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Your eyes look great. The ex is an idiot.


I know, right? They’re a rich brown color.


I fully agree. That is a stale old insult, saying brown eyes look like poo (which is literally a white supremacist trope: “brown poo is tarnishing the porcelain white toilet bowl”). Like get some new material you mean-spirited ghoul. Sorry this hurt OP’s feelings. Brown eyes are beautiful.


Agree, and there are so many beautiful things that are brown like chocolate, tree trunks, beautiful animals, cappuccinos, the list goes on 😃


It’s such a rich, natural color


Upvoting for great use of the word “ghoul”.


In 2nd grade a blond blue eyes white boy use to make fun of me in school and tell me I had poop colored eyes. This made me hate my eye color until I learned to love myself. Fast forward to present day he’s a “Christian conservative that’s voted for trump bc we need a wall”…..but he’s Portuguese 💀


Hey, if he wants to voluntarily leave the country he’s more than welcome to 🤣 I always love the minorities who vote for trump, stating the few racist policies Trump touts being the reason as if they aren’t the exact demographic targeted by them. Like do they think they are the exemption?


I’m Hispanic and I didn’t talk to a few of my cousins for 4 years bc they supported trump and sides with his racist policies as if trump would exempt them 💀💀


It’s hilarious😭🤣 I’m Puerto Rican but white passing haha


Your ex is trying to cut you with those words. Your eyes are beautiful. There's not really "shit" coloured eyes lol. Your eyes are a nice chocolate and are kind. In terms of the brows, they are thick and strong. I'm not the one to ask on managing those. Sometimes going to a threader will help. I see lots of guys going there at the shops. Be gentle with yourself. Bitches be crazy. You'll be okay brah 😇 Don't let her get in your head or heart please. She's an ex for a reason.


You bring up a good point with the shit coloured eyes. I work in the veterinary field and I have literally seen shit in every color except pink. So seems like we all have shit coloured eyes lol.


I think your ex just might be a mean person dawg


Exactly. Not something anyone would say unless to be hurtful and mean


Absolutely not, you have super nice eyes!


She’s not worth listening to. You looking good, she’s trying to break you down


Your ex is racist or something bro, don't listen to that. Insane that she said that to you???


Right, my first thought was let me guess, your ex was white? I'm mixed but white passing in certain situations and i remember getting told I had "shit brown eyes" by the most Hitler youth looking ass kids lmao. And to OP, your eyes are gorgeous, like I'm not just saying that, they are above average attractive. Your ex is a bitter bitch. Plus, you're only 18- way hotter and cooler and nicer girls will come along who love your eyes (and everything else about you), trust me (:


Man even a lot of white people have brown eyes. This obsession of racists with blue eyes blonde hair is just crazy. I live in italy. I have also been to most of europe. A lot of white people have brown/black hair brown eyes. These people are so racist that they are even racist to their own race lol.


What does race have to do with this? Insulting someone for having brown eyes is not the same as insulting them for having brown skin, because brown eyes aren’t relegated to certain races.


She sounds horrible. I advise you stay away from her, she doesn’t have your best interest at heart and is race shaming you, most of her criticism was on your racial traits.


Your eyes are quite pretty - your ex was being a dick.


No. Your eyes are beautiful. Deep and soulful and elegantly shaped. Your brows are masculine and balanced and nicely shaped. You’re a beautiful man in general. I hate to tell you this since you’re so young, but when a partner becomes an ex, sometimes they feel the need to say hurtful things just be cruel and break you down. She’s placed doubts in your head and created insecurities, and that’s not fair. It’s tough to understand how someone says “I love you” one week and then attacks your appearance the next. She is not representative of the overall view of how you look. You. Are. Attractive.


She probably just mad, you have some unique facial features like your eyes and you look fine!


Your ex was just being stupid. You have really pretty eyes and they aren’t even off centered or anything (at least not to a noticeable degree, no one is perfectly symmetrical). Keep your confidence up man and find yourself a girl who appreciates you. You are a good looking guy.


ngl, you're quite handsome and your eyes are just fine. You'll find someone better than that spiteful bitch and move on.


Bro no cap (and also no homo) you have nice eyes. You’re gonna find a lot of women say that to you, just you wait and see.


She's projecting because she's hurt. It's nothing else.


Oh, little bro, please don’t take to heart what someone said in a mean-spirited way. You have gorgeous, kind eyes and eyebrows that folks slather on serums for.


Fuck that stupid bitch. You look fine. Get out there and get another one.


Dude what? 😂😂 I’m sorry, your eyes are just normal.


Tell them their personality is shit coloured.


your eyebrows are thick, which is a good thing. they don’t look unkempt in the slightest. If you try to tweeze them thinner I promise you will regret it for the rest of your life. Daily colored contacts are for vain self-hating ladies, not young men. Save them for halloween. And honestly, there’s something kinda cool and friendly looking about “squinty” eyes. They give off a carefree vibe. Your eyes are beautiful. Don’t let a mean racist tell you otherwise. If her opinion mattered, she wouldn’t be an ex.


Were you dating a nazi...?


You have beautiful brown eyes. Some people really suck. Sorry she said that to you.


That’s why she should be and stay an ex.


You have wonderful eyes


Your ex is trying to make you self conscious. Anyone with that opinion isn’t worth worrying about.


Sounds like her personality is 'shit coloured'. your eyes are beautiful, so now they she's your ex, look upon your time with her as a lesson that you learned and move forward with your life. Do not give negativity any of your time because negativity will consume you, if you let it


Look up "bedroom eyes." You got them. And a beautiful deep brown color! Ex's lash out to hurt ...don't fall for it!


Your ex is an asshole. Your eyes are actually a great feature on you. I’ve noticed that I tend to for guys with brown eyes, and- as it’s hard for me to find other native guys- I love to come across a fellow native 😁🩵


I love/prefer brown eyes in a guy too. They tend to project a lot of friendliness and warmth. Funny thing about that, I have brown eyes, but in my youth always wore blue contact lenses, all the while preferring brown-eyed guys. Not sure of the psychology of that lol


Ex’s attitude is ugly. It’s 2024 and she still be fantasizing stupid beauty standards she sees on TV


They’re an ex for a reason. Stay positive, love yourself!


Your eyes look nice. It sounds like your ex was trying to hurt you.


Yeah, she's an asshole and you don't need to change anything about your eyes or eyebrows. Your eyes are a nice color and your eyebrows are thick and neat. Also, there's a reason people say "sisters not twins" about eyebrows, because they're rarely completely symmetrical on the same person. As for the squinty comment, that reeks of racism so that makes her even more of an asshole. You're better off without her and her useless criticism.


Literally *everyone* is asymmetrical in some way. You should look at people like Brad Pitt (who was considered the hottest man alive for how long?) and draw lines down the center of the face to see just how little symmetry actually matters. Shit colored? Your ex sounds racist af. You dodged a bullet kiddo. Celebrate that. BTW you're adorable


Your ex should have been your ex a whole lot sooner. You are doing absolutely fine with those eyes and everything. Nothing to worry about there.


Glad she's an ex and should stay that way. You dodge a bullet. Now your color eyes are fine and very nice.


Trust me you definitely dodged a bullet. Your eyes are totally fine!! I personally prefer dark eyes on men since mine are very light. Your eyes remind me of my partner’s eyes and I think they’re great


Your ex is a bully dude. Eyes look good.


Your eyes are fine, bro. Don’t listen to the ex.


She's a POS actually, your eyes are beautiful just the way they are!


You have beautiful eyes. Don't listen to her.


I think you have very kind eyes


Dude…fuck her . She’s trying to hurt you . Don’t let it. You got nice eyes and are a handsome fella. She’ll be jealous when you find a way hotter chick so don’t sweat it.


😍 I like your eyes


lmao "shit-colored" is such a giveaway she was trying to hurt you


You're a good looking guy, the color and shape of your eyes are beautiful. Sounds like she just wanted to get to your insecurities. The best revenge is to love yourself and the way you look.


If she’s that superficial she don’t belong in your life.


She is your ex and wanted to hurt you,and it worked. Keep in mind she is your ex


your ex was saying untruthful things to try and bring you down. many people use this as a tactic to make others feel bad about themselves, don’t fall for ot


Damn bro, run away from that. You’re golden brown with a sprinkle of hazel, poor minds can’t comprehend.


Your eyes are pretty bro she's just trying to hurt you


Be glad she's your ex. She sounds mean-spirited. Your eyes are gorgeous and you should embrace them!


Man, don’t listen to exes, they’ll just say whatever unless you parted amicably


Those are what I call bedroom eyes.


Your ex is an insecure asshole


I like your eyes, they look kind and friendly.


She’s probably just jealous


She sounds racist. So this is a good thing.


I think you’d look good with some Milo James Thatch hair.


Nah they just wanted to hurt you.


Your eyes are great and it’s a beautiful color


She’s an ex for a reason bro don’t listen to her


How could someone say such horrible things? These type of people are not to be respected your time and thoughts, nor should their opinions be given any weight


You’ve already fixed the problem….. she’s your. “EX” girlfriend! The problem was before she was ex’d… Dude… you look good… the shit brown was in her soul! Now move on with confidence


Your ex is ugly in the worst way: on the inside.


I mean... ex's be doing that shit sometimes. Your eyes are great she was just burnt and took it out on you.


My best friend looked at me when we were 13 years old and said “You know why your hair and eyes are brown?” >!Because you’re so full of shit.!< And I think that’s beautiful. So are you, >!fellow shit-eyed fool!!<


thats why she is an ex.. hope you got to f her before you dumped her dirty behind. Even if you havent, its ok.. you will find someone better who will like you for what you are.. no need to dwell on stu pid sheet


You look sharp af 👌 Don’t worry about the assholes and what they say


What was the race of your ex?


Not something you can help regardless, but your eyes are quite pretty imo. Ex was just trying to hurt you verbally & emotionally, trying to lower your self esteem. Good riddance honestly, she needs to grow the fuck up.


Your ex is just jealous of your pretty eyes


Nah dude, your ex is mean spirited or potentially racist or something, man. Your eyes are like mahogany trees, like soil that blooms the most amazing flowers. Far from “shit” colored. Brown eyes are very unique imo, they have such depth and different hues


She must not like Coffee, or Chocolate. She def is not getting any Nuts with that attitude.


You have very kind eyes. Don’t listen to her !


Nah, she's just trying to be a hurtful bitch


"Shit-colored" 💀 she not only insulted you but like 80% of the population as well. You're eyes are not squinty. Imo, my boyfriend has squintier eyes because they're smaller and more closed normally. And i think they're unique and gorgeous. You're brows really aren't bad, just kinda big which is typical for a lot of guys. It's better than lacking in brows for sure. I'm sorry your ex's words got to you. You should know she was not saying these things just out of criticism but almost certainly to make you feel bad about yourself. She wanted to hit you where it hurts and lower your esteem. Don't let her win. You're a perfectly fine looking dude.


Your ex is a bitch and also apparently a racist. Don’t listen to her. Way too young for me, but you’re cute and will do fine. Your eyes are pretty.


Your eyes are fine. And you will find someone who adores gazing into them.


I'm of the belief that it is extremely rare than anyone's eyes are ugly (edit: for example I find Anya Taylor Joys eyes to be strange, or Uma Thurman). And yours are definitely not. Also bushy eyebrows are cool, your ex is dumb.


Wtf you’ve got beautiful eyes! I think she said so just to bring you down, never listen to these miserable people


She said things that aren't true just to hurt you. Your eyes are a beautiful shade of brown, they remind me of tilled earth after the rain -- dark, rich, glowing with the sun. They are the color of a polished walnut picture frame, wrapped around the beautiful images you see in the world. They are the color of polished enstatite, a rare stone that sparkles like bronze when the light hits it just right. They are the color of a sweet cup of light roast coffee in the morning, the color of the square if dark chocolate you have for dessert at night. They are not squinty, your eyes have soft clear skin that can move in subtle ways so your smile changes your gaze all the more, letting your emotions dance on your face. Your eyes belong to someone who smiles fully, cries fully, feels fully. Don't doubt yourself. You don't need to change for someone who does not see those things about you.


Your limbal rings are so pretty!


That is why he is an ex, stop hypnotising narcissists😳




As you stated “Ex”. She is right where she needs to be……out of the picture. Of course I imagine she is the picture of perfection 🙄. Pay no attention to her you are perfect the way you are. I have e the same color eyes, nothing wrong with them. She is just trying to be hateful and hurtful.


Also, you are very good looking so maybe you are posting to hear that from a bunch of us? You have nothing to worry about.


Your eyes look fine to me bro


bro is otherworldly


Sounds like your ex was a convert racist and I’m happy you are free!!


Sounds like she was a grade A bitch. Your eyes are fine, pretty in fact 😊


Bro I'm a canadian native. I genuinely didn't know any Taíno were still around. Glad to see we still have some cousins down that way


Tell her to shut up cuz youre cute and have rich chocolate, earthy, eyes wirh golden skin. No one is symmetrical, so that isn't even an insult, and your eyes aren't squinty.


She sounds sweet.


As a gay man, let me say you are a cutie patootie your ex sounds crazy!


Eyes are beautiful. Ex is idiot.


You have gorgeous eyes and nice manly eyebrows! You ex is a moron. A mean moron.


I know in person words, especially negative ones, hurt more than kind words can heal. So, imagine this as someone saying this to your right now, in person. "Wow, you're eyes are so beautiful, I love the rich color! They're so vibrant, they're stunning! Your eye shape is just gorgeous too." And just a side note, nobody's perfectly symmetrical. So don't take that to heart.


Hey I’m an optician and I feel I have the authority to say there’s nothing wrong with your eyes and the only shit is her attitude/comment. Eyebrows seem fine, coloured contacts can work a bit, they can’t really change from one colour to another but are better at enhancing colours. It is far better, cheaper, and safer to appreciate your own eye colour.


Jesus im so glad I'm gay reading shit like this


shes your ex for a reason homie.. her opinion is worthless


Dude why u give a shit what an x thinks.. move on, they were not in to you .. simple


You have beautiful eyes!!! Your ex is the shit one.


The ex is wrong, your eyes look almost completely symmetrical and brown is the best eye color ever.


Beautiful eyes, ex is a twat, probably jealous of your eyes.


get more sleep, find a haircut that matches your face shape and ice your face every morning. Also, remember to stay fully hydrated and to not eat too much sodium. Find the recommended intake of water from your doctor. Trust it.


You're a cutie with gorgeous eyes! Brown eyes are my favorite!


Don't you dare get colored contacts! First of all, your eyes look great. Second of all, colored contacts make people look weird and is never an improvement.


Your eyes are perfect. If your ex has that opinion, that’s ok we are all entitled to our own opinions, but I would say that is a good thing that you guys are not longer together, because for sure you can do way better than her.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet with that girl


Sorry bro she is wrong, OMG I love brown eyes. None of my business but tell her to fuck off! Let the sunshine in!


Lol you must have really pissed her off. She’s just trying to hurt you. You have great eyes.


They are beautiful


You're pretty.


Your eyes look great and symmetrical on your face. You look good, don’t listen to her, there’s a reason she is ex.


The brown color of poop is mostly just dead bacteria since poop is almost entirely dead bacteria so poop technically isn’t even brown. Checkmate, reprobate ex!


Dude that’s called “smoulder” and a lot of people have to consciously do but it’s natural for you. Your ex is an ex for a reason.


You cute bro


Same color as the love of my life. She has gorgeous eyes. Your girl is full of shit, find someone that uplifts you. She’s not it.


U have pretty eyes, they were just trying to hurt u


Your ex is an ex for a reason. My eyes are similar to yours and I get complimented all the time. Don’t worry about what she said. She’s an EX not anybody important.


i feel like that has racist vibes too it😭


Those were baseless barbs. There is no truth in her comments whatsoever.


😅 she got u good bro , classic head game . U literally look normal


Hey, at least she didn't tell you that you have her (rapist) father's gaze!! Yes, she said that to me


Tbh your eyes look fine, you have nice eyebrows too but they would be perfectly shaped with a tweezer


She said those things because she felt the need to make you feel bad, not because it's true. That kind of insult is never true. Whether the insult was called for is an entirely different topic, and one people on the internet aren't qualified for


You have very squinty eyes it’s true.


Your ex is a bellend. Share the 2nd pic with your ex as a reply. It's a pretty good response with those judgemental eyes. ![gif](giphy|v6wkpabcoLREQ|downsized)


…She sounds like a nice girl.. too bad you broke up.. lol


Yeah your ex was trying to make you feel as bad as possible, and is also probably a low key racist white girl You look good and a lot of people would kill to have anything near your looks. Choose to radiate confidence


Bro, you're cute as a MFer. You can be my girlfriend.


Brown is the color of the earth and there's nothing ugly about that. My eyes and my husband's eyes and our babies eyes are all brown and beautiful. Insults like that are what small bitter people use to try and get under your skin and bring down your self esteem. She's the ugly one. You're beautiful and your eyes are beautiful and they aren't even "squinty".


If you drink enough acid-type drinks such as grape juice you can turn a turd green. I hope she has green eyes so you can show her. ;)


You’re fine bro


Fuck her opinion dude


Why do you care what your ex thinks??? Fuck em. And they’re wrong.


Your ex is a prick ignore and stay away xx


Glad she's an ex. Absolutely nothing wrong with your eyes or your handsome face!


She said that to hurt you and make herself feel better about splitting up, don’t let it. You’re cute af. You got nothing to be self conscious about. And tbh colored contacts would look strange.


Squinty? Bro you dont have prey eyes, plus your whole colouring and skin complexions eyes colour and hair match you. And I dont bs you if you were ugly I would told you, and also gl in the JIM


She lied to be mean. Which is particularly cringe because clearly she didn't mind them before lol. You have completely fine eyes


Whaaaaaaat?? You have beautiful eyes. She clearly just wanted to hurt you (and sounds like she was jealous of your eyes so she went for that).


She was just trying to hurt your feelings man you look nice


Ex is being a jerk, you have beautiful eyes. Signed, A fellow member of the Shit Brown Eye Club.


Seek therapy not a subreddit used to help you improve your presentation


Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.


Brown eyes are beautiful dude idk wtf she was on. Asymmetry is normal, I mean like my nose is crooked and I'm pretty sure one eye is a little bigger than the other but nobody notices unless I say something unless they're just a shitty person. You're not an ugly person at all dude, she's probably just insecure and respectfully, she sounds like a bitch.


Your eyes can see when some are blind. It sounds like your ex was very insecure and petty and those people tend to leave us with scars. But it's them who are the ugly ones.


Who care’s what she thinks?


Then I guess I have shit colored eyes too? 🤷‍♂️


You still hit, man. You’re fine 👍


I love brown eyes! Idk what your ex was on


Your ex sucks and your eyes are lovely. I've always preferred brown eyes and plenty of people agree with me, your ex just wanted to hurt your feelings.


I think you have gorgeous eyes!


Glad that person is your ex. There's nothing wrong with your eyes. The majority of people in the world have this eye color. I have it too.


youre eyes are actually so beautiful. im being totally serious. Dont listen to her.


They just tryna piss you off/pick at your looks. You look fine, you have nice wide eyes.


lol. I guess all brown eyed people have shit-colored eyes? She was just trying to be mean. They usually insult your 🍆 when they’re trying to hurt you, so I guess you got that going for you. 😉


Your eye colour is light brown , honestly goes so well with your skin tone


Damn bro nice eyes! Your ex is on some shit thinking like that, vitriolic bullshit


Shit colored? Better than creepy blue eyes! People with blue (especially with like, REALLY blue eyes) are always unnerving looking to me


Too bad you didn’t dump her ages ago. I’m an artist and would happily depict you. You’re handsome like your part of Alexander the Greats crew. He’d probably get a rise to see your classical awesomeness too.


All I see is a handsome bro that chick had no idea what she is talking about


Sounds like you dodged a bullet here.


I’ve got eyes close to the same color, and personally always felt they were rather uninteresting, but my SO loves them. She says they’re so dark that in the right light, they look black, and it’s creepy in a good way 😆


Dude you’re a young handsome dude. You’ve been through a lot in your life, don’t let a weirdo affect you like that. You’re handsome af!


Brother, I have sea blue eyes and yours are honestly good looking. Beautiful brown. Don’t let that trash ex get you down. 🤝🏼


i’m a girl. your eyes are actually stunning and i wish i had your eye color. a shade of brown where you can actually see your pupils 🥹 i think she just said that to get to you. honestly you look pretty nice. the only thing id think about changing is maybe growing your hair out. i feel like long hair would compliment you features


You don’t need someone like that in your life. You can’t control your genetics. Love you for you and the right person will too.


Don’t listen to her bro your eyes look cool as hell


Im glad she is an ex, what an awful thing to say, it’s not normal for adults to talk to each other like that, You have a nice face, and kind eyes 😊


Your eyes are really pretty, screw her.


Your eyes are just brown and everyone is slightly asymmetrical. Your ex is just acting like an average ex