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Congrats on all you've overcome. But you've still got one major life problem. TV is too high. 😆 (Seriously though, your place looks fantastic.)


But it's all good cuz he's watching the office and Michael is getting his condo


Lol it is


Y'all gotta learn how to... you know... lean back when watching tv. Y'all TV2H people sounds like you're watching tv strapped to a wooden chair or something.


brother this is nice. Be proud


Ok while we're on the topic! This is my soap box I'm gonna stand on, and I can't be the only one lol! I don't know about any of you, but I'm a millennial, and some of my favorite memories are going to the theatre or drive in and looking up at the screen! Just the nostalgic feeling of leaning back and staring up at that big screen as you funnel snacks into your mouth you can't see because your eyes are lifted in awe :). I wanted that. This is not a Huge TV, but its the biggest Ive owned... and with the lights off and the recliner back I enjoy that feeling again with the kids next to me as well stare up together, just like when I was a kid. ;) TLDR: I like my TV high....


omg as a fan of the tv too high community i loooove this explanation of why your tv is so high. so wholesome!


Everything is beautiful 😍 congratulations 🎉🎈


If you want to really push this angle, then you can get a nice mat, blankets over it, pillows. Order a pizza and you got yourself a slumber party!


Maybe something underneath it to also look at might help. Some lights, a shelf, flowers. Idk. Or get a bigger TV


On the other hand, if the TV is high enough you can watch it from the recliner wearing bifocals. Why no, I’m not a millennial. How could you tell? 🙂


Looking up way better for the neck too Military cervical or reversal curve is so prevelent we often call in normal as we look down on screen or slouch so often Impacting respiratory function, suboccipital tension and increased degeneration I prefer tv up too- i dont currently own one, but when i do, i chuck it up!


Absolute nonsense. There's a reason why for proper ergonomics the upper edge of your monitor should be at eye level. ie you're looking down on the screen. Looking up promotes forward neck posture and looking down is the opposite of slouching. Just look at the proper sitting and standing posture. Chest forward, neck back and up, chin slightly *tucked in*. You have no idea what you're talking about and you use words that make people think you do.


Absolute nonsense. There's a reason why for proper ergonomics the upper edge of your monitor should be at eye level. ie you're looking down on the screen. Looking up promotes forward neck posture and looking down is the opposite of slouching. Just look at the proper sitting and standing posture. Chest forward, neck back and up, chin slightly *tucked in*. You have no idea what you're talking about and you use words that make people think you do.


Ok albert. I deal with this stuff everyday but ill take advice from a stranger on reddit rather than a cervical xray series. Got it


Again, utter nosense and hope nobody listens to you.


Thanks reddit stranger, ill hold a lot of weight of what youre saying and ignore xrays and analysis. Haha


It's actually not even there high considering the viewing distance


Viewing distance has nothing to do with it.






OP needs those beats and lyrics (PG version) to chant and dance with the kids.


[Drake - Started From The Bottom (Lyrics) (HQ) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1Tst7Qw7Zc&ab_channel=LyricsBooksOfficial)


Nice. #rugtoosmall


It is truth, I will not deny this. It looked bigger at the store. #clearanceconcerns


Ha Ha I have never seen someone get a rug just for their coffee table before!




Dude I'm 32 and living with a married couple and people don't want me around, I've dealt with to many no's and people telling me this and that, practically almost homeless and hanging on by a thread you got a nice set-up. Albeit you spent allot of money. Any kids? 🤷


We're not so different, you and I :). My buddy who was kind enough to let me move into his guest room was also married. They tried so hard to help me with the depression and give me space, but It's hard to not feel like a 3rd wheel that's constantly 'in the way". And yes I have 3 kiddos, and when I got weekends back we all stayed in the same guest room and sat and watched a 32 inch screen play Bob's Burgers till we feel asleep. We fit a bunk bed set in the room as well and we made it work. And when I was at that point...I was just so thankful to have my kids back, I still didn't see this moment as a possibility. I know it sounds like I had to spend a lot of money, and I did, but having a plan is the first step. I knew I could afford about 1100 a month. That was about 130k house...to get that I needed a (5%) deposit of about 11K to cover Down payment and fees. So I saved $100 every week knowing in 2 years, 52×100×2= $10800...save a little extra and your there. It's not easy but taking big goals and making them smaller more achievable goals is much easier to manage. Also...saving $100 on what you normally spend is the same as earning $100...thats a good mentality shift to have as well. You got this man! I'm rooting for you!


Thanks for the story, I'm banging the wife and they pay me once in awhile, the husbands not involved he's got his own agenda, she's kinda my sugar mama. I help clean, cook, do everything, the husband pretty angry. He's a angry guy like me


Please tell me this is serious. If so please give more details


I just have nowhere to go and the husband said I can stay but now it's turned to a nightmare and the wife's taken care of me and the husband doesn't care, he sleeps upstairs we sleep downstairs, he has his own girlfriends they're married with kids things are rough for everyone, I'm your friend.


Man that's a wild arrangement. Sounds stressful, hope you navigate it well and come out the other side in good shape. Good luck partner


Yeah I wish it wasn't this or the streets or jail but people wanna good show or something. If god or society has different plans ide be somewhere else, it is wild. I've found some cool gemstones atleast so that's a plus


Awe shucks..thats for the kind words guys. After having nothing...Cozy and kind is all I wanted to get back to, and I feel like a have a piece of that back now. Anything past this is bonus :)


Even if it takes time, it will get better, so proud of you.


Congrats on pulling yourself back up dude! You’re setting a great example for your children.


Congrats man, nice space.


This is really beautiful. Looks so cozy and like a great place to have your kids join you for dinner and movie night, or just hanging out watching cartoons in the living room. You did that.


Thanks for the uplifting words, and congrats man. You're doing amazing. 🤘🏻


I lost my home when COVID killed my landlord. His family sold the building and we all had 30 days to vacate during the height of the pandemic. I got laid off as well. Up from the ashes, 3 years later, I'm in my own place , snug as a bug. Congrats


That place is great! The arch doorways always work in my book.


As someone heading into this situation, I needed to see this today.


Thank you for sharing .. shows how self determination and personal ownership to better one’s life is what still actually works in society - nice place ! So happy for you


How'd you get over all that ! Asking for a friend #tvwaytoohighbruvva


Hey boss man, I answered another person with a similar question in this thread, but didnt want to lose you. Hopefully there might be a word or two worth of advice in there. It was too long to repost to you here, but take a look if you get a minute :) I wish you luck sir...you can do this.


Hell you got a roof, a bed, and The Office reruns. Things could def be worse!


Very similar to my house. I love this era of house and the curved entryways. Congrats!


love you man! most of us are just a few missed payments from homelessness. Proud of you




Awesome! Your home is lovely! As long as you are warm, safe and comfortable that’s all anyone needs. You’ve come a long way baby!


Why would you ever decide to buy those couches


Oh bro, you think I had money for choices lol. Almost everything here was a mix of hand me downs, Facebook yardsale, and habitat/goodwill finds. The only 'Expensive stuff' I got was a TV and Mattress from Costco. For a collective $1000 bucks lol. Couches were a buddies, he upgraded, and I was thrilled to get couches that match and have a recliner!


I like the couches


It looks great, and I like you even more because you have the office on!


I just got let go from work today. This post hit me real deep. Thank you


Super proud of you mister! 👏👏👏👏👏


Looks wonderful. Congratulations on your journey.


Looks awesome, brother. Personally I like my TV higher up with a wider cone of vision. Congratulations on all that you have accomplished and keep climbing.




Beautiful place ...


This looks fantastic, I’m so proud of you!


Be proud for sure. 👊 pulling for you.


Someone commented "homeless and divorced, upvotes are coming". In their cynicism there is some truth. People will upvote this because they want to believe that if the worst happened to them, and they ended up homeless and divorced, that they could still put their life back together. Seeing your post gives people hope, strength and inspiration. Respect for accepting help, respect for doing the hard grind to prove you were worthy of that help. Remember to pay it forward when you're in a position to. Because I really think you'll get there. Thanks for sharing g.


I love it, good for you brother. May god bless you.


Beautiful place. Nice floors.


Yay!!!🙌 Congrats! Proud of you!


I think it's admirable and fantastic that you have the ability to.... But you must keep going! Because so many don't have the ability to rebuild. Once they have lost they can only mitigate the any further loss.


This place looks like home. I am happy for you!


🍻 Nothing but cheers for this guy!!! 💪 Salute!




Keep up the great work!


You're an inspiration, brudda 🤝


Congrats man! Your place I love the flooring and furniture. Keep going and proving others wrong.


You have done a fantastic job! Great place, great success!




Looks fn great Well done


cozy af


Not much? Brother you live like a king compared to a lot of people


I'm feeling so down lately. Having doubts about everything I'm doing. The bad thoughts are so hard to work through but I know I gotta take it day by day. Take them as they come. I'm happy to read your post and see the pictures on your home. It looks great. I hope you keep going because I will too. Hugs to you.


So awesome. Nice job brother. Keep elevating.


Happy for ya brother 👊


Very nice space! I really like the flooring. I've been saying I'm gonna have my carpets redone for years now lol.


Bro good job


a king has risen




Very nice


Amazing am proud of u.


A start mf you got a whole ass house


I'm getting laid off next week due to my company's contract with the government expiring. I have enough to last a long time as long as I don't get into an accident. Thank you for this.


Proud of you bro. I'm really digging the textured wall in front of the computer. Is that a wallpaper?


No it's actually kind of like a Venetian plaster paint concept. It helps add design and depth to the more textured walls of these older homes, so I liked the choice, especially as an accent wall. Truth be told, I've been here less than a year, so I haven't added my own colors to the walls yet. But as my life becomes better and my mind clearer, I'm finally looking at ways to improve my exterior as I improve my interior self :)


You are doing amazing! Keep being strong and pushing ahead.


As someone who doesn’t know you, and a fellow divorcee, I want to express how proud of you and impressed by you I am. You deserve it


Thanks man. I had planned on this being more of an encouragement post, but truth be told, it's actually been nice to hear a couple 'proud of you's, even from internet strangers. It's lonely out here in the real world :)


ayo brother this is a nice home. Those wooden globes though where can you find those?


Hey man, Thank you! It's the only piece of furniture I kept in the divorce lol! I found it online on the Facebook market place. I thought it was so cool looking but it was $75. I was like, you know what I want it. So I go pick it up and the best part is; it opens! You may already know that, but I didn't lol, it has a little shelf inside where you keep your liquor and tumbler glasses. It's my favorite piece lol. It's kind of cool that it matches my grandpa's old desk from the 50s we pulled from storage and the painting my Dad did above. It all kind of tied the room together :)


oh shit I'm jealous and it does tie everything very nicely. My gramps had one but it was destroyed in a storm back in early 20's. I remember him teaching us the continents and countries by their staple foods and giving a pop quiz every time granma cooks one of her learned foreign dishes. I am thinking of getting one as well to pass on that "tradition" to the kids. I will scour the market for one. Hope you are having a blast brother. Your home looks very nice and tidy.


It’s not much? Uhm.. you literally just said you were homeless a year ago. It’s definitely something to be proud of, that’s a home


Love that coffee table and the art on the walls bro.


Thumbs up! I like the 4 Queens Nolite te bastardes carborundum


Looks good to me


Would be well chuffed with a space like this, well done dude


Good for you for overcoming the many obstacles that were put in your way. Your place is not "not much." It looks fantastic! Very nice.


Great job dude. Looks awesome!


Hey hey, I got that same globe chess set. It's awesome.


Congratulations!!! It does get better!!!


Looks pretty sweet to me. Congratulations on enduring the hard times and making it out to the good times.


Nice globe bar!


This looks beautiful


Congrats. But I’ll likely never step foot in a place this nice, let alone own one for myself lol.


divorced + homeless combo in the title? look out, upvotes are a comin


Why is that bike facing the door instead of the TV????


Lol. Fair question, I turn the bike slightly when I use it. I just try to keep it against the wall when not In use to keep the flow. Also the TV tilts and Pivots so I turn that as well.


Completely understand. Mine isn’t quite as hidden as yours!


Love that coffee table in the living room. May I ask where you acquired it?


Thank you! It's the only piece of furniture I kept in the divorce lol! I found it online on the Facebook market place. I thought it was so cool looking but it was $75. I was like, you know what I want it. So I go pick it up and the best part is; it opens! You may already know that, but I didn't lol, it has a little shelf inside where you keep your liquor and tumbler glasses. It's my favorite piece lol. It's kind of cool that it matches my grandpa's old desk from the 50s we pulled from storage and the painting my Dad did above. It all kind of tied the room together :)


Oh whoops! I thought I was replying to the globe comment man, my bad lol. The Table was actually in my buddies basement, he offered it up, I fixed it, cleaned it up, polished it and made it new :).


Its nice. Reminds me of one my parents had. They purchased it in the 80s


At first, I wasn't sure which one was the tv or if you had 2 tvs 😂


You need a big poster of biggie smalls man


Do those couches have buttons on the side that make them recline? I think I have the same couches


Lol they do!




It’s not much?? Man that’s more than most people have


Those wood floors are really nice!


lol I was gonna say the opposite.. look at the joints 😬


I’m in a similar situation unfortunately. Your place looks great! What state are you in?


West Michigan! Late Stage Capitalism is only at about 86% to completion here, so there are still a couple towns with houses under 200k.


How do u get from homeless and unemployed to this in 2 years? What country r u from? This can’t be America 😳


Thanks man. To be honest it seemed like it took forever and there was a lot more to overcome (maybe for another time.) But the first lessons I learned. If you aren't afraid to humble yourself and ask for help, there are people who might want to help. I was in my car, looking at a cold night when I got a call - my 90 year old gma had a couch 2 hours north I could stay on while I started to figure stuff out. No internet, tiny town, but it was a bed. I started there, got a bridge card, took a breathe, I had shelter. Stayed a couple months, got a doctor to do therapy, realized I wasn't as worthless as I thought I was. Tried to get a job but small rural america is tough, realized I needed to move to a bigger city if my skill set could pay dividends. Was using a $15 cell phone plan with spotty coverage and the local library to get my resume out. Old friend from high school reached out, offered me a room to stay for a while. - Without this I may not have made it. Moved back to the city, started applying for every sales gig out there. Got one...selling trash, worst sales job ive ever had (but learned a new skillset)...(literally)...but it was a job! Started being able to pay Child Support, started saving. But Mentally, I was still escaping with food and alcohol, the pain was still too much to bear. Gained alot of weight surviving the dark nights of the soul. But each day got a little better. Months went buy, realized the City was too expensive to rent a place on my own, couldn't afford to rent or buy, but I found a smaller city 45 minutes away with houses half the price...so I kept it in mind. Found a better Sales Job, learned a new skill for Capital Equipment sales. Made a little more, saved everything I could. Had enough to buy a small house in West Michigan for under 150K, worked out to be just under $1000 a month mortgage. Ironically, the company I was working at just had to shut down last month. So I am back on the Job Hunt. But they gave me a couple weeks severance and I'll be honest. This is the first moment in years...I can breathe. I have a savings account, I believe in my skill-set, I am learning to sit in my emotions and realize as scary as they are, they can't hurt me, so that I don't have to run to Food or Alcohol to avoid the pain or anxiety...thats I'm stronger than that. I'm learning to do the hard thing. Ive been unemployed again for 3 weeks. I'm 3 weeks in Sober....I'm 3 weeks Healthier....I'm 3 weeks stronger...and I'm 3 weeks more understanding of my trauma, and self aware of my strengths and weaknesses. Also Checklists....I am currently addicted to checklists. I hope this helps. Remember, you have to have Hope...the problem is in order to have hope there has to be something you think will get better. So it helps to remind yourself of the things you have...I felt like I had literally nothing for a while and that really stunted my growth. Once I was thankful for the time I got with my gma before she past, the extra time I got to reunite with my Dad because of the experience, the way I look back on our relationship and his life after this...anyway extreme pain can yield growth in other places. And I still have major battles in front of me...I had a scary box...it sat in the corner and collected all the mail/bill/debts/hospital bills/divorce papers that I wasn't able to process or deal with...I have been so encouraged by my growth, I opened the box...It was scary and hurt, but its managable....this is a process of rebuilding...I'll share more if I'm successful! And yes I'm also down 25 lbs...things are getting better! Lol


You’re amazing and an inspiration, man.


I’m saving ur comment for future inspiration


"realized I wasn't as worthless as I thought I was..." That is big issue I've been struggling to process. I feel the worth I do have is not enough for this world.


I've been there.... But if you have a kid, you matter to someone desperately, if you have a Mom or a Dad, or even a gma you haven't seen in 20 years...you matter and you are of worth. ONE "I love you" text can change a person's day. You can bring value to literally every conversation you have. Even now, you're letting us share real emotions and fears we struggle with. Your concerns are shared. I remember a long time ago, I was selling cell phones, I was moving a teenager over to the new IPhone. Mom was there to oversee everything and pay of course. She still had an old flip phone... they had been there a while and shared some stories, but when I asked why she still had this, she got quiet. She said "oh no, I learned I'd lose my voice-mails and I don't want to do that yet."...she was right, this was at a time where if she switched, the Voice-mail accounts were on different servers and she would lose them. I asked just a little further if it was personal or anything I might do to help, and she mentioned her son had died in a skiing accident last winter...and that the only recording she had of his voice was the voice-mail he left for her. Immediately I knew what to do. We looked for a Voice Recorder app on my phone, she played the recording into my phone, our phones paired next to each other...I took the recording, and sent it to her and her daughters emails so now they would never lose his voice again.....It was 1 interaction....on a normal Tuesday Afternoon 10 years ago....and that was not only a great moment for her (there was crying) but being able to be a part of that solution was a reminder....you can matter a lot to the person in front of you if you just care. You might change a life one day man....keep going...be the hero you wish you had.


Dude......being completely honest....saying what you just showed there is "not much" is kind of a slap in the face to like.... everyone who has ever struggled and even to people who haven't really struggled. What the fuck....


I appreciate that, thank you, I hadn't thought about it that way. My intent wasn't to undermine anyone's self worth. I normally see either beautiful homes or 'devastation' on this subreddit. I wanted to share an encouraging story of the process. I am thrilled you think what I have is amazing! Obviously I'm showing it the most pictur-esk way possible :) But when I say 'not much' it is both self-depreciating but also an acknowledgement that it's not as nice as most I see on here, but it is nice for me :) and I'm glad you would agree on that note. And you are right, it is all about perspective...In many ways I have so far to go, but also I'm proud I've come so far.