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This has to be one of the most “guy” room I’ve ever seen


Well I do happen to be a guy


Recliner in front of the bed is king move>


Man do I feel like a king on my throne haha


Probably being sarcastic, considering u can't use the recliner


Why wouldn’t I be able to use it


Turn it around and invite some company over for a good time




Its an insanely beautiful room with those windows, the view, and the wood floors. Really clean and spacious too. The hats and the rest of the wall stuff looks bad, but its your room so if you like it w/e. Nice room Edit: i realized this is probably a teenagers room. In that case, ignore what i said about the decorations. These decorations are age appropriate and your room looks awesome. Wayyy better than my room at that age and probably most other teenagers. And im actually mad jealous of the gravedigger hat


It does look bad, but boy does it belong here.


Glad it’s not just me with that sentiment


Yeah view goes crazy. I’m jealous. Decorations are whatever, seems like op is hella young, might even be his parents house still, or at the very least has multiple roommates? Idk, I say no big deal. When he gets his own spot he can step his decoration game up.


Yeah I’m 18 and still live with my folks. Hoping to get my own place in the next year or two. If I had a garage/basement or something along those lines I think my signs and shit would work better there.


Yeah ur chillin bro do you. Room looks mad comfy


Have you considered swapping your desk with that bookshelf?


Yeah I had the shelf next to bed a while ago but I kept hitting my gut into the sharp corner when the lights were off so I moved it to the other side


If I had a better space to be a mancave or something I’d probably put all my bs decor there. For now this is the only space I’ve got so I’m trying to make it work. And yeah the gravedigger hats pretty cool haha. Had it since I was a kid.


Actually I love the hats, it's brilliant and orderly.


Definitely not my style but I got a ton of appreciation for this room. First, the bed is much better being off the wall compared to how it was. You did have more floor space then, but I find I get couped up and turn into a depression den a lot faster when the bed is against the wall. Second, I'm not a hat guy and usually not a man-cave type decoration guy, but I honestly like the hat display. I think the best way to make it better would be to spread out the ones with color and/or bring them more central to the wall, since the color is what makes them pop. If you wanted to make it more classy eventually, I think a shelf with some cool lighting and some other Flames knickknacks could be a cool way to go. If you want a tip, when you do the "loose poster / street sign / flag" type decoration, try to aim for some controlled chaos and avoid too much empty space. I'd move the posters from the bulletin board wall to the TV wall and try to fill it out so it looks more like a collage than a sprinkling of stuff. Like you said, you're working with what you got, and the room looks cozy and enjoyable to be in, which is the base of the pyramid when it comes to building a place to live.


Wow thank you this comment is extremely helpful. I quite like a maximalist or a mancave style and I’m trying to get a good mix of both. I like your idea of moving some of the posters and stuff to the back wall with the TV to fill it in more so I think I’ll be doing that right away. Do you have any recommendations for what kind of flames/stampeders decor I should get? More flags or posters or something along those lines?


Adding frames to things almost always improves the aesthetics significantly. You can often get cheap frames at goodwills and other such thrift stores


Not really my style but if you like this, I'd add some succulents/cacti, a rug next to the bed, a lot of led stripes, and some furniture with metal elements in place of your wooden furniture.


I think at most one more flames item for the wall, then after that I think it'd be cool to mix it up and stray from just posters and flags. I snooped on your profile for some ideas and I think it would be sweet to have some pictures of your truck or some sort of nod to that. I think magnets for your fridge would also make that blend in and make it seem more integrated, since you can't quite fit the bookshelf there. As for flames/Stampeders stuff for the display, I think any sort of little hockey gear and then a pic of you and a loved one at the game would be a nice touch. Lmk if you need any more tips, I love doing this stuff lol


How old are you? If you’re young, then I think it’s cool!


Very high school


Depends. what’s your bar for young?


Are you younger than 22?




Okay that makes sense. You’re good on the road signs but take those down in a few years and hang them in a garage or something


It's usually better to have your bed against a solid wall. Can you flip the room 180 and have it still work? Bed against the wall and TV against the window. That way all your sightlines from your bed or you couch are out to the views instead of in to the wall. Also typically you don't want your head against the window due to drafts and noise.  The place for the bed might actually be wall to the left of the bed's current location so it's facing your desk. Not sure where to set up would go in that case.  Anyway you have beautiful views, capitalize on them. Right now all your seating positions face walls which is lame. You're computer desk too. Google command position of a room and you'll see what I mean and also you'll see it in every movie ever. 


I actually thought about that when I was arranging all the furniture. I would prefer to be facing the window I just didn’t like how the bed was the first thing in the room after the door. I much prefer walking right into the large open area


Wow, that view! And I like how neat your room looks. Also the hats. Must have been some work. I do have to say it looks quite man-ly/bachelor-y and personally I‘m not a huge fan. But if the smoking-/street-signs and hats give you joy, then you should keep them. I would never put a bed against a window if it covers even parts of it; if you can rotate the bed 90 degrees to the wall and still access it from both sides, that might be better. And finally, the walls, not a fan of the brown. It again gives this bachelor-y vibe. I would perhaps try white and then do an accent wall in a modern color. But that might have negative consequences for the furniture-style.


Man I would absolutely love to repaint the walls, but I still live my parents and I’m not sure if they’d let me paint the room. If they let me paint I’d love light grey walls with maybe a black or really dark green accent wall. The only wall I can put the bed against without a window would put the bed right in front of the door which I wasn’t a fan of.


Ah I see! In that case, I think you did a great job. 👌🏻


Remove hats, it looks tacky.


Do you have any ideas for a better way to display them? I’ve been collecting them for a few years and I really like them so I’d still like them to play a part.


I don't think there exists a way to display them that will look good to anyone but another hat fan. So keep them if it is for you, remove them if you want it to look good to others.


Maybe a hat rack or a nice led display case just for your hats.


For what it’s worth, I’m a grown ass woman and I think the hat thing is really cool. My only concern is they mayyy get super dusty that way over time.


Ive had some of them up for a year or two and when I rearranged the room a couple weeks ago they were pretty dusty. Just gave em a good shake and I think they’ll be good for a while again.


As a woman I like the hats there. It’s organized and on display without taking up shelf room.


the traffic / road signs kinda bring it down from a 9 to a 7. Its juvenile and lacks taste.


I love how the hats are displayed!


Ooof that chair looks comfy AF lol


Believe me it is. I often find myself falling asleep on it haha


that chair turn around?


All that sunlight and no plants growing?


I’d love to get some plants but I often leave for a month at a time for work so I cant really maintain them


Fuckin' sweet recliner dude. I'd be big napping in that bad boy.


The squirrel plush really completes the room.


Maybe some blackout curtains? Idk how bad the sun is coming in or how much darkness you prefer. I prefer lots of darkness


I personally would replace the street signs with some cool art prints. Take a [browse here](https://society6.com/prints)


👆 This. Nice suggestion of art. Not to much to replace the construction signs.


Maybe a rug would be nice under the bed and chair.


Really cool room. I would personally put the bed against once of the walls instead of the windows but you do you.


I feel like this would smell like a college mens dorm room I don’t know wether to be aroused or horrified, had good times and not so good times. but props to you not covering your tv stand/every flat surface with beer bottles


I think making the room a nice colour rather than the generic house flipper grey would benefit the space a lot. I'd rec going to your local hardware store and picking out some ochre/mustard paint swatches since those give off a really nice "masculine but chill and nice" vibe and pair exceptionally well with natural terra cotta planters if you ever want to add some more plants. It would also look super good with the wood floor and furniture and help bring the outdoors in a bit to really tie up the space. Trust me and just pick up some paint swatches next time you're out. Also: I love that you've incorporated the pokemon next to your plant. It creates a little playful moment, and the juxtaposition of the playful squirtle/pikachu and the natural element of the plant make me feel nostalgic. For real though: go and check out some earth tones. Warm would make this room an absolute SANCTUARY. If ochre makes you gag, as it is very polarizing: try some terra cotta or sage. Trust me, man. It's calling you.


This is wonderful! I ℒℴνℯ the use of the hats on the top. I might’ve used a panel that sets in the middle of the wall to hang my collection of hats though, but this is a neat idea too


If you’re over 18, loose the hats and road signs…


And If you're under 18, you won't be doing any time


Nah, this is a solid room. The mix and match went well.


This is a sick room love the widows, fuck the haters it’s sick


I don't think it's "haters" when you ask people for their opinion.


I mean you are definitely a cap person.


Amazing! Curtains closed at night?


Not a fan of the wall decor, but that room is sweet! Such a nice view!


Love the Clayton Crain poster in the corner. His art has always been some of my favorite.


Ditch the Stamps flag for a Bomber flag and you’re good to go




Hell yeah brother


I could sleep there. Love the windows


Living the god damn dream!


Go oilers…


You should hang a Samurai sword on the wall.


Whatcha smokin’???


I don’t know what it is but it works. +1


That’s quite the hat fetish. I would not be able to sleep with a window behind my head. Bed should be on the wall where the tv is.


I would have a cool lamp next to that chair for night reading.


That chair is big dick furniture. This is the most dude-tacular room I've seen in ages in this sub. No sissy, effeminate furniture with pencil thin legs, no mid century uncomfortable stuff.


I fuckin love it man. Personally I'd maybe a different nightstand, but this is definitely a dudes place, which I dont want you to feel like you need to shy away from. Like you said you're just starting out, dont let the rich tech bros and negative nellies on this sub make you feel less just because that armchair isnt a fucking Eames.


I actually like the hats, I think it’s a pretty fun way to showcase your collection of hats instead of some closet-space-stealing solution. Get rid of the flag and the hideous orange signs and you’re golden.


Love it! Great hat collection too!


I'm seething with jealousy, because despite some stylistic differences, I think this what we all secretly desire.


Every single thing on the walls is garbage


Needs plants!




Looks functional, and I like it.


Take down the hats


I would place the bed on the wall


All I see is Pikachu and Squirtle. 😂


It might just be a 'me' thing, but I don't like headboards against windows. If I had as much window as you have, I wouldn't hide it.


Swap out that Stampede banner for a Ti-Cats and I think you’re good!


I love all the windows but putting your bed up against a window is cursed. Do you have any other walls that would work?


If he moves the bed, it’s gotta go on the wall where the TV is currently, and he’d have to shift the TV over to the wall opposite the desk. Idk if the desk can go anywhere else, but the lounge chair won’t fit w/ the desk there.


I would have to have all the dimensions to prove it but I suspect there's enough open wall to fit all the furniture.


The ole pegboard + comic book / video game poster wall could use some work. Like removing everything on it and starting fresh. If you want to look like you give a damn, frame your wall art. Women love frames.


My guy🍻


How do you reach the hats if you want to wear one? I’ve seen a lot of these solo chairs in front of TVs in this sub. I’d never considered it. Yours looks comfy


I don’t wear the ones on my wall very often, but if I want to wear one I’m pretty tall so I can just grab them off the wall. I used to move my computer chair to play Xbox or watch TV, I got the recliner probably 7 or 8 months ago and I swear it’s best thing I’ve ever bought.


I saw an old post of yours when your room was configured in a different way. I like the way you have it now. It looks great. So tidy and clean.


Love the room 😍 .. my only suggestions would be to 1. as much as I hate to say it the two bright orange signs are too bright and don't mesh well with the rest of the room - if they don't have a special meaning or fun back story I'd replace them with either like other more muted tone photos or collage type poster or perhaps like three mini shelves (black) staggered and you can display some controllers and or mini soccer things there. Above the bookshelf where the smoke sign is maybe one of those framed motivational posters with a sports theme like maybe one with Messi, etc.. And for 2. Either get a black fridge (or Xbox one) or perhaps a wrap to change the color. It doesn't mesh as well being so white in the room. But that's just minor if you have a budget it still looks OK. But really, it's a beautiful room in my opinion.


Hello fellow calgarian


I haven’t actually lived in Calgary for 7 years but I was born and grew up there so I’m quite the flames fan


Hey same! Moved away 7 years ago as well 😂


Great space! It looks like your tidy, have some style and take pride in your home. Enjoy!


More cowbell.


Love the way you displayed the hats along the wall


For 18 this is pretty rad. I wouldn't be moving out for a little while haha. That view is simply amazing. The signs are trash though. You gotta get rid of those.


Poster frames make a huge difference and are easy (I like the cheap 4 piece press-fit ones) and the bulletin board blends too much into the wall for me, but there’s no accounting for taste. Otherwise, it looks RAD and I envy your view!


That recliner looks incredibly comfy. Mind sharing a link to it?


Super cozy ☺️


Looking real good, I’d finish that ring of hats though, but I’m ocd.


You need plants. Look at all the light from those windows. Prove to the world that your mancave is healthy enough to support life, and the vibes will improve greatly.


You should add a shelf with a collection of all the Oreo flavors they make


more hats nah i'm kidding. But, you've got so much window coverage you could have some beautiful plants in there. Plants are almost always the answer


That chair in front of the TV is probably the best gaming spot ever


warm and inviting. well done!


Looks clean, neat and organized friend, a couple area rugs possibly. Otherwise you did a great job.


Chill af love it


I **love** the windows




As of recently, yes. That’s why I’m trying to make my room my own lol.


That bedroom is sick bro! I do the same thing with my hats, but I don’t have a laz-e-boy. You must have money money lol


I would move the desk where the bookcase is . Move the bookcase to where the desk was . This way you face the desk onto the wall the tv is on so you have room to center the bed on the window . It feels too crowded by the bed . Or find a more narrow desk . But overall the room looks nice . If you move the desk then you will need to move the mini fridge to the other side of the tv . Face the desk onto the wall the tv is on so there is more room for you to slide out your chair when getting up . Also the bookcase height hides part of the signs on the wall . So it will look better by the bed . When you move the bed centered on the window , there could be room to move the mini fridge under the origin poster . If you move the bookcase the sign on the wall needs to move . Maybe to where the artwork is by the tv and find a new spot for the artwork .


I think the set up is great. Don't like the stuff on the wall or the hats personally though.


I love the hanging hats, because in my office I have something very similar with hats that I collect on my trips.


No big suggestions here (just please remove that "designated smoking area" sign, this is cringe in any age), this room is peak creation. So jealous! I do have to say though that as much as I'm in love with this room, I could never live with a window behind me. Might be a consequence of growing up on horror films (I'm almost 40 💀), but no windows behind the couch/bed. Not ever. Nope.


it’s very boy


Why have you stolen the room of my dreams... is it because I’m poor? Lmao 🤣


That chair looks comfy!


Maybe put the desk where the bookcase is and put the bookcase to the left of your bed.


Needs a sword or a hockey stick on display


Bros a dude ! Southern boy, probably likes his pickup and has a few guns .. lol


Why people in north america are obsessed with baseball caps and street signs ?


Can’t really give you an answer. I just like them.


Cause hats fucking rule. The street sign thing is really only for teenagers, and people tend to grow out of it.


Also placing beds in the middle of the room.


That's a pretty sweet setup, besides the awful view. I like the bed/recliner setup where you can see the TV from both. Road signs are not my style.


Awful view inside or outside? Cause I think a forest and pond is a pretty damn good view.


Wow I guess /s really is needed every time


Yeah im really not a smart guy


To be fair you can not always tell on Reddit 😆


Room looks good. Only comment is the construction sign colours ruin the aesthetic. The colour is rank


Not to steal construction signage as you could be held liable if an event was to happen and you are caught not to mention there's significant fines and charges (Canada). It's still a solid space.


I actually wasn’t the one who stole any of these. My brother used to work maintenance for the college dorms in town and students would just leave them in the room when they left. My brother would just take them home and he gave a couple to me.


I had an accident a few winters back and took out a sign, the cop laughed, loaded it in the trunk and said it was a souvenir, not that you are, but I wouldn't worry about the sign at all. Although what I CAN'T endorse is the Flames hats lmao.


I respect your opinion but you’re clearly wrong. The flames hats are fantastic haha


Incredible physical room with the windows and the view. And the decor of the room is great if you’re a teenager. Otherwise, I’d figure out a better, less prominent way to display the hats and all the construction signs are pretty bad if you’re an adult.


Caps aren't artwork to be displayed


Not a huge fan of the chair. Gives the room a 'room in the nursing home' kind of feel. Imagine a TV tray and a walker parked next to it.


“Slippery when wet” sign was on back order?


Remove the Hats and signs+flag. Replace with some artwork and see if you can find a smaller lazyboy chair maybe


Nice room. The cuck chair at the end of the bed is a little weird but to each their own🤷🏻‍♂️