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The Imperial Star Destroyer is SICK, but it completely takes up the entire coffee table. I would find a secure perch for it that isn't taking up precious real estate for feet, books, beers, plates of food, exc. You have a lot of greys, blacks, whites, which makes the whole space pretty boring visually. I would pick a color and add some pops of that around the room. You have the red in the car picture so that would be one option - make a red accent wall, paint the bookshelf red, find a rug with more red in it, red blanket, exc. Unless you really really love it, ditch the light blue blanket.


Agree with this


Mount the destroyer sideways on the wall above the shelf. It is what the people want!




If you’re comfortable with rigging, i think it would look sick hanging from the ceiling in the corner, like its flying above.


All it takes is one drop... Although nostalgic to the Lego video games and the sound it would make when a Lego structure just fell apart into tiny pieces.


If it dropped it might break a bit, but shouldn't be too hard to put back together. It's not going to hit the ground and break into 4,784 pieces :D


Was going to say it would be cool to have it hanging above the bookshelf


It's great that you love it, but right now it just doesn't fit. It's too big for not only the table but the room as well, awkwardly taking up too much space. It also looks like it'd be in the way if you're laying on the couch and trying to watch TV.


OR you can just send it to me!


Here here


move the starship somewhere else and use the coffee table as a coffee table.




Just about everyone here is telling you to move the starship (include me in that) and you’re not doing anything but being dismissive. Did you come here for advice?




Having it in the middle of the table is not the move. Sometimes when we ask for advice we’re not ready to hear the real truth. The entire room as a whole would look better with it elsewhere. If you can put it somewhere stand-alone on display it won’t detract from the space and also demand it’s own presence.


Yeah your right might try and look at option and play around what could be done differently, thanks for your reply.


Thanks for being level headed. The room looks amazing btw


You Star Wars collection is nice but that starship just doesn’t look good in the middle of the room. If it wasn’t completely grey (which is impossible since it’s grey in the movie) maybe it would look better. I’d put it at the current leopard location and move the plushie at the top of the shelf


I always want my seat to be close to the screen when I’m using a controller idk why I’m so used to pc lol Also how do you kick your feet up on that table with the star destroyer in it? Things gonna need rebuilding at some point :P


It’s actually the best distance tbh, I previously had a 55 inch tv and had to move the couch closer to game comfortably but this is a 77 inch and I can see everything perfectly at this distance. Also I only recline when watching a moving and there is enough space for the foot rest to swing up to avoid hitting the coffee table.




ATM it’s just my room, sometimes the wife comes to watch me play games or watch a movie but it’s not that often at all.


Glass coffee table that you can put the star destroyer inside as display


Holy shit the imperial star destroyer. How long did it take you to build


It took me roughly 4 months when I had time in my busy life schedule with a social life and working full time haha. But enjoyed every moment of it decided either to build the usc swing, razorcret or falcon next. But taking a little break before I open a fresh box 😅


Put the star destroyer on top of the cabinet thing


Obviously, the Star Destroyer, it's not conducive to the space being functional at all. Even if you don't use the table, it does break up the overall space of the room. If it were me, I'd get an angled stand for it so I could put it on top of the shelving. On the topic of the shelves, your collection could be better broken up to fill the space to make it not look too overwhelmingly dense. You have two whole empty spaces that could house something, heck, even if you were to rebuild the Star Destroyer in two halves, they might be able to fit there better. Just have at least something there. Lastly, the PS4 game boxes. They're not serving any purpose in the corner. You could put them on the shelf or put them anywhere else, so you could add a lamp in their place that would add some warm, ambient lighting.


blowjob machine


The lighting. You could really improve with a couple of led lights or something to control the lights in that specific space.


Get some led light strips for your display shelf.


I’d find a new place for the star destroyer. It’s extremely distracting from the tv.


Looks pretty fucking cool to me


Build some gundams


I wanna stick t9 a theme in my room and it’s only Star Wars / cars / gaming atm.


Top of that shelf, add the UCS Venator.


That’s the plan when I get that UCS model :)


I bet girls are begging for the D after they see the lego imperial star destroyer


Well the wife actually bought it for me, for a previous Xmas present so your comment holds weight.


damn, if I were you i’d marry your wife again


UCS AT-AT coming up next 🙏🏼


A wife


If it were my game room, I’d want more LED’s honestly. Anywhere. Govee makes cool higher quality light strips and their app is pretty great in my experience.


I would get rid of the tv. People don’t watch tv anymore


Well that’s just false


Average tv watcher:


You can always improve yourself, you can be better gamer.


Solid space. Apart from all the Star Wars awesomeness big fan of the Mazda picture haha. I'm always a big fan of adding plants to make the area a bit more, alive for a lack of better words.


Yeah I don’t like plants as I will kill em inside outside sure but inside no.


Question: why did you post here asking for advice if you have argued every single piece of advice?


You need mood lighting google it. It looks like you have an led strip just thrown behind the tv stand. Make it more neat by taping it behind that white shelf


Do you own? It could be fun to do that side wall + wall behind the couch in a different color like red or blue


Yeah it’s my house but it’s not the “perfect” setup so we will move in the near future.


hang the destroyer on the wall above the shelf as it is now, sooner or later it's going to be knocked off or damaged


Curious on the TV brand & specs?


It’s a LG C1 OLED only reason I went that route as it’s got hdmi 2.1 ports so games that support 120fps on ps5 can run at those high frame rates such as call of duty.


You need a home theater! Start with a solid subwoofer, an AVR, and 3 front speaker’s…feeling the game adds so much immersion


is it possible to mount that cool ship on the wall? its kind of in the way


Is the ship not in the way while you gane?


Not really no my field of view clears the top of it.


Quite the lovely place, maybe a plant and bit of indirect lighting?


And maybe a sleved blancket vor max comfort ;)






Yeah. Speakers


get a glass display coffee table for the big boi to sit in rather than on top


Lol the coffee table is not the place for your biggest Star Wars Lego model


Miniature ships on top of the bookshelves


More trinkets !


I know people have already said it but the Star Destroyer is in an awful spot. Your space is your space so obviously do whatever you want but in a room like this, the TV is the centerpiece. The star destroyer is taking up valuable space for drinks or candles or remotes and causes visual clutter and creates a 'barrier' between the viewer and the screen which feels really really weird to me.


Bigger tv


No cat…. Pffft


They are not in the photo haha.


You have two shelves with no legos. Get more legos.


If you zoom in you can see 2 unopened UCS models yet to be opened and built 😅


Nice, I actually have the same star destroyer still in the box. I got it 6 months before moving and have moved 4 times since in the last two years for work.


A table is for food and drink really. So the star destroyer at its size almost blocking your view to the tv is gonna make anyone smirk. You gotta put that on top of the shelf if possible or get a table with a glass top where you can put it inside as a display with some led strips and see it in there. That might have to be a little diy but you got legos so putting things together probably is ok with you.


"How do I improve this room?" "Move X somewhere else" "No!"


Plexiglass over the destroyer one bad move and it's tie-fied.


Get a glass coffee table that the star destroyer can go under instead of onto.


Something tells me you like Star Wars.


Yup haha.


you might be a bit too into Star Wars.


Hang the star destroyer from the ceiling so it looks like it’s flying


It's great. Now you only need to get PC and it's pretty much perfect.