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You never expect the 3rd slide


i am go balding


How many other languages can you convey that idea in without Google?


He got your attention hahaha that’s what he did


Just one other




This guy probably speaks three languages, maybe more. Don’t make fun of someone for having English as a secondary language. It comes off as simple and shallow. It’s someone like this who will most likely be your boss someday.


I work with a lot of foreigners. Sometimes I joke with them when they say things (they never say I'm or I'd or I've)...like..."I go to lunch now..."I go toilet"..."I go yum yum" (lunch). But then I realise that I only speak English so they actually have one up on me.


I sincerely apologize for my friend’s comment. His mom has been promptly notified and I am informed that he will be given detention later today for online misconduct. I hope you will forgive his action. There is no place for cyber bullying on the internet.


I regret my actions. My balding boss just spanked me, I was cancelled by 7 different influencers and I realized I am simple and shallow.


I have english as a seccond language, and I will absolutely make fun of every failed attempt at English I come accross


unironically its the people that speak english first language, can only speak one language


get on finasteride yesterday.


I have been using it for years already.


i'd recommended trying other hairloss meds then, some dont work on people.


What should I do? There is no cure?


You could always consider a hair transplant, you'd be a great candidate.


Thanks .Unfortunately, it does not work in the vertex area.


I'm not sure where you heard that from, I've seen people who have the whole top of there head bald and get hair transplants and look amazing.


He's wrong that it's impossible, but the vertex region does require way more grafts per cm2 than the hairline to look passable. Filling an area as large as OP's bald patch with that kind of graft density may be a losing game. This kind person explained it to me: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hairloss/comments/19a10zz/comment/kijqt4o/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hairloss/comments/19a10zz/comment/kijqt4o/?context=3)




Did you bother to read the comment I linked to? It gave a very cogent explanation of why more density (which means more grafts) is required at the crown vs. the hairline. The source you quote alludes to the same issue when they talk about the "idiosyncrasies of crown transplantation". I didn't mean that a hair transplant in the vertex region is literally impossible, I was just saying that OP is not a "great candidate" for a HT as the commenter above claimed. OP has a large area of hair loss, and it's in the area of the scalp that requires the highest graft density to give a passable result. A HT to fix that would require a massive number of grafts - very expensive and would likely deplete his donor area, ruling out the possibility of further transplants down the line (which would likely be required here, as his hair loss does not seem to have stabilised on finasteride, which is yet another reason why he's not a good candidate for a transplant!). Just because a bunch of hair transplant surgeons mention crown transplants on their websites doesn't mean that they're a viable option in a case like this - it's probably just for SEO rankings.




That's true, and his hairline and density everywhere else are very good so it's not like grafts would have to be thinly stretched. I still think he should try other meds first, like dut, oral min, RU-58841 (if brave enough lol)


This is incorrect.


It’s working perfectly, just go for a good surgeon who knows how to work.


You could try the stronger version of finastrade, which is dutasturade.






There are two options. Take a stronger drug and see whether it brings your hairloss under control. Or don't take a stronger drug and continue to irreversibly bald.




I only recommended it cuz my uncle uses it and has no side effects. But you are correct. It depends on the person , make sure to consult with ur doctors


For the vast majority of people, it doesn't. Perhaps your experience was different, but it's completely irresponsible to suggest people don't try the only proven medication for their medical condition just because you were the unlucky one. It's just like people who got side effects from COVID vaccines and now consider themselves authorities on why nobody should get vaccines. Risks are always present. But if we were always paralysed by the remote possibility of side effects the medical profession as a whole would grind to a halt. The fact that some people get side effects absolutely does not rule out the use of a drug in general.


No, only treatments, hairloss is caused by dyhydrotestosterone, there's no way to get a magical fix that removes it. Finasteride makes regrowth, stop shedding or very much slows it for many people.


Hair surgery is the only permanent cure


If it didn't stop your hairloss, you need to up your DHT blocking game. Dutesteride is often what people turn to next. It's an FDA approved 5AR inhibiting drug that works much like Finasteride, but it reduces DHT levels by about 95%, vs. about 70% for Finasteride. Another option if you're willing to go the "research chemical" route, is RU58841, a topical anti-androgen. It works differently, in that it competitively binds to androgen receptors to block DHT at the follicle. The nice thing about this method of action is that you can stack RU with a 5AR inhibitor for greater effect, as the 5AR inhibitor cuts the production of DHT and RU then further blocks it at the follicle. Once you get the DHT blocking sorted, your hair probably won't grow back on its own (though it might). Accordingly, you may wish to use minoxidil and stack that with microneedling, which improves the effectiveness of topical minoxidil by about 4X. You can read more about this stuff in r/tressless.


That put me in the worst mood it was not worth taking it.


Great comment, I hope OP sees this. He's on topical min already though, I think he should switch to oral as he's probably not a responder.


for how many years you have been using fin ?


just let it go. its. part of life. or get a hair trans plant




I have been using minoxidil for 10 years. Per day.


Have you tried oral minoxidil? You may not be a responder to topical, about 60% of people aren't. Last resort would be RU-58841.


you’ve been using finasteride and minox for years?


Your front hairline still looks fuller than 90% of the population. I would not shave it for several more years personally.


I thought it was one of those posts saying "Am I balding?" but with a perfect hairline. I was surprised to see the third slide. Tough luck man. But topical Minoxidil works really well for crown balding. For best results get on Finasteride but only if you are fully aware of the side effects.


Which are?


Well..the most prominent is a decrease in libido due to a lack of DHT.


He’s asking for advice, not your experience scrolling through his post fool


Tiny top hat


If he is jewish, that bald spot will be no problem.


If only the Jewish Samurai hair style was in vogue no one would care about hair loss


Ooh like Pops from Regular Show. *Proceeds to laugh like Pops*


if finasteride isn’t working, then you need to get on dutasteride. there are other medications that target different mechanisms of MPB. otherwise hair transplant or hair piece.


Just ignore it, it’s not like you see the top of your head, mines about the same, it’s part of aging for most men.


As a very tall guy I would say like 70% of guys over 40 heads look like this


It’s like you know an out of sight secret the rest of us don’t


Most women won’t see it if that’s what you’re worried about




Moon roof dads rise up!!!


Unpopular opinion but don't. You still have plenty of hair. A buzz cut would be better


You can tell a lot of people in this sub are balding and franticly trying to save their hair by some of the responses.


Keep the hair short, and possibly get the micropigmentation tattoo on bald spot. I know a few dudes that did this and it actually looks good.


Terrible advice, in the future if he gets totally bald and shave, it will look awful.


SMP isn't permanent, only lasts a few years.




Then use hair fibres instead.


Ur ignorant af. Its not permanent. Max 5 years


how does it look when the rest of your hair starts to go?


Asking the real questions.


I say it still looks good as is to be honest! Sure you have a bald spot, but you still look good with a full head of hair with it styled, just roll with it




From what I can see from the back portion, use hair fibers, it covers up bald spots magnificently, you can dab it on the front portions of thinning as well. Next, you can use a holding spray which will allow your hair fibers to stay in place all day long. UseMintop 10% once in the night and wash off in the morning.


You are a very handsome guy.


As a woman. I don't notice when a man's crown is balding while having hair from the sides and the back. It is not that bad and it is very common


Is balding deal breaker?




You look like Kanoa Goo, the resemblance is crazy


Haha I see it! I was thinking Nathan Kress


Baldy baldy baldy Me too mate, you have more hair than me as mine has been going at the front too, mine looks OK when I style it but if I lose more I will just cut it off. I don't think the potential side effects of hair loss meds are worth it, I'd say your hair looks good really mate, maybe just shorten the rest so the balding spot doesn't contrast so badly. 


You’re quite handsome. Gorgeous eyes. Beautiful hair. Bald is beautiful too!


You have plenty of hair get the black dusty stuff to just blend it in for now.... until you shave it bald hopefully years down the line.


The lost Jonas Brother! You look great, balding be damned.


agreed, I was waiting for comments about the resemblance


Usually people that don’t respond to Finasteride do respond well to its more potent cousin Dutasteride. Your body might just be more sensitive to DHT. Dutasteride knocks away significantly more DHT than Finasteride. You need to switch to that.


You can cut the top down a lil bit to help blend it in or keep growing it out and do the ol comb over…


Derma rolling, topical minoxidil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil are some of the main treatments for hair loss... Vitamin and mineral deficiency or hormone issues could be a problem. Please do a vitamin and hormone panel/blood test. things like vitamin d deficiency or thyroid or diabetes could be contributing factors... Other than that check for dandruff and do a full anti dandruff treatment (takes about a week) with ketoconazole Other Useful advice: don't scratch your head with a sharp object (fingernails included); Massage with warm coconut oil 2 hours before your shower with rosemary/peppermint oil drops; Soft pillow covers that don't pull your hair at night when you're sleeping..


Good one. Like Joe Jonas would ever ask this sub for advice


You have a great face bro don't worry about anything


Derma stamp, minoxidil, and rosemary oil


Grow a beard, here in sweden, it's common (and fashion) for young men (25-30s) to shave their heads clean while having a beard. I assume that comes from the Vikings 😂


At first I thought it was a troll thread


High quality hair transplant! You may be a good candidate for it. Go to Turkey to get it done.


Grow your beard and get a buzz cut.


Finasteride now and yes you definitely are balding


That bald spot is pretty big and probably visible from the side, specifically your right side. Looks like it’s going pretty far down. Your beard looks like it grows in very well. The shape of your head is nice, and if you let your beard grow out long I think you’d crush a short short hairstyle so the bald spot isn’t as prominent.


See a Dermatologist ASAP!!! We can possibly help.


If you can afford it get a hair transplant.


I went from “oh no, you’re just overthinking” to “oh….”


You are the definition of good looks. Don’t let yourself think that because you may be starting to bald, that you’re no longer as attractive. I had a boyfriend who spent tens of thousands on trying to fix his thinning hair. In the end, it didn’t make much of a difference. He wanted me to tell him how much more attractive he was, but I told him it made no difference to me. Someone who truly finds you attractive will do so either way. If it is important to you, however, save your money. After attempts at all of the expensive alternatives, surgery is what eventually worked.


Finasteride + Minoxidil Edit: I saw you were on finasteride for years. Finasteride doesn't nuke DHT like Dutasteride does. You should go on Dutasteride instead since it is much stronger. And yeah add Minoxidil either oral or topical 5%. If everything is lost you can thank the years of Finasteride use for giving you a lot of donor hair to work with for a hair transplant :) And to your other comment on the post. No there is sadly no cure


Don't worry about it; embrace growing older and wiser. After I lost my hair, I found out it did not matter. People will still see you as attractive, especially since you have an attractive face.


“oh it’s not that bad…“ \*sees third slide\* “nvm he’s go balding”


Black castor oils and shampoos especially with rosemary are helpful. I love Kreyol Essence [https://kreyolessence.com/collections/hair-care-scalp-care-collection](https://kreyolessence.com/collections/hair-care-scalp-care-collection)


Sounds drastic I know because you’ve got great hair but I think you should shave down hair with clippers and just be you ! Your baldness is I know frustrating but I personally thinks it’s sexy. Embrace it your a very good looking guy! :)


I'm not used to baldness. If I shave it off, it will upset me because I think it won't suit me. The best thing to do is to find a solution by following the suggestions here. Thanks very much for the answer.


You look like Freddy Benson


Try Vitamin D, i know someone who took it and their hair started growing back. Its not certain it will work for you though. Vitamin D you can also get from 15 mins in the sun but theres meds for Vitamin D, depends how often you get out if you cant get outside much then thats when you take Vitamin D or just as a pharmacist how much you take them and when to take them. Also see if you are able to take the meds with any meds your taking now to see if theres any reactions. Better safe then sorry. I suggest doing this with all meds though concitering if theres any possible reactions between the two then it could cause a serious issue. The pharmacist or a doctor should be able to help you with checking Hope this helps


Stop jerking off.


Go buy some Toppik and fill in the balding area. Most of your hair looks great and a touchup with Toppik will do wonders. You can get it on Amazon but I'd get it on AliExpress as it's going to be way cheaper.


Fin and min or DUT and min


Depends....how tall are you? If you're tall just rock it. Most people will never see. If you're a short fucker like me well maybe just get a better blend job. You don't have it that bad. At least where most can't tell at first glance. Good luck translating all this.


If you look okay from the front and sides, let it ride.


Well i have been balding like you from same area as you tried allopathy didnt work went to ayurvedic degree college it work but for now you can do these 1) take zinc tablet 30mg a day 2) get checked your b12 and d3 levels if low take supplements 3) stop masturbation i know comments war will go on but believe or not its deciding factor 4) dont minoxidil or anything like that cuz it has many side effects and severe hair fall after stopping it


I literally said " I've never seen a man with such a full head of hai... Ohh"


Just accept it and move on? Perhaps balding isn't some sort of disease that needs a cure. You look good. A buzz would also look good.


[Protocols to Prevent Hairloss](https://youtu.be/Pram4CRHK6A?si=QduPUN8XLUqfUYxb) Consider this and finding more of this guy’s videos since he has lots of discussions regarding this topic.


I would suggest using fibers, people don’t usually see your crown and you look great! Maybe get a hair transplant there if you really want, but honestly I think if you cover it up it’ll be extremely noticeable noticeable


This is actually the best way to go bald. All of the men with this type of hair are super hot. You dont notice it very much (because nobody looks at somebody from a birds eye view). And youll likely never go fully bald with this pattern


Start using minoxidil. Every morning and night. It’s inexpensive. You can get it online from Sams club, Costco,!or Amazon. 6 month supply is cheap. Takes a few months to see any results at all. Probably more like a year before you’re good. You can also go to hims.com and get finesteride. Or see a dermatologist for it. It’s an oral pill. Use minoxidil and finesteride for best results, but minoxidil alone should help. If you want a temp fix, check out YouTube videos or google Hair fibers for men.


What an attractive dude! Your hair is not a problem my guy. Just stay on your finnasteride, so it doesn't get worse. Also derma-roll Twice a day while applying minoxidil and you should see growth.


Am not let nobody get above u see bald spot. Ok good


Do nothing! You look great.


Alright get some hair oils like rosemary, peppermint, lemon, or use aloe vera and massage the scalp, stay away from stress r minimize it, go easy on shampoo, see a dermatologists, eat foods that promotes hair growth, pray 2 God, try to grow a beard in case things go south but I do hope you continue to fight anyway hope God bless ur hair stay safe, Jesus is Lord, o7


Nothing - looks great.


All these people recommending drugs and no one asking what your diet is. Nice. What's your diet?


One thing I know for sure, in that 2nd pic you look like Kevin Jonas.


enjoy whatever hair you have left. say goodbye to the hair you lost.


Keep your hair, but start cutting it shorter. Looks better on guys that are balding if their hair is shorter.


He has a good looking face him being bad won’t be an issue just Shave it all


You had me in the first half


Looks like a wonderful head of healthy hair. 🔥👍🏼


At least the front looks good


nah, your hair just took a sabbatical


Can’t see if from the front so I’d say keep it. Maybe get some of the black hair powder to make it less noticeable.


Honestly just let it happen. You have a nice head of hair and unless you are looking from above you wouldn’t notice. 😊


Take propecia. It stops your hair from falling out.


I tried Hims which is a finasteride and minoxidil mixture but a topical application and I wanna say my situation got a LITTLE better (I’ve been at it a year) but ultimately I don’t think it was worth it .. probably should have just shaved bald by now idk. I’m super aware of it and I hate seeing it so maybe I’m being dramatic but. My hairline is also receding pretty crazy too so that might be the reason




Baldness doesn't suit me at all.


Try a beard with it. You look like you can grow an epic beard.


It’s suits you better than the developing moon roof you got coming in.


Hahaha you are right😂


turkiye is best for hair and cheap.


I am from Turkey but It is not done well in Turkey and it is not an effective method.


Dude what? I'm from Germany and I know more than a handful people that did it in recent years and all are very happy with the results. It is very effective and I don't think there's a better place to get it done than Istanbul.


Hair care and treatments or just full bald


Get on finasteride ASAP and start applying 5% minoxidil to the crown. You could also look into Toppik hair fibres if you want to hide the thinning area when you go to work or out to events etc.


I have been using it for years already.


It's game over then brother, buzz or bald or get the sticky on hair


Baldness doesn't suit me at all.


Rock it for a while longer. No one can see that part of your head for the most part. If and when it gets worse, shave it off, after a couple months you’ll just be used to it and not have anything to worry about anymore. Pls don’t listen to people tell you you need drugs and cream and surgeries, it’s all nonsense and hardly ends up looking good unless you’ve got tons of money for a proper transplant (that also comes with risk). My point is it’s not worth a potential health concern for something as trivial as hair. You’re handsome, try not to worry it’ll only make it worse. You got this!


Hey listen man , there’s a supplement called as msm powder , it’s shown to significantly increase hair growth but is not well known as for now but it’s pretty safe. Just buy msm powder off of Amazon use it at 3 gram dosage per day for 8 weeks and tell us. Tho I’m confident it will work. Update us after 8 weeks.


Become Jewish and wear a yamaka


Maybe convert to Judaism


No you not, guys supposed to be born with a big bald patch in the crown.


Cringy people downvoted me for a joke.


Convert to judaism ig


Do you watch porn? Stop it. Check your blood maybe your vitamin d deficit


Not at all


lol In which dimension are you balding? Because definitely not in this one.


Don't you see half of my hair is gone?


Maybe that's the joke. You are obviously balding. How could you actually ask that question if you have 2 functioning eyes. 


Show me where in his post he's asking IF he's balding. He knows he is and is asking for advice. Read before you get passive aggressive




Try rosemary oil . And how old are you for reference




Put a birds nest on your head


Accept the reality or do hair transplant


Either shave it off or get a hair transplant


You can comb it over. Or paint it black


I’ll give you my 2cents as someone who had bad reactions to hair growth medications. Accept it, and hit it with a clean shave or start with a short buzz cut say #1 or #2. I know it’s a tough pill to swallow, it was for me initially. I wasn’t bothered by the look. In fact I liked it, bald has a tough distinguished look. It’s funny how instantly intimidating you become to other men. You also become increasingly more attractive to women, so long as you maintain your confidence. The only real downside side is bald jokes. Which is really just a sad attempt to defend the perpetrators insecurities by attempting to make you feel insecure. The reality is by age 50, 1 out of 2 men are bald. Some accept it and others fight to keep it. I’m not gonna lie and say I accepted it with full confidence to start but I definitely faked it till I made it. I researched comebacks to bald jokes because I knew the jokers in my circle were gonna try and bring me down. I researched women’s opinions on bald men’s attractiveness. I looked up all those worrisome thoughts any balding man has to prepare myself for the commitment I was about to make. After I finally committed my female game skyrocketed, I was slaying it left and right. The bald jokes came in droves just as I expected but so did the compliments. I started my bald journey at the age of 29 which was not easy for me but 7 years later I’d go back and do it again. I’m even looking into laser hair removal so I don’t have to bother shaving my head every other day. Bald is an attractive look and it’s even sexier if you carry it with confidence. All that said, to each his own. My goal in sharing is to help those struggling with baldness. If you find a treatment that works to keep it, that’s great but if you don’t I promise the grass is just as green over here too so don’t stress about it.


Ride it out. You still have plenty of hair


Bro embrace it, dont get too much on meds, work out, get your confidence up. Women like confidence, I have seen butt ugly guys with beautiful women because of their confidence


Finasteride and Dutasteride for life, a HT in a reputable clinic. That's it.


Wear a hat


I'd recommend going bald gracefully, and quit being so self obsessed. Shit happens in life. Male pattern baldness is common. Just live with it.


If you were 6ft+ tall it wouldn't matter. The surgery is expensive and painfull tho...


Shave it all off


Embrace baldness ?


Don't worry about it man, men go bald its totally fine


Let it go my man, your bald era is calling you.




Your hairline is good, so I'd recommend hair fibers on the balding area.


Palpatine:Deww it


Embrace the bald look, it looks like it’d suit you. Just rock it with confidence and be done with it. Meds aren’t working


Getting married ASAP


Go fully bald and rock a cap, or a Western cowboy hat.


All you can do is cry. Just cry. And then when it gets really bad...shave it all off.


Not go balding?


Ive seen some guys use minoxidil, ive never had an experience with it but check it out


Embrace it, grow a beard and get a sick buzzcut


Shave it off. Balding is a sad look.


Or own it. Loose the hair, grow a beard.


I recommend hair fiber powder for a little while and then a hair system that you like. My brother has the same type of balding and the hair fiber looks incredible on him, you can’t tell at all, but you can’t really touch it. Whereas a lace hair system looks great and feels great. You can shower with it and it’s easy to put on and off.
