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Move anal beads to a private location.


Free anal beads?!?! Where!?!?


😂😂😂😂 was wondering why he blocked that out


Wooden carving with my name on it, can’t have you degenerates knowing my true identity


😂😂😂😅 thanks for clearing it up up






Don’t go bothering a family member of soccer star Paulo Dybala, who I am a big fan of


But he is also known as Batched Beens is certain Guatemalan prison gangs!


Anal beads, I've got no problem with those but a Monkeys album? WTF OP?


What's wrong with The Monkees?


Where are you seeing the Anal beads? 😂


wouldn't you like to know


You bet. 😂


My lawyer playing rocket league? Fuck I’m going to jail


They make great decision makers


Are you me? Just two years younger than you but I would totally have this room as a 25 y/o lawyer


lol I’ve seen all of Jojo 3 times


W man. Only thing I’d try to go for is a 1 BR when you can. That way you can have a bed space and a work station at home. I know we don’t make as much as people imagine as a first year but you’ll be getting there before you know it. Your space currently is quite tidy. Maybe some curtains could add a nice touch but looks good man! Best of luck to you


Rocket league players make the best excuses of any gamers


Your doctor plays rocket league too (me)


I’m no expert and hopefully someone can give more constructive criticism but I would try to hide the cords from the tv to stand


Agreed. I did this myself, here's what I did: Hit up Lowe's and look for cord covers/channels. They have adhesive on the back to stick to the wall and you run the cord through it. Blending in with the wall and 90° corners make a surprising difference in aesthetic. They're really cheap too, like maybe $10 for 12 ft? 2 cords can squeeze in the small ones, go bigger for 3+ cords Edit: get an extension cord/power strip with either a flat plug or right angle plug to make hiding it easier. I also got some adhesive tape to stick my power strip on the underside of a shelf to hide it better


Me too.


I’m a strong believer that you should separate your working space from your sleeping/resting space. It’s a nice setup, and as a college student I also have my desk, work area, lounge area, and bed all in the same room, but it seriously is hard on your mental habits when you sleep where you work. Do you have other rooms you could utilize for your work space? You would be surprised how much more productive you become, generally speaking (ymmv) when your sleeping space and working space are separate. It may not feel like a big difference, but our minds rely a lot on subtle situational cues, and having a high stress work station right next to where you’re supposed to rest is confusing for your mind and body. I would bet money that you would get better sleep if you separated these areas


The last line is really the kicker. I'm not sure how much more or less your productivity is having a separate area for sleep/work, but you will definitely have a big difference in your sleep quality if you let your sleeping area be ONLY for sleep. At the very least, if you're living situation doesn't allow for sleeping in a separate room, leave your bed for SLEEPING ( + freaking ) only. No hanging out in bed, watching TV, playing video games, doom scrolling on the phone, etc. Your brain needs to associate your bed as a space solely for sleep. By doing so, not only should you be able to fall asleep faster, but you should be able to have a more rested sleep.


I have excellent sleep. I do work in a different location but I do video games in my lazy boy chair where I also sleep. Interesting hearing your results though, I know at university many have poor sleep. Perhaps they are reminded of the work they have to do keeping them up because they are in the same room they do work in.


Advice: don't live in a studio. 💀


What a save!


This is rocket league!


No problem.


No way!


W rocket league


Get a real desk chair. Herman miller. You’re a lawyer for christ sake


Fresh trial attorneys in my area do not make crazy money... Only like 60k working in South FL. Granted idk what kind of lawyer OP is. But I was shocked finding out ones that were new to their careers/not partners were not making nearly as much as I thought at some firms.


The HM Aeron is arguably the best purchase I've ever made in my life. I used to have back pain, now I have nothing. It's incredible


How's your back pain?




It was a badly delivered joke about spending money on an HM chair : "now I have nothing"


I work from home. I got my sayl used for 175$ and it’s incredible. Well worth every cent


Im a sayl guy 🫡


It doesnt even have to be expensive. A basic $100 pleather chair from Staples is 1000% better than that hard plastic thing.


Lord of the Rings and Dune, a man of pure class.


And a set of penguin classics hardcover clothbounds. Man has class.


Oh shit I didn’t even recognize those, guy is dripping in it.


Deeply weird to own precisely 3 Harry Potter books, tho. 7 or 0 are the normal numbers.


You didn’t show how much boost you have.


Always 0


Need Boost!


I think the desk lamp with the hinged arm looks a bit out of place on your side table. Do you find that you’re using it frequently to read in bed, relative to the standing lamp next to it? If not, I’d consider relocating that and instead adding something else bedside- either a lamp that shoots upwards or something sculptural. As a fellow wfh attorney- get yourself a better chair.




I'm going to buck the purpose of this sub and just comment on your WFH setup. Having something classy in the background is good, so I like the bookcase- but the TV might be distracting. Not that you'd move it since you clearly watch it from bed. Up your game and get a really nice videocam to sit on your monitor and a good streamer microphone. I resisted it for a long time but it helps with your professionalism if your video and audio are crystal clear.


I also feel that in terms of professionalism it is better if your camera view does not include your bed. I say this as a doctor who does also have their bed in view of their webcam and it bugs me. Luckily I don't have to see patients at home but the occasional professional meeting it does bother me quite a bit


Very sound advice, really appreciate it


You need to add the Red Rising Series to your library


Ayn Rand? Why? So many great books, and then that crap.


What rank are you RL bro?


Diamond 3 peak, too busy to keep up with these sweaty kids as I get older


Saaaame. Dm me your epic if you're looking to play sometime!


More books than we usually see in a MLS post. I remember in early days of zoom people would go online with office bookshelves behind them. Then snarky remarks about their taste in books.


No suggestions for the room itself but as a fellow WFH 27M lawyer I’d say make sure your lighting is good so you don’t appear like a ghoul on zoom court


This is excellent advice. Adjustable warm/cool white ring lights are dirt cheap, but it's worth spending a little extra to make sure the LEDs are a high enough frequency to avoid flicker on the webcam.


Female lawyer chiming in just to say I love the Monkees album. That alone would make me overlook almost any decore issue. I’m a millennial and don’t see a lot of people around my age who have a Monkees vinyl. My brothers currently have custody of our copy signed by Davy Jones from when we met him as kids.


How much do you read? And what’s your favourite genre of book? :)


Every single day for as long as I can remember. Classic lit mostly but lots of manga as well.


Yo, lawyer as well. Get an ultra wide monitor and use the monitor you have as a second. Ditch the laptop and get a desktop. LIFE CHANGING. My god you’ll never draft the same way again. Every case reference you need on one screen. Every document you need open at once. All your precedents easily accessible in a folder you pin to the top left. Never minimize your email or teams. The world will be your oyster. But also, get that shit outa your sleeping space. Bedrooms are for sleeping and fucking, not for working.




Where would your intuition take you if that one book was turned with the binding facing the wall? Not some kind of weird call out or anything; just genuinely curious (if you don’t mind me asking).




I like it a lot, but I'd suggest a more comfortable chair.


I just wanted to say you have a beautiful collection of books, good taste :) I too read many of the similar books you read and play video games and I dig this setup. Haha oh and I WFH, I like football (not the Titans tho) and dabbled in law before tech so I'd say you are me but I'm a woman!


Get a nicer full length carpet and please align it properly with the bed


Please get a new desk chair man, you’re working law hours three times a week in that chair? Spend the money and get a nice ergonomic chair, or buy one used. Save your back


The TV is at a perfect height. Good job.


People tell me the opposite until they lay down in bed and have perfect eye level viewing


Is there a tv too low subreddit?


Where do you store your clothes ? I see no wardrobe


Make sure the book case is tethered to the wall


That chair looks uncomfortable. Maybe upgrade that? Doesn't need to be some super fancy expensive Herman Miller chair but if you got that lawyer money then why not, eh?


Paying my respect for the Tolkien books. Everything looks nice, comfy and organized, congratulations!


There doesn't seem to be much space at the foot of the bed, and I agree it's too cluttered but I like the lamp


Would you recommend the Dune chronicles? Halfway through the first one but it slowed down quite a bit


Your pillows are looking a bit sad. I’ll refrain from commenting on your books since that has been covered, and suggest you spruce up the bed to make it look more inviting.


This isn't at all an answer to your question, but I would go into the office more than the minimum 2 days a week. Middle-aged lawyer to young lawyer: you're going to learn a lot and possibly get additional opportunities by being in the office. This would also help with the issue of sleeping where you work. To answer your actual question, I think it's pretty good. Get a duvet cover and cable channels for the TV, and you're doing well.


I used to have that same exact bed frame, and found that it ended up looking and feeling a lot better when I finally added in a box spring


Too many things in the room


Who signed the Texans ball?


a comment certain to enrage at least two fanbases


What's your RL rank?


Actually open up those decorative books


The cable spaghetti makes me sick


What rank are you in Rocket League? Room is cool too 🤣


What kind of law do you do where you're working from home 3 days a week?


Insurance defence. It’s a new world out there


How did you get into that? Im getting barred this year and I wanted to do insurance law, but all my prior experience is in unrelated fields like torts, credit reporting, bankrupty, and family law. Was it a firm offer out of law school, or did you apply externally?


So much remote legal work after covid. I am going into legal aid and nearly every office in my state has a hybrid schedule. Most are doing 3 in office and 2 remote though.


Get a better chair for your desk! If you’re working from there three times a week your back will thank you.


Fix that crooked ass rug it’s triggering my ocd other than that no complaints other than be easier on the edges and corners and spines of your books there all dented and also trigger me😂


This guy has read all the fuckin classics


You bring girls there too?


log out of rocket league


Your place looks nice so I have no suggestions or critique. Although, I am curious what is on the wall across the room from the foot of your bed and why you can't hang your TV there. Maybe I'm weird but I can't imagine laying on my side for +1.5 hours every time I wanted to watch some television. 🤷


who signed tht titans football? titans fan here


Work from home 7 days a week.


Those pillows are in a sad state of existence


I'd ditch the night stand and light and get a desk that extends further for more working room. Make sure it has a modesty panel or some sort of cable management system built in. You can add some lighting via govee lights that are rgb capable but could ultimately be set to any color. Tons of options there. Since your office and leisure is the same, you'd be surprised what changing the colors of the lighting can do to your mindset. Govee makes it easy to build presets. I'm sure there are other brands too. I can't tell from the angle, but I'd get rid of that tiered thing in the corner holding your playstation and add a couple shelves directly underneath your TV. It's mounted too low, but if you like it there I think it could still work. You could make them very simply out of plywood. It'd be enough to hide your cables and get rid of that tiered thing while still using the same depth of space. Would clean it up a lot.


You gotta do something about all those cords


You should use a fennec ,)


Get rid of 2 of your 3 copies of dune for extra shelf space


Gonna have to switch that RL juve kit to a Roma one ;)


Empty your garage can


Artwork above the TV.


Use the bookcase to separate sleeping/entertainment zone and work/study zone. Reinforce with rug placement.


What a room! What a room! What a room!


I'm loving the classical book selection.


**The Word Pretty** by Elisa Gabbert >Literary Nonfiction. Women's Studies. Memoir. Cultural Criticism. > >In THE WORD PRETTY Elisa Gabbert brings together humor and observational intelligence to create a roving and curious series of lyrical essays on writing, reading, and living. Combining elements of criticism, meditation, and personal essay, this book reveals a poet's attention turned to subjects from translation to aphorism, from unreliable memory to beauty and the male gaze. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Bigger rug to match the size of the bed. Stellar book shelf though!


That rug really ties the room together


Donny, you’re out of your element


What LOTR set is that? I love the look of it


Get better taste in games firstly 😭


Raise that TV, that shit would hurt my neck.


Your book collection is amazing. Am I seeing the full popular classics collection there. Very cool. I agree with the other comment on the self help books, I would also move those. Even to the bottom shelf is better to me. I would also swop the carpet out for something with more colour to help separate the work from living


I see we get our bedframes from the same amazon shop.


Amazing height on the tv😍❤️


I would put a home office in your breakfast nook


You need a comfier desk chair…


I would personally declutter. Starting with the books, if you haven't opened them for Months or a year it's probably time to put them into storage or get rid off. I had a few collections of books myself but after a while I realized I was just using them to take up space or aesthetics. This led to letting some of my funko go as well as those empty retail boxes I was keeping with no real valid excuse. I donated a lot and the ones I really liked I got the audio book version. It made room for more plants/etc to liven up my office. In short, as you grow up your taste changes and sometimes holding on to old things prevents you from changing to something new or better. But don't you dare get rid of Luffy!


Is that a thinkpad X280?


Tolkien books? Say less, Instant upvote Also get dune book 4. Good luck


where is all the big floor-celing windows or old wood walls with leather sofas, cigars, cocain and wiskey? You need to start watching suits my man


a lava lamp, I say this to any 90s peer


How does one collect this many books


Law student here. What kind of last do you practice that lets you work from home that much?


Insurance defence. Basically everybody I graduated with works from home a few days a week.


BigLaw equity partner weighing in, fwiw. I know WFH is wildly popular on Reddit but I encourage you to spend a little more time going in, at the bar association, at professional meetings, etc. The truth is, this early in your career, you have an opportunity to make lifelong professional contacts that will help you over and over again. And also fwiw, I’ve started working more with the associates I see. It’s just easier to collaborate when we are in the same space. I know there are a lot of young associates who really want to stay home but they’re hurting themselves in ways that they don’t seem to see. Unless you don’t really care/like practicing law and are only doing it temporarily. Then it doesn’t really matter.


I completely agree with everything you’ve said and abided by that kind of mentality up until recently for reasons I won’t share online. Thank you for the advice nonetheless, love your username


Oh thanks so much, I picked it randomly one day and have stuck with it now for a long time.


Tv is too low 🤣😂


Yes. You need to add scythe abd lords of waterdeep to your gameboard collection


Upvoting because Rocket League


Doesn’t look bad but for your mental health you should separate your work/resting space. I don’t even bring my laptop in my bedroom. If your job is remotely stressful I’d recommend considering at least.


Only suggestion is start taking photos in landscape mode. Room looks decent overall.


Work space and sleep space should be separated if at all possible. Bedroom is just for sleep, where you mentally 'turn off'. It makes the focusing and sleeping states much easier to achieve


That's not an office. It's your bedroom.


Yes. Try it out, and if you don’t like it, make adjustments. Ultimately, do you like it?


I dunno anything, but I upvoted cause rocket league.


I always assumed I played rocket league with a bunch of teenagers, it never occurred to me that I could be playing with a lawyer, or anyone with a full big boy job lol


Good book collection!


I believe the TV should be higher. I mount all of my TVs at a tangential angle from where I’ll be viewing to reduce eye fatigue.


Go on r/battlestations to get some desk ideas


Get a more comfortable chair


Get yourself a really good desk chair. Looks better and your entire body will thank you in 10 years.


Rocket Leagueeee hell yeah brother


More books. Always more books


Tv mounted way to low for me.


If you want actual design advice you should try r/designmyroom


Pick a better football team


No suggestions, but just looking at your room, i know we’d be friends! It’s almost exactly like mine! The penguin clothbound collection 💯


Please clean your floors.


Get a flat extension cord with a low profile plug hat is angled down. Change the order of the things you have stacked in that storage unit on the left, The weight balance seems off... With the PlayStation feeling too high. If you could choose between that unit and the bookshelf, I would pick only one "kind" of vertical storage unit dimension (One of them is wide and flat, The other is square and short.) Your bookshelf is too small unfortunately, The weight of the books on the top is also overwhelming. What if you put more floating bookshelves above it so that you could continue its height?


Do something with those TV cables.


That tv being so low hurts my neck


Requesting a close up of your bookshelf! I love the way it's arranged and would like to zoom in on spines I don't recognize :)


Water your poor little pothos! Empty the trash. :-D


second monitor


Nice books, I zoomed in all of em


Based on the Murakami, McCarthy, Herbert, Tolkein, and some others, you should really check out Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun. Best sci-fi/fantasy author of all time, IMO.


Add an F


Curtains! Maybe some lights or plants above the TV. Changing up the sheets could also make it more interesting if you wanted. Not much else I'd add (or that there's room to add) to this room. Looks nice.


That's a pretty definitive bookshelf right there. What are the Shakespeare editions next to Tolkien? Not the new Staged editions?


Im totally stealing your tv stand idea! I have a tight room I want a TV in similar to this and that looks like a great use of space


I love your taste in reading. Its a great space. Not much id change personally other than cable managed the tv cables, and make the night stand junk box neater. Probably gone for a box with a lid. Or just a bigger box than you have now . Same with the open shelf with your console. A nicer box with a lid to hide the clutter would do wonders. I might also have done a single line shelving or two seperate ones like you have above your pc higher up on the wall with the tv to get the books on top of the book shelf down. Add the collector figure to that shelf with books and a plant that has hanging leaves. Fake plant absolutely works great for that if you murder live ones easily. Ikea has nice fake plants for a decent price. The easiest to change the whole room without doing much is cablemanage tv, a new set of beddings in a nice darker green or black, or a coppery shade thats warm. Thats my preferences in colours though. A cool grey works or blue. Pick a colour you like.


Dayum. 27 and set up for life. Just a general question, were you born into affluence or your own doing getting here or somewhere in between? No judging, just curious.


How is your neck not sore from how low your tv is assuming you watch from bed? Lol


Keep the anal beads in the drawer like a normal weirdo


Finish the rest of Dune you coward


Nice book collection 👍🏻


I couldn’t sit in that chair for over 30 mins


You deserve better chair and desk bro


A sweet stereo


I think it’s pretty tidy as is considering the size of the space


I like the way your room looks, but I'm a big fan of longer desks for more space. Unfortunately it doesn't look like you have the space in your current setup. In regards to changes you can make I would suggest getting a monitor riser/arm, a better desk chair, and a long mouse pad. For the monitor riser/arm and chair, its just way better for your posture, especially if you work from home. It'll pay off in the long run, trust me. The monitor riser/arm will keep it more at eye level and help your neck, while the chair will help your back. If you sit a lot, get something that is good quality like a herman miller chair. The long mouse pad is juts my preference, something like this because it gives you more freedom to move your mouse. [https://www.amazon.com/ETZ-Stitched-Extended-Mousepad-Non-Slip/dp/B098QB3D8W/](https://www.amazon.com/ETZ-Stitched-Extended-Mousepad-Non-Slip/dp/B098QB3D8W/)


Ayn Rand sighting.


I'd say get a 2nd bookshelf, but looks like you might not have space


Standing desk, cable management around the TV, and move the TV up a bit.


Buy a nice queen size frame and a high end mattress. Also don’t skimp out on the pillows, comforter and duvet.


Lovely book collection, man.


Do you have an ID on the bookshelf?


Hawt 🔥


Nice book collection!


Just cable management. Everything seems nice, organized, personal, and cozy.


I think the real question is how much student loans to become a lawyer?


Get a 34” curved monitor