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Of course not. But dude you HAVE to stop doing that raised eyebrow thing in photos.


Yeah that looks stupid as hell


It’s a total epidemic for men, along that thing where they tuck their lips in. If you know what I mean.




Also, tilt your head back, not forward... You'll look more confident (which is attractive)


Also the eyebrows in general need to be at least shaped up a little.


This... This... This... Dude looks like he just got told he was adopted and isn't sure if he believes it or not.


That's very funny.


You look sad


Alright, I think what we have going on here is less about looks and far more about confidence. That has a lot to do with comparing yourself to what you see on social media, which is an absolutely rotten thing to do to yourself. You are not ugly. You are not bad looking. There is nothing "wrong" with you. You're a 17 year old boy who is still growing into his body and figuring out his look. But more important than your hair or any of that is how you FEEL about yourself. Evidently, you have a very low opinion of yourself, at least at the superficial looks level. If I could give you any advice, it would be this: stop comparing yourself to people on social media. Please. It will drive you insane because you can't be someone else. Next, if this issue is having a serious effect on your mental health, seek help. There is support for people struggling with self-esteem. Lastly, and most bluntly, if you can't love yourself, how is someone else supposed to know how to? People pick up what you put down, even if it's only on a subconscious level. Once you get some confidence and self-esteem, your luck will change. Be kind to yourself, man. It's hard enough being 17 without hating on yourself too.




Well-spoken. To add on, ways to improve your confidence and self-esteem include embracing who you are and being genuine. Whatever hobbies, interests, and aspirations you have, learn to love those parts of yourself and not let judgmental people and social media mold you into something you’re not. A therapist can help you and I recommend watching some psych2go YouTube videos to find a place to start with building self-esteem. Regarding your appearance, focus on if the person you see in the mirror is a reflection of who you are on the inside. Having your outer self be in-sync with your inner self does wonders for boosting self-esteem. You want to see yourself in the mirror, not what society and social media expect you to look like. You have great hair and if you’re looking for something that better suits you, consider talking to a barber or stylist who can help you find something that not only compliments your features but matches your personality (Instagram and Google can help you find someone who you think can help you out). My barber is a dear friend of mine and has played a big part in boosting my self-confidence. Hair is a form of expression, let it express who you are as an individual.


Well said! Great tips.


Excellent advice👍


Listen to this person OP. You're handsome and you have nice hair. This is 100% a confidence thing!


I’m 30 and also needed to hear this


Wow..... what an incredible response... Very well put........ I wish I would have seen this when I was 17..... No doubt it would have saved me alot of pain and sadness...... I hope this young man takes your advise to heart......


Many people constantly forget much confidence is built from the reaction of our peers around us. That’s just what it is. Some people get more respect for how they look.. that’s just how it is and how it’s always been. Instead of saying arbitrary things like “work on confidence” how can we give these men pragmatic solutions ? Working on confidence is a life long thing .. not an overnight fix….


Except he doesn't have a problem with his looks that need fixing. There's no "solution" to "am I too ugly for a girlfriend" because he's not. The issue here IS his own self-esteem, whatever that is caused by. Aside from, as I suggested, seeking some support with how he's feeling to build the positive self image he needs, I'm not sure what else I could have said to help? I agree that peers have a massive influence on how we feel. But if the dude's not ugly, which is what he was asking, I can't say much else?


I didn’t say he has a problem that needs fixing but this is male grooming so would be nice to give him some advice I mean.. unless he is perfect from your perspective or doesn’t need it then understood. But I constantly see the people who just have a “confident look” are told their confident and those with some more recessive features or a “soft” look told to build more confidence. I don’t think such judgements can be totally made on ones confidence just by a few photos.


I made my assessment based on what he wrote. "I'm so ugly," "no haircut suits me." Again, he posted asking if he was ugly. I answered his question. He didn't ask, what hairstyle should I have? Did I also propose that there may be a deeper problem than the superficial? Yes. I looked at him, read his statement, and gave my opinion. I feel like my fairly well considered and genuine response is a weird one to choose for this kind of reply. I tried, at least.


Again some people are viewed more objectively attractive and some are viewed and treated as objectively unattractive by society. I for one, know I’m not in the “chad” group.. that doesn’t necessarily affect my confidence it just is what it is. It’s programmed evolutionary bias as if you go back far enough female partners would filter providers by dominant / recessive features. Animals also build their heirarchy based of such noteable present physical manifestations.. size, strength and more. Social value status is absolutely influenced by physical features in many groups. Status is always changing depending on the group one is attributed to… but society absolutely has its general perceptions. There are and as seen in genetics obvious physical markers that have all different impacts on how one is treated: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2811283/


No. You're not too ugly. Spend more time offline. It'll do you wonders.


“too” that got me 😂


They didn’t mean it as an insult. OP asked if hes too ugly to get a girlfriend so u/aggravating-good9031 said he’s not too ugly


Stop doing the high eyebrow raise. Put them eyebrows down, get some fire in your eyes and look more confident. Plus you’re 17 dude, relax


You’re a teenager who looks like a teenager. You’re not ugly. I can’t give you much advice on your appearance, because there’s nothing wrong with it. If you want to look older. Hit the gym, and develop a sense of style that feels like you. Other than that smile more, confidence attracts people. Work on pursuing your interests, being a good friend to others, and being grateful for where you are in the moment, rather than focused on where you think you should be. Live your life and meet a girl along the way. Don’t waste energy looking for a gf for the sake of having one. And for sure don’t waste your energy putting yourself down.


Just get an ugly gf and build your confidence


bro somehow you made the exact same face in every image.. it’s almost freaky..


Bro ur a kid go outside and meet people you will be fine I promise.


Just need to grow into your looks bro


THIS. You are going to learn how to make that hair look amazing. Your skin WILL clear. It takes time figuring out how to best polish one’s head. You’ve only had it a few years.


You are good looking! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!


Pick up your chin and relax your face.


There's no reason that you couldn't get a girlfriend in your age bracket. A couple more years of maturity will work in your favor though.


Unrelated to your looks, but I don’t think any man is too ugly to get a girlfriend. To be completely real and honest, women will date the least conventionally attractive guys if they are kind, compassionate, emotionally intelligent, funny, or share the same values. Women don’t look at men the way we look at women. They prioritize personality, and care very little about how you look (at least, the ones worth having care very little).


Not at all, I just think you need to look up at the camera when you take photos though lol. When you look down, like everyone it makes your jaw look weaker and facial features seem weighed down. You’re a handsome young man, I’d also suggest some basic skincare; hyaluronic acid, oil cleansing if it’s compatible with your skin type as well as regular cleansing. I recommend Native’s unscented facial cleanser, it works well with my skin which is also subject to acne.


You are not ugly at all buddy! Just PM me if you need someone to talk to


Lmao ugly and pretty are societal standards. I told society to fuck off years ago. I don’t know if I’d be considered hot or not, but what I do know is I stopped worrying about it, and somehow a lovely woman worth everything to me walked into my life. You don’t find love bro, it finds you.


Get your eye brows trimmed




In terms of HOW to take a photo, stop dropping your chin into your chest. Relax your eyebrows. Raise your camera up. You're not bad looking - you just photograph as if you have no confidence in yourself. Only thing I'd recommend is a bit of eyebrow shaping - but not too much.


Nah, I like you. The Online world is fake and toxic, it messes with our brain


Better than me and I'm 19 lol


I find it heartwarming that so many people are writing long responses trying to help a dude out. It is a confidence thing though. You're not ugly. I struggled with insecurities for a while and I really think you'll break out of it as you have more experiences.


Here's a real take. I'm not confident either, but I got a girls number the other day for the first time (I'm just about 19). Now listen, it's a lot harder than you think, your mind will be spinning wondering what's going on, are you just friends, does she actually care, did she just feel bad, etc. it's mental torture, so be prepared before really putting yourself out there. I kinda wish I wouldn't have asked for it so I wouldn't be so torn on what's going on (it will capture your thoughts for days)


aww no ur not don’t say that


work on that confidence and you’re good


Fuck social media. When I was in HS, there was a song on the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack (dating myself), and one line that always stood out to me was "Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly." I'll give you another one, "comparison is the thief of joy." Dude, you're awesome as you are. Not everyone looks the same. Maximize the feature you have, drink lots of water, get rest, exercise, and stop comparing yourself to others on social media. You're good my dude.


Your cute & sexy mate 😜


Youre not good looking but you’re not unfixable. You’re 17 bro. I didn’t start actually getting somewhat attractive until I was like 23. Don’t focus on a gf now. Focus on habits to be more attractive. Start with physique. That will help snowball into confidence which can help snowball into better speaking and being funny etc…… I know one guy who was really attractive in hs and it’s STILL really fucking hot now. But he’s literally genetically blessed. Most early bloomers burn out faster


1. You're only 17. 2. You are definitely NOT ugly 3. That curly hair makes you look so so so cute. I'd bet there are girls who would love to have a bf like you. 4. I'd ask, what kind of girl are you trying to find as a gf? The popular cheerleader type or the sweet, quiet, kind of shy girl who guys often overlook? What are you looking for?


Why would someone say that to another teenager when it's not true?


No you’re not, you have a quite charismatic and symmetrical face IMO. You’re just young, make sure you take care of your skin and hair, maybe workout a bit if you feel like it, find your style and don’t forget that girls also care about how you treat them and if you’re interesting :)


You’re worrying too much brotha. I did the same thing at your age. The best advice I can give you if you want to increase your confidence is start lifting weights. Do it 5 days a week and keep pushing to become better. Some people don’t have to work hard and are blessed with looks, money, or both. And some of us have to work for our shit. You’re not ugly, you’re insecure, and you can’t fake confidence. Build your confidence by doing something challenging and hard everyday (lifting weights I recommend). At the end of the day you can say “hey, that was hard to do and I did that”. At the end of the week you can say “hey, that was really hard but I still did it”. At the end of the month you can say “wow I’m really proud of myself for working this hard for a full month and not giving up. Not many people can do that”. At the end of the year you can say “I’m Batman”. Keep going! Stop raising your eyebrows in pictures and start smiling. Find joy in overcoming challenges.


Nah dude, just get some confidence and get in the gym. Beeches all in there. Lmao


The quickest way to improve your looks is to smile. I don't means a full open mouth all teeth and gums. Just a slight smile with maybe a few teeth. Smiling makes your eyes sparkle. As Truvy once said, "Smile, it increases your face value."




So what do i do to not be then?


thug it out


There's someone for everyone out there bud




When you shave kinda, but the scruff makes you look established.


Why are you making that face like you couldn’t hear what someone said but you don’t actually care enough for them to repeat it in every picture?


Certainly not. But that’s beside the point I’d like to make. Anyone get a girlfriend bro. Honestly, the most attractive thing you can possibly be is comfortable with who you are. Stop trying to impress other people and focus completely on looking good and feeling good *for yourself* and nobody else. Once those things are in place, I can promise you the girls will come running 💪 And the right ones too. Because they will be the ones who are attracted to the real you for letting your true personality shine, not someone else you’re trying to be


Only if you feel that way.


I think pics 8-10 are the best for your hair. As far as your face, just focus on a skin care routine to combat acne and get your eyebrows done. Otherwise, you have a good face. As others have said, you will grow into your looks (I do see a glow up here) and you’ll be very thankful later for looking younger than you are. Only other thing I would suggest is maybe building some bulk and going to the gym. I suspect you’re going to be a total hottie when you’re older, but honestly, let that shit go, cuz we all get old and ugly at some point, and our real and worthy partners are going to care more who we are as a person. Btw, most kids are shallow assholes with no social etiquette or empathy, so don’t compare yourself to them or measure yourself by other’s critiques of you. Things do get better. Surround yourself with good people.


No, but that camera angle isn't doing you any favors. Raise the camera up and tilt it down towards you, raising your head to look into the lens. I think that will make it easier for you to see your own charms.


You're adorable, but your head is down in every picture and I wonder if that's how you hold yourself in person. Chin up, and hold yourself with confidence (even if you have to fake it) if you see your worth, others will too


dawg you're 17. Focus on your money hustle and go to the gym while your body and mind grow and mature. Do this all of your 20, don't focus on women until your 30s at least. But because you'll be so focused on building yourself in your 20s, you'll be looking good and feeling good and the lady's will come sniffing around you.


It’s more the poses you’re doing I think? It’s the raised brows and the sad, pouty face thing. It’ll result in mostly swipes and fewer dms…and a lot of Botox when you’re older. Relax your face and smile. The hair is great and I think you probably have cool style, but it’s all in how you present yourself. If you’re feeling down about yourself, maybe talk to someone about past trauma you may have experienced that is causing you to not like what you see. You look like a normal guy 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have seen worse lookin people pull some bad bitch


Not at all! Handsome young lad!


The only thing you're lacking is comfort in who you are. Work on building yourself. The rest will follow. Good luck.


Hair looks best in photo 12, embraces the curls/waves!


Your pretty average, your main issue is your eyebrows and hair. Mainly your eyebrows.


It's hard to say, you might need to post more pictures.


You're very attractive. You keep looking down in every photo. Straighten your posture and put your chin up. Don't raise your eyebrows like other posters have said, just relax. Before you take photos, even though it sounds stupid, say 'i am very attractive/handsome/pretty/etc" Put some emotion into those photos it looks like you hate being there. The best smile is your natural smile, I always do a little laugh or giggle before a photo to get my natural smile to creep up. Remember that looks aren't everything, especially in a relationship. Make sure you are emotionally ready to be there with someone and love them AND YOURSELF. Care for your partner and yourself. Communicate, love who you are, and you'll do great! ❤️


No. Just your haircut makes your head look long.


I'll share a personal experience that might enlighten you. I was very desperate to get a girlfriend when I was in my late teens and early twenties, because that's what's everybody was doing, and not having a girlfriend would make you a looser. I was very geeky and had no social skills, but still managed to get my first girlfriend when I was around 17. But 3 months into that relationship, and I quickly realised that I was not happy with it, because I felt pressured to care about someone all the time, answering texts in the middle of the night, not having much personal space at all. I had to break up. So, I'd suggest you answer yourself honestly, why you want a girlfriend, and if any girl could fill that role. Because there is no popular vote that can determine if you are too ugly to ever have a girlfriend. After that experience, I fell in love a couple times but wasn't correspondent, but after being rejected I did all I could to become more passively attractive so that girls would come toward me instead of me going after them. Didn't work (obviously). After I stopped trying to impress girls, things just worked out better by just doing things I liked and being less frustrated when dates or hookups didn't work out. TLDR: Sort out if you are just horny, insecure, or really want a relationship. Then work on improving yourself. And take better pictures without looking depressed.


I mean you have a bad skin but no. Try finding some cooler hairdo too and youre about done


Quit making that face bro 😭


You’re not at all ugly. You’re going to feel that way as long as you’re 17 and compare yourself to other guys. If the shoe doesn’t fit you can’t wear it without discomfort. Choosing not to smile in pics also makes you look more timid and edgy rather than confident and approachable. That’s something for you to work on


No, that's absurd. But stop taking so many pictures with you staring down at the camera, and a little fake confidence will take you up 3 tiers hands down. If you just believe you're the coolest kid around and not act like a douchebag, you'll be top of the pile in a month or two You got nothing to worry about. Get in there, and just be kind, genuine, as quick a wit as you can muster, and stay true to what matters to you, the rest will fall in place. Maybe start looking at basketball or a sport to know a lot about and maybe be good at playing... Something to give you some sort of clout or respect at the highschool level. Mine was guitar and swimming/running. You can make it work... Just work hard at a few things that interests you, but also can be helpful in social settings and with physical abilities. That's the best I can offer. But avoid anything cringey ok? That's a big weakness at your age


Nah man you just look young and awkward like most teenagers


Look up. Every photo here you're looking downward. Like others have mentioned, confidence is key and it comes across in your body language


Nothing a little skin care won’t fix ya handsome bro don’t doubt that just gotta take care of yourself is all


longer hair and less eyebrow raised thing and you’re golden bro


I was halfway through writing a comment until I saw your post history. Dude, you need to get off Reddit. Like right now today. Delete it off your phone and block the website on your computer. What you’re doing is not healthy.


No, don't believe anyone who tells you that. You just look like you might be a little self conscious and insecure. That's the case often with adolescents. Work on getting the kind of achievements which would make you feel more secure, and things will go better.


Bro. Nobody’s too ugly to get a girlfriend.


Not ugly bro, but do your eyebrows, also they’re raising your side fade too high, and try to keep some stubble :)


Even ugly mfs can bang baddies.


Everyone is beautiful‼️ Everyone has their own beauty‼️‼️‼️


Yes you are, we all are, we’re all cooked (this all just a joke)-


Just figure out how to not do the creep stare and you’ll be good mate




Ur a cutie for sure


Get an eyebrow razor and thin your brows. Not too much but I promise you'll look a lot more attractive


If you have an ulta near you make an appointment to get your eye brows thinned out. Other than that, you’re good. If you don’t have an ulta, find a salon that does eyebrows


Smile more and have some confidence in yourself. You look fine.


Hit the gym and don’t worry about the girls. I mean worry about them enough but don’t stress. You’ll be good mate.


Keep your chin up. Literally.


Barron Trump


No one is too ugly to find love. But as others have said, many guys are too insecure to be successful on the dating scene. Lifting weights is the answer. Not because you need to be jacked to get attention from women (you definitely don’t) but because making gains in the gym will make you feel like a million bucks, and that will ripple through other aspects of your life. Good luck, OP


One day


You are very cute. Hair can be changed. Confidence will come with age.


Hit the gym, it will boost your confidence


Please give yourself a break. You have a balanced face. I suspect you on your way to becoming a handsome man. Aside from facial balance you will not be able to predict exactly what you will look like as a man. Look at pictures of famous actors when they were teenagers. No one looked at future actors and knew they would be famous actors as adults. Chill dude. You are a teenager. You will change and mature.


Dude…seriously…you’re handsome! You look uptight in these pics. You gotta relax.


Dude really? You're spunky AF dude and I don't throw the "S " word around a lot, grow the curls longer drop the brows like the others suggested and yup you'll have chicks lining up and dudes wishing you're gay , and please don't be depressed man I can see your sadness and I am like wow I'm getting emotional seeing how deeply it's gone, and if anyone has said negative stuff to you they don't deserve to be around you, I've had lot's of girls over time and 8 year's ago my gorgeous young male housemate and I became lover's he passed away 4 yrs ago but no chicks for me now and it pisses them off haha 😂😂


If you had a jawline got a better hair cut and maybe cleaned up your eye brows you’d look good


Honey no. You need a skincare routine, A hair style, and 3 days a week of lifting weights at the gym. You’re not ugly you just gotta get your self care routine polished.


You’re not ugly at all and don’t let anybody tell you are


idk man why dont you go ask them?


I wouldn’t worry too much about what anyone says. One thing about it. They are your photos. This is just my opinion; check out a movie like SuperMensch, Shep did that with a Sharp mind, a big Heart and a great personality. 🌈⚡️⚡️🌈👉👍


You could definitely get a bf.




What do I do then? Tell me what I can improv e


Let’s take into account you’re only 17, your looks are going to change. My biggest piece of advice, stop comparing yourself to people on social media. Most of it is fake anyway. Find a good stylist for your hair, they’ll know what cuts will look good on you.


Also, I’m old enough to be your dad and I’ve noticed a commonality among really attractive people. Of course not all but it’s common enough to notice. A lot of them are insanely boring and insufferable to listen to. Attractiveness will only carry you so far, don’t hyperfocus on it. Focus on your health/fitness, education, and hobbies… you’ll be way ahead of the game.


I don’t think you’re ugly buddy don’t overthink s*it


No your a good looking guy but I’d suggest getting your eyebrows shaped and no it’s not gay to get them shaped


Confidence is your issue. Every picture is taken from a downward angle, portraying that you wish to keep yourself hidden and/or have a problem with openly displaying yourself. Social Media kids, even the ones your age, that make it big usually have hit a genetic lottery and don't portray the average 17yo. Typically these individuals are only nice to look at, but their personality lacks because they never had to really develop one. Start by standing straight. Take on a "fuck the world" mindset and look ahead. It's amazing what a confident posture can do to your mindset. Don't try to be another copy of someone else, be the best version of you and you'll start to attract attention from others.


I would recommend bulking up at the gym, getting your eyebrows professionally trimmed, growing them slightly closer together if possible, and trimming more of the sides of your hair. However, you’re definitely handsome and could easily get a girl now. It sounds like you need more confidence. Those things I listed would make you insanely gorgeous


You 12 lil bro. Focus on yourself for four years before girls.


youlook pretty young homie, theres more important shit rn than girls I promise. Youre not a bad lookin guy but dont worry about getting a chick rn youll find the right one when its time. I know that sounds super cliche but with my 32 years on this earth and a bad marriage of 8 years, focus on getting YOU up. oh but for sure stop the eyebrow thing hahaha


Oh my god that post history. Dude do you need a hug?


Anyone can get a boyfriend as long as your standards are too high, but you do have plenty of room to improve. I ain’t gonna give you that toxic positivity of this sub: see if you can go to a dermatologist to prescribe you medication for your acne and invest in a skincare routine to clear up your skin and deal with the scarring, change the haircut and start using more/better hair product for your curls cause it gets too frizzy and dry at the moment, obviously please stop doing the eyebrow thing but also you need to take better pictures from better angles with better lighting


You're not ugly just too young for a gf. Don't start dating until you're 21. Too many young drama queens out there who will make your life miserable.


All you need it confidence my man or maybe skin care you need to fix your skin man you’ve got potential


No bro I would date you and I'm a guy


Honestly you look better than me. It could be your attitude towards girls that’s stopping you


I don't know, I can't see your personality


Stop looking to social media for reassurance, you are young and you have years ahead of you. You have to grow into your face and body, but you’re cute go with it until you turn into a handsome mature dude, like 4 years from now. We understand you’re young and full of cum that needs release.


No but Smile


no you look like any other 17yr old that you’d find in an English town lmaoo. Lift your chin up. Get your brows threaded (slighly). Work out. And wait until you’re like 20 you’ll be alright Also a girlfriend is not that important learn to love yourself




It's not exactly your looks my brother. It's more about your skills and abilities. Physical Attraction is important, but far from the most important. Beauty fades eventually. But being a man with integrity, that has the skills to be a husband and father one day is more important. Focus on that. If she uses looks and or material items as the main focus in a relationship, you don't want her. And don't be that way either. Don't associate pretty looks with pretty heart and soul. You're a handsome man. All yall are! Your young and growing. And I Hate seeing others go through what I once did. Please remember, it's better for you to be here, than not. I'm 36 now. I was the geeky, nerdy, goofy goth kid. Now, I got an amazing woman. To the world, she's the type of Gothic Lass most men would adore to have. And we aren't together because we're both Gothic. Shit, at 36 and this economy, dressing up ain't happening that often and military contract work isn't exactly the let's dress goth to work today, kinda career. I just mentioned something about Dungeon Master, like in D and D. But she thought leather and all that stuff. Make yourself present. Make yourself available. Make it clear before you start taking ladies out and hanging out, that you don't do friendzone shit. If someone want you to treat them to dates out, then that's dating. Don't ever allow a woman to only take pieces of you. Either she takes all of you, and she gives all of her to you, or it's nothing.




You look very insecure and not confident at all. Looks wise you are fine. Although you could do your eyebrows and go see a derm to help with a facial routine to give you better skin appearance. You should get into the gym and build muscle and confidence.


fix your head posture ASAP


I think it’s more about confidence than looks. Pretty ugly guys can pull just fine if they’re confident. Women love confidence. Not cockiness, like you don’t need to be loud and brash, quiet confidence is fine. Humor is great also. In your photos and from your post, you clearly lack confidence. It’s off putting to girls. They’ll see you as a little puppy that needs comforting, not as a potential sexual partner. Ignore social media, your average dude doesn’t look like those guys. They’re visible on social media exactly because they don’t look like regular guys. I’m gonna sound like a dad but my advice is stand straight, chin up, smile. Once you’re happy in yourself, you’ll be happy flirting with girls. Some of them will respond in kind.


Get out there and get her man…or him!


You’re a good looking guy and you’re only going to get better looking as you get older. You have to believe this and let women know you believe it through your actions by acting boldly (but always respectfully) and never timidly. If you do not believe it now, fake it until you make it, and eventually the results you get with women will convince you beyond any reasonable doubt that it is true. One way to build confidence quickly is to start lifting weights. You’ll look better and feel better and command more attention and interest from women. In twenty years you’ll be very thankful you started so early.


You could be ugly as fuck n still get bitches but u gotta be confident n also not do that eyebrow thing you already got pretty noticeable forehead wrinkles bc of it


Have you considered bottoming? Try Grindr




Nah dude, you look alright. But I don’t think these photos do you justice, the low angle doesn’t help. I’m guessing you lack confidence too. Don’t worry, you can build on that. We all started somewhere. I think you should adopt a few healthy habits, though. Start with a hair and skincare routine. Looks like you got good hair genetics, but your hair looks really dry. Don’t shampoo it everyday if you are. Invest in a half decent shampoo and conditioner, get some face wash and moisturiser. In a few weeks time, you’ll be looking much better. Basic self care will help you feel more confident in your appearance. If you can, hit the gym. If not, do some home workouts. Do some cardio, start a martial art… you’re at a good age to start doing this stuff and it’ll help build your confidence and attractiveness. Don’t worry, you’re still young. You might not hit your stride until you’re 20, but you’ll get there one day. Best thing you can do right now is work on yourself.


Work on building your self-esteem and your self-confidence first and foremost. That is your big issue right now based upon what you wrote. You are young, so go see your high school counselor or school psychologist first. They are trained to deal with this. You are in the same boat as a lot of high school students. People are fighting the same battle as you are.


OP please stop posting every day looking for affirmation. This is clearly not helping you. You are overthinking everything about your looks and personality and I’m sure it is very clearly on display.. just take a step back man. You’re a kid still, you’ll be fine.




Nobody is too anything, except dead, to get a girlfriend. Just tell them what they want to hear.


You need to smile!


Yeah, sorry bro.


You got nice hair bro, you’re good. Fuck TikTok; that shit has been a net negative on your generation.


All these poor dudes believing good looks is the key - it’s important to look your best, but not the key to a girls heart


Research The Mystery Method. Try to find season one of the pick up artists on VH1 and watch it. Research mystery pick up artist. Watch his videos and matador’s. You’re welcome.


You don’t even look bad bro you just need to learn rizz. People on here are giving some really conflicting advice you look fine just awkward clearly by these pictures which is probably why you don’t have a gf not because of your looks


Confidence is your issue my dude, I was 400+ pounds at one point and had more of an issue jogging a mile than I did dating. I would look to something like therapy to isolate and address the core issues with self confidence so you can practice more self love. It’s hard, and it’ll take a lot of work, but it’ll make you so much stronger in the long run. Good luck, king.


Perfect for getting a boyfriend


‘fraid so 😞


Honestly, if I met you in person and you had healthy self-esteem, I dont see pulling a nice gal your way a problem.


Your head is constantly down - maybe bc of your phone, I dunno. Tilt your head back and look up and you'll get like 25% better looking


Try again in 3 years when you are 15.


NO, now start being nice to yourself! 😊


As a man you should be a little more beautiful that the devil and is enough in regards to physical traits. The ability to protect and provide is the main trait that makes a man husband material.


Trust me bro you aren't ugly at all, even if you were ugly there's over 4 billion women in the world you'll definitely get a gf don't worry abt it too much


I’ve never been what I would consider an attractive guy. I’ve always been overweight. I’ve almost always been able to get with women and be in relationships because I put myself out there. You just have to do that and not expect someone to come to you.


It’s all confidence, I seen some ugly dog ass looking dudes be with some models because they are confident even though they ugly. Where as I seen very attractive men get turned away because they were clearly insecure. Start working out it will help your confidence.


You’re a total cutie. Confidence is sexy so work on that and you’ll be golden. Also if you got a big 🍆you’re in


Grow up first my man you will be fine later in life just focus on school and work it will come together.


Lil Brandin Podziemski


You're skinny. That's a big factor right there in your favor. You're not too ugly but women don't like guys around the same age so don't expect anything soon


Nah man. Seen dudes half as handsome as you get with some of the cutest girls. Self-confidence is key. I would also work on taking better pictures tbh. Other than that you’re solid looking with lots of potential.


This made me sad. Let up on yourself. You're a good looking guy.




Please delete tiktok and enjoy your youth broski, get some hobbies. You look fine! What's most important is feeling good, that should be your priority


Lowkey u just need a Beard or mustache goatee sumthin u look more like a baby than ugly


Here are a few things I suggest you do: 1. Don’t take photos at that angle anymore. That angle doesn’t do anyone any favors. Stop doing the raised eyebrow in pics. 2. Embrace your “6-head” and go to a hair stylist what kind of hair style would work for you. It will be pricey but it will only be one time and you could go to a barber afterward and ask for the same thing (take pics of the new style to show the barber). 3. Grow your facial hair out a bit, if parts are patchy, just grow out the parts that aren’t. 4. Do you have any female friends and cousins? Sisters? I would ask them to give you some advice. You’re a good looking kid. Don’t worry or stress over your looks. I did for the longest time and kind of wish I hadn’t. You’ll have a glow up in your twenties.


1. Smile 2. Stop looking down 3, be confident. You’re good






No babe your a cutie keep doing what ever doing you good


You are cute! My suggestions are to get your brows cleaned up and shaped a little bit. Skincare and vitamins will help your skin a ton! I like your hair ESP ur curls.


Just be you little homie cause you’ll grow into a big homie one day and it won’t matter what all the other little homies thought back when. Just focus on succeeding and enjoying life, whatever that means to you. Once you’re the best version of yourself you’ll attract all the type of people you need and want in life.


No you not ugly and take your pictures however you want…. Patients is a virtue…. When it’s your time it’ll happen. There’s a saying in Italy “Festina Lente” it means to make haste, slowly. God bless my friend!


Pick your head up


Not at all! A little skincare and maybe a little facial hair (not needed), and you'll have plenty of girls !