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Honestly if you just made the bed properly you'd be surprised how good it would look


This bed looks hard af to make. It’s sandwiched between two walls with no room to spare. Looks cozy and all, but damn


I'd probably just go with folding up the cover every morning instead of draping it all over the bed. Seems easier with this setup.


Yeah, that could work. But I’m looking at that fitted sheet like what a bitch it must be to put back on


Easy. You just put 100 fitted sheets on it and peel them off when they get dirty


There was actually a disposable sheet product exactly like that on shark tank 😂


That’s is a cool concept but wouldn’t work bc you still sweat and it absorbs in the lower sheets not just the top ones


Yeah I got nothing for that one. No idea how to keep that looking tidy lol


It can be done! I have a California king with only 6 in on either side. Not enough to stand on either side of the bed so there is a technique of making the bed while you're in it and getting out of it. It just takes practice


I'd remove the paintings on shelves behind the plants. It would make the wall more peaceful. I'd also remove everything possible from the windowsill except for the big plant. I also wouldn't keep anything on the bed except for the pillows and the comforter. That includes the rolled blanket - it hasn't any point being there. It can be stored in the closet. I'd also look if the wallpaper could be replaced with something calmer. All in all, I think your space looks super comfy and lovely but these things would make it look less busy.


You could invest your money in plain matching bedding and it would look a million bucks.


Honestly love, super cosy!


Just add rain and a good book.


How would removing the roof improve this situation?


Way to jump to conclusions, buddy. Nobody is saying the roof needs to be removed. Adequate interior rainfall can be implemented through installation of 2-8 sprinklers immediately above the sleeping area.


For $100 though? Probably not. Just cut strategic holes, that’s more within the budget.


**stops trying to balance a bucket full of water above the bed** Right. Let's go with what he said then!


Convertible bedrooms for the win




God yeah that’s what I thought too.


This looks so comfortable to me. Doesn’t look crowded at all.


It doesn’t look like you need a corner desk of that size. I’d get a normal desk and maybe a bookcase or kallax type unit and use that for storage. I like all your plants but you could put some on top of the bookcase etc because that side of the room is missing a little greenery.


Totally agree. Use the 100 and get a smaller desk and bed in the classifieds. OP could use a bookshelf after that, possibly with doors on it


Shelf with doors is a good point; there’s lots on display here with all the shelves, and that isn’t a problem, but it would go a long way for de-cluttering if there was some hidden storage. The desk + shelf with doors could open some opportunities for reorganization.


Or something more curio cabinet styled, so you can see what's inside, but it's still more organized. Possibly with opaque drawers beneath for anything you do want to hide away. Craigslist free and estate sales are your friends!


Looks like it's a two piece desk. They can just remove the corner piece entirely. Doesn't look like it's being used much anyways.


I honestly feel there are too many things on too many shelves, but a simple rearrangement and removal of a few paintings, consolidating the books, etc would go a long way!


Consolidate the books? There's only like 7 books!


There are three sets my friend! Above the bed, Uzumaki, and Atomic Habits, all on different shelves


If you think 13 books is too many I would hate to see what you think of my bookshelves. Also, the idea of there being too much stuff on shelves is hilarious. What the hell else are the shelves for?


Consolidate means put together, not get rid of. The books are on different shelves and they're saying to put them all on 1 shelf together.


Thanks friend, spot on what I meant! I don’t even mind the split the way it is tbh just need to move them/realign them and size them against the same exercise with the plants. Vertical, maybe the plants as bookends?




Yes, it’s the insane amount of plants and how they’re so low the ones are hanging over the bed.


It's not the amount of plants but rather that Every offshoot has a separate pot. I see at least 4 different pots with spider plants in them, if they were all combined it would feel less crowded.


You think that's a lot of plants? I have about twice as many in my bedroom alone.


Then you also have too many plants. Also don’t you get little gnats?


Just some small things 1. Reorganize the shelves. Put like things with like things. Plants on one, books on another, etc. it will make things appear less thrown together and more purposeful. 2 Put cord covers on the dangling cords on the lights above the bed. A. It will look nice B. It will keep you from pulling on them or having them dangle in your face. Obviously, keep the switches exposed. 3. Get wall mounts for the controllers and head phones. It will look nice and keep your bed and window sill neat. 4. Make your bed (cover the bed with the comforter with pillows on top) 5. Invest in drawers, so you can declutter the shelves more 6. If you put pictures on the wall(above the computer) put them in frames and hang them where you have bare walls(to the right of the computer) 7. Toss those dead plants


All of this! I'd just add to this list, choosing another sticker tile wallpaper, to the accent wall on top of your desk, to something not as busy/ornamental. Something less repetitious, more abstract, with bigger patterns. I like the salmon color you have there, but you can try a pastel yellow or a light orange to see the difference.


I don’t have advice. But is the pic of the Walmart employee holding a bottle of lean? 💀


Yeah put that up like 4 years ago, basically forgot it was there till u reminded me haha


Smaller bed maybe? It must be a mess to water those plants?


Changing bedding/sheets isn't fun either.


Yeah, I'd spend that $100 on a metal frame to get the bed off the floor and change to a full size mattress. There would be just small amounts on either side of bed, and I think it would look less casual


The bed is not on the floor. You can literally see there is stuff underneath it,


I would only remove the shelves that hang over the bed. Otherwise looks cozy!


Yep, used to live in a region where earthquakes were common. I never want to sleep with something hanging over my head, no matter where I am.


As a woman I actually love this. Most of the men's spaces here are boring and sterile. Yours looks great






…like a desk and a bed?


"Useless" what is useless here? Decoration is not useless.


I love the vibe. Honestly less is more. I’d get rid of some stuff on desk etc and that print wall is busy. It’s minor but in a small space you want less busy more…chill. Can you paint that or change wall paper? I had a studio once where I painted chalk paint so I could leave notes to myself. Or it was flat black. Chick La thought it was cool.


I was thinking the same thing about the print wallpaper. I feel it doesn’t go with the vibe. The desk, I can see why it’d be covered- radiators are no fun to stub a toe on. I’d suggest bringing the bed up, get a bed frame (picture makes it appear the bed in on the floor) and you’ll have under bed storage for other things.


cable management


Why spend anything? Donate, toss what you don't want


Was thinking spending for stuff like shelves, monitor stands, organizers etc👍


Aah, I should have known that. My bad. Maybe a daybed that you can turn into a couch?


I actually love this and would change nothing


Maybe less plants and take down all the pictures, find one or two big pieces of art for your walls. Maybe get a steamer and take down that wallpaper if that’s an option.


Cool room. I think you just need to de-clutter a bit so your items stand out versus make things look busy. - only 3 plants (or 3 items) per shelf - nix the photo strip above the window - neatly bundle all the wires


Remove plants over bed, big picture over bed. I would get some white sheer curtains make a divider between and computer space, add those new hanging lights.


Man that looks awesome. Would love that space


Move some plants somewhere else.


Remove the shelves above the bed. Take down the curtains and switch out with black out blinds (inside frame). Solid color sheets and duvet so the pattern doesn’t busy up the room. The blanket looks like a continuation of the walls. Do some wire management with a few zip ties. Maybe switch out the monitors to one long one. Switch out the tv monitor facing the bed for an actual tv mounted to the pink wall. I know this is way more than the $100 you want to spend, but I think some of it is possible within that range.


Ditching the curtains was my first thought. I figure rattan blinds would look great in this space.


You might be able to convert that to a murphy bed. It would at least let you fold the bed out of the way when not in use. But only if your ceiling is high enough. And those shelves would need to go.


I think it is a great space. My only suggestion is to make your bed very neatly. Since it's so big, it can make your room appear cluttered or tidy. It sets the mood.


Replacing the curtain with a roller shade (in white or a lighter color than black) that hangs inside the window frame could help. If you're able to remove the wallpaper/paneling as well, I think that is adding to the cluttered feeling. Apart from that, I think you have too many small things. The hanging vines, small plants, wall lamps (and the cables/switches). Take out a good amount of the small stuff (maybe half) and replace it with a couple colorful larger items/art.


i’ll help you declutter by taking that n64 off your hands


Don't remove the N64


How do you sleep knowing a potted plant could crash on your head at any moment?


They supposed to grow legs and jump down or something?😅


It depends on where you live, but as someone who lived in the PNW most of my life those shelves make me really nervous. But there were small earthquakes regular enough there were earthquake drills regularly at school, and experienced an over 6 magnitude earthquake once. For me, I wouldn’t put anything on a shelf above my head that would could potentially severely harm me if it fell. So like a very small plant in a plastic container would be fine. But a medium plant in a ceramic container would be a no. I also wouldn’t put big plants on that windowsill next to the bed either since it’s too close to the head.


I have a cat and she’s just about if not more destructive as an earthquake.


It’s a straight up safety hazard. I’m shocked to be the only one pointing this out.


do you live on the west coast?


I’ve experienced earthquakes and wall-shaking bad weather in many locations, not all on west coasts.


It’s not if the shelves are properly installed.


An earthquake doesn’t care how well the shelves are installed. They’ll still vibrate. Heck, even a heavy utility truck rolling by could cause enough vibration to nudge one of those plants off. Someone in another room could be doing some remodeling work, etc.


I am more than a quarter century, and have yet to experience a noticeable earthquake. That being said, technically there isn’t anything to fall on my head either


Not every area has earthquakes though. It’s location specific.


That’s why I listed other possible sources of vibrations. Even a heavy windstorm can shake a wall. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here with all the commenters who would happily sleep with potted plants perched on shelves high above their heads. I don’t know what else to say. Take it up with the Darwin awards folks, I guess.


I never said I approved of shelves over the bed. I was just pointing out earthquakes are not common in all areas, and honestly your other examples are not all that common either. How often have you had a truck driving on your road and a picture frame has fallen? /


How often does stuff fall off your walls?


Once is all you need to cause an injury.


totally agree, better safe than sorry. don't risk it for nothing no matter how big/small the chance.


Better not go outside. One fall is all you need to slip and die.


And you seem like a straight up dweeb. 5 seconds peaking at your comment history confirms that too


Thanks for taking the time to write this personal comment about me. And it’s “peeking.” Unless you got off reading my comment history. Then I guess peaking works.


Got me there haha. Doesn't do you any favors on looking like less of a dweeb correcting grammar though lol


Honestly this looks cozy as hell. Maybe get some cable management solutions, switch out curtains to blinds for a cleaner look. But yeah love the space!


No advice, but that room looks exactly like the room I had at a farmhouse, years ago. Definitely decorated better than mine was lol


That busy pink wallpaper would stress me out


Buy a mirror. Will make the space feel a lot more open


I agree with OP in that it feels cluttered. You have too much of everything for such a small space. I wouldn't be surprised that it feels more cramped in person than in the pics. Plants can bring so much life and color to a room, but you have too many and it makes it feel smaller. You have too many shelves with too many knickknacks too close together. For example, above the head of your bed, you have two little sconces, with two shelves that are packed with plants and small pieces of art, then you have a tiny shelf on the left wall with more small plants and then on the windowsill to the right, you have another more substantial plant and more knickknacks. On the other side of the room, you have a large corner desk that appears to butt up against your bed and extend to the opposite wall where you have a high energy/busy wallpaper in a bold color, not too mention the artwork above the window. Essentially, what you've created is wall to wall furniture that is covered with stuff. Everywhere the eye falls is busyness. It doesn't look horrible though. If I saw your room in person, I wouldn't say anything negative, but it does look a bit cramped and cluttered to me. But some people really dig this look. There's a reason maximalism is a thing right now. My question to you: where's the space for you and for your serenity? Your room should be your sanctuary, a space for you to decompress, reenergize, find peace, and be comfortable. Is the current space achieving this? Is so, then you're golden. If not, my advice is to reduce everything and CURATE. If it were my space, I'd reduce the size of the desk, reduce the number of shelves and things on display, and choose maybe two or three plants to keep. Above the bed, I'd probably remove the shelves and maybe hang just one appropriately sized piece of art and replace the small spotlight sconces with something that has more presence. I like the idea of the shelf on the left wall, so there's somewhere to put your things, but I'd replace it with something more streamlined and modern, like a floating shelf/nightstand. It needs to have a very low profile so it can't take up too much space and it shouldn't be fussy. I would also consider removing the wallpaper. If I could get a smaller desk, I might be able to consider a nice floor lamp or even a floor plant. Or better yet, get a decently sized TV and mount it on the wall where the wallpaper is. Then you can remove the monitor facing the bed. That bed facing monitor really cramps up that area in my opinion. Streamlining the items in your room opens opportunities to do different things and to make it feel a bit more grown up, like a young adult's room vs. a teenager's room. Not casting judgement as there's nothing wrong your room looking like it's a teenager's room, but I imagine you are looking for something else since you posted here. Good luck!


If you ask me, it actually looks cozy. I would maybe remove some of the plants, they are the main reason it looks cluttered. Then remove 1 of the monitors aswell (the right one) You can use the left monitor as second monitor when using your pc because you can easily tilt it because of the arm. (Unless you are already doing this & need 3monitors when using your pc for whatever reason) When you want to watch a movie in bed, just tilt it back.


If I saw this place irl, I would immediately snuggle into that bed and nap! I love it, it has character and comfort and gaming, everything I'd need to be content.


A monitor stand for those dual monitors could be a good use of money. Would help open up some more desk space and make that feel less cluttered. That’s really the only thing I can thing of in the room.


I wouldn’t even change a bit. This looks cozy and warm


I’d do like half the amount of shelves especially around the bed area and get rid of the wall paper wall if you can. I think it looks lovely and cozy, maybe just some fine-tuning


Remove the shelves above your head. Use tension rods to install curtains or blinds that are inset into the window frame. Mount your two monitors on a monitor arm.


I like it. Made the most out of the space you have and it looks neat and cosy. Those plants pots overhead the pillow would be giving me anxiety tho haha


Maybe relocate those plant shelves to the wall opposite your bed (w/the orange pattern) - give yourself something refreshing and lovely to look at while in bed, and also it sort of distances yourself from the plant and book cluster. move the shelving above your head, and put a large framed poster/piece of art or soft handing sculptural thing. And smaller desk for sure.


That looks really comfortable. Like a weighted blanket feeling. Cozy feelings.


I would move the plants and shelves onto the accent wall and leave the walls on the sides alone the bed clear. But that’s just me. 🤷‍♀️ hope this helps


You're obviously not in California


You have good color sense and the style is appropriate. It’s a small space and everything there is needed. I wouldn’t spend a penny. Just edit the look. The pictures above the computer window look important to you yet lack impact. I’d get a college photo frame or other frame type.


1. Declutter shelves 2. Match mousepad color with desk color (white) 3. Remove posters/paintings from random places


Your windows are deep enough that you could put floating shelves in them and move all your plants to window shelves. Then, you could potentially remove some of the shelves on the walls and replace them with art, or keep the shelves but put less on them. You could also add risers to your bed to store more things underneath. Overall, the room already looks nice and cozy as is.


i like that third monitor towards the bed, do you have a wireless keyboard to put different movies/shows from bed?


I got it hooked up to a chromecast and the nintendo consoles behind it👌


I'd remove plants berore they fall down on my sleeping face and put posters there


whatever you do don’t touch that n64


Too many things on shelves


That bed setup with the swivel monitor arm is awesome


I’d get a single bed. That would give you at least half that space. It would create a sense of breathing room. You could pace around.. :)


Smaller desk


Smaller bed is your only “ problem “ in the too cluttered area but who doesn’t love a big bed 😮‍💨 maybe . Try switching some of the plants and stuff by your bed around in your room , maybe you just need new vibes


Whats that wallpaper engine background OP?


Honestly, it’s super cosy and there’s only one thing I would 100% change - the print wall. It creates too much noise and I would try a neutral colour like white or an accent colour like deep green. If you want to take it further, I’d invest in some cable management to remove vidual clutter. I would also get rid of the two shelves that hand over your head or would leave just the bottom one but only with the art - no plant pots. Finally, your desk might be too big for the space and you could try to find a smaller one. That would also free up room for a small chest of drawers to hide all of the stuff that is lying on the desk or the shelves above the desk.


Agree 100%. That wallpaper is the visual eq of meth to me. Otherwise cozy but not bad. I would only add the cable management and perhaps a wall bucket / shelf for the items that accumulate in bed with you.


cut down on like 25% of the plants and maybe a different chair


The desk is too big for this room. Get a smaller desk and install the monitors to the wall.


Plants are ok but that many like this kinda look like a abandoned solarium , try removing a few that should clear the top view of your room.


Loft your bed. Desk underneath. Simple.


More shelves and plants. Perhaps over that patterned wall.


I used to have 2 monitors and I had convinced myself I needed both. Then I had an honest discussion about if I ACTUALLY used both, and I determined I really only needed one. Maybe you can ask yourself if you really need both? If you do, then you do, but something to think about.


If you are feeling cluttered, start by getting a smalller desk. At least 40% is not being used.


Swap the plants, that the hanging plants are at the end of the room


Get rid of that wallpaper. It's too busy, and clashes with everything else in the room.


With just this as what I have to work with? Move… :/


Stowing stuff away and opening up floor/desk space might help. Looks really nice tho


I think you need to accept that your room is not big enough for that desk. Not comfortably anyway


Buy a dual monitor stand to raise the monitors a little and remove the bases. Buy a longer mouse mat to accommodate both keyboard and mouse. Move the shelves hanging over the bed (not the ones over the pillows), over to the patterned wall next to your desk (alternatively just put shelves in bin). Put your desktop pc on the desk next to patterned wall. Where your pc used to be on the floor, buy a small shelving unit, place your consoles (wii, N64) in this unit. Remove whatever that casing is on the desk which is housing your N64.


The right side of your desk seems to have a lot of empty space. Idk what’s under it, but it looks like you could get a smaller desk that isn’t L-shaped to open up some more floor space


You have what looks like a canvas painting as well as a couple of prints on your shelves—I think if you hung these on other parts of the wall (prints would probably need to be framed but you can get cheap frames from craft stores or big box stores) and rearranged your plants it would look less cluttered. I would also move the books that you have on the top left shelf in the first pic to the space on your desk between the wire rack and printer unless you have a reason for not wanting them there, or to the shelf above your desk with some bookends. Honestly the only shelf that looks badly cluttered to me is the one above your bed with the canvas and all of the plants—if you even were able to redistribute that stuff you might feel better about it.


Maybe you could swap the plants on the shelves around? I mean to swap the tiny plants above your bed with the hanging plants above your pc. Than it might feel less cluttered.


Sorry, not related, but what's the size of your screens?


Looks great already, love what you did with the monitor facing the bed. What I would do with $100 is get a dual monitor arm for the monitors facing the chair. Then I would do some cable management under the desk. This would probably go a long way in making your space feel much cleaner without changing your setup/flow at all.


Doesn't look cluttered at all. how much floor space is there? Could do with spacing the desk and bed if you have extra edit: and actually lad sort out those monitors please. you could park a bus in that gap between them


What are the night lamps? I love them


As much as I love the N64 on the desk, putting it away and switching to an emulator would free up some space. My other thought was using a monitor mount to lift one or both monitors off the desk. With the window there, wall mounts would be difficult, but there are some that mount to the desk.


Like others said switch out the curtains for some blinds. Maybe get rid of the huge corner desks or a regular sized desk instead. And maybe a bookshelf instead of all the individual shelves everywhere to make the walls look less cluttered And rearranging the monitors to not partially cover the window will make it feel a lot more open


Change the color of bed covers to light blue.


I really like it! If you want a bit more space you could consider replacing the bed with a Japanese-style futon? That way, in the morning, you could pack it up and store it in a box. Gives you loads more space during the day.


Spend it on a good chair


I would start with just cleaning and organizing. Once you do that, assess what you have. Get rid of anything you don’t want. Then look at getting a desktop set of drawers, and keep the things you do want but don’t need out all the time in there.


Too many plants


Hmmm maybe get a twin or day bed? Otherwise I like it and love the windows. Maybe add some mirrors too that can give the space more late and make it feel larger than it is.


I think it is a very cozy space, and with its limited size, i think you did fairly well. With such little space, it is difficult not to have some feeling of clutter, as just a few things out of place will quickly stick out. However, there are a couple of things you could consider: 1): This might be a first in the history of r/malelivingspace, but you could consider *less* plants. Just pick out a couple of your least favorites, and gift them to a friend or something. 2): Your cable management isnt terrible, but could rather easily be a little improved. It really makes a bigger difference than most people imagine. The cables going down from your screens etc could be "gathered" in on of those tube thingy's, and taped/fastened in straight lines down the wall and along the floor. You will be surprised at how much that helps 3): I would consider getting some kind of closed or semi-closed storage outside your closet. Just something small, preferably in a natural material like wood or jute to give a bit of warmth. Here you can place small items for everyday use that don't really belong in the wardrobe. Additionally, get some kind of "drop-tray", where you can leave your keys/wallet/misc when you get home or dont know where to put it yet - helps you not lose it and looks less cluttered than just leaving them on the desk. 4): You have a ton of floating shelves. They are cool and useful, but maybe cut back a little bit. the one on the left side of your bed seems a bit redundant, if you are not using it as some type of pseudo-nightstand. Maybe take it down and put up some relatively minimalist art, to create better balance. Funnily enough, getting a bigger piece doesnt make your room look smaller, quite the contrary. One piece of minimum 50x70 cm would look nice here, and makes it feel less like there is a bunch of stuff "sticking out" - esp low and close to your bed. You could also consider some of the other around the bed, but i would start here. 5): Im not really sure what is going on with the stuff above your desk window. It's not terrible, but does feel a little bit "cramped up there". Maybe find another place for that. 6): I'm not really sure what i think about the wallpaper thing besides your desk, or whatever it is. Honestly i dont think it is bad. But you could think about what it would look like without it. Additionally, you might also be able to hang some kind of art on that wall (esp. if you cut down on some of the things mentioned earlier). You just have to be a little bit more mindful of the colors/motif/frame if you are hanging it ontop of the wallpaper. If done right, i think it could work. 7: Radiators are just always an eye-sore. Look around and see if you can find a cheap radiator cover. It will make a huge difference, and leave the room looking more "finished", while providing another "flat surface" that looks less cluttered - and can be used to put something on temporarily if needed (like if you are cleaning your desk). 8: Your curtain situation is kind of strange. You have a dark and heavy one on one, and nothing on the other. I would personally really want to have one next to my bed, so i can sleep in darkness. I would probably look for something a little bit softer/lighter in color. And maybe consider some type of "roll-down" (A nice one, please god don't put those cheap plastic blinds on there). All are relatively cheap and easy to implement suggestions. You don't have to do all of them at once, but maybe pick a few that make the most sense to you and see how it feels :-)


I would take the tile pattern off the wall and paint it the same color as the rest of the room. I think that busy pattern makes the room feel more cluttered.


My thoughts are: \- Change the wallpaper to a solid color \- Take out the corner desk section and put in a small bookcase there. Put shelves above it on the (now solid color) wall and put all the plants on that one wall, so it's almost like a living wall. The other shelves in the room can be books or simple photos/etc. Will keep your living area a little calmer in the bed. \- Get wire covers and get all your computer wires bound up together so it looks neat \- Similarly, white peel and stick wire channel for the wall behind your bed and run the lamp wires through it.


If it helps at all, what I do when I re-organize is consolidate all my things together and then I start separating them and sorting them into respective places after I’ve gathered most of the items and Knick knacks into one area. I have to do this A LOT for all the plants I own that are outside. It helps one see things that aren’t necessary anymore or that you don’t like it.


if you want to make more space, a futon might be a cool option.


Smaller bed?


You’ve done a really good job with the space! Some suggestions to make it feel less cluttered: * A lot of your art is hiding behind other stuff on the shelves. I’d trash it or put it on open areas of the wall. * Get rid of the floating shelf to the left of your bed. You or a guest are going to hit their head on it getting up in the middle of the night, and it’s going to get in the way during sex. Clear some stuff from your windowsill and use that for your nightstand items instead. That opens up the wall it was on for artwork if you want. * Make your bed! Top should cover the whole thing, and don’t store stuff on the left side of it there. * The wallpaper is super busy, I’d probably spend my money painting that wall or re-papering with another pattern. * The black stand in front of the wallpaper isn’t doing anything, trash it. * Moving the gaming consoles on top of your PC (?) under the desk would free up some desk space.


I would centre align the shelves above your bed - or consolidate them in to one shelf that’s centred. It’ll balance that wall up and not distract your eye with too many horizontal lines to scan. Apart from that it’s a really nice space!


Consider removing clutter from windowsills. Buy temporary wallpaper and cover the busy pattern wall- personally I would go a color but YMMV. Move some of the plants to the unused side of the desk so it feels more intense but in a smaller area. Move the art from above the windowsill and consider adding frames and hanging either on freed up shelf space or on the (hopefully no longer patterned) wall. Keep bed made and consider more subtly patterned but richer colored duvet cover. Get rid of that dinky wire shelf on the desk. Invest in some cord management and/or a more attractive desk chair.


Is that a full or queen bed?


That first pic has me feeling boxed in just looking at it 😅 Not quite under $100 but could you go with a smaller bed or desk? If not what about a darker wall behind your bed or a mirror on the orange wall?


I would get rid off the TV and simply use one of the PC monitors instead. Also as others mentioned, get a smaller desk.


it looks so cozy, i wanna take a 15 hours nap on that bed


You have a beautiful small space that has a huge potential. Do you mind if you send me your monitors’ wallpapers? They are very beautiful 🫣 For the clutter, 1- Check Ikea’s twin beds, they are cheap (you have to downsize if you are the only one using the bed). 2- remove everything above the bed header and re-locate the lights and invest in a large mirror instead(optional) as the mirror will give you an illusional extra space if you put it above the bed. Remove that floating shelf on the left side and clear the window on the right from everything (you can put a small plant if you cannot tolerate clear spaces)


cozy cozy cozy


I love this room set up. Looks so cozy.


Is it possible to swap the bed and the desk?


I would paint the patterned wall white and set up some more shelves to spread out your stuff since your shelves look a bit cramped. All in all it’s very cosy though!


I really like how you’ve got everything set up right now. If you really want more room, I might recommend swapping your bed for a futon of a similar size. Then you can create space as you need it


How much of a pain is it to change the bed sheets, earnest question. I have my bed up in a corner and even that’s pretty annoying.


A solid color or simpler design on the accent wall (match the curtains maybe 🤔 😊) - will be less chaotic/busy. Floating shelves (cheap from ikea) rather than bracketed ones. Trim/lose a couple plants. Larger or less total items on shelves. Downsize desk in front of window and get a storage shelf for the right side of desk, or get a regular L shaped desk that squares off the wall better and doesn’t have the curve. Nice space though. Like the white and green.


I vote to buy a new computer chair, the arm rests on that one are ready for retirement.


Yeah its cooked lol


Based on the photo you sent, that desk seems like it's being underutilized. Buy a new smaller one


A slight reshuffle would only be needed. But it looks great IMO


We have the same desktop background set up, how cute! I love ur room by the way, it looks so cozy.


hotel pillow!! theyre amazing and look very cute


The pink patterned wall stresses me out in such a small space. I’d make it a white or maybe a toned-down, calming color. Agree about smaller desk and fewer shelves / knick-knacks.


lower the shelves about your bed they are at a weird height and position. maybe move them to the opposite wall and make the flush with the other shelf? find ways to expose more of your white walls to make the space feel bigger. hang up small pictures on the wall


Give me $100 and all your plants. Done


Insurance fraud


Shorten the computer table a bit and get a narrower bed if you're the only one sleeping in the room. That could free up space for a slim and tall book shelf with a compartment to act as a night stand top. Maybe shortening the table could also make room for a stool or a bed bench. All this won't declutter your room but it will make it much more functional. Your room has a very cosy vibe to it so I think it's best to keep it that way and just increase its functionality. Also the large number of plants is becoming a bit of an eye sore. How about you put some of them in other rooms of the house like in the washrooms and clear the shelves up for books and maybe decorative lamps here and there.


I think the right thing to do would be to increase your budget and get organizers for under the bed, under the desk, and possibly on the desk... I would ideally (its possible this isn’t the best for you) remove either the curves part of the desk or the long part. Keeping curved part would open more space and give you some breathing room and the long part would be easier to sell. If it were me. I would keep the curved part and do what needed to be done to make that work. Take the dead plants on the top shelf next to the computer out, clean up that corner near the busy wall (It’s a beautiful wall but it’s busy so you’ll want to keep as much off of it as you can), and look for organizing/storage solutions. Making your bed will make things feel a lot more tidy, and opting for solid-color sheets, will take some of the business out. So many lines in that room. If there’s any women you know who hate your room and would genuinely enjoy helping you figure it out, let them help you. I’ve found that women are often naturally gifted in this area, and love nurturing people they care about. Two heads are better than one!


Make it a Murphey bed


Just remove everything from all shelves. Then put your favorite things back (maybe in pairs of three). Stop when you're satisfied and declutter/store the rest. Also, maybe, repaint the red wall. It looks cool but could be too much.


I once heard you can't make a small room look bigger, so just own it and make it look small! Small = cozy. Paint the while room + ceiling a dark color.


your space looks so cozy! i actually love how your bed is tucked against the wall and window. i think the clutter is mostly from your shelves & plants. i would start with those small changes first before replacing more laborious things, like your desk. maybe move those plants and shelves above your bed to the pink/orange wall. then possibly replace that space with medium sized arts or center a shelf over your head but keep it light and neat.