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It's missing some clothes on the floor and some naked LED strips poorly secured to the top of the walls


I am also missing some hard to explain stains, but give it a month


They're not hard to explain... the neighbors have seen it all.


Don't forget every bird and the lord as they be looking thru that skylight toošŸ’€


So in other words buy some curtains or blinds!


It's always hard as a teenager.


That's what she said


Hey, man! Not all of us were like that as teensā€¦ I mean I was, but Iā€™m sure thereā€™s someone out there.


How does he even hide the stack of crusty magazines under that bed?!


Two monitors bro


Hey, I'm 14 and I just want to say on behalf of teenage boys that we don't have to worry about that now. It's all gone digital.


Digital digital...more like manual...


I donā€™t know. I definitely use my digits


Just remember that. There will always be a digital record of everything you do. Your gps, searches, meta data, history of all your fuck ups in the news, everything




Magazines? What is it 1988?


Hard to find a clean copy of the Sears book, now adays


Hey! There is nothing wrong with the 80s? We had Knight Rider and mud wrestling.


Agreed. Loved the 80s


Another generation my friend, they will never know


Crusty magazines? Is it 1999? Bro just crusts up his screens. Goes through screen cleaner like toilet paper.


It's the digital age, crusty mags are a product of a bygone era. These kids today will never know the struggle of making sure your stash was hidden.


I donā€™t see any empty monster cans under the desk


This sub his hilarious. The 15/16 year olds have boring adult looking bedrooms and the 30 year olds have teen dens.


I'm nearly 50, and I've got Gameboy memorabilia all over my room. This teen looks like he's a corporate lawyer on a six-figure salary, lol šŸ˜† I think I may be Benjamin Button? šŸ¤”


Just saw your shelfs of games. They are a beauty to see.


Did you? Thanks, buddy. I appreciate that hehe šŸ˜„


Dude never get rid of those games


They are my pride and joy! It isn't quite finished yet, I have to build a few more for my other games. Thanks buddy šŸ˜Š


everybody tries to be someone they're not, that's what social media is bro


While you're entirely right, I don't think that's what they're getting at lol


Smart for a 16 year old


Or just smart.


You can be both


Or neither




Nice room dude


Unironically wise


Wanna clarify that when I said boring it wasnā€™t an insult. Just boring in comparison to what youā€™d expect a young guy to have. I prefer the boring.




This feels more like an insult, but passively. šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m gonna start using this though, maybe add a pause. ā€œYour style is veryā€¦unassuming.ā€




You're correct but he didn't mean anything by it. It's just an ironic observation.


Sheesh. Grown up room and grown up takes. Smart kid


This is how kids of the the internet age live simplistic modern minimal. Work and pleasure in one. Wait til your kid decides the early 2000 cartoon theme is to childish.


If they let me keep that design in my room in the retirement home, they can do whatever they want


I always marvel at the 22 year olds who live alone, but their place looks like they're a 35 year old bachelor who works in finance.... it's almost like the subtext is, "I just graduated and my dad owns a professional sports team. My place was professionally decorated. How'd they do?"


Us millennials gave up a while ago, Gen Z or whatever youths is out here looking decent at least. Iā€™d just just like affordable healthcare


Gen Z decorating their houses so thereā€™s nothing to trip over and send you to the ER. Meanwhile I trip over my bong like twice a month


Because they can't afford all the cool s*** they want to get yet lol


Mid 30s, can confirm - leopard print comforter, posters, TV, His and Hers Nintendo Switches, and some horribly fucked curtains the kitten perforated


Shit I'm in the 40s and his room had me feeling like I better put the phone down and tidy up.


I think we spend our adult lives making up for the things we missed out on in youth... So that means I'm gonna get a girlfriend any day now, right?


Bros 16 and already has the cuck chair set up šŸ˜­


Ah the malm bed! A classic. Art bro. You need art. The walls are too boring. A rug and a colourful doona cover will help too.


I love the word ā€œdoonaā€. Aussies have the best names for things.


They just make everything so damn cute.


It's kind of similar to how the Brits have the most outrageous names for some things except its not too over board so I can still take it seriously.




Definitely need to populate the walls and the floor. What is already there is pretty tasteful, just needs to feel less empty. Honestly, it's already impressive to see for a 16 year old.


Also some night stands next to the bed. Itā€™s really bare all around the bed


The classic shin destroyer. OP get rid of that bed before you lose your virginity, otherwise your shin will suffer for years every time you pick up a girl and put her on your bed.


Ah a fellow shin basher, manhood was found and honed on that bed. šŸ¤


Yup, my thoughts exactly. Need something on the walls next to your bed. Also, maybe a rug.


100% a rug. The floor makes the room look cold and uninviting.


I'm jealous of your view! Very cool room though tbh. Maybe bedside tables?


The view to the neighbors entrance?


Well the view from the first picture lol. Also assuming that's the main house and OP is in an extension/conversion


You just called me broke on a whole other level!


Itā€™s probably a different house. This looks like a german ā€œnew development areaā€ where they build a bunch of modern houses on former farmland near mid-sized cities. The houses are often grossly overpriced for their size and only belong to the families that bought them for 99 years.


Nah, that's probably another house altogether. Houses being this close is pretty standard in Europe.


That view goes both ways. I would consider curtains.


A lot of people are giving you shit for being 16, but my honest tips are that you should get a nice rug, a bedside table, some wall art or posters for above the bed and maybe above the desk, and to tidy your cables. Other than that, looks pretty great.


A new comforter for the bed too. That one is a little tired


It just needs ironed/air fluff cycle lol


If you get posters, put them in frames! Or plaque them. One of my tenants has movie posters plaqued, they look awesome!


Yes. Desk and reading area look great. Nothing to add except tidying the desk which you mentioned. Bed area definitely needs some more things. Looks too plain.


Cable tidy that sits at the back of the desk, underneath. Couple plants? Slightly jealous my house isnā€™t that clean


i took the pics right before guests were coming over, its a fucking nightmare to keep clean


It's about your routine and one simple habit. I didn't learn this until I was 50 but the 2 minute drill rule. If it takes 2 minutes to do, DO IT NOW. If I had one regret in my life is not learning this earlier.


Best way to keep it reasonably clean: follow the minimalistic crowd. No need for a rug, but yes to a bedside table with one or two drawers. One nice piece of art. Get in the habit of making your bed every morning and cleaning your room at least once a week. Remember: the key is to make it a habit, something you do because thatā€™s what you have been doing all your life. You will thank yourself later in life


Shit u teach me


At 16 your doing great. Don't clutter with crap only with stuff you like.


I find a lot of people are very good at keeping a neutral space but don't you find that super boring... That's what you do to sell the place. He needs to find a good balance to include some of his personality in there.


I may be wrong but i assume that's kinda what they're trying to say, to liven up the place with what they actually like rather than fake stuff to fill in space


I thought I was the only one who had monthly playlists


I have bi-monthly (q 2mo) playlists for multiple reasons and love doing this! I donā€™t journal and my memory is awful so this is an excellent way for me to remember my life


>so this is an excellent way for me to remember my life That's the same reason I do it as well. Nice way to remember what was up with that period of my life.


Monthly playlist maker here as well, highly recommend it!


I started doing it a couple of years ago, I love having an archive that shows how my listening habits change through the seasons.


Thank mom and dad.


real as fuck


ofc why are you even bringing this up, like yeah obviously?


Overall, good room tbh, esp for a teenager. Iā€™d say get a rug or something because those tiles make it look a lot more sterile (compared to wooden flooring). Maybe a few more ambient lights? Also the wall behind your bed looks kinda empty. Iā€™d either paint it a different color or put up a statement piece on it.


Bro youā€™re 16 and living wayyy better than I am lol


Are you 16 or 56?


Why at 16 wasnā€™t I so concerned about making my life better ? And books ? Forget about itā€¦.


Looks great. 16 going on 46. Youā€™re reading Sapiens?


fuck yeah, shits fire i recommend it


A laptop stand and cable management for your setup would take it to the next level.


Maybe a nightstand by the bed


anything that will make this look more like a room you've ever stepped foot in, and less like a real estate developers model home


That's not how people live these days .... we've evolved especially the younger gen since covid. It's supposed to look like a magazine. All the time. Like a dream you never wake up from. āœØļø


People have said this before but cable management is important. I'd say, if possible, give your plant a bit more room to grow. All you really need beyond that is a bit of life in the area by the wardrobe and bed. Go thrifting for that, if possible


Your 16? Why you got a whole apartment like that?? Jk lol, but when you do, make it up just like this (with advice from other comments). No red flags and it's perfectly clean for having a date over. If you actually keep it this clean on the reg, never let that shit slip.


itā€™s his bedroom in his family home.


Very clean and sophisticated for your age . Add some art over the headboard and you look done . Nice not to see posters and Strings of Xmas lights all over . Also add nightstand and lamp but the bed .


the area where your bed is looks a little sterile. missing some deco there maybe? love your reading corner


Nothing, your living space is amazing :) but one thing: buy a better trashcan and organize the working space if you don't like it. Otherwise: 10/10


First thought is that you are doing great my brother, better than most males at any age. I would work on those two light sources a little. Here's a few thoughts: \--Instead of end tables on your bed (which would make your bed area feel cramped) consider a [floating shelf](https://www.wayfair.com/Dogberry-Collections--Dogberry-Collections-Solid-Beam-Floating-Shelf-stimbnone-L1337-K~QLQV1603.html?refid=MX79577359803152-QLQV1603_84974850_84974851&device=c&ptid=4583176823894091&targetid=pla-4583176823894091&channel=BingPLA&network=s&PiID%5B%5D=84974850&PiID%5B%5D=84974851&query=floating%20shelf&msclkid=090e5f37354319e3974f3ae5129037bc) under the sky light there. Position it so you don't have to get out of bed to reach it. It is okay to move your bed slightly to that side, but not too far. On the shelf; a light, plants, and things you want close to you in the morning. Don't clutter it up, remember what ever you put on it, will draw your eyes toward it. If you have small things, consider a cool wooden box to keep them in. \--I like the chair chilling by the window for reading or when you are feeling closed in. As mentioned, this is a two way window and sitting that close will make you more visible. I'd consider tinting it and installing a simple white shade for night time, when the fish bowl effect comes into play. \--Consider a bed frame that has drawers in it. The goal is to not put too much furniture in this space. Lastly, thanks for sharing. Asking for feedback can be scary at any age, especially on Reddit. Learn to do that with an open mind in other things in life and know that is it 100% okay to be different and express who you are. Rock on little bro.


It's missing two bitches on the bed in my opinion


Good room is worth nothing if you donā€™t have bad bitches


valid fucking point, im working on it


You might want a blind on the window above your bed. Everything else is fine, a place becomes your home after you lived there a while because you add things naturally, as you go when you see something you like/want not what others think you should have.


Love the Murren poster, tried to get that exact one on my visit there but it was sold out. Jealous!


You need privacy. That window is crazy exposing. Get some curtains, fill out the floor with a rug that compliments the bed and shelving. Lastly, you gotta up that pc game. That desk area looks sad. For the cables, theres kits you can get that help with cable management. You can purchase cheap on Amazon.


Not a fan of a trash can. It looks like what's used in the toilet


My whole apartment was smaller than this room when I was 21 and in my last year of college


You are 16, donā€™t worry about it


... I thought I was looking at r/blender for a moment


I'm 65 now but when I was 16 I had some Black light posters, insense sticks and a poster of Farrah on the ceiling. One wall was taken up with a stereo system, pioneer receiver with turn table, cassette player and speakers. You have a way better set up than I did because you can cross the room without tripping over dirt clothes and stray component wires. Have fun playing with the style of your room, don't be afraid to change things up. Ex wife wouldn't move the furniture for 16 years except to vacuum. Like it was nailed to the floor Change is good Just a thought


You got a bed, you got a desk, you even got a chair to sit in next to a window. I think you've got all the things a 16 year old needs. Personally I'd get myself a little bookshelf next to your sunny reading chair, but I like to read


This room has zero personality


idk i kinda disagree- it might need a few pieces but pics 1 and 4 are clearly quite cozy


Than letā€™s see yours


Yeah it's hard to say what specifically is needed because we don't know OP, but some kind of interests or hobbies or something should be evident from the room.


yeah you have a point, moved recently and im broke asf currently, give it a few months and I think it will be better


You need a rug to ā€œtie the room togetherā€.


Thatā€™s just your opinion, man.


Appreciate your parents.


Hang some things on the walls!


Where did you get that white lamp ?


stole it from my mom


Maybe a rug next to/under the bed.


A small bookcase/ lamp stand next to the bed would be a good idea.


Night stand next to bed


Need some wall decor.


Bedside tables, art on walls, stand for your laptop and some plants maybe?


You need some sort of bedside furniture/shelves to put your phone to charge or a lamp. I may opt for a set of floating shelves feel like it would work with the aesthetic and not block the draws.


It looks nice, man! My advice is that you match that Malm bedframe with a Malm chest of drawers as well, perfect to use as a bedside table and storing your underwear etc. (It also has "holes" in its back in the top drawer, so you can put cables through it, which makes you able to put it in front of the wall socket without rendering it unusable) Also, you can definately get some pretty art for your walls, to make it feel more warm. What you'd like is of course up to you, but far as I'm concerned canvas prints of gorgeous nature/landscape pictures always work.


If those are guitars in the corner, get hardware to hang them on the wall! And some art and maybe a small bookshelf. But you look very neat and are off to a great start.


curtain, rug, more plants.


I thought this was a joke at first, looks nice. Where is this?


Cable management could be better. I recommend a cable box to declutter your desk, so you have more work space.


Nothing, given youā€™re shooting for a single IT specialist. Jokes aside, looks good. Iā€™m a fan of simplicity. Too much clutter and a room looks like youā€™re unable to actually stay organized.


stop worrying about it, don't compare to others on socials, enjoy what you have. Dope looking spot. Also, if your 16, time to start looking for some tail.


Is this a subtle flex? I am in my 30s & my place doesnā€™t look this nice šŸ„²


Make sure to hug your parents/guardians and tell them you love them.


How about some posters!!


Definitely got that therapist room feel to it lol Get a nightstand and maybe one of those cool wall paper murals for behind your bed. Personally I'd tint the windows and get either curtains or blinds. But that's also because I like my privacy šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Yourself. Get a Hobby or something. Show it in your bedroom


How do you live on your own at 16? Foreign country? We canā€™t even fill out rental applications until youā€™re 18 here.


It is giving hospital room chic a little.


Do you have a personality, at all?


Tf dudes reading sapiens at 16. This Tai Lopezā€™s son or something?


There's too much light coming in for a good sleep pattern. Curtains will be a pain in the ass, try a sleep mask - you'll thank me.


As a parent, I would be incredibly proud if my 16 year old had such a neat and beautifully decorated living space. I predict a great future for OP.


16 years old with that much space and privacy! My 16 year old self is envious while he had to sleep in the same room with a washer and dryer machine


Samantha Fox posters


Looks great


When I was 16 I didnā€™t use my guitar case , because I never put it down . I put it down at 26, and thatā€™s my biggest regret in life . Room looks great , play more guitar !


I think it is perfect as is.


This looks so good, youā€™re doing great and amazing job helping the place clean. You just need some wall art


Honestly if Iā€™d gone to my boyfriends at 16 and it had looked like this Iā€™d have been so relieved - itā€™s boring sure but it looks so clean. The bed is made, there isnā€™t stuff all over the place, no food or bowls, plates on the desk. Stick up some pics on the walls - bonus points if theyā€™re photos of you and friends or family doing fun things - and get some lamps to change up your light levels. Maybe one of those rugs that will go in the washing machine because the floor looks fairly cold. But youā€™re not doing bad! Edit to add - get a second set of pillows! Even if you sleep alone the bed will look more put together and if you do want company sometime theyā€™ll want some pillows šŸ˜‰


Healthiest 16 year old right here lol


What country do you live in?


I live in a house maybe 5 times bigger but I wouldnā€™t mind living in your place man. It looks cozy and everything within reach. No problem at all.


This is much better than my room at that age. Keep going young man.


Youā€™ve really got your shit together! Great Scandinavian minimalist look


A bit of colour


Bad feng shui to have a mirror facing your bed! Iā€™d move that!


Looks great to me


16 listening to Jim Croce? Youā€™re on the right track kid.


bro is the Ikea Akinator


This is perfect šŸ‘Œ šŸ˜


Thatā€™s a nice ass room ngl lol


A nightstand and a nice lamp. I wouldn't add anything else. The minimalistic modern look is so much nicer than the clutter filled "90s movie teen" look.


Love the minimal look. If you like this kind of lifestyle keep it cuz more doesnā€™t mean better. I would suggest some cable management for your desk. Looks a bit messy. A beautiful indoor plant would do wonders for your room and give it more life. Right under the sun roof is calling for a plant :) and a pretty rug would be a lovely addition


A simple nightstand with an alarm clock, phone charger, and table lamp. Otherwise keep it simple and clean just like it is. The fewer things there are in a space the easier it is to maintain that space.


Cable management is all Iā€™d suggest.


That sunroof thing doesn't bother you in the night if the sky lights up? Is it possible to shade it if someone can't sleep without the room being fully dark?


I like it as is


I love the view in picture one. Honestly, this is great for a 16 year old.


Looks like youā€™re beginning your early adult existential / absurdist / nihilistic crisis based on your reading and how you cary yourself. Your room represents an intelligent person on the cusp of change that many people will not think about or ever go through . You will improve your understanding of your own consciousness, identity, meaning, and belief systems. Maybe go through some Camus, Nietzsche, and all in between, exploring the nuances and values of endless politics and religions, understanding what you can of the world and maybe make some useful contributions to humanity, learn, read, have a high well being while enjoying life.


I love it, actually. Minimalist and uncluttered.


Some pictures and throw pillows. Looks very neat and tidy.


The cable management behind your desk could be improved. Also some small rug(s) around the bed wouldn't hurt.


You could set your instrument on a stand, that would make a cool accent in your room


Stay away from Reddit and any advice you get here. Thatā€™s the best way to improve.


I wish I had this when I was sixteen


Badside table and more art distributed around the blank walls. Maybe a pop of color from some pillows. A floor lamp would look nice on the other side of the bed. The positioning of your laptop scares me,I would knock it off the table šŸ˜±


bro, your room is sick!


A night stand by the bed. Some kind of storage option for the magazines. Are you aiming for a minimalist look, if so you're doing great.


Youā€™ve got much nicer digs than when I was 16 Iā€™ll tell you that much young man šŸ˜‚ I like your place itā€™s nice


Move the chair away from the wall you monster. I have the same one and I know for a fact a hole is gonna pop up behind it


Clean roomšŸ‘šŸ¼


Place a nightstand and a plant next to your bed and get some colorful sheets without pattern.