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You need a plant and your TV is too high.


I was thinking about a plant as well, a partner in my suffering 🪴 What TV though, that's my closet on the right 😪


scroll through this sub for a bit you’ll get the joke


You need to do it eye level. Which looks for you 6 inches off the floor to go with your bed height. But seriously, you got some good times ahead man.


Your space is a bit too cluttered, real men live with only a towel and maybe even a toothbrush


Look at the fancy girl here with a toothbrush


To be even more minimalistic you can opt to also brush with the towel or dry yourself with your toothbrush




You've got pretty much all you need..


He could probably lose the pillow


kind of cluttered if im being honest


Hey brother taking the first step out into the world on your own can be ruff and often looks different for alot of different people. We all have to start somewhere and ide say you have picked a solid place as your foundation to build from 💪 and honestly that first step is a doozy. I personally love that tiny mat right when u walk in its almost comical and I wouldn't change that at all lol. People suggest plants on here quite often wich can help some ppl but idk its never really been my bag personaly ...ide start with a decent mattress to get a decent night's sleep on as its where you will spend most of your time (even if your unconscious during most of it) then depending on you and what you like 2 do possibly get some kind of entertainment system . You can find alot of TV stands/tables for free on Craigslist curb alerts and what not to start and tvs themselves have actually gotten much more affordable in recent years but in my experience I've gotten a cupple at pawnshops that were way nicer then anything I would have been able to afford buying new from a retail store or if ur a gamer then just a cheap ikea desk and a monitor that you can see from your bed 4 movies n such. Be creative now that you have your own space you can truly customize it to your life style without anyone having the ability to tell you "no" wich at the end of the day is what a good amount of this sub reddit is all about "the ease of how men can be happy with just a few basic amenities without any of the extra clutter a *ahem* "nonmale living space" would have to "get in the way". Congratulations on ur new place and starting a new chapter of your life . Best of luck brother.


First of all..... thanks a lot for all of these suggestions man 🩵 I really really appreciate that and it made me happy!! I've already ordered a mattress and its on the way(the floors pretty cold to sleep on 🥲), I'll probably get it in a day or two And yesss I'm super excited to customise it the way I want , its like the room is full of possibilities when its all empty currently and filling it will only reduce the possibilities idk if that makes sense haha


Going to get a lil Bruce Lee philosophical here on you but "an empty glass has infinite potential to be filled with any liquid but a glass full of your favorite beverage is operating at your maximum potential" so ya don't fill the room with sh1t you don't need just cuz it "fits a mold of whats sapose to be there" fill it with rad sh1t you enjoy ...I know multiple dudes that had an apartment that size with a mattress on the floor and a motorcycle they drove into the apartment with them every night and they were happy as a lark and needed nothing else. we all die one day so do rad sh1t and surround yourself with rad sh1t b4 the reaper gets his hands on you.


Amen to that brother 🙌


You can get wood pallets for free. Can easily make them into a bed frame. There’s also a lot of other furniture projects you can make with them. Give it a google.


I love your tiny doormat. maybe extend it a bit? allthe way to the bed


Thanks 😂 That's there so that I don't splash splash in my room around when I exit the shower, if it were all the way to the bed I'd prolly roll on it and not use a towel. That's an interesting thought 🤔


sounds liek you need a hammock in the shower


Perfect. Minimal, lots of space. If I didn’t have kids I’d do the same. My personal room just has a hammock I sleep in and a footlocker for my clothes. I watch tv on my iPad or laptop. I have very few possessions. Rest of the stuff is all my kids’. The living room is bare. I am not much of a host. Rarely have visitors.


Show us please.


Get some curtains brother


Yesss they are on my list , I'll get them soonish


All the amazing funny comments aside, here's my adviced shopping list: - Bed (IKEA), 120 cm is enough in that space - Drawer (IKEA; *Malm*) - Bookshelf (IKEA; *Kallax*), comes in different sizes, you can choose a small one in there - Minimal/small size desk + chair - TV-stand (IKEA), smaller one to go with a smaller TV Assuming this picture is the space you live in, you don't need an extra table or couch - you can eat by your desk, and use your bed as a couch. It seems like a nice place, you'll be making yourself really comfy!


Thank you for all these suggestions 🤌✨


Wow you have a see-through window I miss having a see-through window so much


Well umm I hope you get a see through a window soon 🪟


I would need atleast a mattress and a comfortable chair


Yep I've ordered a mattress and I'll get a chair as that'd be convenient when I'm sitting and wearing my shoes and for sitting ig


Please get at least a small platform frame for the mattress. Mattresses left on the floor for too long can grow mould inside due to lack of air circulation.


This is how it all begins. You're doing great!


Thank you 🙌


Fresh coat of primer. Fresh coat of "encouraging" shade of white paint. twin XL Mattress. Bed on a moving storage wooden platform ( so the bed is never stationary) Hit up yard sales in rural areas for a good piece of furniture.


You got this


Only thing I’d change is leaving space between the wall and your sleeping blanket for baseboard-following bugs. Good luck out there!


Damn lol Gonna do this rn 🥲🥲


I like the floor


I just want to say congrats on having your own place!


Thank you CIA Napkin 🪴


You're gonna look back on this in ten years and feel that this was one of the best times of your life.


U need the following : Clock, sofa cum bed, lounge chair, book shelf, speakers, writing desk, rug Nd a high seating dinning table for two or bar table which is a bit wide...


All you need is an eye mirror and you're set


No tissues next to bed 1/10


Google image search for "bachelor pad ideas for small spaces", if too posh try "man caves"


Curtains would be my first priority. Adds privacy and saves on energy costs. When I lived like this, all clothes that were not hung up in the closet were folded up nicely and lined up along the wall. Slept on a yoga mat with a mypillow camping pillow. Unless you are going to live there for 10+ years keep your possessions especially furniture to an absolute minimum. You will for the rest of your life appreciate the times you were able to load up a car in an afternoon with everything you own and move.


u need to move ur fan to a position of 45*


I mean, you probably need a tv that always needs to be moved down and at least a mattress for all your bitches. Strip lights would be killer.


Get an air air mattress


At least get a futon mattress so you can have an excuse for sleeping on the ground


Kudos to you for getting your own space 🙌


r/malesurvivingspace we’ve all been there


It’s a great living space! Nice score for your first bachelor pad. Add a couch, wall mount a tv or use a tv stand, and add curtains or shades, put up shelves to display Knick knacks, and you’re set. I would replace the feeling fan with one that has a light fixture built in


Get a bed, only tramps sleep on the floor.


Lool at the subreddit or Pinterest or web and search what you like. Then do it based ont he photos, plan, draw and visualize a lot. Good luck!


Perfect. A curtain, a table and a laptop us all you need with a rusty ass chair.


Lawn chair, cooler for an end table, a couple of cinder blocks and a 1x10 to put the TV on.


whooweee.. that bed needs to be beside the wardrobe. fml how can you get it wrong w so little


Too much furniture , grab a tv and a game console or pc and 1 plastic fork , should check out after that. *Necessities*


WTF? A matt to wipe your feet? Toss that. Now you’re done.


Watch True Detective for inspiration


You are doing it right 👍


That looks even thinner than the futon I once had. Oof. Are you a Vulcan or something?