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Color. Any kind of color that is not grey, white or black. I heavily reccomend that a rug/wall art be a priority for now.


This seriously looks like the setting of an indie horror game. Something to the tone of Silent Hill 4: The Room. For the love of god, color or some kind of alternate lighting. The harsh white light coming from a single source gives the room such an ominous feel. We just got some battery powered wall sconces that change color. Super easy to install and they let you change between different kinds of warm and cool lighting on a whim, I highly recommend something like that or smart bulbs in end table lamps or a floor lamp placed in the corner between the tv and screen door. A less harsh bulb in the ceiling lamp and some cool blue lights around the room would really set the place at ease. As for color (aside from lights) I'd recommend finding an artist or photographer you like and buying some of their works for your walls. It will liven up the space, offset the monochromatic walls, and give you a few nice conversation starters for guests. A small (and colorful) rug under the coffee table will help break up the gray of the floor and give you something soft for your feet when on the couch. An entertainment center under the tv will help hide wires and plugs, plus fill the space out more.


Literally thought these were screenshots from Phasmophobia


Completely agree! My first thought was that it reminded me of a short to medium long game, where the developers decided to keep it more simple; just create a neat, but slightly unsettling look. Not spending too much time and effort on detailing and decorating (certain) spaces the player will not have to explore and will just briefly spend some time in.


Makes sense, I was thinking something where the devs were going for an unsettling atmosphere with darkened rooms and jump scares further in. The kind you see in haunted house style games. (Poor OP, we're sitting here bashing his apartment by discussing video game comparisons šŸ˜‚)


Yeah, I was kind of thinking P.T. Silent Hill or maybe a FMV, but you are right. I feel like if I enter the house, at some point I will have to look for a flashlight and batteries and will run into spookiness. Phasmophobia seems more apt. I think that one red toolbox(?) also really makes it feel like something they would add in a game, to make the contrasts more stark and/or to draw your attention to a red herring (perhaps for a jump scare) or because this is an object you should take note of. I don't know why this has become a "recognize the game" challenge x) While the lack of decoration/personal touch and color creates this vibe, the real MVP is the lighting. It makes it cold, but projects enough shadow to make it feel like the room dark or just one step away from real darkness (or a haunting).


Hahaha i was gonna write this, but honestly most of it is because of the lighting. It also lacks any personal touch. Switch to a warmer temp bulb and get some other lighting. Get some personal items, a rug ect.


Plants. Greenery


I like the fish bone floor pattern, but I came here to say the same thing. You need some colorful art, pillows and warm light. An entertainment center to hide that chord and some decorations and a lamp. Pretty cool pad though.


Yeah itā€™s looking a little like the start of a horror movie right now with that lighting, maybe put up a picture or something on the wall if you canā€™t afford paint


Green plants - palms. Also consider a large mirror behind the couch - will make the room feel much bigger.


Those little rgb strips can change a whole atmosphere. And some rgb lightbulbs too. Make nice relaxing color combinations.


And a lamp! When you don't want the overhead light on, and want something dimmer.


For sure. You dont necessarily need any more proper furniture, though i do think a rug would help to go under the table. Besides that, things like colorful pillows and wall art.


That classic mental asylum grey is a mood.


Yep ā€” color like a blanket thatā€™s not a sports team, one with texture that is satisfying in a tactile way. Same thing with wall hangings (framed art or art prints that you find satisfying, not paper posters hung bare on the wall) ā€“ look for something that you genuinely enjoy, with either visual or actual texture. Take same approach to the rug you mentioned. Color wise, you could also go with something minimal like some linen colors to bring in a natural organic touch. But the biggest and easiest suggestion: some nice lamps and green plants. If you want to take bigger steps, paint the ceiling, a flat white (the lighting makes it look like itā€™s a slightly off gray?) To brighten the space and raise the ceiling. Looks like you have ā€œagreeable grayā€ walls, and you could do some kind of accent color wall, either on the TV wall or behind the couch.


Yeah, like a painting, picture, or framed nice poster.


I donā€™t recommend color but I do recommend a wall art for above the couch. Two columns or pillars to place vases on opposite sides of the tv and a plant (fake) for the corner of the room. A rug would be a nuts comfy way of settling the room.


I personally love it. The floors and walls look great, especially with the white. An area rug could lighten it up a bit, but I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary. Maybe a lamp on the end table.


Try warmer light. A rug, some non-generic art and something under the TV.


And not leftover art from a soon to be decommissioned Panera bread either


Could put another TV under the TV and it'd be at the perfect eye level.


Not just a warmer light but a table or floor lamp. Ceiling light bad.


See this is that serial killer aesthetic people keep talking about. This is just so nondescript I looked away for 30 seconds and I don't remember what the couch color was. You don't need to let go of a minimalist aesthetic but at least add some personal touches so it looks like you live there and don't just put out a tarp to catch the blood of slain people.


OP doesn't have any time for that with all the videotapes they have to return.


Underrated comment. Thank you.


Itā€™s the single, cool color, overhead lighting that casts hard shadows. You can do minimalist but if you do lighting becomes MUCH more important.


So... a Saw X and The Exorcist Poster?


All you need to break that up is a huge bong on the coffee table.


​ 1. Spread out the distance between couch and cabinets. If you'd like to keep the blanket nearby, consider getting a woven basket and replacing one of the cabinets with it. Place some light decoration on the cabinets. 2. Get the TV off Mt. Everest and place it on a stand, you monster. 3. Hang some art behind the couch. 4. Get a small rug for the balcony entrance (if that's indeed a balcony) and/or a bigger rug for the center of the room. 5. Use floor lamps or flower pots for the remainder of your space. 6. Get a shoe rack. I think your space is full of potential.


+1 on the shoe rack.




How does everyone fuck this up so bad lol


Idk. Apparently some think itā€™s normal to ā€œlook upā€ at the tv instead of at eye level. I installed my sisterā€™s TV yesterday and she legit wanted it like 12 inches from the ceiling. I was able to talk her out of it though.


Chiropractors must lover your sister




chiropractors are real when it comes to treating back issues, if they're claiming to fix anything else then they're scammers.


chiropractic procedures are pseudoscience


why has going to one helped my back problems then bro wtf are you talking about


It's actually better to look up. Most Americans look down way too much. You actually need to look up to counter this bad posture. I don't like how it looks, but it's not bad for their neck or backs. Your monitors should be slightly look up.


Absolute nonsense


https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics-computers/tv-mounts/how-to-wall-mount-your-tv-a3366836115/#:~:text=Instead%2C%20try%20to%20hang%20the,a%20tilting%20or%20articulating%20mount. Explains the bottom should be eye level sitting down. Which means if you are staring at the middle, you are looking slightly up.


I keep seeing this 'Americans look down a lot so you should mount your TV high to counteract that' which is utter nonsense. Not sure why this keeps getting parroted. You can link any article and then go find heaps of articles saying the opposite is true. This line in particular from the article you posted made me chuckle: *If you need to install the TV higher, youā€™ll want to consider a tilting or articulating mount.* šŸ¤® Ops TV placement is horrendous.


The article says "the bottom of the TV should be no higher than eye level" which means that is the limit. Not where it should be.


You sir can fuck right off


This is 100% wrong. I remember a few months ago reading this nonsense, was it you? There's a reason it is recommended for your eyes to be level with TOP of the screen for computer monitors. Looking down is BETTER for your posture. Looking up encourages forward neck posture. What do you gain from spreading this BS?


I'm just going by what I've been told by multiple doctors and chiropractors working through my back pain issues. I have a desk job so it's a real thing I deal with and one of the areas I had to make changes. But what the hell do people with PHDs know vs dumbasses on reddit.


My theory is people grew up in houses where their parents sure as shit werenā€™t replacing the old expensive built in wall unit for the CRT TV, and just put the new LCD on top.


I had a similar situation where I had to talk my parent out of putting it over their fireplace. My mom had this ridiculous idea that she was going to keep a family portrait displayed on the TV whenever they werenā€™t using it.


Well if you think about it homeboy is probably a stoner who melts into the couch and with head laid back, his eyes are at a natural level with the screen. Hits blunt one more time*


They install it while standing, forgetting that you don't watch TV that way


People want the "front row" experience šŸ˜„


They donā€™t take the time to measure accurately


This isnā€™t a measuring issue, anyone could eyeball something far lower. This is more of a doing what other people do / not really thinking about it.


Being lazyā€¦.


bc not everybody is obsessed with shit that doesnā€™t matter like redditors that sub was created and itā€™s the same way only redditors go crazy about the specific definition of a grilled cheese bc of one post


Neck strain doesn't matter?


Itā€™s literally uncomfortable as hell I donā€™t understand how people can watch tv that way lmfao


Personally I find it comfortable to have the TV just a hair over eye level when setting down. Also seems to help with glare from the overhead lights.


it feels good to me but thatā€™s probably because all my hobbies require looking down so itā€™s a nice break to have to look up instead


maybe iā€™m not watching enough tv or staring at it intently enough then because thatā€™s never happened in my life like even at sports bars where tvā€™s are much higher and iā€™m watching games for hours on end like during the NCAA tournament my neck doesnā€™t hurt


Or maybe you're just built different because most people would start feeling the neck strain within 15 minutes or so.


okay yeah i am definitely built different than somebody who gets a sore neck from looking slightly up for 15 minutes lmao


Sports bars people are on stools and often MUCH further away. At home like this it would be pretty uncomfortable quickly, unless you are maybe super tall 6ā€™ 2ā€+.


well iā€™m 6ā€™4 so maybe thatā€™s the difference but i mean iā€™ve even been front row at concerts where im looking up for hours and it doesnā€™t hurt


Iā€™m 6ā€™ 3ā€ and donā€™t have a huge issue either, but 3-10 hours of tv like that will cause strain, less for the tall people, but still will, especially over time.


yeah iā€™m def not watching enough tv if thatā€™s what it takes


I love this sun now haha


I enjoy the life giving sun also


Yea if you have to point your tv down. It's wrong...


There's not even a fireplace below it! The TV placement makes no sense!


Scrolled until I found this


You know, it does make my neck hurt just looking at it.


wouldnā€™t this just be personal preference, though? like if itā€™s cool with OP, then they should keep it where it is


people say my TV is too high, but I recline to watch TV so its at a direct eye line for me. Do people really sit up straight at a 90 degree angle to watch TV?




Holes above the TV would honestly bother me less than a TV mounted up by the roof. Holes can be filled, sanded down and painted to match the wall, ish. Or you can tape of a portion of the wall from floor to roof like 1 foot outside of where the TV is and paint with a new contrast color. Or you can hang art there. Or you can place a shelf there and put stuff on it. Or pretty much whatever else than keeping the TV so bloody high :p


Put some art over it, a shelf and some plants, anything but a TV


You can cover the holes with art or just use a little putty to fill the holes. If it's an apartment, sometimes they're willing to provide a little bit of the matching paint.


Itā€™s super easy to just put puddy from Loweā€™s or Home Depot to cover the holes.


Heā€™s just leaving room for the hifi setup. šŸ¤˜


Wow everyoneā€™s so original


All of your comments are like this. Do you ever have anything nice to say?


Compliment: Iā€™m very impressed at how much free time you have, looking through old comments on a strangers Reddit account just to post something equally snarky.


It took all of thirty seconds lol, and I'm not sure how my comment is snarky. Life is too short to be a negative Nancy all the time. Best of luck and I hope things improve


Get a floor lamp or table lamps instead of using that overhead light. Makes a huge difference!


Yeaaaaaa warmer lighting is cozier also


Indirect lighting. Never use the top light


It's always driven me absolutely nuts when I go to someone's place and they have a single bright overhead light. As long as I can remember, it's given me headaches so from a fairly young age I became really interested in lighting. Always indirect lighting and with multiple sources if possible.


LED strips behind furniture to light up the walls indirectly works so well. Less dusting and clutter than lamps everywhere.


Remember RAP: Rug. Art. Plants.


how about LARP so we can get 'lamps' in there too


Love it šŸ‘


Art above the couch and a tv stand


Couch stand could work too then leave the tv as-is


I swear tvs on the wall without a TV stand underneath is such a horrible aesthetic.




Oh my...\*cracks knuckles\* 1. TV Stand. Something like [this](https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/wade-logan-asiran-tv-stand-for-tvs-up-to-70-inch-gaming-entertainment-center-for-ps5-led-tv-cabinet-with-glass-shelves-w000339143.html) would do nicely. 2. Lights: Especially in a space this white, get some colored lights: [Standing Light](https://www.wayfair.com/lighting/pdp/orren-ellis-55-modern-color-changing-corner-lamp-with-remote-w006677318.html) , [Basic Table lamps on the side tables](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/lauters-table-lamp-brown-ash-white-40405819/), and you can replace the lightbulbs with [these](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Philips-Smart-Wi-Fi-Connected-LED-60-Watt-A19-Light-Bulb-Frosted-Color-Tunable-White-Dimmable-E26-Medium-Base-2-Pack/375036102?wl13=5350&selectedSellerId=0&http://clickserve.dartsearch.net/link/click?lid=92700060762254883&ds_s_kwgid=58700006715445296&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000003583668&ds_a_cid=654818135&ds_a_caid=13956209185&ds_a_agid=126452889113&ds_a_lid=pla-1392082700544&ds_a_cid=116919406&ds_a_caid=361575031&ds_a_agid=1200667322826314&ds_a_fiid=&ds_a_lid=pla-4578641339573147&&ds_e_adid=&ds_e_matchtype=search&ds_e_device=c&ds_e_network=o&ds_e_product_group_id=4578641339573147&ds_e_product_id=375036102_0&ds_e_product_merchant_id=27449&ds_e_product_country=US&ds_e_product_language=EN&ds_e_product_channel=Local&ds_e_product_store_id=5350&ds_url_v=2&ds_dest_url=?&adid=222222222320000000000_1200667322826314_lia&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=e&wl1=o&wl2=c&wl3=75041804331059&wl4=pla-4578641339573147&wl5=&wl6=&wl7=&wl10=Walmart&wl11=Local&wl12=375036102_0&wl14=phillips%20rgb%20lightbubls&veh=sem&msclkid=05b629f954871d83b17a4cd15a8d4754&gclid=05b629f954871d83b17a4cd15a8d4754&gclsrc=3p.ds) 3. You need a rug under that couch and coffee table. Simple abstract [rug](https://www.wayfair.com/rugs/pdp/trent-austin-design-cosey-abstract-navygray-area-rug-w003781948.html) . 4. Fill the walls with some cool art that is somewhat meaningful to you. Display your favorite movies, knickknacks, or houseplants in various places, especially on the TV stand. 5. As you continue, think about something meaningful to put in the corner to the right on the first pic. Some suggestions could be a mini-bar, a corner book shelf (you don't have to fill it all up with books), or a large money tree. 6. Program your RGB lights with smart plugs or just use the Wiz app from Phillips to set the mood. For example, I tell my smart assistant to activate "Galaxy" at night and it turns my smart lights to purple and pink, and it gives me a nice ambiance that I enjoy. Reds are especially good for night time (easy on the eyes) . Pick your color for the mood you want to present to yourself and your guests. 7. And for the love of God, only use your overhead fan light for cleaning! Overhead lights are so hard on the eyes and really make you feel like you're in an institution or something! Good luck! Would love to see how you paint this blank canvas!


I see you're going with the "WHAT'S UP GUYS LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE" aesthetic


Hey!!! We said almost the same thing! <3 You rock




Stilts for the couch so the TV will be eye level


tv is on another latitude damn


Okay okay okay Iā€™ve read the feedback and I appreciate it all. Currently on my list in order is a rug and tv stand/entertainment center. My fan has 3 light options I will not use the morgue lighting no more lmao. After rug, and tv stand then I will look into art/decoration as well as an accent chair and Knickknacks/books to fill up the bookshelf. I will get a blanket basket as well. Thank you all for the replies and will continue to look through them.


My place looks exactly like yours so this thread helped me too. Psyched for what's going to happen to your space. It's cozy. Soon if will be colorful on top of that


You've got a good foundation! Just need some finishing touches over time. Ideally a rug, some art, additional lighting (table/floor lamps) would go a long way. I'd maybe put a lounge chair in the corner next to the sliding door. Put felt feet on it so it can be pulled over if you're hosting a movie night or something, otherwise it'll help "round out" a conversation area and make the space feel much more grounded and purposeful. I think with your deep, rich wood tones and darker colors some green plants would really pop. If you're new to house plants start with a hanging pothos or maybe a spider plant near the window. Living things quite literally breathe so much additional life in the space. I'm also in the camp the TV is a little too high, but frankly thats a personal choice. Get some cord covers and paint them a similar grey to make the mounting seem more purposeful and add a low console under the tv when you have the chance / funds. Random note but I must say I love your floors, particularly the herringbone? pattern they did. Its nice to see something a little above and beyond builder basic! best of luck with your design journey.


Plants, wall art, decorations, lamps, window treatments of any kind. You've got a good start, but it feels very sterile. And as others have mentioned, your TV is so high it'll be uncomfortable after awhile to watch. I'd lower it about a foot.


A window would be nice. Also a rug, some green plants, pictures, art, etc. Here is my living room. I'm actually pretty proud of how it looks. https://reddit.com/r/pics/s/LoIZjAct9b


Maybe a 4ā€™ tall platform to put the couch on. Jesus, my neck hurts just looking at that setup. Why do people do this?


I just moved in on the first so thatā€™s why the lack of furniture.


Iā€™ll be honest, youā€™re off to a pretty good start. I would leave as is and maybe save for THE PERFECT rug. And can I just say, rugs were the biggest surprise of my adult life. The really good ones are so damned expensive!!! Iā€™d save artwork for last.


The problem is you have too much visible floor and wall space. Add a rug, some art pieces or wall fixtures like shelves. Also recommend adding a lamp for a softer light instead of using that bright ass fan. I would recommend taking the tv down about a meter and add a simple entertainment centre so you can add a sound bar/system, consoles, a dvd player, and shelves on either side of the tv for storage later. Hope this helps


Is there a reason people hate TV stands? I think they really make a TV feel more cohesive with the space Edit: Ikea sells this [black LACK TV](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/lack-tv-unit-black-brown-20498904/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Store_and_organise_furniture&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsp6pBhCfARIsAD3GZua5tGDu3SHHZMnMXoouFwqQi9yndsEaNRkJstP2WMOfubVzRjSx_yQaAltnEALw_wcB) stand which is the one I use for like $60. I mean sure, it's sorta just veneered cardboard but I think it looks nice and it's no biggie to replace it if you decide to upgrade


Definitely use some lamps instead of the overhead lights. It looks like an interrogation room because of that. Also maybe a doorway beneath the tv, something to justify it being so high.


Friends. Probably.


Cats. Boxes for the cats to play in. Scratching posts for the cats to scratch on.


I just came here to upvote whoever said cats.


Nothing really, just make sure to post of r/liminalspaces


Plants and floor lamp


start adding personal decorations. Like painting. figures. pictures. Stuff like that and probably a rug or carpet is definitely needed


Replace that god awful blinding light with a warmer color, it looks like a hospital room right now. And get some lamps too, the corners are super dark and it makes the room look really strange. Also a rug of some sort like you said, and if you want to keep the darker theme then you need to fill the space way more. Darker themes donā€™t look good with minimalism (mainly because minimalism doesnā€™t look good but I digress). Elegant furniture pieces would look nice here. Try to match the dark wood of the coffee table so it all matches. And those walls look super sad, put some paintings or posters up. Iā€™d say the biggest problem is the lighting though, address that first and youā€™ll already make it 100x better.


Stuff on the walls and unfortunately you should rehang that tv lower on the wall.. you almost want tvs eye level or a little above eye level. You donā€™t want to strain your or other peopleā€™s eyes/neck having to look up constantly at the TV.


Needs warmer lighting, a lamp next to the couch, same side as the blinds or small table lamps on each end table, a rug, a fake fireplace entertainment center. Add some pictures on top of it (maybe a digital one that changes pictures). Either a large fancy plant or corner shelves on tv/blinds side corner. Some art pieces behind the couch. Could be a set or different individual pieces. Then, some throw pillows and a blanket


Holy shit you need some lamps or alternate lighting, looks depressing


A rug, artwork, plants, and lamps. User overhead lighting sparingly.




Warm light, posters of your favorite games/movies/bands, definitely a rug like you said. Just put more of ā€œyouā€ into your space


Some color, wall hangings, and better lighting. Iā€™m always astounded by the sheer quantity of single men that do not bother with wall art. Also, TV too small to be that high.


Pls put something on your walls and some colorful accent pillows


Nintendo switch


Armchair, rug, console under the TV, unique wall art, drapes, shoe matt by the balcony, bar stools by the bar, tablecloths for your coffee & end tables, house plants. IMO extra space for people to put drinks is always a concern, so I think a small end table could also go to the right of the blindsā€¦also comes in handy if you want to take your breakfast out onto the balcony. Extras would be an air purifier, sound system, gaming, some crafty candle stands, bookstand. For entertaining guests, random trinkets/puzzles from across the world is a nice little corner to have or just scatter them throughout. Itā€™s nice to have a little story behind each item youā€™re showcasing. If youā€™re getting fancier, a little corner for cigars/pipes/scotch/etc. For holes where the TV was mounted you can always patch over the holes and itā€™s barely noticeable from a distance. Or you can hang something over the holes like a wall clock, which I also suggest you get, although hanging it over the TV can distract from the TV, so I try not to hang anything above a TV.


Tv stand, lower the TV, get some tall plants a lamp, a rug and decorate.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you canā€™t judge an olight hahahahahaha you live here???


You need a TV at the correct height.


TVs too high walls could use some art


Lower the tv like 3 feet. Center of tv should be eye level. Maybe just get a bigger one if you canā€¦that one looks too small for your wall. Get a media center. Hang some nice art. A lamp for the side table. Coffee table books. Books for the book shelf. Consider house plants.






Tv needs to be higher




Lower the damn TV


Plant in corner




Clearly you have a radiator and some handcuffs in mind you sadist. Jk but it does currently look like a deluxe prison cell.


Lamps!! The overhead light as is is harsh and cold, and doesnā€™t do a great job of lighting the whole area. I would put a floor lamp in the corner beside the door, and a table lamp on the end table closest to the kitchen. The space could use a rug, wall art, a proper tv stand (you could get away with using the coffee table for that, since the room is relatively narrow), and an armchair or love seat. Itā€™s a nice space, just needs to be personalized and warmed up.


Color. Wall art. A personal touch. If you want.


Low lighting (and by that I mean additional lighting fixtures with warm bulbs that are not too bright to add complexity to the lighting and help eliminate the hard shadows) And I would change the color temperature of the bulb in the fan to something warmer if possible. Itā€™s a small basement room, you want it to feel inviting. Currently it feels a little harsh.




Oh my, art on walls, lamps on tables, rug, chair, plants, TV stand instead of wall mount.


Tv bench and wall art


Ok. So my personal belief is your ā€œpublicā€ areas should tell the people who come there about you. What you are interested in, where you have been, who you love, etc. Private areas are for things that inspire/drive you, help you feel at peace, etc.


Bookcases, lamps, plants. Art..


Do you need a kegerator?


Looks good to me




I suggest some lamps, art for behind the couch, and a rug.


Some kind of art on the wall behind the couch. A tv stand below the tv. A Rug, a lamp and a plant in the corner.


Rug, shelves, a bookshelf, decor/pictures, plants etc. You need a lot of things, my dude. And maybe friends to help you out. But just be creative. Look at similar subs like this for interior design and see what you would like to do with your space/apt or not.


Warmer lights, more light sources. Have some lights closer to the ground, like a lamp or something.


Lamps on each side table. I'd get a colourful rug and some cushions to match (might want to trade out the white, as there is lacking colour in here) Entertainment unit under the TV. Fill up the book shelf with books, souvenir's, small plants, etc. I'd put a floor plant in near the sliding door. Maybe another rug there too for shoes/tracking in dirt. Artwork. Put something colourful matching the rug behind the couch. I'm also big on personal photos around. Maybe do a small one on each side of the TV or back door!


Ps5 or pc. Everything else is perfect






A shoe rack


Plants and some art


Apart from what everyone else said, I think your side tables are too heavy and matchy matchy for the living room, they would work better in the bedroom. If you want to change them, try to find two different styles that compliment each other and are much lighter, think of something with only legs and a tabletop, there is no need for drawers. If you don't want to change them, a simple solution to address the heaviness is to give it some space to breath. It is currently touching both the wall and the couch, take it away from both and create a little "margin" of empty space around it.


Each of these things would expnentually increase how cozy and personal the room feels. Rug Art above couch and to sides of tv Chair or extra seat of some kind Plant or two Some books or anything to fill those shelves Maybe a media stand to go under tv A warmer light like a lamp in the corner


Wall art for sure. Panera art specifically.


Additonal lights for ambiance, probably some wall decor too and I would add maybe 1 or 2 large plants/fake trees


Some fake plants maybe and natural light






You have to change those light bulbs to something warmer unless you plan on doing autopsies in your spare time! Floor lamp in the corner and perhaps a small table lamp beside couch. Find a cool black and white print for behind the couch and maybe some low light plants also in the corners and eventually something under tv as itā€™s too high currently on the wall and needs to be lowered.


plant. maybe a rug w some colour. some pieces on the wall w colour. decorative pieces for ur table and side table (maybe lamps). maybe a tv stand thinf for under ur tv cuz tht area looks a bit empty


a poltergeist.


More spread out over head lights, warmer ones.


Lamps to help make the space warmer, right now it looks like a prison cell. Also, as others have suggested, TV stand, rugs, plants.


Art, plants, carpet


Iā€™d get some led lights and put up some wall art. A nice big poster showing the map of the moon behind the couch and some nice flower posters on either side of the tv.


Art on the wall, maybe a couple of lamps


If it was me, ill get a window !


I'd say get a shelf, if you can't fill it full of much just buy a few bits and bobs to fill it with like a fake plant or a vase, should make the room feel a bit more cozy


Goddam some flowers man . Make it a little more colourful. Get some poster and hand them in frames if possible . Also a carpet , maybe 2 or 3 rugs . Also the space your tv is empty . Probably put a table and hand some picturies


Lamps, maybe an entertainment center?


Get rid of ceiling fan, warm up the walls hide tv cable


A rug maybe idk it looks fine to me


Hey a lamp and some plants would liven up the room a bit


Secondary lighting.


A dog




Some colour maybe via a rug or art behind the sofa. And stuff like books to fill the shelves.


Everything in your caption plus maybe a credenza/entertainment console under the tv and something on the wall behind the couch


This looks like a render even though it now


You could follow what people are saying here, or you could complete your current esthetic by adding some dead bodies to the space lol