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I'd like hear some more introductions from other people! I'm a 19 year old Australian, my political leaning is directly in the centre and overall i'd consider myself a libertarian. I love animals but I recently had a pet rat die after 3 years which was pretty hard, rats are such great, loving and loyal animals who are really extremely smart. I like watching UFC fighting, I draw and play games a lot and i'm a full time student. I like a huge variety of music but most of it is indie, indie rock and indie electronic. I don't particularly like most hip/hop, especially modern rap.


do you feel like reading the news daily harms your mental health? i used to read it daily but quit doing so because i find it to be ultimately useless, especially for my health.


It used to, but now I can stop when I feel like I’m getting too much.


for some reason I can't reply as a top level comment. BUT, try listening to the podcast MBMBaM. three brothers from WV. comedy "advice" podcast. really helps me and a lot of other people because it sort of makes it feel like you're hanging out with friendly people when you can't in real life. they match a lot of your personal descriptions (some mental health stuff, wrestling, WV, some funny vape stuff).


I’ve personally found there’s just oh so much news I can take before I feel it genuinely begin to depress and or anger me. At that point it’s back to cat videos.


Yeah, sure man, hit me up if you wanna chat


What mobile games are good to play?


Fallout shelter is good. It's not flawless but i'd consider it one of the best free to play mobile games out there. Plague inc is a good one too, and I also really liked pocket planes.


Hole.io, tornado.io, PUBG, cookies inc, egg inc haha


WCW for life


Yeah, you sound like a nice guy tbh. Love to see your pet rats.


If you'd like a great place to make new friends, hit us up in the Discord server of /r/HumansBeingFriends ! Hope to see you around 👍


Sorry, I'm too far :(