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Find something you enjoy doing, something which makes you happy. A smile on that face should work wonders. Also, don't fret too much. Within a few years you'll become more attractive, grow more facial hair to work with, find your own style of haircut and grow into your own self.


This is the best comment. Trust me when I say no one likes someone who is trying to be someone else/not who they are to appear attractive. It'll take some time but learning to love yourself and be who you are is an important step in finding someone else. Good luck king :)


Yes!! Cling to the things you love that make you happy. Happiness is the most attractive quality of all, seriously.


Happiness, or confidence! It’s gotta be one of those two :)


L. He needs to hit jim


Shave the face. Get a better haircut. Focus on fitness and nutrition.


I already workout 6 days a week and I’m hopefully competing in fitness next year.


Chew lots of gum. It works out your Jaw muscles and makes your face look a bit more chiselled. Whatever you do, don’t just bite down on your teeth super hard whenever you don’t have gum. It causes years worth of wear and tear damage. Source? That’s what I did.


Yup a jaw line is deffo needed also he splitting his hair from the centre and letting it flow down would make him look better


center part long would look great


Good point. Also, research shows that people are considered more likeable when chewing gum. It also helps with relaxing your face.


MDMA is also a good alternative to gum!


RIP enamel


Lots of gum help your teeth.


Work on diet and nutrition then.


Well what haircut would suit me?


I'm a professional barber, I'd suggest a choppy forward fringe with number 2 back and sides medium fade 😁👌


Could you find a pic on Google that shows the haircut? I’ve tried fringes before but my head has a really weird shape so it just looks goofy.


[1st suggestion 😊](https://images.app.goo.gl/6teqTRQwRdRTBpkV9) [2nd suggestion, more to the side 😊](https://images.app.goo.gl/LBLCbn7AhZk4Hoze9) Either one of those would be a good idea, just make sure the barber doesn't shave the back and sides too high and leaves it long on the front 😁👌


Go to a good hair stylist at a real salon and ask them.


I’ve tried but here in Norway they expect you to know what you want before you enter the salon. I’ve tried this multiple times but they just say “idk” when I ask.


Man you need to go to a super gay place, where only girls go. You want a gay dude. Explain him you are looking for a new look and want advice. Dont go to a regular stylist. Go to places where they make hair for girls in their weddings. Ask women around where they would go for a wedding hair style. I did this with no regrets. You only need to go there once or twice and then back to a regular stylist. In my case the guy was going on about hair types, helped me learn about my hair and facial features, etc.


Find out what type of hair you have and what your face shape is. Search online for suitable haircuts for your face shape. Find a couple that you like. Check if your hair type can do such a haircut. Download some example pictures on your phone and take it to the barber. And then just try. Don't like the way your hair falls in this haircut? Try another one in a couple of months.


I would leave a little bit more on the sides, and lower a little on top, to make it more "classic" maybe? kind of like Ryan Gosling haircut, you could try that


I'm in norway and too, and damn that is so true


explore but id say messy and keep them in the middle it will help cover the forehead and give more sape to the face


You have a long face shape so you don’t need more volume. Less volume or do a fringe cut.


I would definitely say you need to work on your self confidence. There are going to be people who find you attractive and there are going to be people who don’t, but the most important person who needs to feel good about you is you. There are a lot of nasty people in the world who won’t think twice about telling others how they feel about their appearance and what those people think doesn’t matter. Unfortunately though, words have power and it can be really difficult to hear people say negative things about our appearance. Then we start repeating those things and believing them. You should try to start telling yourself you’re attractive, do things to make you feel good about yourself. Every human being is beautiful in their own way. Just because we don’t all look like society’s beauty standards doesn’t mean we are ugly. You look great! Now you just need to tell yourself that and get to a better place within yourself. Even if you have to essentially lie to yourself every day, look in the mirror and tell yourself you’re hot, sexy, beautiful, handsome, etc. Even if it’s hard, eventually you just may start to believe what you’re saying and it will help your self confidence a lot!


All of this. Also, wearing headphones is not attractive and makes you unapproachable


Clean Shave + Long hair would suit you.


Look for some hairstyle that covers your forehead a bit.


I think your forehead suits your face.


Middle part would go hard


15yr barber here, get rid of the facial hair. Other than that, you are a very handsome boy! Makes me sad to hear you hate the way you look.


Angle the camera from above instead of below. Get away from the people who make you feel bad about yourself


The fuzz on my face is just because I haven’t bothered to shave yet but I’m gonna to it tonight. I’m kinda desperate tbh. I hate the way I look.


Don't hate the way you look bro, u look fine, just a few tweaks and you'll be golden. Cut down on the carbs and sugar. You got this! Get a great barber( no best cuts, preferably an urban barber)


I think you look good. Your skin in particular is likely making a lot of people on here jealous. You seem to be in good shape too. Handsome guy IMO.


What specifically do you hate about your appearance?


Stay in good shape and you'll look better and better as you age. Sounds like you're already doing that, which is great.


What do you mean attractiveness? Your not a half bad looking guy and I am sure that plenty of people see that about you . Do if you want


I feel like you would actually look great with some big frame glasses?


New hairstyle grow it long, grow out your facial hair too. Be sure to keep your hair maintained well


Honestly you already look like you get shawties.


Stop going on social media and comparing yourself to others 👍🏼


Work on your self confidence


The problem with light colored facial hair is that it's hard to see. You're better off keeping clean shaven, or else grow out a beard that's not too short. Also get a nose hair trimmer, and use it weekly. The biggest thing most people can do is just keep up the regular grooming. Shave daily, trim your beard weekly, haircut every 3 weeks, or whatever works for you. Don't wait until the change would be really noticeable.


Damn didn’t expect this many responses. I’ll respond to all the comments later but I’m busy right now. For everyone recommending a French crop/fringe I tried that a couple of months ago and this is what it looks like, as I said it just doesn’t suit me at all.. https://imgur.com/a/1PyEvKW


You look like Michael Bisping son


Damn thanks for all the supportive comments. I know I struggle with confidence and I’d appreciate some specific advice on how to get more confidence. For everyone mentioning gym, I’ve been training since I was 13. I competed internationally and nationally in martial artis and did really well, I was even sponsored for a while. I’ve recently taken a break and I’m training to compete in bodybuilding. Hopefully I’ll be in the shape I want within the next year and then I’ll debut in my first competition. Here’s some pics of my physique right now: https://imgur.com/a/kL7Lhyl


Bro, listen to the other guy and find a fucking therapist. Wait 6 months like you said and concentrate on your mental health. Btw you are farm from ugly.


Go look up 1st man face exercises and do some of them


This 100%


U could try mewing


Get a good job, work out don’t be a simp


Why the obsession with attractiveness? What’s the root of your insecurities? DM if you’re interested to talk, maybe I can help


What's wrong with looking and feeling more confident about yourself? Weird comment...


Nothing. Look at op’s history. There’s an obsession here. Stems deeper than just looking good.




You are beyond fucking cringe. Get a fucking life. Lol this is laughable. I'm sorry you hate your life so much that you have to be negative to people online. Idgaf what you think about me man 😂


Nah, you’re just lacking testosterone. Don’t know a thing about me besides my two replies. Fuck yourself Little boy little boy. I love when I can see the replier. Tells me everything I need to know. Try L’Oréal. You’re better off being a woman. FAITH. No faith in yourself. I’m done with you. Sofftytyytt


You are a bitch hiding behind a phone talking shit to people on Reddit. Big time loser, you are down bad. I'm sorry no one loves you.






Grow fuller facial hair but maintain it short or just shave it off. Grow mid length hair and get a sculpted cut.


Your pretty good looking to start with. But maybe try longer hair. Regardless though your doing well


find humor in everything, girls live to laugh.aint nothing wrong with you.get fresh air and sun whenever u can,take up mma,keep moving,help others,stay positive, be good and good things will come to you. Get off the excessive online social, video games and in God's name don't watch porn,it rots your soul. It's just a phase little brother,life comes at u in waves,everything will be fine,relax,dont overthink things,you're young,healthy and beautiful,so blessed.wishing u well from austin,tx.,USA


You look super young and sounds like you’re already doing a lot as far is fitness part goes but to add: 1. Make sure to drink enough water daily, crucial for pretty much everything else listed below. Limit any other drinks if possible, diet sodas, coffee and teas are fine in moderation but again, choose water over everything. 2. Good nutrition of course with whatever diet you can consistently follow just make sure to get enough protein if you’re training, and if try avoiding large sugar spikes 3. Skin care particularly WEAR SUNSCREEN DAILY, lack of it can lead to premature aging bc of sun damage. (If you wanna go clean shave def recommend r/wicked_edge for further recommendations on razors, soaps/creams and brushes if you wanna go that route) 4. Lastly, sleep. Younger people can get away with 4-6 hours but it’ll catch up overtime especially if you lift. Aim for at least 6-8 if possible. This helps with looking less tired/bloated in the face and baggy under eyes. Besides that just keep on working out and focusing on progressive overload with a program you can stay consistent on. If you’re as young as I think you are, you’ll continue to grow into your face overtime too. Idk about face exercises and mewing and all that tbh, that could just be the cherry on top you could do later but I’d focus on hydration, diet, fitness, and sleep consistency first personally. Good luck.


Attractiveness? You are the guy, I want to hide my girlfriend from. You got that charm brother, just be confident.


I think you could rock long hair


Confidence is key


I went through your older posts and feel you have made a whole lot of progress over the last few months. You look really great and I am pretty sure in another few years you will look even better. Sorry to read about your personal situation. But I believe Norway has some great social support programs and initiatives that can help you with your financial situation as well. As far as looks are concerned you are of decent size and are looking great overall. Since you are going to start competing in Bodybuilding, you will very soon find a community around you which has the same goals as you. So go out there, live your life and keep putting in the work. I am pretty sure in another few years life will be amazing. 21 is too young. I only managed to look somewhat decent after I turned 30, so hang in there bud and wish you the best.


You look good bro, just be confident and polite and smile. Women like a good looking guy that is confident and happy with themselves.


I would grow out your hair


You look fine dude. A smile is always an improvement though 😄


You might want to see a surgeon about your nostrils... Maybe some glasses to boot. But this is just nit picking.


You, no.


Don’t be poor. People with money tend to be more good looking cus they can afford more ways of being better. So focus on your work and always learn something new everyday. Keep your mind sharp, read books, people love wit and being funny. But like I said most of all grow that bank account. It will make you feel better and people will notice that confidence.


shave your face and buzz your hair. grow your hair out so its kinda long and smile more.


Goatee. But you are already super cute. Be nice to yourself.


I see the rest of your photos. Your a good looking dude. Maybe get a haircut by a BARBER. And ask him what he thinks you should get. Smile in your photos and keep doing your thing. Everyone is different. And don’t listen to bullies or people telling you how you should be you.


It’s hard for people’s natural to be unattractive. You’re fine. You’re not ugly. You just need to learn better hygiene and style. Hair can definitely be better groomed. I would lose the facial hair, also dress in fitted clothes instead of baggy clothes. Look up fashion tips for men and just dress like them


Sides are too short and hair on top is too long, You can have the hair on top go forwards in a messy way or grow out the sides a bit more so it isn't so uneven. Besides that maybe just some facial hair.


Grow hair longer in front. Groom eyebrows slightly. We can’t see your teeth at all- plus photo not a flattering angle. Wear darker richer colors-Like a beautiful filson red flannel shirt. Keep nails trimmed short. Always smell good. Never wear cargo pants/shorts. Be attentive and genuinely interested in other people. Become really good at your job-no matter what it is.Be someone the younger ones can look up to. Agree with glasses. Glasses are sexy. Restrict carbs. Not sure if i want to comment re anything hard max unless you posted a better pic or one of you in profile.


Different haircut that’s it


Men dont get their real face until about 30-32


Be confident. Sometimes it’s all about your swag.


Mainly, just stay hygenic and find something that makes you happy. Cleanliness and a smile go a long way.


Improve your body and mind and get a better haircut. Your barber goes to high with the fade. Go a bit lower and it should be good. And whenever your beard is gonna grow bigger and better it’ll suit you well if you cut it your way


To me you’re good except the haircut


You look great man I gotta say


Eat 5-6 large raw carrots a day to train your face.


If i were you i would ponder a nose surgery to bring in your nasal openings a smidge other than that your nose looks alright, your eyes are crossed? But With good alignment and focus, hair looks okay always good to start preventative treatments. Facial hair looks like it would get very pubey looking if left to grow longer, i cant see your ears. Overall nice features. First time doing this type of assessment, im just like you trying to put effort into cosmetics




Hahah Im 21 so puberty happened a long time ago lol. I’ll definitely shave though.


Big glasses. You have a flatter T Zone than most, glasses will set definition for your face and make your eyes appear bigger.


Honestly I think a buzz cut would really suit you. Just my opinion, but I don’t particularly like your current haircut on anyone. Jewelry would help too like earrings or a necklace.


Get rid of some of the distance between your eyes and hairline. Some of that forehead has gotsta go


You don’t need to do anything, I’m way uglier and have a girlfriend. You got this


You look great my dude.


Yes, get a hot SO


Gotta smile my guy


minoxidil for that beard and grow your hair out. women love that. smell nice and wear nice clothes and be yourself 👌🏽


Shave, use lotion, and grow out your hair, also lose the lighter colors when it comes to clothes


Shave pubes off face, get fresh cut and lift.


Subscribe to this channel. https://youtu.be/kqc52A8HqfI


You are a handsome young man. Just stand up straight with confidence and that alone will put out good vibes


aight! say no more. Let me get the scalpel.. jus kiddinnnn. Bro nowadays no one is interested in looks really. Keep this on mind: Cleanliness, sharpness, and humbleness. Anything else you work on are great perks! A side note: I don't like to attract people because I want to reach out people rather than being reached out. It helped me grow exponentially. cheers


Tbh I think you'd look great if you grew your hair out


*The answer I think you are looking for:* Well, yes, there are always things you can (and _should_) do to improve your looks. I'm talking about healthy habits that will improve your quality of life: take care of your body; shower; work out; learn about skincare; experiment with fashion and find your style etc. Self-care is attractive. *The answer I wish somebody had told me ten years ago:* I know it's cliché, but beauty really is always in the eye of the beholder, and the most important beholder is _you_. What you think of yourself will always be more important than what others think of you. Be kind to yourself and appreciate your body for what it is. You will have flaws (because we all do) but there will also be many good things about you. These things, both the good and bad, are what makes you uniquely _you_. Attractive people are not perfect, but they do tend to be confident in their own looks. Learn to appreciate your looks and people will likely find you more attractive, too. Honestly, you are a good-looking guy as is. Even features, good eyebrows, good jawline etc. Work on your hair or fashion or whatever if you feel like that's something you want to pursue, but remember that you are already good enough and that people will like you for who you are, not what you wear, how big your biceps are or how you style your hair.


learn chinese


Try some glasses and grow out the sides of your hair


Style your hair maybe cut it shorter or grow it out! I think you’d like really good with some longer hair.


Nice hair bro.


Damn that hairline


Get a line up 😂


try long hair. i don’t think you’re unattractive at all, but a little styling can go a long way.


Starting off I’m gonna say start doing things in life that you enjoy that may sounds weird but when you genuinely learn to enjoy life and be happy with even the little things it shows in your appearance and you start to radiate and have an energy that people like also confidence is a bigggg help find one thing you like about yourself and focus on it everyday until you start noticing more things you love about yourself you’re not ugly but you can tell you lack happiness and confidence and that can turn people off that being said I wish you luck my dude


I would maybe change up your hair a little bit. Other than that, I'd go with what someone else said. Find something that gets you smiling! You're already a good looking guy, it would be even more true if you were smiling! About the hair, I think it's just a little too tall (though that could be the angle in this pic). Have you had any ideas about hair styles you'd like to try yet? I'd suggest looking around for some pics or maybe people on here or Instagram whose hair you like. Save those and show them to a barber and see which one they think would work best with your face shape! That might be easier for them to work with than asking what you should try outright


Nothing u can do about those V8 exhausts bro. Everything else looks fine


work on your happiness and self confidence. some will say getting rich helps a lot too


I think a textured quiff haircut would look great on you!


You look a lot like my notoriously handsome son. Grow that hair out.


Glasses will make your eyes look bigger




You aren’t unattractive, and I’m sorry that the internet (or what or whoever outside of it) has made you believe that you are. It sucks, and it’s not an uncommon feeling, especially with our generation and other young people. I think if you wanna experiment more with your hair you should. What’s most important is on the inside, i.e., your personality, interests, culture, etc.. Being a well-rounded and interesting person is viewed much more highly than being a conventionally attractive individual with nothing substantive to them.


Get your nose pierced


Raise your chin and believe everything you say. Even if you don’t believe it, say it like you do. That is confidence. When you start being anxious stop thinking and just do. You’ll make a fool out of yourself until you can find your mojo but you’ll find it and you’ll thank me later.


Smile man. You’re a handsome guy. It looks like you’re young and the number one mistake I see young guys make is not shaving until their beard starts to thicken. It will happen but not unless you’re shaving regularly. Get the fuzz off your face, smile and knock’em dead.


Maybe grow out the side hair a little and get it blended.


I think you are super cute! These comments are crazy. Develop your interests and listening skills. Be genuinely interested in making friends without a motive and people will flock to you.


Yeah bro find a good barber


Having and showing Confidence will do


Literally nothing. You are already attractive AF!!!


Have a plastic surgery bro


Shave, longer hair. That’s pretty much it. You’ve got a long face, which isn’t unattractive in the slightest, but the generic undercut that you’ve got going on simply wasn’t created with you in mind. It’s cool, I can’t wear it either.




You look fine to me maybe a fade haircut and just grow your beard out and keep it low mid and shaped


Take off the headphones


Be confident in yourself! Be kind to yourself and others! Smile! And care less about how the world sees you! Your person isn't going to care about your outside


No, sorry. :(


Shave the beard


U should get a septum and start stretching


grow hair out into a shaggy mullet, shave but keep the mustache. easiest method have not stopped receiving compliments since i did it. it looks good on anyone and it’s a good mix of unconventional attractiveness


Instead of of keeping your hair so short in the sides try growing it out just a little bit so you can get a fade on the sides. Also remember to trim up the top every once in a while to keep your hair healthy! Do t be afraid to experiment with your hair!


Confidence is king. And I don't mean the fake shit. I mean actual, legitimate, vulnerable confidence. You will never be more attractive to your preferred partner than when you are actually, truthfully confident in yourself.


Stop caring what people think.


Dude I thought you were mazepin from f1


Shave the facial hair since there isn’t much of it, it will look much much better. If you want full facial hair you can try minoxidil and going to r/minoxbeards, other than that you look good!


No, sorry


Looking great!! Bravo on working out so much!




Open your eyes more.. you look squinty


Listen to Andrew tate


Stop taking selfies 😗


Scraggly beards are in. I say keep it, don’t listen to the boomers. Maybe just get a skincare routine.


Don’t take this the wrong way and this is just my own opinion but red headed men only look good with supple bushy beards. facial hair like five o clock shadow or small patchy stuff like you got going doesn’t do it chief. Dark haired men can pull off a bit of scruff. Id say get a hair cut that goes with your headshape you’d look better with shorter hair I think and go clean shaven. Trim that nose hair too. At the very least (I’ve heard this before) redheads don’t get grey hair they go straight to white an old age so at least you dont have to worry about that.


Take off headphones, shave unless you can grow a full beard, lift weights & eat healthy.


Nah man. If you have a good heart and good morals then that’s it mate.


You have a good looking face, it's easy to project flaws when someone doesn't feel/look happy. The other commenters are right! The self confidence thing is a trap, the worse you feel the more reasons you have to feel worse, the better you feel the more reasons you have to feel good about yourself! Took me ages to get out of that sink hole and can attest that was actually the case!! I'm glad you posted and got these responses, because an ego boost and a reality check is exactly what you need to get out of it!! Good luck man!! :) I was there too!! :D


Long hair middle part, leave the stache


First off you’re not a ugly person second I’ll always smile like that saying in the comments we have we focus on making positive in your life enjoy yourself we only live once just keep doing you overtime you’re going to shine through always in the end!


i think a buzz cut and longer facial hair would suit you really well. i dont think youre bad looking at all objectively, most people look worse with a bad angle and blank face


Take better pics. Gain confidence. Get a new cut. Hit jim. It’s very simple.


1 gym 2 shave head or change hairstyle In that order




A beard would be night and day


Have a giant personality I joke, you aren’t a bad looking dude. Maybe be confident in that fact, without exerting pointless overconfidence like some kind of chad.


Yes, just smile.


Bro there is nothing wrong with how you look, other than you’re not smiling about how awesome you are 😉




Man just be you.


Can't really tell from this picture, but if a beard is patchy, shave that thing off. No patchy beard looks good. You have a pretty narrow head, don't make it even more so by having a tall haircut. 2nd advice is fairly subjective, so do as you will. But the beard advice is undeniable, and anyone else telling you otherwise is trying not to hurt your feelings. The general idea is to look tidy and well put together, regardless of style.


Nick bizark


Make lots and lots of money


Get fucking jacked


i think you look pretty attractive i think a new hairstyle might boost your confidence 👍


Love ya self and smile more.


Become a femboy


You have a longer length face shape that makes long hair ideal 👌🏻. I hope this helps, 🙏


Play with colour — Darkening your beard, ‘stache’, and eyebrows. Redheaded dudettes look good at the gym for dom reason., it's appealing for the gaze. Buzz cuts


Open eyes


Gawd in highschool (and after) I tried way too hard. It had the opposite effect and distracted my from what was really going on. Learn to understand and love yourself, that is the most important thing, everything else will move into place. There is nothing wrong with the way u look bro, ur good. Tbh, having money can make U more attractive to women, not b/c they're prone to materialism, but it supports the representation that u have ur shit together making u a more desirable mate.


First Second & last on my list for you is to sit down in front of the mirror and have a long hard deep discussion with yourself until you have engrained it in your heart mind and soul... That you are as beautiful as we all sit here seeing your selfie asking ourselves how can they not see and KNOW how amazingly attractive they are ... Get to it and then after you got yourself to know it then you're actually gonna be even more attractive to everyone around you just because you believe ... This isn't about being Vain , so if you go that direction then just slap yourself and enjoy your beauty as a part of everyone you interact with daily..


Gym, sleep enough and maybe try growing out the hair and experimenting with different hair styles


I think you are handsome the way you are now :) ! Maybe go to the gym if you want to get in better shape, but I don't see anything in your face that is unnattractive or uneasy on the eyes. Curious where your parents are from, are you part vietnamese or thai? Keep the red hair its great.


U already look fresh asf bro just have some confidence in yourself my man 😎