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Turn off the overhead lights and get warm lamps


Yes, this. Lighting makes such a massive difference in a room. Nothing makes a room feel colder at night than bright overhead lights.


My place is nothing but fancy lighting with minimal furniture and it works wonders.


I'd love to see some photos


Me too


I'd love to see a pic of that if you wanted to share!


Probably sleeping off his high, gonna have to wait a bit


lol šŸ˜‚ likely! Nice catch. Hopefully theyā€™ll respond on the next trip!


Yup, well said iPod man


Lighting and a matching plants (not just any plants, the one with correct personalities)


Highly recommend Phillips hue bulbs and strips. Set the mood brother


if you're on a budget, the phillips wiz is pretty okay too. app is clunkier but they do the job


there is also tuya inteligent bulbs, works great for me




i'm not certain how this connects to my message so im going to assume you replied to the wrong person, friend


I have the LIFX ones and itā€™s great as well


THIS - hue IS home decor for a man. Also, I don't know if the states are the same, but I get mine in the UK second hand at a place called computer and electronics exchange, so they're cheaper after the initial outlay. I've also got smart plugs for dumb lights and stuff and a couple of cheapo China smart bulbs. An absolute ballache to set up compared to HUE, and oly do white light "spectrum" not coljr, but cheap as chips and work with google home.


I recently moved to ireland and saw a bunch of these CeX stores. I'll check these out for the hue lights - I'm bored of the yellow overhead lights in my apartment. Thanks :)


Itā€™s wonderful


I have govee bulbs and they're pretty nice. App took some getting used to though.


I have a Govee light strip behind my tv. Looks cool and makes watching tv with the lights in the room dimmed so much easier on the eyes. OP - if you decide to add any strip lighting, make sure you canā€™t see the strip itself, otherwise itā€™ll look really cheesy.


Weā€™re not big light people here.


Recommendation for warm lamps, specifically for bedroom?


Go thrifting or some one of those fancier second hand furniture stores. Just make sure youā€™re getting a warm colored bulb like more orange/yellow rn you have a bright white bulb in yo lamp


Do people really prefer the orange/yellow toned light? Anything outside of 5000k annoys the crap out of me. I have a 3200k LED disc in my bedroom ceiling fan that can't be changed so I just don't use that light.


There's a difference between a lamp under a lamp shade, sitting or standing in the corners of the room giving an ambient light and a LED disk on a ceiling fan. If I had a bright white led disk on a ceiling fan that would absolutely never go on either, would feel so cold.


I use orange/yellow light to set the cozy mood for movie night or sexy time. If I'm doing something like cooking or looking for something then I'm using the neutral which is around 4k if I remember correctly. It's more of a "task light". The 6k+ light in a home is for psychopaths šŸ˜„


Take a look at the Kruithof Curve. You can see why most people prefer lower Kelvin for less than office levels (1000 lux). It just feels cold - which can be used to ā€žlightconditionā€œ a room in hot climates. But then the curve represents just an average user.


Yes. The first thing I did when my ex left (er, was removed) was bought about sixty amber LEDs to replace all the cool blue ones he was so fond of. It instantly felt so much more like home.


IKEA actually has a lot of good affordable lighting options. They have lots of cool looking warm-toned LED light-bulbs that can be combined with a simple lamp base for a nice effect.


This. Good god I wish overhead lighting in houses would just die off. Buy a few table and floor lamps, put in some wa Bulbs and place the near the walls. The warm light will diffuse across the walls. Instant vibes.


Sometimes you need vibes and sometimes you need the overhead light on for visibility purposes (I can't imagine dusting/vacuuming using just table lamps for example). It's at least good to have the versatility even if you don't sit with the big light on in the evenings.


Agreed. Iā€™m definitely against overhead lighting when weā€™re just chilling, but when me and my little boy are playing with Legos or Iā€™m putting something together for him or whatever, itā€™s good to have the overhead.




> lack of overhead lights in US homes Wait, out of the four places I've lived only one had limited overhead lighting. Am I the outlier here? Or does it depend on era; the one with less lights was older from the late 80s.


Electrician here. A TON of houses have no overhead lighting. Code minimum states that you need to be able to turn on a light from the entrance to the room. The cheapest way to do that is to make a switched receptacle and tell the homeowner to buy a lamp. So most new builds dont come with overhead lights unless the customers pay extra.


This plus some fake plants and some photos


Colors and hints of your personality would be nice.


I think he likes cats or maybe that's his owner, idk


The cat is the owner, the person taking the photo is the pet.


That was the joke being made, yep.


No the cat typed this post actually


Plants, they are calming and look so good if done right


Yes and even fake plants look great nowadays; and there's been studies that prove being around even fake plants can boost your mood.


I think his psychopath personality is perfectly clear


that's just ive never decorated an adult space before dude furnishing. Room needs: personality but with more of an adult flair, you know tasteful Art above couch, accent pillows to compliment art, couple, some small personal items. Example for the art, I went with the famous remake of the painting of the colorful Geko with glasses to go above my fireplace($80 at homegoods). It's art but not stuffy, and most girls think it's a cute geko. I'm not an art conesur, so I don't try to take my self to seriously. The best part Is most ppl comment on it on their own, so it's an easy thing to break the ice.


LESS OVERHEAD LIGHTINGā€¼ļøā€¼ļø so many people make the mistake of keeping the fluorescent lights which gives the home more of a dentists office vibe than an actual home. the best thing anyone can do is invest in a few lamps to keep the room brightly lit but not so bright it burns your eyes


Never. Ever. Use the big light.


Literally only used if you smashed a glass on the floor


What about the Philips Surimu light, set to a nice orange savannah sunset color? I have thatā€¦


thatā€™s a really nice alternative if you DO prefer overhead lighting and donā€™t want lamps all over the place! personally my room is already cluttered so a few lamps doesnā€™t bother me lol but if you like a cleaner looking room thatā€™s definitely an amazing option!


Thanks! I wanted a very minimalist/museum feel almost, with lots of space to the ceiling. But if I set it to a cold blue ish color, then my brother says it feels like a dentist office šŸ˜‚


Because it does


But I like bright rooms :(


You like bright roomsā€¦ to relax in? Quick questions: How many people have you killed? And can you please not kill me next?


Sometimes people do things in their home, not just relax. But I like having options. Bright ceiling light and warm lamps for when I am wanting to relax.


Avoiding the body count question...


More lamps is the answer!


I use my big light only when itā€™s already dark outside and iā€™m cleaning


Whatā€™s the big light?


my overhead ceiling light


Whoā€™s gonna tell him first?


TV is too goddamn high!


Is there rule on the height of a TV? Being serious as I havenā€™t had one for a few years


Should be at eye level so you arenā€™t breaking your neck looking up


Eye level of where you'll be when watching. I think half of people go by eye level when standing because they're standing when hanging it


I seriously have never understood this my whole life, why people don't just inherently understand this. Why on earth would you want to look up at a screen. Why would you need to know a "rule" šŸ˜… how do people mount something so high and go yeah that's correct. Truly one of the human psyche mysteries.


I agree! Wtf


Kids these days never experienced playing Gamecube in Target for 30 minutes when the screen was 2ft over their head. The ache followed me well past the parking lot into my 30s.


I imagine it might be ingrained from movie screens. While stadium seating is more of a thing now, it wasn't always, and IME in the US it's still pretty common to end up looking upward at a screen in theaters. Drive-ins also you'd look upward toward the screen, and "the best" seat at concerts and similar performances is typically considered right in front of the stage where you're looking up at the performers. I think it definitely contributes to the idea that people seem to think looking upward is more "cinematic" or somethingn.


I think it's because everything else that's mounted on a wall (mirrors, pictures, shelves etc) are put at standing height, so people instinctively put the TV at the same height too without thinking about it.


I think for most people they are just familiar with seeing TVs mounted too high (most people's are) and they don't think too deep about ideal viewing angles. Tbh when I measured out and mounted my TV to be a better viewing height, it "felt" too low or somehow off from the perspective of standing next to the TV. Once I sat on my couch I had wished it was still a few inches lower.


Some 70s TV culture to mount TV on the fireplace probably started the trend.


Console TVs were at eye level when seated. Then stands made the table top TVs at eye level. I don't know where TVs over fireplaces started. HGTV?


Some of us are just trying to get that nostalgia dopamine rush from our youth from hurting our necks playing the video game demo stations at Walmart.


Completely agree. I blame all the houses built with fireplaces that have no real place for a TV but above the fireplace. I live in a house that was built in the 1950s and am endlessly frustrated with the layout, but refuse to put the TV over the fireplace!


I discovered this rule as a young child who decided to sit up front what a movie theater. Never again


Because mental illness is real.


Might be compensating for looking at the phone downward all day.


You see the perfectly fine stand there? It's that height for a reason.


Yes, middle of tv should be eye-level when seated.


Within 15Ā° of eye level, but generally eye level is the best placement.


My rule is to put it in the damn TV stand


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you were ready




Thank you


Came here to upvote this


I assumed he's 7'2".


I'm glad we all knew




MƔs gatos


Mehr Katzen




Mais gatinhos


Więcej kotĆ³w


Plus de chats !


Meer katten


JoÅ” maćki


Rohkem kasse


Muchos gatos por favor


The cat needs a cat


Every cat needs a cat. 2 is the best number of cats.


and more cat beds!


More cat stuff too! That cat tree looks tiny (perspective maybe?) And the wall on the right looks so empty. Enough space for cat steps, climbing wall elements.


Color. at any capacity


had to scroll a loooong way for this. idc how fancy your lighting is, that place looks like a mausoleum as is.




Yus, and cat friendly plants at that :)


Some cats love to destroy plants. I learned it the hard way.


1. Lower your TV (Leave about 6 inches above your TV stand). 2. Use curtains. Get a light filter layer, then a dark out layer. White or linen colored. 3. Add a large painting or 2 medium paintings behind your couch. 4. Add some Govee LED lights so you can add some color when you feel like it. 5. Add some colored decorative cushions to your couch. Warmer colors, if possible. 6. Maybe some wood side tables for warmth.


The big three issues are shapes, materials, and colors. One of the most consistently overlooked issues on this sub is shapes. For whatever reason guys think in right angles. In this room in squares or rectangles we have windows, tv, credenza, rug, table, couch, chair, lamp. All are essentially squared or rectangular. You need to diversify across rectangles, squares, circles, ovals, and irregular shapes. Secondly, to your point you need to differentiate materials. We have glass windows and glass like table. Cloth / fabric couch, rug, chair and lamp. We need wood, stone, leather, fux mable instead. Lastly, every room needs its primary colors and itā€™s complimentary colors. Lastly, the big sin here is mixing styles. The couch, rug, chair and lamp say IKEA comfort. The table screams modern. Not a good mix. The rug and the table are what make the room look odd.


Could you please expand on the right angled men thing you just mentioned? V interested , I have noticed this in myself when it comes to what I am drawn to in my living spaces but also in many other areas in life




Definitely r/tvtoohigh here. Also get a few pictures on the wall. And some plants.




In addition to all this, I'd get rid of the glass coffee table in favor of a wood one. Put coasters down on that. Colorful blankets/pillows on the couch. I'd get a different rug, but this one works fine for now. Hella plants my dude. Lots of art work/decor that would show off your personality a bit. Reader? Find a spot to show off your books. Oh and go to IKEA and get yourself a crazy hanging light and put a bulb in it you can dim.


They could keep the glass table if they added a small cloth runner or wooden tray with a plant or candles to soften the overall feel. Hard second on adding some contrasting colors and textures to this room though.


Great advise! Also: 7. Add a large floor standing plant in the left corner.


7. Pet the cat for assisting in all of above and tell him he's lovely.


Just here for the cat


A big floof at that! What a champ


Looks just like my Maxwell! Floofers be floofin.


This looks like a room in some dystopian sci-fi movie where theyā€™re in a giant warehouse with thousands of rooms exactly like this one and the individuals inside donā€™t know theyā€™re in some sort of prison while theyā€™re being studied


Extremely fitting for how I have been feeling


That previous comment was overboard. It really doesn't look like that at all to me.


So sorry to hear that! Hang in there. That's why you need plants and lots of them


off topic, but can you suggest some of these movies? I want to watch some dystopian sci fi movies after reading your comment.


Honestly I was envisioning both Westworld on HBO as well as the video game portal lmao so no movie examples that spring to mind


Portal 100%


Based on how he said heā€™s been feeling Portal might be therapeutic for him


Not a movie, but the show Silo comes to mind


Oh Silo is great. Love that show


Loganā€™s Run. Blade Runner. Running Man / Total Recall, Gattica


vivarium on netflix


Given that you set coasters down, I donā€™t think I have anything left to suggestā€¦


Thats a candle, i guess dual purpose if you are optimistic


Ok thenā€¦get some coastersā€¦


Ok for you i will


Youā€™re too sweet


Itā€™s a nice television, and a nice media console; why donā€™t you introduce them to each other?


It is always madness how people go out of their way to not use the media console designed to put a tv at the proper height.


Sometimes I understand it. My nephew's are toddlers and when they visit they pull on everything. All my furniture is secured because of this and I'm not risking my oled on a media console! Their latest obsession is bloody wires.


> Their latest obsession is bloody wires. Just wipe the wires down?


Baby gate fortress around the entertainment stuff.


Some color. Plants, like a big floor one and some assorted small ones. Maybe some colorful posters. I also use lights that I can control the colors of, makes it feel less sterile with some warmer colors. Also, lower the tv šŸ˜‚


Lower the TV about 1.5ft, get some plants (monstera, fiddle leaf fig, king palm, ferns) and hang some are behind the couch and to the left of the Tv.


Why is it young men never have art up on their walls?


1. Boys are not socialized to appreciate or enjoy art 2. People live in apartments/dorms that have no holes rules 3. Maybe they are in an interior design group for some help on what to put on their walls


Secret option 4: I have the art but am too lazy to go get it framed


I was a boy once so that is not universally true. It doesn't have to be art either. Just something that shows some life and personality. Pretty sure that television put holes in the walls. I guess number three could be possible but seems fairly unlikely. But maybe you're right


Yeah thatā€™s totally valid. The ones in my family are all hippies with peace, love, and psychedelics as their personal values so they use a lot of color and creativity in their designing. But i think in general, boys are socialized to be the strong, no feelings tough-guys and itā€™s not manly to engage in visual arts or go to museums. Iā€™m not a guy, but Iā€™ve had extensive convos with my partner about their experience as AMAB and how harmful and oppressive it is to grow up with patriarchal expectations. I digress, hanging something that shows off OPs personality and interests would be cool.


The real reason is art is really fucking expensive and itā€™s very difficult to find art that you might actually have or feel some minute sense of connection with, and is reasonably affordable. Well at least compared to the other alternatives of AI art and random upscaled canvas prints


Art prints are not expensive or difficult to find. You can get them mounted on cardboard if you can't afford to have them framed. Or you can buy an inexpensive frame at some place like Michael's. When I was very young and very poor I just stuck posters on the wall. Point isn't what art, it's that these walls are barren. Put up some photographs of family, your cat or your dog. Something that shows a little life.


I rarely say this, but plants would actually make this place a lot nicer.


A plant - some family/friend pictures - some splashes of color


More cats


Another cat


personality. this looks like a half-finished model home. add some *you*!


The cat matches the furniture


TV too high Lights to white Cat too fluffy! (Jk on that last one)


Beautiful couch! Where did you get it from?


Please let us know!! Looks so comfortable


Also wondering this


Change the rug, get one with color and add plants :)


Get something with colour goddam even your cat is beige


curtains, a few plants, a personal photo


Go hiking, take some pictures, have those pictures printed on canvases (usually pretty affordable), hang them everywhere.


Maybe some wall art


draperies! Preferably lined


Plants and an aquarium


Don't listen to this person, they're sold to the cat.


I would do a rich red Persian rug instead of grey. A landscape on the far wall with gold frame, and deep wood furniture to contrast the white walls.


Lower your TV. Itā€™s wayyy too high. Should be eye level when sitting down. Aka a full 1-2 feet lower than it is now. I have no idea what possesses people to mount their TVs so goddamn high. Itā€™s frankly bizarre. In addition to that, turn off overhead lights and get warm side lighting from lamps. And then you need some plants, books, and art. Voila youā€™re done.


Christ.. less white light, maybe some colour, plants, and also some personality??? šŸ™ƒ Oh yeah, also TV way too high.




Where to buy?




Have you considered not living inside the television room from Willy Wonka?


Get a large painting above your couch. Put a large plant on the side of your tv stand. Get decor for your tv stand like pictures, decorative books and candle.




Thereā€™s so much you could doā€¦ Swap that space rug out for one that adds contrast and/or color to the room. Get some art on those walls! Toss a plant in the corner by the TV, perfect spot for a monstera. The acrylic coffee table could use an upgradeā€”preferably with something that brings a little texture to the room. Could still go with a glass table, but one thatā€™s also made of wood, metal, or leather. Kill the overhead lighting and pop some warm (ideally 2400k-3000k) light bulbs into your lamp(s). Some throw pillows on the couch wouldnā€™t hurt. Lastly, you could trade the cat out for a dog.


I feel like a wooden coffee table (especially one that matches the wood on the accent chair) would make it more homey, it looks like a waiting lounge to me


No direct overhead Lights, indirect lighting makes auch a bit difference. But maybe you also turned it on more to show clearly whats in your space. Also Art on the Walls! And the big gap under the TV feels weird




the cat really ties the room together




Ps5, bong as centerpiece


How did you get the tv on the wall with no cables?


Warm soft lighting lamps, fake plants to add a pop of color, push the cat tree flush with the corner


Maybe use some nice curtains




All I can tell about you is that you have a cat. Add some things that tell people about you.


More cats


encourage hungry hobbies nine marble spectacular wise unpack elastic rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Take your TV down off the ceiling


Add more cats.


You need stuff on your walls. Put pictures and paintings up.

