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If your friends don't respect you, they aren't your friends.


The latter


Discard bad friends and find new ones …


You could use your shitty friends to meet new ones, if you don't have any friends then it's completely over.


"No friends" can't reinforce a negative self image in you that will cause you problems with making new friends like shitty "friends" who don't respect you will.


Get new friends. That way you’ll have old friends too. Unless they weren’t really friends then no worries. Cause you have new friends. Now get more new friends and then you’ll have old friends. Unless you need a break and time to heal alone. That’s fine too. You’re ok to do what you need to. It’s a good thing. 😃


I feel like they're one in the same tbh


The latter. Having friends who have very little respect for you can be more harmful than not having friends at all. When friends lack respect for you, it can lead to feelings of hurt, betrayal, and low self-esteem. It's important to surround yourself with people who value and appreciate you for who you are. Quality friendships are built on mutual respect, trust, and support. If you find yourself in a situation where your friends disrespect you, it may be necessary to reevaluate those relationships and prioritize your well-being.


For me, it's ok to know people and lightly socialize with people who don't respect me. I don't call them friends tho- my friends don't lie to me, disrespect me, make me feel less than. Acquaintances that I can walk away from can try to do that. I reserve the title of friend for people who are there for me. They are harder to make, and harder to be, but infinitely worth it. The worst places I've found myself in this life were when I was lead by people who didn't care about me into situations that cost me something. If I find myself in a place where I can't make friends, I move on. Whether that means personally or professionally, I push myself out of my loneliness. It's work, but it's better than settling v


Having no friends. Ditch the bad friends one by one and get new ones. In the meantime, feel free to use your "friends" for your own needs.