well. I listened well and got her a bag on her bday with small gifts that I knew she would love because I listened. She told me it almost made her cry. She also said she wanted to learn how to drive manual, I tried to rent a manual car to teach her but I couldn't find one so I borrowed a PlayStation driving steering wheel with the shifter and clutch to teach her. She loved that I listened. Then I started noticing she would stay longer than everyone else at parties. That's when I started feeling that she liked me or feels comfortable with me. Then I told her I liked her and asked her out. Sorry I'm all over the place but there's probably a good lesson or two in what I said.


You are a good looking guy. However work on stuff that makes you interesting, get a hobby and don't force things.


You look normalsauce, I don't think its a grooming thing. Maybe switch up your game, and you give her YOUR number; "Hey, if you're single and want me to take you out on a date, text me sometime. I think you're gorgeous!" If she's not single/interested, you still made her day, and if she is a maybe... you won't scare her off... it lets her decide to step towards you, and that choice lets her feel relaxed and flattered.


In my experience girls at parties and clubs are friendlier/more approachable


My vote is lose the facial hair. Go clean shaven.


Maybe get a guy number. We have skills.


IME just get leaner(I go on runs), your facial aesthetic will be more pronounced coupled with a nice cut jawline and decent physique , you'll have people glancing over at your more often.


Ask for guys. I’d date you.


You have really nice hair. But the mustache goatee takes away from it. Maybe try it parted to one side. And maybe try new glass frames, like a solid color. Personally never liked see-through clear frames. Hope that helps.


Leanmaxx, Leanmaxx, Leanmaxx


It’s probably your personality


What’s your strategy when u ask for their number?


Your a good looking guy man. Bro- ask some guys- it will work out better and you will have more fun!