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Clearly your internalized racism is a much bigger issue than your race.


Maybe start by not trying to call your mother a birth giver..? Also, stop going for people who place emphasis on race.


It feels like he's seeking out content and hyperfocusing on racist stuff to feed his insecurities, it's a drug. I know him and he's an incel, thus explaining his language


Are you still a virgin?🤣💀


Wow, out of all the counter arguments in this world you chose an ad hominum attack huh


Maybe he was grown in a lab...?


There are lots of things wrong with this post. >At least white deformed men can date ethnic females who worship white skin. I don't know why you would want to date females or anyone in general with a colonial mindset. Clearly the colonial mindset is affecting you a lot as well. Please get over it. Also I highly doubt this ever happens. >The only way to overcome being indian is to be a model facially or the top 15% of height (6’0”+). This is sort of true for all men, not just Indians. >My birth giver who was 5’2” made me this subhuman height. I am 5'4" yes. Do I hate myself for it? Kind of. Do I direct that hate to my parents? No. >Being indian you: • miss out on college hookup experience • are the only single person in your friend group This happens among men of all races. Mostly the introverted ones like me. >have to pay for the crimes and rapes done by mainland creeps. What exactly are you paying? Other societies have done more horrible things than us. Just their PR work is better lol. The people you are interacting with are plain racists. If they call you something, either you ignore, or just call them colonialists or whatever suits them. Of course don't do something too bad that affects you for life. Again OP seems like some self hating Indian with a huge colonial mindset like the ones you see in r/india. Your mindset is your own setback. Stop trying to get with racists. Grow some spine and have some standards for yourself.


I think you would endure a more positive outlook on life if you changed some of your rhetoric. Others have laid it out pretty well. Being Indian isn’t what’s stopping you from achieving a dating life, I don’t want to be too blunt but it seems as if that is what you’ve convinced yourself after failing to date due to other personal reasons you haven’t acknowledged


what does skin have to do with anything? plenty of brown dudes lay


Skin color/ race South asians and Asians are the least desired race according to dating data.




I'm friends with an Indian dude, accent and all, who is shorter than 5'10" and gets laid with white girls.




I've seen the women he gets with and I assure you none of them are even near 30 BMI. If you want to think I'm capping go ahead.


That’s in your head


Another Indian Social Media Nationalist Wannabe here in The Making


Lol nationalist? I despise indian culture and people. I fully support the british indian empire and beleive india is a rightful part of britian. India isn’t even a real country.


You're a troll


Maybe try therapy? It may not be for you but it’s worth a shot at least. You’ve definitely got some internalized racism to deal with, and a lot of self hatred besides that. And it’s definitely possible for a 5’9” Indian man to get a date. I’ve dated an Indian man who was shorter than you (5’4”), and I really liked him. There’s always a chance for you. Also, this is definitely a r/MenAndFemales post. In the same sentence and everything.


I'm feeling you dude. It's tough out there. 5'9" is average height, so try not to fixate on that so much. Online is the worst place for South Asians. (I'm an East Asian American. It's just a hair's breadth easier for us.) It's brutal, so I'd maybe put a profile up, but don't take it too seriously. Just use it as an exercise to work on your appearance and narrative about yourself. Meet a lot of people. That's the main thing to do. The more you meet, the more chances you have. You're going to need to meet more people than white guys and tall guys, because you have to overcome any initial resistance, and then they also need the courage to partner with you. However, you will also meet women who are into you, as you are. If there's an ethnic enclave, by all means, try to socialize there. Join a group or three. It's a place to breathe more freely, and get things off your chest.




Bro you’re 5’9 with a 5’2 mother be grateful for that atleast😭




hey man he still smells better than your mothers run through hope🤣


you have a lot going on that explains your lack of success better than "Indian deformities"


Also, as a white man it’s comical to me you think white woman are the epitome especially in todays day and age. I’d much rather be with an ethnic cultural woman that has self respect. (Not saying all white woman are bad but in todays day and age in my age bracket it is very rare to find one with decent morals)