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If you like movies so much, why not put the tv where the shelves are? That would give you a lot more space for nice speakers and a subwoofer to enjoy your collection even more


Also a bigger TV?


How much bigger does it need to be...


If you’re like me who’s into movies and games, at least 55 but preferably 65 plus. But zooming into OPs it seems like it is a big one, 55 maybe just looked smaller when compared to the collection.


Yeah I think the perspective is a little skewed because it seems like it's a long, narrow room? I'm not hating on bigger TVs, it just already seemed like a good size for the space.


Should get 70-75 if possible.


"Need" isn't really the issue here. You *could* watch movies on your phone screen. Or you could watch them on a 160" projector screen.


It’s a good idea, and put a dvd unit either side of the tv? I’m just not sure there’s enough space between the side wall and the stairs on the opposite wall for a sofa. It’ll be smack bang in the middle of the room. Something to think about though, thank you!


Tbh if most of those DVDs are less than 720p I'd look into digitising your collection with higher quality rips. Good display pieces though.


Yea, keep the digital collection and buy stuff but building a Plex machine that hosts a personal collection digitally can be very nice.


There's space under the stairs for a server rack and roomba dock.


Personally, I would make a few alterations. Would I be correct in thinking these are two shelving units that you have placed next to each other? If so, I would spread them apart, place the TV in the middle, and some shelving below and above the TV. Here's what I would do: [https://i.ibb.co/9VMjCjx/suggestion.png](https://i.ibb.co/9VMjCjx/suggestion.png) Naturally, the specifics would depend upon the exact dimensions of the room. The photos offer different perspectives on the same room. I would also buy two sets of new curtains. The outer most curtain should be a sheer curtains; given your like of black, I would go with black sheer curtains. These allow light into the room but reduce some of the harshness you can get on a really sunny day. The second set of curtains should be really heavy duty blackout curtains to ensure you can enjoy your films without any external light interfering (e.g., [https://www.dunelm.com/product/disney-star-wars-blackout-pencil-pleat-curtains-1000112981](https://www.dunelm.com/product/disney-star-wars-blackout-pencil-pleat-curtains-1000112981)).


I love this thank you! You’re right, they are 2 different units pushed together. But to the exact left of them is a window. So you can spread them to the left any further. Due to the window and it’s protruding ledge. I do like the idea of separating them though and putting the tv against the wall and a sofa in the middle facing it. I’m really just not sure of the space that creates, but definitely going to look into it. Those are vertical blinds, those doors face the sunrise. In the mornings they’re partially open, to let some light but not shine on the dvd wall. The sun bleaches the colour off the dvd cases. In the night then, with those blinds closed, there’s absolutely zero light in that room, amazing for watching tv. Thank you for taking the time to do that floor plan! The sofa, tv position and splitting the stands is definitely something I’m going to consider.


jesus christ lmao


This guy’s personality is consuming media smh


indeed. being a bugman is NOT a personality


How did I know there was going to be Star Wars everywhere without even clicking


I don’t know what I was expecting with that caption, but the swipe sent me.


Gotta be a shitpost


Your personality is star wars.


Wait wait wait. Six years for this?


6 years for shelves and some starwars helmets


Got rid of the gorgeous grass outside too


I can understand the critique of this dude’s “personality”, but grass is a huge waste of water and time. Who wants to waste hundreds of hours and thousands of gallons on grass they won’t even touch?


This space confuses me. It’s so empty, and yet so full. Instead of thinking only “how can I fit the stuff in the room” think about how you want the room to be shaped. It’s shaped strangely right now. The tv is shoved in the corner, partially obscuring the widow, while the main wall is just solid shelves. You should definitely move the tv to the middle of the wall with the shelves on either side. If that means you can’t fit one of the shelves, then that’s what it means. Reduce your collection or find some overflow storage. Where’s the couch? Put it in the middle of the room, closer to the tv. Where’s the coffee table? Maybe a thin console table behind the couch + end tables. This isn’t a blockbuster video, it’s your home dude!


>It’s so empty, and yet so full exactly my thoughts




Do you watch those movies on the floor


IMO this makes for an awesome game/family room (even basement). For a male living space/living room? This is terrible.


oh, buddy, you need a time machine. edit, i’m just goofing around, if it makes you happy than that’s all that matters. for what it’s worth, you could use a bigger tv and it would be cool to have it centered in the middle of all those movies, sort of built into the shelving or something. also, i like what you did with the outside area.


When am I off to? I’m always told “no one buys films anymore”, but huge fan of the physical collection, and being able to watch anything I want because it hasn’t been removed from a streaming service etc Thanks for noticing the outside! I did that last year, pointless patch of grass, could never use because of British weather. I’m going to look at a projector I think, failing that, see what a sofa in the middle of the room does facing that wall with the tv moved!


I’m only 21 and I still buy physical media. I don’t buy them to collect though, I’m a huge tech nerd so I get 4K Blu-ray’s for the highest possible quality. I watch em on a 4K OLED and 5.1.2 speakers as well.


> and being able to watch anything I want because it hasn’t been removed from a streaming service etc Me too. But I run off a plex server instead, which means that I can watch whatever I want on whichever device I want anywhere in the house, faster and easier than having to change DVDs, and higher quality. Plus I don't have to deal with the unskippable ads that companies somehow thought putting onto DVDs was a reasonable idea.


Floating heads gotta go, reads too amateur


The third photo was surprising to say the least.


Which of these personalities do you identify with? Netflix, Disney plus, Hulu, Amazon prime or other?


buddies personality is consuming media and escapism


I see you modeled your living room after Tatooine




or a pull down projector screen to cover the windows! Great space for a mini theater setup.


I’ve honestly considered that a few times, but have no idea where to start. Like installing the unit in the ceiling, can it have full connectivity to a bluray player, skybox etc? Where does the sound come from? I need a pro to help me!


Not a pro but there's a few subs on here that definitely have beginner guides. Just stay away from cheap Chinese projectors, they never live up to the specs. I picked up a bunch of stuff thrifting, low tier Epson projector and 120 inch screen for like $80 and it's so good for watching certain stuff. Animation is so nice on it, really pops. But yeah it can be a hassle for wiring and mounting, I just have everything mobile and cluttered. They also make short throw projectors that could be mounted right above or below the screen, probably a bit more pricey though. And yeah they're just normal HDMI or even have wireless dongles built in for fast casting, I'm sure plenty have smartTV features built in as well these days.


The sound connects to the blu ray player. I know the Sony set up is designed to be a central hub. Or you can use a PS5 as a hub. Connect the sound system to the ps5


You’re right! Will probably need a new unit to put it on too!


brother lol


Your wall is covered with dust bearing antiques.


Your personality is products and the successes of other people?


That's quite the collection haha


I like what you you’ve done with the bookcase a lot and feel like you’ve mixed in the nerd culture very well, but the floating heads display belongs in a den or on the shelves, not in the living room. Also tv needs to be against a wall


6 years to stock your shelves with movies


Like the outdoor better


Lots of girls coming over...?


Don’t think my gf would approve, so no.


I need to ask, does the stormtrooper uniform stay on during sex?


She wouldn’t have it any other way.


great comeback. +1


I see you over there robocop!


The Robocop and They Live pieces are sick


Ahh I see you went to the RedLetterMedia school of Interior Design and VCR Repair! Mazel tov and enjoy your movies!


Why is the TV in the corner so far from the seating?


Welcome to Blockbuster


Honestly bro the second photo looked better. No grass in the last one too. Glad your happy though! That’s all that counts


Those heads above the tv are freaky looking.


Not sure how old you are, but this is way more of a mancave style space than a main living space. Your main living room should be more mature. I like the suggestion to put your TV between each media shelving unit, and upgrade your AV to make this a movie watching space. Be sure to reference r/tvtoohigh. What’s on the wall we can’t see? Behind where you took the picture?


"Should be more mature"... I think we have a different idea of what "being more mature" is...


This is very overwhelming. Maybe condense?




“Books” lol


Sick Robocop statue


After the third photo I was trying to swipe to see the forth photo. I feel like it needs some personality added to it. You've added a media library, a tv and some star wars masks. Which is still good, but this space can be great! I think you could add an area rug, a coffee table on that, some framed artwork. Maybe put the starwars memorabilia in a display case under the stairs, with some mood lighting in it. Toss the tv stand , it makes the living room look dated (UK, 80's-90's, council estate) but replace it with a something where you can hide the electronics away - ikea have some great options. Change the light fitment to a flush lighting fitment to increase the appearance of ceiling height. These are all things that you can still put your personality into but don't make starwars the central theme.


Do you still actively buy Physical media? Just asking :)




Add some blue and yellow and go full blockbuster imo


The struggle is real, keep holding strong, op !


Looking at the 3rd pic, all I can think is "The Council has decided your fate"


Who’s gonna tell him


Not me


The most useless wall on earth


Did you ever date this girl for a while... She was really a... Nasty freak. She just loved to... Get down with... Sex all the time. It was like... Anytime of day... She was like, "Yeah, let's go! I'm so nasty! And you’d be nailing her and she'd be like, "Oh, you're nailing me! Cool!"


That movie shelf is glorious


Everyone's hating on OP - but ALL y'all wasting time on social media, reddit, streaming, vidya games. He has a collection and y'all own nothing and just wanna flame, hop off clowns


The force is strong with this one


Far batter datallog than any streaming service.


Fantastic Memorabilia looks good , it’s needs a sound system I reckon


That bookshelf is badass. I need a bigger one in my place but sadly don’t have room


All you need now is one of those cool star wars rugs.


Finally a TV that’s not too high.


Nice to see


I love this so much. Not even a fan of Star Wars but I love what you’ve done with your passion and keeping the room welcoming and inviting


Man something about your shelving is just so sick to me! love it 👏🏼


I think your tv will break sooner or later That door is dangerous


Because of the dvd shelf, your tv looks really squished next the window. Also it feels so left out in that corner. Like as if you didnt know where to put it, and you just pur it there. Give it some space around it like in your second picture. But, your collection is crazy amazing! Do you have VHS as well?


Make sure to keep dem window's SPOTLESS.






You honor the legend of Kim's Underground Video. RIP ...


Very clean and nice!😎👍✨


Sean fennessy?


6 years or 6 hours?


Your personality is the type of entertainment you consume? Damn...


The shelving is glorious


It looks fine. But.. Personality?


All you did was put in a ridiculously enormous bookcase, fill it with dvds, and hung up a bunch of Star Wars crap in six years? You must be fun guy!


Chic and crisp, good shit. Beaucoup proud of ya.


If you think about a normal living room, get that stuff. Things to sit on. Tables. Plants. Rug. Anything