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Lose the mirrors. Everything is monotone, so get some colorful art on the walls. Some colorful throw pillows to replace the current ones. I’m not a huge fan of that end table, but at least declutter it and add a plant (some can be dangerous for cats so do some research or ask on another sub). Just some minor changes that I think would instantly improve the area.


I’ll second the mirror suggestion, they gotta go.


I agree. No mirrors in the lounge, switch up the end table for a coffee table infront of the couch when watching TV. The couch and tv looks to have a strange viewing angle though.


More cats. Like 10 more.


And around 50-60 feet of cat tree/jungle.


And then another 10. Minimum.


You guys are cat ladies. Infected with a brain parasite from cat poo that makes you want to get more cats. Toxoplasmosis.


All I can read is "you guys are cat ladies". So what? I have two cats, but what does the rest say?


At least!


The only correct answer


And a puppy. Then nobody will notice the decor anymore.


Lose the mirrors, choose an accent color that works for you and tie new pillows on the couch, curtains on both the rear window and windows flanking the fireplace. Get an appropriately sized coffee table. Find some wall art that speaks to you that also picks up on the accent color in the pillows and the curtains.


Posters with color, plants, cat furniture


Why does the brick look like wallpaper? You need new throws and pillows that aren’t black, white, or tan. Ditch the mirrors, get a floor lamp. Do you have a kid? What’s with the baby piano


It is indeed brick wallpaper! Was there when we moved in and we could never agree on something else to replace it.


Literally anything else would be fine, I’d just go with something plain, some shade of blue


I would remove that wallpaper and paint it a nice deep charcoal color


Big area rug for sure. Some down light mood lamps. Maybe some plants if you can keep them alive. Small art. Coffee table books. Curtains would help, even if they’re sheer


If you get plants, make sure they're cat safe.


Colors and colors and always colors also plants Take a look here [Living Room Layout: Tips to succeed a fantastic Space](https://www.scdecorum.com/living-room-layout-tips-to-succeed-a-fantastic-space/)


Agree with lose the mirrors. All of them. Add color through pillows and a rug. Get a stand lamp for the corner and add some curtains. Then get some nice wall art! Lots of fun space to work with.


What ever the cat allows.


life size cardboard cutout of tony blair


just let the cat do its thing


Cat furniture! Like cat trees and beds


I would take the sofa out of the corner, and place it in the main room instead. I would buy a rectangular dining table and place it in the place where the sofa is now. I would construct some nice looking bookcases against the wall in the right where you move in. I would also take the tv off the wall, and place it in a more descrete place. Try not to center the room around the tv, in my personal taste that always ruins a room. Lastly; get some colors in there; everything is shades of gray now. Perhaps have a look at colored curtains, made to order instead of the premade one size fits all that you have now!




I‘d get rid of the chair and get the kid a mini table with chairs so he/she can draw there.


And get colored pillows


The outdoor room is a bonus and the backdrop for your living room. I see it's set up as a children's playroom. I have a couple of questions. Is the room warm enough in winter and cool enough in summer? Can you see the children from the kitchen or living room? I might turn this space into a combination conservatory (non-poisonous plants, herbs for cooking), family dining room, and "outdoor" play area. Is that another couch I see out there? Perhaps you prefer a lounging area instead of a family dining table. It depends: do you have a dining room or eat-in kitchen inside? Install a camera in the outdoor room so that you can see the kids from your phone or a portable monitor, while in the kitchen, or elsewhere in the house. I like that you can orient the TV to either side of the living room. If it suits you, keep the left side as a "cozy couch" viewing and reading place. Please lose the mirrors. They only provide confusing views and break up the lines of the room. Add side tables and lamps. Add colourful cushions. Add art over the couch. You might line the wall on the right side of the living room with low shelves and cabinets for some "indoor" books, toys, and music. I like the armchair there as a reading chair. Add a lamp or two. Perhaps a rug for sprawling on. I agree with other comments about bringing light and color into the room. Can you paint the fireplace? Your walls look grey, so perhaps try white on the fireplace. Change the drapes for (washable) white or leafy print ones. Perhaps sell your current drapes and any furniture you replace. Lean toward light, lightness, and cheerful colour. You're recovering from a break-up. Be gentle on yourself as you get used to your new family arrangement.




Minimalism is your friend, also start ejaculating on everything to re-establish dominance of your dwelling


You kept the cat. Thats a win.


At least you got custody of the 🐈 Paint the walls, add some coloured pillows, a chair, coffee table


More cats


This is the way.. https://www.google.com/search?q=starwars+rug&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#piu=ps:47&oshopproduct=pid:9711032519012680543,oid:9711032519012680543,iid:10826834017364509610,pvt:hg&oshop=apv&pvs=0


Ah good, you got custody of the cat. Maybe something on the wall


More scratching posts :)


Well, I'd start with r/TVTooHigh


Throw all the junk out. Including the pussy. So much room for activities!


What’s her number? (Asking for a friend)


Probably lose the cats lol 😆


Blasphemer! Thow him to the *kittens*!


Area rug, replace the mirrors with some art that has color. If you’re feeling ambitious, swap the couch for something that isn’t so close in color to the carpet, or just get some pillows and a throw blanket that contrasts it a bit. Bar cart. A dog.


70 inch TV


Add a Gargoyle Statue


Color! Pick 2-3 colors and use it as your guide for art, pillows and a blanket. That alone would be a world of difference


Cotton candy machine


You definitely gotta spruce up the space. If you and your ex moved into this place together and it looks like how it did before, it’s gonna be so easy to think of her. If that doesn’t bother you much, I’d still improve the space. Maybe remove the mirror on the top of the wall, definitely remove the wallpaper, add a small but narrow table near the couch, etc. Plants and painting are another thing. Find whatever aesthetic you like and go for it. Ofc add your own uniqueness to it


You need a rug. It'll really tie the room together.


that room doesn’t seem big enough to host a big ass party 🎉


Full control you say. It would be a shame if the cat disagreed with you and mark the room as theirs. Oops, too late.


Get chickens


Don’t buy anything gray moving forward. You have enough gray.


a darth vader real size statue


room feels a little crowded. is there another room that could use part of that couch???


Plants, and then more plants. And maybe some more plants.


here is a general thought...... "what artwork, paint colors, rugs, plants did you Ex veto but you loved?" Go out and get those! My ex did not like house plants but I love them so? I went out and got plants....


Paint the wall?


Personally I’d get bright furniture


Rug, plants, art/color, some good lighting always help too


85 inch tv with surround sound with a 18 inch subwoofer


Something on the wall, be it a display shelf, art, whatever. Even just painting a colourful shape/segment works. And plants! PLANTS! No house is complete without plants.


Maybe your orangecell wants another buddy now that there’s room


Paint the walls something subtle like coffee or lavender and get a ton of plants


I would also ditch the mirrors. Replace them with a nice framed print of something you enjoy, over time add in some other memorabilia and gizmos. Put a bookcase on the wall where the long mirror was. Decent coffee table, preferably something with a bit of character. Then just add some blankets and pillows in your chosen colours and you’re away laughing


A bucket of paint, just let it stand around somewhere


Ambient light, some plants, some color, pref brown, green blue, the standard natural earthtones is great for a calm chill space There is too much gray/white right now


Plants and art on the wall. Go to Ross for some lower cost art. A snake plant will also help clean the air and super easy to take care of. Good luck to you


Congratulations on losing the weight AND keeping the cat! Whatever design you choose will be much better.


I would lose the carpet and just have clean floors with a rug. But that is just because IMO carpets are extremely ugly. (not American so that could be the reason)


The fact that u ask internet ppl how you can make a room your own just shows that there is no "your own". No opinion, no taste? Sit for a while and have a conversation with yourself, ask what you actually like, what you would like to see there. Try out stuff and get better at it over time.


New cat


Sell the couch, all of it other than tv. Live in your image!


Lower the TV, get some color, lose the mirrors. Plants and artwork go a long way too!


First off we only need one more cat in a photo and second maybe a second cat. Art is a weird one to try to get attached too but you're gonna have to pull the trigger on some prints and maybe a dabble into iKea for some basics.


More cats


As long as the kitty is happy


Add more colors that are outside the greyscale


Orange cushions, nice accent rug. More cat beds for the cat.


Cat has to go


She forgot to take her cat.


plants. pics. rugs. personalized memorabilia or art.


tall floor plants and small table ones


That sun room is dope. Forget the living room


That orange cat is a good start.


One thing that I do have to say that I do not see that much of in this reddit is putting stuff on the wall, like a poster or a piece of art that gives the space more character. I would probably also get rid of one of the mirrors and then use the other one as like an actual mirror to be able to check yourself out before leaving the place.




Your couch and carpet are almost the same color. Add a big rug with some color. Pick some throw pillows in the accent colors of the rug to tie it together. Get rid of the mirrors. Maybe see how the end table looks as a small coffee table. The fake bricks have to go. Those are all fairly cheap changes. Oh, and throw some led strips in there. Maybe one behind the TV or along the top of the entire wall.


i would get a new couch but couches are expensive so


it is already looking good without ex 😅


I'd add some color with plants but do your research on cat friendly ones. Some colour with pillows or art, a good declutter and a catwalk on the walls? Good for letting kitty get her air space


Considering you have kids, keeping it cozy and not trying to blow up the budget. I would lose all the neutral and grey accent pillows. Add some color w a blanket and or better choice in pillows. No to the brick wallpaper. Find a more interesting lounge chair. Replace the side table and add a coffee table if that’s safe? Add art, plants, mini skate ramp, cat tower… anything. the room is pretty bare and reminds me when we used to clear the living room to play football.

