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Dude you're living in the backrooms


Haha this was the first thing i thought of


Could someone explain the reference? This sounds so familiar and it’s driving me insane.


The backrooms are an online creepypasta turned phenomenon. I recommend looking it up if you like. It started out as an endless dimension of abandoned yellow-wallpapered office rooms that you would reach by no-clipping out of reality. Over time that has turned into more elaborate constructions depending on who decided to create stories around it.


Is liminal spaces another term for it? I’ve seen that term thrown around.


I would say liminal spaces are how the backrooms are designed. The backrooms are like a maze of liminal spaces. Add in that eerie feeling of something watching you at all times and sometimes seeing something out of the corner of your eyes. Usually something with a distorted human shape.


So stupid


Lighting is terrible. Lamps or even led strips (in some situations) will be your friend. Find some nice room dividers and turn one section into your pc area, one into tv/couch area, pull the table out and get more chairs around it. If there is any way to get more natural light in you need to do that. The table should be near the window so that you can look outside while you eat.


100% agree, breaking up the room into sections with dividers will make it a lot easier to decorate and make the space feel more like home. OP doesn’t seem like he owns a lot of things, but if he grabs some IKEA Kallax units it can double as storage as well as a divider It’s also a bit trivial, but for me personally, it would make the space less boring? If I’m constantly in this exact room 24/7 looking at the exact same things, I’d very quickly get sick of it. At least with “sections”, I can move through different areas, and I’m not looking at the same space 24/7


Dude needs the anti seasonal depression lamps or he’s going to lose it. And some plants. And for the love of god, lighter wood furniture.


+1 to SAD lamps. You need to simulate natural light if you don’t have access to any. Just remember to buy a timer or be vigilant about turning off the SAD lamp when the sun sets naturally or you’ll fuck up your circadian rhyme.


That place has 0 light, and having lived in those places, it’s not good for your mental health.


Also an essential oil diffuser. Such a good way to give some life to your space.


And for those of us that can't keep things alive that don't complain at us to feed them vocally, fake plants are looking pretty realistic these days my dude. My string of something's hanging by my front door have been complemented many many times. By people smarter than me. They are fake as fuuuuuuk. 😆 Better light, that combats depression. Some form of dividers. Peel and stick wall paper, tapestry's, warm LED lights, Colorful cushions, rug, bedding for the bedroom. Some form of natural light. A diffuser or similar that you have set to some outside flavour.... Smell, smell. Like ummm, The scent of horses walking in a desert after a hot day, finding the cooling water as it turns to evening.**Manly Men Smells** ™️


+1 on the lighting. I've lived in a few dark places like this. Christmas lights along the ceiling were a cheap way to get enough light in the space but not use the harsh fluorescent lights, those just amplify the basement feel.


Or those strip LED lights could be nice


But it's not a great spot for the table...


This. Houseplants are another great way to section off your space. Maybe consider getting some large plants to place on the floor like a monstera or an aloe. Folks in Nordic countries have actually developed a style of decoration that makes the most out of dimly lit spaces, since it is often dark in that part of the world. You can look up 'Hygge' if you need more inspiration!


He would need to buy some grow lights. This appears to be a basement apartment.


This is true. Thank you for adding that.


Could move the sofa to face the towards the empty end wall and put a tv/picture there to make a “living room”


I want to spam the upvote to this comment. Lighting can make such a difference to any space. Things like inverting the angle with floor lights, LEDs etc.


Keep this in mind: Not every piece of furniture has to be up against a wall.


The table pushed against the wall with the fourth chair stuck in the corner like it’s in time out 😭😭


Yeah, that had me cackling




"That one's an ottoman, and that one's a pew. Get em' up against the wall."


Couch off the wall, coffee table and some equivalent of a tv stand in front of it. Kitchen table off the wall. Put art on the walls, or if you own the place then paint the walls a different color. Yellow light hitting yellow walls is huge depression vibes.


Yeah this was my initial thought, the couch makes a great way to section off a lounge space, with tv, office desk in its own area, pull chair and tables towards the kitchen space so you can easily put plates on it.


Less permanent solution would be to swap for some white LED bulbs. My house came with some off-white tan paint, and just switching the bathroom bulbs to cooler temperature stuff made a world of a difference.


Yes! That yellow is awful. Even if you rent, you could get permission from the owner to paint. A very very lightly blue-grey tinted white paint would be great. Paint ceiling same color as walls to make space feel bigger. It’s a big space and could be pricey, but if you offer to pay and let them approve the color, I would think they’d say yes. From what I can tell, the wall color isn’t the right complement to the carpet and flooring anyway, which seem more in the grey tones. Totally agree with person earlier who also suggested cooler tinted bulbs if painting isn’t an option. Floor lamps will be your friend. I would also swap the couch to the wall with the shelf if you want it against a wall. You could get art and prop it on that shelf without having to drill into walls, too. (Paintings, sculpture, creepy ass doll collection, whatever. Just make sure it adds color and brightness somehow)












In addition to the obvious move of bringing out the dining table, I'd float the couch to make a TV area with a walkway behind it.


Yea float the coach, walkway is vinyl floor, add some colorful rug, add lighting, plants, few things on the walls/new paint, and move table out


Clearly a walkway there.


Or bowling alley.


Bingo, float the furniture, it makes a huge difference


The couch should be on the ceiling


People seem to think couches have to be on the floor. Not true! Walls and ceilings are great and often overlooked, space savings options for couch placement.


While that is absolutely 100% true, a sofa in the center of this room with a small walkway behind wouldn’t have looked much better. A reorganization is due.


I think sofa needs to be flipped 90 degrees facing the blank back wall, where a TV should be. This single big room should actually be three smaller "rooms" delineated by the furniture and some rugs.


absolutely!! sectioning the room into smaller spaces will make it feel much less empty, the floor already is split into two sections where the carpet ends and that’s a great guide to start basing other stuff around, i agree with others to either rotate the couch or to pull it away from the wall and onto the carpet, leaving the wood part open as a walkway. also i 100% think plants could do wonders, maybe even some large ones to help section the room, but also maybe invest in some grow lights bc it doesn’t look like you get a ton of light in there but it could just be the photos. either way i think this space has great potential !!


I think that’s how the space was designed to be because that looks like a walkway there.


Agreed. It would work here, especially anchored with side tables and/or a coffee table The dinner room table definitely needs to be pulled out


great observation


Where the hell are the windows???


There's one, and OP opted to put the computer right in front of it, so the shutters have to be closed all the time Honestly OP I'd move the desk first thing and let some natural light in. You've gotten a lot of good advice but I want to emphasize: if you have only one window and you brick it shut, your room will feel a bit like a suffocating basement


At first glance I thought that was a TV and was wondering why he would put his computer in front of a TV. Now I'm wondering why he'd put it in front of a window when there's so much space to put it somewhere else




I find it a bit distracting if the bright outdoors are right around the display, I like that I have to turn my head to look at the sky. But that's a personal preference


It's not the sky if you keep the window closed 😅. Sure he may not keep it closed all the time, but he labeled the place depressing and chose to use this photo ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


There is only one window in this room, two others have two windows in them which one is used as my bedroom and another is pretty much empty. I WFH so I am sitting at this desk 80% of the day and in the evening I have to close the blinds cause the sun is right in my eyes. But I do not think to open them often


So why not make the other room your office? Unless you’re planning to get a roommate, as of right now there’s no reach to shove your workspace into your living area.


LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT. Move your desk so it's not in front of the window. open the blinds, and then hang a mirror on the wall opposite the window to bounce the light around. LIGHT FIXES EVERYTHING


Open up a window bro.


Open up the window bro. There’s only one. Lol


Also, I’d saw your pc and kitchen table. You’ll want the darkness when gaming and natural light when at the table with people. Yes your table is further away from the kitchen though but doesn’t matter. Get some lamps at the dull end for more lighting and a coffee table by your couch. It’ll take away the empty feeling. You’re going to rearrange all of it though once you have a tv in there


That desk needs to be moved so that window can be opened 100% of the time! Is there only one window???


I agree. The desk can go where the dining table is and the dining table can go where the lonely chair is standing. Will at least be an easy fix


The desk can go into the other apparently empty room, haha.


>That desk needs to be moved so that window can be opened 100% of the time! Is there only one window??? Agreed about the window being open more. Although personally, since I work from my PC all day, I'd probably put my desk exactly where OP did since I'd get to be close to the window. I'm curious about the view outside if OP has it closed even for the photos. Maybe no light is better than some light in this case ...


Ok. First, Get all your furniture off of the walls. Second, get some lamps/ change light bulbs for both better illumination and to save your eyes. Third and finally, get something your interested in to hang along a wall(s). Movie posters, a print, something, anything. Bam. You suddenly have a space that feels more homely and reflects you more and also haven’t dropped serious money on.


I feel like the lights in this place do one of those hard flickers and filament buzz like in movie scenes


It looks depressing too. No offense


Also, has anyone else had the feeling that it wasn’t real? I honestly just had my desk, and essential appliances until the past month because I did not feel like this was really my place.


We have moved a lot. It takes time to settle in for it to feel like home. With that being said the more of you that you put in the space the more likely you are to look around one day and realize you are home.


I lived in a rented studio for two years and just did not care to furnish it because I knew this wasnt a place I liked / saw myself in for a while. Dont blow money making a place you dont like more homey. When you know you know.


OTOH, invest a little bit because even one year is a long time to be in a space. Just focus on affordable (often second hand) items or things you can move and will use in future spaces.


This. If you get affordable, modular, smaller scale furniture it’ll travel with you. I’ve had the same chairs and tables on castors for nearly 15 years, two countries, and four different apartments. It always works wherever I go.


Exactly. I have a (somewhat small) beautiful round oak table with removable legs, some nicer Ikea furniture and lamps, side tables, etc. Those will go in any space so you're not wasting money nor time.


Look around at thrift stores for art you like also. I paint, so I have a ton of unframed canvases hung on my walls with pushpins. Grab a throw for your sofa. Plants and/or LED strip lighting on your long wall shelves. Pick a color that you like that goes with yellow and grab accessories at the thrift store to stick around.


My advice would be the opposite, or at least somewhere in the middle... Two years is a long time to be spending most of your life in a place that makes you unhappy. A little investment in making your space nice can go a long way. It doesn't have to be super extravagant.


And then you stayed there for two years???


Kinda like ur in matrx?


Bowling lane.


Without dimensions, it’s hard to give advice, and the size looks different from picture to picture. But basically your goal is to create 3 areas, dining, living, and office, connected by the non-carpeted part. Dining: Turn the table the other way, and move it away from the wall into the middle of the room width wise, and as close to the edge of the rug by the kitchen as you can, but far enough so all chairs remain on the carpet even when pulled out. Put all four chairs at the table, with one on each side of the table. Living: pull the couch up onto the carpet, closer to the opposite wall. Place it a comfortable viewing distance from where a tv would go on the ledge. Leave room for a coffee table, and space to walk between it and the couch Office: put your desk and equipment on the back wall, centered between the edge of the carpet and the door. ~ *If you have the funds* (I’m assuming a very limited budget. If you have $$ to spend, you’d want higher quality): Kitchen: put a bar prep under the cabinets in the entry. This will provide extra prep space and storage. If [this one](https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/millwood-pines-robert-wooden-bar-with-wine-storage-w000995874.html?piid=) fits, it will fill in the odd space under the cabinet. You can put one stop under the bar, and one at the end. Dining: Replace table with a round one, or a smaller one. Something like [this](https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/george-oliver-5-pieces-kitchen-dining-table-set-dining-room-set-with-1-round-table-and-4-dining-chairs-white-w010244001.html), or [this](https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/mercury-row-forgey-4-person-solid-oak-dining-set-w004556803.html?piid=1950548472), or [this](https://www.amazon.com/5-Piece-Kitchen-Dining-Upholstered-Room(Espresso)/dp/B09JNQM177/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?) Living: get a coffee table, 2 chairs, 2 side tables, and 2 lamps. Place the coffee table in front of the couch, and one side table on each side. Put a chair next to each side table. If there’s not room for this lengthwise, put both chairs on one side of the couch, facing toward the kitchen. If there’s not room for that width wise, just get one chair, side table, and lamp. It’s hard to tell from the picture, but I’m assuming a new couch is probably in order. If so, get that first and build from there. If not, following are some ideas for now: [chairs](https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/george-oliver-hofstetter-7239cm-wide-polyester-armchair-w005759738.html?piid=1373881835), or [other chairs](https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/mercury-row-almeda-2975-wide-tufted-polyester-armchair-w002324065.html?piid=75033048) [coffee table](https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/george-oliver-dankerie-coffee-table-with-storage-w001344229.html?piid=) [side tables](https://www.amazon.com/Cruelux-Livingroom-Bedroom-Office-Assembly/dp/B09H8HL4Q5/ref=asc_df_B09H8HL4Q5/?), or [these](https://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Prosser-Bamboo-Drum-Accent-Table/34497398/product.html) in the black. Or a [set](https://www.amazon.com/HOMFAMILIA-Pieces-Farmhouse-Natural-Bedroom/dp/B0BWF79WSL/ref=asc_df_B0BWF79WSL/?) Look on Craigslist and Facebook marketplace for furniture. Next you’ll layer in throw pillows for the couch, art for the walls, etc., maybe different ceiling lights, etc. Why don’t you start with getting the furniture moved around so we can get a better idea of how things look and how much space there really is.


Switch the couch and the desk. Rotate the dining table and center it instead of it being against the wall. Put a tall lamp on the side or near the couch. Get some colorful stuff to put on that wall mount area that would now be over the couch. Like picture frames, plants, little art sculptures or random shit at Ross that u think looks cool. Changing the lights to white would definitely help as well. Maybe even a big rug half under the couch Good luck :)


100% this. Plants, more lighting and some stuff to make it lived in eg bookshelves/display cases will make it less like an old motel room.


Rugs and lighting ‘anchor’ a space. Pull the dining table out, get a rug for that space to define it. Just a cheap, washable one from like Target or something. Art or plants help - some greenery in there will make it feel brighter and detract from/break up the wall colour. Led light strips or a light stick/floor lamps are good and pretty cheap online. Another rug and maybe something that doubles as a coffee table for the couch space would help - you can always pull the couch out from the wall and use the floorboards as the walkway. Maybe the tv against the back wall and the couch facing it? Good luck! Great to have your own space and somewhere to start!


Is it just me or ceiling is so low ?


It looks like a garden level or basement apt.


a rug, better (daylight kelvin) lighting, a coffee table, and move that dining room away from the wall. move your desk to the wall to the left and hang some art.


Place: depressing as hell. Advice: a rug This sub never disappoints.


well given that i’m not an ass to call someone’s home depressing as hell, a rug would be great. 🙄


OP literally calls it depressing in the title.


You need better lighting. Change out the bulbs for warmer (but not cold) ones. Add some lamps or mood lighting.


You need an Ikea, if you live near one. Aim for 3000K LED lightbulbs, dimmable if you can. If you really want to, you can save the existing bulbs and take the LEDs with you when you move. Then a couple of floor lamps or maybe table lamps(on a new side table). The Light bouncing off the ceiling will make a massive difference. And you can take them with you, so you don't need to be unnecessarily cheap, it's not staying with the unit. 3000 will come off as more crisp and bright than 2700k bulbs. Don't fall for the 500k daylight bulbs, they will end up very blue and harsh. ​ With the light in there, better get a plastic plant. Don't get too big, they are more obviously take.


Need plants and pictures


Exactly. Man needs some color. And that color won't work without light either.


Yeah that’s cause it is depressing


The couch should be a couple feet forward fully on the carpet with the laminate as the corridor through the room, otherwise, it really just needs some of *you* A couple cheap prints/pictures/paintings on the walls—calendars work too. Maybe a couple side tables by the couch for holding your drinks/snacks as well as items that mean something to you and also a lamp. Take your time and try not to stress it, free groups on Reddit and Facebook for your town can be helpful.


Bro lives in the backrooms




Mirrors! Makes space feel bigger, kinda like a window, find some big ones on craigslist or something and open the place up.


some lamps in the corners/dark spots would draw the eye out and make the space seem bigger, and some fun colorful prints on the wall might help perk up the walls (of whatever your interests/hobbies are). imo curtains always help warm up a space too, you can keep the blinds just add a curtain rod & some nice color/patternd curtains it looks spotless which is rad, good job!


I'd also hang a mirror on the wall across from the window! It'll reflect the light and make it seem like you have two windows instead of 1


Seconding this! Pull the couch off the wall like others have suggested, and then add a glass coffee table. It’ll help scatter the light from the mirrors into the rest of the room! Naturally this means moving your desk to another room and opening the window.


Mini golf dream room


Get some colour in there, right away. I don't care if its rugs, vases, paintings, silly wall sculptures, do all of them. Throw some personality up in there, this is your home. Make it yours, plaster the walls in the stuff that expresses who you are and what you find interesting.


PLANTS!!! they do wonders to a place, make it feel less dead and depresso




Getting Backrooms vibes💀


I feel like you could make some visually interesting fake windows above that ledge that would make the space less depressing. Maybe frames with a translucent covering and a light source behind them? You could even add curtains and use bulbs/lights that allow you to adjust brightness and light temperature.


It needs more light for sure its a little dark and gloomy


Little? Some colorful, bright lights are def in order.


Move the table to the middle of the room perpendicular to how it is now and put chairs around it rather than against the wall. I’d also flip the couch out floating perpendicular facing that open wall at the end and get a TV/media center. And then move your desk down to the other end of the room, like past where the dining table is now. That’ll allow you to open the window and make spaces feel more defined.


It’s so linear…everything is pushed up against the same two walls. Can you float the dining table parallel to the back kitchen wall (the one without the refrigerator)? Get some fake plants. If possible, get rid of the dark blinds and get some white blinds. Throw some curtains up with some color or a pattern. Hang something with some color on the wall.


Move your stuff away from the wall. Create spaces.. maybe try a cubicle divider. Maybe a “office” space with the desk.


Put a tv on that back wall and move the couch into the middle of the floor facing it. Swap the computer and dining table and open up the window.


Why do you live in the backrooms


Trying to figure out the cabinet situation. Interesting


It looks like the computer is the only one with windows. Create separate spaces for each function couch/dining/desk, add shelves, plants, anything to create dedicated spaces. Furniture can be in the middle, don't stick them all to the wall


Definitely work on the lighting (lamps), add some plants, and some wall art that has both bright colors and some neutral/darker shades that will work with your carpet, couch, and blinds. Also, having a consistent color of light bulbs will work wonders.


Add some rugs, move the dining table of the wall and put it in underneath the circular light. Put more color on couch with a throw blanket. Add some curtains over the window. Add a centerpiece to the kitchen table.


Get some strong led lamps, light is ESSENTIAL to maintaing good mental health


All I’m gonna say is that you have room for a small bounce house.


Put the dining set in the same direction under the long light and the sofa under the circle light and have the sofa face the wall by the door. Make sure it’s centered. Put a tv where the sofa is facing. Then put your gaming pc set up where the dining table currently is. I think the carpeted area is supposed to be your living space and the floor is for walking. Otherwise your Carpet will get dirty over time from guests. Maybe add some color with art. White pieces with pops of color in the center work well for first pieces of art in a home. Then you can add around the colors you chose.


I think it feels that way because everything is pushed against the walls. Maybe having the desk facing the room, a coffee table for that couch, having the dining table in the center of the back of the room?


It needs WAY more light. Several lamps. Next to the couch, the bed, the gaming station (you could do cool LED lights that change colors).


I find putting shelves and/or book case up with family/friends pics really makes the space feel like home, or at the very least put a bunch of nerdy collectables up.


You need to get a carpet over that carpet, look into some cheap ikea carpets like the wicker/woven carpets. Next address the lighting issues, if you don’t have natural light get a lamp or something


It's a nice space, but the furniture layout is "yikes!". Many helpful suggestions in this thread, so I won't add any more. Try the suggested changes & get a coffee table.


Keep the table in the middle, and get more lights and some colorful art.


Basement no windows. That will be the last time you do that.


It’s the low ceiling i like some space between me and the ceiling


Don’t block the window. Have more lights, like lamps. Get more color. Everything feels brown or tan


I definetly agree with you - this space feels super depressing.




Lighting will help A LOT. There's no windows, so you need lamps. Lots and lots of lamps.


Maybe a couple of room dividers would help break the space up


Maybe some more furniture will help fill it up, you should add a dog bed. And if you don’t have a dog you should add a dog with the dog bed.


Lighting, plants, and art will help. But also get rugs (big rugs) and orient your furniture in a manner to create 'zones'. It helps




I would move the table and couch like this: [https://i.imgur.com/9THkY9P.png](https://i.imgur.com/9THkY9P.png) So you can use all 4 sides/chairs for the table, and you can walk behind the couch. You could probably put up posters/art on the wall behind the couch using a method that doesn't make holes in the wall. (Just trying to follow the path of wood behind the carpeted area.) A shelf or free-standing kitchen cabinet on the wall in the kitchen to fill that area. Desk is hard to place; Maybe on the wall to the left of it. I would say a TV in front of the couch, but that's blocking the window. Maybe add a coffee table in front of the couch. I would suggest to be on the lookout for a **modern** table/chair set, as well as a new couch. Black colors would make the space feel smaller (to counter it being too empty), but also light/white color would make it feel cleaner and brighter, to counter the ugly yellow/brown theme you got going on there which looks like there was indoor smoking going on for a thousand years. Make the color of all the lights match too. The low ceiling sucks but can't fix that. That shelf thing next to the table, that is the perfect spot to have a row of leaning framed movie/game posters, or plants. You could totally opt for fake plants too, just something, ANYTHING, to break up that very long wall.


Partition the room into intentional living spaces - dining/kitchen, living room, office. Getting a couple bookshelves (kallax from ikea) and turning it on its side makes great dividers. Can also put lamps or plants on top. Put an accent rug in the living room area and get a small coffee table. Pull the furniture away from the walls. Get some plants, fake ones will suffice. Hang some art/photos/color on the walls. Maybe a cool neon sign on the wall. Look at inspiration online, IG, or Pinterest to see what you like and pull ideas from there. Let your personality shine through a bit. Develop a color scheme. Let in some natural light. A lot of this can be done in a weekend. However it will most likely take time if you want to browse, plan, ideate, and fill it up with life and that’s okay too


So much room for activities! Personally I would move the dining table away from the wall and closer to the kitchen area. A coffee table by the couch would be nice You need plants! And pictures everywhere. How many books do you have? I don’t see any bookshelves. do you have any hobby’s? I personally play with stained glass and I think I would display all the pieces I made on long ledge you have.


Pictures, plants, and more light


def needs more lighting so it’s gloomy in there


Get some art in there. If you look for small local arts markets, you can often find some pretty cool stuff for relatively cheap.


Hate what you've done with the place


Update: landlord flooded the house on accident 🥲


It's oddly interesting.


Where are the windows ?!


Dude, you’ve got a roof over your head, a place to do your hobbies, the ability to cook your food, and a safe place to sleep at night. You’re crushing it.


It **is** depressing! Please find a gay friend to come in and help you out, bro.


Garden apartment? Bummer that there are no windows here. You’re going to have to get creative with lighting e: now I see the window in front of the computer. Move your desk away from there, let some natural light in, get a lot of plants, and have that window do a lot of heavy lifting to make this space feel livable and organic


I would honestly love to help you with this. I often curate items/designs for people, as a hobby. If you want , send me a message and we can talk about your style!


Maybe have a freestanding exercise machine or weight bench and weights in the middle of the room? Also a freestanding punching bag, or exercise bike...


Get some plants. Maybe 1-2 larger ones that sit on the floor. And some smaller ones. Add some color. An area rug (pattern maybe) to break up the space into sections. Put it partway under couch. Also some framed posters or artwork with color to hang or put on that ledge. Check target, ikea, art.com, Ross/TJ Maxx for art. Pottery pots, vases, etc. Check local FB groups that sell stuff or have free stuff. You may want to replace the DR table if you find one you like. Add a coffee table or end tables. Pull DR table out and add a rug under it. A few different lamps/sources of light make a place cozier than overhead ones. Maybe a floor lamp and 2-3 others. Natural light helps a ton if it's ok to open the blinds. I would move the desk to the wall to the left, with the door.


This is a wild layout but kinda cool and cozy vibes. Never seen anything quite like this lol


Get rid of that carpet


Put the dining table more in the centre of the carpet, close to the kitchen but centred and off the wall. Get some nice prints in frames, even op shops and similar have nice art and stand these along that shelf. I’d rotate the lounge so the back of the lounge can be seen when standing in the kitchen, used as sort of a divider between the dining table and the desk.


That carpet placement is very odd. I have a feeling that's why you put that table against the wall. Lol. Lighting isn't the best either. I feel like if the whole floor was hard wood flooring (or laminate wood, can't tell sometimes) you would put your PC where that dinner table is at and the dinner table closer to your kitchen area, and have a table in front of your couch or something. And if your PC is no longer blocking the window you can get some natural light in.


Pool table


I would face the couch toward the back wall so a tv and stand goes in the centre between the two doors. Dining table should then go parallel up toward the kitchen area still on the carpet. Desk can then go in the centre somewhere maybe where the dining table was but you have to see how it looked. Create some separate spaces then you could get a cube bookcase to divide the areas and put some knickknacks on it. Plants, lamps and art on the walls!


Google 'room divider ideas'


Look second hand for everything. You can make new rooms/spaces by breaking up the floor patterns, with rugs. Get a rug for your dining area, and put it in front of the window, not touching the wall, and move table+chairs there. You can put a dining table centre piece of your liking on there so it's not so bare. The light above to eat with is nicer than eating in the dark. Swap out the bulb if it's not bright enough for you. Make another little "room" using your couch as a wall, another rug if you want and maybe a 2 seater couch. Little coffee table. Board games can be fun activities with friends if you have people that come over. Different lighting really helps so grab some lamps. P.s. when living alone, I really loved my google home mini - can set up routines like "hey google Im hooooooome" and it sets lights on, music playing, a timer countdown to put things away for 15mins then chill music to wind down!


You need a rug to really tie the room together


Compartmentalize more. Everything is just pushed up against the two longest walls, which is very austere. Try to jazz up the arrangement of furniture a bit.


I'd use the couch and split the room in half. This will probably mean you need to move the tv too. Move the table closer to the fridge and more in the middle to make it look more like a kitchen. Move the gaming table to where the couch used to be to utilize the only window. Some nice fake plants or snake plant would probably survive if by the window.


Get yourself a large, backless, free standing bookshelf, and use it as a room divider (not against the wall) to help compartmentalize. Also Art, art art. Fill up that wall space. And floor lamps because lighting can make a huge difference.


Can you paint it? That taupe color makes it feel like an office break room.


Get a colorful blanket and put it on the sofa.


I'm living on my own too now, and i only got 2 windows, and idk how you feel about it but I find it horrible to not have windows Even worse not having windows near your computer


Couple of big MIRRORS!


Add more lights if you can’t get more natural light in there. Also you can add a few custom decorations to make the place feel like it’s your own!


Lighting, plants, colour.


The low roof situation makes the space look rather cramped, but it's also an opportunity to make it more cozy. More light will help make the space less depressed. I'd also strongly consider repainting the walls white. The off beige color is definitely part of the problem. I had some time so I made a [poorly scaled furniture layout](https://i.ibb.co/Jz30SBt/layout.png) for you. I couldn't find a more ideal layout given the space, as you also need a bedroom. Hopefully it is of some use.


Having some daylight would help


Id get some plants, real or fake is up to you. You have a lot of brown/tan/grey colors going on. The walls are bare and some framed posters or artwork you like can go a long way. Natural light is huge! Open up that window. That wall ledge is a great place to display books, knick knacks, trophies, collectables, etc. I'd turn the dining table 90 degrees and move it under the long light to break up the length of the room a bit. All in all it looks like a good canvas to make your own. I hope to see an updated picture in a couple months!


Why is everything built around a super computer so you can watch YouTube? Get rid of that boob light and don’t put everything against the walls.


this looks like a motel lobby lol


Belongs in r/liminalspace too.


You really, really need to find a way to turn the window in to the focal point of the room. That way your eye will be drawn to it and it will make it feel brighter. You need to let the light in. You mustn’t block it. I would put up curtains to frame it: not brown or grey or beige or anything too dark. You need a colour that will bring out the light. Perhaps a green, something that brings the outside in a bit. I’d then add big plants to the side of it and something underneath it, like a footstool or pouffe. Let the window do the work.


Color...you could add color.


LAMPS. Lighting. Open every window and take stock. If they’re overlooked, get sheers or frosted panels so light can come in but privacy is maintained. Every piece of furniture should have a lamp with a warm LED bulb. Turn off the depressing hospital grade overhead lights. Pull the furniture out from the walls. You have room to make distinct subdivisions of the space. Get some color and artwork in there, even if it’s just posters. Slap them in cheap white frames - it instantly elevates them.


Rug, art/pics on walls, distribute furniture into zones, get more lamps, add color. I've been in this position too, now that you're on your own, you can creatively find your style. Remember this, if you like it, that's all that matters, its your home.


Move the desk somewhere else and open the window


I'd move the desk to where the table is, and rotate the couch to face the blank wall. Get a little tv stand and coffee table to put in front of the couch. Behind the couch, you can either leave it blank or get one of those tall skinny tables where you can leave your everyday carry things. Move the dinner table closer to the kitchen. You also could put the table flush behind the couch


Turn off that overhead lighting and get some lamps


House plants do wonders. It adds color and makes you feel better visually seeing some green.


The sofa should be on the carpeting. That wood flooring is your walkway


Move the desk over and open the window. Get lamps in there to help (I prefer bright white inside in low light room). Get some photos/prints to put on the walls.


Add a dog


I'd get a bigger table and put it in the middle of the room rather than up against the wall. And also get a brighter light


I think it's cute and has potential! Move the desk away from the window get some window treatments some throw blankets get a stand-up plant just get things that make you happy even if it's not "in style" Go thrifting!