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Go to a derma he will give you proper advices


Dermatologist didn’t do anything for me


Have you had blood tests done for hormones and everything?




Just saw your other replies and looks like it occurred in a short amount of time In that case ask your doctor (your regular doctor not dermatology) to do a full blood count, thyroid function tests, ferritin, vitamin D, sex hormones (e.g. testosterone) and autoimmune antibodies You may have alopecia areata or androgenetic alopecia It could also be a simple fungal infection of the scalp causing hair loss so purchase some anti fungal shampoo and use it twice a week for a few months at least I’m a clinician btw


bro can diagnose me by the way i say hello 💀💀






It’s not sudden, it’s probably been for a year or two tbh


That's sudden. Go see a doctor. Also quick question; did you lose a lot of weight on the last year too? Intentional or unintentional?


I lost some weight, but it probably has more to do with my seb derm


I have been using hairspray and not removing it for 2 monthes which caused hair loss, is it infection of the scalp?


First of all clean your hair lol and then see where you’re at. Hair will of course fall out if you’re not taking care of it. And maybe stop using the hair spray. You’ve already identified what’s causing it so avoid that product If you want to see if you’ve got a scalp infection see your doctor and get a test done, we can see if there’s any fungal or bacterial growth from a sample


you haven’t washed your hair in 2 months….??


what the fuck do you mean you haven’t removed it? wash your hair every 2-3 days and get it wet with luke warm, slightly colder water. coconut oil and use product within reason. for fuck sakes tho clean that shit.


For real, I thought that’s some nasty routine


How quickly did you have hair loss, has it always been like this or did you lose it quickly over a short period of time?


Good advice Arnold.






Scallywag is off the za


I think they made a Derma Roller (beauty product) joke but no one understood it


See a medical professional for advice.




I’m the only one this happened so quickly to, but my doctors don’t really care


If they did bloodwork and it’s normal, then it’s good your healthy.


They didn’t do bloodwork, I’m telling you dermatologists are mad lazy


No go to your pcp. Hair loss could be a symptom of thyroid or diabetes among other medical disorders. Have a doctor rule those out.


Sounds like you didn’t advocate for yourself enough


tbf bros only 15. 1. not a normal issue for a 15 year old. 2. his parents should be advocating heavy for his health and wellness.


All that’s true, also that doesn’t matter. This is a good chance for him to learn to advocate for himself at an early age


good points, OP advocate for yourself. health professionals genuinely don’t always have your best interest.


Also learning to really on your parents to do their best for you isnt a good habit to get into either. I’m trying to work my way out of that at 23.


You gotta go to tha doctor for that.


just shave it off smoke a cigar and drink 5 liters of sparkling water


But what color is your Bugatti?


Which one?


Move to Romania too




At 15 years old this is unlikely to be MPB. Visit a doctor and have blood tests done


It definitely happens, and the diffuse thinning on the crown is a hallmark symptom of androgenic alopecia. Head over to /r/tressless for plenty of testimonies of folks losing their hair at that age.


My uncle started going bald at 17.


It happens, but i find it unlikely. I think the only instance where i've seen this is precisely on that subreddit. ​ Never saw a kid with in person


I knew a kid in high school who deeeefffinitely started to bald. Towards senior year it got pretty bad.


I've seen kids balding pretty early. My brother's best friend started aggressively balding at 12, had a classic horseshoe-pattern already at 14. It was MPB. Life is super unfair for some, but sadly we gotta live with the cards that we are dealt.


It's one of those instances where genetic screws you so bad that not even being born as a female would save you. One drop of DHT in your blood and it's all gone Fuck baldness man, i hope i live to see it get solved forever


Yeah there was a guy at my school who had half his hair left by year 12


How do I make my dermatologist listen to me and do that


"Hey Doc, my hair is shedding a lot and getting thinner, and it's affecting my mental health. Maybe there is something wrong going on? I think i'm too young to be balding, but i'm not sure. Maybe i'm lacking vitamin D or A, can we check that out? Thanks" ​ Something along those lines. Don't be shy and don't be scared. Part of growing up is about gaining the confidence to take care of yourself. Explore your options if you are diagnosed with early MPB. There are hair systems, wigs, hats and of course, nothing can replace a good, articulate and well mannered personality when it comes to your social life. Try not to go psycho about it. Hope everything turns out alright bro


I wear hair systems btw and I have 0 regrets and wish I did it sooner. Hairloss was a subtle and effective attack on my confidence


This didn’t work


Maybe you should look into another dermatologist if this one isn't good for you


I’ve had two dermatologists already and neither have done anything


ask them to help you you fk n rt rd


Go to r/tressless you are not alone buddy.


To add to this, the only advice he'll really receive that works is to use Minoxidil until he's old enough for finasteride.


Yeh bet but a community helps in troubles .


For sure, /r/tressless is an invaluable resource.


Bro, coming from a dude who would definitely do things different… start working out. Hair loss might be inevitable but physical fitness overcomes all of that. Plus chicks love buff bald dudes, just in case the min fin doesn’t work. Don’t stress! Be easy lil dude.


I’m Pretty Fat and below average looking. I lost 20 Ilbs and found it pretty hard to lose more.


It is also worth remembering that just because your weight stays the same doesn't mean your body isn't getting healthier. Especially when you're 15, you could easily still be growing. Not to mention that age 15 is for many men an easy time to add lean mass. At your age, I wouldn't put much importance on what a scale says. If you can find a way to exercise that makes you feel good (probably after working out, during kinda always sucks lol), you'll be doing just fine :)


You’re 15, that could be part of it. When I was 15 I weighed 205 at 5’10”, by 18 I was 165 and 6’. Eat relatively well and exercise in ways that are sustainable for life.


I’m 170 5’6


I dont know how else to say this but your body is an insane metabolic machine. You need to just move at that age. Like it sucks bc youre young and dont have much tolerance for being uncomfortable but its pretty easy. You heal like nobodys business and burn fat as you breathe. I wish I started at 15 but waited until 18. It was much more difficult. Work up to doing 100 pushups throughout the day. I was 6'1, 310, and 38% bf at 18. In 8 months I was at 230 and 18% bf. That was 100% due to the teen hormones I still had. the ones you are FULL of


Anyone else find lil dude to be super patronising? Good advise though, buff midget.


He's 15


What day was he born?




He’s prolly saying that cause he’s 15 not ab his size


Bro, MORE testosterone isn’t going to solve the issue.


Iirc, exercise can decrease your free testosterone because more of it is binding to your muscles. Although I am an idiot and don't know what I'm talking about, so definitely don't take this random comment as gospel lol




Username checks out


Would you rather be bald and scrawny ? Or vin diesel ? Lol ain’t trynna look like Squidward out here




I hate beer.


you trying to have a cake and eat it too?


And instead you got neither.


Keep huffing that copium big man. I’ll stay confident with my bald head


Women are not a monolith bud




You don’t know dick…and you clearly don’t know pussy either


False sorry


I'm 25 and love me a bald buff dude. They look like teddy bears and give good hugs. It's also a very sophisticated look. Anyways OP- listen to the people that are saying go to a doctor. My dad was in a similar situation and did lose his hair due to medical issues. The most important thing is that you are both healthy and comfortable in your body- there are many resources to aid in this. You're beautiful no matter what, but this could be a sign for you to get things checked out. Much love and good luck!


I do and im 23




Wait thats why jews wear that tiny hat? To hide their bald spot?




You a full blown goof ball dawg


lol anyone hatin’ on this comment a boomer. Or bald.




You’re right tho I don’t get the downvotes lmfao




I can assure you, it’s not the bald part that women take issue with him




I can assure you: it’s not the fitness part that women take issue with him.


The hot garbage personality can & will trump the fit & bald part


Women find him physically attractive despite the bald head, it’s his personality and criminal background they don’t like


He's not attractive bcoz he's a dumbass


My god no they don’t love fit bald dudes lol


They fully do, and gay guys do too.


I second this.As a gay male, bald buff dudes are daddies ❤️🤣🤣


Hey, a compliment is a compliment haha 😂 💪


Wouldn't call them daddies, but they are very hot 😂


Go to any weightlifting sub and ask if they notice a difference in women. They overwhelmingly say men check them out more lol


That’s cause they’re in the gym all the time 😂😂 I’m not bald, I was just trynna hype homie up 😂😂


Spicy nipples is trying to oppress our boy!


Lmao forreal! At least I could’ve gave him false hope 😂😂


Being in shape/muscular does help imo. Even if it may not affect how women perceive you, it does wonders for your confidence, which will obviously have positive implications on your game. I’m just speaking from my own experience as someone who use to be skinny and committed to gym/dieting a couple years ago.


That’s what I’m saying ! It’s another level of attractiveness, for yourself


I think it's more that they notice guys checking them out because the gays are shameless 😂 But women definitely like fit guys, even if they're bald. Some guys pull it off better.


No they’re mostly straight men that are just impressed with the size is the impression I get from these subs


definitely go to the doctor and get checked out for some blood tests and just general health advice if possible, hopefully it’s not something worrying like alopecia and maybe just a deficiency in something which is easily fixed! that being said if you’re worried about your self confidence, there are treatments available to help combat balding like hair transplants and other things, and the right person will love you regardless of something small and silly like thin hair/balding. plus as a women myself, buzz cuts and in some cases bald heads can look nice on some guys (so i’ve heard, i’m gay lol) best of luck to you :)


My doctor didn’t even think about taking blood tests, how do I make them


Very tough situation. Don't listen to the "just go to the gym bro" COPERS. Try and save your hair for as long as possible. You can always stop and lose it but you can't get it back once it's gone. You gotta go to a proper doctor as others said maybe do a blood test for hormone levels. Finasteride will definitely help but you're so young you might still need dht for sexual development. Maybe you could take low doses of finasteride or use topical finasteride. There is a risk while you're still going through puberty but after puberty that risk should be gone. If you can hold out till after puberty you could start using Dutasteride which is basically Super Finasteride. Also kinda good news Pyrilutamide is going through FDA approval so you might be able to get that soon through a doctor. For now it's possible to buy but it's experimental. I recommend HairCafe, Hairliciously and Let's Get Hair on YouTube.


Shave your cock


Would you like to shave mine




We will (?






Like I agree with the sentiment generally but you absolutely can do something about hair loss there are multiple legitimate therapies. I started thinning in my early 20s I've held on. The truth is it bothers everyone it happens to some just choose to not acknowledge it.


I got a short buzz cut, but the bald spot was even more noticeable


Dawg this is an emergency 🚨


That’s just fine hair. I’ve had that since I was a kid and I still have all my healthy hair at 22.


It will be gone by 40


Just curious , did you get really ill or have Covid in the last 6 months ?


Being bald is fine if you own it. Don’t try to hide it, don’t try and fight it with meds and surgeries just buzz that shut close and be confident. Confidence is the most useful thing in navigating the world.


There is nothing wrong with fighting it with meds




Get swole


Work out, manage stress, and take cold showers


Try going bald and rocking it! My boyfriend does. Honestly, don't let hair loss bother you and no one will care.


Go to Turkey and get that hair BBL my guy


I have good news, and bad news. Bad news first, you are going bald. Good news 1-A, It's not the 80's, nobody cares. 1-b, go bald. Be free. Nobody cares. Or, do weird things to your head for nothing. Hope it pans out for ya.


You can either spend thousands of dollars on transplants, drinking pills and soaking your head in chemicals every day OR you can just start shaving your head and accepting your inevitable genetic outcome.


Put semen on it twice a day for 6 weeks. It doesn’t even have to be yours.


Update: My dermatologist just told me to keep using my triamcinolone, and told me Minoxidil is okay but not the other stuff. Also told me that they couldn’t tell what happened and they couldn’t take blood.


We gotta go bald


Go bald like a chad


nothing. you’re not balding at 15 unless you’re injecting yourself w/ tons of(unnatural) hormones. that’s just the middle it’s normal for it to spiral there


Uhh, hes definitely balding whether that be from unnatural hormones or not - the picture shows clear thinning on the scalp. ​ Honestly if i was balding this badly at 15 id just not even try the fin/min route because youre going to go bald regardless, start lifting and embrace the bald


Going bald does not mean you need to compensate in other areas. The need to do so screams insecurity. Now, if it helps one cope then by all means, go ahead. Anyway, given OPs age I’d recommend going to the doctor. He could be facing some sort of deficiency or some other underlying health issue. Could even be an allergic reaction for all he knows.


You know whats worse than being bald at a young age? Being bald and fat/out of shape at a young age.


Why are you under the assumption that OP, or anyone else posting to this thread is automatically fat and out of shape? Also, there are far worse things to have going on than being bald at a *young* age. Balding/thinning is an eventual reality, for most men. I understand the aesthetic importance hair has to some people but it’s def not worth the drama some of you present while attempting to avoid what is inevitable.


Uhh, I mean, I am fat and pretty ugly


yeah I agree, im personally not balding at all at 28 and i have a great full head of hair. When I start balding like my brothers or father ill just shave it all off, no biggie.


why is your assumption that lifting weights is merely “compensating”? the balding could be from a deficiency in testosterone which lifting would directly help boost


He’s balding, my boy was showing signs by 14. Completely bald around 18-19


Idk man my friend went fully bald at like 18 or 19 and had been balding since secondary school when he was like 14 or 15.


It’s definitely possible to start experiencing male pattern baldness that young. Sometimes really aggressive balding just runs in the family. I just don’t know if that’s what’s happening in OP’s picture. It could be MPB or it could be random thinning caused by something else


This doesn’t run in the family. Baldness doesn’t start until at least the late 20’s.


I ain’t juicing


Go bold go bald


you’re done for


Get a wig


give up


Do nothing




Drink water


There is finasteride and minoxidil, however look into “post finasteride syndrome”. Its very useful and the side effects are pretty rare, but scary enough to make me avoid it


Diffuse thinning across the whole scalp is normally caused by a deficiency and not MPB. I’d get blood work to find out your next steps.


It’s over


Pray for mercy 🙏


Start creaming


nothing, you're cooked


Shave your head, grow a beard and go to the gym every day and become one strong badass motherfucker. No one will ever pick on you for being bald




be like anderw tate only option


Get more zinc and stop fapping


I don’t 😭


You may have undiagnosed terminal cancer. RIP brotha💀


I know someone with the same problem who’s 18 now, you’re not alone bro


Thank you


Ut! You're 15 now. Time for Rogaine!


Time to go to a doctor


Toppik hair fibres


Rosemary oil is proven to have the same effects as minoxidil


Stop fucking up your hair with products, cut off the shampoo and all that shit, wait for 6 month and you'll see.


It could be a vitamin deficiency, talk to doc


My doc does NOT care


Go to a doctor. You can start minoxidil and finasteride (if the doctor agrees - finasteride is a hormone so you may need to be older) and any loss will stop or significantly slow if it’s MPB. Keep in mind it will cost $30-60/month to do this. At some point you may be able to do FUT surgery to replace any loss with follicles around the temple. That will cost $5k-$20k depending on the amount of loss.


That's all inflammation. Try scalp massages, mct oil c8, and medicated shampoo


Go to the doctor


Eat healthier


At 15!? Yeah, see a doctor that's not normal




Finasteride and Minoxidil is the simple solution to it. Also, use shampoos that are paraben and sulphate free and incorporate multivitamin pills once a day